Intl Insurance Co v. RSR Corporation , 426 F.3d 281 ( 2005 )

  •                                                      United States Court of Appeals
    Fifth Circuit
    F I L E D
    REVISED OCTOBER 18, 2005
    September 19, 2005
    For the Fifth Circuit           Charles R. Fulbruge III
    No. 04-10311
    Plaintiff-Counter Defendant-Appellant,
    formerly known as MURPH METALS, INC.,
    Defendants-Counter Claimants-Appellees.
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    For the Northern District of Texas
    Before WIENER, BARKSDALE and DENNIS, Circuit Judges.
    DENNIS, Circuit Judge:
    The principal issues in this case are whether the jury’s
    finding that a claim was made under a claims-made Environmental
    Impairment Liability (“EIL”) insurance policy was (1) properly
    guided by an instruction that defined a “claim” as “an assertion by
    a third party ... that the insured is liable to it for damages....”;
    and (2) supported by (a) undisputed facts and conclusions of law:
    the   substantial    lead    pollution       on   Harbor   Island    near   Seattle
    emanating from the insured’s lead smelting establishment; the
    Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”)’s listing of Harbor Island
    on the National Priorities List; the liability of the insured under
    the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability
    Act (“CERCLA”), 42 USCA §9601, et seq., to the EPA for the cost of
    environmental remediation on Harbor Island; the virtual certainty
    of further investigative or enforcement actions by the EPA in
    respect to Harbor Island; and (b) the uncontested extrinsic evidence
    that, under the parties’ interpretation of the insurance contract,
    a claim was made by the EPA against the insured and reported to the
    insurer during the policy period in respect to the lead pollution
    on Harbor Island.
    The   EIL    insurer,     International            Insurance       Company
    (“International”), appeals from a judgment based on the jury verdict
    in favor of its insureds, RSR CORPORATION; QUEMETCO, INC.; QUEMETCO
    METALS    LIMITED,   INC.;    formerly       known   as    MURPH    METALS,   INC.;
    OF NEW JERSEY (collectively,“RSR”), declaring that International is
    obliged under the EIL policy to indemnify RSR for any remediation
    costs and expenses RSR is obligated to pay to the EPA, with respect
    to the EPA’s remediation of lead pollution at the Harbor Island
    site.     Applying Texas law to this diversity case, we affirm,
    concluding that under the circumstances of this case the evidence
    is sufficient to support the jury’s determination that a claim was
    made against RSR by the EPA within the EIL policy coverage period;
    and that the errors attributed to the district court in pre-trial
    rulings and jury instructions were either not proven or harmless
    because they could not have affected the outcome.
    International Insurance Company is the successor-in-interest
    of North River Insurance Company (“North River”), which issued the
    EIL policy to RSR and other related entities in 1981.          The EIL
    policy had a policy period of September 4, 1981 to November 4, 1982,
    with an extended reporting period until November 4, 1983.           In
    December 1982 the EPA announced in a press release that Harbor
    Island would be placed on its proposed National Priorities List
    (“NPL”).   RSR notified North River orally and in writing of the
    EPA’s placement of Harbor Island on the proposed NPL.      On or about
    January 6, 1983, RSR forwarded by way of its insurance broker, to
    North River, a copy of the press release issued by the EPA dated
    December 20, 1982. In the mid-to-late 1980's, North River’s counsel
    requested from Clarice Davis, RSR’s counsel, the status of the
    Harbor Island EPA matters to which RSR had given North River notice
    under the EIL policy.   RSR’s counsel complied with the request by
    sending North River’s counsel status reports regarding EPA activity
    relating to Harbor Island.    On September 8, 1983 the EPA placed the
    Harbor Island site on its final NPL.         In   the listing, the EPA
    explained that “[p]ublication of sites on the final NPL will serve
    as notice to any potentially responsible party (“PRP”) that the
    Agency may initiate Fund-financed response actions.”    48 Fed. Reg.
    40658-40673. In late 1983, RSR sold the Harbor Island lead smeltery
    to Bergsoe Metals, which was owned by East Asiatic.     On July 31,
    1986 the EPA determined that Quemetco Realty, Inc., one of the RSR
    entities, was a potentially responsible party with respect to the
    environmental impairment of Harbor Island.        The EPA requested
    information from Quemetco as to the ownership of the site and the
    activities being performed there along with other salient facts.
    The letter stated that as a potentially responsible party, Quemetco
    may be liable for all monies expended for corrective actions at the
    site.   On May 22, 2000 the EPA filed a CERCLA action against RSR in
    federal district court for the Western District of Washington,
    seeking recovery from RSR for response costs that the EPA expended
    in remedial action at Harbor Island, as well as for any future costs
    it expends at Harbor Island.   The EPA seeks in excess of $8 million
    in recovery of its response costs at Harbor Island.    The complaint
    was not served on RSR until the summer of 2000.    At certain points
    in time, RSR believed that the EPA would not hold it liable for the
    Harbor Island response costs, because Bergsoe Metals, in purchasing
    the lead smelting facility, had agreed to indemnify and reimburse
    RSR for such costs; and RSR believed that a jury had found that East
    Asiatic was the alter ego of Bergsoe Metals.
    International filed this action in the federal district court
    in the Northern District of Texas on February 2, 2000, seeking a
    declaratory judgment that International was not obliged to indemnify
    or reimburse RSR for CERCLA remediation costs at West Dallas; RSR
    filed    a   counterclaim      against    International       for    a   declaratory
    judgment that it was entitled to coverage for the EPA’s costs of
    environmental remediation of both West Dallas and Harbor Island; and
    International amended its petition to request a declaratory judgment
    that it was not required to afford coverage to RSR for the EPA’s
    remediation     costs     at     either   West    Dallas     or     Harbor   Island.1
    International moved for summary judgment contending that it was not
    obligated to indemnify RSR for such remediation costs. The district
    court denied International’s motion because issues of material fact
    existed regarding whether the EPA had made a “claim” against RSR in
    connection with the Harbor Island site during the policy period and
    whether RSR had waived its right to coverage for the site.
    At trial, two issues were submitted to the jury to decide in
    answer to interrogatories; all other issues were reserved for
    decision by the court.             After the close of evidence, the jury
    returned its verdict finding that the EPA made a claim upon RSR for
    environmental response costs during the EIL policy coverage period;
    and that International had not proved that RSR waived its right to
    coverage under the EIL policy.                Based on these findings and the
    evidence     introduced     at    trial   the     district    court      rendered   a
    The district court separately tried and rendered a
    declaratory judgment pertaining to coverage issues under the EIL
    policy in respect to the environmental impairment related to RSR’s
    lead smeltery at West Dallas. International and RSR appealed from
    the parts of the judgment adversely affecting each of them, and
    those appeals will be decided in No. 03-11272 on our docket.
    declaratory judgment decreeing that International was contractually
    obligated to indemnify RSR against its liability to the EPA for the
    costs of remediation under CERCLA of the environmental impairment
    at Harbor Island. The district court denied International’s motions
    for judgment as a matter of law and for a new trial.   International
    timely appealed.
    International raises six issues on appeal, contending that: (1)
    The definition of “claim” in the district court’s jury charge was
    legally erroneous because it did not require that the jury find, in
    addition to an assertion by the EPA of RSR’s liability to it, that
    the EPA demanded money or action from RSR; (2) the supplemental jury
    instruction misled and confused the jury because it conflicted with
    the definition of “claim” in the jury charge; (3) the evidence was
    insufficient to support a jury finding that the EPA asserted that
    RSR was liable to it for damages within the risks covered by the EIL
    policy; (4) the district court abused its discretion in admitting
    the testimony of John Morrison because it contained privileged
    attorney-client communications; (5) the district court abused its
    discretion in excluding an excerpt from the deposition of Donald
    Brayer as evidence of his expert opinion; and (6) the jury’s finding
    that RSR did not waive its right to coverage under the EIL policy
    was contrary to the great weight and preponderance of the evidence.
    A. The EIL Policy
    The EIL policy provides two types of coverage relevant to this
    case: (1) indemnification of the insured against liability for
    environmental impairment damages; and (2) reimbursement of the
    insured for costs and expenses of its voluntary cleanup operations
    performed with the insurer’s consent.
    First, in Insuring Agreement 1, the insurer agrees to indemnify
    the insured against all sums that the insured shall be obligated to
    pay for damages by reason of liability imposed on the insured by law
    on account of:
    (a) Personal injury;
    (b) Property damage;
    (c) Impairment or diminution or other interference with
    any other environmental right or amenity protected by
    arising within the Territorial limits designated in the
    Declarations [here, the United States] and caused by
    Environmental impairment in connection with the Business
    of the insured at the locations designated in the
    Declarations in respect to which a claim has been made
    against or other due notice has been received by the
    insured during the Policy Period.
    Second, in Insuring Agreement 3, the insurer promises to
    reimburse the insured for costs and expenses of
    operations outside the insured’s premises designed to
    remove, neutralize, or clean up any substance released or
    escaped which had caused Environmental impairment, or
    could cause Environmental impairment if not removed,
    neutralized, or cleaned up, to the extent that such costs
    and expenses have been incurred or have become payable by
    the insured as a result of a legal obligation or in the
    endeavor to avert a loss covered by the Policy, provided
    that such costs and expenses, except in respect of
    emergency measures undertaken to avert loss, are incurred
    with prior written consent of insurer, such consent not
    to be unreasonably withheld.
    The   EIL   policy   does   not     explicitly     define     “claim.”2
    Nevertheless, the policy limits coverage to sums the insured is
    liable for because of environmental impairment causing personal
    injury, property damage, damage to environmental rights “in respect
    to which a claim has been made against or other due notice has been
    received by the insured during the Policy Period.”(underline added).
    And the policy contains a condition which provides: “Notification
    of Claims: “The insured upon knowledge of any accident or occurrence
    likely to give rise to a claim hereunder shall give written notice
    to the Company or its nearest authorized representative as soon as
    practicable.”(underline added).
    The   EIL   policy   coverage     provisions     correspond    to   the
    recognition by a majority of federal and state courts that “damages”
    The policy includes a provision labeled “definition of
    claim” which fails to define the term comprehensively.              That
    provision merely states that a claim “comprises any single claim or
    any series of claims from one or multiple claimants resulting from
    the same      isolated,    repeated,     or  continuing    environmental
    impairment.” According to Todd I. Zuckerman and Mark C. Rasskoff,
    commonly used EIL policy form specifically defined claim as
    follows: “Claim means, whenever used in this policy, a demand
    received by the insured for money or services, including the
    service of suit or institution of arbitration proceedings against
    the insured.” 
    Id. § 11:3
    at 11-4. “Reprinted with permission.
    Copyright Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1984.” 
    Id. at 11-3
    n. 1.
    Evidently, some companies in the insurance market regarding
    pollution liability insurance were aware of the ambiguity of the
    term “claim” and the need for an insurer to specifically define it
    in the policy if the insurer wished it to be understood in the
    sense most favorable to the insurance company.
    under CERCLA include environmental response, remediation and cleanup
    costs payable by insureds because of potential or actual legal
    proceedings by the EPA or other third parties.3   For example, under
    Texas law, environmental remediation or cleanup costs are “damages”
    within the meaning of an insurance policy that provides indemnity
    for all sums which the insured is obligated to pay by reason of
    liability imposed by law for damages, whether incurred by the
    federal government under CERCLA or by an individual who voluntarily
    undertakes the task of cleaning up hazardous waste.   
    SnyderGeneral, 113 F.3d at 539
    (“[Environmental cleanup costs, whether incurred by
    the government under CERCLA or by an individual who voluntarily
    undertakes the task of cleaning up hazardous waste, are damages and
    are thus covered by the language of Century’s policy.”); 
    Bituminous, 75 F.3d at 1053
    (“Under the Texas rule that uncertainties as to
    insurance coverage ... should be decided in favor of the insured,
    we conclude that government cleanup costs incurred in responding to
    See SnyderGeneral Corp. v. Century Indem. Co., 
    113 F.3d 536
    539 (5th Cir. 1997); Bituminous Cas. Corp. v. Vacuum Tanks Inc., 
    75 F.3d 1048
    , 1053 (5th Cir. 1996); Independent Petrochemical Corp. v.
    Aetna Cas. & Sur. Co., 
    944 F.2d 940
    , 946-47 (D.C. Cir. 1991); Aetna
    Cas. and Sur. Co. v. Pintlar Corp., 
    948 F.2d 1507
    , 1511-12 (9th
    Cir. 1991); United States Aviex Co. v. Travelers Ins. Co., 336
    NW.2d 838, 843 (Mich. App. 1983)(distinction between government
    recover for cleanup costs and natural resources damages “merely
    fortuitous”); Anderson Dev. Co. v. Travelers Indem. Co., 
    49 F.3d 1128
    , 1133 (6th Cir. 1995)(“[R]esponse and environmental clean-up
    costs mandated by EPA constitute damages.          The fact that the
    insurer cooperates and assumes the obligations to conduct the
    clean-up, rather than forcing the EPA to incur the expenses of a
    clean-up and then bring a coercive suit, does not change the bottom
    line that a legal obligation exists.”); Morton Intern., Inc. v. G.
    General Acc. Ins. Co. of Am., 
    629 A.2d 831
    , 845 (N.J. 1993); see
    also 46 TEX. PRAC., ENVIRONMENTAL LAW § 33.8 (2d ed).
    the dumping of hazardous waste on property, and imposed on the
    insured by CERCLA, are covered by the language in the policy....”).
    Today,   a   majority   of   courts   have   abandoned   the   technical
    legal/equitable distinction between types of damages altogether and
    have found that “damages” may include “response costs” “cleanup
    costs” and costs of remediation under CERCLA; and that contamination
    to air, soil and groundwater resulting from pollution can properly
    be characterized as “property damage.”4
    See, e.g., Gerrish Corp. v. Universal Underwriters Ins. Co.,
    947 F.2d 1023
    (2d Cir. 1991); New Castle County v. Hartford Acc. &
    933 F.2d 1162
    (3d Cir. 1991); Avondale Indus. Inc. v.
    Traveler’s Indem. Co., 
    887 F.2d 1200
    , 1206-07 (2d Cir. 1989); Port
    of Portland v. Water Quality Ins. Syndicate, 
    549 F. Supp. 233
    Or. 1982) aff’d in part and rev’d in part 
    796 F.2d 1188
    (9th Cir
    1986); Zuckerman and Rasskoff, 2 ENVIRONMENTAL INSURANCE LITIGATION LAW
    AND PRACTICE at § 3.5.
    In cases discussing environmental coverage, most courts have
    found policies to cover an insured’s voluntary cleanup of the
    contamination prior to government demand and money owed to the
    government after it intervenes. See, e.g., Port of Portland, 
    549 F. Supp. 233
    ; Metex Corp. v. Federal Ins. Co., 
    675 A.2d 220
    , (N.J.
    1996); Weyerhaeuser Co. v. Aetna Casualty and Surety Co., 
    874 P.2d 142
    (Wash. 1994) (en banc); Upjohn Co. v. New Hampshire Co., 
    444 N.W.2d 813
    , 819 (Mich. App. 1989), appeal granted in part, 
    435 Mich. 862
    (Mich. App. 1990), and denied in part, 
    435 Mich. 864
    (Mich. App. 1990), rev’d on other grounds, 
    438 Mich. 197
    476 N.W.2d 392
    (1991) (explaining that it made “no different that the
    insured took remedial action before being ordered to do so,” adding
    that it was “clear from the damage caused by the spill that had
    [the insured] not acted, the damages would have been much greater,”
    and that such quick remedial action should be “encouraged”);
    Broadwell Realty v. Fidelity & Cas. Co., 
    218 N.J. Super. 516
    528 A.2d 76
    (N.J. App 1987); Compass Ins. Co. v. Cravens, Dargen & Co.,
    748 P.2d 724
    (Wyo. 1988).
    A minority of courts have drawn distinctions between voluntary
    cleanups, those mandated by administrative agencies and those
    mandated by court order. See e.g., Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s
    of London v. Super. Ct., 
    16 P.3d 94
    , 103-05(Cal. 2001); Northern
    Illinois Gas Co. v. Home Ins. Co., 
    777 N.E.2d 417
    , 421-22 (Ill.
    App. 1st Dist. 2002).
    Consequently, we conclude that our decisions in SnyderGeneral
    and Bituminous apply with equal force to require coverage under
    Insuring Agreement 1, when properly triggered, against damages
    payable by the insured for environmental remediation under CERCLA
    by the EPA. The EIL policy covers “all sums which the insured shall
    be obligated to pay ... for damages by reason of the liability
    imposed upon the insured by law             on account of ... personal injury
    ...    property    damage      ...   [or]    impairment   of    ...   any   other
    environmental right....”         Under the Texas rule that uncertainties
    as to insurance coverage set out in the policy should be decided in
    favor of the insured,5 we conclude that if a claim was made against
    RSR within the policy period, the EPA’s costs of response, cleaning
    and remediation imposed on RSR by CERCLA because of the lead
    pollution at Harbor Island, are covered by this language in Insuring
    Agreement 1 of the policy.           Agreement 3 of the EIL policy provides
    an    ancillary    type   of    first    party   insurance     in   the   form   of
    “reimbursement [to the insured for its voluntary] costs and expenses
    of operations outside [its] premises designed to remove, neutralize
    or clean up any substances released” when undertaken with the prior
    approval of the insurer.         But in doing so, the policy manifests no
    intent to create a technical category for “clean up,” “neutralizing”
    or “removal” costs to be excluded from coverage for indemnity
    against compulsory or involuntary liability to a third person for
    damages under Agreement 1.              Agreement 3 allows the insurer by
    Bituminous, 75 F.3d at 1053
    reimbursements to finance the insured’s immediate voluntary cleanup
    efforts,   which      usually    benefit       both    insureds       and    insurers    by
    mitigating delay, environmental damage, and remediation costs, but
    also allows the insurer to exercise control over the insured’s
    RSR seeks a declaratory judgment that it is entitled to
    coverage under Insuring Agreement 1 for indemnity against any sum
    it is held liable to pay in damages by the EPA under CERCLA because
    of the lead pollution at Harbor Island.                    RSR has not performed any
    voluntary operations to repair the environmental impairment of
    Harbor Island and does not seek any reimbursement under Agreement
    The district court’s declaratory judgment and order denying
    International’s motion to modify, alter and amend judgment are
    consistent     with    our   interpretation           of    the     EIL    policy,   RSR’s
    pleadings, the evidence of record, and the jury’s verdict.                              The
    declaratory      judgment,       in      pertinent           part,        decrees    that:
    “[International] is contractually obligated to indemnify RSR for any
    remediation costs and expenses that RSR is or becomes obligated to
    pay to the [EPA] with respect to the EPA’s remediation activity at
    the Harbor Island site in Seattle, Washington ...” within the policy
    limits and exclusions.
    After the judgment was rendered, International moved to modify,
    alter and amend it, contending that the judgment is overbroad and
    grants   RSR   more     relief    than     that       to    which    it     is   entitled.
    International contended that the only issues tried were the issues
    submitted to the jury and that the issue of indemnification was not
    before the court when the case went to trial.             The district court
    disagreed and pointed out that: In its counterclaim RSR specifically
    sought a declaration that International was obligated to indemnify
    RSR for claims arising out of the Harbor Island site. International
    raised only the specific defenses submitted to the jury even though
    the court had made it clear that International was to raise and try
    any and all issues that could and should have been raised; and the
    court also stated at that time that there was no need to piecemeal
    the litigation any more than necessary.             The district court in its
    order stated: “Thus, the court disagrees with International that the
    only issues tried were the issues submitted to the jury and that the
    issue of indemnification was not before the court when the case went
    to trial.”
    Consequently, because the district court in approving the
    pretrial order and in ruling on the motions for summary judgment
    expressed     the   view   that   RSR    was   entitled    to     coverage   for
    indemnification against liability to the EPA only under Insuring
    Agreement 3, we conclude that the district court in trying the issue
    of indemnification that was not submitted to the jury may have
    continued with that mistaken view of Insuring Agreements 1 and 3 or
    realized that RSR is entitled to indemnification against EPA claims
    under Agreement 1 instead of Agreement 3. In any event, we conclude
    that    the   district     court’s      erroneous     pre-trial     contractual
    interpretation error in this respect, if not corrected by the
    district court itself, was harmless, because the district court
    reached results in both its declaratory judgment and its post
    judgment rulings that are consistent with the correct interpretation
    of the policy.
    B. Discussion of Issues
    1. The District Court’s Jury Charge Defining “Claim” Was Not
    Legally Erroneous; Does nNt Create Substantial and Ineradicable
    Doubt Whether the Jury Was Properly Guided in its Deliberations;
    and Could Not Have Incorrectly or Unjustly Affected the Outcome
    of the Case.
    International challenges the definition of the term “claim” the
    district court provided to the jury in the jury instructions.   The
    district court arrived at the definition of “claim” it presented to
    the jury by noting first that the insurance contract does not
    contain a definition of “claim”; that Fifth Circuit precedent
    providing that determination of whether a “claim” was made under a
    claims-made policy that does not define the term requires a fact-
    specific analysis on a case-by-case basis (citing Fed. Deposit Ins.
    Corp. v. Mijalis, 
    15 F.3d 1314
    , 1331 (5th Cir. 1994)); and finally,
    that Texas law instructs that insurance contracts are construed
    strictly against the insurer if a term has more than one possible
    meaning (citing Grain Dealers Mut. Ins. Co. v. McKee, 
    943 S.W.2d 455
    , 458 (Tex. 1997) and   Adams v. John Hancock Mutual Life Ins.
    797 F. Supp. 563
    , 567 (W.D. Tex. 1992)).
    Thus, the district court found that, because the word “claim”
    is ambiguous and not defined in the policy, Texas law required it
    to apply that meaning of the word which is most favorable to the
    insured.    Accordingly, the district court instructed the jury that:
    [T]he term “claim” means an assertion by a third party,
    that in the opinion of the third party, the insured is
    liable to it for damages within the risks covered by the
    policy, whether or not there is reason to believe that
    there actually is liability. An insured’s mere awareness
    of a potential claim is not a claim. A claim does not
    require the institution of formal proceedings.
    There are three requirements that must be met to successfully
    challenge       a    jury   instruction.6          First,   the    challenger     must
    demonstrate that the charge as a whole creates “substantial and
    ineradicable doubt whether the jury has been properly guided in its
    deliberations.”7            Second,    even   if    the   jury    instructions    were
    erroneous, we will not reverse if we determine, based upon the
    entire record, that the challenged instruction could not have
    affected the outcome of the case.8             Third, the appellant must show
    that any proposed instruction it contends should have been given was
    offered    to       the   district    court   and    correctly     stated   the   law.
    “Perfection is not required as long as the instructions were
    generally correct and any error was harmless.”9                    In sum, “[g]reat
    latitude is shown the trial court regarding jury instructions.”
    Taita Chem. Co. Ltd. v. Westlake Styrene, LP, 
    351 F.3d 663
    667 (5th Cir. 2001)(citing 
    Mijalis 15 F.3d at 1318
    ; Bender v.
    1 F.3d 271
    , 276-77 (5th Cir. 1993)).
    Mijalis, 15 F.3d at 1318
    Bender, 1 F.3d at 276
    Id.; Taita 
    Chem., 351 F.3d at 667
    (citing Bank One, Texas,
    N.A. v. Taylor, 
    970 F.2d 16
    , 30 (5th Cir. 1992)).
    Chem., 351 F.3d at 667
    Federal Deposit Ins. Corp. v. Wheat, 
    970 F.2d 124
    , 130 (5th Cir.
    In this diversity case the district court and this court must
    apply the substantive insurance law of Texas. Erie v. Tompkins, 
    304 U.S. 64
    , 78-79 (1938); Am. Nat’l Gen. Ins. Co. v. Ryan, 
    274 F.3d 319
    , 328 (5th Cir. 2001). Texas courts interpret insurance policies
    according    to   the   rules   of   contractual     construction.      Kelley-
    Coppeledge, Inc. v. Highlands Ins. Co., 
    980 S.W.2d 462
    , 464 (Tex.
    1998).     In applying these rules, a court’s primary concern is to
    ascertain the parties’ intent as expressed in the language of the
    Id. Thus, the
    district court was required to give           effect
    to   all   contractual     provisions    so   that   none   will   be   rendered
    Id. The undefined
    terms in an insurance policy are
    to be given their ordinary and generally accepted meaning unless the
    policy shows that the words were meant in a technical or different
    sense.     Sport Supply Group Inc. v. Columbia Cas. Co., 
    335 F.3d 453
    461 (5th Cir. 2003).        If the contract is worded so that it can be
    given a definite meaning, it is unambiguous and a judge must
    construe it as a matter of law.         
    Id. When a
    contract is reasonably
    susceptible of more than one meaning, however, it is ambiguous and
    a court should adopt a construction that favors the insured.                
    Id. at 461;
    Nat’l Union Fire Ins. Co. v. Hudson Energy Co., 
    811 S.W.2d 552
    , 555 (Tex. 1991).       Specifically, when a word or clause has more
    than one meaning, the meaning favoring the insured must be applied.
    TIG Specialty Ins. Co. v. Inc., 
    375 F.3d 365
    , 369-70
    (5th Cir. 2004).        Whether an insurance contract is ambiguous is a
    question of law for the court to decide by looking at the contract
    as a whole in light of the circumstances present when the contract
    was entered.     
    Kelley-Coppeledge, 980 S.W.2d at 464
    In applying the foregoing Texas rules, we reach substantially
    the same results as did the district court.          Standing alone, the
    term “claim” is susceptible of more than one meaning.10           Lawyers
    commonly use “claim” as a noun in at least three different senses:
    (1) The aggregate of operative facts giving rise to a right
    enforceable by a court; (2) The assertion of an existing right, such
    as a right to payment or to an equitable remedy; (3) A demand for
    money, property, or a legal remedy.11      Lay persons also use “claim”
    as a noun having more than one meaning: (1) A demand for something
    due or believed to be due; (2) A right to something, such as a title
    to a debt, privilege or thing in the possession of another; (3) An
    assertion open to challenge.12     The EIL policy does not expressly or
    by implication specify which meaning is intended. Consequently, the
    policy itself is also susceptible of more than one interpretation.
    Accordingly, we construe the ambiguous noun “claim” using its
    ordinary meaning that is most favorable to the insured in this case,
    that is, as the “assertion of a right” to hold the insured liable.
    “The word ‘claim,’ to adapt a felicitous phrase of Justice
    Frankfurter, is one of those ‘words of many-hued meanings [which]
    derive their scope from the use to which they are put.’” MGIC
    Indem. Corp. v. Home State Sav. Ass’n, 
    797 F.2d 285
    , 288 (6th Cir.
    1986) (quoting Powell v. U.S. Cartridge Co., 
    339 U.S. 497
    , 529
    (1950) (Frankfurter, J. dissenting)).
    See BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY 264 (8th ed. 2004).
    This is essentially the meaning that the district court adopted when
    it defined “claim” in the jury charge as “an assertion by a third
    party, that in the opinion of the third party, the insured is liable
    to it for damages within the risks covered by the policy[.]”
    The Second Circuit Court of Appeals and a highly respected
    insurance     law   treatise   have    adopted     similar    definitions    in
    construing the undefined term “claim” in claims-made policies
    insuring against environmental liability.            See American Insurance
    Co. v. Fairchild Industries, Inc., 
    56 F.3d 435
    , 439 (2d Cir.
    1995)(“Giving the term its ordinary meaning, a claim is an assertion
    by a third party that in the opinion of that party the insured may
    be liable to it for damages within the risks covered by the
    policy.”)(emphasis added); Andy Warhol Foundation for Visual Arts,
    Inc. v. Federal Ins. Co., 
    189 F.3d 208
    , 215 (2d Cir. 1999); See COUCH
    ON   INSURANCE § 191.10 (3d ed. 2000):
    [A] “claim” is an assertion by a third party that, in the
    opinion of that party, the insured may be liable to it
    for damages within the risk covered by a policy, whether
    or not there is reason to believe that there actually is
    liability. Further, a claim may be made without
    institution of formal proceeding.         Virtually any
    assertion of exposure to liability within the risk
    covered by an insurance policy is a claim, unless the
    assertion is made in circumstances so unusual that they
    negate possibility of formal proceeding involving defense
    costs as well as liability.
    (footnotes omitted; emphasis added)(citing 
    Fairchild, 56 F.3d at 435
    International    contends      that   the   district    court’s      jury
    instruction was legally erroneous because it did not require the
    jury to find that the EPA had made a demand of any kind on RSR.              In
    order to show that this is the conclusion that the district court
    should have reached, however, International must demonstrate, at a
    minimum, that the district court’s jury charge did not properly
    guide the jury according to the controlling law of Texas.                     Having
    failed to consider or discuss the jury instruction at issue in
    relation to Texas law, International is not in a position to
    demonstrate     error    in   either      the   district    court’s    contractual
    interpretation      or      the    jury    instruction       derived    therefrom.
    Consequently, International has fallen far short of showing that
    there is a substantial and ineradicable doubt whether the jury had
    been properly guided in its deliberations.
    International’s whole argument is a misdirected attempt to show
    that    the    definition     of   “claim”      in   the   jury    instruction    is
    inconsistent with the decisions of courts applying the law of states
    other   than    Texas    to   factual     situations       and    insurance   policy
    provisions markedly different from those at issue in the present
    case.    In fact, after examining those cases carefully and noting
    their distinguishing features, we conclude that they are consistent
    with the district court’s decision here and contradict, rather than
    support, International’s argument.
    International relies first on a decision by the Iowa Supreme
    Court, Dico, Inc. v. Employers Insurance of Wausau, 
    581 N.W.2d 607
    (Iowa 1998), applying Iowa law to interpret the undefined term
    “claim” in a Commercial General Liability (“CGL”)occurrence policy.
    The case is distinguishable from our case for many reasons.                      The
    case was not governed by Texas law.              The policy involved was not a
    claims-made policy.        The question was not whether a claim had been
    made under a claims-made policy. The question was whether the
    insured properly notified the insurer        of a claim by a third party
    under an occurrence policy.
    More significantly, although the Iowa court adopted in that
    case the narrowest definition of “claim,” i.e., as a demand, from
    a dictionary without expressly consulting state law, that definition
    was the one most favorable to Dico, the insured.         The court tacitly
    recognized that “claim” was ambiguous in rejecting the insurer’s
    “broad reading of the term” without giving any other reason.                
    Id. at 613.
      Thus, besides being distinguishable on many grounds, Dico
    does not conflict with our decision here.         In the final analysis,
    it is simply another case in which the court construed the ambiguous
    term “claim” to have the meaning most favorable to the insured in
    that particular case.        Thus, International’s reliance on Dico is
    International also misplaces its reliance on our cases deciding
    whether   the    Federal    Deposit   Insurance   Corporation’s     (“FDIC”)
    communications to regulated banks and bankers under Louisiana law
    amounted to “claims” triggering coverage under claims-made Directors
    and Officers Liability insurance policies (“D&O policies”).                 See
    Federal Deposit Ins. Corp. v. Booth, 
    82 F.3d 670
    , 675-76 (5th Cir.
    Mijalis, 15 F.3d at 1314
    ; Federal Deposit Ins. Corp. v.
    995 F.2d 600
    , 604 (5th Cir. 1993).        Those decisions are not
    controlling     or   directly   applicable   because   they   are   based   on
    Louisiana, not Texas, law and deal with different species of claims-
    made insurance policies,13 policy provisions and types of factual
    Nonetheless, Mijalis, Barham and Booth are not inconsistent
    with    the    district   court’s   definition   of   “claim”   in   its   jury
    instruction in our case.       A careful examination of the reasoning in
    those cases reveals that the court did not mechanically apply a
    simplistic one-word definition of “claim” or “demand” in deciding
    whether a claim had been made in each case.             Instead, the court
    engaged in a detailed examination of each case, including the facts,
    policy provisions, relationship of the parties, and the specific
    nature and timing of the FDIC’s communication to the bank and
    bankers.       The district court in the present case acknowledged its
    awareness of this court’s analytical process in Mijalis, et al., and
    took that into account, along with the Texas law governing insurance
    contractual interpretation, in preparing its jury instructions.
    In reviewing our decisions in those FDIC cases, we discovered
    several insights into this court’s evaluation of the FDIC’s actions
    That is, D&O policies as opposed to the EIL policy at issue
    The D&O policy cases present a situation of much greater
    complexity than we confront in the present case, which helps
    explain why communication between the FDIC and the officers and
    directors of a bank would not necessarily constitute a “claim.”
    In the FDIC cases, the FDIC plays two roles, first as a
    regulator that communicates frequently with the regulated banks,
    directors and officers, and second, as the receiver and enforcer of
    the bank’s right to hold the former directors and officers liable
    for losses caused by their breach of fiduciary duties. Thus, the
    FDIC may issue regulatory communications to the bank and its
    officers and directors for some time after a loss or liability
    actually has occurred without knowledge of the loss. Hence, it may
    be ambiguous whether any given communication refers to a loss
    constituting a claim.
    and communications in respect to whether they constituted claims
    under the claims-made D & O policies.       First, a “claim” or “demand”
    does not have to be explicit but may be inferred from the acts and
    communications of the third party; the more difficult cases will
    turn on whether those elements add up to an implied claim or
    demand.15 Second, the dictionary definitions of “claim” or “demand”
    usually are too indeterminate to serve as the actual tools for
    deciding whether an implied claim or demand was made. In each case
    the court was required to go beyond those definitions and to
    undertake an intensive, detailed examination of the specific facts,
    the   meaning   and   purpose   of   the   particular   insurance   policy
    provisions, the relationships between the parties, the applicable
    law defining the rights and obligations of the actors, and any other
    relevant factor.      Finally, the court in the FDIC-D&O cases, after
    weighing these factors, determined whether a claim was made by
    asking whether the act or communication at issue referred with
    Thus, as we observed in Mijalis, “whether a given demand is
    a ‘claim’ within the meaning of a claims-made policy requires a
    fact-specific analysis ... conducted on a case-by-case basis.
    Other [than lawsuits,] communications to the insured may or may not
    rise to the level of claims depending on their 
    content.” 15 F.3d at 1331
    (citing MGIC Indem. Corp. v. Central Bank, 
    838 F.2d 1382
    , 1388
    (5th Cir. 1988) (“[T]he given set of facts will determine on a
    case-by-case basis when a ‘claim’ is ‘made’ for the purposes of a
    given D&O policy[.]”)).
    As Mijalis and MGIC suggest, close inspection of the D&O cases
    shows that a “claim,” as well as a “demand,” may be implicit or
    explicit. In fact, while some communications are clearly “claims”
    on their faces, such as lawsuits or fully expressed requests for
    recompense, in Barham, Mijalis and Booth the court undertook an
    intensive analysis of the specific facts with respect to how they
    related to important features of the particular insurance policy
    and legal rule at issue in order to classify each communication as
    an implied “claim” or “demand,” or as just an “act” or
    sufficient definiteness to a covered loss, i.e. a liability arising
    from the directors’ and officers’ conduct specified by the policy,
    that had accrued or was sufficiently imminent, and upon which the
    FDIC, as receiver of the bank, had a legal right to obtain judgment
    against the insureds based on that liability at the time of the
    FDIC’s act or communication.16
    For example, in Barham, the court’s most cogent reasons for
    deciding that a bank’s letter agreement with the OCC was not a
    “claim” were: “[T]he 1982 letter makes no reference to a loss which
    [the bank] may sustain as a result of its failure to comply with
    certain banking 
    regulations[.]” 995 F.2d at 605
    .      Later in
    Mijalis, the court quoted that Barham passage and held that “the
    cease and desist order, the notice of charges, and the other
    demands for corrective action” did not rise to the level of a
    claim. The Mijalis court explained that:
    The term “claim” is intimately connected with the term
    “loss” in the insuring clause, and it appears as part of
    the definition of “loss” as well.... It is clear that
    the policy envisions “claims” as being closely related to
    legal obligations to pay money[.] ... [The FDIC
    communications to the bank] are the same sort of general
    demands for regulatory compliance as the one before the
    Barham court. None of these documents clearly refers to
    an insured loss that the Bank would or might sustain if
    it did not abide by the FDIC’s mandates. Even specific
    formal demands for corrective action do not rise to the
    level of “claims” unless coupled with indications that
    demands for payment will be made.
    Id. at 1332-33.
    Barham, 995 F.2d at 604
    ). In Booth, the
    FDIC’s letter to bank directors warned that “failure to take
    corrective action ... could result in civil money penalties being
    recommended   and/or   more  severe   enforcement   actions   being
    recommended to the FDIC 
    [board.]” 82 F.3d at 675
    .      After
    discussing the court’s use of the process in the previous cases,
    the court concluded “that a letter suggesting that, in the future,
    charges may be filed against the Directors, if they do not comply
    with regulations, is too tenuous to constitute a claim.          We
    conclude that the FDIC correspondence does not rise to the level of
    a claim against the Directors.” 
    Id. at 677.
    Thus, the court used
    the same process to determine that the communications did not refer
    to a loss that the bank may sustain because that possible future
    loss was too tenuous.
    Consequently, we conclude that the district court’s approach
    in preparing the jury instructions here was consistent with the
    fact-specific, case by case analysis used by this court to determine
    whether the FDIC actions and communications at issue in Mijalis,
    Barham and Booth were “claims” under the D & O policies.       Thus,
    those FDIC-D&O cases tend to corroborate, rather than point to any
    material deficiency in, the district court’s analysis and efforts
    to make the jury instructions relevant to the particular case at
    For these reasons, we find that beyond any substantial doubt
    the jury in this case was properly guided in its deliberations.
    Because International did not show that the jury instruction was
    wrong under Texas law and because the authorities that International
    relies upon in challenging the jury instruction are inapposite, we
    find no error in the district court’s instruction to the jury, much
    less error that would leave “substantial and ineradicable doubt” as
    to whether the jury was properly instructed.      Because we find no
    error in the district court’s instruction, it is not necessary that
    we address RSR’s contention that International is estopped from
    making this challenge because it accepted the instruction.
    2. The Supplemental Jury Charge Did Not Involve a Risk of
    Misleading or Confusing the Jury So Great as to Constitute
    Reversible Error.
    Second,   International   challenges   the   district   court’s
    additional jury instruction on the definition of a “claim” that
    followed Question No. 1 of the Court’s charge and stated:
    In ascertaining the answer to this question, you are
    instructed to consider all the facts and circumstances
    surrounding the EIL policy, as well as the conduct of the
    parties. I have defined “claim” for you above in the
    definitions section of this Charge. I further instruct
    you that the meaning of “claim” derives its scope from
    the use to which it is put by the parties involved in
    this case. In other words, the meaning of “claim” must
    be considered in the context of the EIL Policy itself and
    as applied in the context of this environmental
    litigation.    Evidence that the parties (or their
    predecessors) and/or the EPA considered there to be a
    claim, while by no means determinative, is probative of
    the definition of claim contemplated by the parties.
    International objects to the supplemental jury instruction on
    the grounds that it was misleading to the jury.     We do not agree.
    The evidence presented to the jury on this issue tended to show both
    the circumstances surrounding the contract and how the parties
    interpreted or treated it in respect to whether a claim had been
    made.   The supplemental instruction properly guided the jury in the
    appropriate use of the evidence for those purposes.
    Under Texas law, because the parties themselves are in the best
    position to know what was intended by the language used by them, the
    construction placed on an ambiguous contract by the parties will
    govern the court’s interpretation of the agreement.     Kelly v. Rio
    Grande Computerland Group, 
    128 S.W.3d 759
    , 768 (Tex. 2004); James
    Stewart & Co. v. Law, 
    233 S.W.2d 558
    , 561 (Tex. 1950); Droemer v.
    Transit Mix Concrete of Gonzales, Inc., 
    457 S.W.2d 332
    , 335 (Tex.
    Civ. App. 1970); Danaho Refining Co. v. Dietz, 
    398 S.W.2d 307
    , 311
    (Tex. Civ. App. 1966); Anchor Cas. Co. v. Robertson Transport Co.,
    389 S.W.2d 135
    , 139 (Tex. Civ. App. 1965); RESTATEMENT (SECOND)    OF
    CONTRACTS § 202, cmt. g (1981)(“The parties to an agreement know best
    what they mean, and their action under it is often the strongest
    evidence of their meaning.”).   Thus, the evidence of the course of
    dealing and performance of the contract was admissible and properly
    could be considered by the jury as an indication of the construction
    that the parties themselves put on the crucial term “claim.” 
    Kelly, 128 S.W.3d at 768
    ; James 
    Stewart, 233 S.W.2d at 561
    Droemer, 457 S.W.2d at 335
    ; Danaho 
    Refining, 398 S.W.2d at 311
    ; Anchor 
    Cas., 389 S.W.2d at 139
    Further, under Texas law, the insured was entitled to have the
    jury take into consideration the surrounding circumstances in
    determining the crucial factual issue of whether the EPA, in effect,
    asserted that RSR was liable to it for damages within the risks
    covered by the policy when it placed the Harbor Island site
    including RSR’s lead smelting facility on the National Priorities
    List.   See Nat’l Union 
    Fire, 907 S.W.2d at 521
    (explaining that
    “[e]xtrinsic evidence may, indeed, be admissible to give the words
    of a contract meaning consistent with that to which they are
    reasonably susceptible, i.e. to ‘interpret’ contractual terms”);
    Mijalis, 15 F.3d at 1331
    (explaining that to decide whether a
    communication is a “claim” “requires a fact-specific analysis
    conducted on a case-by-case basis”).    Furthermore, when a term in
    a contract has more than one reasonable interpretation, as the term
    “claim” does here, a court may examine extrinsic evidence to
    determine the parties’ intended meaning, such as the parties’
    interpretation of the contract.    
    Kelly, 128 S.W.3d at 768
    International has not demonstrated that the charge as a whole
    creates “substantial and ineradicable doubt whether the jury has
    been properly guided in its deliberations.”      
    Mijalis, 15 F.3d at 1318
    .     Moreover, even if the jury instruction was erroneous, we
    would not reverse because we determine, based upon the entire
    record, that the challenged instruction could not have affected the
    outcome of the case. 
    Id. 3.The Jury’s
    Verdict Was Supported by Legally Sufficient
    International argues alternatively that, if we find no error
    in the district court’s jury charges, the judgment still should be
    reversed because the record contains no legally sufficient evidence
    to support the jury’s verdict that the EPA made a claim upon RSR
    during the policy period. Specifically, International contends that
    the evidence is not sufficient to support a reasonable jury’s
    finding that the EPA asserted that, in its opinion, RSR was liable
    to the EPA for CERCLA damages due to lead pollution at Harbor
    We review de novo the district court’s denial of a motion for
    judgment as a matter of law, applying the same standard as the
    district court.17   But when a case is tried by a jury, a Rule 50(a)
    motion is a challenge to the legal sufficiency of the evidence.18
    In resolving such challenges, we draw all reasonable inferences and
    resolve all credibility determinations in the light most favorable
    Cozzo v. Tangipahoa Parish Council-President Gov’t, 
    279 F.3d 273
    , 280 (5th Cir. 2002).
    Brown v. Bryan County, 
    219 F.3d 450
    , 456 (5th Cir. 2000).
    to the nonmoving party.19     Thus, we will reverse the denial of a
    Rule 50(a) motion only if the evidence points so strongly and so
    overwhelmingly in favor of the nonmoving party that no reasonable
    juror could return a contrary verdict.20      A jury verdict must be
    upheld unless “there is no legally sufficient evidentiary basis for
    a reasonable jury to find” as the jury did.           FED. R. CIV. P.
    50(a)(1);    Hiltgen v. Sumrall, 
    47 F.3d 695
    , 700 (5th Cir. 1995).
    This court has consistently applied this standard to show
    appropriate deference for the jury’s determination.       As we have
    A jury may draw reasonable inferences from the evidence,
    and those inferences may constitute sufficient proof to
    support a verdict. On appeal we are bound to view the
    evidence and all reasonable inferences in the light most
    favorable to the jury’s determination. Even though we
    might have reached a different conclusion if we had been
    the trier of fact, we are not free to re-weigh the
    evidence or to re-evaluate credibility of witnesses. We
    must not substitute for the jury’s reasonable factual
    inferences other inferences that we may regard as more
    Id. (citing Rideau
    v. Parkem Indus. Serv.s, Inc., 
    917 F.2d 892
    897 (5th Cir. 1990)).
    In this case, the district court, in denying International’s
    motion for judgment as a matter of law, explained:
    [T]he jury heard evidence from various witnesses about
    the significance of a pollution site being placed on the
    National Priority List by the Environmental Protection
    Agency and what such a listing meant for RSR.        The
    significance of such action by the EPA cannot be
    Reeves v. Sanderson Plumbing Prods. Inc., 
    530 U.S. 133
    , 150
    Cousin v. Trans Union Corp., 
    246 F.3d 359
    , 366 (5th Cir.
    separated from the fact that the policies at issue were
    intended   for    environmental   impairment    liability
    protection, and thus is the context in which the policies
    are to be understood.
    Considering the record in this case, we agree with the district
    court and conclude that the jury’s verdict is supported by legally
    sufficient evidence, which included the undisputed fact that the
    RSR smeltery caused substantial lead pollution on Harbor Island and
    near Seattle, the EPA’s placement of the insured’s lead smeltery on
    the National Priorities List, the undisputed liability of the
    insured to the EPA for environmental impairment under CERCLA, the
    virtual certainty of further investigative and enforcement actions
    by the EPA, and the actions and communications indicating that the
    counsel and other representatives of both parties had concluded that
    a timely claim had been made under the policy.
    Indeed, the EPA’s Final NPL, which included the “Harbor Island
    Lead” site among other sites selected because of their “known
    releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances, pollutants
    and contaminants,” expressly stated that: “The Agency will decide
    on a site-by-site basis whether to take enforcement action or
    proceed directly with Fund-financed response actions and seek
    recovery of response costs after cleanup.” 48 Fed. Reg. 40658-40673
    (emphasis added).
    It is frequently observed that even though placement of a site
    on the NPL is simply the first step in a process,21 it guarantees
    more detailed study and drastically increases the likelihood of
    Eagle-Picher Industries v. EPA, 
    759 F.2d 922
    , 932 (D.C. Cir
    costly enforcement action.22     Moreover, placement on the NPL has
    immediate significant adverse consequences for the owner of a listed
    property.23     The regulations provide for a removal of a site from
    the NPL, “where no further response is appropriate.”24 Before a
    delisting can occur, the EPA must consult and obtain the state’s
    approval, publish a list of intent to delist in the Federal Register
    and a major local newspaper, and allow public comment for at least
    30 days.25
    In addition, the jury reasonably could have concluded that
    according to the parties action and mutual construction of their
    contract a timely claim had been made, triggering coverage under the
    policy.    At trial, John Walter Morrison, counsel employed by North
    River to evaluate coverage issues under the policies, testified that
    Carus Chemical Company v. EPA, 
    395 F.3d 434
    , 437 (D.C. Cir.
    2005); see Mead Corp. V. Browner, 
    100 F.3d 152
    , 155 (D.C. Cir
    Eagle-Picher, 759 F.2d at 920
    Carus, 395 F.3d at 437
    (citing Mead Corp. v. Browner, 
    100 F.3d 152
    , 155 (D.C. Cir 1996)(costs in business reputation,
    property value and increased probability of remediation); RIESEL, at
    § 12.02[1] (citing SCA Services of Indiana v. Thomas, 
    634 F. Supp. 1355
    , 1361-66 (N.D. Ind. 1986)(recognizing the damage to business
    reputation and loss of value in property that results from listing
    on the NPL); B&B Tritech, Inc. v. EPA, 
    957 F.2d 882
    , 883 (D.C. Cir.
    1992)(placement on the NPL has “considerable costs”); see Mead
    Corp. v. Browner, 
    100 F.3d 152
    , 155 (D.C. Cir 1996)(“This circuit
    has clearly recognized the harmful effects of being linked to a
    site placed on the NPL. Bd. of Regents of Univ. of Wash. v. EPA,
    86 F.3d 1214
    , 1217 (D.C.Cir.1996)); see also Kent County, Delaware
    Levy Court v. EPA, 
    963 F.2d 391
    , 394 (D.C. Cir. 1992) (damage to
    business reputation, loss of property value and other considerable
    REISEL, ENVIRONMENTAL ENFORCEMENT, at § 12.02[2][d](citing CFR §
    Id. 30 when
    the EPA placed Harbor Island on the NPL the insurer and the
    insured     considered      that   it    was       a    virtual      certainty    that    the
    government would either require RSR to conduct cleanup operations
    or make reimbursement for an EPA-financed cleanup.                               He further
    testified that he told RSR that North River treated the EPA’s site
    listing     of   Harbor     Island      as     a       claim   and    that   he    was    not
    misrepresenting his client’s position when he did so.                             He stated
    that: “We viewed it as a claim against the insured, RSR, and that
    RSR in turn had made claim under the policy for the claim made
    against it.”        Clarice Davis, RSR’s retained counsel at that time,
    testified     that    she    heard      Mr.    Morrison        say    that   North    River
    acknowledged that a claim had been made, and that “we discussed all
    of those matters as claims that we had noticed under that policy.”
    John De Paul, an RSR officer, testified that when Mr. Morrison and
    Mr. Melton, another North River representative, talked to him and
    others at RSR “they talked about it being a claim....                             Every one
    referred to it as a claim.”          Jack Wachtendorf, then RSR’s insurance
    broker, testified that he “absolutely” took the proposed NPL listing
    to be a claim made under the policy and that North River never said
    that they did not consider it to be a claim.                      RSR’s Vice President
    for Environmental Affairs, Gerald Dumas, testified that when a
    company is placed on the Superfund list, it means the EPA intends
    to   take    some    action    against        the       company      for   some    type   of
    environmental damage.          When asked whether the EPA always follows
    through and takes action if a company is listed, he responded,
    “Well, I can——in relating to cases that we’ve been involved with,
    I would say yes.”
    Given the breadth of coverage provisions of the EIL policy, the
    absence of any contractual definition of “claim,” the legal rules
    regarding the construction of insurance policies in favor of the
    insured, and the gravity of the EPA’s assertions regarding RSR’s
    Harbor Island lead facilities (and the potentially enormous monetary
    exposure associated therewith), RSR presented sufficient evidence
    to the jury of an assertion of the government’s right to hold RSR
    strictly    liable   under    CERCLA      for   damages    and   environmental
    4. The District Court Did Not Abuse Its Discretion When It Held
    that John Morrison’s Testimony Was Not Protected by the Attorney-
    Client Privilege.
    International       argues   that    the   district   court   abused    its
    discretion in allowing Mr. John Walter Morrison, former counsel of
    North River, to testify that during the policy period he on behalf
    of North River communicated to RSR that the insurance company
    considered the EPA placement of the Harbor Island site on the
    Superfund List as a claim against RSR under the EIL policy.
    International contends that the district court abused its
    discretion when it overruled International’s objection to the
    admission     of   Mr.    Morrison’s      testimony   as    a    violation   of
    International’s attorney-client privilege.            We do not agree.       The
    attorney-client privilege protects from disclosure confidential
    communications between a client and his or her attorney “made for
    the purpose of facilitating the rendition of professional legal
    services to the client....”          Huie v. DeShazo, 
    922 S.W.2d 923
    1986)(quoting TEX. R. CIV. EVID. 503(b)).”26          Mr. Morrison’s testimony
    did not disclose any “confidential communications” between North
    River and him as its attorney.                   His testimony described the
    communications between himself and the attorneys and agents of RSR
    and his independent inference and conclusion based upon them, viz.,
    that    he   as   North   River’s   representative      and   his     counterparts
    representing RSR treated the NPL’s inclusion of the Harbor Island
    site as a claim by EPA against RSR.27
    5. The District Court Did Not Abuse Its Discretion When It Did
    Not Allow International to Present to the Jury Excerpts from
    Donal Brayer’s Deposition.
    International      argues    that   the    district    court    abused   its
    discretion by refusing to allow International to introduce an
    excerpt of the deposition of Donald Brayer, an insurance expert
    retained by RSR whom neither RSR nor International had designated
    to be called as a witness at trial.              Consequently, Mr. Brayer was
    We review the district court’s ruling on the admissibility
    of evidence for an abuse of discretion. United States v. Wilson,
    322 F.3d 353
    , 359 (5th Cir. 2003). The availability of a privilege
    in a diversity case is governed by the law of the forum state.
    FED. R. EVID. 501; Miller v. Transamerica Press, 
    621 F.2d 721
    , 724
    (5th Cir. 1980).
    A communication is only “confidential” for the purposes of
    the attorney-client privilege if it is not intended to be disclosed
    to a third party. TEX. R. EVID. 503(a)(5). Insofar as the record
    discloses the communications and treatment of the claim between RSR
    and North River to which Mr. Morrison testified was within the
    intention of North River. North River had an opportunity at trial
    to introduce further evidence controverting Mr. Morrison’s
    testimony and his authority to act for it in treating the NPL
    inclusion as a claim. But North River claimed that evidence was
    privileged also and opted not to introduce it.
    not   present   or   immediately   available.      Before   offering   the
    deposition excerpt, International had not intended to call him as
    a witness.      In the excerpt, Mr. Brayer had testified to his
    definition of a claim under an insurance policy.        RSR objected to
    the introduction of the deposition excerpt on grounds of unfair
    prejudice because it had not arranged for Mr. Brayer to be present,
    relying on International’s expressed intention not to call him.
    The   district    court   has    broad    discretion in assessing
    admissibility under the rule providing for exclusion of relevant
    evidence if its probative value is substantially outweighed by
    danger of unfair prejudice, confusion of issues or misleading jury.
    United States v. Morris, 
    79 F.3d 409
    (5th Cir. 1996).          The trial
    judge’s assessment of relative probative value of evidence and
    unfair prejudice is generally accorded great deference because of
    his or her first-hand exposure to evidence and familiarity with the
    course of the trial proceedings. United States v. Briscoe, 
    896 F.2d 1476
    (7th Cir. 1990).    Given the circumstances, the district court
    did not abuse its discretion in finding that the danger of unfair
    prejudice to the opposing party outweighed the probative value of
    the evidence and concluding that the excerpt should be excluded.
    See Geiserman v. McDonald, 
    893 F.2d 787
    , 791 (5th Cir. 1990).
    6. The District Court Did Not Abuse Its Discretion When It Denied
    International’s Motion for a New Trial.
    Finally, International urges that it is entitled to reversal
    of the judgment because the jury’s finding that RSR had not waived
    its right to coverage under the EIL policy was against the great
    weight   of the evidence and shows a seriously erroneous result.
    Under Texas law, a waiver occurs when a party intentionally
    relinquishes a known right or intentionally engages in conduct that
    is inconsistent with claiming a known right.               Emscor Mfg., Inc. v.
    Alliance, Ins. Group, 
    879 S.W.2d 894
    , 917 (Tex. App. - Houston [14th
    Dist.]).     The    words   or   the        conduct   of    the   parties   must
    “unequivocally manifest” the parties’ intent to no longer assert the
    right.   Enterprise Laredo Assoc. v. Hachar’s Inc., 
    839 S.W.2d 822
    835 (Tex. App - San Antonio 1992, writ denied).
    International argues that RSR’s prior conduct is inconsistent
    with its current assertion of a right to coverage under the EIL
    policies for the Harbor Island claim because Howard Myers, RSR’s
    General Counsel, in letters to North River in 1995, indicated that
    it did not intend to make a claim regarding the Harbor Island site.
    Mr. Myers testified, however, that at the time he had hopes
    that RSR would be indemnified by Bergsoe/East Asiatic, making it
    unnecessary for RSR to call upon International for indemnification
    under the policy.    He explained that he did not intend to waive any
    of RSR’s rights but simply expressed his expectation that an
    insurance claim would not be necessary.
    We review a district court’s ruling on a motion for new trial
    for abuse of discretion.    Dawson v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 
    978 F.2d 205
    , 208 (5th Cir. 1992) (citing Munn v. Algee, 
    924 F.2d 568
    , 577
    (5th Cir. ), cert. denied, 
    502 U.S. 900
    , (1991); Conway v. Chemical
    Leaman Tank Lines, Inc., 
    610 F.2d 360
    , 362 (5th Cir. 1980) (citing
    Spurlin v. General Motors Corp., 
    528 F.2d 612
    (5th Cir. 1976)).   As
    a reviewing court we give great deference to the district court
    ruling when it has denied the new trial motion and upheld the jury’s
    Dawson, 978 F.2d at 208
    Munn, 924 F.2d at 577
    ; Jones v.
    Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 
    870 F.2d 982
    , 986 (5th Cir. 1989); 
    Conway, 610 F.2d at 362
    (citing Valley View Cattle Co. v. Iowa Beef
    548 F.2d 1219
    (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    434 U.S. 855
    (1977)).    “New trials should not be granted on evidentiary grounds
    unless, at a minimum, the verdict is against the great weight of the
    Conway, 610 F.2d at 363
    Based on the conflicting evidence, the district court found
    that a reasonable jury could have found that RSR did not permanently
    and unequivocally waive its right to recover from International.
    Accordingly, the district court denied International’s motion for
    a new trial.      Applying the applicable deferential standard, we
    cannot say that the district court abused its discretion, and we
    therefore affirm its ruling.    Based on the evidence, a reasonable
    jury could have found that RSR did not permanently and unequivocally
    waive its right to recover from International.
    For these reasons, the judgment of the district court is

Document Info

Docket Number: 04-10311

Citation Numbers: 426 F.3d 281

Judges: Barksdale, Dennis, Wiener

Filed Date: 10/19/2005

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/2/2023

Authorities (62)

Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. Frederick ... , 189 F.3d 208 ( 1999 )

Gerrish Corporation, Doing Business as Gerrish Motors, ... , 947 F.2d 1023 ( 1991 )

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Federal Deposit Insurance v. Booth , 82 F.3d 670 ( 1996 )

Ruby Conway v. Chemical Leaman Tank Lines, Inc. , 610 F.2d 360 ( 1980 )

Hiltgen v. Sumrall , 47 F.3d 695 ( 1995 )

TIG Specialty Insurance v. Inc. , 375 F.3d 365 ( 2004 )

Michael Jones and Harold Jones v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., ... , 870 F.2d 982 ( 1989 )

United States v. Thomas Morris , 79 F.3d 409 ( 1996 )

Terry Cousin v. Trans Union Corporation , 246 F.3d 359 ( 2001 )

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Cozzo v. Tangipahoa Parish Council-President Government , 279 F.3d 273 ( 2002 )

A. A. Spurlin, Surviving Parent of Douglas J. Spurlin, a ... , 528 F.2d 612 ( 1976 )

United States v. Wilson , 322 F.3d 353 ( 2003 )

View All Authorities »