Thomas v. LTV Corp. ( 1994 )

  •                       United States Court of Appeals,
    Fifth Circuit.
    No. 93-9112.
    Michael Lee THOMAS, Plaintiff-Appellant,
    LTV CORPORATION, Defendant-Appellee.
    Dec. 13, 1994.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern
    District of Texas.
    Before REYNALDO G. GARZA, DeMOSS and BENAVIDES, Circuit Judges:
    BENAVIDES, Circuit Judge:
    Michael Lee Thomas ("Thomas") appeals the district court's
    summary judgment in favor of LTV Corporation.             The district court
    concluded that section 301 of the Labor Management Relations Act,
    29 U.S.C. §§ 141-87, preempted Thomas' various state law claims.
    This case primarily involves two issues:         (1) whether Thomas'
    individual attendance probation agreement is treated in the same
    manner   as   a    collective-bargaining     agreement,    for   purposes   of
    preemption under section 301 of the Labor Management Relations Act,
    29 U.S.C. §§ 141-87 ("LMRA");       and (2) whether Thomas' claim for
    wrongful discharge under Tex. Labor Code § 451.001 (formerly
    Tex.Rev.Civ.Stat.Ann. art. 8307c) is preempted under the LMRA.
    Given the facts of this particular case, we answer both questions
    affirmatively, and we affirm the district court's judgment.
    I. Facts
    From 1984 to 1991, Thomas was employed by LTV in Dallas,
    Texas.   For most of that time, Thomas was a member of the United
    Automobile,     Aerospace    and    Agricultural           Implement      Workers    of
    America, Local Union 848 ("UAW" or "Union"), which maintained a
    collective-bargaining       agreement       ("CBA")        with   LTV.       The    CBA
    contained the terms and conditions of employment for Thomas and
    other employees similarly situated, and it also contained grievance
    and arbitration procedures relating to disciplinary actions taken
    against UAW members and the interpretation and application of the
    agreement.    For the UAW, its members, and LTV, these provisions
    were binding.
    Thomas had a history of absenteeism for which he received
    written warnings in 1989 and 1990.                   At a subsequent meeting
    attended by his union steward, an LTV supervisor, and the LTV
    labor-relations    representative,          Thomas    was     presented      with    an
    attendance probation agreement ("APA").               His continued employment
    was conditioned upon acceptance of the APA, setting forth minimum
    attendance requirements for one year. Under the APA, Thomas agreed
    that any unexcused absences would result in his immediate discharge
    and that his total number of absences could not exceed four percent
    of his scheduled work days within any three-month period.                     The APA
    also provided that if Thomas failed to meet these requirements, he
    would be discharged without benefit of any grievance or arbitration
    procedures set forth in the CBA.            Thomas, the union steward, and
    both   LTV   representatives       signed    the     APA    in    their   respective
    On January 4, 1991, Thomas suffered an on-the-job injury
    requiring medical treatment.         Thomas was unable to work until his
    physician released him in April 1991.        During this time, Thomas
    applied for and received workers' compensation benefits under LTV's
    compensation policy.     After determining that Thomas' absences
    during this period exceeded the minimum attendance requirements
    under the APA, LTV fired Thomas on March 7, 1991.
    Thomas filed a grievance through the UAW, contending that his
    discharge   was   improper   because   the   absences    caused   by   his
    work-related injuries should not have been included in calculating
    whether the four-percent maximum was exceeded.          Under the CBA's
    grievance procedures, applicable when the grievance involves the
    termination of a union member, other officers of the local and
    international union participated.
    On September 17, 1991, LTV and UAW officials presented Thomas
    with a second attendance probation agreement which he refused to
    sign because it waived any right he might have to sue LTV based on
    the original APA.    Thomas made no further efforts to pursue his
    claim under the terms of the CBA.
    II. Procedural History
    In December 1992, Thomas sued LTV in Texas state court,
    alleging:   (1) breach of contract;    (2) estoppel;     (3) intentional
    and negligent infliction of emotional distress;         and (4) wrongful
    discharge under Texas Labor Code § 451.001.      Each claim arose from
    LTV's conduct as it related to the events surrounding Thomas'
    dismissal in March 1991.     LTV removed the case to federal court on
    the basis of federal question jurisdiction, claiming that Thomas'
    state law claims were preempted by section 301 of the Labor
    Management Relations Act, 29 U.S.C. § 185.
    In July 1993, LTV filed a motion for summary judgment on all
    of Thomas' claims, arguing that they were preempted by section 301
    of the LMRA, that they were barred by a six-month statute of
    limitations, and that Thomas failed to exhaust the grievance
    procedures provided for under the CBA.         Thomas' response included
    a motion to remand the claims to state court.         He asserted that the
    district court lacked subject-matter jurisdiction and denied that
    section 301 preempted his claims.
    With the exception of Thomas' wrongful discharge claim, the
    district court dismissed all of Thomas' state tort and contract
    claims, finding them preempted by section 301 and barred by the
    LMRA's six-month statute of limitations.              The district court
    initially concluded, however, that Thomas' wrongful discharge claim
    under Texas Labor Code § 451.001 neither required a construction of
    the CBA nor implicated rights created by the CBA;           therefore, this
    claim was remanded to state court.
    On October 22, 1993, LTV filed a Motion to Alter or Amend the
    Judgment   requesting   that   the       district   court   reconsider   its
    determination that the wrongful discharge claim was not preempted
    by section 301. LTV argued that section 301 preempted the wrongful
    discharge claim based on Thomas' deposition testimony that the
    basis for his wrongful discharge claim was the interpretation and
    application of the attendance probation agreement.           On October 27,
    1993, the district court granted LTV's motion and dismissed Thomas'
    wrongful discharge claim, concluding that this claim was based upon
    the APA and, therefore, preempted by section 301.
    III. Jurisdiction
    Thomas asserts that the district court lost jurisdiction to
    reconsider its order remanding Thomas' wrongful discharge claim to
    state court.   This claim was initially remanded as a matter of
    discretion under the authority of 28 U.S.C. § 1367(c), which states
    in relevant part:
    The district court may decline to exercise supplemental
    jurisdiction over a claim under subsection (a) if—
    (1) the claim raises a novel or complex issue of state
    (2) the claim substantially predominates over the claim
    or claims over which the district court has original
    (3) the district court has dismissed all claims over
    which it has original jurisdiction....
    Discretionary remand orders under this provision are neither based
    upon a lack of subject-matter jurisdiction nor a defect in the
    removal procedure under 28 U.S.C. § 1447(c).     More importantly,
    discretionary remand orders are not subject to 28 U.S.C. § 1447(d),
    which provides:
    An order remanding a case to the State court from which it was
    removed is not reviewable on appeal or otherwise, except that
    an order remanding a case pursuant to section 1443 of this
    title shall be reviewable by appeal or otherwise.
    As opposed to section 1447(d) remand orders, discretionary remand
    orders are reviewable either by the district court or on appeal.
    See In re Digicon Marine, Inc., 
    966 F.2d 158
    , 160 (5th Cir.1992).
    With regard to the district court's ability to reconsider its
    earlier remand order, the remand order is treated like any other
    final judgment.       Generally, a district court retains jurisdiction
    until the time for filing an appeal has expired or until a valid
    notice of appeal is filed.           When a timely Rule 59(e) motion has
    been filed, the district court retains jurisdiction for thirty days
    after ruling on the motion.               Here, LTV's Rule 59(e) motion to
    reconsider or amend was filed four days after the remand order.
    The district court granted the motion five days later, clearly
    within its jurisdiction.        See 
    id. at 160-61.
              The district court
    retained jurisdiction to vacate its remand order;                  likewise, this
    Court has jurisdiction to hear this appeal.              See In re Shell Oil
    932 F.2d 1523
    , 1528 (5th Cir.), reh'g denied, 
    940 F.2d 1532
    (5th Cir.1991).
    IV. Standard of Review
    A district court's ruling on a motion for summary judgment is
    reviewed de novo.      Federal Deposit Ins. Corp. v. Laguarta, 
    939 F.2d 1231
    , 1236 (5th Cir.1991);          see also Baker v. Farmers Elec. Coop.,
    34 F.3d 274
    , 278 (5th Cir.1994) (preemption questions are
    reviewed de novo ).        A motion for summary judgment is properly
    granted when competent evidence establishes the absence of a
    genuine issue of material fact and that the movant is entitled to
    judgment as a matter of law.              See Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 
    477 U.S. 317
    , 322-23, 
    106 S. Ct. 2548
    , 2552, 
    91 L. Ed. 2d 265
    (1986).                  A
    defendant     moving     for   summary        judgment   must       affirmatively
    demonstrate    that    there   is    no    genuine   issue    of   material   fact
    concerning each element of the plaintiff's claims for relief.                 
    Id. An issue
    is "material" if it involves a fact that might affect the
    outcome of the suit under the governing law.        See Anderson v.
    Liberty Lobby, Inc., 
    477 U.S. 242
    , 248, 
    106 S. Ct. 2505
    , 2510, 
    91 L. Ed. 2d 202
    (1986).    This Court is required to resolve all doubts
    and draw all reasonable inferences in favor of the non-movant and
    determine whether the movant is entitled to judgment as a matter of
    law.     Wells v. General Motors Corp., 
    881 F.2d 166
    , 169 (5th
    Cir.1989), cert. denied, 
    495 U.S. 923
    110 S. Ct. 1959
    109 L. Ed. 2d 321
    V. Section 301 Preemption
    Thomas contends that the district court erred in concluding
    that his state law claims were preempted by section 301.     Section
    301 of the LMRA provides the requisite jurisdiction and remedies
    for individual employees covered under a collective-bargaining
    agreement between that individual's employer and the union. Landry
    v. Cooper/T. Smith Stevedoring Co., Inc., 
    880 F.2d 846
    , 850 (5th
    Cir.1989).    Section 301 of the LMRA provides, in part:
    Suits for violation of contracts between an employer and a
    labor organization representing employees in an industry
    affecting commerce as defined in this chapter, or between any
    such labor organizations, may be brought in any district court
    of the United States having jurisdiction of the parties,
    without respect to the amount in controversy or without regard
    to the citizenship of the parties.
    29 U.S.C. § 185(a).    Incompatible doctrines of state law must give
    way to federal labor law.   Local 174, Teamsters v. Lucas Flour Co.,
    369 U.S. 95
    , 102-03, 
    82 S. Ct. 571
    , 576, 
    7 L. Ed. 2d 593
    (1962).    The
    preemptive effect of section 301 applies to causes of action
    arising in both contract and tort.    United Steelworkers v. Rawson,
    495 U.S. 362
    , 369, 
    110 S. Ct. 1904
    , 1909, 
    109 L. Ed. 2d 362
    Allis-Chalmers Corp. v. Lueck, 
    471 U.S. 202
    , 210-11, 
    105 S. Ct. 1904
    , 1910-11, 
    85 L. Ed. 2d 206
    Preemption occurs when a decision on the state claim is
    inextricably intertwined with consideration of the terms of the
    labor contract or when the application of state law to a dispute
    requires interpretation of the collective-bargaining agreement.
    See Lingle v. Norge Div., Magic Chef, Inc., 
    486 U.S. 399
    , 406-07,
    108 S. Ct. 1877
    , 1881-82, 
    100 L. Ed. 2d 410
    Allis-Chalmers, 471 U.S. at 213
    , 105 S.Ct. at 1912.        The U.S. Supreme Court has
    [I]f the resolution of a state-law claim depends upon the
    meaning of a collective-bargaining agreement, the application
    of state law (which might lead to inconsistent results since
    there could be as many state-law principles as there are
    States)     is    pre-empted     and    federal     labor-law
    principles—necessarily uniform throughout the Nation—must be
    employed to resolve the dispute.
    Lingle, 486 U.S. at 405-06
    , 108 S.Ct. at 1881.       Prior to Lingle,
    the U.S. Supreme Court held that "when resolution of a state-law
    claim is substantially dependent upon analysis of the terms of an
    agreement made between the parties in a labor contract, that claim
    must be either treated as a § 301 claim or dismissed as pre-empted
    by federal labor-contract law."       
    Allis-Chalmers, 471 U.S. at 220
    105 S.Ct. at 1915 (citations omitted).       Equally well-recognized,
    however, is the principle that claims only tangentially involving
    provisions of collective-bargaining agreements are not preempted by
    section 301.   
    Lingle, 486 U.S. at 409-11
    , 108 S.Ct. at 1883-84.
    A. The Attendance Probation Agreement
    To determine the preemptive effect of section 301, we must
    first   decide    whether    Thomas'      individual       attendance      probation
    agreement is treated in the same manner as a collective-bargaining
    agreement.      Thomas characterizes the APA as an employment contract
    independent of the CBA the UAW maintained with LTV.                         The APA
    allegedly     superseded    any    contrary      provisions    in    the    CBA   and
    governed the conditions of Thomas' continued employment. According
    to the terms of the APA, Thomas would not be discharged if, upon
    returning to work, he presented a written "verifiable, excusable
    reason."      The APA further stated that a termination resulting from
    a violation of the agreement would be considered "final" and
    "without recourse to the grievance and arbitration procedure"
    provided by the CBA.       Although the APA did not define what reasons
    would be "excusable," Thomas testified that, on the day the APA was
    presented,      LTV   labor-relations         representative    Frank      Antonelli
    specified that personal holidays and vacation days would "not
    count" toward calculating the four-percent maximum. Antonelli also
    stated that although sick days supported by a "viable doctor's
    excuse" would be considered "excused," they would count toward the
    calculation. This provision was amplified in a conversation Thomas
    had    with   Antonelli    on     the   day    of    his   on-the-job      accident.
    Antonelli assured Thomas that time lost from work as a result of
    the work-related injury would not be considered when determining
    whether Thomas was meeting the attendance requirements of the APA.
    From    this,   Thomas    asserts       that   the    agreement     defines    terms
    particular only to him as a stand-alone contract, only tangentially
    relating to the CBA.
    To the contrary, LTV portrays the APA as an exercise of its
    management responsibilities and functions, as described in the CBA.
    When   preparing   to   discipline     a    union      member   for    excessive
    absenteeism, LTV approached the union steward and drafted the
    agreement for that employee's acceptance or rejection. LTV asserts
    that this APA was not an independent or superseding contract,
    arguing that it was part and parcel of the CBA because all parties
    were adequately represented and their rights under the CBA were
    protected. LTV contends that any dispute regarding the application
    or meaning of the terms of the APA compels a direct reference to
    the CBA and, thus, enters the scope of section 301 preemption.
    In Eitmann v. New Orleans Public Serv., Inc., 
    730 F.2d 359
    (5th Cir.1984), this Court held that a union employee's claim for
    breach of a separate individual employment contract would be
    analyzed     for    LMRA     preemption          purposes       just     as     a
    collective-bargaining agreement would be.               
    Id. at 364.
        In that
    case, the employee contended that he was advised, at the time of
    his hiring, that a lineman suffering work-related injuries would
    receive full compensation during periods of disability and, if
    necessary, until retirement.      At all times during his employment,
    however, Eitmann was a member of a union which maintained a
    collective-bargaining      agreement      with   his    employer.       The   CBA
    provided for mandatory grievance procedures which were begun by
    Eitmann, but later abandoned.      Eitmann brought suit for breach of
    contract, grounded on his individual contract with his employer.
    This Court held that the two agreements could not be construed so
    independently      of   each    other,   as    to    avoid      preemption.         While
    individual    contracts        between   employer         and    employee     are    not
    precluded by the existence of a collective-bargaining agreement, to
    the extent that an individual contract and a collective-bargaining
    agreement are inconsistent, the latter must prevail.                     
    Id. at 362
    (citing J.I. Case v. NLRB, 
    321 U.S. 332
    64 S. Ct. 576
    88 L. Ed. 762
    (1944)).     This "inconsistency" requirement is satisfied if the
    separate agreement clearly seeks to "limit or condition" the terms
    of the collective-bargaining agreement, which establishes the terms
    and conditions of employment, including discharge and grievance
    Id. at 363.
    Even accepting Thomas' argument that the APA is "independent"
    of the CBA, it nonetheless seeks to "limit or condition" the terms
    of Thomas' employment which is addressed by the CBA.                    Thus, under
    the authority of Eitmann, the APA is subject to a preemption
    analysis just as if it was a CBA.1
    In addition, we believe that the APA at issue here technically
    qualifies    as     a   CBA    because   it     is    a    collectively-bargained
    instrument, manifesting a disciplinary action taken by LTV for
    Thomas' poor work attendance.                 Collective bargaining has been
    defined as bargaining by an organization or group of workmen on
    behalf of its members with the employer, as well as the settlement
    At least one other circuit has held that an independent
    agreement of employment is treated as a CBA for preemption
    purposes because the independent agreement can only be effective
    as part of the larger collective-bargaining agreement. See
    Stallcop v. Kaiser Foundation Hosp., 
    820 F.2d 1044
    , 1048 (9th
    Cir.1987) (an oral agreement made in connection with the
    employee's reinstatement).
    of     disputes    by   negotiation   between     an    employer   and    the
    representative of his employees.            See United Constr. Workers v.
    Haislip Baking Co., 
    223 F.2d 872
    , 877 (4th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    350 U.S. 847
    76 S. Ct. 87
    100 L. Ed. 754
      (1955).        A
    collective-bargaining agreement is an effort to set forth a whole
    system of "industrial self-government."            United Steelworkers v.
    Warrior & Gulf Navigation Co., 
    363 U.S. 574
    , 580, 
    80 S. Ct. 1347
    4 L. Ed. 2d 1409
    (1960).          As described by the U.S. Supreme
    Collective bargaining agreements regulate or restrict the
    exercise of management functions; they do not oust management
    from the performance of them. Management hires and fires,
    pays and promotes, supervises, and plans.
    . . . . .
    The grievance procedure is, in other words, a part of the
    continuing collective bargaining process.
    Warrior & Gulf Navigation 
    Co., 363 U.S. at 580-81
    , 80 S.Ct. at
    Here, the APA is a manifestation of a disciplinary action by
    LTV for an employee's poor work attendance.            The UAW, through its
    union steward, was aware of this disciplinary proceeding and
    participated in the presentation of the APA to Thomas.          The summary
    judgment proof supports LTV's assertion that the APA was presented
    to Thomas by LTV personnel and the union steward for acceptance or
    rejection, without his further input or negotiation.                Thomas'
    continued employment was conditioned upon his acceptance.                When
    agreeing to the attendance requirements as a condition to his
    continued employment, Thomas also waived grievance or arbitration
    proceedings related to his attendance, which would presumably
    otherwise apply under the CBA. The CBA identifies LTV's continuing
    authority to discipline or discharge employees for just cause or
    for failure to work, and it also identifies procedures by which
    union members may seek redress for any potential abuse of LTV's
    authority.   While the summary judgment proof does not detail the
    extent of the union steward's involvement in the actual drafting of
    the APA, it is undisputed that it was negotiated and entered into
    by LTV, the UAW, and Thomas.        We conclude that this document may be
    properly described     as    a    collectively-bargained               instrument         and
    should be analyzed for preemption purposes just as if it was a CBA.
    B. Breach of Contract and Estoppel
    Thomas    asserted    that    the           APA    was    breached      by     LTV's
    termination of him for absences resulting from his on-the-job
    injury,   specifically       pointing          to     a     disagreement     over         the
    interpretation of the APA with regard to how LTV should apply his
    time missed when calculating the four-percent maximum. Thomas also
    alluded to the provision of the CBA relating to terminations for
    "just   cause."     Thomas       claims    that           representations       by    LTV's
    labor-relations     representative         concerning            the   effect        of   the
    injury-related absences toward the APA induced his reliance or
    continued absence from work during his recuperation. Thomas claims
    that LTV should be estopped from disavowing these representations.
    As Thomas concedes, to resolve his claims for breach of
    contract and estoppel, a determination of how the APA applies days
    missed from an on-the-job injury is required.                           Consequently,
    resolution of these claims are substantially dependent upon an
    analysis     of   the   terms    of    the       APA,    a    collectively-bargained
    instrument, and are preempted by section 301.
    C. Intentional and Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress
    Thomas also contends that the district court erred in holding
    that his state law claims for intentional and negligent infliction
    of emotional distress are preempted by section 301.                       He claims that
    LTV's "extreme and outrageous conduct" in the handling of the
    disciplinary matters amount to negligent or intentional infliction
    of emotional distress.          Thomas claims that these causes of action
    do    not   require     an   interpretation         of       the   CBA    and   are    only
    tangentially related to the APA.
    In Brown v. Southwestern Bell Tel. Co., 
    901 F.2d 1250
    Cir.1990), an employee was told by his personal physician that he
    was    completely       disabled      and    should          not   return       to    work.
    Southwestern Bell, however, informed the employee that if he did
    not return to work by a certain date, he would be terminated.                           The
    employee brought a claim for intentional infliction of emotional
    distress based on the fact that Southwestern Bell forced him to
    chose between his job and his physician's advice.                        This Court held
    that the essence of the employee's claim was that his absence from
    work under his physician's orders did not constitute a just cause
    for discharge under the CBA.           Consequently, his claim required an
    interpretation of the CBA and was held to be preempted by section
    Likewise, in Burgos v. Southwestern Bell, 
    20 F.3d 633
    Cir.1994), the employee's family brought an action for intentional
    infliction of emotional distress based on Southwestern Bell's
    treatment of the employee, despite its knowledge of his heart
    condition.     We held that to determine whether Southwestern Bell
    acted wrongfully in the way it transferred the employee from one
    section to another, required him to take different tests, and
    ultimately terminated him, an analysis of Southwestern Bell's
    obligations      under    the     collective-bargaining        agreement      was
    Burgos, 20 F.3d at 636
    (citing Brown and McCormick v.
    AT & T Technologies, Inc., 
    934 F.2d 531
    (4th Cir.1991) (en banc),
    cert. denied, --- U.S. ----, 
    112 S. Ct. 912
    116 L. Ed. 2d 813
    (section   301    preempted      employee's    intentional     and    negligent
    infliction of emotional distress claims)).            Because an analysis of
    the collective-bargaining agreement was required, the emotional
    distress claim was held to be preempted by section 301.              
    Burgos, 20 F.3d at 636
    Just as we recognized in Burgos, the employee has the burden
    of   proving   wrongful    conduct     by    the   employer.     Thomas      must
    demonstrate      that    LTV's     conduct     was    wrongful       under   the
    circumstances.     To determine whether LTV's conduct was wrongful
    under the circumstances, an analysis of the collective-bargaining
    agreement is necessary.         Thus, section 301 preempts Thomas' claims
    of intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress.
    D. The Wrongful Discharge Claim
    Thomas argues that the district court erred in finding that
    his wrongful discharge claim under Texas Labor Code § 451.001 was
    preempted    by     section   301.   LTV   presented   Thomas'   deposition
    testimony to support its motion for summary judgment.                In his
    deposition, Thomas repeatedly testified that the basis for his
    wrongful discharge claim was the interpretation and application of
    the APA.     As we have already discussed, Thomas' state law claims
    are preempted by section 301 if the claims depend on the meaning of
    his APA.
    In Lingle v. Norge Div. of Magic Chef, Inc., 
    486 U.S. 399
    108 S. Ct. 1877
    , 1885, 
    100 L. Ed. 2d 410
    (1988), the Supreme
    Court held that application of state law is preempted by the LMRA
    only if such application depends upon the meaning of a CBA.          There,
    as   here,    the     plaintiff's    allegations   concerned     retaliatory
    discharge, a claim requiring proof that (1) the plaintiff was
    discharged or threatened with discharge, and (2) the employer's
    motive in discharging or threatening to discharge him was to deter
    him from exercising his rights under the Act or to interfere with
    his exercise of those rights.
    [E]ven    if     dispute    resolution    pursuant     to    a
    collective-bargaining agreement, on the one hand, and state
    law, on the other, would require addressing precisely the same
    set of facts, as long as the state-law claim can be resolved
    without interpreting the agreement itself, the claim is
    "independent" of the agreement for section 301 preemption
    Lingle, 486 U.S. at 408
    , 108 S.Ct. at 1883.            More recently, in a
    Railway Labor Act case, the Supreme Court explicitly adopted the
    identical preemption analysis as that used for the LMRA.                 In
    Hawaiian Airlines, Inc. v. Norris, a discharged airline mechanic
    brought a state court action, alleging violations of public policy
    and the   Hawaii   whistleblower   act.   The   Court   contrasted   the
    employee's claim with one that was preempted because it was "firmly
    rooted in a breach of the CBA itself."      Specifically, the Court
    Here, in contrast, the CBA is not the "only source" of
    respondent's right not to be discharged wrongfully. In fact,
    the "only source" of the right respondent asserts in this
    action is state tort law. Wholly apart from any provision of
    the CBA, petitioners had a state-law obligation not to fire
    respondent in violation of public policy or in retaliation for
    Hawaiian Airlines, Inc. v. Norris, --- U.S. ----, ----, 
    114 S. Ct. 2239
    , 2246, 
    129 L. Ed. 2d 203
    (1994).         The Supreme Court also
    recently held that an employee's action based upon a state-law
    right to receive a penalty payment from her employer was not
    preempted under the LMRA even though the penalty was tacked to her
    wages, which were determined by a governing CBA.           "[W]hen the
    meaning of contract terms is not the subject of dispute, the bare
    fact that a collective-bargaining agreement will be consulted in
    the course of state-law litigation plainly does not require the
    claim to be extinguished." Livadas v. Bradshaw, --- U.S. ----, ---
    114 S. Ct. 2068
    , 2078, 
    129 L. Ed. 2d 93
    (1994) (citing 
    Lingle, 486 U.S. at 413
    12, 108 S. Ct. at 1885
    n. 12).
    Under Tex. Labor Code § 451.001, the plaintiff in a wrongful
    discharge case is required to show that the filing of a workers'
    compensation claim was a reason for his discharge.        See Azar Nut
    Co. v. Caille, 
    720 S.W.2d 685
    (Tex.App.—El Paso 1986), aff'd, 
    734 S.W.2d 667
    (Tex.1987).   It is not incumbent upon the plaintiff to
    prove that the filing of the claim was the sole cause for his
    dismissal.      See Trevino v. Corrections Corp. of Am., 
    850 S.W.2d 806
    , 808 (Tex.App.—El Paso 1993, writ denied);              General Elec. Co.
    v.   Kunze,    
    747 S.W.2d 826
      (Tex.App.—Waco   1987,   writ   denied).
    Nonetheless, the plaintiff must produce some credible evidence of
    the employer's retaliatory motive. Texas Division-Tranter, Inc. v.
    876 S.W.2d 312
    (Tex.1994) (per curiam).
    In our circuit, two cases are critical to the resolution of
    this issue:        Medrano v. Excel Corp., 
    985 F.2d 230
    (5th Cir.1993)
    and Jones v. Roadway Express, Inc., 
    931 F.2d 1086
    ("Roadway Express
    I "), reh'g denied, 
    936 F.2d 789
    (5th Cir.1991) ("Roadway Express
    II   ").      In   Roadway     Express,    the   employer   claimed   that,   at
    deposition, the employee "explicitly state[d] that the basis for
    his Article 8307c claim expressly involves a misinterpretation of
    a provision of the collective bargaining agreement...."                 To the
    contrary, this Court stated:
    We did not find such an explicit statement. The testimony
    cited by Roadway refers to the provisions in the CBA which
    Roadway claims justify Jones' dismissal.    As our original
    opinion explained, however, Roadway may have fired Jones for
    employment reasons which the CBA justified. But if it also
    fired him in anticipation of his filing a workers'
    compensation claim, Jones can recover damages.
    Roadway Express 
    II, 936 F.2d at 791
    (citations omitted).
    In Medrano, the employee argued throughout trial that the
    provision of the CBA itself constituted discrimination in violation
    of former article 8307c.          Consequently, this Court held that the
    claim was preempted because "[the employee] actually drew on the
    settlement provision of the CBA itself to establish a violation of
    article 8307c...."           
    Medrano, 985 F.2d at 233
    .           Further, the
    employee alleged that by applying this specific provision of the
    CBA, the employer discriminated against him for settling a workers'
    compensation claim, not for filing one.         
    Id. Recently, this
    Court followed Roadway Express, distinguishing
    While the [Roadway Express] court noted that "either party may
    still use the CBA to support the credibility of its claims,"
    such reliance does not show that an interpretation of the CBA
    is necessary to resolve [the plaintiff's] claim. In other
    words, although [the defendant] may defend against [the
    plaintiff's] article 8307c claim by arguing that its actions
    were justified by the CBA ... such reliance does not
    necessarily transform [the plaintiff's] article 8307c claim
    into a claim that requires an interpretation of the CBA.
    Anderson v. American Airlines, Inc., 
    2 F.3d 590
    , 596 (5th Cir.1993)
    (citations   omitted).      Nonetheless,   our    decision     in   Anderson
    provides no succor to Thomas in this case.        Thomas repeatedly and
    explicitly stated during his deposition that the basis for his
    wrongful discharge claim was the interpretation of the four-percent
    provision contained in the APA;        although given the opportunity,
    Thomas never claimed any other basis for his claim.          Neither during
    oral argument nor in his brief was counsel for Thomas able to
    direct this Court to any testimony or other summary judgment proof
    creating a fact issue or otherwise contradicting Thomas' statements
    made during his deposition.        Consequently, we find this case
    controlled   by   Medrano   because,    here,    we   have   the    explicit
    statements found lacking in Roadway Express.          Section 301 preempts
    Thomas' claim for wrongful discharge.
    VI. Statute of Limitations
    Thomas maintains that the district court erred in applying
    the six-month statute of limitations applicable to "hybrid" section
    301 claims because he never sued the UAW.                 Thomas asserts that his
    claims, even if preempted, were incorrectly dismissed because he
    commenced his action within the appropriate Texas limitations'
    The     U.S.    Supreme    Court    has   defined      "hybrid"   suits,   as
    [H]ybrid suits formally comprise two causes of action. First,
    the employee alleges that the employer violated [section 301]
    by breaching the collective-bargaining agreement. Second, the
    employee claims that the union breached its duty of fair
    representation, which the Court has implied from the scheme of
    the NLRA, by mishandling the ensuing grievance-and-arbitration
    Reed v. United Transp. Union, 
    488 U.S. 319
    , 328, 
    109 S. Ct. 621
    102 L. Ed. 2d 665
    (1989); see also DelCostello v. International
    Bhd. of Teamsters, 
    462 U.S. 151
    , 164, 
    103 S. Ct. 2281
    , 2290, 
    76 L. Ed. 2d 476
        (1983)     (the      two       claims    are   inextricably
    interdependent).           If the employee so chooses, they may sue one
    defendant and not the other, but the case to be proved is the same
    whether one or both are sued.              
    DelCostello, 462 U.S. at 165
    , 103
    S.Ct.     at    2291.       However,       if   the    arbitration-and-grievance
    proceeding is the exclusive remedy for breach of the CBA, the
    employee       may   not   sue    his    employer      under   section    301   until
    completion of the proceeding. Daigle v. Gulf States Utilities Co.,
    Local 2286, 
    794 F.2d 974
    , 977 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    479 U.S. 1008
    107 S. Ct. 648
    93 L. Ed. 2d 704
    (1986).                     The "indispensable
    predicate" for a section 301 action against an employer, based on
    a violation of a collective-bargaining agreement, is the union's
    breach of its duty of fair representation.                 
    Id. The applicable
    statute of limitations for these "hybrid" section 301 claims is six
    months, as may be found in section 10(b) of the National Labor
    Relations Act (NLRA), 29 U.S.C. § 160(b).            
    Id. Thomas' assertion
    that his claims are not hybrid in nature
    ignores the fact that his claims are based upon the alleged breach
    of the APA, not to mention the undisputed fact that he initially
    submitted his complaints about the application of the APA through
    the grievance procedures provided under the CBA.                 According to the
    CBA, these grievance procedures were final and binding on LTV, the
    UAW, and Thomas. Consequently, Thomas' grievance about the APA was
    a mandatory prerequisite to suit.2             Thomas did not exhaust this
    In addition, under the rule of DelCostello, Thomas was bound
    by the results of the grievance proceeding unless he could prove
    that LTV violated the contract and that the UAW failed to represent
    him fairly.       Here, it is undisputed that after Thomas filed his
    grievance,       representatives   of    LTV   and   the    UAW    negotiated   a
    settlement permitting Thomas to return to work, subject to a second
    APA.       Thomas, however, rejected this settlement in favor of filing
    suit, a step prohibited under DelCostello unless there was some
    breach of fair representation by the UAW.            Consequently, the only
    federal claims that Thomas could assert against LTV based on the
    In the context of section 301, federal law ordinarily
    requires the employee to complete his grievance proceeding before
    filing suit. Parham v. Carrier Corp., 
    9 F.3d 383
    , 390 (5th
    interpretation and application of the APA were hybrid section
    301/fair representation claims, regardless of whether or not the
    UAW was joined as a party.
    Thomas did not file suit until twenty-one months after the
    termination of his grievance proceeding.   All of his claims were
    barred by the applicable six-month statute of limitations.    The
    district court's summary judgment is AFFIRMED in all respects.

Document Info

Docket Number: 93-09112

Filed Date: 12/12/1994

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/21/2014

Authorities (36)

William T. McCormick v. At & T Technologies, Inc. Cameron ... , 934 F.2d 531 ( 1991 )

United Construction Workers and United Mine Workers of ... , 223 F.2d 872 ( 1955 )

William Jones v. Roadway Express, Inc. , 936 F.2d 789 ( 1991 )

Mary R. Wells v. General Motors Corporation , 881 F.2d 166 ( 1989 )

In Re Digicon Marine, Inc., Digicon Geophysical Corp., ... , 966 F.2d 158 ( 1992 )

C. Richard Brown and Karen Brown v. Southwestern Bell ... , 901 F.2d 1250 ( 1990 )

Thomas Henry Anderson v. American Airlines, Inc. , 2 F.3d 590 ( 1993 )

Richard Baker, Cross-Appellee v. Farmers Electric ... , 34 F.3d 274 ( 1994 )

Lynn Parham, Lynn Parham v. Carrier Corporation , 9 F.3d 383 ( 1993 )

Armond J. Eitmann v. New Orleans Public Service, Inc. , 730 F.2d 359 ( 1984 )

Ambrose Daigle v. Gulf State Utilities Co., Local Union ... , 794 F.2d 974 ( 1986 )

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In Re Shell Oil Company, Castle & Cooke, Inc., Dole Fresh ... , 940 F.2d 1532 ( 1991 )

Patricia Burgos v. Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. , 20 F.3d 633 ( 1994 )

J. I. Case Co. v. National Labor Relations Board , 64 S. Ct. 576 ( 1944 )

Stamatina Stallcop v. Kaiser Foundation Hospitals the ... , 820 F.2d 1044 ( 1987 )

Melvin Landry v. The Cooper/t. Smith Stevedoring Company, ... , 880 F.2d 846 ( 1989 )

William Jones v. Roadway Express, Inc. , 931 F.2d 1086 ( 1991 )

Miguel Medrano v. Excel Corporation , 985 F.2d 230 ( 1993 )

in-re-shell-oil-company-castle-cooke-inc-dole-fresh-fruit-company , 932 F.2d 1523 ( 1991 )

View All Authorities »