Newton v. City of Henderson ( 1995 )

  •                      United States Court of Appeals,
    Fifth Circuit.
    No. 93-5390.
    Stephen R. NEWTON, Plaintiff-Appellee,
    CITY OF HENDERSON, Defendant-Appellant.
    March 16, 1995.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern
    District of Texas.
    Before REAVLEY, DUHÉ and PARKER, Circuit Judges.
    REAVLEY, Circuit Judge:
    Stephen    R.    Newton     brought    suit     for    unpaid      overtime
    compensation against the City of Henderson (the "City") under 29
    U.S.C. § 207, which codifies section 7(k) of the Fair Labor
    Standards Act ("FLSA").        After a bench trial, the district court
    found that:    1) Newton was an employee during the excess overtime
    hours claimed;       2) the City had not demonstrated good faith
    reliance that its actions were not unlawful;              and 3) the City was
    guilty of a "continuing violation."            The court awarded overtime
    compensation    dating    back    to   August,     1988    and   also    awarded
    liquidated damages.       The City appeals.          We hold that no FLSA
    violation was proved.     We reverse and render judgment in favor of
    the City.
    Newton was employed by the City as a police officer.                     In
    October 1987, he was assigned to the United States Drug Enforcement
    Agency ("DEA") East Texas Drug Task Force.          He remained a member of
    the Task Force until his resignation on September 30, 1991. Newton
    claims he was not compensated for all of the overtime hours he
    worked as a Task Force Officer.            Under the agreement entered into
    by the City and the DEA, the City remained Newton's employer and
    was   responsible   for    "establishing        the   salary   and   benefits,
    including   overtime,     of   the   HPD    [Henderson    Police   Department]
    officer assigned to the Task Force, and making all payments due
    [him]."     The DEA had the right to control Newton's day-to-day
    functions and duties.
    The City had a personnel policy that required all police
    department employees to obtain approval prior to working overtime.
    Newton admits that prior to March 7, 1990, he was not authorized by
    the City to work any overtime.        After this time, he was authorized
    to work a limited amount of overtime (approximately 12.5 hours per
    biweekly pay period).          Newton did request permission to work
    additional overtime.      He made these requests to his supervisors at
    the Henderson Police Department, Captain Roy Tate and Chief Randall
    Freeman.    Each time, Newton was told that he could not be paid for
    any more overtime, because the City could not afford to pay him.
    Newton submitted time reports to the City and was paid for all
    of the hours claimed on these time reports.              City policy required
    that overtime be reported within 72 hours of the time it was
    actually worked.    Newton admits that he never made a demand for
    payment for unauthorized overtime hours until he resigned in
    September, 1991.    Newton did submit a separate time report to the
    DEA, a "352 form," which reflected the overtime hours he is now
    claiming.    Newton knew that these forms were not for payroll
    purposes, and he did not present the DEA forms to the City until he
    resigned in September, 1991.
    Newton claims that his City supervisors, Captain Tate and
    Chief Freeman, knew that he was putting in excess overtime hours,
    because he reported his activities to them on a daily basis.    He
    admits that he did not specify the number of hours he was working
    during these oral reports, but contends that based on these reports
    Tate and Freeman must have known that he was working overtime.
    Chief Freeman testified that when he was an undercover agent, he
    had to work outside his regularly scheduled hours because of the
    nature of undercover work.     Both Freeman and Tate testified that
    they knew that the type of work Newton was doing required working
    unscheduled hours.   Both also stated, however, that they assumed
    Newton was taking time off, taking "flex time," so that he never
    worked more than his authorized hours in a given pay period.
    Freeman testified that he had spoken with Newton's DEA supervisor,
    Jim Seay, and that they had an understanding that every time Newton
    worked overtime, he would take flex time to compensate.
    Newton initialed a memo from Seay, written on March 9, 1990,
    acknowledging that he could work additional overtime hours only as
    authorized by the City.   Seay testified that he did not require
    Newton to work overtime and was not authorized to require him to do
    so.   He also testified, however, that he would not expect a Task
    Force Officer to refuse an assignment, because it required unpaid
    Newton testified that Seay never explicitly told him to work
    overtime, but that Seay told him to "go out and do the job."             The
    implication of Newton's testimony is that doing the job required
    overtime and Newton felt he could not refuse to do the job.         Newton
    does not explicitly state, but we must assume that he implicitly
    claims that he could not use flex time to compensate for the extra
    hours that he was working.
    Chief Freeman was on the Board of Directors of the Task Force,
    and therefore, had access to the 352 forms filled out by Newton.
    He testified that he never saw these forms and the subject of
    Newton's overtime never came up in the Board Meetings.
    In order to recover, the plaintiff must show that he was
    "employed" by the City during the periods of time for which he
    claims unpaid overtime.       He was employed during those hours if the
    City had knowledge, actual or constructive, that he was working.
    Davis v. Food Lion, 
    792 F.2d 1274
    , 1276 (4th Cir.1986).                  "An
    employer who is armed with [knowledge that an employee is working
    overtime] cannot stand idly by and allow an employee to perform
    overtime work without proper compensation, even if the employee
    does not make a claim for the overtime compensation." Forrester v.
    Roth's I.G.A. Foodliner, Inc., 
    646 F.2d 413
    , 414 (9th Cir.1981).
    The court in Forrester, however, went on to state that if the
    "employee fails to notify the employer or deliberately prevents the
    employer   from   acquiring    knowledge   of   the   overtime   work,   the
    employer's failure to pay for the overtime hours is not a violation
    of § 207."   
    Id. In that
    case, the appellate court affirmed the
    district court's grant of summary judgment for the employer because
    the employee turned in time sheets which did not include the
    overtime hours and the employee did not demonstrate that the
    employer should have known that the employee worked more hours than
    those claimed on his time sheets.    Likewise, this court has also
    upheld a judgment in favor of an employer in an overtime case
    because the employee in that case was estopped from claiming that
    she had worked more hours than the hours she claimed in her time
    sheets. Brumbelow v. Quality Mills, Inc., 
    462 F.2d 1324
    , 1327 (5th
    In Brumbelow, we acknowledged that an employee would not be
    estopped from claiming additional overtime if "[t]he court found
    that the employer knew or had reason to believe that the reported
    information was inaccurate."   
    Id. The district
    court based its
    judgment in favor of Newton on the fact that Chief Freeman had
    access to information regarding the Task Force's activities and on
    Chief Freeman's statement, based on his former experience as an
    undercover agent, that undercover work can require an officer to
    work hours outside his regularly scheduled hours. Neither of these
    facts support a conclusion that in this case that the City had
    reason to believe that the information reported to it via Newton's
    signed payroll forms was inaccurate.
    The district court stated in its opinion that "much of the
    [City's] knowledge" is derived from the "position and experience of
    its Police Chief, Randall Freeman."      Freeman was also the City
    Manager during this time period and was on the Board of Directors
    of the DEA Task Force, serving as its chairman for one year.                    These
    positions gave the Chief access to information regarding all the
    activities performed by members of the Task Force.                     The district
    court found that this access was a basis for imputing constructive
    knowledge to the City with respect to the overtime being worked by
    Newton.      We    hold   that   as   a   matter   of   law    such    "access"    to
    information does not constitute constructive knowledge that Newton
    was working overtime.
    Newton admits that he was explicitly told by both his HPD
    supervisors, Freeman and Tate, and his DEA supervisor, Seay, that
    he   could   not     work    unauthorized     overtime        hours.      The    City
    established specific procedures to be followed in order to receive
    payment for overtime. An employee was required to submit a request
    for overtime within 72 hours of the time worked and to use a
    specified payroll form.          Newton ignored these procedures.               If we
    were to hold that the City had constructive knowledge that Newton
    was working overtime because Freeman had the ability to investigate
    whether or not Newton was truthfully filling out the City's payroll
    forms, we would essentially be stating that the City did not have
    the right to require an employee to adhere to its procedures for
    claiming overtime.          The fact that Freeman had access to the Task
    Force's activities means that perhaps he could have known that
    Newton was working overtime hours, but the question here is whether
    he should have known.        In light of the fact that Freeman explicitly
    ordered Newton not to work overtime and in light of the fact that
    Newton admits that he never demanded payment for overtime already
    worked, it is clear that access to information regarding the Task
    Force's activities, standing alone, is insufficient to support the
    conclusion that the City should have known that Newton was working
    The court also based its conclusion, however, on the fact that
    Freeman was formerly an undercover narcotics agent and admitted in
    his testimony that this kind of work requires an officer to work
    outside his scheduled hours.      The court acknowledged that Freeman
    did not state that undercover work necessarily required overtime,
    but stated that "his testimony suggests" that he should have known
    that Newton would be required to work overtime.            This conclusion
    ignores Chief Freeman's testimony that he expected his officers to
    compensate themselves for unscheduled hours worked by taking "flex
    time."   The court does not state that the evidence presented in
    this case supports the contention, implicit in Newton's claim, that
    he was required to work more than his scheduled hours and could not
    take flex time to compensate for those unscheduled hours.          Indeed,
    there is no evidence in this record to support the contention that
    Newton could not have used flex time to make up for unscheduled
    hours worked.   Since it was reasonable for the Freeman and Tate to
    assume   that   Newton   was   taking   flex   time   to   compensate   for
    unscheduled hours worked, it was reasonable for Freeman and Tate to
    rely on Newton's payroll submissions as a reliable indicator of the
    number of hours being worked by Newton.
    Newton's payroll forms would not be reliable indicators of the
    number of hours worked, if there was evidence to support the
    conclusion that the City encouraged or forced Newton to submit
    incorrect time sheets.       The district court noted that in Brumbelow
    this court stressed that there was no evidence that the company in
    any manner encouraged workers to falsely report their hours.                  The
    district court could be read to imply that there was such evidence
    in this case.     The court went on to reiterate that Chief Freeman
    should have known that Newton was required to work overtime by the
    DEA.    Again, the facts upon which the district court relied in
    imputing constructive knowledge to Chief Freeman do not support a
    finding that the employer in this case encouraged Newton to falsely
    report his hours.       We find no basis for such a finding in the
    record before us.
    Newton does not deny that the City officially notified him
    that he could not work additional overtime hours.                    He does not
    present evidence that he was unofficially told otherwise.                     The
    evidence will not support his contention that the City should have
    known   that   the   hours   reported       on   his   City   time   sheets   were
    incorrect.     We conclude that Newton failed to show that the City
    violated the FLSA by paying him only for the hours claimed on his
    time sheets.