Wernecke v. TX Dept Fam & Prtc ( 2010 )

  •                        REVISED January 6, 2010
    FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT United States Court of Appeals
    Fifth Circuit
    December 15, 2009
    No. 09-40132
    Charles R. Fulbruge III
    EDWARD WERNECKE, Individually; MICHELLE WERNECKE, Individually;
    KW, a minor, by and through her parents and legal guardians Edward Wernecke
    and Michelle Wernecke; JW, a minor, by and through his parents and legal
    guardians, Edward Wernecke and Michelle Wernecke; JW, a minor, by and
    through his parents and legal guardians, Edward Wernecke and Michelle
    Wernecke; JW, a minor, by and through his parents and legal guardians,
    Edward Wernecke and Michelle Wernecke
    Plaintiffs - Appellees,
    LINDA KIM GARCIA, in her individual capacity; CLAIRA TRAINER, in her
    individual capacity
    Defendants - Appellants
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Texas, Corpus Christi
    Before KING, DAVIS, and BENAVIDES, Circuit Judges.
    KING, Circuit Judge:
    Edward and Michelle Wernecke and their four minor children (KW, JW,
    JW, and JW) brought suit under 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
     against Linda Kim Garcia and
    Claira Trainer for alleged violations of the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments.
    The Werneckes allege that Garcia and Trainer illegally searched their residence
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    without a warrant and seized three of the children without a custody order.
    Garcia and Trainer bring an interlocutory appeal of the district court’s order
    denying their motion for summary judgment on the ground of qualified
    immunity. We REVERSE in part, AFFIRM in part, and REMAND to the district
    court for further proceedings.
    Edward and Michelle Wernecke are the parents of three sons—JW (age
    14), JW (age 5), and JW (age 2)—and one daughter, KW (age 12).1 KW was
    diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease in January 2005, and she received
    chemotherapy treatments during the spring of 2005 at the Driscoll Children’s
    Hospital in Corpus Christi, Texas. KW responded well to the chemotherapy
    treatments, but around May 2005, her physicians recommended that KW also
    receive radiation treatment to prevent reoccurrence of the disease; her parents
    refused to consent to radiation treatment. The physicians suspected medical
    neglect and referred KW’s case to the Texas Department of Protective and
    Regulatory Services—now known as the Texas Department of Family and
    Protective Services (TDFPS).
    Linda Kim Garcia, an investigative specialist for TDFPS, contacted Mrs.
    Wernecke by phone several times during May of 2005, encouraging her to make
    an appointment for KW to begin radiation treatment. One of KW’s treating
    physicians had informed Garcia that KW needed to begin radiation treatment
    within ten days of May 27, 2005, in order to prevent reoccurrence of the cancer.
    Based on this information, Garcia told Mrs. Wernecke that the Werneckes
    needed to schedule an appointment by May 31 for KW to begin radiation
    treatment by June 6. On June 1, Garcia determined that the Werneckes had
    failed to schedule an appointment, and she executed an affidavit in support of
    The children’s ages are as of June 2005.
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    a petition to take emergency temporary custody of KW. The petition and
    affidavit were presented that same day to a Nueces County judge, who granted
    the petition and signed an order giving TDFPS temporary custody of KW under
    Texas Family Code § 262.102. This order was based on the court’s findings that
    (1) an immediate danger was posed to KW’s physical health and safety; (2) there
    was no time for a full adversary hearing; and (3) TDFPS workers had made
    reasonable efforts to prevent or eliminate the need for removing KW.2 Garcia
    neither sought nor received a warrant entitling her to enter or search the
    Wernecke home.
    Around 5:30 p.m. on June 1, Garcia proceeded to the Wernecke home,
    accompanied by another TDFPS worker, Ben Campbell, and two Nueces County
    Deputy Constables.3 Garcia presented the temporary custody order to Mr.
    Wernecke and asked to see KW; Mr. Wernecke told Garcia that KW was not at
    home and refused to disclose her location. An extended discussion between Mr.
    Wernecke and Garcia ensued, and at some point Mr. Wernecke gave his consent
    for the constables to enter the home to verify that KW was not there. Once the
    constables entered, they invited Garcia and Campbell in; Mr. Wernecke
    maintains that Garcia and Campbell entered the house without his permission.
    Once inside the home, Garcia and Campbell inspected each room and each
    closet to verify if KW was present, but they did not find her.4 While looking for
    KW, Garcia observed what she described as “deplorable” conditions, including
    piles of paper, food, trash, and clothes all over the house, and medications and
    The validity of the order is not at issue on this appeal.
    Apparently, it is “standard practice” in Texas for police officers to accompany TDFPS
    workers on home visits and to execute court orders. See Bennett v. Thomason, No. Civ.A.3:99-
    2002 WL 655526
    , at *2 (N.D. Tex. April 18, 2002).
    Some time later, Garcia was able to contact Mrs. Wernecke, who informed her that
    KW and the youngest Wernecke son were with her, approximately four hours away from the
    Wernecke home.
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    syringes sitting out on the kitchen counter and dining room table.                             The
    Werneckes dispute this description of the condition of the house and specifically
    contest Garcia’s statement that medication and syringes were within reach of
    the children; the Werneckes contend that the medications were actually
    vitamins for KW, stored in plastic containers with child locks, and that the
    syringes were in their original packaging, with a hard plastic covering around
    each syringe. According to the Werneckes, the children were not allowed near
    the medications or syringes without adult supervision.5
    Garcia, concerned about the safety of the two boys in the Wernecke home,
    asked Mr. Wernecke to sign a safety plan requiring him to clean the house; he
    refused. Garcia contacted Claira Trainer, the on-call supervisor for TDFPS, who
    asked that Garcia attempt to institute a voluntary placement with family
    members. When that placement fell through, Garcia again contacted Trainer,
    who discussed the situation with the TDFPS program director, Lourdes Ramirez,
    who made the determination that the boys needed to be placed in foster care.
    The following day—June 2, 2005—Garcia obtained an order from a Nueces
    County judge granting TDFPS temporary custody of all three boys.
    The Werneckes filed suit against TDFPS, Nueces County, the two
    constables, and six TDFPS workers—including Garcia and Trainer—in federal
    district court under 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    , alleging violations of their Fourth and
    Fourteenth Amendment rights.6                Garcia and Trainer moved for summary
    As discussed in greater detail below, the district court recognized that the Werneckes
    raised a genuine issue of material fact as to whether it was objectively reasonable to conclude
    that the sum total of the conditions observed amounted to exigent circumstances sufficient to
    justify taking custody of the children. In undertaking our review, we assume the Werneckes’
    version of the facts to be true and then decide if that version of the facts suffices for a claim of
    illegal seizure under these circumstances. See Wagner v. Bay City, Tex., 
    227 F.3d 316
    , 320
    (5th Cir. 2000).
    Other defendants—TDFPS, Nueces County, the two constables, and four other TDFPS
    workers—were dismissed from the case on various grounds, none of which is at issue in this
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    judgment based on qualified immunity, but the district court denied the motion.
    As to the entry and search of the Wernecke home, the district court found that
    the Werneckes had raised a genuine issue of material fact as to whether Garcia’s
    entry was objectively reasonable, precluding qualified immunity. The district
    court did not specifically discuss Trainer’s involvement with the entry.
    Regarding the seizure of the boys, the district court found that a genuine issue
    of fact existed as to whether exigent circumstances justified the seizure and as
    to whether Trainer acted with deliberate indifference in approving the removal
    of the boys. The district court did not separately address the Werneckes’
    Fourteenth Amendment due process claims in its order.7 Garcia and Trainer
    take this interlocutory appeal from the district court’s denial of their motion for
    summary judgment.
    While ordinarily courts of appeals may not review interlocutory decisions
    of lower courts, “the Supreme Court has held that the denial of a motion for
    summary judgment based upon qualified immunity is a collateral order capable
    of immediate review.” Kinney v. Weaver, 
    367 F.3d 337
    , 346 (5th Cir. 2004) (en
    banc) (citing Mitchell v. Forsyth, 
    472 U.S. 511
    , 530 (1985)). “Our jurisdiction is
    significantly limited, however, for it extends to such appeals only ‘to the extent
    that [the denial of summary judgment] turns on an issue of law.’” 
    472 U.S. at 530
    In previous cases, where individuals bring both Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment
    claims premised upon the same underlying facts—the removal of children—the Fifth Circuit
    and other circuits have held that the procedures required for a constitutional search and
    seizure under the Fourth Amendment are adequate to protect the parents’ procedural due
    process rights and liberty interest in directing the upbringing of their children. See Gates v.
    Tex. Dep’t of Protective & Regulatory Servs., 
    537 F.3d 404
    , 434–35 (5th Cir. 2008) (citing cases).
    The Werneckes’ Fourteenth Amendment family integrity claims center on the seizure of JW
    and JW. Because the same facts underlie both the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment claims,
     and because this case must be remanded for further factual development, we will not
    conduct a separate analysis of the Werneckes’ Fourteenth Amendment claims.
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    In denying a motion for summary judgment on qualified immunity
    grounds, the district court makes two determinations: first, whether “a certain
    course of conduct would, as a matter of law, be objectively unreasonable in light
    of clearly established law,” and second, whether “a genuine issue of fact exists
    regarding whether the defendant(s) did, in fact, engage in such conduct.” 
    have jurisdiction to review the first type of determination—“the purely legal
    question whether a given course of conduct would be objectively unreasonable
    in light of clearly established law”—but we may not review the second type of
    determination—“the district court’s assessments regarding the sufficiency of the
     at 346–47. Stated differently, “we have jurisdiction only to decide
    whether the district court erred in concluding as a matter of law that officials
    are not entitled to qualified immunity on a given set of facts . . . . ‘[W]e can
    review the materiality of any factual disputes, but not their genuineness.’” Id.
    at 347 (quoting Wagner v. Bay City, Tex., 
    227 F.3d 316
    , 320 (5th Cir. 2000))
    (emphasis in original; modification added).
    While the Werneckes contend that genuine issues of material fact preclude
    jurisdiction in this case, our inquiry does not seek to determine disputed
    questions of fact. Rather, this appeal “concerns the purely legal question
    whether [Garcia and Trainer] are entitled to qualified immunity on the facts
    that the district court found sufficiently supported in the summary judgment
     In ruling on this question, we must assume that the Werneckes’
    version of the facts is true. Wagner, 
    227 F.3d at 320
     (“Even where, as here, the
    district court has determined that there are genuine disputes raised by the
    evidence, we assume plaintiff’s version of the facts is true, then determine
    whether those facts suffice for a claim of [illegal search and seizure] under these
    circumstances.”).   While ordinarily our standard of review on a denial of
    summary judgment would be de novo, applying the same standard as the district
    court, the standard changes because we lack jurisdiction, in the qualified
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    immunity context, to review the decision that a factual dispute exists. Kinney,
    367 F.3d at 348
    . Instead, we consider “whether the district court erred in
    assessing the legal significance of the conduct that the district court deemed
    sufficiently supported for purposes of summary judgment.” 
    The doctrine of qualified immunity offers a shield against civil liability for
    government employees “insofar as their conduct does not violate clearly
    established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would
    have known.” Harlow v. Fitzgerald, 
    457 U.S. 800
    , 818 (1982). This doctrine
    “balances two important interests—the need to hold public officials accountable
    when they exercise power irresponsibly and the need to shield officials from
    harassment, distraction, and liability when they perform their duties
    reasonably.” Pearson v. Callahan, — U.S. —, —, 
    129 S. Ct. 808
    , 815 (2009).
    “[W]hether an official protected by qualified immunity may be held personally
    liable for an allegedly unlawful official action generally turns on the ‘objective
    legal reasonableness’ of the action, assessed in light of the legal rules that were
    ‘clearly established’ at the time it was taken.” Anderson v. Creighton, 
    483 U.S. 635
    , 639 (1987) (quoting Harlow, 
    457 U.S. at
    818–19) (citations omitted).
    In Saucier v. Katz, 
    533 U.S. 194
     (2001), the Supreme Court articulated a
    mandatory “two-step sequence for resolving government officials’ qualified
    immunity claims.” Pearson, 
    129 S. Ct. at 815
    . Saucier required that lower
    courts consider first, whether “the challenged conduct, viewed in the light most
    favorable to the plaintiff, would actually amount to a violation of [constitutional
    or] federal law,” Kinney, 
    367 F.3d at 350
    , and second, if a violation has been
    alleged, “whether the right was clearly established” at the time of the alleged
    government misconduct, Saucier, 533 U.S. at 201. In the recent case of Pearson
    v. Callahan, the Court reconsidered the Saucier procedure, determined that
    “while the [two-step] sequence . . . is often appropriate, it should no longer be
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    regarded as mandatory,” and gave lower courts “permi[ssion] to exercise their
    sound discretion in deciding which of the two prongs of the qualified immunity
    analysis should be addressed first in light of the circumstances in the particular
    case at hand.” 
    129 S. Ct. at 818
    . In conducting our initial inquiry—whether the
    Werneckes have alleged a violation of a constitutional right—we “employ
    currently applicable constitutional standards.” Kinney, 
    367 F.3d at 350
    On the second inquiry—whether the right allegedly violated is “clearly
    established”—“‘[t]he contours of the right must be sufficiently clear that a
    reasonable official would understand that what he is doing violates that right.’”
    367 F.3d at
    349–350 (quoting Anderson v. Creighton, 
    483 U.S. 635
    , 640
    (1987)). “The ‘clearly established’ standard does not mean that officials’ conduct
    is protected by qualified immunity unless ‘the very action in question has
    previously been held unlawful.’” Id. at 350 (quoting Anderson, 
    483 U.S. at 640
    “[W]hat ‘clearly established’ means . . . depends largely ‘upon the level of
    generality at which the relevant “legal rule” is to be identified.’” Wilson v.
    526 U.S. 603
    , 614 (1999) (quoting Anderson, 
    483 U.S. at 639
    ). “[A]n
    official does not lose qualified immunity merely because a certain right is clearly
    established in the abstract.” Kinney, 
    367 F.3d at 350
    . Officials should receive
    the protection of qualified immunity “unless the law is clear in the more
    particularized sense that reasonable officials should be ‘on notice that their
    conduct is unlawful.’” 
     (quoting Saucier, 533 U.S. at 206). The court’s focus,
    for purposes of the “clearly established” analysis, should be on “fair warning”:
    qualified immunity is unavailable “despite notable factual distinctions between
    the precedents relied on and the cases then before the Court, so long as the prior
    decisions gave reasonable warning that the conduct then at issue violated
    constitutional rights.” Hope v. Pelzer, 
    536 U.S. 730
    , 740 (2002).
    A. Entry of Wernecke Home and Search for KW
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    Garcia contends that the district court erred in denying her qualified
    immunity for her entry into the Wernecke home and her search for KW. Under
    the Supreme Court’s qualified immunity jurisprudence, we first ask if the
    Werneckes have asserted a violation of a constitutional right. The Fourth
    Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures, and “it is well
    established in this circuit that the Fourth Amendment regulates social workers’
    civil investigations.” Gates v. Tex. Dep’t of Protective & Regulatory Servs., 
    537 F.3d 404
    , 420 (5th Cir. 2008). “In assessing the reasonableness of a search . . . ,
    we must balance ‘the nature and quality of the intrusion on the individual’s
    Fourth Amendment interests against the importance of the governmental
    interests alleged to justify the intrusion.’” Wooley v. City of Baton Rouge, 
    211 F.3d 913
    , 925 (5th Cir. 2000) (quoting United States v. Place, 
    462 U.S. 696
    , 703
    (1983)).   “Warrantless searches of a person’s home are presumptively
    unreasonable unless the person consents, or unless probable cause and exigent
    circumstances justify the search.” Gates, 
    537 F.3d at 420
     (quoting United States
    v. Gomez–Moreno, 
    479 F.3d 350
    , 354 (5th Cir. 2007)) (modification omitted).
    Garcia indisputably engaged in a search when she entered the Werneckes’
    home to look for KW. The Werneckes assert that this entry and the ensuing
    search were neither permitted by a search warrant (or its equivalent) nor
    reasonable. Garcia argues that the Nueces County court order giving TDFPS
    temporary emergency custody of KW under Texas Family Code § 262.102 gave
    her the implied authority to enter the home and search for KW; alternatively,
    she argues that the entry and search were reasonable under the circumstances.
    The district court found that the Werneckes’ allegations of an illegal search
    satisfied the first Saucier inquiry and continued on to consider whether the right
    allegedly violated was clearly established. The district court’s finding that the
    Werneckes alleged a Fourth Amendment violation was predicated on the district
    court’s understanding that “Garcia did not possess a warrant or an equivalent
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    court order authorizing her to enter the Wernecke residence on June 1, 2005,”
    and that under Texas Family Code § 261.303(b), “[f]amily courts in Texas may
    issue orders authorizing caseworkers to enter a private home to investigate child
    abuse or child neglect.” To evaluate whether this understanding is correct, we
    turn to the Texas Family Code and the procedures for seeking emergency
    custody orders.
    Under the Texas Family Code, TDPFS may seek a temporary court order
    giving custody of a child to TDFPS on an emergency basis. See TEX. FAM. CODE
    ANN. § 262.102(a) (Vernon 2009). This order may be obtained ex parte and
    without notice to the parents of the child; however, the court must first make
    three findings:
    (1) there is an immediate danger to the physical health or safety of
    the child . . . and . . . continuation in the home would be contrary to
    the child’s welfare;
    (2) there is no time, consistent with the physical health or safety of
    the child and the nature of the emergency, for a full adversary
    hearing . . . ; and
    (3) reasonable efforts, consistent with the circumstances and
    providing for the safety of the child, were made to prevent or
    eliminate the need for removal of the child.
    Id. (footnote call omitted). The court order that Garcia obtained was issued
    under this section of the Texas Family Code,8 and the order specifically stated
    that TDFPS “is named temporary sole managing conservator of [KW], with all
    The question whether the Nueces County court reached the correct result in issuing
    this order is not before us. The district court concluded that:
    the custody battle over [KW] in 2005 is outside the scope of the [federal] case.
    Any claims that the [Werneckes] might wish to assert regarding the actions of
    [TDFPS] in assuming custody of [KW] in June 2005 are barred by either or both
    of the parallel doctrines of claim preclusion (res judicata) and issue preclusion
    (collateral estoppel). . . . [T]he [Werneckes] had a full and fair opportunity to
    litigate the issue of [KW]’s custody [in state court]. It goes without saying that
    this [federal district c]ourt does not and cannot sit as an appellate court over the
    County Court at Law of Nueces County or any other Texas court.
    The Werneckes do not question that conclusion, nor could they.
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    of the rights and duties listed in § 153.371, Texas Family Code, until a full
    adversary hearing is held.” Section 153.371, entitled “Rights and Duties of
    Nonparent Appointed as Sole Managing Conservator,” gives the appointed
    managing conservator “the right to have physical possession . . . of the child
    [and] the duty of care, control, protection, and reasonable discipline of the child.”
    TEX. FAM. CODE ANN. § 153.371(1), (2). Section 261.303(b), on which the district
    court relied, is entitled “Interference With Investigation; Court Order,” and
    states that “[i]f admission to the home, school, or any place where the child may
    be cannot be obtained, then for good cause shown the court . . . shall order the
    parent . . . to allow entrance for the interview, examination, and investigation.”
    TEX. FAM. CODE ANN. § 261.303(b).
    The Supreme Court has been clear in its interpretation of the Fourth
    Amendment that “[a]n arrest warrant founded on probable cause implicitly
    carries with it the limited authority to enter a dwelling in which the suspect
    lives when there is reason to believe the suspect is within.” Payton v. New York,
    445 U.S. 573
    , 603 (1980); see also United States v. Barrera, 
    464 F.3d 496
    , 501,
    504 (5th Cir. 2006) (applying Payton).9 Garcia argues that this reasoning should
    extend to child custody orders as well.
    In our most recent opinion on the interplay between child abuse and
    neglect investigations and the Constitution, we held that “the government may
    not seize a child from his or her parents absent a court order,[] parental consent,
    or exigent circumstances.” Gates, 
    537 F.3d at 429
     (footnote call omitted). We
    noted that in the context of a seizure, “[a]n order properly issued by a court
    In Steagald v. United States, the Court considered “whether an arrest warrant—as
    opposed to a search warrant—is adequate to protect the Fourth Amendment interests of
    persons not named in the warrant, when their homes are searched without their consent and
    in the absence of exigent circumstances.” 
    451 U.S. 204
    , 212 (1981). There, the Court declined
    to extend the Payton search warrant exception to the homes of third parties not named in an
    arrest warrant. See 
    id. at 220
    . For purposes of our inquiry, Payton, rather than Steagald,
    controls, as KW resided with her parents in the Wernecke home.
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    pursuant to Texas Family Code § 262.102, which authorizes state courts to issue
    emergency orders to take possession of a child, . . . suffice[s] to meet the
    ‘warrant’ requirement . . . .” Id. at 429 n.16. At least one other circuit has made
    the same observation. See Burgess v. Houseman, 268 F. App’x 780, 783 & n.1
    (10th Cir. 2008) (quoting J.B. v. Washington County, 
    127 F.3d 919
    , 930 (10th
    Cir. 1997), for the proposition that “[i]n the context of a seizure for child
    protection, a juvenile court order often serves the function of a warrant”). If a
    court order under § 262.102 suffices to meet the Fourth Amendment warrant
    requirement for a seizure, we see no reason that it should not also meet the
    warrant requirement in the context of a search of a child’s home to locate the
    child.        Applying the rule from Payton v. New York, if the social workers
    executing a court order have reason to believe that the child is located within his
    or her home, the order itself will suffice to satisfy the warrant requirement. We
    note in particular that Texas law imposes on TDFPS workers the “duty of care,
    control [and] protection” of the child named in the § 262.102 order. TEX. FAM.
    CODE ANN. § 153.371(2).10 Under the Fourth Amendment, we find it reasonable
    and permissible for state workers in possession of a facially valid temporary
    Furthermore, Texas also requires that a full adversary hearing be held within
    fourteen days of the removal of a child under a § 262.102 order. Id. § 262.201(a) (“Unless the
    child has already been returned to the parent . . . a full adversary hearing shall be held not
    later than the 14th day after the date the child was taken into possession by the governmental
    entity.”). At this adversary hearing, the court
    shall order the return of the child to the parent . . . unless the court finds
    sufficient evidence to satisfy a person of ordinary prudence and caution that: (1)
    there was a danger to the physical health or safety of the child which was
    caused by an act or failure to act of the person entitled to possession and for the
    child to remain in the home is contrary to the welfare of the child; (2) the urgent
    need for protection required the immediate removal of the child and reasonable
    efforts, consistent with the circumstances and providing for the safety of the
    child, were made to eliminate or prevent the child’s removal; and (3) reasonable
    efforts have been made to enable the child to return home, but there is a
    substantial risk of a continuing danger if the child is returned home.
    Id. § 262.201(b). In this case, a full adversary hearing was held on June 15–16, 2005, ten days
    after the initial attempt to take custody of KW. The Nueces County court decided not to return
    KW to her parents at that time.
    No. 09-40132
    custody order, with a duty under state law to take care of the child, to enter the
    child’s home to look for the child.
    In this case, Garcia investigated the report of medical neglect from KW’s
    physicians in accordance with her state law duties.11 She encouraged the
    Werneckes to schedule an appointment for KW to begin radiation treatment;
    when they did not do so, she presented the results of her investigation to a
    neutral and detached judge, who issued an order giving TDFPS temporary
    custody of KW. When she arrived at the Wernecke home on the afternoon of
    June 1, she had reason to believe that KW would be inside; in the absence of
    other information, it was reasonable to believe that a twelve-year-old
    child—particularly one who had recently undergone extensive chemotherapy
    treatment for a life-threatening disease—would be at home on a weeknight.
    Garcia did not need to take Mr. Wernecke at his word that KW was not at home;
    in fact, a parent might well not be candid about the child’s whereabouts in this
    situation. In those circumstances, Garcia did not violate the Fourth Amendment
    by entering the Wernecke home to look for KW.
    The district court reached the conclusion that Garcia’s entry was
    warrantless—and thus improper—based on § 261.303(b) of the Texas Family
    Code, which allows a court to issue an order allowing TDFPS workers to enter
    “any place where the child may be” in order to “interview, examin[e], and
    investigat[e]” the child upon a showing of good cause.                      However, this
    section—entitled “Interference with Investigation”—is purely an investigative
    tool and is not relevant to our constitutional analysis. Once Garcia obtained the
    § 262.102 order, she was not required to acquire an additional court order aimed
    only at the investigative process—just as a police officer who obtains a facially
    The Texas Family Code requires that TDFPS “make a prompt and thorough
    investigation of a report of child abuse or neglect allegedly committed by a person responsible
    for a child’s care, custody, or welfare.” TEX. FAM. CODE ANN. § 261.301(a).
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    valid arrest warrant is not required to secure an additional search warrant in
    order to arrest the suspect in his home. Cf. Payton, 
    445 U.S. at 603
    We address three points raised by the Werneckes. First, the Werneckes
    note that Garcia “admitted . . . that the state court order [did] not permit her to
    enter and search the Wernecke home.” However, the subjective understanding
    of a state official is not relevant to our constitutional inquiry. Cf. Graham v.
    490 U.S. 386
    , 397 (1989) (conducting constitutional analysis based on
    whether officers’ actions were objectively reasonable, “without regard to [the
    officers’] underlying intent or motivation”). To the extent that the Werneckes
    suggest that TDFPS training and procedures prohibit social workers from
    entering private homes absent a search warrant, consent, or exigent
    circumstances, we decline to penalize TDFPS for exercising prudence in enacting
    procedures that offer greater protection than the constitutional minimum.
    Second, the Werneckes contend that there was no emergency or exigent
    circumstances that would justify a warrantless entry into their home. This
    argument is misdirected, given our discussion above.           However, in brief
    response, the Nueces County court had to find explicitly that the need for
    removal was urgent before issuing the § 262.102 order. See TEX. FAM. CODE
    ANN. § 262.102(a)(1), (2) (requiring a finding of “immediate danger” to child and
    “no time” for full adversary hearing). These findings supported an objectively
    reasonable belief that exigent circumstances existed justifying the entry and
    search for KW (the only child named in the § 262.102 order).
    Third, the Werneckes also argue that Wooley v. City of Baton Rouge stands
    for the proposition that officers may not rely on a custody order to enter a
    private home. This reliance is misplaced for two reasons. First, Wooley involved
    a private custody dispute between the child’s mother and grandparents—not a
    child abuse or neglect investigation by a state agency. 
    211 F.3d at 917
    . Second,
    the Louisiana custody order the officers relied upon in entering the home and
    No. 09-40132
    seizing the child was not analogous to a § 262.102 order—it was merely a
    “[g]eneral order[] stating that one parent is to have custody of the child,” not “a
    specific order signed by a judge and direct[ing] law enforcement to pick up a
    certain child and deliver him/her to a certain place.” Id. at 926.
    We conclude with a reflection upon the policy concerns underlying both our
    Fourth Amendment jurisprudence generally and our holding on this issue in
    particular. The Supreme Court has recognized the problem posed to law
    enforcement by inherently mobile subjects of an investigation, cf. Chambers v.
    399 U.S. 42
    , 51 (1970) (approving warrantless search of automobile
    based on probable cause in part because “the opportunity to search is fleeting
    since a car is readily movable”), and the Fifth Circuit has reiterated this concern
    in the child protection investigation context in Gates, where the panel included
    “the risk that the parent will flee with the child” on a list of factors informing the
    Fourth Amendment reasonableness analysis, 
    537 F.3d at 429
    . The facts of this
    case validate our continuing concern with the risk of flight in Fourth
    Amendment cases: KW was not present in the Wernecke home because Mrs.
    Wernecke had, in fact, absconded with her to prevent TDFPS from taking KW
    into protective custody. TDFPS did not take physical custody of KW until June
    4, 2005, three days after the § 262.102 order was issued, because of Mrs.
    Wernecke’s evasion. With these concerns firmly in mind, we reiterate that when
    a state social worker obtains from a judge a temporary emergency custody order
    that imposes legal duties on the state agency and has reason to believe the child
    is within the child’s home, the social worker may, consistent with the Fourth
    Amendment, enter and search the home for the child.
    B. Seizure of Wernecke Boys
    Garcia and Trainer also challenge the district court’s denial of summary
    judgment as to the seizure of the Wernecke boys. We again begin our qualified
    immunity analysis by asking if the Werneckes have asserted a violation of a
    No. 09-40132
    constitutional right. “To determine the constitutionality of a seizure ‘we must
    balance the nature and quality of the intrusion on the individual’s Fourth
    Amendment interests against the importance of the governmental interests
    alleged to justify the intrusion.’” Tennessee v. Garner, 
    471 U.S. 1
    , 8 (1985)
    (quoting Place, 
    462 U.S. at 703
    ). In Gates, we laid out the standard for the Fifth
    Circuit to apply in reviewing seizures of children by government agency workers
    following abuse or neglect investigations: “[T]he government may not seize a
    child from his or her parents absent a court order, parental consent, or exigent
    537 F.3d at 429
    . Gates defined “exigent circumstances” to mean
    “that, based on the totality of the circumstances, there is reasonable cause to
    believe that the child is in imminent danger of physical or sexual abuse if he
    remains in his home.” Id.12 We described the analysis as “a flexible inquiry that
    considers all of the facts and circumstances with no one factor being dispositive,”
    and listed as non-exclusive factors:
    whether there was time to obtain a court order . . . [,] the nature of
    the abuse (its severity, duration, and frequency), the strength of the
    evidence supporting the allegations of abuse, the risk that the
    parent will flee with the child, the possibility of less extreme
    solutions to the problem, and any harm to the child that might
    result from the removal.
    In Gates, social workers removed children from their home without a court
    order or warrant after investigating “allegations of recent physical abuse” by
    their father. 
    Id. at 430
    . Gates considered the “information [that] was known by
    the [TDFPS] employees making the decision to remove” the children in
    determining whether exigent circumstances existed. 
    Id. at 429
    . We specifically
    noted that one young child “displayed two small wounds that had allegedly been
    We also confined this standard to removals from the home and laid out a separate
    standard for removals from other locations, including schools. Gates, 
    537 F.3d at 432
    No. 09-40132
    inflicted by” the father, and several siblings corroborated the story that the
    father had inflicted those wounds that morning. 
     In addition, the children
    had described “unusual discipline methods,” including forcing children “to throw
    up food they had eaten” and handcuffing one child to a bed. 
    Id. at 430
    . We
    found that “obtaining a court order in a timely fashion was likely not possible,”
    as the investigation had continued past the close of the state courts for the day,
    and we also observed that TDFPS employees had “considered and ruled out . . .
    less drastic options” before deciding to remove the children. 
     While we
    deemed the case a “close call,” we ultimately decided that, given the totality of
    the circumstances, the TDFPS employees did not violate the Fourth Amendment
    by seizing the Gates children without a court order. 
    Adopting    the   Gates    standard    to   fit   a   child    endangerment
    investigation—rather than an abuse investigation—we consider most of the
    same factors, including the available time to obtain a court order, the risk that
    a parent might flee with the child, the availability of less extreme solutions, and
    any harm to the child that might arise from the removal. See 
     In addition,
    we adapt several factors to fit the child endangerment context and consider the
    nature of the danger facing the child (its severity, duration, frequency, and
    imminence), the strength of the evidence supporting immediate removal, and the
    presence or absence of parental supervision. Cf. 
    In applying this standard to Garcia’s removal of JW and JW from the
    Wernecke home, we must view the summary judgment evidence in the light
    most favorable to the Werneckes, as the non-moving parties. See Kinney, 
    367 F.3d at 350
    .     Therefore, we summarize the summary judgment evidence
    regarding the condition of the home in the light most favorable to the
    Werneckes. When Garcia arrived, Mr. Wernecke was in the home with his
    fourteen-year-old son JW and his five-year-old son JW.              Garcia observed
    medications and syringes, allegedly within reach of the two boys. However, the
    No. 09-40132
    Werneckes assert that Mr. Wernecke was in the process of dispensing KW’s
    medications for the week when Garcia arrived, and some of the pills were out on
    the kitchen counter, but they were in plastic containers with child locks. Animal
    syringes were also on the kitchen counter, but they were encased in their
    original packaging—a hard plastic covering around each individual syringe—and
    located inside a paper bag. The Werneckes state that the plastic covering would
    be difficult for a child to break through, and that Mr. Wernecke was present to
    supervise both boys around the medications and the syringes. The Werneckes
    own firearms, but they were stored in a locked closet, away from the children.
    According to Garcia, the Wernecke home was “unsanitary” and in
    “deplorable condition.” Garcia described seeing piles of paper, food, trash, and
    clothes throughout the home. She claimed to see animal feces on the floor, but
    the Werneckes argue she mistook watermelon and sunflower seeds for feces.
    The Werneckes aver that their home was not in an unsanitary condition, but
    was merely cluttered. Taking these facts in the light most favorable to the
    Werneckes, we assume that the home was cluttered but not unsanitary.
    The Werneckes do not dispute the following facts. The entry into the
    Wernecke home occurred in the evening, after the conclusion of business hours.
    Prior to removing the boys, Garcia first attempted to institute a safety plan that
    would allow the boys to stay at home if Mr. Wernecke cleaned up the home;
    when Mr. Wernecke refused to sign the safety plan, she attempted to place JW
    and JW with Mr. Wernecke’s parents. Mr. Wernecke’s parents initially agreed
    to let Garcia inspect their home to ensure it was safe for the boys, but then they
    refused to unlock several rooms within their home. Because Garcia was unable
    to complete her inspection, she consulted with Trainer, her supervisor (who in
    turn consulted with Ramirez, the program director) and received permission to
    place the boys in state custody rather than with their grandparents.
    No. 09-40132
    Taking these facts in the light most favorable to the Werneckes, we
    conclude that, under the totality of the circumstances, an exigency did not exist
    that justified the removal of JW and JW on the evening of June 1, 2005.
    Although several factors seem to weigh towards the reasonableness of the
    removal—(1) business hours were concluded and obtaining a court order would
    likely not be possible in a timely fashion, (2) the risk of flight was high, as Mrs.
    Wernecke had already absconded with KW, and (3) Garcia attempted to institute
    both a safety plan and a placement with extended family before placing the boys
    in state custody—the sum of the Werneckes’ facts does not indicate the existence
    of truly exigent circumstances. The presence of medications and syringes in the
    home, in child-proof containers and under parental supervision, does not rise to
    the level of exigency. Nor does mere clutter in the home. In the light most
    favorable to the Werneckes, a reasonable person would not believe that an
    immediate danger would be posed by JW and JW remaining in the home.
    Therefore, the Werneckes have asserted a Fourth Amendment violation by
    Although the Werneckes have asserted a constitutional violation, the
    question whether the applicable law was clearly established remains. The
    Werneckes argue that the general contours of the Fourth Amendment sufficed
    to give “fair warning” to reasonable officials of the alleged unlawfulness of the
    seizure of the boys. Although “[i]t could plausibly be asserted that any violation
    of the Fourth Amendment is ‘clearly established,’” we recall that “the right
    allegedly violated must be defined at the appropriate level of specificity before
    a court can determine if it was clearly established.” Wilson, 
    526 U.S. at 615
    Therefore, we must consider the state of the clearly established law in 2005 and
    whether it gave TDFPS employees “fair warning that their alleged treatment of
    [the plaintiffs was] unconstitutional.”      Roe v. Tex. Dep’t of Protective &
    Regulatory Servs., 
    299 F.3d 395
    , 409 (5th Cir. 2002).
    No. 09-40132
    As of June 1, 2005, Fifth Circuit precedent clearly established that the
    Fourth Amendment governs social workers’ investigations of allegations of child
    abuse. See 
     at 409 & n.17 (noting that “[t]he Fourth Amendment governs the
    lawfulness of a social worker’s entry into a dwelling” and citing Franks v. Smith,
    717 F.2d 183
    , 186 (5th Cir. 1983), as applying Fourth Amendment standards to
    both a police officer and a social worker).      We indicated in Roe v. Texas
    Department of Protective & Regulatory Services that “[s]ocial workers retain the
    power to seize a child if ‘exigent circumstances’ exist; if they ‘have reason to
    believe that life or limb is in immediate jeopardy,’ they need not obtain a court
    299 F.3d at 407
     (quoting Tenenbaum v. Williams, 
    193 F.3d 581
    , 604 (2d
    Cir. 1999)). We also discussed in Wooley v. City of Baton Rouge, 
    211 F.3d at 925
    that, absent a warrant or probable cause, state officials must have some
    “evidence of danger” prior to seizing a child.
    Garcia argues that in June 2005 the law was not yet clearly established,
    and she points us to our 2008 Gates decision, which purports to “define the
    Fourth Amendment standards that apply” in the context of warrantless seizures
    of children by social workers. 
    537 F.3d at 427
    . In Gates, we stated:
    In Roe, we noted in dicta that social workers may seize a child when
    exigent circumstances exist, specifically if they have reason to
    believe that life or limb is in immediate jeopardy. 
    299 F.3d at 407
    However, we have never described in more detail the circumstances
    that will permit the warrantless seizure of such a child.
    Id. at 428
    . Garcia argues that this statement indicates a lack of clarity in our
    law, such that she should be entitled to qualified immunity. We disagree. The
    Gates decision articulated a standard for determining when some evidence of
    danger rises to the level of an emergency justifying immediate removal, but
    Gates was not the first case to require, at a minimum, some evidence of
    imminent danger prior to removal. The quoted language from Roe, combined
    with the reference to “evidence of danger” in Wooley, clearly established that, at
    No. 09-40132
    the very least, some evidence of imminent danger to a child was required to
    justify a warrantless seizure. See Roe, 
    299 F.3d at 407
    ; Wooley, 
    211 F.3d at 925
    Officials do not receive the protection of qualified immunity when “in the light
    of pre-existing law the unlawfulness [of the challenged act is] apparent,” and in
    the light of Roe and Wooley, Garcia’s actions (as alleged by the Werneckes) were
    clearly unlawful. Pelzer, 
    536 U.S. at 739
    While the “flexible,” factor-based standard of Gates gives additional
    guidance to social workers, the essentials of what was required in June 2005 for
    a social worker to effect a warrantless seizure in the factual circumstances
    confronting Garcia, as described by the Werneckes, were clear. According to the
    Werneckes, their home was merely cluttered; and animal syringes and
    medications were contained in child-proof containers in reach of JW and JW, but
    Mr. Wernecke was present to supervise.        As discussed above, this factual
    scenario did not constitute an imminent danger to the boys. Based on the
    Werneckes’ version of the facts, Garcia had no indication that either JW or JW
    faced an immediate threat to life or limb. On a scale of reasonableness, some
    actions are clearly reasonable, some are clearly unreasonable, and some fall into
    a gray area. Gates clarifies the law in the gray area, but Gates was not required
    to give social workers fair notice that imminent danger must exist before a child
    may be removed without a warrant or court order. On the facts as stated by the
    Werneckes, Fifth Circuit law clearly established in June 2005 that the
    warrantless seizure of the Wernecke boys—in the absence of any imminent
    danger—was a constitutional violation. Therefore, Garcia is not entitled to
    qualified immunity on the Werneckes’ claim that she unconstitutionally seized
    JW and JW.
    Finally, we turn to the question of whether the district court properly
    found that qualified immunity was unavailable to Trainer, the TDFPS
    supervisor on the evening of the removal. The Werneckes assert that Trainer
    No. 09-40132
    violated their Fourth Amendment rights by approving, via telephone, Garcia’s
    removal of JW and JW. Under § 1983, “a supervisory official may be held liable
    . . . only if (1) [s]he affirmatively participates in the acts that cause the
    constitutional deprivation, or (2) [s]he implements unconstitutional policies that
    causally result in the constitutional injury.” Gates, 
    537 F.3d at 435
    . At this
    stage in the litigation, the Werneckes are not arguing that TDFPS’s policies are
    facially unconstitutional; therefore, their argument rests upon Trainer’s alleged
    affirmative participation in the seizure of JW and JW.
    In order to establish supervisor liability for “constitutional violations
    committed by subordinate employees,” plaintiffs must show that the supervisor
    “act[ed], or fail[ed] to act, with deliberate indifference to violations of others’
    constitutional rights committed by their subordinates.” Atteberry v. Nocona Gen.
    430 F.3d 245
    , 254 (5th Cir. 2005). In this context, deliberate indifference
    “‘describes a state of mind more blameworthy than negligence,’” the equivalent
    of reckless disregard for a substantial risk. 
     (quoting Farmer v. Brennan, 
    511 U.S. 825
    , 835–36 (1994)). “The test for deliberate indifference is subjective,
    rather than objective, in nature because ‘an official’s failure to alleviate a
    significant risk that he should have perceived but did not, while no cause for
    commendation, cannot under our cases be condemned as the infliction of
    punishment.’” Id. at 255 (quoting Farmer, 
    511 U.S. at 838
    In its order denying qualified immunity, the district court found that the
    Werneckes raised “a genuine fact issue as to whether . . . Trainer . . . acted with
    deliberate indifference toward [the Werneckes’] Fourth Amendment rights.”
    However, based upon the record as developed by the Werneckes, Trainer was
    neither the ultimate decision-maker, nor was she actively involved in the
    decision to remove the boys. The record only contains one item submitted by the
    Werneckes that sheds light on the extent of Trainer’s knowledge and
    involvement: the transcript of Trainer’s deposition testimony, submitted by the
    No. 09-40132
    Werneckes in their response to the motion for summary judgment. Notably, Mr.
    Wernecke’s affidavit does not mention Trainer or describe her involvement with
    the removal.
    In her deposition, Trainer recounts that Garcia informed her that the
    home posed a danger to the children, and that based upon the information from
    Garcia, she “believed that there was enough danger to the children in that home
    and [she] needed to call the program director, which was [her] obligation.”
    Trainer states that she called Ramirez twice, “once to let her know [Garcia was]
    working on a safety plan with relatives, and then the other time to say that the
    relative placement fell through.” Trainer further states that Ramirez approved
    the removal; that she communicated Ramirez’s decision to Garcia; and that
    Garcia removed JW and JW following the communication passed along by
    Trainer. While Trainer states that she participated in the communication
    between Garcia and Ramirez, and that she agreed with Ramirez’s decision to
    remove, she clearly recounts that “ultimately, though, [she] did not have the
    authority to remove.”
    Based on Trainer’s deposition—the only piece of evidence in the record put
    forth by the Werneckes that contains any information about her knowledge and
    involvement—Trainer was merely a conduit for information between Garcia, the
    case worker in the field, and Ramirez, the program director. Trainer believed
    that she had no independent authority to approve the removal of the Wernecke
    boys, and she did not, in fact, do so. Even taken in the light most favorable to
    the Werneckes, there is simply no basis for Trainer’s liability on these facts, as
    a matter of law. The Werneckes have not pointed to any evidence to support a
    finding that Trainer acted with deliberate indifference towards their
    constitutional rights. Therefore, the Werneckes have not alleged a constitutional
    violation by Trainer, and she is entitled to qualified immunity.
    No. 09-40132
    For these reasons, we REVERSE the order denying Garcia and Trainer’s
    motion for summary judgment on the Werneckes’ illegal search claim; we also
    REVERSE the order’s denial of summary judgment on the illegal seizure claim
    as to Trainer. However, we AFFIRM the order’s denial of summary judgment
    on the illegal seizure claim as to Garcia, and we REMAND for further
    proceedings consistent with this opinion.