Mark James v. Sam Woods , 899 F.3d 404 ( 2018 )

  •      Case: 17-30783   Document: 00514593109      Page: 1   Date Filed: 08/09/2018
    United States Court of Appeals
    No. 17-30783
    Fifth Circuit
    August 9, 2018
    MARK C. JAMES,                                                  Lyle W. Cayce
    Plaintiff - Appellant
    Defendants - Appellees
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Louisiana
    Before JOLLY, JONES, and HAYNES, Circuit Judges.
    E. GRADY JOLLY, Circuit Judge:
    This appeal—interwoven with a custody dispute—arrives in our court
    following a father’s report of sexual misconduct inflicted on his child by the
    child’s stepfather. Upon investigation by the St. Tammany Parish Sheriff’s
    Office, the stepfather was arrested and charged with aggravated incest. A
    state-court jury ultimately acquitted him at trial, and he later filed these
    malicious-prosecution and intentional-infliction-of-emotional-distress claims
    under Louisiana law against the child’s father and his then-girlfriend. The
    district court granted summary judgment for the father and girlfriend. For the
    reasons that follow, we affirm.
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    The parties dispute many of the facts in this emotionally charged matter.
    We recount only the facts relevant to our analysis, viewing all genuinely
    disputed facts in the light most favorable to the nonmovant.
    Sam Woods and Tracy James (“Tracy”) divorced in 2005. The custody
    agreement provided that their children, JW and AGW, live with Tracy in
    Mississippi. Tracy and Mark James (“James”) began dating in 2006, and
    around the spring of 2007, Woods learned that Tracy and James planned to
    move the children to Louisiana. Woods filed a petition to modify the custody
    agreement. In November 2007, the Chancery Court denied Woods’s request
    for the children to live with him in Mississippi but granted a modification of
    visitation rights.      Throughout this custody dispute, Woods was dating
    Stephanie Welborn, to whom he is now married. 1 James believes that the
    events that followed the Chancery Court ruling were a ruse by Woods and
    Welborn to punish James and get custody of JW and AGW.
    Sometime in 2008, eight-year-old AGW told Welborn that James touched
    her genitalia, which Welborn relayed to Woods shortly thereafter. 2 Woods and
    Welborn contacted the Mississippi Department of Human Services. There is
    also evidence indicating that they reported the allegations to the appropriate
    agency in Louisiana. On August 7, 2008, AGW, Woods, and Welborn visited
    with a licensed therapist, Shan’Terrica Barnes 3, and at this session, AGW told
    Barnes a story similar to what she told Welborn. AGW ended up going to
    1 The defendants’ briefing inconsistently refers to “Welborn” and “Welborne.” We
    adopt the spelling in the case caption.
    2 Woods later had AGW tell Tracy about the alleged touching. Tracy then made
    arrangements for AGW to move in with Woods.
    3 Barnes is also referred to in the record as Shan’Terrica Webb. The police report and
    the parties’ briefing use the names interchangeably, and we have no reason to believe these
    are two individuals.
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    approximately sixteen sessions with Barnes. Some of the sessions included
    Woods, Welborn, and Tracy; but a majority of the sessions were conducted with
    AGW alone.
    On October 14, 2008, Woods and Welborn told St. Tammany Parish
    Sheriff’s Office (“STPSO”) Detective Julie Downie about AGW’s allegations,
    and Downie interviewed Welborn and AGW that same day. AGW told Downie
    that James had “touched her privates.” On October 16, 2008, AGW underwent
    a forensic interview with JoBeth Rickels of the Children’s Advocacy Center and
    told Rickels that James touched “her private.” On November 7, 2008, STPSO
    Detective Rochelle Hartmann spoke with Barnes about her conversations with
    AGW. 4        Hartmann also had follow-up conversations with Welborn, but
    Hartmann’s attempts to interview James were unsuccessful.
    On November 10, 2008, Hartmann prepared an affidavit for an arrest
    warrant, stating that James committed aggravated incest. She based this
    conclusion on the following: (1) Woods’s and Welborn’s “walk-in complaint” to
    Downie; (2) AGW’s statements to Downie regarding the alleged abuse; (3) the
    forensic interview Rickels conducted with AGW, and (4) the allegations AGW
    disclosed to Barnes. A magistrate judge issued a warrant for James’s arrest
    that same day. James was subsequently charged with aggravated incest. A
    jury found him not guilty.
    After his acquittal, James filed this suit, based on diversity jurisdiction,
    against Woods and Welborn (“the defendants”) in Louisiana federal court. He
    alleges claims of malicious prosecution, intentional infliction of emotional
    distress, and alienation of affection under Louisiana law. After dismissing the
    alienation-of-affection claim under Rule 12(b)(6), the district court granted
    4    After James was arrested, Hartmann obtained a written summary of Barnes’s
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    summary judgment for the defendants on the malicious-prosecution and
    intentional-infliction-of-emotional-distress claims. The district court held that
    James’s claims failed on the merits in addition to holding that the defendants
    had statutory immunity under Louisiana Children’s Code Article 611. The
    district court denied James’s Rule 59(e) motion to reconsider. James now
    appeals the dismissal of his malicious-prosecution and intentional-infliction-
    of-emotional-distress claims. 5
    This court reviews a grant of summary judgment de novo.                     Reed v.
    Neopost USA, Inc., 
    701 F.3d 434
    , 438 (5th Cir. 2012). “The party moving for
    summary judgment bears the burden of identifying the portions of the record
    that demonstrate the absence of a genuine issue of material fact,” and “[t]he
    nonmovant must then point to or produce specific facts demonstrating that
    there is a genuine issue of material fact.” E.E.O.C. v. Chevron Phillips Chem.
    Co., LP, 
    570 F.3d 606
    , 615 (5th Cir. 2009). We “draw all reasonable inferences
    in favor of the nonmoving party, and avoid credibility determinations and
    weighing of the evidence.” Sandstad v. CB Richard Ellis, Inc., 
    309 F.3d 893
    896 (5th Cir. 2002). We may affirm summary judgment “on any ground raised
    below and supported by the record.” Administaff Companies, Inc. v. New York
    Joint Bd., Shirt & Leisurewear Div., 
    337 F.3d 454
    , 456 (5th Cir. 2003).
    Because our jurisdiction over this matter is based on diversity, we apply
    the substantive law of Louisiana. Erie R.R. Co. v. Tompkins, 
    304 U.S. 64
    , 78
    5James indicated in his notice of appeal that he was appealing the denial of his Rule
    59(e) motion, but he mentions Rule 59 only in his briefing on oral argument and jurisdiction.
    Thus, he waives any appeal of that issue. See Douglas W. ex rel. Jason D. W. v. Hous. Indep.
    Sch. Dist., 
    158 F.3d 205
    , 210 n.4 (5th Cir. 1998) (“[F]ailure to provide any legal or factual
    analysis of an issue on appeal waives that issue.”).
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    Because of the nature of the case and the focus of the arguments made
    on appeal, we begin by setting out the issue that we pretermit. This approach
    may be a little odd, but it seems the best way to get a grip on the case. A
    provision of the Louisiana Children’s Code permits (and in some cases
    requires) an individual to file a report whenever there is “cause to believe that
    a child’s physical or mental health or welfare is endangered as a result of
    abuse.” LA. CHILD. CODE ANN. art. 609(A)(1), (B). And Article 611 provides,
    “No cause of action shall exist against any . . . [p]erson who in good faith makes
    a report, cooperates in any investigation arising as a result of such report, or
    participates in judicial proceedings under the provisions of this Chapter.” 
    Id. art. 611
    (A)(1)(a). Thus, Woods and Welborn would have statutory immunity
    under Article 611 if they reported James’s alleged abuse of AGW, and
    cooperated in the subsequent investigation and proceedings, in good faith. And
    thus the dispute that has dominated this appeal has been whether Woods and
    Welborn acted in good faith.
    The term “good faith” is undefined in the relevant statutes, and we find
    no Louisiana Supreme Court case analyzing good faith in the context of Article
    611. 6 At oral argument, the parties themselves failed to take a definitive
    position on what good-faith standard should be applied here. But even if we
    were to agree with James that the district court erred in holding that Article
    611 gives the defendants immunity—on which we take no position—remand
    would be futile with respect to the merits of the sole claim properly briefed to
    us. Thus, we do not reach that state-law statutory issue and proceed directly
    6  At oral argument, James’s counsel conceded that “all we have to go on” is the
    standard articulated in Parker v. Venture, Inc. by a federal district court. No. 95-CV-969,
    1996 WL 39415
    , at *3 (E.D. La. Jan. 30, 1996) (“Unless there is proof that this report was
    made with knowledge that the information was false or with reckless disregard whether it
    was false, this Court must find that the report was made in good faith.”).
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    to the underlying merits of James’s malicious-prosecution claim. See Allen v.
    791 F.2d 611
    , 615 (7th Cir. 1986) (“Of course, in keeping with the
    notions of judicial restraint, federal courts should not reach out to resolve
    complex and controversial questions when a decision may be based on a
    narrower ground.”).
    In order to survive summary judgment, James must establish the
    essential elements of his malicious-prosecution claim:
    (1) the commencement or continuance of an original criminal or
    civil judicial proceeding; (2) its legal causation by the present
    defendant[s] in the original proceeding; (3) its bona fide
    termination in favor of the present plaintiff; (4) the absence of
    probable cause for such proceeding; (5) the presence of malice
    therein; and (6) damage conforming to legal standards resulting to
    the plaintiff.
    Jones v. Soileau, 
    448 So. 2d 1268
    , 1271 (La. 1984). The central issue here is
    legal causation, which requires that the defendants “have caused the
    prosecution” of James. LeBlanc v. Pynes, 
    69 So. 3d 1273
    , 1281 (La. Ct. App.
    2011). We observe at the start: malicious-prosecution actions are “[n]ever
    favored in [Louisiana] law.” Kennedy v. Sheriff of E. Baton Rouge, 
    935 So. 2d 669
    , 690 n.20 (La. 2006).
    In addressing the causation element, we rely on Louisiana law for this
    state-law cause of action. There, we find that merely reporting an individual
    to law enforcement for a suspected crime may cause that individual’s
    prosecution if, after reporting the crime, there is no subsequent police
    investigation. In Craig v. Carter, the plaintiff was arrested at a grocery store,
    “at the instigation of [the grocery’s employees],” for disturbing the peace and
    false impersonation. 
    718 So. 2d 1068
    , 1070 (La. Ct. App. 1998). A Louisiana
    appellate court found sufficient evidence of causation to support a malicious-
    prosecution claim against the grocery and its employees where the “record
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    show[ed] broad reliance on the facts provided by the [employees] and only
    limited independent inquiry by the police.” 
    Id. at 1070–71;
    see also 
    LeBlanc, 69 So. 3d at 1281
    (finding evidence of causation where arrest and charges were
    “based solely” on the information provided by defendants). There, the police
    found probable cause to arrest the plaintiff after interviewing only the grocery
    employees, conducting no further investigation into the matter. Craig, 
    718 So. 2d
    at 1070.
    Where, however, a report of suspicious conduct is followed by an
    independent law-enforcement investigation, the chain of causation between
    that initial report and the ultimate prosecution may be broken; that is to say,
    merely reporting the crime may not satisfy the requirement that the defendant
    have caused the prosecution. 
    LeBlanc, 69 So. 3d at 1281
    . For example, in
    Kennedy v. Sheriff of East Baton Rouge, the Louisiana Supreme Court found
    there was no legal causation to support a malicious-prosecution claim where
    the “decision to detain plaintiff was made by the independent actions and
    investigation of the Sheriff’s Office” and the defendants “merely reported their
    suspicions . . . to the Sheriff’s 
    Office.” 935 So. 2d at 690
    n.20; see also Banks v.
    Brookshire Bros., 
    640 So. 2d 680
    , 682 (La. Ct. App. 1994) (finding no causation
    where “defendants merely reported their observations to police officers”).
    Importantly, in order to break the chain of causation, law enforcement’s
    investigation must be independent of any individual suspicions. In Adams v.
    Harrah’s Bossier City Investment Co., L.L.C, the defendants reported a
    suspected theft to police and then viewed security footage alongside the police
    to point out the suspected theft. 
    948 So. 2d 317
    , 320 (La. Ct. App. 2007). The
    Louisiana Court of Appeals held that the police’s viewing of the security
    footage, although it occurred with the assistance of the defendants, was a
    sufficiently independent investigation to break the chain of causation because
    the defendants’ involvement “d[id] not rise to such a level as to prevent the
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    police investigation from being independent of [defendant’s] own suspicions.”
    Id. 7 V.
             As we have earlier noted, the defendants here moved for summary
    judgment on the malicious-prosecution claim, arguing that the independent
    investigation by the STPSO broke the chain of causation between the
    defendants’ report of suspected abuse and James’s criminal proceedings. The
    district court agreed.
    On appeal, James argues that because the police report shows that, after
    the initial report was filed, Welborn gave STPSO detectives “incomplete and
    misleading” information 8, there is a question of fact as to whether the STPSO
    conducted an investigation independent of the defendants’ suspicions.
    Here is what we know from the record: The defendants’ involvement in
    the STPSO’s investigation did not end with their report of suspected abuse.
    Welborn, on more than one occasion, offered STPSO detectives information
    regarding AGW. But here is what we also know: STPSO detectives spoke with
    other professionals who had interacted with AGW to gather additional
    information. Furthermore, Detective Hartmann’s arrest-warrant affidavit, in
    swearing that James was guilty of aggravated incest, did not rely on Welborn’s
    follow-up information at all.            Instead, aside from the defendants’ initial
    Furthermore, a Louisiana appellate court, after initially referring to good faith in its
    causation analysis, concluded that “an independent investigation . . . is the critical factor that
    prevents Plaintiffs from proving legal causation on any of their claims.” 
    Adams, 948 So. 2d at 320
    –21 (emphasis added). Indeed, the Louisiana Supreme Court has declined to consider
    good faith in the context of the malicious-prosecution causation element. See, e.g., 
    Kennedy, 935 So. 2d at 690
    n.20. Thus to determine whether the chain of causation is broken, we ask
    only whether the STPSO reasonably investigated the charges against James, independent of
    the defendants’ claims.
    8 Specifically, the police report shows that Welborn told Detective Hartmann details
    of AGW’s physical condition that, according to James, are suggestive of physical abuse. In
    James’s view, the simple presence of this information in the police report shows that the
    STPSO investigation was not independent of the defendants’ suspicions.
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    complaint to the police, Detective Hartmann based her findings on: (1) AGW’s
    statements to Detective Downie; (2) AGW’s statements to Rickels at the
    Children’s Advocacy Center, and (3) AGW’s statements to her therapist,
    Barnes. Each of those individuals are entirely removed from the custody
    dispute infecting this litigation.
    Thus, unlike the police in Craig who relied solely on the defendant’s
    allegations in detaining the plaintiff, the record here does not support the
    argument that STPSO relied only on the information provided by Woods and
    Welborn in arresting James. It is also clear that the STPSO’s decision to arrest
    James rested on the story as told by someone much more central to the
    incident: AGW. And as explained in Adams, the simple fact that Welborn
    interacted with STPSO detectives during the investigation does not rob the
    investigation of its independence. This is especially so where it does not appear
    that the STPSO relied on Welborn’s information in deciding to get a warrant
    for James’s arrest.    In sum, we hold that the independent investigation
    conducted by the STPSO broke the chain of causation between the defendants’
    complaint and the criminal proceedings initiated against James. The district
    court did not err in granting summary judgment on the malicious-prosecution
    We now turn to James’s claim of intentional infliction of emotional
    distress (“IIED”). To survive summary judgment, James must show:
    (1) that the conduct of the defendant[s] was extreme and
    outrageous; (2) that the emotional distress suffered by [him] was
    severe; and (3) that the defendant[s] desired to inflict severe
    emotional distress or knew that severe emotional distress would
    be certain or substantially certain to result from [their] conduct.
    White v. Monsanto Co., 
    585 So. 2d 1205
    , 1209 (La. 1991). The district court
    held that James failed to create a genuine dispute as to whether the
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    defendants’ conduct was extreme and outrageous.                    We have noted that
    “‘[e]xtreme and outrageous’ conduct is difficult to define,” Johnson v. Merrell
    Dow Pharm., Inc., 
    965 F.2d 31
    , 33 (5th Cir. 1992), so parties must be clear in
    arguing how those standards are satisfied.
    On appeal, James says—citing only to the district court’s order holding
    that he stated a claim of IIED—that the facts speak for themselves: his life was
    ruined. That conclusory argument does not satisfy the requirements of this
    court, especially from represented parties. Cf. United States v. Posada-Rios,
    158 F.3d 832
    , 867 (5th Cir. 1998) (holding issue was waived where appellant
    cited only documents filed in the district court and failed to brief any
    “argument or discussion of the facts explaining why the district court’s findings
    were incorrect”). Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 28(a)(4) states that an
    appellant’s brief “must contain . . . appellant’s contentions and the reasons for
    them, with citations to the authorities and parts of the record on which the
    appellant relies.” James’s IIED briefing lacks citation to both case law and
    evidence. See United States v. Wilkes, 
    20 F.3d 651
    , 653 (5th Cir. 1994) (per
    curiam) (“Failure to comply with the rules of this court regarding the contents
    of briefs can be grounds for dismissing a party’s claims.”). Indeed, James did
    not list the district court’s summary-judgment ruling on his IIED claim as an
    issue presented to us for review. 9
    9   We copy the entirety of James’s briefing on his IIED claim here:
    As the district judge summarized in earlier denying the Woods 12(b)(6) motion,
    “the claim in this case is that Defendants ruined James’ life by falsely accusing
    him of aggravated incest, a horrible and despicable crime, for the sole purpose
    of [ ] leverage in a custody battle. [James’] opposition states the point
    rhetorically yet well: If this does not state a claim for IIED in Louisiana then
    how much more egregious would the facts have to be?” [Record Citation to
    District Court Opinion]. In this context, the same record and necessary
    inferences, which make malicious prosecution probable cause a jury issue for
    a jury, also make IIED’s central element of malice an issue which the district
    judge couldn’t dispose of on summary judgment.
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    The insufficiency of James’s briefing on this point is a particularly
    critical failing considering the nature of the claim we address. A Louisiana
    court has explained that “[o]utrageous conduct is a nebulous concept, as it does
    not refer to any specific type of conduct.” Perrone v. Rogers, 
    234 So. 3d 153
    158 (La. Ct. App. 2017). In order to determine whether conduct is extreme and
    outrageous, we ask whether, as a matter of law, the conduct is “so outrageous
    in character, and so extreme in degree, as to go beyond all possible bounds of
    decency, and to be regarded as atrocious and utterly intolerable in a civilized
    White, 585 So. 2d at 1209
    . James offers no explanation of how
    the specific facts of this case support his legal claim of IIED. In other words,
    he does not apply the law to the facts. And his argument that the defendants’
    accusations “ruined [his] life,” while certainly very sad, and even tragic in the
    context of his life, does not help us decide that hard legal question, made even
    harder by the fact that AGW has maintained her serious allegations against
    James from the beginning to the end.
    We do not address further James’s IIED claim because of his failure to
    explicate the facts of this case, with appropriate citations in his briefing. See
    Yohey v. Collins, 
    985 F.2d 222
    , 224 (5th Cir. 1993).
    We sum up: In order for the malicious-prosecution claim to survive
    summary judgment, James must offer evidence tending to show that the
    defendants caused his prosecution.     James’s proffered evidence belies this
    assertion of causation; that is, the evidence shows that the STPSO conducted
    an independent investigation of the alleged abuse. Furthermore, STPSO did
    not base the decision to arrest James simply on the information provided by
    the defendants. For these reasons, the district court did not err in dismissing
    the malicious-prosecution claim. And although James further contends that
    the district court improperly dismissed his IIED claim, he offers only cursory
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    reference to the contention. Neither does he provide record or case citations to
    show how the district court erred. And consequently, we do not consider this
    claim. Finally, we note that we have pretermitted addressing good faith in this
    opinion, especially as it relates to Article 611 of the Louisiana Children’s Code.
    Accordingly, we end this opinion by holding that the judgment of the
    district court is