Pritchard v. U.S. Trustee , 153 F.3d 232 ( 1998 )

  •           Revised September 16, 1998
    No. 97-10378
    In The Matter Of:    CHARLES ENGLAND,
    In The Matter Of:    WESLEY R ENGLAND,
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Texas
    August 28, 1998
    Before KING and DAVIS, Circuit Judges, and HEARTFIELD,* District
    KING, Circuit Judge:
    Appellants, the United States Trustee and Palmer & Palmer,
    P.C. appeal the district court’s judgment reversing the
    bankruptcy court’s judgment which limited bankruptcy trustee
    J. Gregg Pritchard’s compensation for administering the debtors
    estates.   We reverse the district court’s judgment.
    Trustee-appellee J. Gregg Pritchard (the Trustee) served as
    the bankruptcy trustee in the Chapter 7 liquidations of the
    jointly administered estates of two brothers, debtors Charles
    England and Wesley R. England.    Real estate provided the bulk of
    the assets for both estates, and some of the properties were
    owned jointly by the debtors.     The Trustee successfully sold some
    of the properties, but the other properties proved more difficult
    to sell.   To avoid delay in closing the estates and with only six
    unsecured creditors left to be paid, the creditors and the
    District Judge of the Eastern District of Texas, sitting
    by designation.
    Trustee entered into an agreement to transfer the unsold real
    estate and other property to two of the creditors in full
    satisfaction of their claims and to pay the other four creditors
    in full.   This settlement, including the transfer of property,
    was approved by the bankruptcy court without any objection from a
    The Trustee then sought $89,359.99 in compensation from the
    estates.   The bankruptcy court reduced the Trustee’s compensation
    to $38,009.30 based upon 11 U.S.C. § 326(a), which caps a Chapter
    7 trustee’s compensation based upon a percentage of the moneys
    disbursed.    The Trustee appealed the bankruptcy court’s
    compensation decision to the district court, which reversed the
    decision and ruled that the Trustee’s maximum compensation would
    be based upon the moneys and property disbursed.    The United
    States Trustee (the U.S. Trustee) and Palmer & Palmer, P.C.
    (Palmer), the debtors’ counsel, appeal.1
    This case presents only a question of statutory
    interpretation, which is a question of law reviewed de novo.      See
    Bruner v. United States (In re Bruner), 
    55 F.3d 195
    , 197 (5th
    Cir. 1995).
    The Trustee suggests that Palmer is not a proper
    appellant. We need not reach this question because the United
    States Trustee is undoubtedly a proper party and is requesting
    the identical relief, and therefore we may entertain this appeal
    even without Palmer.
    Section 330 of the Bankruptcy Code provides authority for
    the bankruptcy court to award the bankruptcy trustee “reasonable
    compensation for actual, necessary services rendered by such
    trustee.”   See 11 U.S.C. § 330(a)(1).2    Under § 330, the
    bankruptcy court may award less compensation than requested, and
    the section sets out relevant factors to consider in determining
    reasonable compensation.    See id.;3 3 COLLIER   ON   BANKRUPTCY
    § 330.02[1][c][i] (Lawrence P. King ed., 15th ed. rev. 1998).
    However, § 326 of the Bankruptcy Code limits the bankruptcy
    court’s power to award compensation to the trustee by setting a
    maximum limit on the trustee’s compensation.           Section 326(a)
    The relevant portions of §§ 330 and 326 were both amended
    in 1994. See Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1994, Pub. L. No. 103-394,
    §§ 107, 224, 108 Stat. 4106, 4111, 4130-31. Those amendments do
    not apply to this bankruptcy proceeding because it was filed
    before their effective date. See 
    id. § 702,
    108 Stat. 4150.
    Therefore, all references, unless otherwise noted, are to the
    previous versions of §§ 326 and 330 applicable in this case.
    Section 330 provides:
    (a) After notice to any parties in interest and to
    the United States trustee and a hearing, and subject to
    sections 326, 328, and 329 of this title, the court may
    award to a trustee . . . --
    (1) reasonable compensation for actual,
    necessary services rendered by such trustee . . .
    based on the nature, the extent, and the value of
    such services, the time spent on such services,
    and the cost of comparable services other than in
    a case under this title; and
    (2) reimbursement for actual, necessary
    11 U.S.C. § 330.
    provides that
    [i]n a case under chapter 7 or 11, the court may
    allow reasonable compensation under section 330 of this
    title of the trustee for the trustee’s services,
    payable after the trustee renders such services, not to
    exceed [decreasing percentages of increasing dollar
    amounts], upon all moneys disbursed or turned over in
    the case by the trustee to parties in interest,
    excluding the debtor, but including holders of secured
    Id. § 326(a)
    (emphasis added).    The proper outcome of this appeal
    turns upon whether “moneys disbursed” as used in § 326(a)
    includes the disbursement of unliquidated property from the
    Before interpreting the statute, we must first address the
    Trustee’s argument that the law of the case controls the outcome
    of this case.   Under the law-of-the-case doctrine, a court
    follows its prior final decisions in the case as the law of that
    case, except for a few narrow exceptions.    See Alberti v.
    46 F.3d 1347
    , 1351 n.1 (5th Cir. 1995).    The
    doctrine encompasses those decisions “‘decided by necessary
    implication as well as those decided explicitly.’”     
    Id. (citing Dickinson
    v. Auto Ctr. Mfg. Co., 
    733 F.2d 1092
    , 1098 (5th Cir.
    1983)).   The Trustee argues that the bankruptcy court determined
    that the definition of “money” includes property when it approved
    the transfer of the property to the unsecured creditors in full
    satisfaction of their claims.    He bases his argument upon the
    trustee’s duty to reduce the property of the estate to money
    under 11 U.S.C. § 704(1), contending that, in order to approve
    the transfer, the bankruptcy court necessarily had to decide that
    money included property or else the court could not have approved
    the transfer.   However, the bankruptcy court made no such
    determination, either implicitly or explicitly; the court was
    simply presented with a method, urged by the Trustee and the
    creditors, to satisfy all of the remaining creditors’ claims in
    full while avoiding the delay of waiting for the sale of the
    remaining properties.    No one objected to the transfer of
    property to satisfy the remaining claims against the estates, and
    the bankruptcy court approved the transfer without making any
    decision as to the meaning of “money” under the Bankruptcy Code.
    We return, then, to our statutory inquiry.        To determine the
    meaning of a statute, a court must begin with the plain meaning
    of its language.    See United States v. Ron Pair Enters., 
    489 U.S. 235
    , 241 (1989).    “Courts properly assume, absent sufficient
    indication to the contrary, that Congress intends the words in
    its enactments to carry ‘their ordinary, contemporary, common
    meaning.’”   Pioneer Inv. Servs. Co. v. Brunswick Assocs. Ltd.
    507 U.S. 380
    , 388 (1993) (quoting Perrin v. United
    444 U.S. 37
    , 42 (1979)). Because the Bankruptcy Code does
    not define “moneys” (or “money”), we must rely upon the word’s
    common everyday meaning, which does not include property.         See
    ed., 1963) (defining “money” as “something generally accepted as
    a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of
    payment”); BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY 1005 (6th ed. 1990) (defining
    “money” as “coins and paper currency used as circulating medium
    of exchange, and does not embrace notes, bonds, evidences of
    debt, or other personal or real estate”).    The plain language of
    § 326(a) indicates that the statute caps a trustee’s compensation
    based upon only the moneys disbursed, without any allowance for
    the property disbursed.   See In re Barnett, 
    133 B.R. 487
    , 489-90
    (Bankr. N.D. Iowa 1991) (relying upon the plain language of the
    statute to hold that property disbursements could not increase
    the maximum compensation); In re New England Fish Co., 
    34 B.R. 899
    , 901-02 (Bankr. W.D. Wash. 1983) (same); see also In re
    Brigantine Beach Hotel Corp., 
    197 F.2d 296
    , 299 (3d Cir. 1952)
    (interpreting the same language in the Bankruptcy Act of 1898 and
    finding that “moneys” is not the equivalent of property); In re
    North Am. Oil & Gas, Inc., 
    130 B.R. 473
    , 480-81 (Bankr. W.D. Tex.
    1990) (finding unliquidated assets turned over did not increase
    the trustee’s maximum compensation).    But see In re Toole, 
    294 F. 975
    , 977 (S.D.N.Y. 1920) (interpreting the same language in the
    Bankruptcy Act of 1898 and finding “moneys disbursed or turned
    over” broad enough to encompass securities disbursed).
    The Trustee argues that the plain meaning of money should
    not be used in interpreting § 326(a) because to do so conflicts
    with fundamental policies of the Bankruptcy Code, including
    prompt administration of the bankruptcy estate and maximization
    of the payments to creditors.4   See 11 U.S.C. § 704(1) (including
    among the duties of the trustee the duty to “collect and reduce
    to money the property of the estate for which such trustee
    serves, and close such estate as expeditiously as is compatible
    with the best interests of parties in interest”).   According to
    the Trustee, these policies support his decision to transfer the
    property to the unsecured creditors, and the conflicts with these
    policies that a plain language interpretation of § 326(a) creates
    are “‘demonstrably at odds with the intentions of [the statute’s]
    drafters,’” requiring courts to give controlling effect to their
    intentions over the statute’s plain meaning.5   See Ron Pair
    Enters., 489 U.S. at 242
    (quoting Griffin v. Oceanic Contractors,
    458 U.S. 564
    , 571 (1982)).
    Restated, the Trustee’s argument is that, by excluding
    property distributions from the calculation of his maximum
    compensation, the plain meaning of § 326(a) creates an incentive
    The Trustee also argues that the term “money,” as used in
    the Bankruptcy Code, does not have a plain meaning that excludes
    property because, in approving the transfer of the property to
    satisfy creditors’ claims, the bankruptcy court interpreted
    “money” to include property. This argument fails for the same
    reasons as the Trustee’s law-of-the-case argument discussed above
    in the text: the bankruptcy court’s approval of the transfer of
    the property in no sense carried with it an explicit or implicit
    determination of what constituted “money.”
    In this case, we are concerned only with the
    interpretation of 11 U.S.C. § 326(a) and do not express any
    opinion as to the propriety of the Trustee’s transfer of the
    property to the unsecured creditors as a method of settling the
    debtors’ estates under the Bankruptcy Code.
    for a trustee to liquidate assets even though that action may not
    be in the best interest of the estate.   However, § 330, not
    § 326(a), provides authorization for compensating the trustee and
    sets the standards for that compensation, and it allows a
    bankruptcy court to award a lesser amount of compensation when
    the trustee has manipulated the handling of an estate to increase
    his maximum compensation to the detriment of the estate.    See 11
    U.S.C. § 330(a)(1)-(2) (authorizing reasonable compensation only
    for “actual necessary services” and “actual necessary,
    expenses”); In re Prairie Cent. Ry., 
    87 B.R. 952
    , 957 (Bankr.
    N.D. Ill. 1988); see also Southwestern Media, Inc. v. Rau, 
    708 F.2d 419
    , 424 (9th Cir. 1983) (interpreting 11 U.S.C. § 326(a)’s
    substantially similar predecessor in the Bankruptcy Act of 1898).
    Section 326(a)’s intended role within the Bankruptcy Code is
    simply to set a maximum limit on the trustee’s compensation.     See
    S. REP. NO. 95-989, at 37 (1978), reprinted in 1978 U.S.C.C.A.N.
    5787, 5823; H.R. REP. NO. 95-595, at 327 (1977), reprinted in 1978
    U.S.C.C.A.N. 5963, 6283;6 see also   11 U.S.C. § 326 (entitled
    The Senate and House Reports read identically in relation
    to § 326 and its intended purpose as an upper limit on trustee
    It must be emphasized that this section does not
    authorize compensation of trustees. This section
    simply fixes the maximum compensation of a trustee.
    Proposed 11 U.S.C. 330 authorizes and fixes the
    standard of compensation. Under section 48c of current
    law, the maximum limits have tended to become minimums
    in many cases. This section is not intended to be so
    interpreted. The limits in this section, together with
    “Limitation on compensation of trustee”); Southwestern 
    Media, 708 F.2d at 424
    ; Prairie Cent. 
    Ry., 87 B.R. at 957
    .   Therefore, a
    trustee who manipulates a bankruptcy estate to increase his
    maximum compensation risks being denied compensation regardless
    of what the maximum compensation may be under § 326(a) because
    the compensation is unreasonable in light of the trustee’s
    manipulations.   See Southwestern 
    Media, 708 F.2d at 425
    ; Prairie
    Ry., 87 B.R. at 957
    The policy concerns raised by the Trustee do not demonstrate
    that using the plain meaning of “moneys disbursed” in
    interpreting § 326(a), especially in light of § 330’s role in
    setting compensation, is at odds with Congress’s intent.     See
    Barnett, 133 B.R. at 489-90
    .   The section is consistent with the
    duty of a Chapter 7 trustee to collect and reduce the property of
    the bankrupt’s estate to money.    See 11 U.S.C. § 704(1).
    Additionally, § 326(a) does not in itself prohibit the court, in
    setting the trustee’s compensation under § 330, from taking into
    account the services that the trustee rendered in arranging for
    the property distribution in settlement of claims, but merely
    the limitations found in section 330, are to be applied
    as outer limits, and not as grants or entitlements to
    the maximum fees specified.
    S. REP. NO. 95-989, at 37 (1978), reprinted in 1978 U.S.C.C.A.N.
    5787, 5823; H.R. REP. NO. 95-595, at 327 (1977), reprinted in 1978
    U.S.C.C.A.N. 5963, 6283.
    sets an upper limit on the trustee’s compensation from the
    estate.   See 11 U.S.C. §§ 326(a), 330.   Congress’s decision to
    set a maximum limit on trustee compensation based only upon
    moneys disbursed may arguably lead to a trustee receiving
    inadequate compensation in a particular case, but that is a
    problem for Congress to remedy.    See 
    Barnett, 133 B.R. at 490
    We recognize that, despite the plain meaning of § 326(a),
    some bankruptcy courts have interpreted the section to include
    disbursements other than money within the calculation of a
    trustee’s maximum compensation.    See In re Greenley Energy
    Holdings of Pa., Inc., 
    102 B.R. 400
    (E.D. Pa. 1989) (including
    guaranteed contracts in the calculation of maximum compensation
    where the trustee actually sought out and entered the contracts
    for the estate); In re Toole, 
    294 F. 975
    (S.D.N.Y. 1920)
    (interpreting the same language in the Bankruptcy Act of 1898 to
    include securities disbursed in a difficult bankruptcy); In re
    120 B.R. 409
    (Bankr. E.D. Tex. 1990) (including liens on
    property that remained in force on the property after sale in the
    calculation of maximum compensation); see also North Am. Oil &
    Gas, 130 B.R. at 480
    n.15 (relying upon Greenley Energy for the
    idea that the rare case may present a situation where property
    distributions which can be readily valued are includable in
    determining the trustee’s maximum compensation).   We simply
    disagree that the plain language of § 326(a) permits a different
    result from that reached by the bankruptcy court in this case.
    For the foregoing reasons, we REVERSE the district court’s
    judgment and REMAND the case for further proceedings consistent
    with this opinion.