United States v. Michael Roussel , 705 F.3d 184 ( 2013 )

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    FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT  United States Court of Appeals
    Fifth Circuit
    January 16, 2013
    No. 11-30908                    Lyle W. Cayce
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Louisiana
    Before JOLLY, JONES, and GRAVES, Circuit Judges.
    JAMES E. GRAVES, JR., Circuit Judge:
    Michael Roussel (“Roussel”) appeals his conviction along with the sentence
    imposed.   For the reasons articulated below, we AFFIRM the conviction,
    VACATE the sentence, and REMAND for resentencing.
    I. Procedural History
    Roussel, a New Orleans Police Department (“NOPD”) Captain and Traffic
    Division commander, and Joey Branch (“Branch”), a Texas businessman, were
    indicted on five counts of wire fraud and one count of conspiracy involving a
    scheme to defraud Entergy Services, Inc. (“Entergy”), a New Orleans-based
    utilities provider. Branch pleaded to conspiracy, entered into a plea agreement
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    whereby he agreed to the statutory maximum five-year sentence, and cooperated
    with the government.
    Roussel proceeded to trial. At trial, the district court read to the jury the
    Fifth Circuit Pattern Jury Instruction’s “deliberate ignorance”1 charge, which
    relates to the mens rea required for conviction. The district court also read to
    the jury a modified version of the circuit’s pattern jury instruction regarding
    limitations for consideration of “other acts” under Federal Rule of Evidence
    404(b). The district court allowed Roussel’s attorney to cross-examine Branch
    about his sentencing reduction in exchange for cooperating with the government,
    but limited detailed inquiry into the magnitude of the benefit Branch received.
    The jury returned a partial verdict, convicting Roussel of conspiracy and two
    wire fraud counts, acquitting him on one wire fraud count, and remaining
    undecided on the remaining two wire fraud counts.
    On September 8, 2011, the district court sentenced Roussel. The court, in
    determining the advisory range under the United States Sentencing Guidelines
    (“sentencing guidelines”) § 2C1.1, found that Roussel was a public official and a
    high-level public official, that more than one bribe was anticipated, and that the
    reasonably expected benefits from the fraudulent scheme were between
    $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000.00. This resulted in an offense level of 38 and a
    sentencing guidelines range of 235-293 months, equivalent to the base offense
    level for second degree murder. U.S. Sentencing Guidelines Manual § 2A1.2.
    The district court, however, determined that the “guidelines themselves came
    to an unreasonable result,” granted a downward variance, and imposed a 136-
    month sentence—99 months below the bottom of the advisory range. Roussel
    timely appealed, asserting that the district court committed numerous errors
    during trial and at sentencing.
    This is also known as the “willful blindness” charge.
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    II. Facts
    The conspiracy to defraud Entergy centered around a bribery plan of
    Roussel and Branch, along with Louis Dabdoub (“Dabdoub”), the Entergy
    security manager who assisted the FBI in the investigation. Roussel, as the
    NOPD Traffic Division commander, helped coordinate traffic for hurricane
    evacuations. Branch owned Gladius Inc. (“Gladius”), a Texas company that
    provided security guards to other companies.         Dabdoub, a retired NOPD
    Captain, was Entergy’s security manager. He assisted with hiring security
    guards for Entergy for natural disasters, including hurricanes.
    In 2008, Branch, through Gladius, provided armed security guards to
    Home Depot in New Orleans following Hurricane Gustav. NOPD officers
    complained that Gladius’s guards did not have proper certifications. A friend
    put Branch in touch with Roussel, who assisted in solving the problem. Roussel
    later assisted Branch with other paid details.
    On June 10, 2010, Branch visited New Orleans and asked Roussel if he
    knew any big companies willing to work with Gladius. Branch told Roussel
    that he paid “finder’s fees” to assist Gladius in obtaining contracts. Roussel told
    Branch he knew Dabdoub, Entergy’s security manager.             Branch asked if
    Dabdoub was a decision-maker, and Roussel allegedly responded, “Yes, but he’s
    going to want a piece of it.” Roussel later denied making this statement in
    testimony. Roussel then called Dabdoub himself to explain Branch’s operation.
    During the call, he allegedly told Dabdoub, “man, have I got some money for
    you.” Roussel later testified that he was simply repeating to Dabdoub what
    Branch had told him.
    Dabdoub became suspicious of the plan. In fact, as Roussel’s NOPD
    commander in 1997, Dabdoub had accused Roussel of tipping off a drug dealer
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    about an impending raid and then lying about his whereabouts.2 Ultimately, the
    accusation that Roussel had obstructed justice by tipping off the drug dealer was
    not sustained, though the accusation that he lied about his whereabouts was
    sustained. He was therefore suspended without pay for three days. According
    to Roussel, this was the only blemish on his record.
    After Roussel’s call about the Gladius proposal, Dabdoub called NOPD
    Major James Treadaway. Treadaway passed on the information to the NOPD
    Superintendent, who called the FBI. Dabdoub assisted by acting as a corrupt
    security manager for Entergy. Dabdoub placed a recorded call to Roussel on
    June 14, 2010, agreeing to meet Branch. On the call, Roussel said, “[T]here is
    some money for us.”
    Branch flew his plane to New Orleans Lakefront Airport later that day.
    Roussel, in his NOPD uniform and driving an NOPD vehicle reserved for
    dignitaries, drove Branch and his associates to Entergy. At the video recorded
    meeting, Branch and Dabdoub discussed the deal, while Roussel, sitting in the
    back, listened, texted, and occasionally commented when the conversation was
    directed to him. He left to use the bathroom when discussions turned to paying
    Dabdoub, and returned about a minute-and-a-half later. While he was out,
    In that incident, a narcotics officer received a call from an informant stating where
    a known drug dealer could be found. When police arrived to apprehend the suspect, the
    suspect possessed no drugs. However, he had a pager, which had received a page from the
    NOPD Sixth District station’s main number at the same time as or just after the informant’s
    call was placed to the officer. Though Roussel was not on the narcotics squad, he later arrived
    at the scene in his personal car and spoke briefly to the suspect.
    The NOPD’s Public Integrity Bureau had conducted an investigation into the 1997
    matter. The two officers involved in the telephone conversation with the informant stated that
    they saw only Roussel come in and out of the room while the phone conversation was
    occurring. As part of the investigation, Dabdoub questioned Roussel about his whereabouts
    at the time of the informant’s call. Roussel denied being at the Sixth District station on the
    day of the call, although Dabdoub remembered seeing him earlier that day at the station.
    Later, Roussel told investigators that he never spoke with Dabdoub about his whereabouts on
    the day of the raid.
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    Dabdoub and Branch decided Dabdoub’s wife would become employed by
    Gladius. Roussel was told about this arrangement when he returned.
    Again in Roussel’s presence, Dabdoub and Branch arranged for Entergy
    to pay Gladius $89.50 per guard per hour, which was inflated about $15 over
    what Gladius needed to make a profit. Branch and Dabdoub discussed dividing
    the excess $15, agreeing, after Branch stated, “I have to have my consultant
    here,” that they and Roussel would split it three ways. Roussel testified at trial
    that he was “bored” during the meeting, that the talk was above him, and that
    he “didn’t give it any thought” that the men could be scheming to defraud
    Afterwards, Roussel and Branch had dinner in the French Quarter and,
    according to Branch, talked about early retirement from all the money they
    would make. On June 16, 2010, Dabdoub placed a recorded call to Roussel to
    request “good faith” money from Branch, to ensure that Branch would not
    deceive them. Roussel said he would call Branch later that day, but the parties
    dispute whether or not he ever made the call. On June 20, 2010, Branch called
    Roussel and Roussel told him about Dabdoub’s request for “good faith” money.
    This upset Branch. Roussel testified that he suggested Branch take Dabdoub
    out to dinner to show his “good faith.” Branch testified that he told Roussel he
    would pay $10,000, but after Roussel said it was too much, Branch said he would
    pay $1,000.
    On June 22, 2010, Branch flew back to New Orleans to execute the
    contract. Roussel, again in his NOPD uniform and driving an NOPD vehicle,
    drove Branch and his associates to Entergy. During the ride, Branch gave
    Roussel $500.3 Immediately before the group meeting among Branch, Roussel,
    Dabdoub, and several Entergy and Gladius staff, the three met privately in
    Roussel testified that this was money owed to him for coordinating a prior detail,
    while Branch testified that this was his “good faith” money to Roussel for the Entergy deal.
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    Dabdoub’s office. In Roussel’s presence, Branch gave Dabdoub an envelope
    containing the $1,000 in “good faith” money. Branch also gave Dabdoub the
    paperwork for Gladius to hire Dabdoub’s wife, and the two joked about
    Dabdoub’s wife being “the best-paid secretary” ever. When Dabdoub began to
    discuss the amount of money the three could make from the deal, Roussel
    replied, rhetorically, “I don’t even want to know.” The three then returned to the
    group conference room and the parties signed the fraudulent contract.
    Afterwards, agents arrested Branch and Roussel. When questioned,
    Roussel stated that the contract would never be carried out because Branch
    would not follow through.
    Roussel asserts that the district court committed three errors during trial
    and four errors during sentencing. Regarding the trial errors, he argues that the
    district court committed error in: (1) its issuance of this circuit’s “deliberate
    ignorance” pattern jury instruction; (2) its Federal Rule of Evidence 404(b)
    instruction to the jury on “other acts;” and (3) limiting Roussel’s counsel’s
    cross-examination of Branch regarding Branch’s plea agreement, which denied
    Roussel his constitutional right to confront his accuser.
    With respect to sentencing, Roussel asserts that the sentencing guidelines
    enhancements were improper because the district court clearly erred in: (1)
    finding that Roussel was a public official and a high-level public official; (2)
    finding that more than one bribe occurred; and (3) its calculation of the expected
    monetary benefit from the fraudulent contract. Additionally, Roussel contends
    the district court violated the Supreme Court’s ruling in Apprendi v. New Jersey,
    530 U.S. 466
     (2000), in considering a 30-year statutory maximum sentence when
    the evidence presented to the jury was only sufficient to convict on a crime with
    a 20-year maximum. We address each of these claims in order.
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    I. Whether the district court’s issuance of this circuit’s “deliberate ignorance”
    pattern jury instruction was, even if erroneous and in violation of Supreme Court
    precedent, harmless error.
    A. Standard of Review
    The parties dispute the applicable standard of review. The government
    argues that Roussel did not “inform the court of the specific objection [to the jury
    instruction] and the grounds for the objection,” which requires a review of the
    district court’s decision to issue the jury instruction and the content of the
    instruction for plain error. Fed. R. Crim. P. 30(d). Roussel argues that he
    properly objected, and that we “review preserved error in jury instructions under
    an abuse of discretion standard and ask whether the court’s charge, as a whole,
    is a correct statement of the law and whether it clearly instructs jurors as to the
    principles of the law applicable to the factual issues confronting them.” United
    States v. Brooks, 
    681 F.3d 678
    , 697 (5th Cir. 2012) (quotation omitted).
    Nonetheless, “[a]ny error is subject to harmless error review,” United States v.
    346 F.3d 121
    , 132 (5th Cir. 2003) (citation omitted), rendering
    moot the parties’ disagreement regarding the applicable standard of review.
    B. Analysis
    Though the deliberate ignorance instruction was improper, the district
    court’s error was harmless.
    Roussel argues that the district court’s decision to give the instruction was
    improper because it lowered the required mens rea, and that the circuit’s pattern
    instruction is in violation of Supreme Court precedent. The government argues
    that both the court’s decision to give the instruction and the language of the
    instruction were proper.
    This circuit’s pattern jury instructions state that “ ‘knowingly’ . . . means
    that the act was done voluntarily and intentionally, not because of mistake or
    accident.” 5th Cir. Pattern Jury Instructions: Criminal § 1.37 (2001). If a
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    deliberate ignorance instruction is warranted, the judge may continue reading
    from the pattern instruction as follows:
    You may find that a defendant had knowledge of a fact if you find
    that the defendant deliberately closed his eyes to what would
    otherwise have been obvious to him. While knowledge on the part
    of the defendant cannot be established merely by demonstrating
    that the defendant was negligent, careless, or foolish, knowledge can
    be inferred if the defendant deliberately blinded himself to the
    existence of a fact.
    “[A] deliberate ignorance instruction is warranted when a defendant
    claims a lack of guilty knowledge and the proof at trial supports an inference of
    deliberate indifference.” Brooks, 681 F.3d at 701 (quotation omitted). “The
    evidence at trial must raise two inferences: (1) the defendant was subjectively
    aware of a high probability of the existence of the illegal conduct; and (2) the
    defendant purposely contrived to avoid learning of the illegal conduct.” Id.
    (quotation omitted).
    In Mendoza-Medina, we explained:
    We have often cautioned against the use of the deliberate
    ignorance instruction. Because the instruction permits a jury to
    convict a defendant without a finding that the defendant was
    actually aware of the existence of illegal conduct, the deliberate
    ignorance instruction poses the risk that a jury might convict the
    defendant on a lesser negligence standard—the defendant should
    have been aware of the illegal conduct.
    346 F.3d at 132
     (quotation omitted).
    Last year, we further elaborated that “[d]eliberate indifference
    instructions are inappropriate in the usual case, where the evidence presents a
    simple choice between a version of the facts in which the defendant had actual
    knowledge, and one in which the defendant was no more than negligent or
    stupid.” United States v. Jones, 
    664 F.3d 966
    , 979 (5th Cir. 2011) (quotation
    omitted), cert. denied, 
    132 S. Ct. 2728
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    Nevertheless, we have “consistently held that an error in giving the
    deliberate ignorance instruction is . . . harmless where there is substantial
    evidence of actual knowledge.” United States v. Threadgill, 
    172 F.3d 357
    , 369
    (5th Cir. 1999) (quotations omitted); accord Jones, 
    664 F.3d at 979
     (holding that
    any erroneous issuance of deliberate ignorance jury charge was harmless in that
    case). In Threadgill, we found that the defendants had actual knowledge of their
    participation in a money laundering scheme, and there was thus no need to
    address whether the deliberate ignorance instruction was properly submitted.
     “We concede, after reviewing the record, that there is little evidence that the
    defendants purposefully contrived to avoid knowing that their actions were
    unlawful. In fact, the evidence reveals just the opposite, that the defendants
    knew that their conduct was criminal and took elaborate measures to hide it.”
    Here, the district court’s issuance of the deliberate ignorance charge,
    though erroneous, was harmless error. As in Threadgill, there was substantial
    evidence of Roussel’s actual knowledge of the illegal scheme. The record reflects
    that, to the extent he attempted to take any exculpatory actions, they had the
    purpose of hiding his involvement in the fraud, not to avoid knowledge of it
    altogether. Roussel was an essential player in the three-way scheme from the
    beginning. He connected Branch and Dabdoub, facilitated and participated in
    meetings and telephone calls, shuttled Branch back and forth to those meetings,
    stayed involved throughout the negotiations of the fraudulent contract, assented
    to receiving a portion of the kickback, and advised Branch on the amount of
    “good faith” money that Branch would pay Dabdoub. He also admitted to having
    at least some knowledge of Branch’s untruthful ways when questioned after his
    arrest, calling Branch a “bullshit artist.”
    During the sentencing proceedings, the district court elaborated on the
    overwhelming evidence against Roussel:
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    The whole crime, basically, was committed on videotape, and
    I watched Mr. Roussel, not only listened to his words but watched
    his body language, his facial expressions, his conduct on the
    Although, it is true, he sort of sat back and let Mr. Branch and
    Mr. Dabdoub do most of the talking, there is no doubt in my mind
    that he was clearly involved, very involved in what they were
    discussing, very aware of what they were discussing, and his
    testimony that he didn’t understand, was not aware that they were
    talking about something that was illegal just, frankly, was
    preposterous to me.
    To the extent Roussel contends that he was merely a “consultant” and his
    only interest was to receive a “finder’s fee,” he remained intimately involved in
    the transaction for a much longer period of time than was necessary or
    reasonable to maintain such an innocent role.
    Whether Roussel was bored and texting during the June 14, 2010 meeting
    at Entergy is not dispositive of his knowledge of, or involvement in, the scheme.
    Nor is Roussel’s    leaving to use the bathroom “almost immediately when
    discussions turned to paying Dabdoub,” Gov’t App. Br. at 8, proof of Roussel’s
    lack of knowledge (as he claims) or proof that he was acting to deliberately avoid
    knowledge of the kickback scheme (as the government claims). He was told upon
    his return that Branch would hire Dabdoub’s wife and that they would split the
    $15 overpayment three ways. That is substantial knowledge of the illegal
    scheme. Therefore, the district court’s issuance of the deliberate ignorance
    instruction was erroneous, but the error was harmless.
    Since we find harmless error, there is no need to address Roussel’s
    argument that this circuit’s pattern deliberate ignorance instruction is improper
    in light of Global-Tech Appliances, Inc. v. SEB S.A., 
    131 S. Ct. 2060
    Nonetheless, we have already expressly approved continued use of the pattern
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    instruction post-Global-Tech.4 United States v. Brooks, 
    681 F.3d 678
    , 702-03
    (5th Cir. 2012) (“although this [Fifth Circuit pattern deliberate ignorance]
    instruction obviously does not use the same language as Global-Tech, the same
    meaning is conveyed.”). Therefore, Roussel’s argument is without merit.
    II. Whether the district court erred in its Rule 404(b) instruction to the jury on
    “other acts.”
    Rule 404(b) reads:
    (1) Evidence of a crime, wrong, or other act is not admissible to
    prove a person’s character in order to show that on a particular
    occasion the person acted in accordance with the character.
    (2) This evidence may be admissible for another purpose, such as
    proving motive, opportunity, intent, preparation, plan, knowledge,
    identity, absence of mistake, or lack of accident. On request by a
    defendant in a criminal case, the prosecutor must:
    (A) provide reasonable notice of the general nature of any
    such evidence that the prosecutor intends to offer at trial; and
    (B) do so before trial—or during trial if the court, for good
    cause, excuses lack of pretrial notice.
    Fed. R. Evid. 404(b).
    The evidence at issue here was Dabdoub’s 1997 accusation that Roussel
    tipped off drug dealers about an impending raid and then lied about his
    whereabouts to cover it up. The NOPD’s Public Integrity Bureau did not sustain
    the accusation against Roussel for tipping off the drug dealer, but it did sustain
    the accusation of “untruthfulness” for lying to Dabdoub about his whereabouts
    that day.
    What makes this case different from the typical Rule 404(b) dispute is
    that, here, the defense sought to introduce evidence of other acts. During trial,
    the district court stated that “the government originally offered [evidence of the
    In Global-Tech, the Supreme Court considered deliberate ignorance in the civil
    context, stating that deliberate ignorance requires proof that: (1) the defendant subjectively
    believed that there was a high probability that a fact exists and (2) the defendant took
    deliberate actions to avoid learning of that fact. Global-Tech, 
    131 S. Ct. at 2070
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    1997 NOPD incident] as a 404(b) evidence, and . . . I was inclined to keep it out
    of this case completely until the defense injected it into the case for other
    reasons.” Roussel “marshaled this evidence in support of its theory that Roussel
    would not have knowingly approached Dabdoub, his dogged prior accuser, with
    a solicitation for illegal activity.” Roussel App. Br. at 22. Therefore, as the
    district court correctly recognized, the standard Rule 404(b) jury instruction
    would need to be modified to account for the atypical situation and to ensure
    that the evidence of the 1997 incident would not be used to prove Roussel had
    a propensity to commit the crimes in the indictment.
    To the extent the introduction of the evidence was erroneous, the doctrine
    of invited error applies to this situation; when injection of inadmissible evidence
    is attributable to the actions of the defense, the defense cannot later object to
    such “invited error.” United States v. Raymer, 
    876 F.2d 383
    , 388 (5th Cir. 1989)
    (citing, e.g., United States v. Lemaire, 
    712 F.2d 944
    , 948-49 (5th Cir. 1983), cert.
    464 U.S. 1012
     (1983)), cert. denied 
    110 S. Ct. 198
     (1989). Roussel invited
    any erroneous Rule 404(b) instruction by injecting the evidence of the 1997
    incident into the case. Now that he has lost this risky bet, he attempts to
    demonstrate that the district court’s instruction was improper all along. On
    appeal, he asserts a new and inapplicable argument that “[t]he other
    acts—unsubstantiated, fourteen-year-old misconduct allegations against Mr.
    Roussel—were dissimilar from the charged offense, were remote in time, and
    had no proper bearing on Mr. Roussel’s guilt for the charged offense.” Roussel
    Reply Br. at 23. Indeed, it appears that he is now making a typical 404(b)
    argument that the evidence should never have been introduced in the first place.
    Given that he requested the introduction of the evidence, however, he invited
    any error in the issuance of the instruction.5
    The government contends that Roussel’s ultimate assent to the Rule 404(b) instruction
    constitutes a waiver, citing United States v. Jefferson, 432 F. App’x 382, 387-88 (5th Cir. 2011)
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    III. Whether the district court erred in limiting Roussel’s counsel’s cross-
    examination of Branch regarding Branch’s plea agreement, and, if so, whether
    that error violated Roussel’s right to confront his accuser.
    A. Standard of Review
    A constitutional question merits de novo review. See United States v.
    109 F.3d 1023
    , 1037 (5th Cir. 1997). Once the Confrontation Clause of
    the Sixth Amendment has been satisfied, limitation of cross-examination is
    reviewed for abuse of discretion. United States v. Davis, 
    393 F.3d 540
    , 548 (5th
    Cir. 2004).6
    B. Analysis
    Reviewing the constitutional question de novo, there was no violation of
    Roussel’s Sixth Amendment right to confront his accuser.                      Beyond that,
    reviewing the limitation of Roussel’s counsel’s cross-examination of Branch for
    any other impropriety, the district court did not abuse its discretion.7
    Roussel argues that his Sixth Amendment right to confront his accuser
    was violated and that the district court’s limitation on his counsel’s cross-
    examination of Branch about Branch’s actual exposure under the guidelines was
    otherwise improper.        “While the scope of cross-examination is within the
    discretion of the trial judge, this discretionary authority comes into play only
    after there has been permitted as a matter of right sufficient cross-examination
    (“The defense counsel’s agreement to the instructions constitutes a waiver.”)). We need not
    consider this argument, however, since Roussel invited any error in the district court’s
    Again, Roussel and the government disagree on the applicable standard of review.
    The government asserts that Roussel did not preserve his objection, and that review is
    therefore limited to plain error. We need not address this disagreement because, even
    assuming Roussel preserved his objection, as explained below, the district court did not err in
    limiting the cross-examination.
    After Roussel’s counsel repeatedly questioned Branch about the sentencing guidelines’
    effect on the magnitude of his benefit, the district court stated “[w]e’ve beat this horse to
    death, Mr. Reed. We really have. We’re not going into sentencing guidelines.”
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    to satisfy the Sixth Amendment.” United States v. Restivo, 
    8 F.3d 274
    , 278 (5th
    Cir. 1993). The Sixth Amendment’s Confrontation Clause is violated if “the
    defendant [can] show that a reasonable jury might have had a significantly
    different impression of the witness’s credibility if defense counsel had been
    allowed to pursue the questioning.” Davis, 
    393 F.3d at 548
    In Davis, we ruled that there was no Sixth Amendment violation or abuse
    of discretion regarding the court’s limitation on cross-examination because
    defense counsel was able to elicit information on the effect of a plea agreement
    on the dismissal of the indictment against the witness. Davis, 
    393 F.3d at
    48. Additionally, in Restivo, we held that there was no Sixth Amendment
    violation or abuse of discretion regarding the court’s limitation on cross-
    examination because defense counsel had elicited sufficient testimony to infer
    the witness’s bias. Restivo, 
    8 F.3d at 278
    Roussel argues that his counsel was unable to question Branch about
    Branch’s actual exposure under the guidelines or further benefits that Branch
    may receive through his cooperation. Nevertheless, the jury had more than
    enough information to infer Branch’s potential bias in testifying against Roussel,
    including Branch’s maximum statutory penalty on the initial charges (30 years),
    the government’s agreement to prosecute Branch on only one of the six charges
    and Branch’s agreement to plead guilty on that charge, and the resulting
    statutory cap on Branch’s sentence (five years). Additionally, the jury had a copy
    of Branch’s full plea agreement.       Beyond that, the jury knew that the
    government could ask for an even lesser sentence depending on the value of
    Branch’s cooperation.
    This was more than sufficient to satisfy the Confrontation Clause, and
    does not indicate that the district court abused its discretion by limiting
    questioning into Branch’s possible exposure under the sentencing guidelines.
    Given that he had not yet been sentenced at the time of his testimony, Branch’s
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    own estimate of his sentence under the sentencing guidelines8 would have been
    speculative and confusing to the jury.
    That the jury knew about a possible 25-year sentencing reduction and
    Branch’s plea to only one of six counts in exchange for his cooperation was more
    than enough information to infer Branch’s bias as a witness, and, therefore,
    there was no Confrontation Clause violation nor abuse of discretion in limiting
    Roussel’s counsel’s cross-examination.
    IV. Whether the district court clearly erred in finding Roussel was a public
    official and a high-level public official for the purposes of the sentencing
    guidelines enhancements.
    A. Standard of Review
    We review purely legal conclusions or interpretations of the meaning of a
    sentencing guideline de novo, and review the trial court’s findings of fact for
    clear error. United States v. Mann, 
    493 F.3d 484
    , 492 (5th Cir. 2007). Clear
    error exists if we are left with a definite and firm conviction that a mistake has
    been made. United States v. Griffin, 
    324 F.3d 330
    , 365 (5th Cir. 2003). We may
    affirm the district court’s judgment on any basis supported by the record. United
    States v. Le, 
    512 F.3d 128
    , 134 (5th Cir. 2007) (quotation omitted).
    B. Analysis
    The district court did not err in applying sentencing enhancements based
    on its findings that Roussel was a public official, and a high-level public official
    or a public official in a sensitive position.
    Section 2C1.1(a) of the sentencing guidelines requires a base offense level
    of 14 “if the defendant was a public official.” Otherwise, the base offense level
    is 12. 
     The commentary to the section, in relevant part, defines “public
    official” as:
    In any case, the sentencing guidelines are advisory only. United States v. Booker, 
    543 U.S. 220
    , 246, 259-60 (2005).
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    (C) An officer or employee or person acting for or on behalf of a
    state or local government, or any department, agency, or branch of
    government thereof, in any function, under or by authority of such
    department, agency, or branch of government, or a juror in a state
    or local trial.
    (E) An individual who, although not otherwise covered by
    subdivisions (A) through (D): (i) is in a position of public trust with
    official responsibility for carrying out a government program or
    policy; (ii) acts under color of law or official right; or (iii) participates
    so substantially in government operations as to possess de facto
    authority to make governmental decisions . . . .
    U.S. Sentencing Guidelines Manual § 2C1.1 cmt. n.1.9
    Additionally, § 2C1.1(b)(3) requires that “[i]f the offense involved an
    elected public official or any public official in a high-level decision-making or
    sensitive position, increase by 4 levels.” The commentary to the section defines
    a “high-level decision-making or sensitive position” as “a position characterized
    by a direct authority to make decisions for, or on behalf of, a government
    department, agency, or other government entity, or by a substantial influence
    over the decision-making process.” U.S. Sentencing Guidelines Manual § 2C1.1
    cmt. n.4. It provides examples of a public official in a high-level decision-making
    position, “includ[ing] a prosecuting attorney, a judge, an agency administrator,
    and any other public official with a similar level of authority.” Id. “Examples
    of a public official who holds a sensitive position include a juror, a law
    enforcement officer, an election official, and any other similarly situated
    individual.” Id. (emphasis added).
    Roussel argues that the district court erred in applying the § 2C1.1(a)
    “public official” enhancement because he was not “acting for or on behalf of” the
    “[C]ommentary in the Guidelines Manual that interprets or explains a guideline is
    authoritative unless it violates the Constitution or a federal statute, or is inconsistent with,
    or a plainly erroneous reading of, that guideline.” Stinson v. United States, 
    508 U.S. 36
    , 38
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    NOPD at the specific times he engaged in the criminal activity. He further
    argues that his wearing his Captain’s uniform and use of his police vehicle while
    off duty to chauffeur Branch were not indicative of his acting in an official
    capacity, and that “his position provided him with no special access to Dabdoub,
    who was an acquaintance from high school and no longer employed by the
    NOPD.” Roussel App. Br. at 32-33. Despite this, the district court found that
    he was acting in his official capacity or under the authority of his office at the
    time the crimes were committed.
    Irrespective of whether Roussel was acting for the NOPD at the time of the
    criminal activity, he was “in a position of public trust with official responsibility
    for carrying out a government program or policy,” U.S. Sentencing Guidelines
    Manual § 2C1.1 cmt. n.1(E), and was therefore a “public official” for the purposes
    of the sentencing guidelines. He was the commander of the NOPD’s Traffic
    Division, responsible for the incredibly important job of coordinating hurricane
    evacuations. This was clearly a position of public trust. Therefore, as we may
    affirm a district court’s decision on any basis supported by the record, Le, 
    512 F.3d at 134
    , the “public official” sentencing enhancement was not clearly
    The four-level sentencing enhancement based on Roussel’s high-level or
    sensitive position was also appropriate.       The commentary to § 2C1.1(b)(3)
    explicitly identifies a police officer as a person holding a sensitive position. U.S.
    Sentencing Guidelines Manual § 2C1.1 cmt. n.4(B). Additionally, as a Captain
    in the NOPD, Roussel was clearly in a high-level position.
    Roussel argues that the four-point “high-level or sensitive position”
    sentencing enhancement was improper because he “was not the subject of the
    bribe and his official role was not compromised.” Roussel App. Br. at 36 (citing
    United States v. Barraza, 
    655 F.3d 375
    , 384 (5th Cir. 2011) (“The commentary
    explains that the four-level enhancement should be applied ‘if the payment was
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    for the purpose of influencing an official act by certain officials.’ ”) (quoting U.S.
    Sentencing Guidelines Manual § 2C1.1 cmt. background) (erroneously attributed
    to U.S. Sentencing Guidelines Manual § 1B1.1 cmt. background), cert. denied,
    132 S. Ct. 1590
     (2012)).           Roussel deduces from this that the four-level
    enhancement is precluded in any other situation.
    In 2004, the sentencing guidelines were amended by removing language
    requiring an eight-level enhancement where “the offense involved a payment for
    the purpose of influencing an elected official or any official holding a high-level
    decision-making or sensitive position.” See U.S. Sentencing Guidelines Manual
    app. C, amend. 666.12. Following Amendment 666, this language is no longer
    part of the guidelines, though it remains as an instructive example in the
    background to the commentary.10 Instead, § 2C1.1(b)(3) was implemented to
    apply a four-level increase when “the offense involves an elected public official
    or any public official in a high-level decision-making or sensitive position.” The
    amendment demonstrates an intention to expand the reach of the four-level
    enhancement beyond public officials that receive direct payment bribes to
    influence their official actions.
    Furthermore, Roussel’s reliance on Barraza and other cases is
    unpersuasive, as the courts there were merely applying the sentencing
    enhancement based on the particular facts of those cases. This does not in any
    way suggest that the “high-level or sensitive position” enhancement is improper
    in any other situations.11
    As the district court stated during the sentencing proceedings, the background is
    “illustrative of examples of what they mean, but it doesn’t say that’s the only way this could
    fit. It says, ‘[i]t applies to a person who offers or gives a bribe for a corrupt purpose,’ which
    certainly applies here.”
    “[A] guideline for the offense must be designed to cover diverse situations.” U.S.
    Sentencing Guidelines Manual § 2C1.1 cmt. background.
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    Though he states early in his opening brief that he will not argue this,
    Roussel also asserts in his reply brief that Roussel should not receive the four-
    level sentencing guidelines enhancement because Branch did not. He posits
    that, since the guidelines require a four-level enhancement for crimes “involving”
    a high-level or sensitive position, Branch should have also received the
    enhancement. Roussel Reply Br. at 4. Branch’s lesser sentence, however, does
    not assist Roussel because “a mere disparity of sentences among co-defendants
    does not, alone, constitute an abuse of discretion.” United States v. Ochoa, 
    667 F.3d 643
    , 651 (5th Cir. 2012) (finding no abuse of discretion for sentencing one
    defendant to 235 months and government cooperator to three years). In any
    case, Roussel may have been more deserving of the enhancement because
    “offenders who abuse their positions of public trust are inherently more culpable
    than those who seek to corrupt them . . . .” U.S. Sentencing Guidelines Manual
    app. C, amend. 666, reason for amendment.
    For all the reasons stated above, the district court did not clearly err in
    applying either the “public official” sentencing guidelines enhancement or the
    “high-level or sensitive position” enhancement to Roussel.
    V. Whether the district court clearly erred in finding that more than one bribe
    occurred, meriting a sentencing guidelines enhancement.
    A. Standard of Review
    Again, we review purely legal conclusions or interpretations of the
    meaning of a sentencing guideline de novo, and review the trial court’s findings
    of fact—including the relevant conduct for determining whether more than one
    bribe occurred—for clear error. See United States v. Mann, 
    493 F.3d 484
    , 492
    (5th Cir. 2007) (citation omitted) (determining there was no clear error in district
    court’s finding more than one act of extortion); United States v. Griffin, 
    324 F.3d 330
    , 365 (5th Cir. 2003) (citation and internal quotation marks omitted) (holding
    that district court clearly erred in finding more than one bribe). Clear error
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    exists if we are left with a definite and firm conviction that a mistake has been
    made. Griffin, 
    324 F.3d at 365
     (citation omitted).
    B. Analysis
    The district court clearly erred in finding that more than one bribe
    occurred, and the two-level enhancement under § 2C1.1(b)(1) of the sentencing
    guidelines was therefore improper. The guidelines’ commentary states that
    [s]ubsection (b)(1) provides an adjustment for offenses involving
    more than one incident of either bribery or extortion. Related
    payments that, in essence, constitute a single incident of bribery or
    extortion (e.g., a number of installment payments for a single
    action) are to be treated as a single bribe or extortion, even if
    charged in separate counts.
    U.S. Sentencing Guidelines Manual § 2C1.1 cmt. n.2.
    “The ‘offense’ referred to in section 2C1.1(b)(1) includes ‘the offense of
    conviction and all relevant conduct under § 1B1.3 (Relevant Conduct) unless a
    different meaning is specified or is otherwise clear from the context.’ ” Mann,
    493 F.3d at 497
     (5th Cir. 2007) (quoting U.S. Sentencing Guidelines Manual §
    1B1.1 cmt. n.1) (affirming district court’s application of two-level sentencing
    guidelines enhancement based on the commission of more than one act of
    extortion).12 “Relevant conduct includes offenses that are part of the same
    course of conduct or common scheme or plan as the offense of conviction.” Id.
    § 1B1.3 defines, in material part, the “relevant conduct” to be considered in
    determining the guidelines range as follows:
    (A) all acts and omissions committed, aided, abetted, counseled, commanded,
    induced, procured, or willfully caused by the defendant; and
    (B) in the case of a jointly undertaken criminal activity (a criminal plan,
    scheme, endeavor, or enterprise undertaken by the defendant in concert with
    others, whether or not charged as a conspiracy), all reasonably foreseeable acts
    and omissions of others in furtherance of the jointly undertaken criminal
    activity, that occurred during the commission of the offense of conviction, in
    preparation for that offense, or in the course of attempting to avoid detection or
    responsibility for that offense.
    U.S. Sentencing Guidelines Manual § 1B1.3(a)(1).
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    (quotation omitted).    “A district court’s determination of what constitutes
    relevant conduct is reviewed for clear error.” Id.
    During the sentencing proceedings, the district court found that:
    [w]hat was intended was a series of actions over a period of time.
    This contract was to continue for some period of time in the future
    . . . . It could not be anticipated exactly when they would occur, but
    whenever there would be a presidentially declared natural
    catastrophe or emergency and Entergy would be required to
    immediately beef up its security force, then . . . Gladius, would be
    called upon to supply security officers, . . . but in any event, it seems
    to me that that is very different from a one-time agreement to pay
    a bribe that is then just paid over in installments. This was going
    to be a series of actions. Effectively another bribe to be paid every
    time there was another event that occurred.
    Roussel requests that we adopt the Second Circuit’s test for determining
    whether more than one bribe took place. In United States v. Arshad, 
    239 F.3d 276
    , 280-82 (2d Cir. 2001), the Second Circuit announced three factors to
    determine whether multiple bribes occurred for the purposes of the two-level
    sentencing guidelines enhancement: (1) whether the payments were made to
    influence a “single action;” (2) whether the pattern and amount of payments bear
    the hallmarks of installment payments, such as a regular schedule of payments
    over a finite period of time toward a fixed final sum, rather than a series of
    intermittent and varied bribes; and (3) whether the method for making each
    payment remains the same. Arshad, 
    239 F.3d at 280-82
    . At least one other
    circuit has applied the Arshad factors to find that multiple bribes took place. See
    United States v. Weaver, 175 F. App’x 506, 509-11 (3d Cir. 2006).
    Roussel, applying the Arshad factors, asserts that the bribe intended for
    Louis Dabdoub was: (1) to influence a single action, the confection of the
    fraudulent Entergy contract; (2) for a fixed amount of the fraudulent Entergy
    contract with Gladius ($4.83 out of every $89.50, or approximately 5% of all
    future security needs), a hallmark of installment payments; and (3) to be
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    consistently paid to Dabdoub’s wife as compensation for her sham employment
    with Gladius. Roussel Reply Br. at 9. Roussel also argues the consistently
    immaterial point that, since Branch did not receive the enhancement, Roussel
    should not have either.
    We need not address the Arshad factors to come to the conclusion that
    Roussel was not involved with the payment of more than one bribe. Simply put,
    the government proved the payment of only one bribe—the $1,000 “good faith”
    money to Dabdoub. The rest was all speculative. The defendant in Arshad, a
    contractor who bribed a state building inspector for overlooking defective work,
    paid the inspector at least four separate times. Arshad, 
    239 F.3d at 278
    . The
    defendant in Weaver, a public school employee who received kickbacks under a
    contract for laptop computers, received thirteen different bribe payments.
    Weaver, 175 F. App’x at 510. § 1B1.3(a)(1) of the sentencing guidelines lists all
    “relevant conduct” in the past tense. The government does not cite a single case
    where unknown possible future payments were included in determining whether
    more than one bribe occurred. Moreover, the district court seemed to improperly
    characterize the contract as having an indefinite duration with an indefinite
    number of future bribe payments; in fact, it was only a one-year contract, lasting
    from June 16, 2010 until June 15, 2011. It is indeed illustrative to note that, as
    a result of the speculative nature of the payments, the United States Probation
    Office recommended a sentence for Roussel of 96 months—40 months below the
    sentence imposed. See Sentencing Recommendation, 1-2. In sum, we are firmly
    convinced that the district court erred in finding more than one bribe, and it
    should have therefore declined to apply the corresponding two-level sentencing
    guidelines enhancement.
    VI. Whether the district court clearly erred in its expected benefit calculation.
    A. Standard of Review
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    Again, we review purely legal conclusions or interpretations of the
    meaning of a sentencing guideline de novo, and review the trial court’s findings
    of fact—including benefit calculations—for clear error. See Griffin, 
    324 F.3d at 365
     (holding that district court clearly erred in its benefit calculation for the
    purposes of the sentencing guidelines enhancement). Clear error exists if we are
    left with a definite and firm conviction that a mistake has been made. 
    B. Analysis
    For virtually the same reasons articulated with respect to the multiple
    bribes enhancement, we find that the district court clearly erred in its
    calculation of the fraudulent contract’s expected benefit to Roussel, Branch, and
    The sentencing guidelines state:
    If the value of the payment, the benefit received or to be received in
    return for the payment, the value of anything obtained or to be
    obtained by a public official or others acting with a public official, or
    the loss to the government from the offense, whichever is greatest,
    exceeded $5,000, increase by the number of levels from the table in
    § 2B1.1 (Theft, Property Destruction, and Fraud) corresponding to
    that amount.
    U.S. Sentencing Guidelines Manual § 2C1.1(b)(2). The guidelines require a 12-
    level increase for expected benefits to Roussel, Branch, and Dabdoub between
    $200,000.01 and $400,000.00, and a 16-level increase for expected benefits
    between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000.00. U.S. Sentencing Guidelines Manual
    § 2B1.1(b)(1).
    “[T]he loss need not be determined with precision. The court need only
    make a reasonable estimate of the loss, given the available information.
    Further, . . . if an intended loss that the defendant was attempting to inflict can
    be determined, this figure will be used if it is greater than the actual loss.”
    United States v. Ismoila, 
    100 F.3d 380
    , 396 (5th Cir. 1996) (emphasis added)
    (quotation omitted) (holding that the intended loss was greater than the actual
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    loss, and therefore the district court’s sentencing determination based on the
    intended loss was correct); see also United States v. Chappell, 
    6 F.3d 1095
    , 1101
    (5th Cir.1993) (quotation omitted).13
    The district court applied a 16-level enhancement based on the
    presentence investigation report’s recommendation of estimated benefits to
    Branch, Roussel, and Dabdoub from the fraudulent overpayment of between
    $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000.00. The enhancement was based on Entergy’s
    payments during the 2008 hurricane season, which included Hurricanes Ike and
    Gustav, two abnormally costly storms.
    Roussel first contends that the district court erred because there was no
    actual benefit, as the entire deal was fraudulent. Nonetheless, recognizing that
    the guidelines also require contemplation of benefits to be received, Roussel
    argues that to calculate the expected benefits, the district court should have used
    Entergy’s actual applicable security needs for the one year the fraudulent
    contract was supposed to be in place, from June 16, 2010 until June 15, 2011.
    Based on that year, which had no hurricanes and only one incident in the form
    of the Mississippi floods, the benefit to Roussel, Branch, and Dabdoub would
    have only been $231,570.00.             This would have only merited a 12-level
    enhancement, a four-level difference from the level applied by the district court.
    In applying the guidelines enhancement, the district court observed that
    there is a reasonable basis to conclude that from all of the evidence,
    not only the evidence of what Entergy had, in fact, spent in other
    similar events but also the testimony and the discussions among the
    participants themselves as to what they anticipated being able to
    receive from this scheme. They all talked about retiring in 2 or 3
    For our analysis in this case only, we use “benefit” interchangeably with “loss”
    because they are the same amount here; the sole distinction is whether the speaker is the
    object or subject of the bribe (i.e. Entergy’s “loss” would have been Roussel/Branch/Dabdoub’s
    “benefit”). In other cases, however, benefit and loss may not be the same amount.
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    years, one or two big storms which would allow them to retire
    comfortably; so, they were talking about substantial sums of money.
    We find the district court clearly erred in its calculation of the expected
    benefit. It is true that recent hurricanes were discussed during negotiations,
    and Roussel and Branch considered those storms—and the costs associated with
    them—as exemplars of what was to come. See United States v. John, 
    597 F.3d 263
    , 279 (5th Cir. 2010) (“In ascertaining the intended loss, the district court
    must determine the defendant’s actual intent.”). Nonetheless, the district court’s
    calculation of expected benefit was purely speculative. There was no reasonable
    estimate of the “intended loss that the defendant was attempting to inflict.”
    Ismoila, 100 F.3d at 396.
    This case is distinguished from our holding in Griffin, in which the district
    court was presented with a set of known amounts of profits from various land
    deals allegedly resulting from a bribery scheme, and simply erred by including
    certain amounts that it should not have included in calculating the expected
    benefit from the scheme. This case is also distinguished from our holding in
    Ismoila, in which we found that “[t]he intended loss consisted of credit card
    charges of $85,203 and $6,200 that were attempted at [two stores]—charges that
    the credit card companies declined to process.” Ismoila, 100 F.3d at 396. Again,
    those were known amounts upon which the district court could concretely base
    its calculation. Here, on the other hand, the district court arbitrarily based its
    calculation on the previous hurricane season, which happened to be one of the
    costliest in United States history. That arbitrariness is reflected in the district
    court’s justification for the larger enhancement because “they were talking about
    substantial sums of money.” “Substantial sums,” however, cannot constitute an
    estimate of an intended benefit for the purposes of the sentencing guidelines
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    There was a more accurate and straightforward way to estimate the
    expected benefit. We agree with Roussel that the sounder method would have
    been to calculate the benefit that Roussel, Branch, and Dabdoub would have
    actually obtained during the contract’s duration—$231,570.00. This method
    comports with the sentencing guidelines and our holdings in Griffin and Ismoila.
    Our conclusion is further supported by the United States Probation Office’s
    sentencing recommendation, which suggested a downward variance to Roussel’s
    sentence because of the “speculative nature of the potential gain” and the fact
    that “there was no actual loss in the instant offense.”               Sentencing
    Recommendation at 1-2. We are firmly convinced that the district court erred
    in its calculation of the expected benefit, and that the correct amount would have
    called for only a 12-level sentencing guidelines enhancement and not the 16-level
    enhancement imposed.
    VII. Whether the district court’s consideration of a 30-year statutory maximum
    sentence constituted an Apprendi violation.
    A. Standard of Review
    “The applicability of Apprendi to this case is a question of law that we
    review de novo,” subject to harmless error analysis. United States v. Matthews,
    312 F.3d 652
    , 661, 665 (5th Cir. 2002).
    B. Analysis
    The Supreme Court has held that “[o]ther than the fact of a prior
    conviction, any fact that increases the penalty for a crime beyond the prescribed
    statutory maximum must be submitted to a jury, and proved beyond a
    reasonable doubt.”     Apprendi v. New Jersey, 
    530 U.S. 466
    , 490 (2000).
    Nevertheless, “the Supreme Court’s decision in Apprendi does not effect [sic] [a
    defendant’s] term of imprisonment [when] it does not exceed the statutory
    maximum authorized by the jury’s findings.” United States v. Doggett, 
    230 F.3d 160
    , 165 (5th Cir. 2000) (citing United States v. Meshack, 
    225 F.3d 556
    , 575-76
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    (5th Cir.2000)) (affirming sentence because it was not greater than statutory
    maximum for crimes charged to jury and proved beyond a reasonable doubt).
    18 U.S.C. § 1343
    , pursuant to which Roussel was charged, provides a 20-
    year maximum sentence for wire fraud but increases the maximum sentence to
    30 years where the “violation occurs in relation to, or involving any benefit
    authorized, transported, transmitted, transferred, disbursed, or paid in
    connection with, a presidentially declared major disaster or emergency . . . .”
    Roussel contends that no evidence was presented at trial supporting the
    assertion that Entergy would receive federal funds to subsidize its future
    security needs, though he acknowledges that evidence at trial showed that
    Entergy received federal funds for Hurricane Katrina-related needs. He argues
    that, for the offense level of 38 that the district court imposed, the upper end of
    the sentencing guidelines range was 293 months—almost four-and-a-half years
    more than the correct 20-year statutory maximum. The government does not
    contest Roussel’s assertion, but insists that any Apprendi error was harmless
    because Roussel’s 136-month sentence was less than 20 years.
    While the district court’s consideration at sentencing of the 30-year
    statutory maximum instead of the 20-year maximum was improper, it was
    harmless because Roussel’s proper offense level was 32, meriting a sentencing
    guidelines range of 121-151 months. The correct guidelines range is well below
    the 20-year statutory maximum for wire fraud not connected to a presidentially
    declared major disaster or emergency. See Doggett, 
    230 F.3d at 165
    VIII. Whether the district court’s 99-month downward variance renders its
    sentencing guidelines errors harmless.
    The district court’s granting of a 99-month downward variance from the
    lowest point of the applicable sentencing guidelines range because the
    “guidelines themselves came to an unreasonable result” does not render
    harmless the court’s starting from an incorrect sentencing guidelines range.
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    “The Supreme Court has held that, if ‘the district court misapplied the
    [g]uidelines, a remand is appropriate unless the reviewing court concludes, on
    the record as a whole, . . . that the error did not affect the district court’s
    selection of the sentence imposed.” United States v. Waskom, 
    179 F.3d 303
    , 312
    (5th Cir. 1999) (quoting Williams v. United States, 
    503 U.S. 193
    , 203 (1992)). We
    do not conclude that, on the record as a whole, the district court’s error did not
    affect its selection of the sentence imposed.
    In Waksom, we held that “[a]lthough Waskom’s sentence falls below the
    corrected guideline range [because of the sentencing judge’s significant
    downward departure], we cannot conclude that the [sentencing guidelines] error
    was harmless.” 
    Id. at 312
    . “We cannot discern from the record whether the
    sentencing judge would have imposed the same sentence had he been departing
    from the range set by an offense level of thirty-two, instead of thirty-five.” 
    (citing United States v. Bush, 
    70 F.3d 557
    , 560 n.3 (10th Cir.1995) (ruling that
    an error in calculating the base offense level was not harmless because it might
    have affected the extent of the downward departure that had resulted in a
    sentence falling below the corrected sentencing range)).
    Similarly, here the record does not reflect whether the district court would
    have imposed a 136-month sentence had it departed from the 121-151 month
    range for an offense level of 32, instead of the 235-293-month range for an
    offense level of 38. While 136 months is the midpoint of the correct range, we
    cannot assume the district court would not have granted a variance from the
    correct range because of the speculative nature of the fraudulent contract, or for
    any other reason. Therefore, the sentencing guidelines enhancement errors were
    not harmless, and we remand the case to the district court for resentencing.
    For the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM the conviction, VACATE the
    sentence, and REMAND for resentencing.