Watkins v. Telsmith, Inc. , 121 F.3d 984 ( 1997 )

  •                    United States Court of Appeals,
    Fifth Circuit.
    No. 96-60084.
    Loretta WATKINS, Administrator of the Estate of Eugene Watkins,
    Deceased, and Individually as the Wrongful Death Beneficiary of
    Eugene Watkins, Deceased, Plaintiff-Appellant,
    TELSMITH, INC., et al., Defendants,
    Telsmith, Inc., Defendant-Appellee.
    Sept. 16, 1997.
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern
    District of Mississippi.
    Before JOLLY, JONES and WIENER, Circuit Judges.
    EDITH H. JONES, Circuit Judge:
    Loretta   Watkins   sued    Telsmith,    Inc.,    after     a   conveyor
    manufactured by Telsmith's predecessor caused the death of her
    husband, Eugene Watkins.         Telsmith removed the case to federal
    court, and the case proceeded to trial under the theory that the
    conveyor embodied an unreasonably dangerous design.             Upon a motion
    by Telsmith, the district court heard outside the jury's presence
    and then excluded the testimony of Watkins's proffered expert under
    Fed. Rule of Evidence 702.        As this exclusion was fatal to the
    plaintiff's case, the district court also granted Telsmith's motion
    for judgment as a matter of law.         Watkins appeals, alleging that
    the    court    improperly     applied     Daubert      v.      Merrell   Dow
    Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 
    509 U.S. 579
    113 S. Ct. 2786
    125 L. Ed. 2d 469
    (1993), to exclude the expert testimony.           Finding no abuse of
    discretion, we affirm.
    Eugene Watkins was a superintendent at Memphis Stone and
    Gravel Co. During a visit to the company's Batesville, Mississippi
    gravel wash plant on November 16, 1989, Watkins and Tommy Bolton
    were working    with   a   Model   374    portable     conveyor,   or   "radial
    stacker," that was manufactured in 1943 by Barber-Greene Company,
    Telsmith's predecessor-in-interest. In order to move the conveyor,
    they began clearing away sand accumulated around its base.              At some
    point, Eugene Watkins walked under the conveyor, the wire rope
    supporting the conveyor snapped, and the conveyor fell on him.              He
    died the next day.
    The Model 374 conveyor arm, on which the conveyor belt ran,
    was attached to a base that sat on wheels.                 The conveyor was
    portable and could be towed at low speeds.           The conveyor arm could
    be moved vertically via an elevator system and could also be moved
    radially.    Neither of these functions had been used in recent
    years.    The parties stipulated that the machine had been modified
    several times by Memphis Stone and Gravel and earlier owners.
    The conveyor arm is upheld by a continuous piece of wire rope
    that runs the length of the conveyor and wraps around both ends.
    The conveyor arm is raised and lowered by a hydraulic cylinder that
    acts on the wire rope.        At the base of the conveyor, near its
    wheels, sand that had fallen off the conveyor over time had hidden
    the wire rope from view, and it was in this area that the wire rope
    Loretta   Watkins's    lawsuit       originally    alleged    negligence,
    defective         design,    and    failure       to   warn    claims,    but    only   the
    defective design claim went to trial.                         Her theory was that the
    conveyor was an unreasonably dangerous product because the conveyor
    arm was only supported by one wire rope.
    Watkins offered the testimony of Marcus Dean Williams as an
    expert to assert that the conveyor was unsafe and that alternative
    designs          were   feasible.      The    alternative           designs     were:    1)
    supporting the conveyor with two wire ropes, 2) rerouting the cable
    to enable easier inspection, 3) supporting the conveyor with two
    hydraulic cylinders attached to the frame itself, 4) using side
    posts or "outriggers" to hold the conveyor up in the event the wire
    rope failed, and 5) using a cross bar or stop plate to lock the
    conveyor in place when elevated.
    Watkins also intended to introduce the 1987 American National
    Standards Institute (ANSI) Safety Standards for Conveyors and
    Related Equipment, as well as evidence of Telsmith's post-1943
    designs to buttress the feasibility of her proposed design changes.
    Telsmith          filed   two    motions    in     limine      to   exclude     Williams's
    testimony and evidence of the post-manufacture standards.
    At trial, relying on his perception that Telsmith had conceded
    that       the    proposed      alternate    designs     were       feasible,    Watkins's
    counsel agreed not to introduce the 1987 ANSI standards or evidence
    of subsequent designs.1
    The colloquy on this motion went as follows:
    THE COURT: Do you have any problem with that [exclusion
    of the 1987 ANSI standard and evidence of subsequent
    design] Mr. Smith [plaintiff's counsel]?
    The next motion was the exclusion of Williams.   As part of the
    hearing on this motion pursuant to Rule 104(a) of the Federal Rules
    of Evidence, the court heard testimony from Williams as well as
    from Dr. Raymond Neathery, the defense expert.
    Williams received a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
    from Mississippi State University in 1949 and was a registered
    MR. SMITH: No, Your Honor. As long as I get in return
    the fact that these alternate designs that our expert
    will testify to are feasible. And I think that's what
    his response says. And that is that—
    THE COURT: There's no contest as to feasibility?
    MR. SMITH: That's the response that I got to it. And as
    long as that's understood, then I think that would be
    absolutely correct.
    THE COURT: Well, are we talking about technology that
    existed in 1943?
    MR. BROCK: The technology existed, Your Honor. It's a
    question of whether it's a good design or better design
    or bad design.
    THE COURT: Yes. Well, you follow me. Under that Ward v.
    Hobart case, I believe it was a ... meat grinder that was
    manufactured in 1948, and the case was tried in 1966 or
    something, and the Fifth Circuit ruled it was error ...
    to hold this manufacturer to the duty, using 1965, 1966
    standards, for a machine that was manufactured 20 years
    earlier. And that's what the Ward v. Hobart case held.
    That's still good law.
    MR. SMITH: Your Honor, the only reason I brought up the
    ANSI standards was if—and any subsequent changes in the
    product was if the defense were to say, well, that design
    change is not feasible, and since they've now said that
    those design changes are feasible, then I have no need to
    bring that up. I think the Court is absolutely correct.
    THE COURT: Well, as long as we understand that I'm going
    to hold this manufacturer to standards that existed in
    1943 when the machine as manufactured, not something that
    was developed in 1963. That pretty well takes care of
    professional engineer.      He was a B-17 pilot in World War II, and as
    a part of his duties served as a maintenance supervisor.             His work
    in that capacity at least tangentially exposed him to the use of
    conveyors. Later, he worked for Boeing in facility engineering and
    tool design. Williams also served with the Army Corps of Engineers
    in the early 1960's.           He worked for the Mississippi Highway
    Department for two periods totaling approximately seven years.               In
    addition, Williams taught drafting, surveying, structural design
    and engineering materials at Northwest Mississippi Junior College.
    Williams      testified   that    he   had     extensive   experience   in
    building   roads    and   bridges     and   other    structural   engineering
    projects, in all of which he observed conveyors in use.               For the
    Army, Williams participated in setting up a gravel wash facility.
    There was a portable conveyor at that wash plant, but he could not
    remember how the conveyor arm was supported.               Williams had seen
    conveyors using hydraulic cylinders, outriggers, and stop plates or
    bars, but none using two wire ropes.              He could neither remember
    many of the types and brands of conveyors that he had worked with
    nor clearly describe whether his work directly utilized conveyors.2
    On direct, he testified:
    Q. In [your work with the Highway Department in] '49 and
    '50 and '51, were you involved with transporting
    materials from place to place?
    A. Yes, sir.
    Q. Describe what you did with the Highway Department
    during those three or four years.
    A. Well, in the first place, I was not in charge of any
    of that. The contractors handled all of that operation.
    Williams did not know if any conveyors were built in 1943 using his
    But we do the inspection, and so I was involved in the surveying
    and inspection end of it at that time.
    Q. Were there conveyors being used to transport materials
    from place to place during that operation?
    A. Yes, sir.
    Q. And was     it   your   job   to   be   familiar    with   those
    A. Yes, to some extent, it was.
    And then on cross-examination, he testified:
    Q. Most of these conveyors that you've seen were not a
    major concern to you at the time you had them, were they?
    You were basically the civil engineer on the job?
    A. Yes, sir.
    Q. You saw them there, but—
    A. Yes, sir.
    Q. —you didn't bring them in; the contractor brought
    them in, things like that; right?
    A. Lot of them the contractor brought in, yes, sir.
    Q. In your accident reconstruction work, you've only
    dealt with two other conveyors; isn't that right?
    A. I think that's right.
    Q. And those were auger or screw-type conveyors?
    A. No. One of them was a belt conveyor.               Maybe it was
    three of them.
    Q. Okay. Do you recall telling me in your deposition that
    you only had two others and they were both screw
    A. Yes, sir.   I think that's what I told you.
    Q. But now you think there's another belt conveyor?
    A. Well, I keep remembering some of these things.
    alternative proposed designs.
    He also stated that he was familiar with the safety factors
    employed in using wire rope and has tested the strength of wire
    rope.      Williams used his education in materials strength and
    structural design, information that was "common knowledge" among
    engineers, and his experience with conveyors to analyze the design
    in question.    He considered the problem "not really enough to be a
    good engineering project."
    Williams lacks education in mechanical engineering, and his
    experience in machine design is limited to a project he conducted
    in one of his engineering classes in which he designed the base of
    a chair.    He has never designed a conveyor, although he claimed to
    have designed "nuts and bolts and that kind of thing one at a
    time."     Williams has performed accident reconstruction for three
    conveyor cases, but only one was a belt conveyor;               in those cases,
    he investigated whether the conveyors should have been designed
    with guards to prevent workers from being caught in the conveyor.
    Preparing    for   this     case,     Williams    twice    examined   the
    reconstructed     conveyor   as    it   operated   on   site.      He   reviewed
    manufacturer's design drawings for the Model 374 conveyor and
    studied photographs of the conveyor.           He also considered the 1987
    ANSI standard.      Although Williams testified that he made some
    sketches and calculations as part of his analysis, he had kept none
    of them because he did not consider them to be important.                He made
    no   design   drawings   and      conducted   no   tests   of    his    proposed
    alternatives.     Williams did not analyze how much the alternative
    designs would cost or what impact they would have on the conveyor's
    utility.     He admitted that he reached his opinion in this case
    after one day's work.
    Raymond      Neathery      testified     as   an     expert        for    Telsmith.
    Neathery has a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering
    and   a   Ph.D.    in   Engineering       Mechanics      and   is    a    professor    of
    mechanical design.             He testified that the process of design,
    although varying slightly by product and company, includes several
    essential steps: identifying the problem, conceptualizing possible
    solutions, investigating the present art, evaluating the concept
    through engineering analysis, modeling, and testing, and selecting
    the alternative.        Neathery described this as an iterative process
    that requires a number of attempts at each step.                    He testified that
    Williams's        analysis      reveals     only    an     attempt         at     problem
    identification and proposing solutions, but no investigation of
    other designs, analysis, or testing of alternatives.
    On cross-examination, Neathery testified that the designs
    proposed by Williams were "conceptual ways of [supporting the
    conveyor], and ways which, given time and effort, might be properly
    designed    to    do    it."     But   according      to    Neathery's          analysis,
    Williams's       proposed      alternatives     "interfere          with       function."
    Neathery conceded, however, that the conveyor could probably be
    operated with two cables, and that a locking pin or other device
    could be used to secure the conveyor at a particular height.
    Neathery also agreed that the defendant had manufactured a conveyor
    that used a hydraulic cylinder lift rather than a cable, but he did
    not know whether such a conveyor was manufactured in the 1940s.                   In
    response to questioning by the court, Neathery stated that the
    proposed alternatives would not be "exorbitant in cost."
    The     next   day,    the        district    court   excluded       Williams's
    testimony.     The court found Williams unqualified as an expert
    because his training is in civil engineering, while the expertise
    required by this case, of which Williams possesses little, lies in
    mechanical engineering.            The court found Williams's testimony
    substantively inadequate under Rule 702, Daubert and applicable
    Mississippi products liability law.                   Watkins now appeals the
    exclusion of the expert evidence and the resulting judgment as a
    matter of law.
    District courts enjoy wide latitude in determining the
    admissibility of expert testimony, and "the discretion of the trial
    judge and his or her decision will not be disturbed on appeal
    unless "manifestly erroneous'."                Eiland v. Westinghouse Electric,
    58 F.3d 176
    , 180 (5th Cir.1995) (quoting Smogor v. Enke, 
    874 F.2d 295
    (5th Cir.1989)).
    Dispositive of this appeal is the question whether Williams's
    testimony    satisfied     the    Daubert       standard   of   rigor.3      Watkins
    contends that the standards articulated in Daubert only apply to
    "scientific    knowledge"        and    expert    testimony     based   on   "novel"
    We do not reach Watkins's contentions that the trial court
    erred in finding Williams insufficiently qualified and in applying
    the Mississippi case law on products liability. Sperry-New Holland
    v. Prestage, 
    617 So. 2d 248
    scientific evidence.      This case presents no such novelty, she
    contends, but merely the application of Williams's experience and
    common engineering principles to evaluate the safety of this
    conveyor and envision alternative designs.       The jury should have
    been allowed to hear and evaluate his testimony.
    To evaluate these contentions, it is necessary briefly to
    recapitulate Daubert.      The Supreme Court held that when expert
    testimony is offered, the trial judge must perform a screening
    function to ensure that the expert's opinion is reliable and
    relevant to the facts at issue in the case.      See 
    Daubert, 509 U.S. at 589
    , 113 S.Ct. at 2794-95.       Daubert went on to make "general
    observations" intended to guide a district court's evaluation of
    scientific evidence.4     The nonexclusive list includes "whether [a
    theory or technique] can be (and has been) tested," whether it "has
    been subjected to peer review and publication," the "known or
    potential rate of error," and the "existence and maintenance of
    standards   controlling   the   technique's   operation,"   as   well   as
    acceptance." 509 U.S. at 593-594
    , 113 S.Ct. at 2796-97.
    The Court summarized:
    The inquiry envisioned by Rule 702 is, we emphasize, a
    flexible one.    Its overarching subject is the scientific
    validity and thus the evidentiary relevance and reliability—of
    the principles that underlie a proposed submission.        The
    focus, of course, must be solely on principles and
    methodology, not on the conclusions that they generate.
    Id. at 594-95,
    113 S.Ct. at 2796.
    The Daubert case concerned admissibility of novel expert
    witness testimony on the relation of an expectant mother's taking
    of Bendectin and the incidence of children's birth defects.
    One appellate court case supports Watkins's position that
    Daubert does not apply here.              In Compton v. Subaru of America,
    82 F.3d 1513
    (10th Cir.), cert. denied, --- U.S. ----, 
    117 S. Ct. 611
    136 L. Ed. 2d 536
    (1996),5 the Tenth Circuit held that
    "Daubert      sets   out   additional     factors     the   trial   court   should
    consider under Rule 702 if an expert witness offers testimony based
    upon a particular methodology or technique," but "application of
    the Daubert factors is unwarranted in cases where expert testimony
    is based solely upon experience or training."               
    Id. at 1518-19.
    court       concluded    that   Daubert   did   not   apply    to   the   proposed
    testimony of an automotive engineer in a car rollover case because
    he was not relying on "some particular methodology or technique,"
    but upon "general engineering principles and his twenty-two years
    of experience as an automotive engineer."               
    Id. at 1519.
    Two other circuits have, however, disagreed with Compton and
    held that Daubert is not limited to novel scientific techniques or
    methodologies.          See Cummins v. Lyle Indus., 
    93 F.3d 362
    , 366-371
    (7th Cir.1996);         Peitzmeier v. Hennessy Indus., Inc., 
    97 F.3d 293
    296-98 (8th Cir.1996), cert. denied, --- U.S. ----, 
    117 S. Ct. 1552
    The Ninth Circuit has held that the standards for admission
    of scientific knowledge do not apply to expert testimony based on
    specialized knowledge of criminal behavior patterns. See United
    States v. Cordoba, 
    104 F.3d 225
    , 230 (9th Cir.1997) (modus operandi
    of drug traffickers); United States v. Webb, 
    115 F.3d 711
    Cir.1997) (expert testimony as to why people typically hide guns in
    the engine compartments of their cars). However, two judges wrote
    in separate concurrences in Webb to explain that the trial judge
    still has a significant role in ensuring the reliability of expert
    testimony based on specialized knowledge.       See 
    Id. at 715-22
    (Jenkins, J. concurring) and 
    Id. at 722
    (Fletcher, J. concurring).
    These cases are not particularly relevant to engineering or applied
    science testimony about product design efficacy and safety.
    137 L. Ed. 2d 701
    In Cummins, the Seventh Circuit affirmed the exclusion of
    expert testimony in a products liability case brought against the
    manufacturer of an industrial trim 
    press. 93 F.3d at 365
    .     The
    district   court   excluded   testimony   by    the   plaintiff's   expert
    regarding adequacy of warnings and the feasibility of alternative
    designs because the expert lacked a reliable basis for his opinions
    under Daubert.     The court based its decision on the facts that "he
    had never tested his alternative designs and warnings or read any
    studies of such tests," and did "not have practical knowledge
    concerning the use of the alternative components in an industrial,
    machine-tool production environment."          
    Id. at 366.
      The court of
    appeals agreed that the proffered expert's testimony did not meet
    the requirements of Rule 702. Cummins outlined how Seventh Circuit
    cases have interpreted Daubert:
    First, the district court must determine whether the expert's
    testimony is reliable.... [A] district judge should assure
    himself, before admitting expert testimony, that the expert
    knows whereof he speaks. In the context of theoretical and
    applied science, this requirement places on the court the
    obligation to ensure that the proffered testimony pertains to
    scientific knowledge....[I]t must rule out subjective belief
    or unsupported speculation.... Second, the district court has
    to determine whether the evidence or testimony assists the
    trier of fact in understanding the evidence or in determining
    a fact in issue.
    Id. at 367-68
    (citations and quotations omitted).
    Much like Watkins, the plaintiff in Cummins argued that the
    case dealt not with a novel scientific theory but "the application
    of well-known instruments of the engineering profession to a
    particular and not-out-of-the-ordinary application."          
    Id. at 368,
    n. 2. The court responded that although Daubert's holding was
    limited to the "scientific context," 
    Daubert, 509 U.S. at 589
    8, 113 S. Ct. at 2795
    , the Supreme Court also stated that "we do
    not read the requirements of Rule 702 to apply specially or
    exclusively to unconventional evidence."          
    Id. at 593,
    11, 113 S. Ct. at 2796
    .      As Cummins explained, this language "counsels
    against wholesale abandonment" of Daubert in cases involving "the
    application of science to a concrete and practical problem,"
    particularly because of the difficulty in differentiating between
    scientific and technical testimony. 
    Cummins, 93 F.3d at 368
    , n. 2.
    The court concluded:
    The basic task of the district court remains essentially the
    same—to ensure that the evidentiary submission is of an
    acceptable level of "evidentiary reliability."     It may be
    that, in some "as applied" situations, some of the
    non-exhaustive factors noted by the Supreme Court in Daubert
    are worthy of less emphasis than in situations involving more
    abstract or novel scientific theory.     We do not believe,
    however, that [the plaintiff] has established here that the
    district court exceeded the bounds of permissible judgment in
    placing significant emphasis on the lack of any testing of
    [her expert's] view. Indeed, the witness had acknowledged
    that testing was a part of the design 
    process. 93 F.3d at 368
    , n. 2 (citations omitted).             Testing is not an
    "absolute prerequisite" to the admission of expert testimony on
    alternative designs, but Rule 702 demands that experts "adhere to
    the same standards of intellectual rigor that are demanded in their
    professional work."       
    Id. at 369.
    The Eighth Circuit has also applied Daubert to engineering
    testimony   about   the     efficacy    of   alternative   designs   for   a
    "low-tech"    product.6   In   Peitzmeier,   the   court   affirmed   the
    exclusion of expert testimony regarding design defects in, and
    alternative designs to, a tire-changing 
    machine. 97 F.3d at 297
    The court noted that the expert had "neither designed nor tested"
    proposed safety devices, having only made "rough sketches that have
    not been adapted into engineering drawings, much less prototypes."
    Id. The expert
    admitted "that he has never designed, built, or
    tested a platform that has been shown to reduce the launch effect
    of an exploding tire and wheel assembly while adequately supporting
    the tire and wheel assembly during the tire-changing process." 
    Id. The expert
    's proposed designs had not been subjected to peer review
    and could not be evaluated for their "general acceptance" or known
    rate of error because they had not been designed or tested.      
    Id. at 297-98.
    We agree for the reasons stated by the Seventh and Eighth
    Circuits that the Daubert analysis applies to the type of expert
    testimony presented by Williams.7      Not every guidepost outlined in
    See also Pestel v. Vermeer Mfg. Co., 
    64 F.3d 382
    Cir.1995) (evidence of expert's proposed alternative engineering
    design excluded on basis of Daubert).
    Although no Fifth Circuit case has directly addressed the
    applicability of Daubert to a case such as this, the opinion in
    United States v. 14.38 Acres of Land, 
    80 F.3d 1074
    , 1078 (5th
    Cir.1996), which reversed the exclusion of expert valuation
    evidence in a condemnation case, touches on a related issue. After
    noting that Daubert limited itself to scientific evidence, the
    court concluded that the decision "did not otherwise work a sea
    change over federal evidence law." 
    Id. However, the
    panel agreed
    that Daubert articulated the district court's role in ensuring
    "that an expert's testimony both rests on a reliable foundation and
    is relevant to the task at hand," while not replacing the adversary
    system's traditional methods for attacking "shaky evidence." 
    Id. (quoting Daubert,
    509 U.S. at 
    597, 113 S. Ct. at 2799
    Daubert       will   necessarily   apply    to   expert   testimony   based   on
    engineering principles and practical experience, but the district
    court's       "preliminary   assessment     of   whether    the   reasoning   or
    methodology underlying the testimony is scientifically valid and of
    whether that reasoning or methodology properly can be applied to
    the facts in issue" is no less important.                 
    Daubert, 509 U.S. at 592-93
    , 113 S.Ct. at 2796.            We cannot agree with the Compton
    court's conclusion that Daubert only applies when "unique, untested
    or controversial methodologies or techniques" are relied on by the
    expert. 82 F.3d at 1518
    .       Daubert expressly denies that the
    precepts of Rule 702 apply only to unconventional 
    evidence. 509 U.S. at 592
    11, 113 S. Ct. at 2796
    n. 11. And while Daubert dealt
    with expert scientific 
    evidence, 509 U.S. at 590
    8, 113 S. Ct. at 2795
    n. 8, the decision's focus on a standard of evidentiary
    reliability and the requirement that proposed expert testimony must
    be appropriately validated are criteria equally applicable to
    "technical, or other specialized knowledge...." Fed. Rule of Evid.
    702.        Moreover, the nonexclusive list of factors relevant under
    Daubert to assessing scientific methodology—testing, peer review,
    and "general acceptance"—are also relevant to assessing other types
    of expert evidence.          Whether the expert would opine on economic
    valuation,8 advertising psychology,9 or engineering,10 application
    Frymire-Brinati v. KPMG Peat Marwick, 
    2 F.3d 183
    , 186 (7th
    Tyus v. Urban Search Management, 
    102 F.3d 256
    , 262-63 (7th
    Pestel, 64 F.3d at 384
    of the Daubert factors is germane to evaluating whether the expert
    is a hired gun or a person whose opinion in the courtroom will
    withstand the same scrutiny that it would among his professional
    Compton also suffers from the vagueness of the line it draws
    between "methodology" and other scientific or technical knowledge.
    As one of our district judges aptly observed:
    An alternative design is by definition a different method of
    configuring the product. In the Compton case, for example,
    the expert was clearly proposing that the vehicles be
    constructed by some other method that would embody his
    proposed standards.
    Tassin     v.   Sears,    Roebuck   and      Co.,   
    946 F. Supp. 1241
    ,   1247
    (M.D.La.1996).     Alternative designs by definition include elements
    of science, technology, and methodology. Further, it seems exactly
    backwards that experts who purport to rely on general engineering
    principles and practical experience might escape screening by the
    district court simply by stating that their conclusions were not
    reached by any particular method or technique.                The moral of this
    approach would      be,    the   less   factual     support   for   an   expert's
    opinion, the better. Compton's view of the admissibility of expert
    evidence is untenable.
    We conclude that whether an expert's testimony is based on
    "scientific, technical or other specialized knowledge," Daubert and
    Rule 702 demand that the district court evaluate the methods,
    See Navarro v. Fuji Heavy Indus., 117 F.3d 1027(7th Cir.
    1997) ("a conclusion without any support is not one based on expert
    knowledge and entitled to the dignity of evidence"; under Daubert,
    engineering expert must "show how his conclusion ... is grounded
    in—follows from—an expert study of the problem").
    analysis, and principles relied upon in reaching the opinion.            The
    court should ensure that the opinion comports with applicable
    professional standards outside the courtroom and that it "will have
    a   reliable   basis   in   the   knowledge    and   experience   of   [the]
    discipline." 509 U.S. at 592
    , 113 S.Ct. at 2796.
    Turning to the testimony of Williams, Watkins defends his
    analysis because he relied on his experience with conveyors and his
    familiarity with hydraulic cylinders and other technologies in
    conveying his design proposals.            He reviewed drawings of the
    conveyor, inspected the rebuilt conveyor, reviewed photographs of
    the accident aftermath, and reviewed the 1987 ANSI standards.
    Williams had seen hydraulic cylinders, outriggers, and stop plates
    on other conveyors.
    In support, Watkins cites Dixon v. International Harvester,
    754 F.2d 573
    , 579 (5th Cir.1985).         In Dixon, the expert witness was
    a design engineer, a member of a committee that performed crash
    testing and investigations, "was familiar with the standards-making
    processes of professional societies and ... had experience in
    investigating crane, tractor, and automobile accidents."           
    Id. This court
    held that the expert's testimony should have been considered
    in ruling on the motion for directed verdict.             Noting that the
    expert "inspected the design of the [tractor involved] ... [and]
    the control arrangements of the Harvester tractor, examined a set
    of blueprints of the tractor, and viewed photographs showing the
    condition of the tractor at the time of the accident," we concluded
    that "[o]nce [he] was properly admitted as an expert, the jury was
    at liberty to accept or reject his testimony, and to judge his
    Id. at 580
    (citations omitted).            Dixon's facts are
    sketchy, and in any event, the opinion's emphasis on qualifications
    over reliability of the expert testimony reflect a pre-Daubert
    sensibility.      Dixon is not controlling.
    Having evaluated the district court's gate-keeping effort in
    this    case,    we     conclude     that    there   was    no   manifest     error.
    Williams's testimony lacked the requisite indicia of reliability to
    derive    from        "scientific,     technical,      or    other    specialized
    knowledge."      Fed.R.Civ.Ev. 702.         First, the proper methodology for
    proposing       alternative        designs       includes     more    than     just
    conceptualizing possibilities.              The district court appropriately
    noted the lack of testing of any of the proposed alternatives.                  See
    509 U.S. 579
    , 590, 
    113 S. Ct. 2786
    , 2795, 
    125 L. Ed. 2d 469
    Cummins, 93 F.3d at 368
    Peitzmeier, 97 F.3d at 297
    ;           American
    & Foreign Ins. 
    Co., 45 F.3d at 139
    (electrical engineer's failure
    to test theory that circuit breakers should have tripped faster).
    This is not to say that alternative product designs must always be
    tested by a plaintiff's expert, but in this case, both Neathery and
    Williams acknowledged the importance of testing in design.                      See
    Cummins, 93 F.3d at 368
    , n. 2 (district court has not "exceeded the
    bounds of permissible judgment in placing significant emphasis on
    the lack of any testing of [the expert's] view.                       Indeed, the
    witness had acknowledged that testing was a part of the design
    process").      Second, the fact that Williams had "seen" conveyors
    with hydraulic cylinders, outriggers, and stop-plates, without more
    information regarding the types of conveyors and their intended
    functions, does not save his testimony from its lack of empirical
    support.   Williams did not investigate designs of other conveyors
    available today or those available in 1943.          When directly asked
    about his efforts to find similar conveyors, Williams stated:
    "I've looked around."      His testimony about his prior experiences
    with conveyors was similarly vague.            Where an expert bases his
    opinion in part on his experience with similar machines, we cannot
    fault the court for demanding a more detailed recollection of the
    expert's review and understanding of similar machines than was
    reported by Williams.
    Furthermore, Williams did not even make any drawings or
    perform any calculations that would allow a trier of fact to infer
    that his theory that the conveyor design was defective and that
    alternative designs would have prevented the accident without
    sacrificing utility were supported by valid engineering principles.
    Any calculations or sketches he made he did not consider important
    enough to keep.        Perhaps a design defect case can be mounted
    without calculations to support an expert's theories, but the
    district   court   did    not   err    in   concluding   that   some    such
    calculations were necessary to demonstrate the feasibility of
    Williams's ideas.       Although he claimed experience in analyzing
    stresses   and   the   appropriate    safety   factors   in   cable    wires,
    Williams did not perform any such calculations (that he thought
    were important enough to retain) about the load put on the wire in
    this    conveyor,        or    about   the   loads       the   wire     was       capable    of
    sustaining, or about the effect of improper maintenance, or about
    the marginal safety factor of an additional wire or any of the
    other redundant systems he proposed.                 See Rosado v. C.J. Deters, 
    5 F.3d 119
    ,     124    (5th    Cir.1993)     (accident        reconstruction         expert
    properly excluded where "he could not independently establish the
    necessary physical and mathematical bases for his opinion").                                 In
    fact, Williams never even asked to examine the wire rope used on
    this conveyor.
    Thus, the district court did not err in concluding that
    Williams made his assessment of unreasonable dangerousness and
    proposed     his       alternative     designs      "without     ...    any       scientific
    approach to the proposition at all."
    Watkins also argues that because Telsmith conceded that
    Williams's       design       alternatives        were   "feasible,"      much       of     the
    objection        to    Williams's      testimony     falls      away.         A    "feasible
    alternative design" under Mississippi law "is a design that would
    have    to   a    reasonable      probability        prevented     the    harm       without
    impairing the utility, usefulness, practicality or desirability of
    the product to users or consumers."                        Miss.Code Ann. § 11-1-
    63(f)(ii).        The concession of feasibility, Watkins argues, means
    that Telsmith can have no objection to whatever basis Williams has
    for his opinions. We disagree, because Telsmith did not concede so
    much.    Telsmith's motion to exclude subsequent designs states that
    "Defendant certainly does not contest feasibility of such designs,
    although Defendant does claim that subsequent designs do not serve
    the identified functions the Model 374 served."              Telsmith clearly
    did not stipulate that the alternative designs do not impair the
    "utility, usefulness, practicability or desirability of the product
    to users or consumers." Miss.Code. Ann. § 11-1-63(f)(ii). In open
    court, Telsmith's counsel stated that "[t]he technology existed,"
    but that there was "a question of whether it's a good design or
    better design or bad design." Accordingly, the trial judge did not
    misconstrue the scope or effect of the defendant's concession on
    this    issue   in   deciding   that   Williams     must   still   be   able   to
    independently establish the technical basis for the utility and
    safety of the proposed alternative designs.
    The district court properly applied the principles of Daubert
    and did not commit manifest error in excluding Williams's testimony
    for lack of a sufficiently reliable scientific or technical basis.
    Without the testimony by Williams, the district court's decision to
    grant judgment as a matter of law was mandated, as the plaintiff
    had not produced evidence that the utility of the conveyor was
    outweighed by any dangers in its design.              It is unnecessary to
    reach     Watkins's     disagreement         with   the    district     court's
    interpretation of Mississippi products liability law.
    For the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM the judgment of the
    district court.