White v. Johnson ( 1996 )

  •                     UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS
    For the Fifth Circuit
    No. 96 - 20005
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Texas
    March 21, 1996
    Before DAVIS, BARKSDALE, and DeMOSS, Circuit Judges
    DAVIS, Circuit Judge:
    Petitioner White applies for a certificate of probable cause
    to appeal the district court’s denial of habeas relief.                  White
    claims that his pending execution will violate his eighth amendment
    right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment and fourteenth
    amendment   right   to   due   process    of   law   and   that   he   received
    ineffective assistance of counsel.          We vacate our stay of White’s
    execution   and   deny   White’s   application       for   a   certificate   of
    probable cause.
    In June 1979, White was convicted of the March 1, 1977 murder
    of Elizabeth St. John at her apartment house, where White worked as
    a maintenance man.        The facts of the crime are accurately set out
    in   the   opinion   of    the   Court   of   Criminal   Appeals   originally
    affirming White's conviction:
    [T]he 72-year-old complainant, Elizabeth St. John, moved
    from the Austin area to return to Houston, in late
    February of 1977, about a year after her husband had
    died. Mrs. St. John moved in with Lavelle Wasson, her
    friend of 25 years, who owned some apartment complexes.
    St. John was to occupy number three, an upstairs
    apartment of the Airline complex which was in front of
    the Wasson's house.
    [White] had been employed by the Wassons to do
    maintenance work at their Shepard apartment complex. On
    Monday, Tuesday and part of Wednesday of the first week
    in March, [White] and Wasson spent their time painting
    St. John's apartment while she looked on. Her furniture
    had already been moved in, so they "painted around it."
    As the three left the apartment on Wednesday afternoon,
    St. John pointed out a locking devise she had installed
    on her door that made it impossible to turn the knob or
    open the door from the outside, even with a key. Wasson
    asked [White] to move a box spring mattress that was in
    a hall corner across from St. John's apartment. [White]
    said he would carry it out the next day.
    [White] asked St. John if she were planning to stay up in
    the apartment that night; she told him "yes."
    Later in the day, St. John returned to Wasson's house to
    obtain envelopes and paper for writing her children, then
    headed back to her apartment.      [White] also came by
    Wasson's house to return keys to a storage room. Before
    he left, [White] told Wasson -- who was also an elderly
    lady -- "Bell, that sure is a cute jumpsuit.      I like
    what's in it." Wasson passed the comment off. [White]
    told Wasson he was going back to the Shepard Apartments.
    However, before Wasson went to bed at 8:30 or 9:00 p.m.,
    she noticed [White's] car was still parked in the parking
    lot. She also noticed St. John's car in the lot in front
    of the complex.
    At approximately 10:30 p.m Wasson and her husband were
    awakened by the tenant across the hall from St. John who
    reported the mattress in the hall had been "completely
    engulfed" in flames. After the tenant had doused the
    flames and reported the incident to the Wassons, they all
    returned to the hall, pulled the mattress out to a front
    balcony, threw it down to the ground and poured more
    water on it.
    Wasson at this point noticed [White's] white Valiant was
    still parked out front. St. John's Pinto, however, was
    gone. Wasson assumed her friend had gone to visit the
    people who had moved her to Houston.
    Wasson had told St. John she had an early doctor
    appointment on Thursday, March 3rd, but she would be up
    to the apartment to measure for blinds after that. When
    Wasson went to the apartment at 8:30 or 9:00 a.m., she
    noticed [White's] car was still there and St. John's was
    still gone.
    Because the special lock was still on the door and St.
    John's car was gone, Wasson became alarmed. She went
    home and told her husband they needed to see about St.
    John, that something was wrong. No telephone had been
    installed in St. John's apartment. Just as the Wassons
    were leaving, Pat McGill, the manager of Shepard
    Apartments (and [White's] boss) called and said something
    that caused Wasson concern about St. John.       She told
    McGill to come over.
    About dusk on March 3rd, McGill and Wasson went to St.
    John's apartment door. Mrs. McGill crawled through a
    window, accessible from the balcony. She told Wasson,
    "Bell, she's in there dead."     Dave Calhoun and L. E.
    Doreck of the Houston Police Department Homicide Division
    were the first officers on the scene. Because of the
    lock device on the door, the officers had to break it in.
    The temperature in the apartment was so hot in the March
    evening, it was "staggering." Calhoun discovered a gas
    floor heater was on as high as it would go.           The
    apartment was neat; there was no sign of forced entry or
    a struggle.    St. John's body, clothed only in a bra,
    pullover blouse and stockings which were rolled to the
    ankle, was covered with a blanket. Upon uncovering the
    body, Calhoun observed bruises on the chin, neck and
    throat.   When the body was rolled over, the officers
    found a screwdriver protruding from the lower back.
    Eduardo Bellas, M.D., a Harris County assistant Medical
    Examiner who assisted in the autopsy, would later testify
    the 92 pound, 5'4" St. John, a woman of "slight" build
    had died as a result of "two mechanisms of death":
    asphyxia due to strangulation; and, the penetration of
    the screwdriver four inches into the diaphragm, liver and
    right chest cavity. There was no evidence of defensive
    wounds. Acid phosphates tests and microscopic study of
    vaginal swabs revealed sexual intercourse had occurred
    within 24 hours of the discovery of the body. Bellas
    opined St. John had been stabbed first, then strangled,
    but stated there was no way to be sure. In addition to
    the clothing, six gold rings and small diamond stud
    earrings remained on the body.
    At the crime scene, Calhoun was directed to the white
    Valiant in the parking lot in which [White] had recently
    arrived after a trip to Florida.     The National Crime
    Information Center (NCIC) computer indicated the car was
    "wanted." Officer Joe Herrin who was in charge of the
    mobile crime scene unit, attempted to lift finger prints
    off of things "the suspect would touch," such as the
    front door, the screwdriver and the car "that was wanted
    in another homicide." One print was lifted off a Coors
    beer can found in the white Valiant.
    Homicide Sergeant D. R. James went through St. John's
    purse which was found in the apartment. Identification
    and other papers were obtained from the purse, but
    "nothing of great value." James testified he would have
    checked the purse for money and valuables, and did not
    recall finding any money.
    Another Homicide Detective, John L. Bonds, went to the
    scene the following morning, Friday, March 4th, to do
    follow up investigation. He checked out the missing car
    which had belonged to the victim and found it registered
    to her. He entered it into the NCIC, requesting a hold
    on the vehicle and any occupant for examination of
    evidence.   Norbent L. LeBlanc, a senior latent print
    examiner, testified none of the prints lifted from the
    apartment or the Valiant, other than the one off the
    Coors can, could be identified as [White's}.
    Three days later, at 3:23 a.m. on March 8th, Police
    Officer Donald Edge of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, was
    patrolling the south end of the deserted resort town. He
    observed [White] near a restaurant which was closed for
    the "off season." About three feet away from [White] was
    parked a light green Fort Pinto station wagon bearing
    Texas tags. The driver's door was open. Edge arrested
    [White], warned and searched him. Edge found a set of
    keys in [White's] left front pocket; the keys fit the
    ignition and doors of the Pinto.
    Numerous objects were in the Pinto, "ranging from jewelry
    to tools to a stereo plus clothing."           The glove
    compartment was open, and from it Edge obtained the car
    registration papers. The car was registered to Elizabeth
    St. John of Leander, Texas.
    Lieutenant Mitchell Glen Kemp was the Investigator on
    call in Myrtle Beach on March 9th. He arrived on the
    scene of [White's] arrest at about 3:30 a.m., then back
    at the station around 4:00 a.m. For the next five hours,
    Kemp was "gathering information," by computer, as well as
    from speaking with officers in Houston by telephone
    regarding [White] "and a homicide in Houston." Kemp and
    his supervisor, Lieutenant Luke, interviewed [White]
    starting at around 10:00 a.m. [White] waived his rights
    and his inculpatory statement was reduced to writing.
    The salient content of that statement, admitted before
    the jury, is as follows:
    The car that I was in this morning came from
    Houston, Texas.     I took it from the Airline
    Apartments in Houston, after I choked Ms. Elizabeth
    St. John and stabbed her in the back with a
    screwdriver. I was drinking at the time and she
    had offered to give me a bonus of $20.00 for
    painting work I had done.      I met Ms. St. John
    through the manager of the apartments when I was
    working at the apartments. I was in Houston for
    about a week before I killed her. I killed Ms. St.
    John a week ago Tuesday; it has been one week ago
    today, and I left the screwdriver there . . . . we
    had had intercourse on the couch before I killed
    her. I would say that she was 52 to 56 years old
    maybe . . . . After I choked her and stabbed her, I
    left Houston that night and I took the stereo that
    is in the car now, $45-50, a lamp, and jewelry that
    is in the toolbox on the front seat.      I got to
    Myrtle Beach last night between 6:00 and 6:30 P.M.
    and went to Dorothy's Green Bar or Green Lounge.
    White v. 
    State, 779 S.W.2d at 812-814
    (footnotes deleted).
    On appeal, White’s conviction and sentence were affirmed.
    White v. State, 
    610 S.W.2d 504
    (Tex. Crim. App. 1981).   His state
    collateral attack, filed in June 1981, was denied late that month
    and his execution date was set for July 1, 1981.   White then filed
    an application for federal habeas relief which was granted by the
    district court and affirmed by this court.   White v. Estelle, 
    554 F. Supp. 851
    (S.D. Tex. 1982).   White v. Estelle, 
    720 F.2d 514
    Cir. 1983).   Our mandate issued in early 1984.
    On retrial in August 1984, White was again convicted of murder
    and sentenced to death.   Five years later, following an automatic
    appeal, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals affirmed the second
    judgment and sentence. White v. State, 
    779 S.W.2d 809
    (Tex. Crim.
    5 Ohio App. 1989
    ).      An application for a writ of certiorari was denied by
    the United States Supreme Court on May 29, 1990. White v. Texas,
    493 U.S. 962
    (1990).      White filed an application for state habeas
    relief in 1990.      Three and one half years later, on March 22-24,
    1994, an evidentiary hearing was held on his claim of ineffective
    assistance of counsel.        White supplemented his petition on May 12,
    1995 with an eighth amendment claim of cruel and unusual punishment
    due   to   the   inordinate      delay   between   his   sentencing      and   the
    execution of the death penalty.              After the petition had been
    pending for      five   years,    the    state   court   trial   judge   entered
    findings of fact and conclusions of law in July 1995 recommending
    that a writ be denied.            In December 1995, the Texas Court of
    Criminal Appeals found that the district court’s findings of fact
    and conclusions of law were fully supported by the record and
    denied White a state writ of habeas corpus.
    White then filed the instant federal petition in December 1995
    and the district court denied relief on January 4, 1996.                   A few
    days later, this court granted a stay of execution pending our
    consideration of White’s application for a certificate of probable
    In this court, White argues that the district court erred in
    rejecting three of the claims he presented to it for habeas relief.
    He first complains of the length of time (17 years) that he has
    been on death row.         White argues that the State of Texas is
    responsible for this lengthy confinement and that his continuing
    incarceration and pending execution constitute cruel and unusual
    punishment in violation of the eighth amendment and international
    law.    Second, White argues that the state court did not engage in
    independent fact finding during his habeas evidentiary hearing and
    this rendered the hearing fundamentally unfair.                 Finally, White
    contends that he received ineffective assistance of counsel at
    trial in a number of respects.                He contends that his counsel:
    (1)failed to investigate his background; (3)failed to obtain a
    psychological    evaluation      despite        severe    symptoms    of    mental
    disorders; and (3)failed to raise a defense of automatism or to
    present    evidence     of    White’s        mental    disorders,    for    either
    culpability or mitigation purposes. White asks this court to issue
    a certificate of probable cause and to reverse the district court’s
    rejection of his habeas petition.
    To qualify for a certificate of probable cause, White must
    make a “substantial showing of the denial of a federal right”
    Barefoot v. Estelle, 
    463 U.S. 880
    , 893 (1983).              This requires that
    White “demonstrate that the issues are debatable among jurists of
    reason; that a court could resolve the issues [in a different
    manner];    or   that    the    questions        are     adequate    to    deserve
    encouragement to proceed further.”             Id at 893 n. 4 (citations and
    quotations omitted).         We review White’s application in light of
    this standard.
    White argues first that the district court erred in rejecting
    his claim that he has been on death row for so long that to execute
    him now would be cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the
    eighth amendment.
    We considered this issue in Lackey v. Scott, 
    52 F.3d 98
    Cir. 1995).   In Lackey, we vacated the district court’s stay of
    execution and held that an identical claim was barred by the
    nonretroactivity doctrine of Teague v. Lane, 
    489 U.S. 288
    , 310
    (1989)(“new constitutional rules of criminal procedure will not be
    applicable to those cases which have become final before the new
    rules are announced.”). Lackey then sought a stay from the Supreme
    Court. The Supreme Court issued a per curiam order granting a stay
    of execution to allow the district court to hear Lackey’s petition
    on the merits.      White argues that the Supreme Court’s order
    effectively vacated our decision in Lackey and that he now presents
    us with an issue of first impression.   We disagree.
    Our decision in Lackey remains the law of this circuit until
    reversed, vacated or remanded.   The Supreme Court’s reinstatement
    of the stay in Lackey did not pass on the merits of our decision
    and this panel cannot reject the controlling precedent of this
    circuit in favor of White’s speculation on what the Supreme Court’s
    action in Lackey could mean.   A stay does not reverse, annul, undo
    or suspend what has already been done or what is not specifically
    stayed.   Accordingly, we are bound to hold that Teague precludes
    relief on White’s eighth amendment claim.1
    However, even if this court was not bound to follow Lackey we
    In addition to our decision on Lackey’s second habeas
    petition, discussed above, our decision on Lackey’s first habeas
    petition also stands as precedent on this issue. See, Lackey v.
    28 F.3d 486
    , 492 (5th Cir. 1994)(Teague bars claim in
    federal habeas petition that execution after lengthy imprisonment
    violates Constitution because punishment is grossly out of
    proportion with the crime committed). Accordingly
    would agree with the district court that Teague applies. “[A] case
    announces a new rule if the result was not dictated by precedent
    existing at the time the defendant’s conviction became final.”
    Teague, 489 U.S. at 301
    .      As a panel of this court noted in
    Fearance v. Scott, federal courts have encountered the claim that
    prolonged incarceration before execution is cruel and unusual
    punishment for decades.    
    56 F.3d 633
    (5th Cir.) cert. denied 
    115 S. Ct. 2603
    (1995).   To date, no federal court has recognized such
    a theory of cruel and unusual punishment.     Stafford v. Ward, 
    59 F.3d 1025
    , 1028 (10th Cir.) cert. denied 115 S.Ct. 2640(1995).
    See also, McKenzie v. Day, 
    57 F.3d 1461
    (9th Cir.) opinion adopted,
    57 F.3d 1493
    , 1494 (en banc), cert. denied, 
    115 S. Ct. 1840
    Richmond v. Lewis, 
    948 F.2d 1473
    (9th Cir. 1990).    White’s claim is
    not new in the sense that no one has ever attempted to argue it
    before.   However, White can point to no precedent existing in 1990
    when his conviction became final (and no precedent today) that
    would require the district court to grant him habeas relief if it
    finds that he has remained on death row for 17 years due to the
    fault of the state. Therefore, to grant White’s petition would
    require us to announce a new and retroactive procedural rule
    declaring that prolonged incarceration prior to execution of the
    death sentence violates the eighth amendment.       Teague forecloses
    such a holding.   
    Teague, 489 U.S. at 310
    White argues that Teague should not bar his claim because a
    Lackey claim cannot ordinarily be raised on direct appeal due to
    the fact that much of the delay complained of arises in post-
    conviction proceedings. This is a valid criticism of Teague but it
    does not alter the Supreme Court’s holding. In fact, Justice
    Brennan dissented from the holding in Teague precisely because it
    would “deprive [the Court] of the manifold advantages of deciding
    important constitutional questions when they come to [the Court]
    first or most cleanly on collateral review.”           
    Teague, 489 U.S. at 345
    (Brennan dissenting).           Commentators note that, under the
    mandate of Teague, even issues which, as a practical matter, could
    never be    raised    on   direct   appeal   are   unreviewable   in   habeas
    proceedings.       See James S. Liebman & Randy Hertz, Federal Habeas
    Corpus Practice and Procedure, § 25.4 at 749 (2d Ed. 1994).             Even
    if we accept White’s assertion that he could not have raised his
    Lackey claim on direct review, we must still find it barred by
    White next argues that even if Teague bars his claims, he
    falls     within    its    exceptions.       Under   Teague,   courts    can
    retroactively apply new rules to final convictions where the new
    rule will: (1) place certain kinds of primary, private individual
    conduct beyond the power of the criminal law-making authority to
    proscribe, or prohibit a certain category of punishment for a class
    of defendants because of their status or offense; or (2) require
    the observance of those procedures that are implicit in the concept
    of ordered liberty. Liebman & Hertz, Federal Habeas Corpus Practice
    and Procedure, § 25.1 at 717; 
    Teague, 489 U.S. at 307
    Penry 492 U.S. at 330
    White argues that he meets the first exception to Teague
    because the rule that he requests would make it unconstitutional to
    execute an entire class of defendants, those who due to no fault of
    their own have been on death row for too long.                   See Penry v.
    492 U.S. 302
    , 330 (1989).               However, our acceptance of
    White’s   argument    would   not    place   any    primary    conduct   beyond
    prohibition and would not prohibit any category of punishment
    currently in use for specific offenses.             See, 
    Lackey, 52 F.3d at 100
    .    White’s argument also fails because his proposed “class” has
    no innate characteristic such as insanity or mental retardation
    which    precludes    imposition     of    the   death   penalty   under    the
    Constitution,     See Id; Ford v. Wainwright,             
    477 U.S. 399
    , 401
    (1986), and is not made up of individuals whose conduct was not
    eligible for punishment by death at the time of sentencing.                 See
    Coker v. Georgia, 
    433 U.S. 584
    (1977) (petitioner convicted of rape
    not eligible for death penalty).
    White also seeks to fall under Teague’s second exception but
    does not advance any argument as to how granting his claim would
    require courts to follow “procedures implicit in the concept of
    ordered liberty.”       In fact, White’s claim demands that capital
    punishment be carried out quickly in spite of the importance of
    thorough factfinding in capital cases and the state’s compelling
    interest in ensuring that it does not execute innocent defendants.
    We agree with the State that White’s proposed rule requiring speedy
    executions would not improve factfinding and is not implicit in the
    concept of ordered liberty.          As a result, we find that White’s
    eighth    amendment   claim   does    not    fall   under     Teague’s   second
    exception to the nonretroactivity rule.
    For all of these reasons we find that Teague bars White’s
    eighth amendment claim. Lackey remains the law of this circuit and
    we are bound to follow it.     Further, it is undisputed that the rule
    that White asks us to announce and apply in his case has never
    before been embraced by a United States court.             It is a new rule
    and cannot be applied retroactively under Teague unless it falls
    within one of two narrow exceptions, neither of which apply to
    White.     As a result, the district court correctly concluded that
    White’s eighth amendment claim was Teague barred.
    Even if this court were to consider White’s eighth amendment
    claim on the merits, we would not grant him the relief he seeks.
    As   the   district   court   correctly   noted,   there    are   compelling
    justifications for the delay between conviction and the execution
    of a death sentence.     The state’s interest in deterrence and swift
    punishment must compete with its interest in insuring that those
    who are executed receive fair trials with constitutionally mandated
    safeguards.    As a result, states allow prisoners such as White to
    challenge their convictions for years.        White has benefitted from
    this careful and meticulous process and cannot now complain that
    the expensive and laborious process of habeas corpus appeals which
    exists to protect him has violated other of his rights.           Throughout
    this process White has had the choice of seeking further review of
    his conviction and sentence or avoiding further delay of his
    execution by not petitioning for further review or by moving for
    expedited consideration of his habeas petition.
    Even if much of the delay in this case is the fault of Texas,
    White cannot now complain of cruel and unusual punishment.             White
    made no effort to inform the Texas courts that their delay was
    detrimental to him or to ask for expedited review of his petition
    and we cannot fault them for assuming that White would be grateful
    for or, at least,   indifferent to the delay.      White cannot expect
    Texas courts to know that he wants to get on with his execution
    without telling them.       A motion for expedited review is also
    necessary   so   that   reviewing   courts   can   distinguish   between
    strategic behavior on the part of the prisoner who quietly waits
    with the hope of asserting a Lackey claim later and bona fide
    claims of malicious or intentional state delay.        See Fearance v.
    Scott, 56 F.3d at 639
    .      Further, White fails to allege that the
    delay in his case is due to anything other than court backlog and
    does not offer any evidence that Texas’ delay in considering his
    petition was intentional or even negligent.
    White relies on the decision of the United Kingdom’s highest
    court for the proposition that “it is an inhuman act to keep a man
    facing the agony of execution over a long, extended period of
    time.”   Pratt & Morgan v. Attorney General of Jamaica, Privy
    Council Appeal No. 10 of 1993, slip op. at 16, reported at 3 W.L.R.
    995, 143 N.L.J. 1639, 2 A.C. 1, 4 All E.R. 769 (British Privy
    Council Nov. 2, 1993)(en banc). In Pratt, the prisoners were read
    execution warrants several times in the face of repeated execution
    dates which were then stayed at the last minute.             White, in
    contrast, prevailed on his first federal habeas challenge to his
    conviction and sentence and his first execution date was vacated.
    Following his second trial, White’s second execution date was set
    less than 5 months ago and only after he had exhausted his remedies
    in state court.     White also alleges no extraordinary facts or
    unusual conditions beyond the inevitable anxiety of waiting for an
    execution date which cannot be avoided in a system of capital
    punishment.    See, Turner v. Jabe, 
    58 F.3d 924
    , 930 cert. denied 
    115 S. Ct. 2019
    (1995).    As a result, we are not persuaded that White
    has been subject to cruel or unusual punishment.
    No other circuit has found that inordinate delay in carrying
    out an execution violates the condemned prisoner’s eighth amendment
    rights. See e.g., 
    Stafford, 59 F.3d at 1028
    (10th Cir.); 
    McKenzie, 57 F.3d at 1494
    ; Free v. Peters, 
    50 F.3d 1362
    (7th Cir.) cert.
    115 S. Ct. 1397
    Fearance, 56 F.3d at 639
    (5th Cir.)
    These courts faced claims that were raised in successive petitions
    for a writ of habeas corpus while White makes his claim in his
    first federal habeas appeal from his second conviction.               As a
    result, White does not have to show cause in order to avoid
    dismissal as an abuse of writ.        Nevertheless, the reasoning of the
    courts which have considered Lackey claims demonstrates that even
    without the procedural bar, these courts would have found the claim
    meritless as we have.          See 
    Stafford, 59 F.3d at 1028
    Cir.)(“We conclude that Appellant has failed to show that executing
    him after fifteen years on death row, during which time he faced at
    least seven execution dates, would constitute cruel and unusual
    McKenzie, 57 F.3d at 1494
    (9th Cir.) (“We thus
    decline to recognize Richmond’s lengthy incarceration on death row
    during   the   pendency   of    his    appeals   as   substantively    and
    independently violative of the Constitution”); Free v. Peters, 
    50 F.3d 1362
    (7th Cir.) (rejecting claim that to execute petitioner
    after almost two decades of pursuing appeals and collateral relief
    is cruel and unusual punishment) cert. denied, 
    115 S. Ct. 1397
    Fearance, 56 F.3d at 639
    (5th Cir.) (Fearance was not the
    unwilling victim of a Bleak House-like procedural system hopelessly
    bogged down; at every turn, he, without complaining about the
    accumulating period on death row, sought extensions of time,
    hearings, and reconsiderations.”).
    For   these reasons, we conclude that White’s eighth amendment
    claim would not entitle him to habeas corpus relief even if it were
    not barred by Teague v. Lane.2
    White next argues that his counsel was ineffective and that
    the state court’s verbatim adoption of the government’s proposed
    findings of fact and conclusions of law resulted in a fundamentally
    unfair hearing on his ineffective assistance of counsel claim.   We
    affirm the district court’s ruling on these issues on the basis of
    White also argues that “binding norms of international law”
    compel us to follow Pratt & Morgan and strike down his death
    sentence as a violation of his human rights. This argument is
    meritless. White argues that since his conviction became final,
    the United States has signed the International Covenant on Civil
    and Political Rights and the Convention Against Torture and Other
    Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Both of these
    treaties prohibit “torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading
    punishment or treatment.” However, the United States Senate filed
    reservations with respect to both of these treaties which contend
    that the United States understands the language in these treaties
    to mean “cruel and unusual punishments” as defined by the eighth
    amendment.   White’s claims are barred by Teague for the same
    reasons his eighth amendment claims are barred. White’s conviction
    was legal under international law when it became final in 1990.
    Further, even if we did consider the merits of this claim, we would
    do so under the Senate’s reservation that the treaties only
    prohibit cruel and unusual punishment. As we have noted above,
    even on the merits, this argument would fail.
    Judge Harmon’s well-reasoned January 4, 1996 opinion.
    White’s eighth amendment and international law claims of
    cruel and unusual punishment are barred by Teague and controlled
    by our decision in Lackey.   On the merits, these claims would
    likewise fail because the delay that White complains of arises
    from post conviction proceedings which exist to protect White and
    which White, himself, requested when he petitioned for habeas
    White’s claim that his evidentiary hearing was fundamentally
    unfair and his claim that his counsel was ineffective are also
    meritless and we decline to issue a certificate of probable cause
    on these issues for the reasons given by the district court.
    For all of these reasons, we VACATE our stay of execution
    and DENY White’s petition for a certificate of probable cause.