John Gober v. Frankel Family Trust , 537 F. App'x 518 ( 2013 )

  •      Case: 13-50035   Document: 00512327499   Page: 1   Date Filed: 07/31/2013
    FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT  United States Court of Appeals
    Fifth Circuit
    July 31, 2013
    No. 13-50035                     Lyle W. Cayce
    Summary Calendar                        Clerk
    FRANKEL FAMILY TRUST, doing business as Management Support;
    FRANKEL FAMILY TRUST, doing business as Management Support;
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Western District of Texas
    Nos. 5:12-CV-83 and 5:12-CV-85
    Before HIGGINBOTHAM, OWEN, and SOUTHWICK, Circuit Judges.
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    No. 13-50035
    The district court granted summary judgment rejecting claims filed by
    John Gober and Alissa Moore under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title
    VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and pendent state-law claims.                       The
    defendants are their employer, Frankel Family Trust (doing business as
    Management Support) and its sole trustee, Edward Frankel. Gober alleges he
    was fired because of a disability, and Moore alleges she was fired in retaliation
    for opposing Gober’s firing. We AFFIRM.
    Management Support, headquartered in California, owns and operates
    apartment complexes in Texas, Arizona, and California. Among the complexes
    are the Estates of Northwoods and Sedona Ranch located in San Antonio, Texas.
    Moore began working for the Frankel Family Trust in 2003. In February 2010,
    she became property manager of the Estates of Northwoods and Sedona Ranch
    (the “Property”). As property manager, Moore hired and supervised other
    employees, including maintenance personnel. Moore reported to Dave Adams,
    the Regional Asset Manager. Adams reported directly to Edward Frankel, the
    sole trustee and chief executive officer of Management Support.
    In June 2010, the Property had an opening for a maintenance foreman.
    Moore knew Gober had experience as a lead maintenance technician from their
    prior work together at another apartment complex from 1999 to 2001. Moore
    contacted Gober about the opening, and he informed her of his recent surgery to
    implant a defibrillator. Several days later, Gober’s cardiologist released Gober
    for work with restrictions. Specifically, Gober could not work more than eight
    hours per day or on weekends; he could not lift anything over 30 pounds; and he
    Pursuant to 5TH CIR. R. 47.5, the court has determined that this opinion should not
    be published and is not precedent except under the limited circumstances set forth in 5TH CIR.
    R. 47.5.4.
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    could not be exposed to temperatures over 80 degrees Fahrenheit for more than
    20 to 30 minutes. Upon his release to work, Gober contacted Moore and
    informed her of these restrictions. He then completed an application with
    Management Support and interviewed with the regional manager Adams and
    then with Mike Boyd, a maintenance foreman at another location. The parties
    dispute what Gober revealed at the interviews about his medical limitations. On
    June 28, 2010, Management Support hired Gober.
    On his first day on the job, Gober completed new-hire forms with Moore.
    Gober did not indicate he needed an accommodation on the “Essential Job
    Functions” document. Moore also did not request medical verification of Gober’s
    restrictions because she believed the job would not require that he work over
    eight hours a day or lift heavy items.           On the “Employment Health
    Questionnaire,” Gober indicated he could not lift more than 20 pounds, could not
    move appliances, could not install air conditioners, and could not be on call. The
    evidence establishes that when Gober indicated he could not be on call, he meant
    that, because of his eight-hour workday restriction, he could not respond to after-
    hours requests to return to the Property.
    Moore sent the new-hire forms to Management Support’s administrative
    offices in California. Frankel was informed of the restrictions Gober noted on
    the health questionnaire. Frankel directed Adams to fire Gober because being
    on call was an essential job function and could not be accommodated. On Friday,
    July 9, 2010, Adams fired Gober. Moore was upset that Adams was firing Gober.
    She told Adams it was “not right” and “not legal.” On Monday, July 12, Frankel
    instructed Adams to rehire Gober if Gober’s inability to be on call was
    temporary, but Gober told Adams it was permanent. The same day, Adams fired
    Moore for her mishandling Gober’s application.
    Moore and Gober filed complaints with the Equal Employment
    Opportunity Commission and the Texas Human Rights Commission. Both
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    individuals were issued right-to-sue notices. Gober contended Management
    Support violated the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) and the Texas
    Commission on Human Rights Act (“TCHRA”) by firing him because of a
    disability and failing to accommodate his disability.              Moore contended
    Management Support retaliated against her in violation of Title VII and the
    TCHRA.      They both brought claims for intentional infliction of emotional
    distress.   The district court granted summary judgment for Management
    Support on all claims.
    Gober appeals the grant of summary judgment as to his ADA and TCHRA
    claims, and Moore appeals only as to her TCHRA claim.
    We review appeals from a grant of summary judgment de novo. Turco v.
    Hoechst Celanese Corp., 
    101 F.3d 1090
    , 1092 (5th Cir. 1996).               Summary
    judgment is appropriate if there “is no genuine dispute as to any material fact.”
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(a).
    I.    Gober’s Claims
    Under the ADA, “[n]o covered entity shall discriminate against a qualified
    individual on the basis of a disability in regard to job application procedures, the
    hiring, advancement, or discharge of employees, employee compensation, job
    training, and other terms, conditions, and privileges of employment.” 42 U.S.C.
    § 12112(a). To prevail on a claim of disability discrimination under the ADA,
    Gober must prove that (1) “he has a ‘disability’”; (2) “he is ‘qualified’ for the job”;
    and (3) Management Support made its adverse employment decision solely
    because of Gober’s disability. 
    Turco, 101 F.3d at 1092
    . The TCHRA “purports
    to correlate state law with federal law in the area of discrimination in
    employment.” NME Hosps., Inc. v. Rennels, 
    994 S.W.2d 142
    , 144 (Tex. 1999)
    (quotation marks omitted). Texas “looks to analogous federal precedent for
    guidance when interpreting the [TCHRA].” 
    Id. Therefore, we consider
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    claims together and apply the legal standards for the ADA to analyze both
    Gober’s heart condition qualifies as a disability and Management Support
    fired him because of this disability. The only issue, then, is whether Gober was
    qualified for the maintenance foreman position. A “qualified individual” is an
    “individual who, with or without reasonable accommodation, can perform the
    essential functions of the employment position that such individual holds or
    desires.” 42 U.S.C. § 12111(8) (emphasis added). To avoid summary judgment,
    Gober must show (1) “that he could perform the essential functions of the job in
    spite of his disability” or (2) “that a reasonable accommodation of his disability
    would have enabled him to perform the essential functions of the job.” 
    Turco, 101 F.3d at 1093
    To make the initial determination of whether a job function is essential,
    among our considerations are “[t]he employer’s judgment as to which functions
    are essential; [w]ritten job descriptions prepared before advertising or
    interviewing applicants for the job; [and] [t]he amount of time spent on the job
    performing the function.” 29 C.F.R. § 1630.2(n)(3)(i)-(iii). We also may consider
    whether there is evidence that the employer actually requires employees in the
    particular position to perform the function. See 
    id. § 1630.2(n)(3)(vi)-(vii). After
    a de novo review of the evidence, we conclude that being on call,
    which requires after-hours availability, is an essential function of the
    maintenance foreman position. That finding means Gober was not qualified for
    the position. As the district court noted, Frankel, the CEO of Management
    Support, stated that being on call is an essential function; the written job
    description for maintenance foreman states that being on call is a requirement;
    the current employees of Management Support stated that the maintenance
    foreman must respond as needed to after-hours emergencies; and Management
    Support is under a legal obligation to have an employee on call 24 hours a day.
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    That obligation is one to be performed by the maintenance foreman at the
    Property. See TEX. PROP. CODE § 92.020(a) (“A landlord that has [ ] on-site
    management . . . for a residential rental property must provide . . . a telephone
    number that will be answered 24 hours a day for the purpose of reporting
    emergencies related to a condition of the leased premises that materially affects
    the physical health or safety of an ordinary tenant.”).
    Gober disputes that it was essential that the foreman be on call, relying
    in part on Frankel’s testimony that the document entitled “Essential Job
    Functions” applies to maintenance technicians and not necessarily just
    maintenance foremen. Frankel also testified, though, that while the foreman is
    a supervisory position, the foreman and the technicians’ jobs, “for the most part,
    are very close,” which is why, at that time, they used the same job functions form
    for the two positions. Additionally, Gober argues that the district court did not
    appreciate the difference between being on call and being in the on-call rotation.
    Essentially, Gober argues he was only required to answer his phone after hours,
    but a maintenance technician who was on call would report to the Property. He
    also argues Adams testified that maintenance foremen who are not on the on-
    call rotation have physically had to respond to emergencies after hours only
    three times during his 14 years with Management Support.1 The evidence
    shows, though, that maintenance foremen are expected to report to the Property
    after hours when necessary, even if they are not on the on-call rotation. For
    example, Adams testified that the foreman who replaced Gober recently reported
    to the Property after hours for an air conditioner problem. The evidence Gober
    The record reflects that Adams testified about four specific instances where a
    maintenance foreman who was not on-call had to physically report to a property (for a fire, a
    sewer line back-up, a car driving into a building, and an air conditioner problem).
    Additionally, Adams never stated he was providing an exhaustive list of every time a
    maintenance foreman had to report to a property after hours. Adams testified that he had
    physically reported to properties about a dozen times.
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    has pointed to on appeal demonstrates that reporting to work after hours may
    be somewhat infrequent, but it is, nonetheless, an essential function of this
    Gober next argues that a reasonable accommodation would have enabled
    him to fulfill his essential job functions.2 Specifically, Gober argues he was
    available by phone, but he could not physically respond to emergencies. On
    appeal, he argues Moore testified that Gober never told her he would not come
    back to the Property after hours. This testimony, though, contradicts the
    undisputed medical restriction that Gober could not work more than eight hours
    per day. Gober also argues Management Support should have engaged in an
    “interactive process” to determine an appropriate accommodation. Yet Gober
    specifically told Management Support that being on call was “not acceptable.”
    Task reassignment is not a reasonable accommodation if the task is an essential
    function of the job. Barber v. Nabors Drilling U.S.A., Inc., 
    130 F.3d 702
    , 710 (5th
    Cir. 1997).
    Because we conclude that being on call and able to report in person to the
    Property is an essential job function, Management Support was not required to
    relieve Gober of this duty, modify the duty, or reassign other employees to the
    duty.       See 
    id. Accordingly, we need
    not address Gober’s argument that
    accommodating him would not have been an undue burden. Summary judgment
    was appropriate as to Gober’s claims.
    II.     Moore’s Claim
    To make out a prima facie claim for retaliation under the TCHRA, Moore
    must show that (1) she “engaged in a protected activity”; (2) there was an
    Management Support agreed to accommodate Gober’s lifting and air conditioner
    installation restrictions. Management Support states it could not have accommodated Gober’s
    restriction of not working in high temperatures, but because Gober did not list this restriction
    in his new-hire paperwork, Management Support was unaware of the restriction when it fired
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    adverse employment action; and (3) there was a causal link “between the
    protected activity and the adverse action.” Pineda v. United Parcel Serv., Inc.,
    360 F.3d 483
    , 487 (5th Cir. 2004). A “protected activity” includes opposing
    discriminatory practices. TEX. LAB. CODE § 21.055(1). If a plaintiff establishes
    a prima facie case, “the burden then shifts to the defendant to demonstrate a
    legitimate[,] nondiscriminatory purpose for the employment action.” Gee v.
    289 F.3d 342
    , 345 (5th Cir. 2002). If the employer meets this burden,
    “the plaintiff must prove that the employer’s stated reason for the adverse action
    was merely a pretext for the real, discriminatory purpose.” 
    Id. We apply a
    for” test, requiring the employee to prove that but for the protected activity she
    would not have been discharged. 
    Pineda, 360 F.3d at 487
    Like the district court, we accept that Moore has made a prima facie case
    of retaliation. Management Support, though, met its burden of providing a non-
    retaliatory reason for why it fired Moore and why her firing was in close
    proximity to her protected action. Moore has failed to meet her burden of
    presenting evidence that would prove that but for the protected action she would
    not have been fired. 
    Id. Moore admitted making
    serious mistakes regarding
    Gober’s application, which is a legitimate non-retaliatory justification for her
    firing. Moore was responsible for intake of Gober’s new hire documents and
    admitted she made errors in reviewing it and “missed key points.” She was fired
    just one business day after her mistakes were brought to Frankel’s attention.
    Moore challenges the district court’s conclusion that she did not present
    evidence to rebut Management Support’s claim that she was fired because of her
    mishandling of Gober’s application. Moore points out she was fired after she told
    Adams that firing Gober was based on his disability and was “not right.” The
    district court found no evidence that Frankel, the sole decision maker, knew
    anything other than that Moore was upset about Gober’s firing. Both Frankel
    and Adams testified that Frankel was aware only that Moore was “upset” about
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    Gober’s firing. On appeal, Moore states that if her firing was not in retaliation,
    she would have been fired on Friday, July 9, 2010, when the problems with
    Gober’s application were identified, instead of on Monday, July 12, after Adams
    spoke with Frankel about Moore’s reaction to Gober’s firing. Moore argues this
    time line raises a dispute as to the reason for her firing. Even though suspicious
    timing can be evidence of pretext, it is sufficient to survive summary judgment
    only when combined “with other significant evidence of pretext.” Shackelford v.
    Deloitte & Touche, LLP, 
    190 F.3d 398
    , 409 (5th Cir. 1999). Once the employer
    offers a legitimate, non-discriminatory reason that explains the timing and the
    reason for the adverse action, the plaintiff must offer some evidence from which
    the jury can infer retaliation was the real motive. 
    Id. Moore makes other
    arguments: (1) Adams and Boyd approved of Gober’s
    hiring but were not reprimanded; (2) Moore had an “exemplary career” with
    Management Support; (3) Management Support did not follow its normal
    procedure when firing her; and (4) Adams testified he did not know of another
    instance in which an apartment manager at Management Support was fired for
    improperly hiring an employee. Such evidence is relevant to whether there is
    a causal link between the protected activity and the employment decision.
    Schroeder v. Greater New Orleans Fed. Credit Union, 
    664 F.3d 1016
    , 1024 (5th
    Cir. 2011). None of these arguments, though, refutes our dispositive finding that
    Frankel did not know anything other than that Moore was upset. If Frankel,
    who decided to fire Moore, was unaware of her protected activity, this evidence
    does not support that she would not have been fired in the absence of having
    engaged in protected activity.