United States v. Armando Ibarra , 652 F. App'x 290 ( 2016 )

  •      Case: 15-40484      Document: 00513549142         Page: 1    Date Filed: 06/15/2016
    United States Court of Appeals
    Fifth Circuit
    No. 15-40484
    June 15, 2016
    Lyle W. Cayce
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,                                                    Clerk
    Plaintiff - Appellee
    GONZALEZ, also known as Burqueti; JORGE LUIS RAMIREZ; ANTONIO
    NAVAREZ REYES, also known as Tonio,
    Defendants - Appellants
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Texas
    USDC No. 4:12-CR-252-5
    Before DAVIS, JONES, and GRAVES, Circuit Judges.
    W. EUGENE DAVIS, Circuit Judge:*
    All four defendants challenge their convictions for violating 21 U.S.C.
    § 846—conspiracy to possess with an intent to distribute methamphetamine.
    Because their numerous arguments for overturning the jury verdict lack merit,
    we AFFIRM the defendants’ convictions.
    * Pursuant to 5TH CIR. R. 47.5, the court has determined that this opinion should not
    be published and is not precedent except under the limited circumstances set forth in 5TH
    CIR. R. 47.5.4.
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    Christian Salvador distributed methamphetamine in north Texas.
    Initially, drug cartels manufactured the methamphetamine in Mexico and
    transported it to Dallas as a liquid. In Dallas, Salvador’s workers converted
    the liquid into a crystal and delivered the drugs to street-level dealers in
    nearby Denton.
    Salvador’s organization unraveled when DeAngelo Font was arrested for
    dealing methamphetamine in Denton. A drug investigator, Tony Salas, traced
    Font’s methamphetamine to Salvador.
    After Font’s arrest, police focused their investigation on Salvador’s
    organization. In September of 2012, they arrested Matthew Burkhardt who
    admitted to selling Salvador’s methamphetamine in Denton. He agreed to
    cooperate with investigators by arranging a controlled buy against Salvador. 1
    The drug sale between Salvador and Burkhardt was scheduled for
    September 13, 2012. On that morning, two members of Salvador’s operation,
    Armando Ibarra and Jorge Ramirez, went to Jose Vargas’ home to “pick[] up
    some boxes that…contained drugs” to “take…somewhere else[,]” presumably
    to the controlled buy’s location.
    Later that afternoon, on September 13, Salvador arrived at a Dallas
    storage unit with Ramirez and Ibarra for the controlled buy. Police raided the
    unit, searched Salvador’s vehicles, and arrested Ramirez, Ibarra, and
    Salvador. Inside the storage unit, police found plastic containers filled with
    methamphetamine crystals. In the vehicles, police found cans of acetone and a
    cardboard box filled with methamphetamine. In total, the police recovered $1.3
    million worth of drugs.
    1A controlled buy is an operation where the cooperating witness orders a quantity of
    drugs, and the police arrest the person who delivers drugs to the location.
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    After Salvador’s arrest, Salas learned that his methamphetamine was
    converted from a liquid to a crystal at a home in Dallas and organized another
    raid. When police entered the residence, an overwhelming odor of chemicals
    struck them. 2 They observed a conversion lab in the kitchen sitting on a fold-
    out table. Police found a driver’s license in the kitchen belonging to Antonio
    Reyes located within five feet of the conversion lab. They also recovered
    $100,000 worth of methamphetamine at the home.
    A grand jury indicted sixteen people for a conspiracy to possess with
    intent to distribute methamphetamine in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 846. Eleven
    pled guilty; four went to trial: Ibarra, Ramirez, Reyes, and Julio Cesar
    Maldonado Gonzalez. 3
    At trial, Vargas testified for the government. He said that on September
    13 he gave methamphetamine to Ramirez and Ibarra so they could deliver it
    elsewhere. Vargas also described how he received his supply of drugs. Vargas
    testified that Reyes would provide him methamphetamine hidden in car
    Reyes also testified. He explained that he lived at the Dallas home with
    Aaron Hernandez—Salvador’s partner. According to Reyes, he worked as a
    roofer, leaving home at 7:00 a.m. and returning at 7:00 p.m., and so he never
    saw drugs or a conversion lab in the home.
    However, Reyes admitted that he returned home early on September 11
    and noticed an “awful smell.” Reyes said that he had “never smelled that” odor
    before and did not “know what it was.” Reyes believed “something wasn’t right”
    and told Hernandez that he would move out at the end of the month
    2  A pungent chemical smell is released when heat is applied to methamphetamine
    during the conversion process.
    3 Another defendant, Aaron Hernandez, escaped capture and remains a fugitive.
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    During trial, Ibarra moved to sever his prosecution arguing that
    statements made by other defendants prejudiced him. The district court denied
    his motion to sever, and in its jury instructions, told the jury to consider the
    evidence against each defendant separately and individually.
    Also, Reyes objected to the district court’s “deliberate ignorance” jury
    instruction which the court overruled.
    The jury convicted all four defendants of violating 21 U.S.C. § 846. To
    prove a drug conspiracy, the government must show: the existence of an
    agreement between two or more persons to violate narcotics laws; that the
    defendant knew of the agreement; and that he voluntarily participated in the
    conspiracy. 4
    The defendants make four arguments for overturning the jury verdict.
    We address each in turn:
    A.     VENUE
    Each defendant argues that the evidence was insufficient to establish
    venue in the Eastern District of Texas. This issue was given to the jury, which
    found that the government established venue. We “review the denial of a
    motion for judgment of acquittal de novo. We will affirm a verdict if, viewing
    all the evidence in the light most favorable to the government, a rational jury
    could conclude, from the evidence presented at trial, that the government
    established venue by a preponderance of the evidence.” 5
    The defendants argue that the government did not show that they
    committed an overt act in the Eastern District. 6 In a conspiracy case, venue is
    4 United States v. Patino-Prado, 
    533 F.3d 304
    , 309 (5th Cir. 2008).
    5 United States v. Mendoza, 
    587 F.3d 682
    , 686 (5th Cir. 2009).
    6 The defendants’ various other arguments against venue are without merit, including
    Reyes’ claim that Burkhardt’s testimony cannot be used because he became an informant
    after being arrested; Gonzalez’ assertion that Salas did not identify at trial the street-level
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    proper “in any district where the agreement was formed or an overt act
    occurred.” 7 An overt act “can be based on evidence of any single act that
    initiated, perpetuated, or completed the crime.” 8 Moreover, venue is proper as
    to any member of the conspiracy, so long as one co-conspirator committed one
    overt act there. 9
    Enough evidence existed for the jury to find that an overt act occurred in
    the Eastern District. While the defendants’ conduct primarily occurred in
    Dallas, their actions supported an organization that sold methamphetamine in
    Denton, which is in the Eastern District. 10
    Specifically, the defendants converted methamphetamine that was
    supplied to Salvador’s organization’s street-level dealers in Denton. For
    example, police arrested Font for selling Salvador’s methamphetamine in
    Denton. 11 Similarly, Burkhardt admitted that he sold methamphetamine in
    Denton for Salvador. Thus, ample evidence proved that defendants joined a
    conspiracy that committed overt acts in Denton.
    Ramirez and Reyes argue that the evidence was insufficient to establish
    their guilt in various respects. We review sufficiency of the evidence challenges
    under a familiar standard:
    dealers who sold methamphetamine for Salvador; Gonzalez argument that the street-level
    dealers for Salvador were only arrested in Denton but actually sold their drugs only in other
    7 United States v. Rodriguez-Lopez, 
    756 F.3d 422
    , 429-30 (5th Cir. 2014).
    Mendoza, 587 F.3d at 686
    9 See 
    id. at 430;
    Mendoza, 587 F.3d at 686
    10 See, e.g., 
    id. at 687
    (holding an overt act occurred in the Eastern District of Texas,
    because the defendant supplied methamphetamine to an uncharged third-party who sold it
    at the street level in the Eastern District).
    11 Ibarra’s argument that this statement is inadmissible hearsay is without merit
    because Salas merely described his personal investigation rather than some out-of-court
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    We review a challenge to the sufficiency of the
    evidence supporting a conviction by reviewing all
    evidence in the light most favorable to the verdict to
    determine whether a rational trier of fact could have
    found that the evidence established the essential
    elements of the offense beyond a reasonable doubt. 12
    Ramirez argues the government did not prove that he had knowledge of
    the conspiracy. However, this argument is belied by the record.
    The government provided more than enough evidence for a rational jury
    to find that Ramirez knew about the drug conspiracy. First, Ramirez was
    arrested at the storage unit where police found $1.3 million worth of
    methamphetamine. 13 Second, Ramirez admitted that he moved a large
    cardboard box containing methamphetamine from the storage unit. 14 Third,
    coded text messages on Salvador’s phone revealed Ramirez’s picture and stated
    that Ramirez picked up acetone and drugs on September 13. Finally, Vargas
    confirmed that Ramirez picked up drugs from him to transport them for sale.
    Thus, the evidence was more than sufficient for the jury to find that Ramirez
    had knowledge of the conspiracy.
    Reyes argues that the government did not prove that he participated in
    the conspiracy. A defendant’s participation in the conspiracy may be inferred
    12 United States v. Haines, 
    803 F.3d 713
    , 734-45 (5th Cir. 2015).
    13 Cf. United States v. Delgado, 
    672 F.3d 320
    , 334 (5th Cir. 2012) (en banc) (recognizing
    that possession of a large quantity of drugs supports the defendant’s participation in the
    14 While Ramirez claimed that he did not know the box’s contents, this is unlikely
    because the box was secured by only a folding flap, and it contained eight plastic containers,
    each holding a kilogram of methamphetamine.
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    from circumstantial evidence. 15 Moreover, the defendant need not “know all
    the details of the unlawful enterprise or have a major role.” 16
    Here, too, more than enough evidence existed for a rational jury to find
    that Reyes participated in the drug conspiracy. Reyes admitted at trial that he
    lived in the Slater-residence where the conversion lab was found. Moreover,
    police found his driver’s license within five feet of the conversion lab located
    conspicuously in the kitchen. Also, Vargas testified that Reyes gave him
    methamphetamine. 17 Thus, the jury could reasonably infer that Reyes
    participated in the conversion of methamphetamine in his home.
    Reyes argues that the district court erred by giving the jury a deliberate
    ignorance instruction. 18 We review a district court’s jury instruction for an
    abuse of discretion, and any error is subject to harmless error review. 19 The
    15  United States v. Greenwood, 
    974 F.2d 1449
    , 1457 (5th Cir. 1992) (“Because secrecy
    is the norm in an illicit conspiracy, the elements of the offense may be established solely by
    circumstantial evidence.”).
    16 United States v. Chon, 
    713 F.3d 812
    , 819 (5th Cir. 2013).
    17 Both Ramirez and Reyes argue that Vargas was an unreliable witness. According
    to Ramirez and Reyes, Vargas is unreliable because he failed to identify them during his
    initial interview but then pointed them out at trial, which occurred after Vargas had pled
    guilty. This argument is unavailing. See, e.g., United States v. Martinez-Garcia, 560 F. App’x
    253, 260 (5th Cir. 2014) (“As long as it is not factually insubstantial or incredible, the
    uncorroborated testimony of a co-conspirator, even one who has chosen to cooperate with the
    government in exchange for non-prosecution or leniency, may be constitutionally sufficient
    evidence to convict.”). Moreover, “[w]e must accept all credibility choices made by the trier of
    Haines, 803 F.3d at 734-45
    18 The district court instructed the jury: “You may find that a defendant had
    knowledge of a fact if you find that the defendant deliberately closed his eyes to what would
    otherwise have been obvious to him. While knowledge on the part of a defendant cannot be
    established merely by demonstrating that a defendant was negligent, careless, or foolish,
    knowledge can be inferred if a defendant deliberately blinded himself to the existence of a
    fact. A defendant must subjectively believe that there is a high probability that a fact exists
    and the defendant must take deliberate actions to avoid learning of that fact.”
    19 United States v. Fuchs, 
    467 F.3d 889
    , 900 (5th Cir. 2006); United States v. Edelkind,
    525 F.3d 388
    , 397 (5th Cir. 2008) (“Any [deliberate ignorance instruction] error is subject to
    harmless error review.”).
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    deliberate ignorance instruction should be “given when a defendant claims a
    lack of guilty knowledge and the proof at trial supports an inference of
    deliberate indifference.” 20
    Reyes asserts that the deliberate ignorance instruction was error,
    because at trial, he admitted to actual knowledge of the unlawful activity.
    However,     Reyes    never    admitted     to   actual    knowledge      of   unlawful
    methamphetamine conversion. 21 Reyes stated explicitly that he never saw a
    conversion lab in the residence. Also, he claimed that he never saw drugs at
    the home. While admitting that he noticed an “awful smell” which made him
    think “something wasn’t right,” he never claimed that he knew this smell
    derived from something unlawful. Instead, Reyes said that he “never smelled
    that [odor] and I don’t know, I don’t know what it was.” Thus, his general
    assertion that “something wasn’t right” is insufficient to show Reyes admitted
    to actual knowledge of methamphetamine conversion in the home, and the
    instruction was proper.
    Ibarra argues that the district court erred when it denied his motion to
    sever his trial. We review the district court’s denial of a motion to sever for an
    abuse of discretion. 22
    First, Ibarra argued that the admission of his codefendant’s statements
    violated Bruton v. United States, 
    391 U.S. 123
    (1968). Under Bruton, the
    admission of a statement by one codefendant, which implicates another
    Id. 21 If
    Reyes had admitted to actual knowledge of methamphetamine conversion, this
    would make any error in giving the deliberate ignorance instruction harmless. See United
    States v. Gonzalez, 612 F. App’x 246, 247 (5th Cir. 2015) (“Any error in giving such an
    instruction is harmless if substantial evidence showing actual knowledge was adduced at
    22 United States v. Whitfield, 
    590 F.3d 325
    , 356 (5th Cir. 2009).
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    codefendant, violates the Sixth Amendment, if admitted in a joint trial and the
    person making the statement did not take the stand. 23
    Ibarra asserts that Salas’ testimony that Ramirez admitted to
    “assist[ing] in loading the big box located in the back of the pickup” implicated
    him. According to Ibarra, Ramirez statement “indicated that others were
    involved in handling [the box,]” which could have included him. However,
    Ramirez statement that he “assisted in loading” the box was general and did
    not explicitly or implicitly reference Ibarra. Thus, admission of Ramirez
    statement did not implicate Ibarra and violate his Sixth Amendment right.
    Second, Ibarra argues that he was prejudiced by the “spill-over” effect of
    evidence against other defendants. However, a “spillover effect, by itself, is an
    insufficient predicate for a motion to sever.” 24 Because Ibarra’s spillover is
    insufficient to justify a motion to sever, the district court did not abuse its
    For these reasons, we AFFIRM the judgment of the district court.
    23 391 U.S. at 135-36
    24   United States v. Bieganowski, 
    313 F.3d 264
    , 287 (5th Cir. 2002).