Robison v. Johnson , 151 F.3d 256 ( 1998 )

  •                          Revised August 28, 1998
    No. 97-10240
    GARY JOHNSON, Director, Texas Dept.               of
    Criminal Justice, Institutional Division,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    For the Northern District of Texas
    August 13, 1998
    Before DAVIS, EMILIO M. GARZA, and STEWART, Circuit Judges.
    EMILIO M. GARZA, Circuit Judge:
    Larry    Keith   Robison   was   sentenced   to   death   after   being
    convicted of capital murder in Texas state court.         Robison filed a
    petition for habeas corpus relief in federal district court.             The
    district court denied Robison’s petition and his subsequent request
    for Certificate of Appealability (“COA”).         Robison now requests a
    COA on eight separate issues he raised below.            We deny COA with
    regard to all but his Penry1 claim, with regard to which we grant
    COA but affirm the district court’s dismissal on the merits.
    In 1983, Larry Keith Robison stood trial for intentionally
    killing Bruce Gardner in the course of committing robbery, in
    violation of Tex. Penal Code § 19.03(a)(2).                         Robison pursued an
    insanity defense, presenting evidence that he was a paranoid
    schizophrenic, but the jury returned a verdict of guilty.                             On
    direct    appeal,     the   Texas    Court         of    Criminal    Appeals    reversed
    Robison’s conviction, holding that the trial court had abused its
    discretion by improperly limiting defense counsel’s voir dire
    questioning regarding potential bias towards the insanity defense,
    in   violation   of     Article     I,    §       10    of   the   Texas   Constitution.
    Robinson v. Texas, 
    720 S.W.2d 808
    (Tex. Crim. App. 1986).
    In 1987, Robison stood trial again on the same charge, relying
    as before on a defense of insanity.                    The jury returned a verdict of
    guilty    and   then,    during     the       sentencing       phase   that    followed,
    answered affirmatively to the two special issues set forth in
    article 37.071 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure.                        The trial
    court accordingly sentenced Robison to death by lethal injection.
    On direct appeal, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals affirmed
    Robison’s conviction and sentence.                     Robison v. Texas, 
    888 S.W.2d 1
              Penry v. Lynaugh, 
    492 U.S. 302
    109 S. Ct. 2934
    , 106 L.
    Ed. 2d 256 (1989).
    473 (Tex. Crim. App. 1994)(en banc).   After Robison’s application
    for habeas corpus relief in state court was denied, Robison filed
    the instant habeas corpus petition in district court. The district
    court denied Robison’s petition without an evidentiary hearing and
    later denied his request for COA on each issue raised here.
    Robison seeks a COA from this court on each of the following
    issues:   (1) Whether Robison received ineffective assistance of
    counsel in violation of the Sixth Amendment because his attorney
    failed to keep a psychiatrist’s report from the jury; (2) Whether
    Robison received ineffective assistance of counsel because his
    attorney failed to present evidence of Robison’s thought process
    during the commission of the offense; (3) Whether Robison received
    ineffective assistance of counsel because his attorney advised
    Robison not to testify; (4) Whether Robison received ineffective
    assistance of counsel and was denied his constitutional right to
    counsel based on his attorney’s failure to follow Robison’s written
    instructions as to how to conduct his defense; (5) Whether the
    Texas “special issues” scheme for determining when to impose a
    sentence of death violates the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments to
    the U.S. Constitution as applied to Robison because the special
    issues did not allow the jury to consider Robison’s mental illness
    as a mitigating factor (“Penry claim”); (6) Whether Robison’s claim
    of newly discovered evidence states a ground for federal habeas
    relief; (7) Whether Texas Code of Criminal Procedure article 46.03
    §   1(e),   which   mandates   that    jurors   not   be   informed   of   the
    consequences of a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity,
    deprived Robison of his right to due process; and (8) Whether the
    district court erred in denying Robison’s motion for an evidentiary
    “A [COA] may issue . . . only if the applicant has made a
    substantial showing of the denial of a constitutional right.”              28
    U.S.C. § 2253(c)(2).     Specifically, the applicant must demonstrate
    that the issue on which he seeks a COA is “debatable among jurists
    of reason.”    Fuller v. Johnson, 
    114 F.3d 491
    , 495 (5th Cir.), cert.
    denied, ___ U.S. ___, 
    118 S. Ct. 399
    139 L. Ed. 2d 312
    (1997).             In
    determining whether to grant a COA, “[w]e resolve doubts . . . in
    favor of the petitioner, and we may properly consider the severity
    of the penalty in making this determination.”                
    Id. (citations omitted).
        With these standards in mind, we consider in turn each
    of the issues raised by Robison.2
    Before addressing these issues, we briefly dispose of
    Robison’s contention that the Antiterrorism and Effective Death
    Penalty Act (“AEDPA”) does not apply to his case. Following the
    Supreme Court’s decision in Lindh v. Murphy, we requested
    supplemental briefing on the issue of whether AEDPA applied to
    Robison’s habeas claim. See Lindh v. Murphy, ___U.S.___, 117 S.
    Ct. 2059, 
    138 L. Ed. 2d 481
    (1997) (holding that AEDPA applies only
    to cases filed after the effective date of April 24, 1996).
    Robison argues that the “filing date” referred to by Lindh should
    be interpreted to mean the date of conviction. The state, on the
    other hand, argues that the appropriate filing date should be the
    Robison contends that his trial attorney rendered ineffective
    assistance of counsel by giving the report of a psychiatrist, Dr.
    Buckholtz, to his testifying expert, Dr. Price, thereby allowing
    the report to be discovered and then used by the state in cross-
    examination.   After spending several hours with Robison over the
    course of two visits, Dr. Buckholtz rendered an opinion that
    Robison was sane at the time he committed the murders and prepared
    a detailed, written report summarizing his conversations with
    Robison and disclosing his ultimate opinion. Robison contends that
    his counsel’s performance was deficient because he allowed this
    damaging report to be discovered by the state and used against him
    in front of the jury.   The state habeas court made the following
    findings of fact related to this issue:
    (1)   At his first trial in 1983, [Robison] was
    represented by J.R. Molina and Charles Roach.
    In preparation for [Robison]’s first trial and
    just seven months after the crimes, counsel
    employed C.D. Buckholtz, M.D., to conduct a
    mental evaluation of [Robison].
    (2)   Dr. Buckholtz found that [Robison] was not
    insane during the commission of the crimes and
    date on which the defendant filed the particular federal habeas
    petition in question.    Following our request for supplemental
    briefing, we resolved this issue in favor of the state, holding
    that AEDPA applies to habeas petitions filed in federal district
    court after AEDPA’s effective date. See United States v. Carter,
    117 F.3d 262
    (5th Cir. 1997); United States v. DeLario, 
    120 F.3d 580
    (5th Cir. 1997). Because Robison filed this federal habeas
    petition in the Northern District of Texas on December 12, 1996,
    several months after AEDPA’s effective date of April 24, 1996, we
    will apply AEDPA standards to his habeas claim.
    counsel elected not to present his testimony
    at the 1983 trial.
    (3)   [Robison]   was  represented   by   different
    counsel, David Bays and Sherry Hill (now
    presiding Judge of County Criminal Court
    Number One of Tarrant County), at his second
    trial nearly five years after the commission
    of the crimes. In preparation for [Robison]’s
    second trial, his mother, Lois Robison,
    retained Randall Price, Ph.D., to evaluate
    (4)   Along with other materials, [Robison]’s new
    counsel gave Buckholtz’s report to Price.
    Price testified at the 1987 trial, and on
    cross-examination, the State reviewed Price’s
    materials, including Buckholtz’s report. The
    State subsequently cross-examined Price about
    the report and mentioned it during argument.
    The jury did not otherwise see the report.
    (5)   While, at their request, the jury received
    portions of Price’s testimony on cross-
    examination during deliberations, it also
    received at its request portions of the
    defense’s cross-examination of the State’s
    psychiatrist Dr. Griffith.
    (6)   Counsel provided Buckholtz’s report to Price
    in order that Price should have before him all
    available information in making his evaluation
    of [Robison] and to deflect any criticism from
    the State on cross-examination.
    (7)   The prosecutor at [Robison]’s second trial,
    Greg Pipes, reviews the jail and penitentiary
    records of an accused in a major trial.
    Tarrant County Jail records reflect that Dr.
    Buckholtz visited [Robison] on May 17, 1983.
    (8)   Price   testified   that  the  totality  of
    [Robison]’s medical history was critical in
    evaluating his mental state.
    (9)   Notwithstanding the trial court’s express
    consent    to   [Robison]    raising    issues
    independently of his counsel, at no time
    during   trial  did   [Robison]   assert   any
    privilege to prevent disclosure of Buckholtz’s
    report, nor did he voice any objection to the
    trial court. Moreover, in a letter [Robison]
    submitted with his final affidavit in this
    writ proceeding, he gave written instructions
    to his counsel expressing a desire to be
    forthright with the jury and he deferred to
    counsel on matters of strategy.
    Robison does not challenge these findings of fact, and we presume
    them to be correct.     See 28 U.S.C. § 2254(e).        The state habeas
    court concluded as a matter of law that “[c]ounsel’s challenged
    actions are presumptively within the scope of sound trial strategy”
    and that “[g]iven [Robison]’s instructions to counsel and his
    silence at trial, counsel’s action of providing Buckholtz’s report
    to Price was justifiable as sound trial strategy.”
    To succeed on an ineffective assistance of counsel claim,
    Robison   must   show   that   (1)    his   counsel’s   performance   was
    constitutionally deficient and (2) his counsel’s ineffectiveness
    resulted in actual prejudice.        See Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    , 687, 
    104 S. Ct. 2052
    , 2064, 
    80 L. Ed. 2d 674
    (1984).         To
    satisfy the first prong of the Strickland test, the petitioner must
    show that his “counsel’s representation fell below an objective
    standard of reasonableness.”          
    Id. Moreover, petitioner
    “overcome the strong presumption that counsel’s conduct falls
    within the wide range of reasonable professional assistance,”
    Williams v. Cain, 
    125 F.3d 269
    , 276 (5th Cir. 1997) (internal
    quotations and citation omitted), and this presumption of adequacy
    includes making “[e]very effort . . . to eliminate the distorting
    effects of hindsight” and to assume “that, under the circumstances,
    the challenged action ‘might be considered sound trial strategy.’”
    Bridge v. Lynaugh, 
    838 F.2d 770
    , 773 (5th Cir. 1988) (quoting
    Strickland, 466 U.S. at 689
    , 104 S. Ct. at 2065).                      The second
    prong,   prejudice,    “requires         a   showing   that   counsel’s      errors
    deprived the defendant of a fair trial.”               See 
    Strickland, 466 U.S. at 687
    , 104 S. Ct. at 2064.
    Robison       argues        that    his     counsel’s    performance       was
    constitutionally defective because he essentially handed over this
    confidential, damaging report to the state.               The state disagrees,
    contending that counsel exercised sound trial strategy in providing
    Price with Buckholtz’s report to aid Price in his evaluation of
    Robison and to protect him on cross-examination.
    The state’s position is supported by the state habeas court’s
    findings of fact that Robison’s counsel showed the report to Price
    to ensure that Price had “all available information” and to aid in
    “deflecting criticism from the state on cross-examination.”                      We
    recognize   that    Buckholtz’s         report    contained   certain    damaging
    passages and an opinion contrary to defense’s position.                  However,
    given the state habeas court’s factual findings, we conclude that
    Robison has failed to overcome the strong presumption that his
    counsel’s   decision        to    provide      Buckholtz’s    report    to    Price
    constituted sound trial strategy. See 
    Strickland, 466 U.S. at 689
    104 S. Ct. at 2065.     We therefore hold that Robison has not made a
    substantial showing of the denial of a constitutional right with
    regard to this issue.
    Robison next contends that his counsel was ineffective in
    failing to present evidence of his thought process at the guilt-
    innocence stage of trial by either introducing his autobiography,
    entitled   “The   Making   of   a   Schizophrenic,”   or,   assuming   the
    autobiography was inadmissible, developing and presenting that
    thought process through his expert, Dr. Price.         The autobiography
    is Robison’s 31-page account of his thoughts leading up to and
    including the time of the murders.        The state habeas court made the
    following findings of fact with regard to the autobiography:
    (10) . . . At the punishment stage of his trial, in
    order to evade cross-examination, [Robison]
    elected not to testify, but he desired to
    introduce the document into evidence.
    (11) After a conference with the prosecution,
    defense counsel advised [Robison] that the
    State would not acquiesce to the admission of
    the document unless [Robison] took the stand.
    [Robison] then requested the document be
    introduced into the record for purposes of
    review, which the trial court permitted. . .
    The court concluded that the autobiography was inadmissible as
    evidence and, alternatively, that counsel could have omitted the
    autobiography as a matter of trial strategy.
    Applying the two-prong Strickland test to this claim, we first
    address counsel’s failure to introduce the autobiography into
    evidence.      The state court determined that the autobiography was
    inadmissible, and we do not question that determination.                     See
    Estelle v. McGuire, 
    502 U.S. 62
    , 67-68, 
    112 S. Ct. 475
    , 480, 116 L.
    Ed. 2d 385 (1991) (“[I]t is not the province of a federal habeas
    court    to    reexamine    state   court      determinations    on   state-law
    questions.”).        This essentially forecloses Robison’s claim under
    Strickland that his counsel performed deficiently in failing to
    introduce inadmissible evidence.            Cf. Murray v. Maggio, 
    736 F.2d 279
    , 283 (5th Cir. 1984) (“Counsel is not required to engage in the
    filing of futile motions.”).
    We also conclude that Robison has failed to show that his
    counsel was deficient in developing his thought process through Dr.
    Price.     First, we note that to the extent that it was relevant,
    Robison’s counsel did, in fact, elicit testimony regarding how
    Robison’s “thought process” supported a diagnosis of paranoid
    schizophrenia.        Dr. Price explained to the jury that Robison
    suffered      from   an   “underlying    fixed   delusional     system,”   which
    manifested itself in beliefs such as the following:
    He believed that . . . after he killed the first person,
    that the clock in the))it was in the bathroom, I believe,
    a digital clock, he said that it flipped over to where it
    was zeros, and then it started acting like it was a stop
    clock, and he thought that was a message that he was
    supposed to start trying to free other souls.
    Robison’s counsel went on to elicit from Dr. Price testimony as to
    why this particular episode demonstrated the type of “underlying
    fixed delusional system” typical of paranoid schizophrenics:
    I said to [Robison] . . . “Well, but, you know
    clocks don’t do that.”    And he said, “Well, this one
    really did that.” And I said, “Well, don’t you think
    that was something that you thought it did?”      And he
    said, “No, that’s what it did.”
    So, there was still underlying))if you asked enough
    questions and spent enough time, there was still an
    underlying symptomology or a picture there of chronic
    paranoid schizophrenia.
    Furthermore, in light of the contents of the autobiography, we
    cannot conclude that counsel employed unsound trial strategy in not
    having Dr. Price extensively quote from or otherwise refer to the
    document.   Robison appears to allege that had the jury known more
    about his “thoughts” during the murders, they might have been more
    convinced that he was “crazy.”     Having reviewed the autobiography,
    however, we conclude that reasonable lawyers may well disagree
    about whether the jury would in fact have reacted as Robison
    theorizes or would instead have reached the opposite conclusion.
    Because   Robison’s   argument      fails     the   first    prong   of
    Strickland, Robison has failed to make a substantial showing that
    he was deprived of constitutionally effective counsel in this
    Robison   argues   that    trial    counsel   rendered      ineffective
    assistance by advising him not to testify at the guilt-innocence
    stage of the trial. In response, the state contends that counsel’s
    advice not to testify was well within the bounds of reasonable
    professional assistance.       We evaluate this claim of ineffective
    assistance under the two-prong standard of Strickland, keeping in
    mind that “the decision whether to put a Defendant on the stand is
    a ‘judgment call’ which should not easily be condemned with the
    benefit of hindsight.”       United States v. Garcia, 
    762 F.2d 1222
    1226 (5th Cir. 1985).
    The state habeas court found that Robison’s counsel “strongly
    advised [Robison] against testifying because of the risk that he
    might   adversely   expose    himself     before    the   jury    on    cross-
    examination.”    The court also made the following findings:
    (16) Counsel did not deny [Robison] the opportunity
    to testify at the guilt/innocence stage of
    trial.    [Robison] voluntarily gave up his
    right to testify in order to avoid cross-
    examination. . . .
    (29) [Robison] realized during trial that counsel
    could not prevent him from testifying and
    [Robison] has failed to complain about any
    inability to testify in the previous nine
    years; thus, counsel did not deny [Robison]
    the right to testify.
    The state habeas court concluded that “[p]roperly, counsel strongly
    advised [Robison] against testifying.”
    Robison challenges findings (16) and (29) as not supported by
    the record.     Specifically, he argues that the discussion on the
    record about his desire to testify took place at the punishment
    stage of trial and that it was not until the punishment stage that
    counsel overbore    his   will   and    persuaded   him   not    to    testify.
    Robison contends that the soundness of trial counsel’s strategy was
    questionable considering the nature of the defense))insanity))and
    his desire to testify.         Although he concedes that the decision was
    partially one of strategy, he argues that the decision ultimately
    should rest with the accused and not his lawyer.
    These      objections   do   not    provide   the   type   of   clear   and
    convincing evidence necessary to rebut the presumed correctness of
    the state habeas court’s factual finding that Robison voluntarily
    relinquished his right to testify at the guilt-innocence stage.3
    We therefore conclude that Robison has not shown that his trial
    counsel performed deficiently in advising and persuading Robison
    not to testify.        Moreover, even with the benefit of hindsight, we
    find       that   counsel’s    strong     recommendation    against    Robison’s
    testifying represented reasonable trial strategy.                 See Hollenbeck
    v. Estelle, 
    672 F.2d 451
    , 454 (5th Cir. 1982) (holding that it was
    not unreasonable trial strategy for counsel to advise defendant not
    to testify as to self-defense where defendant “might do more harm
    The trial record reveals that during the punishment
    phase, Robison’s counsel questioned him about his desire to
    testify. During that exchange, Robison acknowledged that counsel
    had warned him that the prosecutor “would try to make him angry and
    look real bad in front of the jury.” Robison further admitted that
    counsel had spoken to him many times about testifying and had
    consistently and strongly recommended against it because of the
    anticipated, intense cross-examination. Counsel then asked him,
    “Taking all of that into consideration, I can’t keep you off the
    witness stand, and you know that?” Robison answered, “Yes.” When
    counsel specifically asked Robison whether he wanted to testify,
    Robison said that he wanted to have his autobiography introduced
    into evidence but did not want to be subjected to cross-
    examination. The state refused that request, however, so Robison
    asked that the autobiography be entered into the record for
    purposes of appellate review, which the court allowed.
    than good by attempting to explain how six shots were fired in
    self-defense”). For these reasons, we hold that Robison has failed
    to make a substantial showing of the denial of his constitutional
    right to effective assistance of counsel.
    Robison contends that his trial counsel’s failure to follow
    his explicit instructions, as detailed in a letter he wrote to
    counsel, constituted constitutionally ineffective assistance and
    violated his Sixth Amendment right to counsel.     In response, the
    state maintains that these claims are procedurally barred and, in
    any event, meritless.
    Robison presented this claim in a supplemental habeas petition
    to the state habeas court.    Relying on Texas Code of Criminal
    Procedure article 11.071 §§ 4(b) and (f), the state court found
    that Robison’s supplemental petition was untimely filed and that
    Robison had failed to demonstrate good cause to excuse the delay.
    On review of Robison’s federal habeas petition, the district court
    held that this claim was procedurally barred.
    When the district court dismisses a petition on procedural,
    nonconstitutional grounds, we employ a two-step COA process.    See
    Murphy v. Johnson, 
    110 F.3d 10
    , 11 (5th Cir. 1997).   First, we must
    determine if the applicant has made a credible showing that his
    claim is not procedurally barred.   See 
    id. If the
    applicant meets
    that requirement, we then determine if he “has ‘made a substantial
    showing of the denial of a constitutional right’” with respect to
    the underlying claim.   
    Id. (quoting 28
    U.S.C. § 2253(c)(2)).
    The state argues that because the state court unambiguously
    based its denial of relief on a state procedural default and
    Robison is unable to show cause or prejudice for this default, the
    district court correctly held that this claim was procedurally
    barred. See Meanes v. Johnson, 
    138 F.3d 1007
    , 1010 (5th Cir. 1998)
    (“It is well settled that federal habeas review of a claim is
    procedurally barred if the last state court to consider the claim
    expressly and unambiguously based its denial of relief on a state
    procedural default.”); 
    id. at 1011
    (“Where a state court has
    explicitly relied on a procedural bar, a state prisoner normally
    may not obtain federal habeas relief absent a showing of cause for
    the default and actual prejudice.”).   Robison, however, maintains
    that he can show cause and prejudice.4    In order to show cause,
    Robison must demonstrate that some objective factor external to his
    defense prevented him from raising this claim.    See United States
    v. Guerra, 
    94 F.3d 989
    , 993 (5th Cir. 1996).     One such objective
    Robison does not contend that the state procedural rule
    in this case has not been strictly or regularly applied by the
    state.   See Stokes v. Anderson, 
    123 F.3d 858
    , 859-60 (5th Cir.
    1997), cert. denied, ___ U.S. ___, 
    118 S. Ct. 1091
    140 L. Ed. 2d 147
    (1998) (explaining that to establish that a state procedural
    bar is not “adequate,” the “petitioner bears the burden of showing
    that the state did not strictly or regularly follow [the]
    procedural bar around the time of his direct appeal”).
    factor is “a showing that the factual or legal basis for the claim
    was not reasonably available to counsel at the prior occasion.”
    Id. Robison claims
      to   have   demonstrated    cause   by   presenting
    evidence that his current counsel was prevented from obtaining
    access to the trial file that included Robison’s letter to his
    trial counsel until after the state limitations period had run.
    Even assuming arguendo that Robison’s excuse is true, however,
    Robison has not sufficiently demonstrated cause for the procedural
    default.     Robison was obviously aware of the letter and of the
    instructions he had given his counsel therein.             It was Robison’s
    instructions, however communicated, and not the letter itself, that
    form the “factual basis of the claim.”         See 
    Guerra, 94 F.3d at 993
    Robison thus knew of the factual basis of the claim before his
    current counsel’s discovery of the letter.           The fact that Robison
    may   have   been   unable    to   produce   the   best   evidence   of   this
    communication until later does not constitute cause for the delay
    in bringing this claim before the court.            We thus conclude that
    Robison has failed to make a credible showing that his claim is not
    procedurally barred.
    Relying on Penry v. Lynaugh, 
    492 U.S. 302
    109 S. Ct. 2934
    106 L. Ed. 2d 256
    (1989), Robison contends that his sentence of
    death was rendered in violation of the Eighth and Fourteenth
    Amendments, as applied to him, because the special issues provided
    in Texas Code of Criminal Procedure article 37.071 did not provide
    an adequate vehicle for the jury to take into account Robison’s
    mitigating evidence of mental illness. Pursuant to article 37.071,
    the trial court asked the jury the two following statutorily
    mandated special issues at sentencing:
    (1)    Was the conduct of the Defendant, Larry Keith
    Robison, that caused the death of Bruce
    Gardner, committed deliberately and with the
    reasonable expectation that the death of the
    deceased or another would result?
    (2)    Is there a probability that the Defendant,
    Larry Keith Robison, would commit criminal
    acts of violence that would constitute a
    continuing threat to society?
    The trial court also gave the following instruction:
    You are further instructed that in determining each
    of these Special Issues, you may take into consideration
    all of the evidence submitted to you in the full trial of
    this case, that is, all of the evidence submitted to you
    in the first part of this case wherein you were called
    upon to determine the guilt or innocence of the
    Defendant, and all of the evidence, if any, admitted
    before you in the second part of the trial wherein you
    are called upon to determine the answers to the Special
    Issues hereby submitted to you.
    Upon receiving a unanimous, affirmative response to each of the two
    questions, the judge assessed a sentence of death.
    In    Penry,    the    Supreme    Court      set   aside    Penry’s     capital
    sentence,    holding       that   although     Penry’s    evidence      of    mental
    retardation and childhood abuse was placed before the jury at
    sentencing,    the     sentencer      had    no   reliable      means   of    giving
    mitigating effect to that evidence.         
    Penry, 492 U.S. at 328
    , 109 S.
    Ct. at 2952.   “Penry’s application has since been limited to that
    narrow class of situations in which the petitioner’s mitigating
    evidence was placed beyond the jury’s effective reach.”           Lucas v.
    132 F.3d 1069
    , 1082 (5th Cir. 1998), petition for cert.
    filed, (U.S. Jun. 8, 1998) (No. 97-9463); see, e.g., Johnson v.
    509 U.S. 350
    , 369-70, 
    113 S. Ct. 2658
    , 2670, 
    125 L. Ed. 2d 290
    (1993) (holding that the Texas special issues permitted jurors
    to consider mitigating evidence of youth in evaluating petitioner’s
    future dangerousness); Graham v. Collins, 
    506 U.S. 461
    , 475-76, 
    113 S. Ct. 892
    , 902, 
    122 L. Ed. 2d 260
    (1993) (holding that the Texas
    special issues permitted jurors to consider mitigating evidence of
    youth, family background, and positive character traits because the
    evidence “had mitigating relevance to the second special issue
    concerning   his   likely   future    dangerousness”).      The   question
    presented by Robison’s claim is, therefore, “whether the mitigating
    evidence [he] presented was within the effective reach of the jury
    under either of the interrogatories considered by the jury.”          Id.;
    see also Lackey v. Scott, 
    28 F.3d 486
    , 489 (5th Cir. 1994) (“A
    state’s refusal to give additional instructions does not amount to
    constitutional error unless there is a ‘reasonable likelihood that
    the jury applied the challenged instruction in a way that prevents
    the   consideration    of    constitutionally       relevant   mitigating
    evidence.’”) (quoting 
    Johnson, 509 U.S. at 367
    , 113 S. Ct. at 2669
    Robison raised this claim in his direct appeal to the Texas
    Court of Criminal Appeals, claiming, as he does here, that “the
    jurors were not able to consider the mitigating effect of his
    mental disease         or   defect    during    the   punishment    phase   of   the
    Robison, 888 S.W.2d at 486
    .               Consistent with our case
    law, the court explained that to successfully raise a Penry claim,
    Robison had to show that he had presented mitigating evidence that
    was “beyond the effective reach of the sentencer.”                 
    Id. at 487.
    setting forth the requirements for making such a showing, the court
    emphasized that it is not the labels imposed by society that are
    mitigating, but rather the “specifics of the evidence, presented at
    trial,     and   how    that    evidence        affected   the   personal    moral
    culpability of the defendant.”            
    Id. The court
    distinguished Penry
    in this respect, explaining that “it was not that [Penry] was
    ‘mentally retarded’ and abused as a child,” but rather the fact
    that “[a] psychiatrist testified that Penry was unable to learn
    from his mistakes . . . .            It is this testimony, and not the label
    of ‘mental retardation,’ that society believes is mitigating.” 
    Id. at 488.
    The court reviewed in detail the evidence of mental illness
    The Supreme Court decided Penry after Robison’s
    conviction but before his direct appeal. Thus, the Texas Court of
    Criminal Appeals imposed no procedural bar and instead reached the
    merits of Robison’s Penry claim.
    that Robison presented at trial.             The court noted that Robison’s
    expert witness, Dr. Price, testified on behalf of Robison about his
    insanity    defense,     speaking    extensively      about    the    nature   of
    schizophrenia and describing the typical behavior of a person
    suffering   from    schizophrenia.       The     court    further    noted   that
    evidence at trial indicated that several of Robison’s relatives had
    been diagnosed as schizophrenics and that there may be a hereditary
    link to the disease.      The court also indicated that much evidence
    of Robison’s history of drug and alcohol abuse was admitted,
    including accounts of Robison’s hospitalization for drug use.
    Price testified that certain drugs, such as LSD and amphetamines,
    tend   to   cause    a   person     to   exhibit     symptoms       that   appear
    schizophrenic, and the state’s witness, Dr. Griffith, testified
    that Robison was faking mental illness, had engaged in extensive
    drug use, and that Robison’s behavior was attributable to drug-
    induced     psychosis,      which     exhibits       similar     symptoms      to
    schizophrenia.         Finally,     evidence    at   trial     indicated     that
    schizophrenia was episodic and could become manifest at certain
    times and then go into remission at others.                    Both Price and
    Griffith    testified     that    schizophrenia      is   treatable.         After
    recounting all of this evidence, the court concluded that it was
    “insufficient to raise a ‘Penry’ issue,” explaining that even
    “assuming arguendo that [Robison] was schizophrenic, there was no
    evidence that [Robison’s] mental disease decrease[d] his personal
    moral culpability.”   
    Id. at 488-89.
      The court therefore overruled
    Robison’s point of error that the special issues failed to provide
    an adequate mechanism for the jury to consider and give effect to
    his mitigating evidence.
    With respect to the first special issue, the Supreme Court
    explained in Penry that a rational juror could have concluded based
    on Penry’s confession, that Penry acted deliberately in killing his
    victim.   However, because Penry was mentally retarded, and “thus
    less able than a normal adult to control his impulses or to
    evaluate the consequences of his conduct, . . . that same juror
    could also conclude that Penry was less morally culpable than
    defendants who have no such excuse, but who acted ‘deliberately’ as
    that term is commonly understood.”     
    Id. at 322-23,
    109 S. Ct. at
    2949 (internal quotations and citations omitted).         The Court
    therefore concluded that it could not be sure that the jury was
    able to give effect to Penry’s mitigating evidence in answering the
    first special issue, reasoning that a juror could believe that
    Penry’s mental retardation diminished his moral culpability but
    also believe that he committed the crime deliberately. 
    Id. at 323,
    109 S. Ct. at 2949.   Turning to the second special issue, the Court
    concluded that Penry’s evidence of mental retardation and resultant
    inability to learn from his mistakes was relevant only as an
    aggravating factor because it suggested that Penry would be a
    continuing threat to society and therefore would compel the jury to
    answer “yes” to the second special issue.                According to the Court,
    Penry’s mental retardation and history of abuse was thus a “two-
    edged sword:       it may diminish his blameworthiness for his crime
    even as it indicates there is a probability he will be dangerous in
    the future.”      
    Id. at 324,
    109 S. Ct. at 2949.           Therefore, the Court
    concluded that the second special issue also did not provide a
    vehicle for the jury to give mitigating effect to Penry’s mental
    Robison contends that the reasoning of Penry applies equally
    to him.      He argues that the first special issue did not allow the
    jury    to    give    mitigating      effect        to   his   mental   illness.
    Specifically, he claims that not knowing one’s conduct is wrong and
    not being able to conform one’s conduct to the requirements of the
    law    do   not   disable    one   from    acting    deliberately.      Thus,   he
    continues, the jury could have concluded that he acted deliberately
    but at the same time concluded that he could not conform his
    conduct to the law.         With respect to the second issue, he contends
    that despite the treatable nature of schizophrenia, the jury could
    have nonetheless found him to be more dangerous, not less so
    because treatability does not give assurance of a lasting cure.
    Given the similarities between Robison’s evidence of mental
    illness and the evidence discussed in Penry, we find that Robison
    has made a “substantial showing of the denial of a constitutional
    right” on this issue, and we accordingly grant COA on it.                       28
    U.S.C. § 2253(c)(2).            We therefore review this claim under the
    standard set forth in 28 U.S.C. § 2254(d):               we will grant Robison’s
    petition   for    writ     of   habeas    corpus      only    if    the    state     court
    adjudication of the claim “resulted in a decision that was contrary
    to, or involved an unreasonable application of, clearly established
    Federal law, as determined by the Supreme Court.”                     An application
    of   federal   law    is   “unreasonable”        only    if    it    is    “so   clearly
    incorrect that it would not be debatable among reasonable jurists.”
    Nobles v. Johnson, 
    127 F.3d 409
    , 418 (5th Cir. 1997), cert. denied,
    118 S. Ct. 1845
    140 L. Ed. 2d 1094
    (1998) (internal quotations and
    citation omitted). In other words, “an application of law to facts
    is unreasonable only when it can be said that reasonable jurists
    considering the question would be of one view that the state court
    ruling was     incorrect.”         
    Id. at 416
      (internal      quotations       and
    citation omitted).
    Although we question whether Robison could show that his
    mitigating evidence was beyond the effective reach of the jury with
    respect to the first special issue, see 
    Lucas, 132 F.3d at 1082
    (holding   that      the   sentencer      could       effectively         consider    the
    mitigating aspects of Lucas’s evidence of mental illness))including
    expert   testimony       that   Lucas    was    psychotic      and    suffered       from
    schizophrenia))under the first special issue), we need not decide
    that issue here because we can affirm the district court’s decision
    with respect to the second special issue.                 See Davis v. Scott, 51
    F.3d 457, 464 (5th Cir. 1995) (concluding that it “need not
    consider      whether      the   second   special    issue         provided    another,
    separate,      adequate      means”   for   the     jury      to    consider    Davis’s
    mitigating evidence because it had already determined that the jury
    had an adequate means through the first special issue).                                In
    relation to the second issue, the state distinguishes Penry’s
    mental retardation from Robison’s mental illness, arguing that the
    former is constant while schizophrenia is treatable and capable of
    going into remission.             Furthermore, the state points out that
    defense counsel itself argued during the punishment phase that for
    precisely those reasons, the jury should answer “no” to the second
    question: there was no probability of future dangerousness because
    Robison       had   improved,     was))according         to    his    own     expert))in
    remission, would be in a controlled environment for life, and
    therefore could continue to be in remission.                    Robison responds by
    arguing that the treatable nature of his mental illness does not
    assure    a    long-lasting       cure    and,    therefore,         the    jury    could
    nonetheless have found Robison to be more dangerous, not less.
    Based on the evidence Robison presented at trial, we conclude
    that the jury could give mitigating effect to Robison’s evidence of
    mental    illness     in    answering     the    second       special      issue,   which
    concerned Robison’s future dangerousness.                     See 
    Davis, 51 F.3d at 464
      (explaining       that     “a   Penry      claim     does      not    arise    when
    constitutionally relevant evidence ‘can be given mitigating effect
    in some way under the Texas special issues’”) (quoting Motley v.
    18 F.3d 1223
    ,     1234   (5th    Cir.   1994))   (emphasis   in
    original).      In Lucas, experts testified that Lucas was “psychotic
    and suffered from schizophrenia.”               
    Lucas, 132 F.3d at 1082
    .      The
    trial testimony also indicated that Lucas “responded well to
    antipsychotic drugs like Thorazine and that his particular illness
    could be treated in a controlled environment.” 
    Id. Distinguishing Penry,
    we held that “[t]his prospect of medical treatment placed
    the evidence of his mental illness and abusive childhood within
    ‘the effective reach of the sentencer’ as a potential mitigating
    factor with respect to the second issue” because “the jury could
    have   considered       whether,    in     an    institutional    setting,    the
    probability that Lucas posed as a future danger to society was not
    so great as to merit imposition of the death sentence.”                Id.; see
    Davis, 51 F.3d at 464
    (concluding that jury could give
    mitigating effect to Davis’s evidence under the second special
    issue because the evidence did not demonstrate “that he was unable
    to learn from his mistakes” but did demonstrate that “he responded
    positively to a structured environment”). That distinction applies
    with equal weight to Robison’s case: both Robison’s expert and the
    state’s expert testified that schizophrenia is treatable, and
    Robison’s expert testified that he was currently in a state of
    remission, which he attributed to being a result of the structure
    of prison life.      See 
    Graham, 506 U.S. at 475
    , 113 S. Ct. at 902
    (holding that “Graham’s evidence))unlike Penry’s))had mitigating
    relevance to the second special issue concerning his likely future
    dangerousness” because his evidence “quite readily could have
    supported a negative answer”) (emphasis in original). We thus hold
    that the conclusion of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals that
    Robison’s evidence did not raise a Penry issue was not a “decision
    that was contrary to, or involved an unreasonable application of,
    clearly established Federal law, as determined by the Supreme
    Court.”   28 U.S.C. § 2254(d).   We accordingly affirm the district
    court’s dismissal of this claim.
    Robison claims he has newly discovered evidence supporting his
    claim of insanity, and he contends that his execution without
    examination of this new evidence would be so fundamentally unfair
    as to violate due process under the Fourteenth Amendment.    Robison
    alleges no other constitutional violation in conjunction with his
    claim of newly discovered evidence.     He raised this claim in both
    his state and federal habeas petitions, and both courts rejected
    the claim without an evidentiary hearing.
    Robison’s alleged new evidence is that after his conviction
    was affirmed on direct appeal, his half-sister was diagnosed as
    manic depressive and schizoaffective.    Dr. Price, who testified on
    Robison’s behalf at the second trial, concluded in an affidavit
    attached    to    Robison’s        state    habeas        petition      that   this    new
    information would “lend very heavy weight in support of [his]
    diagnosis.”       In addition, Dr. Duckers, an expert subpoenaed to
    testify at Robison’s trial but ultimately not called because he
    attributed       Robison’s     psychosis          more    to     drug    use   than     to
    schizophrenia, swears in an affidavit that Robison’s new evidence
    “would change [his] professional opinion of the cause of Mr.
    Robison’s    psychosis       and    [would    cause       him    to]    attribute     [the
    psychosis] more to schizophrenia than drug use.”
    The state habeas court found that “in the context of the
    jury’s    awareness    of    [Robison’s]          own    medical     history    and   his
    family’s medical history, the fact that [Robison’s] half-sister has
    succumbed to a mental health problem years after the commission of
    the crimes is of little or no import and does not support a claim
    of actual innocence.”         In support of this finding, we note that at
    trial Robison presented testimony regarding his own mental health
    history, which included diagnoses of schizophrenia, as well as
    evidence that four people in Robison’s family were diagnosed with
    schizophrenia (including a great-grandfather and two uncles).                           In
    addition, Dr. Price testified about the possible genetic basis of
    We    reject    Robison’s       claim    of       newly    discovered     evidence.
    Contrary    to    Robison’s        reliance       on     the    often-quoted     “actual
    innocence” dicta in the Supreme Court case Herrera v. Collins, 506
    U.S. 390, 
    113 S. Ct. 853
    122 L. Ed. 2d 203
    (1993),6 we have held
    in this circuit that “the existence merely of newly discovered
    evidence relevant to the guilt of a state prisoner is not a ground
    for relief on federal habeas corpus,” and “the Supreme Court’s
    Herrera opinion does not alter this entrenched habeas principle.”7
    Lucas v. Johnson, 
    132 F.3d 1069
    , 1074 (5th Cir. 1998).   Moreover,
    even assuming the application of the “actual innocence” dicta in
    Herrera (and assuming additionally that proof of insanity deserves
    the same treatment as claims of “actual innocence”), Robison’s
    demonstration here that yet another relative suffers from a related
    but not identical mental disorder does not rise to the standard of
    “truly persuasive.”   Robison has failed to make a substantial
    Robison refers to the following passage in Herrera:
    We may assume, for the sake of argument in deciding this
    case, that in a capital case a truly persuasive
    demonstration of ‘actual innocence’ made after trial
    would    render   the    execution   of    a   defendant
    unconstitutional, and warrant federal habeas relief if
    there were no state avenue open to process such a claim.
    Id. at 417,
    113 S. Ct. at 869.
    We also note that in Robison’s case, “a further bar to
    construing Herrera as effecting such a substantial expansion of
    federal habeas law is the language ignored by the petitioner that
    federal habeas relief would be warranted only ‘if there were no
    state avenue open to process such a claim.’” 
    Lucas, 132 F.3d at 1075
    (quoting Herrera, 506 U.S. at 
    417, 113 S. Ct. at 869
    Following the Supreme Court’s Herrera case, Texas began recognizing
    “actual innocence” claims. See State ex rel. Holmes v. Court of
    885 S.W.2d 389
    (Tex. Crim. App. 1994) (announcing that it
    would begin entertaining postconviction applications for the writ
    of habeas corpus alleging actual innocence as an independent ground
    for relief).
    showing of the denial of a constitutional right with respect to
    this issue.
    Robison contends that Texas Code of Criminal Procedure article
    46.03 § 1(e) violates due process because it prohibits the accused
    from informing the jury of the consequences of a not guilty by
    reason of insanity (NGI) verdict.8              Robison claims that members of
    a venire may have erroneous impressions about the consequences of
    such       a   verdict   that   should   be   corrected   in   order   to   ensure
    fundamental fairness, and more specifically, that in his particular
    trial, the state played on these erroneous impressions by implying
    that Robison would be released into society after an NGI verdict.9
    Robison challenges this statute only as it applies to the
    particular circumstances of his case; he explicitly states in his
    application for COA that he does not challenge the statute
    Specifically, Robison argues that the state made the
    following and other similar statements:
    “[O]ur law says that if a person is insane at the exact
    time of the offense, then he cannot be held responsible
    for his actions.”
    If the jury return an NGI verdict, “that would be the end
    of the trial. He would be found not guilty by reason of
    insanity, and you’d be discharged and return to [your
    “But the law says that if they [the defense] prove it to
    you by a preponderance of the evidence, then the law
    excuses them for having met that burden of insanity.”
    “Our law says . . . that if someone meets our legal
    definition of insanity, and if they are insane under our
    legal definition, that their conduct is excused under the
    Addressing this issue on direct appeal, the Texas Court of
    Criminal Appeals held that the state did not erroneously indicate
    that a verdict of NGI would result in Robison’s release into
    society.10     Robison v. State, 
    888 S.W.2d 473
    , 475-76 (Tex. Crim.
    App. 1994).     Distinguishing the remarks made by the state in this
    case from an explicit declaration that a defendant will go free
    following an NGI verdict, the court did not find fault with the
    state for “confront[ing] the premise of the insanity defense,
    [which    is   that]   a   defendant   is   excused   of   the   criminal
    responsibility      for    his   actions    and   that     the    jurors’
    responsibilities end at that point.”11      
    Id. at 476.
    We conclude that Robison has not made a substantial showing of
    the denial of a constitutional right with regard to this issue.        As
    the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals found, the state did not say
    “Our law says we don’t have temporary insanity, and a
    person can’t get off or relieve himself of responsibility
    for his acts unless he proves himself legally insane.”
    The Court of Criminal Appeals also rejected Robison’s
    facial challenge to this statute, reasoning that the statute
    reflects the policy judgment of the legislature. Robison v. State,
    888 S.W.2d 473
    , 475-76 (Tex. Crim. App. 1994).
    Specifically declining to address the situation in which
    the state does indicate that a defendant would be released into
    society upon a finding of NGI, the court did, however, state that
    “[a]t that point the trial court would possibly be permitted to
    declare a mistrial or instruct the jury that the state is incorrect
    as to the law of insanity, but the law precludes any discussion of
    the consequences of a finding of not guilty by reason of insanity.”
    Id. at 476
    that the defendant would go free if the jury rendered a verdict of
    NGI and instead said only that the defendant is relieved of
    responsibility.   See Shannon v. United States, 
    512 U.S. 573
    , 587,
    114 S. Ct. 2419
    , 2428, 
    129 L. Ed. 2d 459
    (1994) (holding that
    instruction concerning the consequences of an NGI verdict “is not
    to be given as a matter of general [federal criminal] practice,”
    but   “recogniz[ing]   that   an   instruction   of   some   form   may   be
    necessary under certain limited circumstances” such as when “a
    witness or prosecutor states in the presence of the jury that a
    particular defendant would ‘go free’”).          Furthermore, the court
    instructed the jury that it should neither “consider nor discuss
    the effect of a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity,” and
    this instruction should have sufficiently safeguarded Robison’s due
    process rights.    See United States v. Levine, 
    80 F.3d 129
    Cir.), cert. denied, 
    117 S. Ct. 83
    , 136 L. ED.2d 40 (1996) (finding
    no violation of due process or right to fair trial where the
    prejudicial effect of the prosecutor’s statement that “buy[ing]
    [Levine’s] insanity defense” would mean that Levine “walk[s] out of
    this courtroom a free man,” was minimized by two instructions by
    the district court).
    Lastly, Robison argues that the district court erred in
    denying his motion for an evidentiary hearing, which Robison
    requested with respect to (1) his newly discovered evidence claim
    (regarding his half-sister’s recent diagnosis) and (2) his claim of
    ineffective assistance of counsel based on the failure to develop
    Robison’s state of mind through his expert.     The district court
    denied Robison’s motion for evidentiary hearing on the grounds that
    he did not meet the test set forth in 28 U.S.C. § 2254(e)(2), which
    provides, in relevant part:
    If the applicant has failed to develop the factual basis
    of a claim in State court proceedings, the court shall
    not hold an evidentiary hearing on the claim unless the
    applicant shows that ))
    (A) the claim relies on ))
    (i) a new rule of constitutional law,
    made   retroactive    to    cases     on
    collateral    review by the Supreme
    Court,     that    was      previously
    unavailable; or
    (ii) a factual predicate that could not
    have been previously discovered
    through    the   exercise     of    due
    diligence; and
    (B) the facts underlying the claim would be
    sufficient   to    establish    by    clear   and
    convincing     evidence      that      but    for
    constitutional error, no reasonable factfinder
    would have found the applicant guilty of the
    underlying offense.
    Robison contends that any failure to develop the factual basis of
    his claim was not attributable to his lack of attempt to do so but
    to the state’s denial of a “true” hearing.     He argues that the
    state denied him such a “true” hearing by not hearing witnesses,
    observing their demeanor, or seeing their credibility tested by
    We have stated that “a petitioner cannot be said to have
    ‘failed to develop’ a factual basis for his claim unless the
    undeveloped record is a result of his own decision or omission.”
    McDonald v. Johnson, 
    139 F.3d 1056
    , 1059 (5th Cir. 1998).        Assuming
    arguendo   that   Robison   has   cleared   this   initial   hurdle   of   §
    2254(e)(2), he must still show that the district court abused its
    discretion in denying the hearing.          See 
    id. at 1060
    that § 2254(e)(2) “specifies the situations where evidentiary
    hearings are allowed, not where they are required”) (emphasis in
    original); see also 
    id. (stating that
    the subsequent decision to
    hold an evidentiary hearing is “committed to the district court’s
    discretion pursuant to Rule 8 of the Rules Governing § 2254
    Cases”). Given our resolution of these two claims, 
    see supra
    II.B and II.F, which reveals no relevant factual disputes that
    would require development in order to assess the claims, we hold
    that the district court did not abuse its discretion in denying
    Robison’s motion for an evidentiary hearing.
    For the foregoing reasons, we DENY COA on all issues except
    the Penry claim, on which we GRANT COA.        With respect to the Penry
    claim, we AFFIRM the district court’s dismissal on the merits.

Document Info

Docket Number: 16-70004

Citation Numbers: 151 F.3d 256

Filed Date: 8/28/1998

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (29)

Motley v. Collins , 18 F.3d 1223 ( 1994 )

Warren Eugene Bridge v. James A. Lynaugh, Director, Texas ... , 838 F.2d 770 ( 1988 )

United States v. John A. Garcia , 762 F.2d 1222 ( 1985 )

Henry Lee Lucas v. Gary L. Johnson, Director, Texas ... , 132 F.3d 1069 ( 1998 )

Anthony Murray v. Ross Maggio, Jr., Warden, Louisiana State ... , 736 F.2d 279 ( 1984 )

United States v. Robert Rolando Guerra , 94 F.3d 989 ( 1996 )

United States v. Joshua A. Levine , 80 F.3d 129 ( 1996 )

United States v. Carter , 117 F.3d 262 ( 1997 )

Franklin D. Murphy v. Gary L. Johnson, Director, Texas ... , 110 F.3d 10 ( 1997 )

dobie-gillis-williams-petitioner-appellee-cross-appellant-v-burl-cain , 125 F.3d 269 ( 1997 )

Phillip Stokes v. James v. Anderson, Superintendent, ... , 123 F.3d 858 ( 1997 )

United States v. Delario , 120 F.3d 580 ( 1997 )

Jonathan Wayne Nobles v. Gary L. Johnson, Director, Texas ... , 127 F.3d 409 ( 1997 )

James Ronald Meanes v. Gary L. Johnson, Director, Texas ... , 138 F.3d 1007 ( 1998 )

Herrera v. Collins , 113 S. Ct. 853 ( 1993 )

McDonald v. Johnson , 139 F.3d 1056 ( 1998 )

Kenneth Lee Hollenbeck v. W. J. Estelle, Jr., Director, ... , 672 F.2d 451 ( 1982 )

Fuller v. Johnson , 114 F.3d 491 ( 1997 )

Clarence Lackey v. Wayne Scott, Director, Director, Texas ... , 28 F.3d 486 ( 1994 )

Penry v. Lynaugh , 109 S. Ct. 2934 ( 1989 )

View All Authorities »

Cited By (70)

Hooks v. Ward , 184 F.3d 1206 ( 1999 )

Ernest P. McCarver v. R. C. Lee, Warden, Central Prison, ... , 221 F.3d 583 ( 2000 )

McCarver v. Lee ( 2000 )

Nelson v. Quarterman , 77 F. App'x 209 ( 2003 )

Thomas v. Cockrell ( 2002 )

Prible v. Lumpkin ( 2022 )

Coble v. Quarterman , 80 F. App'x 301 ( 2003 )

Barrientes v. Johnson , 221 F.3d 741 ( 2000 )

Robison v. Johnson , 151 F.3d 256 ( 1998 )

Nelson v. Quarterman , 472 F.3d 287 ( 2006 )

Davis v. Johnson , 158 F.3d 806 ( 1998 )

Brewer v. Quarterman , 474 F.3d 207 ( 2006 )

Robertson v. Cockrell , 234 F.3d 890 ( 2003 )

United States v. Kenneth Wines , 691 F.3d 599 ( 2012 )

Benjamin v. Cain ( 2000 )

Shields v. Dretke , 122 F. App'x 133 ( 2005 )

Heiselbetz v. Johnson ( 1999 )

Coulson v. Johnson ( 2001 )

Coble v. Quarterman , 496 F.3d 430 ( 2006 )

Wilson v. Cockrell ( 2003 )

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