Jarrel Caldwell v. Lillian Lozano , 689 F. App'x 315 ( 2017 )

  •      Case: 16-20403      Document: 00513991569         Page: 1    Date Filed: 05/12/2017
    United States Court of Appeals
    Fifth Circuit
    No. 16-20403                              FILED
    May 12, 2017
    JARREL CALDWELL,                                                           Lyle W. Cayce
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Texas
    USDC No. 4:14-CV-3044
    Before REAVLEY, OWEN, and SOUTHWICK, Circuit Judges.
    Jarrel Caldwell sued Harris County and three police officers pursuant to
    42 U.S.C. § 1983, alleging that his First Amendment rights were violated
    because his protected speech motivated an adverse employment decision, that
    he was subjected to racial discrimination, and that he was subjected to a hostile
    * Pursuant to 5TH CIR. R. 47.5, the court has determined that this opinion should not
    be published and is not precedent except under the limited circumstances set forth in 5TH
    CIR. R. 47.5.4.
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    work environment based on race.        The district court granted summary
    judgment in favor of the defendants. We affirm.
    Jarrel Caldwell was a motorcycle division supervisor in the Harris
    County Precinct 6 Constable’s Office. He brought suit against Lillian Lozano,
    an Administrative Lieutenant; Carlos De Alejandro, a Captain and Caldwell’s
    direct supervisor; Victor Trevino, the Precinct 6 Constable; and Harris County
    (Appellees). Caldwell is African-American, and Lozano, De Alejandro, and
    Trevino are Hispanic.     Caldwell claims that Appellees violated the First
    Amendment by constructively discharging him in retaliation for his protected
    speech, violated his liberty interest by constructively discharging him and
    damaging his reputation, and violated the Equal Protection Clause by racially
    discriminating against him and creating a hostile work environment.
    Before Caldwell’s alleged constructive discharge, the Constable’s Office
    began receiving reports of a rogue motorcycle officer who was harassing
    drivers. Caldwell, as head of the motorcycle unit, investigated the incident.
    He initially concluded that the suspected culprit, who was under Caldwell’s
    command, was not responsible. Though Caldwell claims to have maintained
    open communication with his supervisors regarding the investigation,
    Appellees allege that Caldwell attempted to protect the suspected officer by
    failing to identify him. Trevino initiated an investigation of Caldwell and
    claimed that Caldwell was uncooperative with the investigation.             The
    Constable’s Office issued a series of questions to Caldwell in August and
    September of 2013, which Appellees allege Caldwell answered evasively. De
    Alejandro subsequently attempted to notify Caldwell to ask him additional
    On the same day that De Alejandro attempted to notify Caldwell that
    additional questions required a response, Caldwell left work to see a physician,
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    claiming effects from his hypertension medication. He never returned to work.
    In essence, Caldwell asserts that his physician would not clear him to return
    to work and that he properly informed his supervisor, De Alejandro, of his
    inability to return to work. Caldwell states he placed a Family Medical Leave
    Act request letter in the personal boxes of De Alejandro, Trevino, and Chief
    Deputy Carolyn Lopez. De Alejandro told Caldwell that his leave request
    would not be honored because Caldwell had failed to state an end date. On
    October 8, Caldwell emailed De Alejandro a copy of a physician’s note excusing
    Caldwell from work until October 27. As Caldwell admits, the “2” in “27” had
    been changed from a “1,” but Caldwell alleges the physician’s assistant
    changed the number.
    While Caldwell was on this contested medical leave, De Alejandro wrote
    a memorandum to Trevino requesting to have Caldwell removed from Precinct
    6 for insubordination and absence without leave. De Alejandro stated that he
    had had a difficult time confirming Caldwell’s medical leave. De Alejandro
    claimed that he and Caldwell agreed to meet so that Caldwell could submit a
    physician’s note, but he asserted that Caldwell did not “report to duty.” After
    receiving the altered physician’s note on October 8th, the Constable’s Office
    claims to have contacted the physician’s office to learn whether the physician
    had excused Caldwell from work only until October 17.
    On Friday, October 18, Chief Deputy Lopez sent Caldwell a letter
    informing him that the Constable planned to terminate him on Monday. The
    letter concluded with “[i]f you have any reasons why he should not do so, please
    let me know immediately in writing and I will convey them to the Constable.”
    The letter also stated that Trevino had planned to terminate Caldwell for job
    abandonment because Caldwell had had unexcused absences from September
    26 through October 5. However, the letter stated that “[s]ubmitting a false
    doctor’s note alone is grounds for termination.”
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    Caldwell submitted a resignation letter dated October 18, citing in part
    “professionally unorthodox events by Pct. 6 command,” events which
    “exacerbate[d]” his condition.    Before submitting his resignation letter,
    Caldwell had planned to transfer to Precinct 1, whose Constable had offered
    Caldwell a position. Caldwell accused Lozano of attempting to undermine his
    transfer by misrepresenting to Precinct 1 that he was under both an internal
    and a criminal investigation.
    Caldwell alleges that Appellees retaliated against him for two instances
    of protected speech. First, Caldwell alleges as protected speech his interviews
    with a District Attorney Investigator named Jimmy Jones, who was
    investigating Trevino for possible illegal campaign practices.            Jones
    interviewed at least 165 individuals from Precinct 6 and interviewed Caldwell
    at least twice, in December of 2011 and August of 2012.           According to
    Caldwell’s deposition, Caldwell did not reveal any illegal campaign practices
    during the interviews, and Jones stated that Caldwell did not provide any
    information harmful to Trevino. Caldwell now contends that he provided
    information regarding illegal campaign practices to Jones.
    Second, Caldwell alleges that he spoke out against “disparate treatment
    of African-American employees at Precinct 6,” giving six specific instances.
    Caldwell alleges that (1) he reported and opposed Lozano’s act of reprimanding
    and ultimately suggesting termination for an African-American officer she
    accused of working an extra job on sick leave; (2) he opposed Lozano and
    Trevino’s decision not to reprimand a white officer whom Caldwell accused of
    insubordination and harassment of citizens; (3) he reported to Jones that
    Lozano had instructed a deputy to follow an African-American officer to find a
    reason to terminate the African-American officer; (4) he encouraged an
    African-American officer to file an EEOC complaint against Lozano for alleged
    discriminatory treatment and volunteered to testify for the officer; (5) he
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    encouraged a female African-American officer to file a complaint against De
    Alejandro for sexual harassment and then encouraged her to appeal her
    dishonorable discharge; and (6) he accused Lozano of encouraging a Hispanic
    employee to file a false complaint against him.
    Caldwell also notes two specific discriminatory statements Lozano
    allegedly made. First, he alleges that Lozano told De Alejandro that “[a]s long
    as I am in power there will never be a Black supervising Hispanics.” Second,
    when a deputy told Lozano that he worked under Caldwell, she allegedly
    responded, “Not for long.”
    Caldwell filed this suit pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983, and Appellees filed
    motions for summary judgment. The district court ruled from the bench at the
    summary judgment hearing, granting summary judgment in favor of Appellees
    as to all of Caldwell’s claims. Caldwell moved for a new trial to offer new
    evidence—specifically, declarations from the assistant at the physician’s office
    and three statements by officers. He also moved to amend his complaint to
    include Title VII claims. The district court denied the motion for new trial
    because the evidence was not “newly discovered evidence” and denied the
    motion to amend because it saw “no indication that [Caldwell’s] allegations
    would have fared better . . . under Title VII.” Caldwell appealed.
    This court reviews “a grant of summary judgment de novo, applying the
    same standard as the district court.” 1 “[S]ummary judgment is appropriate
    only ‘if the movant shows that there is no genuine dispute as to any material
    fact and the movant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.’” 2
    1   Haverda v. Hays County, 
    723 F.3d 586
    , 591 (5th Cir. 2013).
    Id. (quoting FED.
    R. CIV. P. 56(a)).
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    Caldwell alleges that Appellees violated his First Amendment rights by
    retaliating against him for his protected speech. For a public employee to
    prevail on a First Amendment speech-retaliation claim, the employee must
    (1) he suffered an adverse employment decision; (2) his speech
    involved a matter of public concern; (3) his interest in speaking
    outweighed the governmental defendant’s interest in promoting
    efficiency; and (4) the protected speech motivated the defendant’s
    conduct. 3
    Caldwell contends he engaged in two types of protected speech: complaining of
    discriminatory behavior within the Constable’s Office and speaking as a
    witness in the criminal investigation of Constable Trevino. He alleges he
    suffered an adverse employment action when Appellees retaliated against him
    by constructively discharging him.
    We need not reach the last three elements of this test because we
    conclude that Caldwell has failed to allege an adverse employment action.
    Adverse employment actions for the purposes of § 1983 “can include
    discharges, demotions, refusals to hire, refusals to promote, . . . reprimands,”
    and “a transfer, because it may serve as a demotion.” 4                          This court has
    “recognized that constructive discharge may be an appropriate basis for a
    section 1983 action.” 5
    We have used a “reasonable employee test” to determine if an employer’s
    actions constituted a constructive discharge. 6 To establish a constructive
    discharge, an employee “must offer evidence that the employer made the
    3   Howell v. Town of Ball, 
    827 F.3d 515
    , 522 (5th Cir. 2016), cert. denied, 
    137 S. Ct. 815
    4 Sharp v. City of Houston, 
    164 F.3d 923
    , 933 (5th Cir. 1999).
    5 Kline v. N. Tex. State Univ., 
    782 F.2d 1229
    , 1234 (5th Cir. 1986).
    6 Stover v. Hattiesburg Pub. Sch. Dist., 
    549 F.3d 985
    , 991 (5th Cir. 2008).
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    employee’s working conditions so intolerable that a reasonable employee would
    feel compelled to resign.” 7 A plaintiff may also be “constructively discharged if
    the employer gives the employee an ultimatum to quit or be fired.” 8 We have
    previously determined that no constructive discharge took place when a
    “reasonable employee had other options . . . before choosing to leave his job” 9
    and that a “reasonable employee attempts resolution of employment concerns
    before quitting.” 10
    In this case, Chief Deputy Lopez sent Caldwell a letter detailing why
    Constable Trevino intended to terminate Caldwell’s employment. The letter
    recited facts that, from Trevino’s perspective, constituted job abandonment, for
    which Trevino was “about to terminate [Caldwell’s] employment.” The letter
    also alleged that Caldwell had submitted a false or forged physician’s note
    purporting to excuse absences from work and that “[s]ubmitting a false doctor’s
    note alone is grounds for termination.”            The letter ended by stating that
    Constable Trevino planned to terminate Caldwell, but it informed Caldwell
    that “[i]f you have any reasons why he should not do so, please let me know
    immediately in writing and I will convey them to the Constable.”
    Caldwell did not respond and did not offer any reasons why Trevino
    should not terminate him.          He did not “attempt[] resolution” of Trevino’s
    concerns or pursue options besides resignation, 11 even though Lopez’s letter
    gave him that opportunity.          Instead, Caldwell responded with a written
    resignation letter dated the same day he received Lopez’s letter.
    Id. (quoting Brown
    v. Bunge Corp., 
    207 F.3d 776
    , 782 (5th Cir. 2000)).
    8 Perret v. Nationwide Mut. Ins. Co., 
    770 F.3d 336
    , 338 (5th Cir. 2014).
    9 Haley v. All. Compressor LLC, 
    391 F.3d 644
    , 652 (5th Cir. 2004) (citing Bozé v.
    912 F.2d 801
    , 805 (5th Cir. 1990) (per curiam)).
    10 Keelan v. Majesco Software, Inc., 
    407 F.3d 332
    , 343 (5th Cir. 2005) (citing 
    Haley, 391 F.3d at 652
    11 See 
    Haley, 391 F.3d at 652
    (quoting McKethan v. Tex. Farm Bureau, 
    996 F.2d 734
    741 (5th Cir. 1993)).
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    Caldwell was not given an “ultimatum to quit or be fired.” 12 The letter
    gave him notice of Trevino’s intent to terminate him as well as an opportunity
    to explain why Trevino should not do so.                 By resigning under these
    circumstances, Caldwell does not allege a constructive discharge.
    To the extent Caldwell argues more generally that working conditions
    were so intolerable that a reasonable person would resign, that claim is not
    supported by evidence that raises a material fact issue. “To prove constructive
    discharge, a party must show that ‘a reasonable party in his shoes would have
    felt compelled to resign.”” 13       “The claim requires a ‘greater severity of
    pervasiveness or harassment than the minimum required to prove a hostile
    work environment.’” 14      This court has held that the following events are
    relevant in determining if a reasonable employee would feel compelled to
    (1) demotion; (2) reduction in salary; (3) reduction in job
    responsibilities; (4) reassignment to menial or degrading work; (5)
    badgering, harassment, or humiliation by the employer calculated
    to encourage the employee’s resignation; or (6) offers of early
    retirement that would make the employee worse off whether the
    offer were accepted or not. 15
    Because, as discussed below, Caldwell’s allegations do not state a prima facie
    case of a hostile work environment claim, we conclude that his alleged work
    conditions were not so intolerable that a reasonable person would resign.
    Caldwell’s retaliation claim rests on his alleged constructive discharge.
    Because we conclude that his alleged facts fail to support a claim of
    Perret, 770 F.3d at 338
    13  Dediol v. Best Chevrolet, Inc., 
    655 F.3d 435
    , 444 (5th Cir. 2011) (quoting
    Benningfield v. City of Houston, 
    157 F.3d 369
    , 378 (5th Cir. 1998)).
    Id. (quoting Benningfield,
    157 F.3d at 378).
    15 Stover v. Hattiesburg Pub. Sch. Dist., 
    549 F.3d 985
    , 991 (5th Cir. 2008) (quoting
    Aryain v. Wal–Mart Stores Tex. LP, 
    534 F.3d 473
    , 481 (5th Cir. 2008)).
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    constructive discharge, the district court did not err in granting summary
    judgment on this claim.
    Caldwell asserts that Appellees violated the Equal Protection Clause
    because he was subjected to racial discrimination and a race-based hostile
    work environment. For § 1983 claims asserting racial discrimination in the
    employment context, the court has borrowed the elements of a Title VII claim
    of racial discrimination, 16 as “inquiry into intentional discrimination is
    essentially the same for individual actions brought under sections 1981 and
    1983, and Title VII.” 17 To establish a prima facie case of racial discrimination
    in employment, an employee must demonstrate that he
    (1) is a member of a protected group; (2) was qualified for the
    position at issue; (3) was discharged or suffered some adverse
    employment action by the employer; and (4) was replaced by
    someone outside his protected group or was treated less favorably
    than other similarly situated employees outside the protected
    group. 18
    As considered above, Caldwell has failed to raise a fact question
    regarding constructive discharge and therefore has not raised a fact question
    as to whether he suffered an adverse employment action. To the extent that
    Caldwell bases his racial discrimination claim on a different adverse
    employment action, he has failed to allege that he was “replaced by someone
    outside his protected group or was treated less favorably than other similarly
    situated employees outside the protected group.” 19
    16 Lee v. Conecuh Cty. Bd. of Educ., 
    634 F.2d 959
    , 962 (5th Cir. Jan. 1981) (“Logic
    dictates that the McDonnell Douglas factors may be used to establish a prima facie case in
    cases of racially motivated employment discrimination brought under section 1983 whether
    or not Title VII is used as a parallel remedy.”).
    17 Lauderdale v. Tex. Dep’t of Criminal Justice, Institutional Div., 
    512 F.3d 157
    , 166
    (5th Cir. 2007) (quoting Wallace v. Tex. Tech Univ., 
    80 F.3d 1042
    , 1047 (5th Cir. 1996)).
    18 McCoy v. City of Shreveport, 
    492 F.3d 551
    , 556 (5th Cir. 2007) (per curiam).
    19 See 
    id. 9 Case:
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    Caldwell points to the lack of discipline De Alejandro and Lopez faced
    after allegedly wrongfully accusing Caldwell.             He also cites the lack of
    discipline for an officer who did not obey orders. “We require that an employee
    who proffers a fellow employee as a comparator demonstrate that the
    employment       actions    at   issue   were     taken    ‘under    nearly    identical
    circumstances.’” 20    Although “[w]e do not . . . interpret ‘nearly identical’ as
    synonymous with ‘identical,’” 21 Caldwell’s suggested comparators were not
    accused of conduct that was similar—much less nearly identical—to his.
    We also conclude that Caldwell has not established a prima facie race-
    based hostile work environment claim. Under our hostile-work environment
    test, Caldwell must show that
    (1) [he] belongs to a protected group; (2) [he] was subjected to
    unwelcome harassment; (3) the harassment complained of was
    based on race; (4) the harassment complained of affected a term,
    condition, or privilege of employment; (5) the employer knew or
    should have known of the harassment in question and failed to
    take prompt remedial action. 22
    If the claim is that the supervisor harassed the employee, the plaintiff need
    not satisfy the fifth element. 23 “Harassment affects a ‘term, condition, or
    privilege of employment’ if it is ‘sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the
    conditions of the victim’s employment and create an abusive working
    environment.’” 24
    Caldwell provides few specific instances of harassment. He alleges that
    individuals heard Lozano state that an African American would never
    20 Lee v. Kan. City S. Ry. Co., 
    574 F.3d 253
    , 260 (5th Cir. 2009) (quoting Little v.
    Republic Ref. Co., 
    924 F.2d 93
    , 97 (5th Cir. 1991)).
    Id. 22 Ramsey
    v. Henderson, 
    286 F.3d 264
    , 268 (5th Cir. 2002).
    23 Watts v
    . Kroger Co., 
    170 F.3d 505
    , 509 (5th Cir. 1999).
    24 Hernandez v. Yellow Transp., Inc., 
    670 F.3d 644
    , 651 (5th Cir. 2012) (quoting
    Ramsey, 286 F.3d at 268
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    supervise a Hispanic at Precinct 6 and that Caldwell would not be at Precinct
    6 much longer. He also contends that Lozano told an employee to file a false
    complaint against Caldwell. His other examples of alleged harassment are
    actions Appellees took while Caldwell was on contested sick leave, such as De
    Alejandro issuing a disciplinary recommendation and Lopez sending the final
    letter. These instances do not rise to the necessary level of pervasiveness to
    alter the conditions of Caldwell’s employment and create an abusive working
    environment. 25
    Caldwell claims Appellees violated the Fourteenth Amendment by
    infringing his liberty interest when they caused his termination and
    stigmatized his career. An employee’s Fourteenth Amendment liberty interest
    is infringed if he is “discharged in a manner that creates a false and defamatory
    impression about him and thus stigmatizes him and forecloses him from other
    employment opportunities.” 26 To prevail on this claim, Caldwell must meet
    the seven elements of the “stigma-plus-infringement” test by showing:
    (1) he was discharged; (2) stigmatizing charges were made against
    him in connection with the discharge; (3) the charges were false;
    (4) he was not provided notice or an opportunity to be heard prior
    to the discharge; (5) the charges were made public; (6) he requested
    a hearing to clear his name; and (7) the employer denied the
    request. 27
    The district court dismissed the claim, determining that Caldwell did not
    request a hearing and that Appellees did not deny a hearing. We agree with
    the district court. “Though an employee need not use the term ‘name-clearing
    hearing’ to satisfy the sixth element of the stigma-plus-infringement test, the
    Ramsey, 286 F.3d at 268
    26Bledsoe v. City of Horn Lake, 
    449 F.3d 650
    , 653 (5th Cir. 2006) (quoting White v.
    660 F.2d 680
    , 684 (5th Cir. Nov. 1981)).
    Id. 11 Case:
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    employee must still petition the employer in a manner that can be construed
    as asking for an opportunity to clear his name.” 28 Caldwell acknowledged in
    his deposition that he did not request a hearing. Instead, he now claims he
    attempted to clear his name by sending notes from his physician to the Precinct
    and responding to the charges in his notice of resignation. These acts do not
    amount to petitioning his employer for the opportunity to clear his name.
    Caldwell also implies that he was owed a pre-deprivation hearing
    because he had a property right in the legitimate expectation of continued
    employment by virtue of Texas Government Code Section 614.023(c). The
    statute requires that certain actions be taken before disciplining a police officer
    on the basis of a complaint filed against the officer. 29 However, this court
    recently determined that the statute did not create a property right for police
    officers. 30   We accordingly reject Caldwell’s implied argument for a pre-
    deprivation hearing.
    Finally, Caldwell appeals the district court’s denial of his motions for a
    new trial and for leave to file an amended complaint. Through these motions,
    Caldwell sought to introduce additional evidence and add Title VII claims to
    his complaint. His additional evidence contained a declaration by the assistant
    at the physician’s office, who stated that no one from the Constable’s Office had
    contacted her, and three statements by police officers corroborating Caldwell’s
    version of events. The district court properly analyzed Caldwell’s motion for a
    new trial as a Rule 59(e) motion. 31 The court denied the motion, determining
    Id. 29 TEX.
    GOV’T CODE ANN. § 614.023(c) (West).
    30 Stem v. Gomez, 
    813 F.3d 205
    , 213 (5th Cir. 2016) (holding that the law “require[s]
    some action to be taken before termination of employment can occur, but no property right is
    created by that requirement”).
    31 Patin v. Allied Signal, Inc., 
    77 F.3d 782
    , 785 n.1 (5th Cir. 1996).
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    that Caldwell’s additional evidence was not “newly discovered evidence” and
    would not have altered the outcome. The court also denied the motion to
    amend, noting that the Title VII claims in the motion would likely fail for the
    same reasons as the § 1983 claims.
    Our standard of review for a Rule 59 motion to reconsider “depends on
    whether the district court considered materials attached to the motion for
    reconsideration which were not previously provided to the court when it
    granted summary judgment.” 32          “If the materials were considered by the
    district court, and the district court still grants summary judgment, the
    appropriate appellate standard of review is de novo.” 33 “However, if the district
    court refuses to consider the materials, the reviewing court applies the abuse
    of discretion standard.” 34 The district court properly denied the motion under
    either standard.
    “Rule 59(e) ‘serve[s] the narrow purpose of allowing a party to correct
    manifest errors of law or fact or to present newly discovered evidence.’” 35 “We
    have held that an unexcused failure to present evidence available at the time
    of summary judgment provides a valid basis for denying a subsequent motion
    for reconsideration.” 36      Here, the “underlying facts were well within
    [Caldwell’s] knowledge prior to the district court’s entry of judgment,” 37 and
    Caldwell provides no legitimate justification for not presenting the additional
    evidence earlier. His primary argument is that Appellees waited until the
    summary judgment hearing to reveal that they had confirmed the note was
    32  In re La. Crawfish Producers, 
    852 F.3d 456
    , 462 (5th Cir. 2017).
    Id. (quoting Templet
    v. HydroChem Inc., 
    367 F.3d 473
    , 477 (5th Cir. 2004)).
    Id. (quoting Templet
    , 367 F.3d at 477).
    Templet, 367 F.3d at 479
    (quoting Waltman v. Int’l Paper Co., 
    875 F.2d 468
    , 473
    (5th Cir. 1989)).
    Id. (citing Russ
    v. Int’l Paper Co., 
    943 F.2d 589
    , 593 (5th Cir. 1991)).
    Id. 13 Case:
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    altered by contacting the physician’s office, and, therefore, the court should
    allow him to introduce the declaration of the physician’s assistant. However,
    Caldwell knew throughout the proceedings in the district court that whether
    he had altered the physician’s note was at issue, and Lopez’s letter to Caldwell
    stated “we contacted your doctor’s office to authenticate the note.” Caldwell
    provides no justification for not presenting evidence earlier. Further, even
    when the district court considered the additional evidence, it determined that
    the evidence would not have altered the outcome, as the evidence largely
    corroborated Caldwell’s existing allegations. The district court’s decision was
    not “manifestly unjust in law or fact,” and the court did not “ignore newly
    discovered evidence.” 38
    Nor did the district court abuse its discretion by denying Caldwell’s
    motion to add Title VII claims. “In cases where a party seeks to amend her
    complaint after entry of judgment, ‘we have consistently upheld the denial of
    leave to amend where the party seeking to amend has not clearly established
    that he could not reasonably have raised the new matter prior to the trial
    court’s merits ruling.’” 39 Caldwell does not attempt to explain why he could
    not have reasonably raised the new matter prior to the district court’s decision.
    Moreover, at the summary judgment hearing, Caldwell’s counsel repeatedly
    insisted that the case was not a Title VII case. For these reasons, we hold that
    the district court did not abuse its discretion.
    *        *         *
    For the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM the judgment of the district court.
    Id. 39 Vielma
    v. Eureka Co., 
    218 F.3d 458
    , 468 (quoting Briddle v. Scott, 
    63 F.3d 364
    , 379
    (5th Cir. 1995)).

Document Info

Docket Number: 16-20403

Citation Numbers: 689 F. App'x 315

Filed Date: 5/12/2017

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 1/13/2023

Authorities (25)

Jeffrey G. Russ and Shannon C. Russ v. International Paper ... , 943 F.2d 589 ( 1991 )

Brown v. Bunge Corporation , 207 F.3d 776 ( 2000 )

Hernandez v. Yellow Transp., Inc. , 670 F.3d 644 ( 2012 )

Patrice SHARP, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. CITY OF HOUSTON; Et ... , 164 F.3d 923 ( 1999 )

McCoy v. City of Shreveport , 492 F.3d 551 ( 2007 )

Shirley A. Ramsey v. William J. Henderson, Postmaster ... , 286 F.3d 264 ( 2002 )

Lee v. Kansas City Southern Railway Co. , 574 F.3d 253 ( 2009 )

Haley v. Alliance Compressor LLC , 391 F.3d 644 ( 2004 )

Charles D.O. Kline v. North Texas State University, C.C. ... , 782 F.2d 1229 ( 1986 )

Briddle v. Scott , 63 F.3d 364 ( 1995 )

Stover v. Hattiesburg Public School District , 549 F.3d 985 ( 2008 )

Dediol v. Best Chevrolet, Inc. , 655 F.3d 435 ( 2011 )

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Wallace v. Texas Tech Univ. , 80 F.3d 1042 ( 1996 )

Lauderdale v. Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice , 512 F.3d 157 ( 2007 )

Susan Waltman v. International Paper Co. , 875 F.2d 468 ( 1989 )

Ralph M. LITTLE, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. REPUBLIC REFINING ... , 924 F.2d 93 ( 1991 )

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James White v. Carl Thomas , 660 F.2d 680 ( 1981 )

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