Echeverry v. Jazz Casino ( 2021 )

  • Case: 20-30038      Document: 00515701434          Page: 1     Date Filed: 01/11/2021
    United States Court of Appeals
    for the Fifth Circuit
    United States Court of Appeals
    Fifth Circuit
    January 11, 2021
    No. 20-30038                             Lyle W. Cayce
    Carla Echeverry,
    Jazz Casino Company, L.L.C., doing business as Harrah’s New
    Orleans Casino,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Louisiana
    USDC No. 2:17-CV-6494
    Before Jolly, Southwick, and Wilson, Circuit Judges.
    Leslie H. Southwick, Circuit Judge:
    Carla Echeverry was injured when a manlift struck her outside
    Harrah’s Casino in New Orleans. A jury found Jazz Casino Company
    negligent, assigning it 49% of the fault. Among the jury awards to Echeverry
    was $1,000,000 for future pain and suffering. The Casino appeals, seeking
    review of the district court’s denials of the Casino’s motion for judgment as
    a matter of law, motion for a new trial, and motion for remittitur or a new trial
    on damages. We hold that the evidence was sufficient to support the finding
    of negligence on each of the three theories presented to jurors. We also hold
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    that none of the objected-to evidence was erroneously admitted at trial.
    Conversely, we hold that the jury’s $1,000,000 award for future pain,
    suffering, mental anguish, disability, scarring, and disfigurement was
    excessive. We therefore AFFIRM the district court’s denial of the Casino’s
    motion for judgment as a matter of law and motion for a new trial, VACATE
    the $1,000,000 award for future pain and suffering, and REMAND for
    further proceedings.
    Jazz Casino Company, doing business as Harrah’s New Orleans
    Casino, hired Alabama Wildlife Removal (“AWR”) as an independent
    contractor in January 2017 to remove birds from palm trees near the Casino.
    On February 16, 2017, during the second week of the project, Echeverry
    stood near the worksite in front of the Casino as she waited to cross an
    adjacent street. AWR was using a manlift to reach the treetops. As it was
    being moved from one group of trees to another, it struck Echeverry, running
    her over and causing a comminuted fracture in her lower right leg and ankle.
    The AWR employee serving as the flagman had not alerted Echeverry to the
    movement of the manlift as he passed her.
    Echeverry filed a negligence lawsuit in state court against AWR, its
    owner Phillip Padgett, manlift operator Richard Tyler, and the Casino. The
    Casino removed to federal court. There, a jury trial was held from August 5–
    8, 2019. Echeverry presented three theories of negligence to the jury:
    negligence in hiring, in operational control, and in authorization of unsafe
    work practices.
    The jury found the Casino negligent and assigned it 49% of the fault.
    Remaining fault was assigned to AWR (50%) and Echeverry herself (1%). The
    jury awarded damages for (1) past pain, suffering, and mental anguish;
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    (2) past, present, and future loss of enjoyment of life; (3) past medical
    expenses; (4) past lost wages; (5) loss of college tuition; and, relevant to this
    appeal, (5) $1,000,000 for future pain, suffering, mental anguish, disability,
    scarring, and disfigurement.
    Only the Casino appeals. It seeks review of the district court’s denials
    of motions for judgment as a matter of law, for a new trial, and for remittitur
    or a new trial on damages.
    On appeal, the Casino raises three issues. First, it argues that the
    evidence is insufficient to support one or more of Echeverry’s theories of
    negligence and it is therefore entitled to a new trial or judgment as a matter
    of law. Second, it argues that four items of evidence — the Better Business
    Bureau (“BBB”) rating, the certificate of insurance, the Casino’s internal
    policies, and the construction-site photographs — were erroneously and
    harmfully admitted into evidence. Finally, it argues that the $1,000,000
    award for future pain and suffering violates this court’s maximum-recovery
    rule and entitles the Casino to remittitur or a new trial on damages.
    We first discuss the sufficiency of the evidence.
    I.     Sufficiency of the evidence
    We review the denial of a motion for judgment as a matter of law de
    novo, considering the facts in the light that most favors the jury verdict.
    Retractable Techs., Inc. v. Becton Dickinson & Co., 
    842 F.3d 883
    , 891 (5th Cir.
    2016). We cannot reverse a denial of a motion for judgment as a matter of
    law unless the “jury’s factual findings are not supported by substantial
    evidence or [] the legal conclusions implied from the jury’s verdict cannot in
    law be supported by those findings.” American Home Assurance Co. v. United
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    Space All., LLC, 
    378 F.3d 482
    , 486–87 (5th Cir. 2004).              “Substantial
    evidence is that relevant evidence — more than a scintilla but less than a
    preponderance — that would cause a reasonable person to accept the fact
    finding.” Coastal Prod. Servs., Inc. v. Hudson, 
    555 F.3d 426
    , 430 (5th Cir.
    2009) (quoting Dir., OWCP v. Ingalls Shipbuilding, Inc., 
    125 F.3d 303
    , 305
    (5th Cir. 1997)).
    Echeverry presented three theories of negligence to the jury. When,
    as here, it is unclear from the verdict which theory of negligence persuaded
    the jury, a new trial is necessary if the evidence is insufficient on at least one
    theory even if not on all. Muth v. Ford Motor Co., 
    461 F.3d 557
    , 564 (5th Cir.
    2006). This court employs a harmless-error “gloss,” meaning that if we are
    “totally satisfied” or “reasonably certain” based on the focus of the evidence
    at trial that the jury’s verdict was not based on the theory with insufficient
    evidence, a new trial is unnecessary. 
     at 564–65. If the evidence is
    insufficient as to each theory, then the defendant is entitled to judgment
    notwithstanding the verdict. King v. Ford Motor Co., 
    597 F.2d 436
    , 439 (5th
    Cir. 1979).
    Under Louisiana law, a principal is generally not liable for the acts of
    its independent contractor. Graham v. Amoco Oil Co., 
    21 F.3d 643
    , 645 (5th
    Cir. 1994). A principal may, however, be liable if it was independently
    negligent in its own actions, 
     or if it negligently hired the independent
    contractor, Hemphill v. State Farm Insurance Co., 
    472 So. 2d 320
    , 324 (La.
    Ct. App. 1985). Moreover, exceptions to a principal’s shield from liability
    exist if the principal “retains operational control over the contractor’s acts
    or expressly or impliedly authorizes those acts.” Coulter v. Texaco, Inc., 
    117 F.3d 909
    , 912 (5th Cir. 1997).
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    Echeverry presented evidence of the Casino’s negligence under
    theories of negligent hiring, operational control, and authorization of unsafe
    work practices. We analyze each theory.
    A.      Negligent hiring
    Echeverry presented evidence at trial that the Casino was negligent
    for hiring an irresponsible independent contractor. As to negligent hiring,
    the jury was instructed:
    The hiring party breaches its duty if it knew or should have
    known that the independent contractor was incompetent at the
    time of the hiring; meaning that the hiring party knew or should
    have known that the contractor could not perform the job safely
    or competently. 1
    The parties stipulated that the Casino hired AWR in January 2017, so
    the relevant question is whether the Casino knew or should have known in
    January 2017 that AWR was incompetent. The relevant evidence includes
    that a bird-control company named Bird-X recommended AWR to David
    Stuart, Director of Business and Process Improvement for the Casino. Stuart
    contacted some of AWR’s references and received no negative information
    about AWR. The BBB, though, had given AWR an “F” rating. The
    Casino’s internal policies required that before beginning work, an
    independent contractor had to provide a certificate of insurance with a
    minimum amount of coverage that identified the Casino as an additional
    The district court instructed the jury on a “knew or should have known”
    standard. The Casino did not object at trial, but on appeal it argues that the standard under
    Louisiana law is actual knowledge. A panel of this court once concluded that Louisiana law
    on this point is ambiguous. See Dragna v. KLLM Transp. Servs., L.L.C., 638 F. App’x 314,
    319 (5th Cir. 2016). Because the district court instructed the jury with a “knew or should
    have known” standard, and the Casino did not object, the Casino’s argument that actual
    knowledge is the standard was not preserved.
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    insured. AWR provided a certificate of insurance to the Casino at about the
    time it began work on the project, February 6-7, 2017, but the identified
    policy had expired in October 2016.
    The Casino argues that none of this evidence is relevant. The “F”
    rating from the BBB, the Casino points out, was not necessarily a result of
    safety concerns and could not have put the Casino on notice of safety risks in
    hiring AWR. At trial, the jury heard that a business’s failure to respond to
    consumer complaints against that business was the most common reason for
    an “F” rating. There is no evidence that the Casino knew what earned a
    business an “F” rating when it hired AWR, and the Casino denied
    knowledge of the rating anyway. The jury, however, could have found that
    the Casino at least should have known about the rating when hiring AWR.
    We find that the rating itself is not strong evidence of AWR’s ability to
    complete the project safely or competently, but it is some evidence to support
    that the Casino should have investigated further before contracting with the
    company. The BBB rating may reflect more on the Casino’s failure to
    investigate adequately before hiring AWR than it reflects on the competency
    of AWR. The jury, however, is permitted to make inferences from the
    evidence. Regardless, the BBB rating is not the only evidence Echeverry
    presented for the negligent-hiring theory.
    Other evidence was that AWR’s certificate of insurance showed an
    expired insurance policy. The Casino’s internal policies required that it hire
    only contractors who were insured. There was evidence at trial that the
    Casino hired AWR through a purchase request rather than a more formal
    contract in order to accelerate the process. Under usual circumstances, the
    Casino would delay issuing a purchase order until it had received a valid
    certificate of insurance from the vendor, but that did not occur here. The
    Casino argues that this evidence does not support negligent hiring because it
    did not know that AWR was uninsured until after it hired AWR and,
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    regardless, insurance is not probative of safety. Even if the Casino did not
    learn of AWR’s lack of insurance until after it hired AWR, we conclude that
    jurors could have found that the Casino should have sought to learn earlier.
    In making such a finding, jurors could have relied in part on testimony from
    a director in strategic sourcing at Caesars Entertainment, which owns the
    Casino, who stated in his deposition played at trial that he agreed “that
    responsible contractors are insured contractors.” AWR’s failure to conform
    to the Casino’s requirements is itself a kind of incompetency.
    Next, there was evidence that AWR did not have its own equipment
    to use in the bird removal. We do not see this alone as sufficient evidence of
    incompetence, but it could suggest to factfinders that AWR was not a well-
    established, substantial, and experienced company. Patrick Maher, Director
    of Facilities at the Casino, testified at trial that he generally expected
    contractors to provide their own equipment when he hired them. Jurors
    could have considered the evidence of AWR’s lack of the necessary
    equipment to support that the Casino should have been concerned about
    whether AWR was sufficiently experienced to be competent for the work.
    There also was evidence that AWR’s permit had expired by the time
    of the accident on February 16, 2017, and that AWR was short-staffed. AWR
    acquired a valid work permit when it arrived in New Orleans to begin the
    project, but the project continued after the permit expired. AWR acquired
    the permit on February 6, 2017; the start date of the permit was that same
    day, and it had an end date of February 8, 2017. It is difficult to see the
    relevance of the expired permit to the negligent-hiring claim because the
    Casino neither knew nor could have known about its expiration when it hired
    AWR in January 2017. The same is true regarding the fact that AWR was
    short-staffed. The evidence at trial showed that two AWR employees quit at
    the beginning of the project, but there was no evidence presented at trial that
    the Casino knew or should have known in January that AWR would be short-
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    staffed when removing the birds. Because the Casino neither knew nor could
    have known about either the expiration of the permit or that AWR was short-
    staffed at the time it hired AWR in January 2017, these facts are inapplicable
    to the negligent-hiring analysis.
    The BBB rating, the certificate of insurance showing an expired
    policy, and AWR’s lack of equipment together are more than a scintilla of
    evidence to support a finding that the Casino was negligent in hiring AWR.
    The evidence is sufficient as to the negligent-hiring claim.
    We proceed to the next theory.
    B.     Operational control
    A principal may be liable for the actions of its independent contractor
    if the principal retains operational control. Coulter, 
    117 F.3d at
    Determining whether a principal has retained operational control requires
    “an examination of whether and to what extent the right to control work has
    been contractually reserved by the principal.” 
    Id. at 912
    . The supervision
    and control that is actually exercised by the principal is less important than
    the right to control that is contractually reserved. Ainsworth v. Shell Offshore,
    829 F.2d 548
    , 550–51 (5th Cir. 1987). Still, a contractual clause requiring
    an independent contractor to comply with the principal’s safety rules does
    not alone signify the principal’s retaining operational control. Davenport v.
    Amax Nickel, Inc., 
    569 So. 2d 23
    , 28 (La. Ct. App. 1990). The fact that a
    principal “reserves the right to monitor its contractor’s performance[,] . . .
    observes the contractor’s activities, . . . make[s] safety recommendations to
    the contractor, and is obligated to report continuing unsafe work practices or
    conditions . . . does not mean that the principal controls the . . . contractor’s
    work.” Coulter, 
    117 F.3d at 912
    . When the independent contractor has
    “responsibility for its own activities, the principal does not retain operational
    control.” Fruge ex rel. Fruge v. Parker Drilling Co., 
    337 F.3d 558
    , 564 (5th Cir.
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    2003). A principal retains operational control if it has “direct supervision
    over the step-by-step process of accomplishing the work such that the
    contractor is not entirely free to do the work in his own way.” 
    a principal retains operational control turns on the principal’s control over
    the independent contractor and its employees, not on the principal’s control
    over its own premises. Collins v. Home Depot, U.S.A., Inc., 
    182 So. 3d 324
    331 (La. Ct. App. 2015).
    Echeverry relies on a case from the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal of
    Louisiana. There the “company man” performed actual safety checks on the
    worksite. Denson v. Diamond Offshore Co., 
    955 So. 2d 730
    , 733–34 (La. Ct.
    App. 2007). That court distinguished its facts from those of cases where the
    company representatives occasionally visited worksites but did not perform
    safety checks themselves. 
    Id. at 734
    . As the Casino states, the contract at
    issue in Denson explicitly vested several aspects of operational control in the
    Id. at 733
    . The independent contractor had to “comply with all
    instructions,” including safety instructions, of the principal and was “under
    the direction and supervision” of the principal. 
     Because of the contract
    language and the fact that the company representative performed safety
    checks at the jobsite, there was a genuine issue of material fact as to who had
    operational control. 
    Id. at 734
    . The court reversed the trial court’s grant of
    summary judgment. 
    Id. at 733, 735
    Conversely, this court affirmed a district court’s grant of summary
    judgment on the claim of operational-control negligence when the principal
    did not have direct supervision over the step-by-step processes of the
    independent contractor’s work. Fruge, 
    337 F.3d at 564, 566
    . In Fruge, the
    contract between Anadarko and its independent contractor, Parker Drilling,
    made Parker responsible for the “operation and control of the Drilling Unit.”
    Id. at 564
    . “Anadarko provided on-site supervision 24-hours per day, via
    various independent contractors whose employees reported to Anadarko.”
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     The court held that physical presence of the principal was not enough to
    raise a genuine dispute of material fact as to who had operational control, and
    summary judgment for the defendant was appropriate. 
     at 564–65.
    Here, there was no written agreement between the parties, so the level
    of control was not formalized. The jury had some evidence that the Casino
    maintained operational control over AWR. The Casino provided all the
    equipment to AWR for the bird-removal project: a manlift, barricades, and a
    dumpster. It also provided groundskeepers to clean up the sidewalks. David
    Stuart attended safety meetings with AWR regarding the safety precautions
    for the project. He had signs made to direct pedestrians. He would check on
    the project and lend a hand when he was available to do so, directing
    pedestrians and trying to keep people safe.
    This evidence was sufficient for the jury to find the Casino liable for
    Echeverry’s injury under an operational-control theory.
    C.     Authorization of unsafe work practices
    A principal may be held liable for the unsafe practices of an
    independent contractor if the principal “expressly or impliedly authorized
    the particular manner which will render the work unsafe.” Davis v. Dynamic
    Offshore Res., L.L.C., 
    865 F.3d 235
    , 236 (5th Cir. 2017) (quoting Ewell v. Petro
    Processors of La., Inc., 
    364 So. 2d 604
    , 606–07 (La. Ct. App. 1978)). A
    company man’s observing and failing to object to the independent
    contractor’s unsafe work practices is insufficient evidence of authorization
    to defeat a motion for summary judgment. Graham, 
    21 F.3d at
    646–47. The
    fact that only an independent contractor participated in the decision to use
    the negligent procedure weighs heavily against finding that the principal
    authorized the unsafe work practice. 
     (interpreting Williams v. Gervais F.
    Favrot Co., 
    499 So. 2d 623
     (La. Ct. App. 1986)).
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    The threshold question of this theory of negligence is whether the
    particular manner in which the work practice was conducted was unsafe.
    This analysis requires determining at what level of generality to view the
    work practice. We have provided some clarity on this issue under Louisiana
    law. See Davis, 865 F.3d at 236–37. In Davis, we held that, based on those
    facts, the exception to a principal’s shield from liability did not apply. Id. at
    237. Davis was a crane mechanic employed by Gulf Crane Services, which
    was hired as an independent contractor by Dynamic Offshore Resources. Id.
    at 235. On the relevant day, Davis was obtaining a winch from Dynamic
    Platform 86A to transfer to Platform 86B so that he could replace a winch
    there. Id. at 235–36. While at Platform 86B, Davis grew concerned about the
    safety of the work because of the wind, so he used his “stop work authority”
    to delay the work. Id. at 236. Rather than radio those at Platform 86A to
    inform them to stop, he asked the crane operator to transport him to Platform
    86A in a personnel basket. Id. The operator swung the basket into the wind
    when he should have swung it with the wind. Id. Davis dropped six to eight
    feet in the basket and was injured. Id.
    The court reviewed the district court’s summary judgment for
    Dynamic, analyzing whether there was a genuine dispute of material fact as
    to the question of implied authorization of unsafe work practices. Id. The
    court framed the particular manner of the practice as making a personnel-
    basket transfer in high winds. Id. at 237. In doing so, the court could have
    but did not frame the unsafe work practice as making personnel-basket
    transfers generally or making personnel-basket transfers by swinging into
    instead of with the wind. See id. Rather than choose a highly specific or
    general frame, that court chose the one in the middle. In Davis, the court
    held that Dynamic as a matter of law had not authorized the personal-basket
    transfer in high winds and affirmed summary judgment. Id.
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    Here, the Casino offers a broad framing of the work practice as being
    the use of a flagman to move a manlift. It argues that because using a flagman
    to move a manlift is the industry standard, Echeverry’s claim fails the
    threshold requirement that the work practice be unsafe before even
    addressing whether the Casino authorized it. Alternatively, the Casino
    frames the practice narrowly as the failure of the flagman to make an effective
    warning to pedestrians in the path of the manlift; the Casino is correct that it
    did not authorize that particular manner of using a flagman. Our evaluation
    of Davis makes us conclude that the relevant practice needs to start with the
    underlying action of using a manlift, then add some specifics of the occasion
    of its use — here, moving a manlift against vehicular traffic at a busy
    intersection when there was substantial pedestrian traffic.         There was
    evidence that the flagman did not alert Echeverry, and indeed just walked
    past her despite the imminent passage of the manlift. Jurors had sufficient
    evidence to support the conclusion that the particular manner in which the
    manlift was moved was unsafe.
    There was an unsafe work practice, but there must also be evidence
    that the Casino expressly or impliedly authorized that unsafe practice. Again,
    according to Louisiana law, a company man’s presence and knowledge of an
    unsafe condition is insufficient to make the company liable under the implied-
    authorization exception. Graham, 
    21 F.3d at 646
    . In Graham, we interpreted
    a Louisiana case as holding that the principal was not liable under this
    exception because “only the [independent contractors] participated in the
    decision to use” the negligent procedure. 
    Id. at 646
     (alteration in original)
    (quoting Williams, 
    499 So. 2d at 626
    Unlike in Graham, the Casino here did participate in the decision to
    use a flagman. Casino employee Stuart attended safety meetings with AWR
    to discuss the practices that would be used, including using a flagman. The
    Casino provided AWR with the manlift. The Casino was also trying to
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    expedite the project so that it could be completed before Mardi Gras and the
    NBA All-Star game, designating the purchase order as “urgency:
    emergency.” The evidence was sufficient for a reasonable jury to conclude
    that the Casino had authorized unsafe work practices.
    There is sufficient evidence under each theory of negligence. Next,
    we analyze whether the Casino is entitled to a new trial due to errors in the
    admission of evidence.
    II.    Admission of evidence at trial
    Prior to the trial, the Casino sought to exclude certain categories of
    evidence, including (1) a certificate of insurance given by AWR to the Casino
    showing an expired insurance policy; (2) the Casino’s internal policies
    regarding hiring independent contractors; (3) AWR’s “F” rating from the
    BBB; and (4) photographic evidence of construction sites in New Orleans.
    The district court denied the motion in limine as to the first two categories of
    evidence. It granted in part and denied in part the motion to exclude evidence
    from the BBB, but the jury was allowed to hear testimony regarding AWR’s
    “F” rating from the BBB. The district court initially granted the Casino’s
    motion to exclude photographic evidence of construction sites but then
    allowed the photographs at trial.
    For a new trial to be warranted based on admission of evidence, the
    admission must have been an abuse of the district court’s discretion and have
    affected the substantial rights of the complaining party. Price v. Rosiek Constr.
    509 F.3d 704
    , 707 (5th Cir. 2007). When a party fails to show that
    excluding the evidence would have altered the outcome of the case, the party
    has not met its burden for a new trial. 
     at 707–08. For example, a party’s
    substantial rights are affected if the erroneously admitted evidence was the
    only evidence admitted to prove an element. See Anderson v. Siemens Corp.,
    335 F.3d 466
    , 473–75 (5th Cir. 2003).
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    The Casino claims that four types of evidence were erroneously and
    harmfully admitted at trial. We examine them one at a time.
    A.     AWR’s “F” rating by the BBB
    The Casino argues the district court abused its discretion by admitting
    evidence of AWR’s “F” rating by the BBB. At trial, the evidence showed
    that the BBB relies entirely on complaints about a business and any
    supporting evidence provided in those complaints for its ratings. Depending
    on the business size, a company can be automatically rated “F” after two
    complaints are made against it without a response from the business. The
    BBB does not investigate the safety of work practices of a business beyond
    publicly information. All this means the BBB evidence is not very probative
    of the safety and competency of AWR. Still, as we earlier discussed, it might
    have been properly used by jurors as evidence of the Casino’s failure to
    investigate AWR adequately. Regardless, the district court has “great
    discretion” in admitting evidence that has any tendency to make any material
    fact more or less probable. Woods ex rel. Woods v. Int’l Harvester Co., Inc., 
    697 F.2d 635
    , 639 (5th Cir. 1983); Fed. R. Evid. 401. The evidence of the BBB
    rating at least added to the jurors’ understanding that the Casino missed
    another of the markers that could have led to further inquiry, even if the
    inquiry would not have led to much of significance. We find no abuse of the
    district court’s discretion by admitting this evidence.
    B.     AWR’s certificate of insurance
    The Casino argues that the district court’s admission of evidence of
    AWR’s expired certificate of insurance entitles it to a new trial. The Casino
    relies on Federal Rule of Evidence 411, which makes inadmissible the
    existence or nonexistence of insurance for purposes of proving or disproving
    a party’s negligence. Fed. R. Evid. 411. Evidence of insurance is
    admissible for certain relevant purposes. 
     Here, AWR’s lack of insurance
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    was not admitted on the issue of AWR’s negligence but to prove the Casino’s
    negligence in hiring AWR. Rule 411 was not violated.
    The Casino also argues that the insurance evidence is irrelevant to its
    negligence because whether AWR had a certificate of insurance identifying
    its current policy at the time of hiring had no bearing on AWR’s safety or
    competence. The bar for relevant evidence is low; the evidence needs to have
    only “any tendency” to make a fact in question more or less likely. Fed. R.
    Evid. 401(a). A district court is given great deference in this determination.
    The district court did not abuse its discretion, and we do not need to reach
    the question of harmlessness.
    C.     The Casino’s internal policies
    The Casino argues that the district court abused its discretion by
    admitting the Casino’s internal policies into evidence. The Casino relies on
    Dragna v. KLLM Transportation Services, L.L.C., 638 F. App’x 314, 319 (5th
    Cir. 2016), for this proposition. While Dragna (which is not precedent) held
    that internal policies did not establish the applicable standard of care, that
    panel did not go so far as to say that evidence that a principal violated its
    internal policies is irrelevant to the question of negligence. Id. at 320. We
    conclude that failure to follow internal policies can be relevant. The district
    court did not abuse its discretion by admitting the evidence.
    D.     Construction-site photographs
    The district court granted the Casino’s motion in limine to exclude
    photographic evidence of construction sites because Echeverry was injured
    at a bird-removal site, not a construction site. At trial, though, the Casino’s
    expert witness was impeached with his deposition testimony that the bird-
    removal site where Echeverry was injured closely resembled a construction
    site. Because of that statement, the district court allowed the photographs of
    New Orleans construction sites to be introduced at trial.
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    No. 20-30038
    The district court did not abuse its discretion by admitting the
    evidence of construction sites. Echeverry sought to use the evidence of
    construction sites that had barricades to show that there should have been
    barricades in place to prevent her injury. The fact that the bird-removal site
    did not have barricades when similar construction sites did is some evidence
    of a breach of the applicable standard of care, especially when the Casino’s
    expert made the comparison to construction sites. The Casino was allowed
    to present evidence that tended to justify why there were no barricades, and
    the jury weighed the evidence.
    A new trial was not required based on erroneous admission of
    III.   Excessive damages for future pain and suffering
    We review the denial of a motion for a new trial or remittitur in the
    alternative for abuse of discretion. Puga v. RCX Sols., Inc., 
    922 F.3d 285
    , 296
    & n.9 (5th Cir. 2019). We have generally used the maximum-recovery rule,
    which “permits a verdict at 150% of the highest inflation-adjusted recovery in
    an analogous, published decision”; we have recently identified this court’s
    inconsistencies concerning the stage of the inquiry at which we apply it and
    to what extent it applies in diversity-jurisdiction cases. Longoria v. Hunter
    Express, Ltd., 
    932 F.3d 360
    , 365 (5th Cir. 2019). We have sometimes applied
    the maximum-recovery rule “at the outset to determine whether the
    damages are excessive,” and other times “only to determine how much of a
    reduction is warranted after deciding the award is excessive.” 
    Longoria, we suggested that the correct process in a diversity-jurisdiction
    case may be to use state law to determine whether the damages are excessive
    and the maximum-recovery rule in setting remittitur. Id. at 366. In that case,
    though, we did not definitively resolve the question because the outcome was
    the same under the state or federal standard. Id. The same is true here.
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    No. 20-30038
    Under Louisiana law, a court should reduce a jury’s award when it is
    “beyond that which a reasonable trier of fact could assess for the effects of
    the particular injury to the particular plaintiff under the particular
    circumstances.” Youn v. Mar. Overseas Corp., 
    623 So. 2d 1257
    , 1261 (La.
    1993).    Louisiana law would not look to “prior awards in cases with
    generically similar medical injuries to determine whether the particular trier
    of fact abused its discretion” in its award to the particular plaintiff under the
    particular facts of a case. 
    Id. at 1260
    . After a Louisiana appellate court has
    determined that the award was an abuse of discretion, it may then look to
    prior awards to determine the highest reasonable award. 
     Under the
    maximum-recovery rule, we will uphold a damages award where the damages
    amount is proportionate to at least one factually similar, published Louisiana
    case. See Longoria, 932 F.3d at 365. We refuse to overturn jury awards that
    are within 150% of the highest award in a factually similar case. Puga, 922
    F.3d at 297. This rule preserves as much of the jury’s award as possible.
    Longoria, 932 F.3d at 365.
    Here, the award was excessive under either standard. Echeverry had
    three surgeries to repair her ankle injuries. She had a trimalleolar fracture,
    involving breaks to her lateral malleolus, medial malleolus, and posterior
    malleolus. The fracture was comminuted, meaning that her ankle was in
    pieces. Echeverry’s ankle already shows signs of post-traumatic arthritis.
    She will have chronic, “toothache”-like pain for the rest of her life, as well as
    scarring. Further, part of her cartilage is permanently damaged. Echeverry
    returned to work in January 2018 as a pharmacy technician, standing for
    about eight hours a day, and had her third surgery in August 2018. She takes
    over-the-counter pain medication throughout the workday to help with her
    pain. At the time of trial, she was thirty-three years old and had no physical
    restrictions from doctors. An expert at trial testified that Echeverry’s life
    expectancy was 52.2 years. The million-dollar award for future pain and
    Case: 20-30038     Document: 00515701434           Page: 18   Date Filed: 01/11/2021
    No. 20-30038
    suffering under these particular circumstances is “beyond that which a
    reasonable trier of fact could assess” based on Echeverry’s injuries. See
    623 So. 2d at 1261
    We also assess the future-pain-and-suffering award under the
    maximum-recovery rule to determine whether it is excessive under that rule.
    This analysis will also serve as the second step under Louisiana law —
    determining the highest reasonable award. The district court, in applying the
    maximum-recovery rule, relied on the damages award in an unpublished
    decision that was later vacated and remanded for a new trial on damages for
    allowing irrelevant and prejudicial evidence. See Naquin v. Elevating Boats,
    LLC, No. 10-4320, 
    2012 WL 5618503
     (E.D. La. Nov. 15, 2012), aff’d in part,
    vacated in part, remanded sub nom. Naquin v. Elevating Boats, L.L.C., 
    744 F.3d 927
     (5th Cir. 2014). This court has declined to rely on unpublished opinions
    for the maximum-recovery rule. Lebron v. United States, 
    279 F.3d 321
    , 326
    (5th Cir. 2002). Naquin is thus not a good comparison for the maximum-
    recovery rule, even before considering the factual differences between that
    case and Echeverry’s.
    Several published Louisiana cases provide insight. We acknowledge
    that inflation will affect comparison of the monetary amounts. In one case,
    the plaintiff’s injuries included a “comminuted fracture with medial
    dislocation of the right talus (ankle joint), a comminuted fracture of the
    medial malleolus of the right ankle, and a chip fracture of the medial aspect
    of the lateral malleolus of the right ankle.” Black v. Ebasco Servs., Inc., 
    411 So. 2d 1159
    , 1161 (La. Ct. App. 1982). He had surgery on his ankle to insert
    two metal screws and two pins. 
     He was still under medical treatment at
    the time of trial and neither the screws nor pins had been removed. 
    Id. at 1161
    . The trial judge there did not itemize the damages but awarded
    $167,000 for pain and suffering, future medical expenses, and loss of past and
    future wages, plus $3,922.53 for medical expenses. 
    Id. at 1161, 1164
    . Finding
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    that the district court abused its discretion by awarding an insufficient sum,
    the Louisiana court of appeal concluded that a reasonable award for past and
    future pain and suffering would be $40,000. 
    Id. at 1164
    . Considering that
    and reasonable damages for other damage categories, the court raised the
    total award to $249,922.53. 
    Id. at 1165
    In another case, the plaintiff suffered a trimalleolar fracture of her
    right ankle. Hebert v. Veterans Veterinary Hosp., Inc., 
    694 So. 2d 993
    , 996 (La.
    Ct. App. 1997). Her bones were fused in surgery with screws and plates, and
    a second surgery was performed to remove the screws and plates. 
    had scarring and arthritis in her ankle, the possibility of future surgery, and
    nonsurgical medical treatment for the rest of her life. 
     The jury awarded
    her $165,000 for past and future pain and suffering, disability, and scarring.
     Her life expectancy at the time of trial was 17.9 years. 
     The Louisiana
    appellate court held that “the award is on the high side” but did not hold that
    it was an abuse of discretion. 
    Id. at 997
    . Even accounting for inflation, the
    difference in life expectancies between Echeverry and the plaintiff in Hebert,
    and the 50% enhancement, the award on the “high side” there shows how
    excessive Echeverry’s million-dollar award is.
    Finally, in another Louisiana case the plaintiff sustained what the
    opinion called a fractured dislocation of her ankle, requiring two surgeries.
    Kennedy v. Columbus Am. Props., L.L.C., 
    751 So. 2d 369
    , 370 (La. Ct. App.
    2000). The evidence at trial suggested that she might require more surgery
    in the future. 
    Id. at 374
    . She had scarring from the surgeries, and she had led
    an active lifestyle prior to the accident. 
     She also had degenerative
     The jury awarded her $220,000 in general damages. 
    Id. at 370
    The Louisiana court of appeal noted that “$220,000 seems to be at the high
    end of the range,” but ultimately held the judgment reasonable. 
    Id. at 374
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    No. 20-30038
    These cases demonstrate the excessiveness of Echeverry’s
    $1,000,000 award for future pain and suffering and provide guidance for
    what the highest reasonable award is. Even adjusted for inflation and with
    the 50% enhancement, Echeverry’s award is far greater than factually similar
    cases. The district court abused its discretion by denying the Casino’s
    motion for a new trial on damages or remittitur.
    The evidence was sufficient to support the jury’s negligence verdict
    on each of three theories presented to it. The district court did not abuse its
    discretion by admitting any of the objected-to evidence. The award for future
    pain and suffering, though, was excessive.
    We VACATE the jury’s $1,000,000 award for future pain, suffering,
    mental anguish, disability, scarring, and disfigurement as excessive and
    REMAND for a new trial on damages or a remittitur determination in light
    of the factually similar cases we have cited and others that might be brought
    to the district court’s attention.

Document Info

Docket Number: 20-30038

Filed Date: 1/11/2021

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/11/2021

Authorities (20)

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Davenport v. Amax Nickel, Inc. , 569 So. 2d 23 ( 1990 )

Kennedy v. Columbus America Properties , 751 So. 2d 369 ( 2000 )

Hemphill v. State Farm Ins. Co. , 472 So. 2d 320 ( 1985 )

Black v. Ebasco Services, Inc. , 411 So. 2d 1159 ( 1982 )

Denson v. Diamond Offshore Co. , 955 So. 2d 730 ( 2007 )

View All Authorities »