United States v. Meza ( 2021 )

  • Case: 20-10218     Document: 00515715735          Page: 1    Date Filed: 01/22/2021
    United States Court of Appeals
    for the Fifth Circuit
    United States Court of Appeals
    Fifth Circuit
    January 22, 2021
    No. 20-10218                        Lyle W. Cayce
    United States of America,
    Jaime Meza,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Texas
    USDC No. 3:19-CR-57-1
    Before Haynes, Higginson, and Oldham, Circuit Judges.
    Per Curiam:*
    Jaime Meza pleaded guilty to one count of possession, sale, and
    disposal of a stolen firearm in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 922
    (j). The district
    court sentenced Meza to the statutory maximum of 120 months. Meza
    Pursuant to 5th Circuit Rule 47.5, the court has determined that this
    opinion should not be published and is not precedent except under the limited
    circumstances set forth in 5th Circuit Rule 47.5.4.
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    challenges the sentence because he says the district court improperly relied
    on a confidential source. We disagree and affirm. 1
    Meza and Ramiro Diaz stole two firearms, six loaded magazines, and
    some medical equipment from an FBI agent’s Chevy Impala at the Eastbridge
    apartment complex in Dallas, Texas. The next morning, the agent reported
    the theft. The FBI assigned Special Agent Taylor Page to the case.
    During his investigation, Special Agent Page identified one individual
    whom Meza contacted after the burglary. That individual agreed to be a
    government informant under the condition of anonymity. The “confidential
    source”—or CS—testified that Meza contacted him/her, showed him/her
    the firearms and medical equipment, and said he planned to sell the firearms
    using his cell phone.
    A few weeks later, officers from the Dallas Police Department found
    Meza in a stolen vehicle. The officers arrested Meza and discovered, via a
    routine records check, that Meza had been arrested several times for
    burglarizing vehicles in and around Eastbridge. They promptly contacted
    Special Agent Page, who then contacted the CS. The CS confirmed that
    Meza was involved in burglaries near Eastbridge. The CS also described the
    Colt rifle and Glock pistol Meza had shown him/her. Those descriptions
    matched the stolen firearms. And though the CS said he/she did not know
    the name of Meza’s buyer, he/she did know the buyer was a Hispanic male
    whose last name started with a “G” and who drove a black Jeep.
    Judge Haynes concurs in the judgment and in Sections I, II.C., III., and IV. of the
    opinion only.
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    Special Agent Page used the CS’s testimony to find Jose Guzman,
    who drove a black Jeep and resided in Dallas. He interviewed Guzman twice.
    During the first “knock and talk” interview, Special Agent Page showed
    Guzman pictures of Meza and Diaz. Guzman said he didn’t know Diaz but
    did know Meza—whom he referred to as “Trouble.” Special Agent Page also
    asked Guzman about the firearms. Guzman said Meza sold him the stolen
    Colt Model M4LE and Glock Model 22 for $600. Guzman gave the FBI Task
    Force Officers permission to retrieve the Colt from under his bed, and he
    handed over the Glock (which he had already sold) later that day.
    During the second interview—which occurred only five hours after
    the first—Guzman waived his Miranda rights and provided additional
    information about his relationship with Meza. Guzman admitted he often
    purchased items like power tools and car stereos from Meza. He also
    reiterated that on May 24—the day after the theft—he bought the Colt, the
    Glock, and six loaded magazines for $600. Guzman said he and Meza
    negotiated that transaction via text message. Guzman was later charged as a
    co-conspirator in the matter for serving as Meza’s “fence”—the middleman
    between Meza (the thief) and the eventual buyer of the stolen goods.
    Meza pleaded guilty to one count of possession, sale, and disposal of
    a stolen firearm in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 922
    (j). He did not accept a plea
    agreement. The resulting PSR assigned Meza a base offense level of 20. See
    U.S.S.G. § 2K2.1(a)(4)(B). He also received the following adjustments: a
    two-level increase because the firearms were stolen, id. § 2K2.1(b)(4)(A); a
    four-level increase because he engaged in the trafficking of firearms, id.
    § 2K2.1(b)(5); a four-level increase because he used or possessed the
    firearms in connection with another felony offense, id. § 2K2.1(b)(6)(B); and
    a three-level reduction for acceptance of responsibility, id. § 3E1.1(a), (b).
    The resulting total offense level was 27. Meza had a criminal history score of
    16, which established a Criminal History Category of VI. The Guidelines
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    recommended a sentence of 130 to 162 months. But based on the statutory
    maximum, the Guidelines term was reduced to 120 months.
    Meza objected to both four-level enhancements. He argued the
    § 2K2.1(b)(5) enhancement was impermissibly based on the CS’s hearsay
    statements and other sources of evidence that the PSR inadequately
    described. And he argued the § 2K2.1(b)(6)(B) enhancement was
    inapplicable because the evidence was insufficient to show Meza participated
    in the burglary.
    As to Meza’s first objection, the Government responded that the
    circumstantial evidence—including text messages and photos sent to his
    fence—showed Meza knew Guzman would sell the firearms illegally after
    purchasing them from Meza. As to the second objection, the Government
    responded that additional circumstantial evidence—the corroborated
    witness testimonies and Meza’s criminal history of burglarizing cars—
    showed Meza did participate in the burglary. The probation officer agreed.
    The addendum to the PSR credited the CS’s testimony, as well as the texts
    between Meza and Guzman, the evidence of Meza’s earlier arrests for
    burglaries at the same apartment complex, and Meza’s responsibility for co-
    conspirator Diaz’s actions. The district court adopted the PSR without
    At sentencing, Meza reiterated his objections to the enhancements.
    The district court asked to hear from Special Agent Page. Special Agent Page
    testified about his conversations with Guzman, who explained his role in
    reselling the stolen goods he bought from Meza. Special Agent Page testified
    that he also interviewed the CS, an individual who stated he/she had
    firsthand conversations with Meza, said he/she observed Meza’s activity,
    and provided the details Special Agent Page used to track down Guzman.
    The CS said he/she “knew Mr. Meza to be someone that would go pull on
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    door handles[,] basically burglarize vehicles” near Eastbridge. As far as
    Special Agent Page knew, the CS had not worked as an FBI informant before.
    And though Special Agent Page believed the CS had a criminal history, he
    said he couldn’t recall the offenses.
    During cross-examination, Meza’s attorney “request[ed] as Brady
    information the prior criminal history of any witness, confidential or
    otherwise, that the government [wa]s relying on.” The attorney explained
    his contention that the Government must disclose that information because
    it was material to sentencing. The Government averred that it did “not
    violate[] any Brady obligations” because “Brady is a trial right . . . [and] Mr.
    Meza has pled guilty.” The district court immediately denied the Brady
    Near the close of argument, Meza’s attorney asked the district court
    to disregard the CS’s testimony because the CS had never served as an FBI
    informant in the past, may have a criminal history of which Meza was
    unaware, and made statements that were allegedly uncorroborated. In
    response, the Government offered to disclose to the court ex parte the
    relationship between the CS and the fence. The district court said there was
    “no need to.” Ultimately, the district court denied Meza’s Brady request. It
    stated, “I think the presentence report, the addendum, the agent’s testimony
    and what the government has had to say all add up to more than enough
    evidence that [Meza] was not only at the burglary, but that he also trafficked
    the arms.” The district court accepted the PSR’s enhancements and
    sentence recommendation.
    Before sentencing Meza, the district court addressed the seriousness
    of the offense. Addressing defense counsel, it said, “You know, I don’t agree
    with you that this is a little crime or not that serious. I think it’s very serious,
    particularly with his prior convictions, which are replete with burglary of
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    vehicles.” The district court said Meza’s criminal history was “another
    piece of evidence that adds to the evidence that we already have by the
    confidential informant[] and the . . . text records, that he was certainly
    involved in the front end of this burglary of a vehicle, and that is in
    burglarizing the vehicle and then in trafficking the [firearms].” “So what
    should he get?” the district court rhetorically asked. It continued:
    Well, 120 months is what he should get, because, you know,
    that’s the guidelines range. . . . And I think I would—well, I’m
    sure I would give that to him anyway, regardless of my
    objections . . . . Even if I granted the objections on the burglary
    and on the trafficking, I would still give him 120 months,
    because with all those burglaries, he deserves that. He certainly
    deserves that.
    In conclusion, the district court said, “I would give it to him anyway under
    3553.” The district court imposed a statutory-maximum sentence of 120
    months in prison, a three-year term of supervised release, no fine, no
    restitution, and a $100 mandatory special assessment. Meza timely appealed.
    Meza first argues that the district court improperly considered the
    CS’s testimony. The district court has “wide discretion in the kind and
    source of information it considers” at sentencing. United States v. Young, 
    981 F.2d 180
    , 185 (5th Cir. 1992) (citation and alteration omitted). At
    sentencing—unlike at trial—district courts are not limited to information
    admissible under the Federal Rules of Evidence, “provided that the
    information has sufficient indicia of reliability to support its probable
    accuracy.” U.S.S.G. § 6A1.3(a). The comment following Guideline 6A1.3
    says sentencing courts can consider “[o]ut-of-court declarations by an
    unidentified informant . . . where there is good cause for non-disclosure of
    the informant’s identity and there is sufficient corroboration by other
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    means.” And we have recognized that “[e]ven uncorroborated hearsay
    evidence may be sufficiently reliable.” United States v. Gaytan, 
    74 F.3d 545
    558 (5th Cir. 1996) (emphasis added). “Obviously, the district court has
    significant discretion in evaluating reliability.” Young, 981 F.2d at 185. So our
    “standard for affirming a district court’s factual finding is low: Where a
    factual finding is plausible in light of the record as a whole, it is not clearly
    erroneous.” United States v. Stubblefield, 
    942 F.3d 666
    , 670 (5th Cir. 2019)
    (per curiam) (citation omitted); accord United States v. Malone, 
    828 F.3d 331
    337 (5th Cir. 2016) (requiring the evidence be “reasonably reliable” and
    stating that the standard is “not intended to be onerous” (quotation
    omitted)). It is Meza’s burden to prove that the district court abused its
    discretion in its factfinding. See Young, 981 F.2d at 185 (holding that when a
    district court relies on information from the PSR, “[t]he defendant bears the
    burden of demonstrating that information the district court relied on in
    sentencing is materially untrue” (citation omitted)).
    We first hold that the district court did not abuse its wide discretion
    by considering the CS’s testimony in applying the Guidelines’ firearms-
    trafficking enhancement. Then we hold the same with respect to the
    Guidelines’ felony-offense enhancement. Finally we hold any error would be
    We begin with § 2K2.1(b)(5)—or the “firearms-trafficking
    enhancement.” It authorizes a four-level enhancement “[i]f the defendant
    engaged in the trafficking of firearms.” U.S.S.G. § 2K2.1(b)(5). The
    firearms-trafficking enhancement applies when the defendant (i) transfers
    two or more firearms to another individual and (ii) knew or had reason to
    believe that transfer would result to another transfer to an individual who
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    (I) would unlawfully possess the firearm or (II) would use or dispose of the
    firearm unlawfully. Id. cmt. 13(A).
    According to the PSR, the CS initially told Special Agent Page that
    Meza contacted him/her, showed him/her the firearms, and said he planned
    to sell the firearms using his cell phone. After the Dallas Police Department
    informed Special Agent Page about Meza’s arrest, Special Agent Page
    followed up with the CS, who then gave a detailed description of both
    firearms and the man to whom Meza sold them.
    The district court did not abuse its discretion in considering the CS’s
    testimony for two reasons. First, the CS’s testimony was corroborated.
    Special Agent Page used the CS’s tip to track down Guzman, Meza’s co-
    conspirator. Guzman fit the CS’s description of a Hispanic male, whose last
    name started with “G,” and who drove a black Jeep. And Guzman confirmed
    that he bought the stolen Colt rifle and Glock pistol from Meza and that he
    did so with the intent to sell them—just as he had done with other goods
    Meza sold him in the past. The texts show Meza possessed the firearms
    before selling them to Guzman and that he used his cell phone to complete
    the transaction. And Meza’s criminal history shows he repeatedly
    burglarized cars. At sentencing, the district court listed twenty-two prior
    offenses—twelve of which were burglaries. Together, Guzman’s testimony,
    the texts and photos Meza sent Guzman, and Meza’s criminal history
    constitute “sufficient corroboration” of the CS’s statements. U.S.S.G.
    § 6A1.3, cmt. The Government does not need to show that every fact is
    corroborated. See Gaytan, 
    74 F.3d at 558
    ; United States v. Guerrero, 
    16 F.3d 1216
    1994 WL 57697
    , at *1 (5th Cir. Feb. 18, 1994) (per curiam) (precedential
    per Fifth Circuit Rule 47.5.3). And Meza does not argue any of these facts
    taken from the PSR are “materially untrue.” Young, 981 F.2d at 185 (citation
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    Second, this is not an anonymous-tip case. “Statements derived from
    police investigations generally bear sufficient indicia of reliability.” United
    States v. Oudems, 785 F. App’x 234, 235 (5th Cir. 2019) (per curiam) (citing
    United States v. Valdez, 
    453 F.3d 252
    , 267 (5th Cir. 2006); United States v.
    927 F.2d 197
    , 201 (5th Cir. 1991)). And we have recognized an
    important distinction between known informants and truly anonymous
    tipsters. See United States v. Martinez, 
    486 F.3d 855
    , 861–64 (5th Cir. 2007).
    So when an investigator speaks directly to a confidential informant whom the
    investigator considers reliable, it is permissible for the district court to
    consider the investigator’s testimony regarding the informant’s statements.
    See United States v. Golden, 
    17 F.3d 735
    , 736 (5th Cir. 1994). That’s especially
    true where the defendant “personally met and dealt with” the informant as
    well. Oudems, 785 F. App’x at 235.
    Here, the CS was not anonymous; he/she was an individual who had
    direct contact with both Meza and Special Agent Page. The CS told Special
    Agent Page that he/she was in close contact with Meza, having engaged in
    firsthand conversations with him and observed his activity. And of course,
    Special Agent Page knew the CS’s identity and found him/her credible. The
    Government even offered to disclose the CS’s identity to the district court,
    but the district court said that was unnecessary. The CS does not become
    anonymous simply because Meza now contends that he does not know
    Based on that evidence, the district court found Meza trafficked
    firearms. That conclusion was reasonable based on the CS’s testimony and
    the corroborating evidence. So the district court did not err by applying the
    firearms-trafficking enhancement.
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    Now for the second enhancement. Section 2K2.1(b)(6)(B)—or the
    “felony-offense enhancement”—authorizes a four-level enhancement “[i]f
    the defendant used or possessed any firearm in connection with another
    felony offense.” U.S.S.G. § 2K2.1(b)(6)(B). “Another felony offense” is one
    “other than the . . . firearms possession or trafficking offense, punishable by
    imprisonment for a term exceeding one year.” Id. cmt. 14(C). The other
    felony offense at issue here is the burglary of the FBI agent’s car.
    The PSR reports that after the Dallas Police Department discovered
    that Meza had been arrested for numerous burglaries near the Eastbridge
    apartment complex, the CS confirmed to Special Agent Page that Meza had
    burglarized cars in that area. Meza rejects this testimony as unreliable too.
    But again, the record shows the district court’s reliance was reasonable
    because the CS’s testimony was corroborated and he/she was not
    Meza’s convictions for burglaries near Eastbridge circumstantially
    corroborated the CS’s testimony regarding the burglary of the FBI agent’s
    car. So too did the text messages, which showed Meza possessed the firearms
    as early as 7:14 a.m. on the morning after the burglary. Meza claims that
    “Diaz established that Meza did not commit the burglary,” yet he does not
    cite evidence to that effect. Even assuming Diaz attempted to take full
    responsibility for the burglary, that does not change the fact that the
    circumstantial evidence “sufficient[ly] corroborat[es]” the CS’s statements.
    U.S.S.G. § 6A1.3, cmt. Meza’s close connection to this crime, coupled with
    his criminal history of committing burglaries in the same apartment
    community, certainly provides the support necessary to corroborate the CS’s
    testimony. And as explained above, the CS’s connections to both Meza and
    Special Agent Page make him/her a non-anonymous source.
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    Based on that evidence, the district court found Meza participated in
    the burglary. That conclusion was reasonable based on the CS’s testimony
    and the corroborating evidence. So the district court did not err by applying
    the felony-offense enhancement either.
    Even if we were to conclude the district court erred by considering the
    CS’s testimony and applying the enhancements, that error would be
    harmless. “[I]n this circuit, there are two ways to show harmless error if the
    wrong guidelines range is employed.” United States v. Guzman-Rendon, 
    864 F.3d 409
    , 411 (5th Cir. 2017). The first is the Richardson standard, which
    requires a showing that “the district court considered both ranges (the one
    now found incorrect and the one now deemed correct) and explained that it
    would give the same sentence either way.” 
     (citing United States v.
    676 F.3d 491
    , 511 (5th Cir. 2012)). 2 Under Richardson, the
    question is whether the district court would have sentenced Meza to the
    statutory maximum of 120 months had it rejected the enhancements. See 
    The sentencing transcript is clear that the answer is yes. After
    emphasizing the seriousness of Meza’s numerous vehicle burglaries, the
    district court said it would give him the same sentence “[e]ven if [it] granted
    the objections on the burglary and on the trafficking.” The district court also
    reiterated that, even without the enhancements, it would sentence Meza to
    The second is the Ibarra-Luna standard, which “requires that ‘the proponent of
    the sentence convincingly demonstrate[] both (1) that the district court would have
    imposed the same sentence had it not made the error, and (2) that it would have done so
    for the same reasons it gave at the prior sentencing.’” Guzman-Rendon, 864 F.3d at 411
    (alteration in original) (quoting United States v. Ibarra-Luna, 
    628 F.3d 712
    , 714 (5th Cir.
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    120 months under the § 3553 factors. So even assuming the court considered
    the wrong Guidelines recommendation, the error is harmless.
    Meza next argues that the Government violated Brady v. Maryland,
    373 U.S. 83
     (1963). Under that decision, the Government “must disclose to
    the defendant evidence that is favorable to the accused and material either to
    guilt or to punishment.” United States v. Weintraub, 
    871 F.2d 1257
    , 1260 (5th
    Cir. 1989) (citation omitted). Meza claims the Government failed to adhere
    to its Brady obligation at sentencing, and he argues he is entitled to a new
    sentencing hearing after the Government discloses the CS’s criminal history.
    Assuming for the sake of argument that Meza retained his Brady right
    after pleading guilty, 3 Meza must establish three elements: “(1) the
    prosecution suppressed evidence, (2) it was favorable to the defendant, and
    (3) it was material.” United States v. Brown, 
    650 F.3d 581
    , 587–88 (5th Cir.
    2011). The Government does not dispute the first two elements, so we need
    only address materiality. The evidence would be material if there were a
    “substantial, not just conceivable” likelihood that the district court would
    have reached a different result had the evidence been disclosed. 
    Id. at 588
    (quoting Harrington v. Richter, 
    562 U.S. 86
    , 112 (2011)).
    That proposition is unclear. In the Fifth Circuit, it is well established that a
    defendant’s guilty plea waives his pre-plea rights to Brady material. See Alvarez v. City of
    904 F.3d 382
    , 389 (5th Cir. 2018) (en banc) (“declin[ing] the invitation to
    disturb its precedent concerning a defendant’s constitutional right to Brady material prior
    to entering a guilty plea” and thereby reaffirming United States v. Conroy, 
    567 F.3d 174
    Cir. 2009) (per curiam), which held that defendants do not have pre-plea Brady rights).
    This makes sense given Brady is a fair-trial right, see Alvarez, 904 F.3d at 395 (Higginson,
    J., concurring), and a defendant who pleads guilty “forgoes not only a fair trial, but also
    other accompanying constitutional guarantees,” United States v. Ruiz, 
    536 U.S. 622
    , 628
    (2002) (citing Boykin v. Alabama, 
    395 U.S. 238
    , 243 (1969)).
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    Meza says he intended to use the CS’s criminal history to impeach
    his/her credibility, so “we must consider the nature of the impeachment
    evidence improperly withheld and the additional evidence of the defendant’s
    guilt independent of the disputed testimony.” Weintraub, 
    871 F.2d at 1262
    see also United States v. Giglio, 
    405 U.S. 150
    , 154 (1972) (holding that
    impeachment evidence falls within the Brady rule). In Weintraub, our court
    distinguished witness testimony that is “strongly corroborated by additional
    evidence supporting a guilty verdict” from testimony “on an essential issue
    or [for which] there is no strong corroboration.” 
    871 F.2d at 1262
    (contrasting cases). Then we concluded that “the record and transcript from
    Weintraub’s trial belie[d] his claim that the withheld evidence was
    reasonably likely to change the outcome of his trial.” 
     Rather, “the
    corroborating evidence of his guilt and the collateral nature of the withheld
    impeachment evidence compel[led] the conclusion that this evidence was not
    material to Weintraub’s conviction.” 
    So too here. As explained above, the Government presented
    circumstantial evidence to corroborate each of the CS’s statements. It’s true
    that the district court did not say the magic word “materiality.” But that does
    not matter. The record makes two things clear: (1) the district court knew
    about the CS’s criminal history, and (2) based on the seriousness of the
    offense and prior related offenses, it would impose the same statutory-
    maximum sentence regardless of the Guidelines range. And the Government
    is correct that “Meza does not even attempt to show that a different result
    would have been a substantial likelihood, and instead rests on conclusory
    statements that the information was important to him.” See Brown, 
    650 F.3d at 588
    The evidence was immaterial to the district court’s sentencing
    determination. Therefore, the Government did not have a Brady obligation
    to disclose the CS’s criminal history.
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    Finally, Meza argues the statute under which he was convicted, 
    18 U.S.C. § 922
    (j), is unconstitutional on its face and as applied. As Meza
    concedes, both arguments are foreclosed by binding Fifth Circuit precedent.
    See United States v. Hicks, 
    958 F.3d 399
    , 402 n.1 (5th Cir. 2020) (reaffirming
    that § 922(g) is not unconstitutional as applied for lack of a knowledge
    requirement), petition for cert. filed (U.S. Oct. 8, 2020) (No. 20-5959); United
    States v. Alcantar, 
    733 F.3d 143
    , 146 (5th Cir. 2013) (reaffirming that § 922(g)
    does not violate the Commerce Clause); see also United States v. Luna, 
    165 F.3d 316
    , 319–22 (5th Cir. 1999) (noting § 922(g) and (j) contain “virtually
    identical language” regarding interstate commerce). We “may not overturn
    another panel’s decision, absent an intervening change in the law, such as by
    a statutory amendment, or the Supreme Court, or our en banc court.” Jacobs
    v. Nat’l Drug Intelligence Ctr., 
    548 F.3d 375
    , 378 (5th Cir. 2008). So we reject
    Meza’s constitutional arguments under our rule of orderliness.
    *        *         *
    The judgment of the district court is AFFIRMED.