R.J. Reynolds Vapor v. FDA ( 2023 )

  •         United States Court of Appeals
    for the Fifth Circuit                               United States Court of Appeals
    Fifth Circuit
    ____________                                FILED
    March 23, 2023
    No. 23-60037                          Lyle W. Cayce
    ____________                                Clerk
    R.J. Reynolds Vapor Company; RJR Vapor Company,
    L.L.C.; Avail Vapor Texas, L.L.C.; Mississippi Petroleum
    Marketers and Convenience Stores Association,
    Food & Drug Administration; Robert Califf, in his official
    capacity as Commissioner of the United States Food & Drug Administration;
    United States Department of Health and Human
    Services; Xavier Becerra, in his official capacity as Secretary of the
    United States Department of Health and Human Services,
    consolidated with
    No. 23-60128
    R.J. Reynolds Vapor Company; RJR Vapor Company,
    L.L.C.; Avail Vapor Texas, L.L.C.; Mississippi Petroleum
    Marketers and Convenience Stores Association,
    United States Food & Drug Administration; Robert M.
    Califf, Commissioner of Food and Drugs; United States
    Department of Health and Human Services; Xavier
    Becerra, Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
    Appeal from the Food & Drug Administration
    Agency Nos. PM0000637, PM0000713,
    PM0000554, PM0000561
    Before King, Jones, and Smith, Circuit Judges.
    Edith H. Jones, Circuit Judge:
    The Food and Drug Administration denied petitioners’ application to
    market menthol-flavored e-cigarettes. Petitioners seek a stay pending review
    of the denial order on the merits. We grant the stay.
    I. Background
    This court has become quite familiar with the legal and regulatory
    framework underpinning this case. See Big Time Vapes, Inc. v. FDA, 
    963 F.3d 436
    , 437 (5th Cir. 2020); Wages & White Lion Invs. v. FDA, 
    16 F.4th 1130
    Cir. 2021) (stay order); Wages & White Lion Invs. v. FDA, 
    41 F.4th 427
    Cir. 2022) (merits decision), vacated 
    58 F.4th 233
     (5th Cir. 2023). And the
    material facts resemble those in Wages & White Lion, with some notable
    The Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) has been regulating
    tobacco products since 2009 under the Family Smoking Prevention and
    Tobacco Control Act (“TCA”). 
    Pub. L. No. 111-31, 123
     Stat. 1776 (2009)
    (codified at 
    21 U.S.C. § 387
    , et seq.). And since 2016, the FDA has been in
    c/w No. 23-60128
    the business of regulating e-cigarettes, 1 including those containing no tobacco
    flavoring. See 
    81 Fed. Reg. 28,974
    , 28,976 (May 10, 2016). In order to
    continue marketing e-cigarettes, manufacturers must submit to the FDA a
    premarket tobacco product application (“PMTA”). 21 U.S.C. § 387j.
    In June 2019, the FDA issued a “how-to” guide for submitting
    e-cigarette PMTAs.            FDA, Guidance for Industry, Premarket Tobacco
    Applications for Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (June 2019) (“PMTA
    Guidance”), https://bit.ly/2R5TyYj. In it, the agency stated that it “does
    not expect that applicants will need to conduct long-term studies to support
    an application.” Id. at 13. The Proposed and Final Rules repeated this
    expectation.          See Premarket Tobacco Product Applications and
    Recordkeeping Requirements, 
    86 Fed. Reg. 55,300
    , 55,387 (October 4,
    84 Fed. Reg. 50,566
    , 50,619 (Sept. 25, 2019).                    The FDA also
    recommended that applicants use “products that consumers are most likely
    to consider[] interchangeable” when submitting “comparative health risk
    data.” PMTA Guidance at 13.
    With this guidance in mind, Petitioner R.J. Reynolds Vapor Company
    (“RJRV”) submitted a PMTA for its menthol-flavored Vuse Vibe e-cigarette
    on March 31, 2020, 2 well ahead of the September 9, 2020, deadline. See
    21 U.S.C. § 387j; Wages, 16 F.4th at 1135. On December 18, 2020, the FDA
    sent RJRV a deficiency letter regarding several other pending PMTAs for
    RJRV’s flavored ENDS. The FDA instructed RJRV to “provide evidence to
    demonstrate that the use of these flavored products (other than menthol)
    Known more technically as electronic nicotine delivery systems (“ENDS”).
    Vuse Vibe is a cartridge-based, closed system e-cigarette, which is distinct from
    “open system” and disposable e-cigarettes. In contrast, the products at issue in Wages &
    White Lion are flavored liquids used in “open system” e-cigarettes. 41 F.4th at 443 n.1
    (Jones, J., dissenting).
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    increases the likelihood of complete switching among adult smokers relative
    to tobacco or menthol-flavored products.” (emphasis added). Because this
    advice expressly excluded its menthol-flavored products, RJRV did not
    supplement its menthol Vuse Vibe PMTA. 3
    Over two years later, on January 24, 2023, the FDA denied RJRV’s
    PMTA in a marketing denial order (“Denial Order”). A stated basis for the
    denial was that RJRV’s long-term studies “were not brand- or product-
    specific,” and, as such, “did not demonstrate that [RJRV’s] menthol-
    flavored new products are more likely to promote complete switching or
    significant cigarette reduction compared to tobacco-flavored products.”
    Additionally, the FDA stated that the “marketing restrictions and other
    mitigation measures that [RJRV] proposed cannot mitigate . . . risks to youth
    sufficiently.” RJRV petitioned the FDA for a stay, which was denied. RJRV
    and three other companies then petitioned this court for review and moved
    to stay the Denial Order. 4 We granted an administrative stay, and now we
    enter a full stay pending resolution of RJRV’s petition on the merits.
    II. Discussion
    As a preliminary matter, venue is proper in this circuit because a
    petitioner has its “principal place of business” here. 5                     21 U.S.C.
    § 387l(a)(1)(B).       Also, because it is undisputed that “at least one”
    petitioner—namely, RJRV—has standing, Article III’s case-or-controversy
    RJRV’s application for Vuse Vibe already spanned over 150,000 pages.
    The FDA also denied a PMTA for menthol Vuse Ciro. Petitioners no longer sell
    that product, and so do not seek a stay as to the denial of its marketing application.
    Petitioner Mississippi Petroleum Marketers and Convenience Stores Association
    is incorporated in and has its principal place of business in Mississippi.
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    requirement is satisfied. Town of Chester v. Laroe Estates, Inc., 
    581 U.S. 433
    137 S. Ct. 1645
    , 1651 (2017).
    The “issuance of a stay is left to the court’s discretion.” Nken v.
    556 U.S. 418
    , 433, 
    129 S. Ct. 1749
    , 1760 (2009). Our judgment is
    “guided by sound legal principles” that “have been distilled into
    consideration of four factors: (1) whether the stay applicant has made a strong
    showing that he is likely to succeed on the merits; (2) whether the applicant
    will be irreparably injured absent a stay; (3) whether issuance of the stay will
    substantially injure the other parties interested in the proceeding; and
    (4) where the public interest lies.” 
    Id. at 434
    129 S. Ct. at 1761
    quotation marks omitted). “The first two factors . . . are the most critical.”
    RJRV has made the strong showing of its likely success on the merits,
    irreparable injury, and the balance of harms and public interest weigh in favor
    of granting the stay. Thus, RJRV has met its “burden of showing that the
    circumstances justify an exercise of [our] discretion.” 
    A. Likelihood of success
    The FDA’s order is reviewed under the Administrative Procedure
    Act’s (“APA”) “arbitrary and capricious” standard, 
    5 U.S.C. § 706
    and will pass muster so long as it is “reasonable and reasonably explained.”
    FCC v. Prometheus Radio Project, 
    141 S. Ct. 1150
    , 1158 (2021). To begin with,
    this means an “agency must defend its actions based on the reasons it gave
    when it acted”; we will not let the agency cut corners by entertaining post hoc
    rationalizations. DHS v. Regents of the Univ. of Cal., 
    140 S. Ct. 1891
    , 1909
    (2020). Further, when an agency changes course, it must take into account
    “serious reliance interests” its “longstanding policies may have
    engendered” along with “alternatives that are within the ambit of the
    existing policy.” 
    Id. at 1913
     (internal quotation marks omitted and alterations
    c/w No. 23-60128
    adopted). 6 Additionally, failure to consider “relevant factors” will render
    “an agency’s decreed result” unlawful. Michigan v. EPA, 
    576 U.S. 743
    , 750,
    135 S. Ct. 2699
    , 2706 (2015). The above requirements ensure that an agency
    has engaged in “reasoned decisionmaking.” 
    Specifically, RJRV demonstrates that the FDA failed to reasonably
    consider the company’s legitimate reliance interests concerning the need for
    longitudinal studies and marketing plans; failed to consider relevant
    evidence, inter alia, that youthful users do not like menthol-flavored
    e-cigarettes; and has created a de facto rule banning all non-tobacco-flavored
    e-cigarettes without following APA notice and comment requirements.
    1. Legitimate reliance interests
    The FDA did not reasonably consider RJRV’s legitimate reliance
    interests before changing its position on the types of comparative studies and
    marketing plans critical to a compliant and complete PMTA. Dealing with
    administrative agencies is all too often a complicated and expensive game,
    and players like RJRV “are entitled to know the rules.” Alaska Prof’l Hunters
    Ass’n v. FFA, 
    177 F.3d 1030
    , 1035 (D.C. Cir. 1999), abrogated on other grounds
    by Perez v. Mortg. Bankers Ass’n, 
    575 U.S. 92
    135 S. Ct. 1199 (2015)
    . To keep
    things fair, agencies must give notice of conduct the agency “prohibits or
    requires” and cannot “surprise” a party by penalizing it for “good-faith
    reliance” on the agency’s prior positions. Christopher v. Smithkline Beecham
    567 U.S. 142
    , 156–57, 
    132 S. Ct. 2156
    , 2167–68 (2012). At a bare
    minimum, “[w]hen an agency changes its existing position, it . . . must at
    least display awareness that it is changing position and show that there are
    Colloquially, this is known as the “surprise switcheroo” doctrine. Azar v. Allina
    Health Servs., 
    139 S. Ct. 1804
    , 1810 (2019); Env’t Integrity Project v. EPA, 
    425 F.3d 992
    , 996
    (D.C. Cir. 2005).
    c/w No. 23-60128
    good reasons for the new policy.” Encino Motorcars, LLC v. Navarro,
    579 U.S. 211
    136 S. Ct. 2117
    , 2125–26 (2016). It follows that “unexplained
    inconsistency in agency policy is a reason for holding an [action] to be an
    arbitrary and capricious change from agency practice.” 
    Id. at 2126
    quotation marks omitted).
    The FDA inexplicably switched its position on menthol-flavored
    e-cigarettes in at least two crucial ways.       First, before the application
    deadline, the FDA represented that long-term studies were likely
    unnecessary and that applicants had discretion to use “products that
    consumers are most likely to consider[] interchangeable” when submitting
    “comparative health risk data.” PMTA Guidance at 13. The FDA then
    notified RJRV directly that for its “flavored products (other than menthol),”
    it should submit evidence that those products “increase[d] the likelihood of
    complete switching among adult smokers relative to tobacco or menthol-
    flavored products.” (emphasis added) The FDA never told RJRV that
    similar evidence would be required for its menthol Vuse Vibe PMTA. RJRV
    relied upon these representations when crafting its PMTAs and
    supplemental filings.
    Despite its representations, the FDA’s subsequent Denial Order
    stated that RJRV’s “studies were not brand- or product-specific, and thus
    did not demonstrate that [RJRV’s] menthol-flavored new products are more
    likely to promote complete switching or significant cigarette reduction
    compared to tobacco-flavored products.”             In the same vein, the
    accompanying Technical Project Lead (“TPL”) faulted RJRV’s studies for
    failing to “assess the impact of menthol-flavored ENDS . . . on cigarette
    smoking switching behavior” or “complete switching or significant cigarette
    reduction over time.” (emphasis added) And again, nearly parroting FDA’s
    earlier instruction, the TPL stated that RJRV “did not submit evidence from
    a [randomized controlled trial] or cohort study showing that its menthol-
    c/w No. 23-60128
    flavored ENDS provide an added benefit to adult smokers in terms of
    complete switching or significant cigarette reduction over tobacco-flavored
    ENDS.” In other words, the FDA’s prior representations were that RJRV
    need not submit long-term studies showing that its menthol-flavored e-
    cigarette was more likely than a tobacco-flavored e-cigarette to cause smokers
    to quit. Yet the lack of that evidence became the very basis on which the FDA
    denied RJRV’s application.
    The FDA’s second unexplained switch was from the policy on
    marketing plans it announced in its April 2020 Final Guidance (“2020
    Guidance”). 7       The 2020 Guidance enumerated “adequate measures”
    manufactures could take “to prevent minors’ access” to ENDS products.
    FDA, Enforcement Priorities for Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (Revised):
    Guidance for Industry, 21–22, https://bit.ly/3ZPRkPx.                    These included:
    (1) age-verification barriers for retail websites; (2) enforcement monitoring
    programs with retailers; (3) a limit on the number of ENDS that can be
    purchased at once or over a period of time; and (4) a mystery shopper
    program. Id. at 22. The guidance also listed common ways manufacturers
    improperly target minors, such as advertising with “social media
    influencers,” “popular children’s characters,” and kid-friendly “cartoon or
    animated characters.” Id. at 26–27. RJRV’s proposed marketing plan
    accounted specifically for these and many more measures.
    The FDA changed positions on this front as well, cursorily stating in
    its Denial Order that RJRV’s “marketing restrictions and other mitigation
    measures” were insufficient. Remarkably, the TPL recounted the same
    See 85 Fed. Reg. ¶ 23,973 (Apr. 30, 2020). The 2020 Guidance revised an earlier
    edition, published in January 2020, in which the FDA first described the marketing
    restrictions manufacturers could implement to restrict youth use. Enforcement Priorities for
    Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems: Guidance for Industry, 85 Fed. Reg. ¶ 720 (Jan. 7, 2020).
    c/w No. 23-60128
    “restrictions on advertising and promotion” and “restrictions on sales
    access” that the FDA had earlier hailed as “adequate measures,” but
    concluded that none of them actually worked to a sufficient degree. In fact,
    the only measures described as potentially effective were “age-gating
    technologies that require user identification by fingerprint or other biometric
    parameters in order to unlock and use a tobacco product or geo-fencing
    technologies.”      These extreme measures were not listed in the 2020
    Guidance. The TPL concluded that “only the most stringent mitigation
    measures could provide sufficient assurance” against the risks to youth from
    flavored ENDS.
    The FDA’s Denial Order wholly failed to explain both of these “about
    face” maneuvers. Of course, the FDA could have formally changed its
    requirements, but it did not. Regents, 
    140 S. Ct. at 1914
     (“Making that
    difficult decision was the agency’s job, but the agency failed to do it.”).
    These “unexplained” and “inconsistent” positions are likely arbitrary and
    capricious. See Encino Motorcars, 579 U.S. at 222, 
    136 S. Ct. at 2126
    The FDA’s disregard for the principles of fair notice and
    consideration of reliance interests is exacerbated by its failure to consider
    alternatives to denial. When an agency changes course, as the FDA did here,
    it must take into account “alternatives that are within the ambit of the
    existing policy.”     Regents, 
    140 S. Ct. at 1913
     (internal quotation marks
    omitted and alterations adopted). For example, the FDA could have invited
    RJRV to submit supplemental filings to shore up its menthol Vuse Vibe
    application, as it had done for RJRV’s non-tobacco-flavored e-cigarette
    PMTAs. Apparently, the FDA accepted as many as 13 amendments for
    RJRV’s other applications.      FDA, TPL Review of PMTA, PM0000491,
    PM0000492 11–14 (Dec. 4, 2018), https://tinyurl.com/2p83ymvb.             The
    FDA gave RJRV no such opportunity for its menthol PMTA.
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    2. Failure to consider relevant factors
    The FDA did not adequately address RJRV’s evidence that
    substantial health benefits would accrue to adult and youth cigarette smokers
    alike who switched to menthol Vuse, while popularity among youth would
    remain low overall. For example, RJRV’s application contained studies that
    “switching from smoking to use of menthol Vuse Vibe substantially reduces
    toxicant exposure in a manner similar to smoking abstinence.” RJRV also
    submitted evidence of low popularity among youth relative to other flavored
    This evidence was overlooked even though it comports with the
    FDA’s own findings published at the time RJRV filed its PMTA. In its 2020
    Guidance, in response to the concern over a growing level of youth vaping,
    the FDA cited evidence that “youth use of menthol-flavored products is not
    as high as that for mint- and fruit-flavored products,” id. at 15, and that
    “youth overwhelmingly prefer certain flavors . . . such as fruit, mint, and
    candy,” id. at 24. Specifically, a survey of 8th, 10th, and 12th graders found
    that mango, mint, and fruit were the most popular flavors, together
    accounting for 75% of responses, while menthol and tobacco ranked among
    the least popular with between 2% and 6% each. Id. Further, the guidance
    noted menthol’s unique status as “the only characterizing flavor available in
    cigarettes.” Id. at 23.
    This is where the plot thickens. Internal memoranda circulated
    among the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products (“CTP”) and CTP’s Office
    of Science (“OS”) emerged in December 2022. See Alex Norcia, Memos
    Show FDA Overruled Science-Office Call to OK Menthol Vapes, Filter
    Magazine (Dec. 14, 2022) (“Norcia”), https://bit.ly/3JjjcVi. These reveal
    that OS, well into reviewing a PMTA for a menthol-flavored e-cigarette,
    recommended in late 2021 that the PMTA be granted because benefits to
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    smokers likely outweighed the “known risks to youth from the marketing of
    the products.” Then in July 2022, a new CTP director appeared on the scene
    and told OS that “the approach to menthol-flavored ENDS should be the
    same as for other flavored ENDS, i.e., the products could be found
    [appropriate for the protection of the public health] only if the evidence
    showed that the benefits of the menthol-flavored ENDS were greater than
    tobacco-flavored ENDS, which pose lower risk to youth.” OS then changed
    its position. These memoranda are strong evidence that CTP developed and
    internally circulated new criteria for evaluating PMTAs for menthol-flavored
    ENDS in Summer 2022, long after RJRV had filed its application.
    When rejecting RJRV’s evidence in the Denial Order, the FDA
    brushed over its prior statements about the low popularity of menthol-
    flavored e-cigarettes among youth and substantial benefits for cigarette
    smokers who make the switch. Because its “new policy rest[ed] upon factual
    findings that contradict those which underlay its prior policy,” the FDA had
    to provide “a more detailed justification.” FCC v. Fox Television Stations,
    556 U.S. 502
    , 515, 
    129 S. Ct. 1800
    , 1811 (2009). It did not do so. This
    sudden turnabout further reinforces that the Order is likely arbitrary,
    capricious, or otherwise unlawful.
    3. “Tobacco product standard”
    RJRV has adduced evidence that the FDA has effectively banned all
    non-tobacco-flavored e-cigarettes, pursuant to its new and secret heightened
    evidentiary standard, without affording affected persons any notice or the
    opportunity for public comment. There is no dispute that the TCA requires
    the FDA to abide by notice-and-comment rulemaking procedures before
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    establishing a “tobacco product standard.” 8              21 U.S.C. § 387g(c)–(d).
    Similarly, it is clear that a ban on all but tobacco-flavored e-cigarettes would
    constitute a “tobacco product standard.”              See id. § 387g(a)(1)(A); id.
    § 387g(a)(2); id. § 387g(a)(3). The FDA admits that it “has yet to grant” a
    single application to market non-tobacco-flavored e-cigarettes. This means
    it has denied over 355,000 such applications, which amount to 99% of all
    timely-filed PMTAs. FDA, Press Release, FDA Denies Marketing to Two
    Vuse Menthol E-Cigarette Products (Jan. 24, 2023), https://bit.ly/3YRYWzB;
    Jim McDonald, FDA Denies PMTAs for 300,000 More Flavored E-Liquids,
    Vaping 360 (Sept. 3, 2021), https://bit.ly/3Fu08SS. Cf. FDA, Premarket
    Tobacco      Product     Marketing       Granted       Orders      (Feb. 7,     2023),
    https://bit.ly/3lbNEIV. The only question, then, is whether the FDA has
    instituted a de facto ban on non-tobacco-flavored e-cigarettes. If so, then it
    has violated the APA by failing to provide those regulated with notice or an
    opportunity for public comment.
    The alleged ban stems in part from the “Fatal Flaw” memorandum.
    It is common knowledge that by Summer 2021, the FDA unexpectedly found
    itself inundated with millions of PMTAs.                To speed up application
    processing, the agency circulated an internal memorandum providing a new
    “standard of evidence” for some PMTAs for flavored e-cigarettes. The
    standard should sound familiar: PMTAs now require evidence from a
    randomized controlled trial or long-term study, along with “strong evidence
    that the flavored products have an added benefit relative to that of tobacco-
    flavored ENDS in facilitating smokers completely switching away from or
    Some argue Congress impermissibly delegated authority to the FDA in violation
    of the “major questions” doctrine by permitting the agency to determine what constitutes
    a new “tobacco product.” See, e.g., En Banc Brief for 38 Nat’l and State Elec. Nicotine
    Delivery Sys. Prod. Advoc. Ass’ns as Amici Curiae Supporting Petitioners, Wages & White
    Lion Invs. v. FDA (No. 21-60766) at 20–24. We do not consider that argument here.
    c/w No. 23-60128
    significantly reducing their smoking.” 9 FDA, PMTA Review: Evidence to
    Demonstrate Benefit of Flavored ENDS to Adult Smokers (Aug. 17, 2021); see
    also Timothy Donahue, Lawsuits Focus on FDA’s ‘Fatal Flaw’ Review for
    PMTAs, Vapor Voice (Nov. 19, 2021), https://bit.ly/3lil0Wt (linking to
    “fatal flaw” memoranda); Alex Norcia, FDA Memos Reveals Its “Fatal Flaw”
    Rejection     plan     for    Flavored      Vapes,      Filter    (Nov.       3,    2021),
    https://bit.ly/3mY6T9m. Every PMTA that did not include the requisite
    new evidence was denied. The result: not a single PMTA for non-tobacco-
    flavored e-cigarettes has been granted. 10
    We thus must consider whether this heightened evidentiary standard
    may avoid the APA’s notice-and-comment requirements because the Fatal
    Flaw memo and its progeny were general statements of policy rather than
    substantive rules. This question “turns on whether an agency intends to bind
    itself to a particular legal position.” Texas v. EEOC, 
    933 F.3d 433
    , 441 (5th
    Cir. 2019) (quoting Syncor Int’l Corp. v. Shalala, 
    127 F.3d 90
    , 94 (D.C. Cir.
    1997)). An action is binding “if it appears on its face to be binding,” “is
    applied by the agency in a way that indicates it is binding,” or “retracts an
    agency’s discretion to adopt a different view of the law.” 
     at 441–42
    The dissenting judge in the now-vacated Wages & White Lion merits opinion
    noted that although the Fatal Flaw memo was rescinded at the end of August 2021, “its
    approach appears to have been followed in a check-box ‘scientific review’ form that
    indicated only whether a PMTA included a randomized controlled trial or longitudinal
    cohort study.” Wages, 41 F.4th at 444 (Jones, J. dissenting). The deficiency letter FDA
    sent RJRV in 2021 and the internal memoranda between CTP and OS are additional
    evidence that this standard remained in full effect for all non-tobacco-flavored e-cigarette
    It is worth noting that when this standard was expanded to menthol-flavored e-
    cigarette PMTAs, OS employees expressed their concern to CTP that the standard would
    “result in the removal of all ENDS from the U.S. market except for tobacco-flavored
    ENDS.” See memo attached in Norcia at 3. n.3 (FDA-LOGICTECHNOLOGY-000171).
    They had good foresight.
    c/w No. 23-60128
    (internal quotation marks omitted and alteration adopted).         Further, a
    substantive rule “affects the rights of broad classes of unspecified
    individuals.” City of Arlington v. FCC, 
    668 F.3d 229
    , 242 (5th Cir. 2012); see
     (citing MacLean v. DHS, 
    543 F.3d 1145
    , 1161 (9th Cir. 2008) (agency
    action constituting “de facto rulemaking” “may require a notice and
    comment period”)); Gen. Elec. Co. v. EPA, 
    290 F.3d 377
    , 381–85 (D.C. Cir.
    2002 (an EPA guidance document was a legislative rule that should have been
    issued following notice and an opportunity for public comment).
    We conclude that the Fatal Flaw memo’s heightened evidentiary
    standard “bears all the hallmarks” of a substantive rule. City of Arlington,
    668 F.3d at 242
    . First, the memo is binding on its face by mandating that
    applications contain “the necessary type of studies.” Second, it has been
    applied in a way that indicates it is binding; indeed, the subsequent, myriad
    Denial Orders refer to the same deficiencies identified as “fatal” in the
    memo. Third, it took away the FDA reviewers’ former discretion to consider
    individual PMTAs solely on their merits and instead requires a cursory, box-
    checking review. Finally, it affected the rights of literally hundreds of
    thousands of applicants whose PMTAs were denied. This is not a close call.
    See Iowa League of Cities v. EPA, 
    711 F.3d 844
    , 872–76 (8th Cir. 2013)
    (vacating two letters sent by the EPA to Senator Charles Grassley as
    containing new legislative rules without satisfying notice and comment
    procedures); Safari Club Int’l v. Zinke, 
    878 F.3d 316
    , 333–34 (D.C. Cir. 2017)
    (setting aside a press release issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for
    creating an industry ban without going through notice and comment);
    Batterton v. Marshall, 
    648 F.2d 694
    , 710 (D.C. Cir. 1980) (holding unlawful a
    new methodology for collecting and computing unemployment statistics
    never published or announced by the Department of Labor).
    In sum, the FDA has articulated reasons to be concerned about youth
    vaping. But “[r]egardless of how serious the problem an administrative
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    agency seeks to address, . . . it may not exercise its authority ‘in a manner that
    is inconsistent with the administrative structure that Congress enacted into
    law.’” FDA v. Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp., 
    529 U.S. 120
    , 125,
    120 S. Ct. 1291
    , 1297 (2000) (holding that Congress had not yet empowered
    the FDA to regulate tobacco products). Here, RJRV is likely to show that the
    FDA has instituted a de facto ban on non-tobacco-flavored e-cigarettes
    without going through notice-and-comment. Such action would be held
    unlawful and set aside as promulgated “without observance of procedures
    required by law.” 
    5 U.S.C. § 706
    (2)(D). 11
    B. Irreparable injury
    RJRV submits allegations, unchallenged by FDA, that because of the
    Order, it will incur substantial financial losses in annual revenue as well as
    reputational harm. It will also have to pay a hefty sum to remove the product
    from the market and subsequently dispose of it. “[S]ubstantial financial
    injury” may be “sufficient to show irreparable injury,” especially when there
    is “no guarantee of eventual recovery.” Texas v. EPA, 
    829 F.3d 405
    , 433 (5th
    Cir. 2016); Alabama Ass’n of Realtors v. HHS, 
    141 S. Ct. 2485
    , 2489 (2015).
    Further, “complying with a regulation later held invalid almost always
    produces irreparable harm of nonrecoverable compliance costs.” Texas v.
    829 F.3d at 433
    . There is no suggestion, for instance, that RJRV could
    The Seventh and Eleventh Circuits granted motions to stay FDA Denial Orders
    for other non-tobacco flavored e-cigarette PMTAs. See Gripum LLC v. FDA, No. 21-2840,
    2021 WL 8874972
     (7th Cir. Nov. 4, 2021); Bidi Vapor LLC v. FDA, 
    47 F.4th 1191
     (11th Cir.
    2022). The Sixth Circuit has denied a motion to stay. Breeze Smoke, LLC v. FDA, 
    18 F.4th 499
     (6th Cir. 2021). And this court granted a motion to stay in Wages, 
    16 F.4th 1130
    Ruling on the merits, court decisions have denied e-cigarette manufacturers’
    petitions for review. See Avail Vapor, LLC v. FDA, 
    55 F.4th 409
     (4th Cir. 2022); Liquid
    Labs LLC v. FDA, 
    52 F.4th 533
     (3d Cir. 2022); Gripum, LLC v. FDA, 
    47 F.4th 553
    Cir. 2022); Prohibition Juice Co. v. FDA, 
    45 F.4th 8
     (D.C. Cir. 2022). Those decisions are
    unpersuasive on the facts before us.
    c/w No. 23-60128
    overcome the FDA’s sovereign immunity to recover costs. See Wages,
    16 F.4th at 1142. Given RJRV’s uncontested allegations and legal arguments,
    we conclude that it has met its burden of showing irreparable harm if denied
    a stay pending appeal. “Thus, the two most critical factors favor granting a
    stay.” Id. at 1143.
    C. Balance of harms and public interest
    “[T]he maintenance of the status quo is an important consideration
    in granting a stay.” Barber v. Bryant, 
    833 F.3d 510
    , 511 (5th Cir. 2016). Here,
    RJRV’s menthol Vuse Vibe has been lawfully sold for almost seven years,
    three of which the FDA spent reviewing its application. RJRV contends that
    a “a small delay of this one denial order will not harm FDA.” The FDA does
    not argue otherwise. “Given the great likelihood that [RJRV] will ultimately
    succeed on the merits,” we agree that this factor favors a stay. Texas
    Democratic Party v. Abbott, 
    961 F.3d 389
    , 412 (5th Cir. 2020).
    It is of highest public importance that federal agencies follow the law.
    See Texas v. Biden, 
    10 F.4th 538
    , 559 (5th Cir. 2021) (per curiam). The FDA
    argues that we should defer to “Congress’s policy choice” “that it is in the
    public interest to prohibit the marketing of a new tobacco product until FDA
    finds that it will produce, on balance, a benefit to the public health.” This
    argument is obviously colored by the FDA’s view of the merits. “But our
    system does not permit agencies to act unlawfully even in pursuit of desirable
    ends.” Alabama Ass’n of Realtors, 141 S. Ct. at 2490. In sum, “there is
    generally no public interest in the perpetuation of unlawful agency action,”
    Texas v. Biden, 10 F.4th at 560. And there is no evidence that “Congress’s
    policy choice” included an exemption from mandatory federal administrative
    c/w No. 23-60128
    III. Conclusion
    All four factors favor granting a stay pending appeal. RJRV has easily
    met its burden. For the foregoing reasons, RJRV’s motion for a stay pending
    review of its petition is GRANTED.