Imperial Ed Promotions, L.L.C. v. Emmanuel Pacquia ( 2014 )

  •      Case: 13-40448      Document: 00512475611         Page: 1    Date Filed: 12/18/2013
    United States Court of Appeals
    Fifth Circuit
    No. 13-40448                      December 18, 2013
    Lyle W. Cayce
    IMPERIAL ED PROMOTIONS, L.L.C.                                                  Clerk
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Texas
    USDC No. 7:10-CV-453
    Before JONES, WIENER, and GRAVES, Circuit Judges.
    This is an appeal from the dismissal with prejudice of a suit by Imperial
    ED Promotions, LLC against prominent boxer Emmanuel “Manny” Pacquiao.
    For the reasons that follow, we affirm the dismissal.
    In July 2010, Pacquiao entered into a contract to appear at an event in
    McAllen, Texas. The contract was signed by Pacquiao and Edmundo Lozano
    as “Imperial ED Promotions PRODUCER, Edmundo H. Lozano.” Pacquiao
    * Pursuant to 5TH CIR. R. 47.5, the court has determined that this opinion should not
    be published and is not precedent except under the limited circumstances set forth in 5TH
    CIR. R. 47.5.4.
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    was to be paid a total of $200,000 in two installments: one when the agreement
    was signed, and the second no later than September 3, 2010. Pacquiao failed
    to attend the event and Imperial ED Promotions, LLC (“Imperial ED”) sued
    Pacquiao to recover the $100,000 paid on signing and an additional $119,020
    it allegedly spent on advertising and marketing the Pacquiao appearance.
    Pacquiao answered the complaint and filed a counterclaim against
    Lozano for failing to make the second payment of $100,000. Lozano was never
    served, and thus never became a party to the case. The parties made Rule 26
    disclosures and engaged in written discovery. At a July 18, 2012, pretrial
    conference the district court questioned Imperial ED’s standing to bring the
    suit because the agreement states that it is entered into by “Mr. Edmundo H.
    Lozano, d/b/a Imperial ED Promotions (PRODUCER”).” In response to the
    inquiry, counsel for Imperial ED asked to “present what we have prepared but
    not filed in regard” to the issue of standing.      The district court granted
    Pacquiao leave to file a motion to dismiss for lack of standing.
    Pacquiao filed a motion to dismiss for lack of standing, and Imperial ED
    filed a response to which it attached an “Assignment and Assumption
    Agreement” between Lozano and Imperial ED.           The assignment – which
    Imperial ED had not previously disclosed – purports to transfer all of Lozano’s
    rights and interests in the agreement to Imperial ED. Pacquiao questioned
    the authenticity of the assignment and the district court granted leave to
    perform a forensic examination of the document and to depose the four
    signatories, Edmundo H. Lozano, Salvador Avilez, Pablo Casas, and Domicindo
    After considering the evidence relating to the assignment, the district
    court concluded that the assignment was not executed until after the district
    court raised the issue of standing at the pretrial hearing. Accordingly, it
    granted Pacquiao’s motion to strike and motion for sanctions consisting of
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    dismissal with prejudice.         In the alternative, the district court granted
    Pacquiao’s motion to dismiss for lack of standing. 1
    The district court’s imposition of sanctions is reviewed for an abuse of
    discretion. Brown v. Oil States Skagit Smatco, 
    664 F.3d 71
    , 77 (5th Cir. 2011).
    The district court’s factual findings underlying the imposition of sanctions are
    reviewed for clear error. 
    Id. Because dismissal
    with prejudice is “the severest
    sanction possible,” Brinkmann v. Dallas Cnty. Deputy Sheriff Abner, 
    813 F.2d 744
    , 749 (5th Cir. 1987), we ordinarily affirm a dismissal with prejudice only
    if: “(1) there is ‘a clear record of delay or contumacious conduct by the plaintiff,’
    and (2) ‘lesser sanctions would not serve the best interests of justice.’” 
    Brown, 664 F.3d at 77
    (citing Sturgeon v. Airborne Freight Corp., 
    778 F.2d 1154
    , 1159
    (5th Cir. 1985)). “The district court’s consideration of lesser sanctions should
    appear in the record for review of the court’s exercise of its discretion.”
    Sturgeon, 778 F.2d at 1159
    (citation omitted). “[D]ismissal with prejudice is a
    more appropriate sanction when the objectionable conduct is that of the client,
    and not the attorney.” 
    Brown, 664 F.3d at 77
    (citation omitted).
    Imperial ED raises two primary objections. First, it argues that the
    district court clearly erred when it found the assignment agreement
    fraudulent. Second, it argues that the district court abused its discretion by
    not considering or granting lesser sanctions. We address each argument in
    1 Because we will affirm the district court’s imposition of the sanction of dismissal
    with prejudice, we need not reach the alternative order granting Pacquiao’s motion to dismiss
    for lack of standing.
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    I.    Fraudulent Agreement.
    The district court judge read his detailed findings from the bench. The
    court noted that a power of attorney agreement purporting to transfer Lozano’s
    claims to Salvador Aviles was filed with the complaint but, unlike the
    assignment agreement in question, it was notarized and prepared by counsel.
    The court observed that no mention of the assignment was made until after
    the court raised the standing issue and the agreement was not produced
    despite several production requests for materials related to the relationship
    between Imperial ED and its financial backers. The district court reasoned
    that if such a document existed during discovery, it should have been produced.
    The district court also questioned the manner in which Aviles allegedly
    created the document. Aviles is not a native English speaker and he requested
    the use of a translator in court hearings. Despite his lack of familiarity with
    the language, Aviles claimed that he drafted the assignment agreement by
    googling “Assumption and Assignment Agreement” and using the model
    agreements that his search returned.       Aviles seemed to imply that the
    document was created over several days, while his attorney claimed that it was
    created in a hurry. Additionally, Aviles stated that he gave away both the
    computer upon which the agreement was drafted and the printer from which
    it was printed to unnamed and unknown construction workers who were
    completing work at his home, frustrating any attempts to gather physical
    evidence related to the creation of the document.
    The district court noted other inconsistencies with the document. It
    explained that the assignment agreement indicates equal ownership shares in
    Imperial ED between assignor and the shareholders, which is at odds with
    profit sharing agreements from January 2011 which showed varying interests.
    The court also noted that the signatories’ testimony conflicted as to when the
    document was actually signed, particularly that the Casas claimed to have
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    signed in the presence of Lozano, while Lozano claimed to have no knowledge
    of when or where the Casas signed the agreement.
    Finally, the district court considered the expert testimony. Pacquiao
    submitted an ink dating expert’s report which concluded with ninety percent
    certainty that the agreement was not signed on or near the date in 2010 on
    which it was purported to have been signed. The district court found the expert
    statement proffered by Pacquiao convincing even after consideration of live
    testimony from Imperial ED’s expert. The district court found that “there was
    no Assumption and Assignment Agreement that was properly done at the time
    this lawsuit was filed and that the Assumption and Assignment Agreement
    was only prepared as a result of the desire of the Plaintiffs to satisfy the Court’s
    answer as to do we have the proper party here.”
    In light of the district court’s detailed factual findings, we find no merit
    in Imperial ED’s assertion that there was “no evidence” to support a finding
    that the assignment was fraudulent. Furthermore, under clear error analysis
    this court does not “reweigh the evidence,” “re-evaluate credibility of
    witnesses,” or discount “the district court’s reasonable factual inferences from
    the evidence.” Glass v. Petro-Tex Chem. Corp., 
    757 F.2d 1554
    , 1559 (5th Cir.
    1985). The district court did not err when it found the assignment agreement
    was fraudulent.
    II.    Lesser Sanctions.
    Because the district court determined that the assignment agreement
    was fraudulent, there was a clear record of offensive conduct. Still, this court
    normally only affirms the sanction of dismissal with prejudice where the
    district court has also found that “lesser sanctions would not serve the best
    interests of justice.” 
    Brown, 664 F.3d at 77
    Sturgeon, 778 F.2d at 1159
    Brown upheld the sanction of dismissal with prejudice where the district
    court found that the plaintiff committed perjury. F.3d 71 at 77-78. Brown
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    stated that “dismissal of the complaint in its entirety was the only effective
    sanction,” and that a “severe sanction was necessary under deterrence and
    institutional integrity rationales.” 
    Id. at 79.
    Brown further held that a district
    court could “implicitly reject[]” lesser sanctions as insufficient when it
    determined that dismissal was the only effective option. 
    Id. Here, the
    district court concluded that the plaintiff had perpetrated a
    fraud – conduct similar to the perjury in Brown – and stated that it had “no
    alternative” but to dismiss the case, thereby implicitly rejecting lesser
    sanctions.   Additionally, Fifth Circuit cases have recognized that advance
    warnings of possible default mitigate the requirement that the district court
    consider lesser sanctions. See, e.g., Ramsay v. Bailey, 
    531 F.2d 706
    , 709 n.2
    (5th Cir. 1976) (because “plaintiff was fully and repeatedly apprised of the
    possible imposition of the . . . sanction [of dismissal]” the district court need
    not consider “possible alternative sanctions”);      Diaz v. S. Drilling Corp.,
    427 F.2d 1118
    , 1127 (5th Cir. 1970) (“Thus the default judgment was a
    foreseeable and appropriate response to [plaintiff’s actions], and we hold that
    the trial court did not abuse its discretion in ordering it.”). The district court
    warned Imperial ED on multiple occasions that if the assignment agreement
    were not withdrawn, and if the court found the document to be fabricated, the
    case would be dismissed. The district court did not abuse its discretion when,
    after multiple warnings, it determined that lesser sanctions were inadequate
    to redress Imperial ED’s conduct.
    We AFFIRM the sanction of dismissal with prejudice.