United States v. Juan De Leon, Jr. , 728 F.3d 500 ( 2013 )

  •      Case: 12-40244      Document: 00512358236        Page: 1     Date Filed: 08/29/2013
    FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT  United States Court of Appeals
    Fifth Circuit
    August 29, 2013
    No. 12-40244                       Lyle W. Cayce
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Texas
    Before STEWART, Chief Judge, and DAVIS and WIENER, Circuit Judges.
    WIENER, Circuit Judge:
    Defendant-Appellant Juan De Leon, Jr. (“De Leon”) was convicted on all
    counts of a five-count indictment that charged him with health-care fraud in
    connection with his durable medical equipment (“DME”)1 business. As part of
    his sentence, De Leon was ordered to pay a total of $750,000 in restitution to
    Medicare and Medicaid—the victims defrauded by the scheme. De Leon appeals
    his convictions, claiming that the district court erred in excluding some of the
    character evidence that he proffered. He also appeals the amount of restitution,
    claiming that the district court (1) erroneously included restitution attributable
    De Leon’s DME business included the sale of powered wheelchairs (“PWCs”), scooters,
    diabetic testing supplies, and incontinence supplies.
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    to acts that occurred outside the dates of the specific conspiracy for which he was
    charged and convicted and (2) made “an unreasonable estimate or guess” in
    calculating the amount of actual loss. We affirm in part, and vacate and remand
    in part.
    A.    Indictment and Trial
    De Leon was the owner, director, president, and treasurer of United DME,
    Inc., in Weslaco, Texas. The business provided DME to Medicare and Medicaid
    beneficiaries. According to the indictment, De Leon defrauded Medicare and
    Medicaid by billing for (1) DME prior to delivery to beneficiaries rather than
    after delivery, as required by applicable regulations; (2) new PWCs but
    delivering used PWCs or cheaper scooters; and (3) diabetes supplies that were
    never delivered. Count One charged that the conspiracy began in July 2008 and
    ended in April 2010, in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 1349
    . Counts Two through Four
    charged three specific fraudulent claims that violated 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 1347
     and 2.
    Count Five charged aggravated identify theft, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1028A,
    in connection with Count Three. Named as a co-defendant and co-conspirator
    in Counts One through Four was David Villanueva (“Villanueva”), an employee
    of De Leon who delivered the PWCs or scooters.
    In a three-day jury trial, the government presented ample evidence of De
    Leon’s guilt, including testimony regarding his fraudulent billing practices, from
    investigators and former employees and from beneficiaries who did not receive
    new PWCs. Villanueva testified that he falsified delivery dates and receipt
    signatures, and that he delivered scooters instead of PWCs, all pursuant to De
    Leon’s instructions. The government also presented a signed statement in which
    De Leon admitted that (1) he delivered a scooter, but billed for a PWC; (2) he
    billed for more diabetic and incontinence supplies than he actually delivered; (3)
    he knew “it was wrong to bill for a powered wheelchair and provide a scooter was
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    illegal [sic]”; and (4) he “wanted to make this right, by paying [M]edicare and
    [M]edicaid the money that [he] owe[d], because of [his] fraudulent claims to the
    De Leon did not testify at trial. After calling two government investigators
    involved in the case, De Leon’s counsel called De Leon’s mother as a character
    witness. She testified about De Leon’s upbringing, his military service and
    awards, and his career. Then the following exchange occurred:
    Counsel:           Okay. And is he a law-abiding citizen?
    Mother:            Yes.
    Government:        Object, your Honor, this is improper 608(a)—
    Court:             Correct. Sustained.
    Counsel:           Can I get—
    Court:             Sustained. That objection—608(a).
    De Leon’s mother then testified that her son was “truthful and honest” and had
    never had problems with anyone.
    Defense counsel then attempted to call another character witness and
    asked the district court: “Do we get to go into character, truthfulness and all
    those things?” The district court again cited Federal Rule of Evidence 608 and
    informed counsel he could “only ask, ‘Are you familiar with the reputation?’ ” or
    “ ‘Do you know him for being truthful?’ ” De Leon’s counsel chose not to call the
    second witness and did not explain who he was or what his testimony might
    have been. The defense then rested.
    In closing argument, De Leon’s counsel attempted to blame Villanueva and
    offered innocent explanations of various claims alleged at trial to have been
    fraudulent. In particular, counsel argued that the absence of complaints from
    beneficiaries indicated that De Leon had no way of knowing that scooters were
    being delivered instead of PWCs. The district court instructed the jury to
    disregard any testimony or evidence to which objections had been sustained.
    The jury convicted De Leon on all counts.
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    B.    Sentencing and Restitution
    The United States Probation Office prepared a presentence investigation
    report (“PSR”) on De Leon. The PSR stated that Medicare and Medicaid had
    sustained actual losses of $1,161,737.58 and $1,783,440.46, respectively,
    reflecting their payments to De Leon between 2005 and 2011, for a total of
    $2,945,178.04. The PSR recommended restitution in that amount. The district
    court held a series of hearings on loss calculation for sentencing and restitution
    purposes. At one of these hearings, the government submitted spreadsheets
    detailing the fraudulent claims that totaled $2,945,178.04. De Leon objected to
    the restitution calculation, contending that not all of the claims he submitted to
    Medicare and Medicaid were fraudulent and offering a confusing calculation of
    actual loss totaling only $120,000.
    At the final sentencing hearing, the district court stated that it had “spent
    hours reviewing the [government’s] spreadsheets” and that, because it was
    “difficult, if not impossible, to ascertain with precision the actual loss,” the court
    would “estimate” the loss. It then stated that the loss totaled $750,000. When
    the probation officer remarked that Medicare and Medicaid were distinct victim
    entities, the court responded that “[t]he fraud was about equal to each so, yes,
    the Court will just divide it in half as to each.” The district court sentenced De
    Leon to 120 months’ imprisonment and ordered him to pay $375,000 in
    restitution to each victim, for a total of $750,000. De Leon timely filed a notice
    of appeal.
    A.    Character Evidence
    De Leon first asserts that the district court reversibly erred in excluding
    admissible character evidence pursuant to Rule 608(a). He contends that the
    district court should have admitted the evidence of his law-abiding character
    pursuant to Rule 404(a), and that its failure to do so prevented him from
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    demonstrating that he did not act with the requisite state of mind. As a result,
    he insists, his convictions should be reversed.
    1.       Standard of Review
    As a threshold matter, the parties dispute whether De Leon preserved for
    appeal the exclusion of his character evidence. The government claims that De
    Leon failed to preserve this claimed error, so that we should review it only for
    plain error.2 De Leon responds that he asked a permissible question but the
    government “led the court down a legally erroneous path” by citing Rule 608, so
    the error should be treated as preserved. De Leon thus urges us to review the
    district court’s evidentiary rulings for abuse of discretion, which is subject to
    harmless error analysis.3
    2.       Analysis
    The district court did err when it excluded De Leon’s evidence of his law-
    abiding character. “[E]vidence of the defendant’s pertinent trait” is admissible.4
    And evidence of the defendant’s “character as a law-abiding citizen . . . is always
    relevant.”5 The evidence can take the form of a witness’s opinion or testimony
    regarding the defendant’s reputation.6 Rule 608(a), which the district court cited
    in limiting testimony to De Leon’s character for truthfulness, applies only to a
    witness’s credibility.7 As De Leon was not a witness, the district court erred
    when it sustained an objection to the question, “And is [De Leon] a law abiding
    United States v. Peltier, 
    505 F.3d 389
    , 391 (5th Cir. 2007).
    United States v. Jackson, 
    636 F.3d 687
    , 692 (5th Cir. 2011).
    Fed. R. Evid. 404(a)(2)(A).
    See United States v. Hewitt, 
    634 F.2d 277
    , 279 (5th Cir. Unit A 1981); see also United
    States v. John, 
    309 F.3d 298
    , 302-03 (5th Cir. 2002).
    Fed. R. Evid. 405(a).
    See United States v. Yarbrough, 
    527 F.3d 1092
    , 1101 n.5 (10th Cir. 2008).
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    citizen?,” and when it limited the second witness’s testimony to the “very, very
    narrow” topic of De Leon’s reputation for truthfulness. This error of law was an
    abuse of discretion.8
    Even though the district court erred in excluding such evidence, however,
    we must “affirm[] the judgment unless the ruling affected a substantial right of
    the complaining party.”9 We “will not overturn a conviction based on the
    exclusion of evidence unless a reasonable probability exists that the error
    contributed to conviction.”10 Although De Leon cites several cases reversing
    convictions based on the exclusion of character evidence, none is factually
    similar. The defendant in United States v. Hewitt was charged with several
    counts of unlawful possession or receipt of firearms. We observed that “[i]n some
    circumstances, evidence of good character may of itself create a reasonable doubt
    as to guilt.”11        Then, without discussion of the specific prejudice to that
    defendant, we reversed his convictions.12 Similarly, the defendant in United
    States v. John was charged with molesting a young girl, and the case “hinged
    entirely on credibility” because the government presented no “witnesses or other
    corroborating evidence supporting the child’s accusations.”13 Although the trial
    court allowed the defendant’s character evidence, it denied a defense-requested
    instruction that the jury consider such evidence, as it could give rise to
    See Hewitt, 
    634 F.2d at 279
    United States v. Tucker, 
    345 F.3d 320
    , 326 (5th Cir. 2003) (internal quotation marks
    United States v. Gulley, 
    526 F.3d 809
    , 919 n.2 (5th Cir. 2008).
    634 F.2d at 278
    id. at 280
    309 F.3d at 302
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    reasonable doubt.14 Because the defendant’s “main theory of defense” was his
    credibility, and the court’s rejection of the defense-requested instruction denied
    him the benefit of his admissible character evidence, we reversed the
    De Leon also cites jurisprudence from other circuits. One is United States
    v. Yarbrough, in which the defendant was a police officer accused of leaking
    information to a person who was the subject of an ongoing investigation.16 The
    defendant’s actions were uncontroverted, but his mental state was “a sharply
    controverted question going to the heart” of his defense. The Tenth Circuit
    reversed the conviction, concluding that exclusion of testimony regarding the
    defendant’s character as a law-abiding police officer was prejudicial.17 Similarly,
    in United States v. Angelini, the defendant in a drug case disputed the
    prosecution’s version of his statements at a crucial meeting. The defense offered
    witnesses to his law-abiding character, but the district court excluded the
    character witnesses.18 The Second Circuit reversed, concluding that it “cannot
    say that the exclusion of this evidence was harmless error.”19
    These cases are not persuasive here. True, part of De Leon’s defense was
    that he did not know the PWCs were not being delivered and that he did not
    intend to commit fraud, so that evidence of his law-abiding character would tend
    to negate the required mens rea.20 But, this is not a case in which it was simply
    id. at 304-05
    527 F.3d at 1095-96
    id. at 1102-03
    678 F.2d 380
    , 381 (2d Cir. 1982).
    id. at 382
    See Yarbrough, 
    527 F.3d at 1102-03
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    the defendant’s word against the word of another, as in John and Angelini. The
    government presented overwhelming evidence of De Leon’s knowing submission
    of fraudulent claims, including testimony from employees who he instructed to
    forge delivery receipts. And, as noted, the government introduced De Leon’s
    signed statement in which he admitted that he had submitted fraudulent claims.
    In light of all that evidence, there is no meaningful probability that the jury
    would have acquitted De Leon, even if it had heard his mother and another
    unidentified individual testify that he was law-abiding. Although the district
    court erred in excluding that testimony, we are satisfied that the error was
    harmless,21 and we affirm his convictions.
    B.     Restitution
    De Leon also contends that, even if we affirm his convictions, we should
    reverse the amount of restitution calculated by the district court. He insists that
    the court (1) erroneously awarded restitution for time outside the dates of the
    specific conspiracy for which he was charged and convicted and (2) made “an
    unreasonable estimate or guess” in calculating the amount of actual loss. He
    urges that the restitution order be vacated and this matter remanded for a
    correct calculation of the amount of actual loss.
    1.     Applicable Law and Standard of Review
    The Mandatory Victim Restitution Act (“MVRA”) requires a district court
    to award restitution to victims “directly and proximately harmed” by a
    We need not determine whether De Leon preserved this error for appeal because we
    find that his argument fails even under harmless error review, a less difficult standard to
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    defendant’s offense.22 But, the MVRA does not permit a court to award a
    windfall greater than the victim’s actual loss.23
    The government has the burden of proving a victim’s actual losses.24 On
    occasion, however, we have shifted to the defendant the burden to show any
    entitlement to a credit for value bestowed on the victim.25 The trial court must
    resolve any disputes as to the amount of restitution based on a preponderance
    of the evidence.26 In addition, the sentencing court’s “failure to give a reasoned
    analysis of how it arrived at its [restitution] award in a manner that allows for
    effective appellate review” may require vacating and remanding.27 That said,
    however, the court “need not make specific findings . . . if the record provides an
    adequate basis to support the restitution order.”28
    We review preserved error as to the quantum of a restitution award for
    abuse of discretion.29 Absent a party’s objection in the district court, however,
    we review such an award for plain error.30 “This court has never applied a
    harmless error analysis to restitution” because “an order of restitution must be
    See 18 U.S.C. § 3663A(a)(1), (a)(2), (c)(1); see also United States v. Arledge, 
    553 F.3d 881
    , 898 (2008).
    See United States v. Beydoun, 
    469 F.3d 102
    , 107-08 (5th Cir. 2006).
    18 U.S.C. § 3664
    See United States v. Sharma, 
    703 F.3d 318
    , 325-26 (5th Cir. 2012) (collecting cases).
    18 U.S.C. § 3664
    See United States v. Wright, 
    639 F.3d 679
    , 686 (5th Cir. 2011), rev’d on other grounds
    by In re Amy Unknown, 
    701 F.3d 749
     (5th Cir. 2012).
    United States v. Blocker, 
    104 F.3d 720
    , 737 (5th Cir. 1997).
    See Sharma, 703 F.3d at 322.
    United States v. Maturin, 
    488 F.3d 657
    , 660 (5th Cir. 2007).
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    limited to losses caused by the specific conduct underlying the offense of
    2.       Analysis
    Restitution is limited to the loss actually caused by the offense of
    conviction, the time span of which is defined by the “specific temporal scope” of
    the indictment.32 Thus, restitution cannot be awarded for “losses” attributable
    to conduct outside the temporal scope of the scheme charged; the same is true
    for conduct not charged as part of the scheme.33
    In this case, the temporal scope of the conduct charged in the indictment
    was June or July 2008 through April 2010.34 The conduct charged in Counts One
    through Four related only to (1) billing before delivery, (2) billing for new PWCs
    but delivering cheaper substitutes, and (3) billing for diabetes supplies that were
    not delivered. Despite that limited scope of the conspiracy’s time span and
    conduct, however, the $2.9 million actual loss reported in the PSR included every
    dollar that Medicare and Medicaid paid to De Leon, on any and all claims, from
    2005 through 2011. Payments to De Leon in 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2011,
    however, cannot be counted among the actual losses incurred by Medicare or
    Medicaid caused by the offense of conviction because he was not indicted for and
    convicted of conspiring during those years.             Therefore, the PSR figure of
    $2,945,178.04 overstated Medicare’s and Medicaid’s payments—and thus
    553 F.3d at 899
     (remanding because $54,000 of $5.8 million restitution order
    was not a loss to any victim).
    United States v. Inman, 
    411 F.3d 591
    , 595 (5th Cir. 2005) (emphasis in original);
    United States v. Mason, __ F.3d __, 
    2013 WL 3329033
    , at *2-3 (5th Cir. July 2, 2013).
    See Sharma, 703 F.3d at 323.
    The indictment charged that the conspiracy lasted from July 2008 through April
    2010, but Count Two charged a fraudulent bill in June 2008.
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    overstated the maximum possible actual loss—by at least $1,334,421.29.35
    Regrettably, such errors in the PSR led the sentencing court to err in calculating
    the quantum of restitution.
    The PSR’s $2.9 million figure includes amounts De Leon billed outside the
    temporal scope of the charged conspiracy, so any restitution award based on the
    entire $2.9 million recommended in the PSR would have to be plainly
    erroneous.36 Although the district court did not award the full $2.9 million as
    restitution because it deducted from the PSR’s figure the amounts billed that
    were not fraudulent,37 we find nothing in the record to suggest that the district
    court also excluded all sums paid to De Leon by Medicare and Medicaid for goods
    Medicare paid $247,835.14 in 2006; $334,931.57 in 2007; and $3,762.39 in 2011.
    Medicaid paid $56,993.72 in 2005; $164,361.22 in 2006; $290,670.63 in 2007; and $235,866.62
    in 2011. The record is not clear as to the amounts Medicare and Medicaid paid on a month-by-
    month basis in 2008 and 2010. As the indictment charged De Leon with conspiring in some,
    but not all, of the years 2008 and 2010, payments made in January through May or June 2008,
    as well as those made in May through December 2010, are not deemed to have been caused
    by the offense of conviction. Such payments, therefore, cannot be counted as actual losses to
    Medicare or Medicaid for purposes of restitution from De Leon.
    411 F.3d at 595
    ; Mason, 
    2013 WL 3329033
    , at *2-3. The government
    contends that De Leon did not preserve his objection to the restitution amount, so review is
    only for plain error. Whether we review the restitution award for abuse of discretion or plain
    error is of no moment, because we repeatedly have found reversible error when a district court
    awarded restitution for conduct outside the temporal scope of the crimes charged in the
    indictment. See Inman, 
    411 F.3d at 595
     (finding plain error and remanding for recalculation
    of restitution where the award included amounts for conduct outside the temporal scope of the
    crimes charged in the indictment); Mason, 
    2013 WL 3329033
    , at *2-3 (same).
    The district court stated it did not believe that every claim De Leon filed was
    fraudulent. That court also recognized that, if De Leon billed for DME before delivering it, but
    then actually delivered it, no financial loss would have been caused to Medicare or Medicaid
    merely by the early billing. That is, part of the conspiracy only resulted in early payment of
    valid claims, so that part of the fraud did not cause losses because Medicare and Medicaid
    would have paid such claims later. Thus, the district court understood that the “ceiling” of
    Medicaid and Medicare’s total payments to De Leon would have to be reduced to reflect their
    actual losses.
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    sold and delivered outside the temporal scope of the charged conspiracy.38 Thus,
    the district court plainly erred by relying on the PSR’s overinclusive figure—an
    amount almost twice that which possibly could have been paid as a result of the
    fraud actually charged in the indictment—as the “ceiling” for determining
    Medicare’s and Medicaid’s actual losses. By calculating restitution on the basis
    of the PSR’s exaggerated “ceiling,” the district court indisputably awarded
    restitution for claims outside the scope of the charged conspiracy. As doing so
    is plain error, we must vacate the restitution reward and remand for
    recalculation.39       And, because we do so, we need not address De Leon’s
    contention that the district court further erred by failing to articulate its
    methodology for calculating the restitution amount.
    We recognize that the district court devoted substantial time and effort to
    determining its $750,000 award, including the holding of three sentencing
    hearings and reviewing voluminous spreadsheets of billing records.                            And,
    regrettably, the district court’s recalculation on remand is likely to be no less
    demanding or time consuming. We note, therefore, that this task does not fall
    solely to that court and the government: “Even though the MVRA puts the
    burden on the government to demonstrate the amount of a victim’s loss, a
    sentencing court may shift ‘the burden of demonstrating such other matters as
    the court deems appropriate . . . [to] the party designated by the court as justice
    requires.’ ”40 Under similar circumstances, “we have approved the transfer of at
    least a portion of the burden to a defendant to establish his entitlement to a
    Citing to the record, the government contended—for the first time at oral
    argument—that the district court excluded the amounts outside the time frame of the
    conspiracy charged in the indictment. The portions of the record the government cites,
    however, in no way indicate that the district court excluded the amounts billed before June
    or July 2008 or after April 2010.
    411 F.3d at 595
    ; Mason, 
    2013 WL 3329033
    , at *2-3.
    Sharma, 703 F.3d at 325 (citing 
    18 U.S.C. § 3664
    (e)) (alterations in original).
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    restitution credit.”41 Thus, the government—and De Leon, if the district court
    concludes that justice requires him to demonstrate the amount of credit he is
    due42—must assist the district court in calculating the correct amount of
    We affirm De Leon’s convictions, but we vacate the district court’s order
    of restitution and remand for that court to recalculate the amount in a manner
    consistent with this opinion.
     (collecting cases).
    We remind De Leon that, although he might be entitled to credit for “any amount
    that the insurer would have paid had the defendant not committed the fraud,” he is not
    entitled to credits for amounts billed or value received by beneficiaries for unnecessary or non-
    prescribed DME which Medicare or Medicaid would not have paid. Sharma, 703 F.3d at 324-
    25; see also United States v. Edet, 
    2009 WL 552123
    , at *3 (5th Cir. Mar. 5, 2009) (affirming
    a restitution award that did not credit the value of wheelchairs actually provided to patients
    because the defendant did not offer any evidence that Medicare would have paid for the
    wheelchairs in the absence of the fraud).