Morris Jackson v. Keith Smith , 745 F.3d 206 ( 2014 )

    Pursuant to Sixth Circuit I.O.P. 32.1(b)
    File Name: 14a0045p.06
    No. 11-4146
    Respondent-Appellee. -
    KEITH SMITH, Warden,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Ohio at Akron.
    No. 5:09-cv-1467—Solomon Oliver, Jr., Chief District Judge.
    Argued: June 19, 2013
    Decided and Filed: March 7, 2014
    Before: GILMAN, GRIFFIN, and WHITE, Circuit Judges.
    CLINIC, Cincinnati, Ohio, for Appellant. Jerri L. Fosnaught, OFFICE OF THE OHIO
    ATTORNEY GENERAL, Columbus, Ohio, for Appellee. ON BRIEF: Colter L.
    Paulson, SQUIRE SANDERS LLP, Cincinnati, Ohio, for Appellant. Jerri L. Fosnaught,
    OFFICE OF THE OHIO ATTORNEY GENERAL, Columbus, Ohio, for Appellee.
    GRIFFIN, J., delivered the opinion of the court in which GILMAN, J., concurred,
    and WHITE, J., concurred in part. WHITE, J. (pp. 13–14), delivered a separate opinion
    concurring in part.
    GRIFFIN, Circuit Judge. Morris Jackson appeals the denial of his habeas corpus
    petition filed under 28 U.S.C. § 2254, in which he claims that the consecutive sentences
    imposed on his Ohio convictions for aggravated robbery and attempted kidnapping
    No. 11-4146        Jackson v. Smith                                                Page 2
    violate the Double Jeopardy Clause’s ban on multiple punishments for the same offense.
    We affirm.
    In November 2005, an Ohio jury convicted Jackson of aggravated robbery and
    attempted kidnapping, among other crimes. See Ohio Rev. Code §§ 2911.01(A)(1)
    (aggravated robbery), 2905.01(A)(2) (kidnapping), 2923.02(A) (attempt). The factual
    basis for these convictions involved an attempted bank robbery. Driving a stolen vehicle
    and wearing masks to cover their faces, Jackson and a man named Daniel Ivery arrived
    at the National City Bank in Canton, Ohio. The two men approached the bank but were
    confronted by an off-duty Canton police officer working security for the bank. The
    officer drew his weapon and yelled “police!” several times. Following an exchange of
    gunfire between Ivery and the officer, Jackson ran across the street towards a restaurant.
    When he reached the parking lot, he approached Sara Bineger, who was seated in the
    driver’s seat of her vehicle, waiting to pull out of the lot. Jackson opened the car door,
    pointed a gun at Bineger, and told her to “scoot over.” When she hesitated, Jackson tried
    to sit on her, at which point Bineger escaped through the passenger door. Jackson then
    drove away in Bineger’s car.
    At sentencing, Jackson argued that the offenses of aggravated robbery and
    attempted kidnapping were allied offenses of similar import under Ohio Revised Code
    § 2941.25 and asked the court to merge the kidnapping conviction into the robbery
    conviction. The court denied the request, finding the offenses to be of dissimilar import.
    Applying the Ohio Supreme Court’s then-applicable framework laid out in State v.
    710 N.E.2d 699
    (Ohio 1999), overruled by State v. Johnson, 
    942 N.E.2d 1061
    (Ohio 2010), the trial court compared the statutory elements of the offenses in the
    abstract and found that “one could [commit] the offense of kidnapping without
    committing the offense of aggravated robbery and vice versa.” The court imposed
    consecutive sentences of ten years on the aggravated robbery offense and five years on
    the attempted kidnapping offense. The Ohio Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court’s
    rejection of Jackson’s merger argument, relying on the unpublished decision in State v.
    No. 11-4146         Jackson v. Smith                                              Page 3
    McCoy, No. 05-CA-29, 
    2006 WL 39100
    (Ohio Ct. App. Jan. 5, 2006), which held that
    aggravated robbery and kidnapping were offenses of dissimilar import. The Ohio
    Supreme Court denied leave to appeal.
    Jackson petitioned for habeas relief in the district court. As relevant here,
    Jackson claimed that punishing him for aggravated robbery and attempted kidnapping
    violated his rights under the federal Double Jeopardy Clause. The district court denied
    relief on this claim but granted a certificate of appealability. This timely appeal
    We first consider whether the heightened standards imposed by the Antiterrorism
    and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (AEDPA) govern Jackson’s double jeopardy
    claim. See 28 U.S.C. § 2254(d). These standards apply to “any claim that was
    adjudicated on the merits in State Court proceedings.” 
    Id. By comparison,
    claims not
    “adjudicated on the merits” by the state court are given plenary review by a federal
    habeas court, even where AEDPA otherwise applies. See, e.g., Jackson v. Houk,
    687 F.3d 723
    , 731 (6th Cir. 2012); see also, e.g., Wiggins v. Smith, 
    539 U.S. 510
    , 534
    (2003). In past cases, determining whether a claim was “adjudicated on the merits”
    sometimes proved difficult, whether because the state court issued a summary denial,
    bereft of analysis, see Harrington v. Richter, 
    131 S. Ct. 770
    , 784 (2011), because the
    state court explicitly addressed some of the federal claims presented but not others, see
    Johnson v. Williams, 
    133 S. Ct. 1088
    , 1093 (2013), or because the state court confined
    its analysis to state-law authorities, see Danner v. Motley, 
    448 F.3d 372
    , 376 (6th Cir.
    In cases where the state court relied solely upon state authority, we previously
    held that the federal claim was not adjudicated on the merits and considered the claim
    de novo. See 
    id. (concluding that
    “[a]ny consideration of the Sixth Amendment
    contained within the state case law upon which the state courts relied is too attenuated
    to consider the Sixth Amendment claim to have been ‘adjudicated on the merits’”). But
    the Supreme Court recently overruled our approach and held that “[w]hen a federal claim
    No. 11-4146        Jackson v. Smith                                                 Page 4
    has been presented to a state court and the state court has denied relief, it may be
    presumed that the state court adjudicated the claim on the merits in the absence of any
    indication or state-law procedural principles to the contrary.” 
    Richter, 131 S. Ct. at 784
    –85. And this rule applies, whether the state court denied relief summarily, see 
    id., expressly addressed
    some of the claims but not the one advanced on federal habeas
    review, see 
    Johnson, 133 S. Ct. at 1093
    , or confined its analysis to state-law authorities,
    see Brown v. Bobby, 
    656 F.3d 325
    , 329 (6th Cir. 2011) (holding that the state court’s
    exclusive focus on Ohio’s speedy-trial provisions in rejecting a federal speedy-trial
    claim failed to rebut the presumption of a merits adjudication).
    Citing our earlier decision in Danner, Jackson contends that his double jeopardy
    claim, though fairly presented, was not adjudicated on the merits and therefore must be
    reviewed de novo. We disagree. Jackson is correct that the Ohio Court of Appeals’
    analysis of his double jeopardy claim was limited to an application of Ohio’s allied
    offenses statute, Ohio Rev. Code § 2941.25, as interpreted by the Ohio Supreme Court
    in State v. Rance, 
    710 N.E.2d 699
    (Ohio 1999). But that analysis is entirely dispositive
    of the federal double jeopardy claim, as the Ohio Supreme Court recognized in Rance.
    Id. at 705
    (explaining that the allied offenses analysis “answers the constitutional and
    state statutory inquiries”). Therefore, the state court necessarily resolved the federal
    claim, despite not expressly saying so. See 
    Johnson, 133 S. Ct. at 1098
    (“Regardless of
    whether a California court would consider Williams’ [state] and Sixth Amendment
    claims to be perfectly coextensive, the fact that these claims are so similar makes it
    unlikely that the California Court of Appeal decided one while overlooking the other.”);
    cf. Early v. Packer, 
    537 U.S. 3
    , 8 (2002) (per curiam) (holding that an explained decision
    receives AEDPA deference even if the state court fails to cite—or is not even aware
    of—relevant Supreme Court precedent). Because the Ohio Court of Appeals adjudicated
    Jackson’s federal claim “on the merits,” we must review its decision under AEDPA’s
    heightened standards.
    Pursuant to these standards, eligibility for federal relief on a claim adjudicated
    on the merits requires the petitioner to demonstrate that the state court’s decision
    No. 11-4146            Jackson v. Smith                                                           Page 5
    “resulted in a decision that was contrary to, or involved an unreasonable application of,
    clearly established Federal law, as determined by the Supreme Court of the United
    States.” 28 U.S.C. § 2254(d)(1).1
    Where, as here, § 2254(d)(1) governs a federal court’s review of a state
    conviction, the applicable substantive law is limited to federal law “clearly established”
    by the holdings of Supreme Court decisions. Williams v. Taylor, 
    529 U.S. 362
    , 412
    (2000). Identifying the requisite substantive law, therefore, is the “starting point for
    cases subject to § 2254(d)(1).” Marshall v. Rodgers, 
    133 S. Ct. 1446
    , 1449 (2013) (per
    The Fifth Amendment provides in relevant part that no person shall “be twice put
    in jeopardy” for “the same offence.”                U.S. Const. amend. V.             This guarantee,
    fundamental as it is to “the American scheme of justice,” applies against the States by
    virtue of the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause. See Benton v. Maryland,
    395 U.S. 784
    , 795 (1968). The Double Jeopardy Clause protects against “multiple
    punishments for the same offense,” among other things. North Carolina v. Pearce,
    395 U.S. 711
    , 717 (1969), overruled in part on other grounds by Alabama v. Smith, 
    490 U.S. 794
    (1989). As the Court long ago recognized, “[i]f there is anything settled in the
    jurisprudence of England and America, it is that no man can be twice lawfully punished
    for the same offence.” Ex parte Lange, 
    85 U.S. 163
    , 168 (1874).
    The warden begins his defense of the district court’s judgment with an argument
    that is inconsistent with well-settled precedent. According to the warden, “the test for
    determining whether two statutes constitute the ‘same offense’ for double jeopardy
    purposes was first developed in Blockburger v. United States, 
    284 U.S. 299
    (1932).” He
    Eligibility also exists where the adjudication “resulted in a decision that was based on an
    unreasonable determination of the facts in light of the evidence presented in the State court proceeding.”
    28 U.S.C. § 2254(d)(2). Subparagraph (d)(2) is not applicable here.
    No. 11-4146         Jackson v. Smith                                                 Page 6
    then contends that the Ohio Court of Appeals “applied Blockburger to the particular
    statutory provisions at issue as required by United States Supreme Court precedent” and
    reached a decision that was neither contrary to, nor an unreasonable application of, the
    Blockburger test.
    This argument is entirely inapposite. To begin, the Ohio courts did not apply
    Blockburger; they applied Ohio’s allied offenses statute.          Nor does the federal
    constitution require the state courts to apply Blockburger to resolve the double jeopardy
    claim.    What determines whether the constitutional prohibition against multiple
    punishments has been violated is the state legislature’s intent concerning punishment.
    Specifically, “[w]ith respect to cumulative sentences imposed in a single trial, the
    Double Jeopardy Clause does no more than prevent the sentencing court from
    prescribing greater punishment than the legislature intended.” Missouri v. Hunter, 
    459 U.S. 359
    , 366 (1983). In the federal system, it is presumed that “Congress ordinarily
    does not intend to punish the same offense under two different statutes.” Whalen v.
    United States, 
    445 U.S. 684
    , 691 (1980). “Accordingly, where two statutory provisions
    proscribe the ‘same offense,’ they are construed not to authorize cumulative punishments
    in the absence of a clear indication of contrary legislative intent.” 
    Id. at 692.
    In Blockburger, the Court created a test for determining whether two federal
    statutory provisions really proscribe the “same offense” and thus whether Congress
    presumptively intended just one punishment: “where the same act or transaction
    constitutes a violation of two distinct statutory provisions, the test to be applied to
    determine whether there are two offenses or only one, is whether each provision requires
    proof of a fact which the other does 
    not.” 284 U.S. at 304
    . But this test, the Court has
    clarified, is merely a “rule of statutory construction,” designed to assist courts in
    discerning Congress’s intent; the Fifth (and Fourteenth) Amendments do not require the
    States to use it, and they are free to create their own tests, whether by statute or through
    judicial decisionmaking. Legislative intent is the touchstone; it, and not the Blockburger
    test, determines whether two offenses are the same and, if so, whether multiple
    punishments are nevertheless intended. Albernaz v. United States, 
    450 U.S. 333
    , 344
    No. 11-4146        Jackson v. Smith                                                Page 7
    (1981) (“The question of what punishments are constitutionally permissible is not
    different from the question of what punishments the Legislative Branch intended to be
    imposed.”); see also 
    Rance, 710 N.E.2d at 705
    (“In Ohio it is unnecessary to resort to
    the Blockburger test[.]”).
    The Court’s decision in Hunter, 
    459 U.S. 359
    , illustrates the point. There, the
    Missouri Supreme Court, using the Blockburger test, concluded that Missouri statutes
    prohibiting robbery in the first degree and armed criminal action stemming from the
    robbery criminalized only one course of conduct. Based solely on that determination,
    the court found a “multiple punishments” violation, despite acknowledging “that the
    Missouri legislature had expressed its clear intent that a defendant should be subject to
    conviction and sentence under the armed criminal action statute in addition to any
    conviction and sentence for the underlying felony.” 
    Id. at 363–64.
    The United States
    Supreme Court reversed, explaining that the legislature’s intent, not the results of the
    Blockburger test, controlled: “Where, as here, a legislature specifically authorizes
    cumulative punishment under two statutes, regardless of whether those two statutes
    proscribe the ‘same’ conduct under Blockburger, a court’s task of statutory construction
    is at an end and the prosecutor may seek and the trial court or jury may impose
    cumulative punishment under such statutes in a single trial.” 
    Id. at 368–69;
    see also
    Ohio v. Johnson, 
    467 U.S. 493
    , 499 n.8 (1984) (“As should be evident from our decision
    in Missouri v. Hunter, . . . the Blockburger test does not necessarily control the inquiry
    into the intent of a state legislature.”). The warden makes the same mistake here by
    elevating Blockburger to the status of a constitutional requirement.
    The Ohio legislature has expressed its intention in regard to multiple
    punishments through a rule of general applicability. Ohio Revised Code § 2941.25
    (A) Where the same conduct by defendant can be construed to constitute
    two or more allied offenses of similar import, the indictment or
    information may contain counts for all such offenses, but the defendant
    may be convicted of only one.
    No. 11-4146        Jackson v. Smith                                                 Page 8
    (B) Where the defendant’s conduct constitutes two or more offenses of
    dissimilar import, or where his conduct results in two or more offenses
    of the same or similar kind committed separately or with a separate
    animus as to each, the indictment or information may contain counts for
    all such offenses, and the defendant may be convicted of all of them.
    Ohio courts apply this statute, not the Blockburger test, to ascertain the Ohio
    legislature’s intent. 
    Rance, 710 N.E.2d at 705
    ; see State v. Bickerstaff, 
    461 N.E.2d 892
    896 n.1 (Ohio 1984) (explaining that the allied offenses statute “is a clear indication of
    the General Assembly’s intent to permit cumulative sentencing for the commission of
    certain offenses”). The Ohio Supreme Court has interpreted the statute in various ways
    over the years. Three decisions are particularly relevant.
    The first is State v. Rance, 
    710 N.E.2d 699
    (Ohio 1999), where the Ohio Supreme
    Court held that when ascertaining whether two offenses are allied, a court must consider
    the statutory elements in the abstract, as opposed to considering the specific facts of the
    Id. at 705
    . The court stated further that “[c]ourts should assess, by aligning the
    elements of each crime in the abstract, whether the statutory elements of the crimes
    correspond to such a degree that the commission of one crime will [automatically] result
    in the commission of the other.” 
    Id. (internal quotation
    marks omitted). Rance governed
    at the time Jackson’s case came before the Ohio Court of Appeals. The court applied the
    case in rejecting Jackson’s claim.
    The second relevant decision is State v. Winn, 
    905 N.E.2d 154
    (Ohio 2009),
    decided after Jackson’s convictions became final. There, using the Rance framework,
    the Ohio Supreme Court concluded that aggravated robbery and kidnapping—essentially
    the offenses at issue here, though Jackson was convicted of attempted kidnapping—are
    allied offenses of similar import. Comparing the elements of the offenses in the abstract,
    the court concluded that “the two offenses are so similar that the commission of one
    offense will necessarily result in commission of the other.” 
    Id. at 158.
    This result, the
    court stated, was “in keeping with 30 years of precedent.” 
    Id. at 158.
    The third is State v. Johnson, 
    942 N.E.2d 1061
    (Ohio 2010), also decided after
    Jackson’s convictions became final. In that case, the Ohio Supreme Court overruled
    No. 11-4146         Jackson v. Smith                                                 Page 9
    Rance, concluding that its approach was in tension with the language of the allied
    offense statute, was difficult to apply, offered almost no guidance to the lower courts,
    and sometimes yielded absurd results. The court created a new standard for ascertaining
    whether two crimes are allied offenses. Under this standard, “[w]hen determining
    whether two offenses are allied offenses of similar import subject to merger . . . , the
    conduct of the accused must be considered.” 
    Id. at 1069.
    This new approach, the court
    concluded, flowed from the plain language in the allied offenses statute, which focuses
    on the defendant’s conduct. 
    Id. at 1070.
    Accordingly, “[i]f the offenses correspond to
    such a degree that the conduct of the defendant constituting commission of one offense
    constitutes commission of the other, then the offenses are of similar import.” 
    Id. If that
    is the case, “then the court must determine whether the offenses were committed by the
    same conduct, i.e., ‘a single act, committed with a single state of mind.’” 
    Id. If that
    is the case, “then the offenses are allied offenses of similar import and will be merged.”
    Id. C. Jackson
    makes two arguments. First, he contends that using the new test for
    allied offenses set forth in Johnson, it is clear that the Ohio legislature never authorized
    multiple punishments for his convictions of aggravated robbery and attempted
    kidnapping. Next, he argues that even under the old Rance test, the Ohio Supreme
    Court’s decision in Winn demonstrates that the Ohio legislature did not authorize
    cumulative punishments for the offenses. Under either theory, Jackson maintains,
    punishing him for both offenses “violate[s] clearly established Federal law.”
    We can dispense with extended analysis of Jackson’s argument based on
    Johnson. After Jackson filed his opening brief, another panel of this court held, as a
    matter of Ohio law, that Johnson applies only in criminal cases that are not yet final,
    which is to say prospectively. See Volpe v. Trim, 
    708 F.3d 688
    , 701 (6th Cir. 2013)
    (“Johnson does not apply . . . to cases where the defendant has already exhausted her
    appellate remedies.”). Johnson was decided after Jackson’s convictions became final.
    Accordingly, Volpe forecloses Jackson’s argument based upon Johnson. 6th Cir. R.
    No. 11-4146         Jackson v. Smith                                                Page 10
    32.1(b); see Walters v. Warden, Ross Corr. Inst., 521 F. App’x 375, 378 (6th Cir. 2013)
    (“Volpe is binding precedent on this panel.”).
    In his reply brief, Jackson acknowledges Volpe but emphasizes his Winn-based
    argument. He contends that, unlike Johnson, Winn “only clarified and applied existing
    state law” when it held that kidnapping and aggravated robbery are allied offenses.
    Also, Winn stated that its holding was “consistent with 30 years of precedent,” which
    means that the court’s determination in Jackson’s case concerning the legislature’s
    intent was wrong at the time his convictions became final.             Therefore, Jackson
    concludes, the state court “prescrib[ed] greater punishment than the legislature
    intended,” in violation of the Double Jeopardy Clause. See 
    Hunter, 459 U.S. at 366
    However, simply because the state court’s assessment of its legislature’s intent
    was wrong does not mean that Jackson is eligible for federal habeas relief. The Supreme
    Court has made clear that the only question that matters under § 2254(d)(1) is “whether
    [the] state court decision is contrary to, or involved an unreasonable application of,
    clearly established Federal law.” Lockyer v. Andrade, 
    538 U.S. 63
    , 71 (2003); see
    Richter, 131 S. Ct. at 786
    . The Ohio Court of Appeals’ decision is neither. We might
    have a different result if the state court “had said that legislative intent is irrelevant to
    the double jeopardy analysis, or that although the [Ohio] legislature clearly had not
    intended for the two crimes to be punished cumulatively, the consecutive sentences
    imposed on [Jackson] were nonetheless acceptable despite the Double Jeopardy Clause.”
    McCloud v. Deppisch, 
    409 F.3d 869
    , 876 (7th Cir. 2005). For such statements would be
    plainly “contrary to” clearly established federal law that says the legislature’s intent
    controls. See Bell v. Cone, 
    535 U.S. 685
    , 694 (2002) (“A federal habeas court may issue
    the writ under the ‘contrary to’ clause if the state court applies a rule different from the
    governing law set forth in our cases.” (citing 
    Williams, 529 U.S. at 405
    –06)); see also
    Brown v. Payton, 
    544 U.S. 133
    , 141 (2005) (allowing habeas relief if the state court
    “applies a rule that contradicts the governing law set forth in our cases” (emphasis
    added)). But that is not our case. At worst, the state court incorrectly applied Ohio’s
    No. 11-4146          Jackson v. Smith                                                   Page 11
    allied offenses statute to determine the legislature’s intent.2 Habeas relief, especially
    when circumscribed by § 2254(d)(1), is not available for such alleged errors.
    Furthermore, our “review under § 2254(d)(1) focuses on what a state court knew
    and did,” Cullen v. Pinholster, 
    131 S. Ct. 1388
    , 1399 (2011), and not simply on whether
    (upon plenary review, save with respect to factual determinations) the petitioner “is in
    custody in violation of the Constitution or laws or treaties of the United States,”
    28 U.S.C. § 2254(a); see Williams v. Taylor, 
    529 U.S. 362
    , 400 (2000) (O’Connor, J.,
    concurring) (describing the “independent” nature of federal habeas review before
    AEDPA); Brecht v. Abrahamson, 
    507 U.S. 619
    , 637 (1993) (stating that federal habeas
    petitioners receive “plenary review of their constitutional claims”). With the focus
    correctly on what the Ohio Court of Appeals actually did in this matter—it discerned the
    Ohio legislature’s intent by applying Ohio’s allied offenses statute—there can be no
    doubt that its decision falls outside § 2254(d)(1)’s narrow exceptions to the bar on
    federal habeas relief, thus rendering Jackson ineligible for relief.
    In Volpe, it is true, we stated in dicta that nothing would prevent the “application
    of Johnson in habeas review if the Ohio Supreme Court declares that its new test for
    allied offenses applies in the post-conviction 
    context.” 708 F.3d at 704
    n.3. If that is so,
    then why not apply Winn on habeas review, provided the decision—as we so far have
    assumed—sets forth the correct assessment of the legislature’s intent at the time of
    Jackson’s direct review? The reason lies in § 2254(d)(1), as we have explained. In
    Volpe, although we acknowledged at the outset that § 2254(d)(1) applied, we conducted
    our analysis de novo, as if it did not apply. Finding no constitutional violation, we had
    no need to answer the question under § 2254(d)(1) and therefore never addressed it.
    This is a common way of addressing habeas claims when AEDPA applies. See, e.g.,
    Berghuis v. Thompkins, 
    130 S. Ct. 2250
    , 2264 (2010); Knowles v. Mirzayance, 
    556 U.S. 111
    , 128 (2009); Weeks v. Angelone, 
    528 U.S. 225
    , 234 (2000). We presumably could
    have decided Volpe by first considering the § 2254(d)(1) question, but instead decided
    Nor do we see any way in which a state court could “unreasonably apply” these clearly
    established rules and thereby satisfy § 2254(d)(1)’s other exception to the bar on habeas relief.
    No. 11-4146            Jackson v. Smith                                                          Page 12
    to consider the claim de novo. We take a different route today.3 See 
    Lockyer, 538 U.S. at 71
    (“AEDPA does not require a federal habeas court to adopt any one methodology
    in deciding the only question that matters under § 2254(d)(1).”). Therefore, our dicta
    in Volpe does not help Jackson.
    Jackson also asks that we certify to the Ohio Supreme Court the question whether
    Winn applies to a conviction that is already final. But that misses the point. We have
    so far assumed that Ohio law is as Jackson says it is—that Winn stated the Ohio
    legislature’s intent at the time his conviction became final. Whether Jackson’s position
    and our assumption is correct (which is precisely what certification would tell us),
    habeas relief in the face of § 2254(d)(1) would still be unwarranted, given the lack of a
    state-court decision that was “contrary to, or involved an unreasonable application of,
    clearly established Federal law.”
    For these reasons, we affirm the judgment of the district court.
    Fiore v. White, 
    531 U.S. 225
    (2001) (per curiam), does not require a different result. Although
    § 2254(d)(1) potentially governed the petitioner’s due-process claim, the Third Circuit denied relief using
    plenary review, and the Supreme Court heard the case in the same posture.
    No. 11-4146         Jackson v. Smith                                               Page 13
    HELENE N. WHITE, Circuit Judge. Concurring in part. I agree that the
    question whether double punishment for aggravated robbery and attempted kidnapping
    violates the federal double jeopardy protection is answered by reference to the Ohio
    legislature’s intent, and that the Ohio legislature’s intent is to be determined by the Ohio
    Supreme Court. I also agree that AEDPA circumscribes our analysis. However, I do not
    agree that habeas relief in this context depends on the state court’s direct statement that
    although the state legislature did not intend double punishment, it is nevertheless
    permissible, as the majority seems to hold in paraphrasing the language of McCloud v
    409 F.3d 869
    , 876 (7th Cir. 2005). If it were clear that State v Winn,
    905 N.E.2d 154
    (Ohio 2009), expressed the Ohio Supreme Court’s interpretation of the
    Ohio legislature’s intent regarding whether aggravated robbery and attempted
    kidnapping are allied offenses of similar import as of the time Jackson’s direct appeal
    was decided, and if it were clear that the Ohio courts determined that Jackson had
    committed both offenses with the same animus, I would conclude that the Ohio court
    decision is contrary to clearly established federal law in that it would be clear that the
    legislature did not intend double punishment be permitted by the Ohio court.
    It is not clear that Winn simply stated the law as it always had been. In Volpe v.
    708 F.3d 688
    (6th Cir. 2013), we rejected the argument that Ohio Rev. Code
    § 2941.25 has always had the same meaning and therefore if State v. Rance, 
    710 N.E.2d 699
    (Ohio 1999), incorrectly interpreted the statute, as the Ohio Supreme Court held in
    State v. Johnson, 
    942 N.E.2d 1061
    , 1062 (Ohio 2010), then Volpe’s constitutional right
    to be free from double jeopardy was violated when she was doubly punished where the
    legislature did not so intend. We held instead that the Ohio legislature left it to the Ohio
    Supreme Court to give meaning to the term “allied offenses of similar import,” and the
    meaning ascribed to that phrase by the court has changed over time. 
    Volpe, 708 F.3d at 702
    . Here, although the Winn court stated that its decision “was in keeping with 30
    No. 11-4146        Jackson v. Smith                                              Page 14
    years of precedent,” 
    Winn, 905 N.E.2d at 158
    , the cases cited by the court were primarily
    pre-Rance cases, and none analyzed the elements of kidnapping and aggravated robbery
    to determine whether they were allied offenses of similar import. When Winn is
    compared to Rance and the cases leading up to Winn, it cannot be said that Winn clearly
    stated the Ohio Supreme Court’s view of the applicability of § 2941.25 to aggravated
    robbery and kidnapping at the time Jackson’s direct appeal was decided.
    Additionally, § 2941.25 also asks the question whether the defendant committed
    both offenses with the same animus. In Winn, the court expressly stated that it was not
    contested that Winn did not have a separate animus for the two offenses. 
    Winn, 905 N.E.2d at 157
    . Here, although the Ohio Court of Appeals followed State v McCoy,
    No. 05-CA-29, 
    2006 WL 39100
    (Ohio Ct. App. 5th Dist. Jan. 5, 2006), a case that held
    that aggravated robbery and kidnapping are not allied offenses of similar import, the
    sentencing court addressed the specifics of Jackson’s conduct and determined that if
    Jackson had been successful in the kidnapping, the victim would have remained in the
    car as Jackson fled from the area. The animus involved in carjacking the victim’s car
    can certainly be seen as separate from the animus involved in attempting to take the
    victim away with the car.
    Because the decision on Jackson’s appeal was not contrary to, and did not
    involve an unreasonable application of, federal double jeopardy law, I concur in the
    affirmance of the denial of Jackson’s habeas petition.