Samuel McGaw, Jr. v. Sevier County, Tenn. ( 2017 )

  •                          NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PUBLICATION
    File Name: 17a0599n.06
    No. 16-6729
    UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS                              FILED
    FOR THE SIXTH CIRCUIT                             Oct 31, 2017
    DEBORAH S. HUNT, Clerk
    SAMUEL MCGAW, JR., et al.,                               )
    Plaintiff-Appellees,                              )
    v.                                                       )      ON APPEAL FROM THE
    SEVIER COUNTY, TENNESSEE, et al.,                        )      COURT FOR THE EASTERN
    Defendants-Appellants.                            )
    BEFORE:        CLAY, ROGERS and SUTTON, Circuit Judges.
    ROGERS, Circuit Judge. Samuel M. McGaw, IV, arrived at the Sevier County Jail,
    having consumed enough alcohol and opiates to leave him visibly intoxicated. Defendant jail
    officers summoned a nurse to examine McGaw, and the nurse informed them that McGaw could
    safely be left in a holding cell to sleep off his intoxication. However, during the night, McGaw
    suffered a heart attack caused by the combination of alcohol and drugs, and later died at the
    hospital. Plaintiffs in this 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
     action allege deliberate indifference by the officers
    to McGaw’s medical needs, and failure on the part of the county to train its officers to recognize
    medical emergencies. The district court denied defendants’ summary judgment motions, and
    defendants appeal.    Because the officers relied on what they reasonably believed to be
    appropriate treatment advice by the jail nurse, they did not act with deliberate indifference and
    were accordingly entitled to qualified immunity. With respect to the county, however, we lack
    No. 16-6729, McGaw, et al. v. Sevier County, Tenn., et al.
    pendent jurisdiction to review the interlocutory denial of summary judgment, where resolution of
    the suit against the officers does not resolve all of the issues in the suit against the county.
    On March 25, 2014, at around 10:30 p.m., Samuel M. McGaw, IV, turned himself in to
    the Sevier County Jail on a capias warrant for a previous failure to appear in court on charges of
    misdemeanor assault and public intoxication. At the time of his arrival at the jail, McGaw was
    visibly intoxicated. He could not state what time it was, lacked the ability to sit up by himself,
    and was flummoxed by questioning. McGaw did maintain enough presence of mind to state the
    reason for his condition. He told his booking officers that he had consumed an unspecified
    amount of vodka and three “roxys”—slang for roxicodone, a prescription opiate.
    Defendant officers—Bradley Mount, Hayden Whaley, and Joshua McKinzie—
    summoned a jailhouse nurse, Judy Sims, to examine McGaw. Sims was a licensed practical
    nurse (LPN), employed by First Med, Inc., a contractor to Sevier County. Neither Sims nor First
    Med is a party to this appeal. Officer McKinzie informed Nurse Sims that McGaw had reported
    consuming alcohol and three “roxys.” Nurse Sims proceeded to examine McGaw, finding that
    his pupils were pinpoint and nonreactive to light and his speech was slurred, but his blood
    pressure, heart-rate, and blood-oxygen percentages were all within what Sims considered to be
    normal limits. After conferring with her supervisor, Jessie Timbrook, another LPN, Nurse Sims
    informed the officers that McGaw did not need to see a doctor or be taken to a hospital, but could
    be left in a cell overnight for “monitoring.” Following that advice, the officers brought McGaw
    to a holding cell. Throughout the night, the officers periodically observed McGaw through a
    window and occasionally heard him snoring. They did not, however, physically enter the cell to
    examine McGaw or otherwise reassess his condition.
    No. 16-6729, McGaw, et al. v. Sevier County, Tenn., et al.
    At around 1:09 a.m., jail staff observed McGaw in his cell and noticed he was
    unresponsive and not breathing. The officers transported McGaw from the jail to a hospital,
    where doctors diagnosed McGaw as having suffered full cardiac arrest. McGaw remained in a
    coma until his death on April 6. The autopsy report stated that McGaw had died from “a
    combination of alcohol and oxycodone toxicity” caused by McGaw’s consumption of those
    McGaw’s estate and next-of-kin brought suit against the defendant officers and Sevier
    County in the district court below, alleging a violation of McGaw’s civil rights pursuant to 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    . Plaintiffs claimed that McGaw possessed a clearly established right to medical
    treatment and that defendants violated this right: the officers by failure to recognize the
    seriousness of McGaw’s condition or transport him to a hospital, and Sevier County by failure to
    supervise defendant officers, failure to properly train them, and failure to have adequate
    procedures in place to prevent mistreatment. Defendants moved for summary judgment on the
    grounds that the officers were entitled to qualified immunity, and that no county policy or
    procedure caused any violation of McGaw’s rights. The district court denied qualified immunity
    to the officers on the grounds that McGaw had a clearly established right to medical treatment
    and the officers were deliberately indifferent to that right when they left McGaw in an
    observation cell, despite knowing of his intoxication. The district court also denied summary
    judgment to Sevier County on the grounds that material disputes of fact existed as to whether any
    inadequacies in Sevier County’s training programs and policies caused McGaw’s death.
    Both defendant officers and Sevier County now appeal.
    Defendant officers were entitled to qualified immunity because they did not act with
    deliberate indifference to McGaw’s medical needs when they relied on what they reasonably
    No. 16-6729, McGaw, et al. v. Sevier County, Tenn., et al.
    believed to be appropriate advice from Nurse Sims. Here, the officers placed McGaw in the
    observation cell because they reasonably believed, based on Nurse Sims’s assessment, that this
    was the medically appropriate thing to do, and are thus entitled to qualified immunity for acting
    pursuant to that assessment. None of the officers had medical training, and there is no evidence
    that they knew or believed that Nurse Sims’s diagnosis was anything but correct. As the Third
    Circuit has reasoned, where “a prisoner is under the care of medical experts . . . a non-medical
    prison official will generally be justified in believing that the prisoner is in capable hands.”
    Spruill v. Gillis, 
    372 F.3d 218
    , 236 (3d Cir. 2004). The record does not show any evidence that
    the officers were or should have been aware that their lay understandings of this situation were
    superior to Nurse Sims’s trained assessment. In retrospect, it appears clear that Nurse Sims’s
    recommendation should have been for McGaw to be taken to the hospital, but the question of
    whether the officers acted with deliberate indifference is based on what the officers themselves
    knew at the time. See Spears v. Ruth, 
    589 F.3d 249
    , 255 (6th Cir. 2009). Without any indication
    that the officers could or should have assessed any deficiency in Nurse Sims’s diagnosis at the
    time she made it, the officers are entitled to qualified immunity when they acted on her counsel.
    Recovery under the Eighth Amendment in this context requires the plaintiff to show that
    the defendant was acting with “deliberate indifference to serious medical needs of prisoners.”
    Estelle v. Gamble, 
    429 U.S. 97
    , 104 (1976).          In demonstrating a violation of this right,
    “[a] constitutional claim for denial of medical care has objective and subjective components,”
    Blackmore v. Kalamazoo Cty., 
    390 F.3d 890
    , 895 (6th Cir. 2004) (citing Farmer v. Brennan,
    511 U.S. 825
    , 834 (1994)), and the subjective component of such a showing is clearly not met
    here.   The officers did not act with subjective deliberate indifference when they left an
    intoxicated McGaw in an observation cell and did not transport him to a hospital or provide
    No. 16-6729, McGaw, et al. v. Sevier County, Tenn., et al.
    additional medical care, because they were following Nurse Sims’s indication that this was an
    appropriate response to McGaw’s condition. When officers are not “subjectively aware of a
    substantial risk of serious harm,” it “cannot be shown that they acted with deliberate
    indifference.” Ruiz-Bueno v. Scott, 
    639 F. App'x 354
    , 361 (6th Cir. 2016). Defendant officers in
    this case were therefore entitled to qualified immunity.
    Cases in this and other circuits demonstrate that a non-medically trained officer does not
    act with deliberate indifference to an inmate’s medical needs when he “reasonably deferred to
    the medical professionals’ opinions.” Johnson v. Doughty, 
    433 F.3d 1001
    , 1010 (7th Cir. 2006).
    For example, this court has held that a police officer was entitled to qualified immunity in a case
    where medical professionals had failed to recognize an arrestee’s cocaine overdose because the
    officer “was entitled to rely on the EMTs’ and the jail nurse’s medical assessments that [the
    arrestee] did not need to be transported to the hospital.” Spears 
    589 F.3d at 255
    . In Spears, this
    court recognized the fact that the EMTs and a jail nurse who had improperly diagnosed the
    arrestee in that case “presumably had a greater facility than the average layperson to recognize
    an individual’s medical need,” and thus the police officer did not err in deferring to what
    appeared to be their more capable judgment. 
    Plaintiffs argue that the officers remain subject to a denial of qualified immunity because
    they knew or should have known that a combination of alcohol and opiates can be toxic to a
    person like McGaw. This argument fails on these facts because the officers did not ignore the
    risks that those drugs posed to McGaw. Indeed, the officers recognized McGaw’s condition,
    summoned a person they believed capable of assessing those risks, and followed the guidance
    that Nurse Sims provided. As the Third Circuit has explained, in a situation where a non-trained
    officer defers to a medical professional’s judgment, “absent a reason to believe (or actual
    No. 16-6729, McGaw, et al. v. Sevier County, Tenn., et al.
    knowledge) that prison doctors or their assistants are mistreating (or not treating) a prisoner, a
    non-medical prison official . . . will not be chargeable with the Eighth Amendment scienter
    requirement of deliberate indifference.” Spruill, 
    372 F.3d at 236
    . Here, the officers had no
    reason to know or believe that Nurse Sims’s recommendation was inappropriate, and thus did not
    act with subjective deliberate indifference when they followed it.
    Plaintiffs also object that Nurse Sims, as an LPN, was not sufficiently trained to formally
    diagnose McGaw, but this contention does not change the outcome here. It is true, as the district
    court found, that Nurse Sims’s judgments were not medically binding and the officers had the
    general authority to override Nurse Sims’s recommendations if they so chose. However, an
    officer does not act with subjective deliberate indifference when he does not override a medical
    recommendation that he reasonably believes to be appropriate, even if in retrospect that
    recommendation was inappropriate. See Spruill, 
    372 F.3d at 236
    . Nor has this court ever
    recognized the status of an LPN as precluding an officer from relying on that LPN’s judgment.
    By analogy, in Spears we held that there was no constitutional violation in an officer following
    the recommendations of a jail nurse and EMTs. See Spears, 
    589 F.3d at 255
    . Instead, the test
    for deliberate indifference requires a more general failure by an officer: that an officer “was
    aware of facts from which the inference could be drawn that a substantial risk of serious harm
    existed, that he drew that inference and chose to disregard the risk.” 
     Where, as here, an
    officer responds to a substantial risk of serious harm by asking for and following the advice of a
    professional the officer believes to be capable of assessing and addressing that risk, then the
    officer commits no act of deliberate indifference in adhering to that advice.
    Although defendant officers are thus entitled to qualified immunity, this court lacks
    jurisdiction to hear Sevier County’s appeal, and so Sevier County’s appeal must be dismissed. A
    No. 16-6729, McGaw, et al. v. Sevier County, Tenn., et al.
    court of appeals has jurisdiction generally only over the final decisions of a district court. See
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    . Because denial of a motion for summary judgment is not such a final
    decision, “denial of a motion for summary judgment is not an appealable order.” Kindl v. City of
    798 F.3d 391
    , 405 (6th Cir. 2015).
    It is true that, in narrow circumstances, a court of appeals may review the denial of a
    motion for summary judgment through the court’s pendent jurisdiction, but Sevier County’s
    appeal does not qualify for this exception. A court hearing an appeal may in its discretion
    exercise pendent jurisdiction “where the appealable and non-appealable issues are ‘inextricably
    intertwined,’ meaning that ‘the appealable issue at hand cannot be resolved without addressing
    the nonappealable collateral issue.’” 
     (quoting Chambers v. Ohio Dep’t of Human Servs.,
    145 F.3d 793
    , 797 (6th Cir.1998)). Thus, where the question of a municipality’s liability is
    coterminous with a determination of an officer’s qualified immunity, a court may exercise
    pendent jurisdiction over the former claim in the course of an appeal of the latter. See 
    Here, however, this court lacks jurisdiction over Sevier County’s claim because the
    county’s liability is not foreclosed by our determination that the officers were entitled to
    qualified immunity.    The district court denied the county’s motion for summary judgment
    because it held that there were genuine issues of material fact as to whether the county had
    properly trained its officers to recognize inmates’ medical needs. The fact that these officers did
    not act with deliberate indifference because they reasonably relied on Nurse Sims’s diagnosis of
    McGaw’s needs does not resolve the disputes over whether the county’s training procedures
    were adequate or appropriate as a whole. Lack of training could conceivably have affected
    Nurse Sims’s action, and that would not at all intertwine with the officers’ immunity claims.
    No. 16-6729, McGaw, et al. v. Sevier County, Tenn., et al.
    Without such intertwining, pendent appellate jurisdiction is lacking, and it is not appropriate for
    us to exercise it here.
    For these reasons, the judgment of the district court is reversed with respect to the officer
    defendants, and Sevier County’s appeal is dismissed for lack of jurisdiction.