Baker Concrete Construction v. Reinforced Concrete Contractors , 820 F.3d 827 ( 2016 )

  •                                RECOMMENDED FOR FULL-TEXT PUBLICATION
    Pursuant to Sixth Circuit I.O.P. 32.1(b)
    File Name: 16a0099p.06
    Plaintiff-Appellee, │
    v.                                         │
    REINFORCED        CONCRETE       CONTRACTORS │                           No. 14-4102
    ASSOCIATION,                                     │
    Defendant, │
    REINFORCING IRON WORKERS,                        │
    Defendant-Appellant. │
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Ohio at Cincinnati.
    No. 1:13-cv-00225—Stephanie K. Bowman, Magistrate Judge.
    Argued: June 10, 2015
    Decided and Filed: April 21, 2016
    Before: BOGGS and BATCHELDER, Circuit Judges; HUCK, District Judge.
    ARGUED: David O’Brien Suetholz, KIRCHER, SUETHOLZ & GRAYSON, PSC, Louisville,
    Kentucky, for Appellant. Michael J. Underwood, PORTER WRIGHT MORRIS & ARTHUR
    LLP, Columbus, Ohio, for Appellee. ON BRIEF: David O’Brien Suetholz, Neal B. Hayes,
    KIRCHER, SUETHOLZ & GRAYSON, PSC, Louisville, Kentucky, for Appellant. Michael J.
    The Honorable Paul C. Huck, Senior United States District Judge for the Southern District of Florida,
    sitting by designation.
    No. 14-4102     Baker Concrete Constr. v. Reinforced Concrete Contractors Ass’n, et al.   Page 2
    Underwood, Kathryn L. Kreps, PORTER WRIGHT MORRIS & ARTHUR LLP, Columbus,
    Ohio, for Appellee.
    ALICE M. BATCHELDER, Circuit Judge. This is a case of first impression for this
    circuit. We are asked to determine whether an employer has the right under the National Labor
    Relations Act (“NLRA”) to repudiate both his statutory and contractual obligations under a § 8(f)
    collective bargaining agreement when the employer does not employ anyone within the relevant
    bargaining unit. We adopt the single-employee-unit rule, hold that an employer may repudiate
    his statutory and contractual obligations under such circumstances, and affirm the judgment of
    the district court.
    Baker Concrete Construction, Inc. (“Baker”) is a company based in Monroe, Ohio. Its
    primary field of work involves the concrete construction industry.         As with many large
    companies in the construction industry, Baker subcontracts its work to various smaller firms and
    individuals.   In 2000, Baker became a signatory to a multi-employer collective bargaining
    agreement (“CBA”) between the Reinforced Concrete Contractors Association (“RCCA”) and
    Reinforced Concrete Iron Workers’ Local Union 372 (“Union”). The CBA was intended to
    cover current employees as well as employees that Baker had not yet hired. It was later revised
    and renewed, with the current version taking effect on January 1, 2012, and expiring May 31,
    This prehire CBA is a special type of bargaining contract that is allowed only in the
    construction industry. See 29 U.S.C. § 158(f). Essentially, the CBA established the basic work-
    place conditions, wage rates, and employee protections that can be found in any other collective
    bargaining agreement, and then was renewed automatically from year to year, even after the
    initial term of the contract had expired.
    No. 14-4102     Baker Concrete Constr. v. Reinforced Concrete Contractors Ass’n, et al.         Page 3
    On January 25, 2013, Baker sent a letter to the Union stating: “This letter is to notify you
    that Baker has no ongoing contractual obligations under the Agreement. To the extent that any
    formal notice of termination is necessary, this letter is Baker’s notice of its intent to terminate the
    Agreement, including any subsequent successor agreements.” Baker asked the Union to respond
    if it believed that this termination was ineffective or deficient in any way. On January 30, 2013,
    the Union responded with a letter to Baker stating:
    As per Article 40, in the Agreement between Local 372 and the Reinforced
    Concrete Contractors Association, notice of withdrawal should be made not more
    than 60 days prior to the termination of the Agreement. The Agreement is in
    effect from January 1, 2013 until May 31, 2015, therefore your request was put
    forth in an untimely manner.
    On February 12, 2013, Baker responded to the Union with a letter stating:
    [R]egardless of Article 40’s language, Baker reiterates that none of its employees
    currently perform work covered by the Agreement. Further, no Baker employees
    have performed bargaining unit work covered by the Agreement for at least
    7 years or longer. Accordingly, Baker has no contractual obligations to Local
    372, and Baker is not bound to any provisions in the recently renegotiated
    contract or any other Local 372 contract.
    The Union responded by filing a grievance against Baker for arbitration. Baker reiterated its
    belief that, since it had not employed any workers under the CBA, it was free to repudiate the
    contract, as it had stated in its January 25th letter. Baker also stated that it did not recognize the
    arbitrator’s authority to decide this dispute, but that it would agree to appear at the hearing solely
    for the purpose of preserving its position. On March 26, 2013, RCCA notified Baker that the
    arbitrator found Baker in violation of Article 23 of the CBA and that Baker had five working
    days to become compliant. Baker responded by filing suit for declaratory judgment.
    It is undisputed that Baker had not hired any employees under the CBA for several years
    prior to its repudiation of the CBA on January 25, 2013. Although the Union disputed this fact at
    earlier stages of this litigation, the district court rejected the Union’s arguments, and the Union
    failed to raise the issue on appeal. Thus, the Union has waived the issue. See McPherson v.
    125 F.3d 989
    , 995–96 (6th Cir. 1997).
    No. 14-4102       Baker Concrete Constr. v. Reinforced Concrete Contractors Ass’n, et al.                       Page 4
    Baker and the Union proceeded through discovery and filed cross-motions for summary
    judgment.1 The district court eventually granted Baker’s motion, denied the Union’s motion,
    and vacated the arbitration award. It also granted declaratory judgment for Baker, declaring that
    “Baker Concrete has no duty to bargain with Local 372 and no ongoing contractual obligations
    under any Local 372 CBA.”
    The questions of (1) whether Baker had the right to repudiate the CBA and (2) whether
    its repudiation was effective with respect to both its statutory and contractual obligations are
    questions of law, and the district court correctly adjudicated these questions on the merits
    without deferring to the judgment of the arbitrator. The courts’ role in this case is distinct from
    the role performed by the arbitrator. We are not to determine what the rights of the parties might
    be under the CBA, but rather whether the dispute is actually governed by the CBA. Teamsters
    Local Union No. 89 v. Kroger Co., 
    617 F.3d 899
    , 904 (6th Cir. 2010) (citing Landis v. Pinnacle
    Eye Care, LLC, 
    537 F.3d 599
    , 561 (6th Cir. 2008)); see also Int’l Ass’n of Bridge, Structural,
    & Ornamental Iron Workers, Local Union No. 44, et. al. v. J & N Steel & Erection Co., 8 F.
    App’x 381, 385 (6th Cir. 2001).2 This is a legal question that we review de novo. Kroger 
    Co., 617 F.3d at 904
    RCCA filed a motion to dismiss before the case proceeded to discovery, and the district court granted that
    motion. See Baker Concrete Constr., Inc. v. Reinforced Concrete Iron Workers Local Union 372 of the Int’l Ass’n
    of Bridge Structural, Ornamental, and Reinforcing Iron Workers, et al., No. 1:13-cv-225, 
    2013 WL 5524641
    Ohio Oct. 4, 2013). Thus, RCCA was not a party to the summary judgment decision of the district court that is on
    appeal before us here.
    In past cases, we have held that if the question of the termination or expiration of a CBA is a question of
    contract interpretation, then it should be submitted to the arbitrator, not the court. See J & N Steel and Erection Co.,
    8 F. App’x at 385–86. But this case does not present an issue of contract interpretation. Rather, the question
    presented here—regardless of the termination clauses and expiration dates of the CBA—is whether Baker had a
    right under the NLRA to repudiate the CBA. This case has to do with the interpretation and application of the
    NLRA, not with the interpretation and application of the CBA. Thus, this is a question properly before the courts,
    not the arbitrator.
    No. 14-4102      Baker Concrete Constr. v. Reinforced Concrete Contractors Ass’n, et al.                  Page 5
    This case hinges on the applicability and scope of the one-employee-unit rule. This is a
    narrow rule that has been articulated and applied by the NLRB in cases involving CBAs under
    NLRA § 8(f) 3:
    It is settled that if an employer employs one or fewer unit employees on a
    permanent basis that the employer, without violating Section 8(a)(5) of the Act,
    may withdraw recognition from a union, repudiate its contract with the union, or
    unilaterally change employees’ terms and conditions of employment without
    affording a union an opportunity to bargain.
    Stack Elec., 
    290 N.L.R.B. 575
    , 577 (1988).
    Only two of our sister circuits have had the opportunity to address this rule in
    circumstances analogous to those before us here: Laborers Health & Welfare Trust Fund v.
    Westlake Dev., 
    53 F.3d 979
    (9th Cir. 1995), and J.W. Peters, Inc. v. Bridge, Structural,
    & Reinforcing Iron Workers, Local Union 1, 
    398 F.3d 967
    (7th Cir. 2005).
    In Westlake, the Ninth Circuit was presented with a case nearly identical to the one before
    us here. Westlake, an employer in the construction industry, entered into a CBA with a local
    union and then, over the next several years, did not hire anyone who would be covered by the
    agreement. Westlake 
    Dev., 53 F.3d at 981
    . Accordingly, Westlake notified the union that “it
    considered the CBA unenforceable and would no longer abide by the agreement.” 
    Id. The union
    filed a grievance against Westlake and began arbitration. 
    Id. The arbitrator
    entered an award for
    the Union, and Westlake filed a petition to vacate the award. 
    Id. Upon review,
    the Ninth Circuit
    reiterated its holding from Operating Eng’rs Pension Trust v. Beck Eng’g & Surveying Co.,
    746 F.2d 557
    (9th Cir. 1984):            “A construction industry employer who employs a single
    employee pursuant to a Section 8(f) pre-hire agreement is entitled to repudiate the agreement by
    conduct sufficient to put the union and the employee on notice that the agreement has been
    terminated.” Westlake 
    Dev., 53 F.3d at 982
    Beck, 746 F.2d at 566
    ). Because Westlake
    was a “one-employee employer during the relevant time period,” and because it had given due
    For the sake of clarity, we note that the NLRA is codified in 29 U.S.C. §§ 151–169. But the most
    common convention is to refer to the section numbers and divisions found in the NLRA, not those found in Title 29.
    No. 14-4102     Baker Concrete Constr. v. Reinforced Concrete Contractors Ass’n, et al.           Page 6
    notice to the union of its repudiation of the CBA, the Ninth Circuit concluded that the pre-hire
    agreement was no longer binding on Westlake in any way. 
    Id. In Peters
    , the Seventh Circuit addressed a similar situation. Again, the employer, Peters,
    worked in the construction industry and entered into a prehire agreement with the local union for
    hiring ironworkers.     
    Peters, 398 F.3d at 969
    –70.        Peters sent notification to the Union,
    terminating the agreement inasmuch as it had not employed any covered employees for quite
    some time and had no intention of hiring any such employees in the future. 
    Id. at 970.
    surveying several NLRB cases in which the one-employee-unit rule was applied, the Peters court
    held that “the Board’s decisions explicitly allow an employer, more generally, to repudiate a pre-
    hire agreement and discontinue its duties under the agreement where it employs no more than
    one employee in the relevant unit.” 
    Id. at 974.
    This included both the statutory duty to bargain
    and any contractual duties entailed by the CBA. 
    Id. at 974–75.
    The Seventh Circuit concluded
    [A]s a matter of common sense, it seems illogical to continue to bind Peters to a
    pre-hire agreement simply because it has no employees who could reject the
    Union as their bargaining representative in a Board-conducted election. We
    therefore conclude that if Peters in fact employed fewer than two employees
    during the relevant period, the company’s unilateral repudiation of the contract
    would, as a matter of law, relieve it of its contractual obligation to arbitrate before
    the JAB.
    Id. at 975.
    The same rationale is immediately applicable to the present case. Here, Baker found
    itself in exactly the same circumstances that confronted Westlake and Peters, namely, as a party
    to a § 8(f) agreement that was inapplicable to any of its employees and had been for some time.
    And like Westlake and Peters, Baker sent a very clear notice of termination to the Union. Hence,
    as our sister circuits held in Westlake and Peters, we hold that Baker had the right to repudiate
    the CBA, and with such repudiation, all of Baker’s statutory and contractual obligations under
    the CBA were terminated.
    The logic of the one-employee-unit rule fits perfectly with (1) the nature of collective
    bargaining, (2) the nature of § 8(f) agreements, and (3) the Supreme Court’s rationale in Jim
    No. 14-4102    Baker Concrete Constr. v. Reinforced Concrete Contractors Ass’n, et al.     Page 7
    McNeff, Inc. v. Todd, 
    461 U.S. 260
    , 266 (1983). First, with reference to the nature of collective
    bargaining, the NLRB has long held that the very concept of collective bargaining “presupposes
    that there is more than one eligible person who desires to bargain.” Foreign Car Center, Inc.,
    129 N.L.R.B. 319
    , 320 (1960). If there are no employees within the relevant unit for a collective
    bargaining agreement, then the agreement is nugatory.        Intuitively, a collective bargaining
    agreement should be voidable where there is no one with whom and nothing about which to
    Second, with reference to the nature of § 8(f) agreements, that section of the NLRA was
    enacted to address a very narrow and specific problem. Unlike typical collective bargaining
    agreements formed under § 9(a), a “pre-hire agreement is a contract agreed to by an employer
    and a union before the workers to be covered by the contract have been hired.” Int’l Ass’n of
    Bridge, Structural, & Ornamental Iron Workers, Local 3 v. NLRB, 
    843 F.2d 770
    , 773 (3rd Cir.
    1988) (citing Roberts’ Dictionary of Industrial Relations, 562 (3rd ed. 1986)). Ordinarily, such
    agreements are illegal because they purport to tie employees to a majority representative—i.e.,
    labor union—without the majority of the employees’ selecting and ratifying which organization
    they wish to represent their interests. But because general contractors and other employers in the
    construction industry do not hire and keep employees and subcontractors on the same permanent
    basis as other employers do, it is necessary for these employers to have more flexibility in their
    bargaining contracts and union relations. Without the ability to enter into prehire agreements,
    contractors would be unable to submit informed and accurate bids for construction projects
    because they would not have any certainty regarding their employee expenses and personnel
    Id. at 772–73;
    see also 
    McNeff, 461 U.S. at 266
    . To accommodate these unique
    needs, Congress added § 8(f) to make prehire agreements legal within the construction industry.
    But § 8(f) agreements, by their very nature, are tentative and anticipatory. In fact, the Supreme
    Court stated that, “[a]bsent majority credentials, the collective-bargaining relationship and the
    union’s entitlement to act as the exclusive bargaining agent never mature[s].” 
    McNeff, 461 U.S. at 267
    . Section 8(f) agreements are intended to cover foreseeable groups of employees for short-
    term or interim construction projects where they would otherwise be unrepresented. When there
    have been no employees to represent for at least ten years, and will be no employees to represent
    in the foreseeable future—as it is undisputedly the case with Baker here—it is difficult to
    No. 14-4102     Baker Concrete Constr. v. Reinforced Concrete Contractors Ass’n, et al.          Page 8
    conceive of a reason to deny a contractor the right to terminate an agreement that was intended to
    be tentative, anticipatory, and conditional in the first place.
    Third, with reference to the Supreme Court’s rationale in McNeff, the one-employee-unit
    rule is in line with the Court’s holding regarding the repudiation of § 8(f) agreements.
    In McNeff, the Court commented on its prior decision in NLRB v. Local 103, International
    Association of Bridge Workers (Higdon), 
    434 U.S. 335
    (1978), and reaffirmed that “a prehire
    agreement is voidable until and unless [the union] attains majority support in the relevant unit.”
    McNeff, 461 U.S. at 269
    Higdon, 434 U.S. at 341
    ) (alteration in the original) (internal
    quotation marks omitted). The Court went on to describe § 8(f) agreements as “voluntary and
    Id. The employer
    bound by these agreements was said to have an “undoubted right
    to repudiate a prehire agreement before the union attains majority support in the relevant unit.”
    Id. at 270.
    Obviously, if an employer has one or no employees in the relevant unit, then it is
    impossible for the union to attain majority support. There is no majority. The one-employee-
    unit rule simply makes explicit what McNeff’s rationale implied regarding § 8(f) agreements.
    The Union argues that even if an employer’s statutory duty to bargain under a § 8(f)
    agreement is susceptible to repudiation, the employer’s contractual duty under such an
    agreement is not. While the Union is correct in seeing a distinction between these duties—a
    distinction evidenced by the existence of a § 8(a)(5) action for statutory violations and a § 301
    action for contractual violations—its argument is directly contradicted by McNeff:
    Neither does respondents’ § 301 action trench on the voluntary and voidable
    characteristics of a § 8(f) prehire agreement. . . . Moreover, although the voidable
    nature of prehire agreements clearly gave petitioner the right to repudiate the
    contract, it is equally clear that petitioner never manifested an intention to void or
    repudiate the contract.
    [T]he monetary obligations assumed by an employer under a prehire contract may
    be recovered in a § 301 action brought by a union prior to the repudiation of the
    contract, even though the union has not attained majority support in the relevant
    unit. There having been no repudiation in this case, the judgment of the Court of
    Appeals is Affirmed.
    No. 14-4102    Baker Concrete Constr. v. Reinforced Concrete Contractors Ass’n, et al.    Page 9
    Id. at 269–70,
    271–72 (emphasis added). The dispositive fact in McNeff was that the employer
    never manifested any intent to repudiate the agreement. 
    Id. at 270.
    But the Court unequivocally
    affirmed that if he had manifested such an intention, it would have effectively terminated all of
    his contractual duties under the agreement. Here, Baker provided a specific and unmistakable
    manifestation of intent to repudiate the CBA, and in keeping with McNeff, we hold that this
    repudiation was effective to end all of Baker’s contractual duties under the CBA.
    We conclude that the one-employee-unit rule is properly applicable in this case and that
    Baker properly repudiated the CBA. We AFFIRM the disposition of the district court.