Motorists Mutl Ins v. Hammond ( 2004 )

    Pursuant to Sixth Circuit Rule 206           2       Motorists Mutual                                No. 02-5577
    ELECTRONIC CITATION: 2004 FED App. 0024P (6th Cir.)           Ins. v. Hammond
    File Name: 04a0024p.06
    Before: COLE and CLAY, Circuit Judges; QUIST, District
    _________________                                                    COUNSEL
    MOTORISTS MUTUAL               X                         ARGUED:          Henry K. Jarrett III, JARRETT &
    INSURANCE COMPANY ,             -                        CAMPISANO, Louisville, Kentucky, for Appellant. Kenneth
    Gates Doane, Jr., WARD, TYLER & SCOTT, New Albany,
    Plaintiff-Appellee, -                         Indiana, for Appellee. ON BRIEF: Henry K. Jarrett III,
    -     No. 02-5577
    -                        JARRETT & CAMPISANO, Louisville, Kentucky, J.
    v.                     >                       Leonard Rosenberg, Louisville, Kentucky, for Appellant.
    ,                        Kenneth Gates Doane, Jr., WARD, TYLER & SCOTT, New
    VAKISHA L. HAMMOND , as                                  Albany, Indiana, for Appellee.
    Mother and Legal Guardian of -                                                  _________________
    VANIQUA HAMMOND , a             -
    minor,                          -                                                   OPINION
    Defendant-Appellant. -                                                  _________________
    -                          CLAY, Circuit Judge. In this diversity action premised on
    -                        Kentucky law, Defendant Vakisha Hammond appeals the
    -                        November 26, 2001, order of the district court granting
    N                         summary judgment in favor of Plaintiff Motorists Mutual
    Appeal from the United States District Court       Insurance Company (“Motorists Mutual”), declaring that she,
    for the Western District of Kentucky at Louisville.   as mother and legal guardian of Vaniqua Hammond, is not
    No. 99-00803—Thomas B. Russell, District Judge.       entitled to recover any amount from Motorists Mutual
    pursuant to its automobile insurance policy for Albin Used
    Argued: December 12, 2003                  Cars, Inc (“Albin”). She also appeals the district court’s April
    5, 2002, denial of her motion for reconsideration of the
    Decided and Filed: January 15, 2004             November 26, 2001, order. For the reasons that follow, this
    Court finds that Albin owned the car that Vaniqua Hammond
    was occupying at the time of the accident, and, therefore, she
    The Honorable Gordon J. Quist, United States District Judge for the
    W estern District of Michigan, sitting by designation.
    No. 02-5577                          Motorists Mutual      3    4     Motorists Mutual                              No. 02-5577
    Ins. v. Hammond                  Ins. v. Hammond
    was an insured pursuant to the Motorists Mutual policy and      Hammond, would not recover any amount from Motorists
    was entitled to underinsured motorist benefits thereunder.      Mutual under its insurance policy with Albin. In response to
    Accordingly, this Court REVERSES the district court’s           the Hammonds’ motion for reconsideration, on April 5, 2002,
    grant of summary judgment and denial of reconsideration and     the district court reaffirmed its previous grant of summary
    VACATES the related declaratory judgment.                       judgment. Vakisha Hammond, on behalf of Vaniqua
    Hammond, noticed her appeal on April 25, 2002.
    B. Substantive Facts
    A. Procedural History
    The following undisputed facts are taken from the district
    On September 16, 1998, a vehicle driven by Patricia           court’s memorandum opinion and order of November 26,
    Hastings struck a 1988 Mercury being operated by Vakisha        2001, as well as from the parties’ joint stipulation of the facts.
    Hammond. Hammond’s daughter, Vaniqua Hammond, and               For ease of reference, they are set out in bullet-point format:
    another individual were passengers in the Mercury at the time
    of the accident. Vaniqua allegedly suffered “catastrophic         • On August 12, 1998, Zina Merkin traded in her car, a
    injuries.” Vaniqua Hammond eventually settled with Ms.          Mercury, to Swope Auto Center (“Swope”). Merkin executed
    Hastings’ insurer for $50,000, representing Hastings’ policy    a request for a duplicate title, a power of attorney to Swope
    limit. Vakisha Hammond had purchased the Mercury from           and an odometer statement. Swope prepared a Notice to
    Albin, which is insured by Motorists Mutual. Albin had          County Clerk of Vehicle Acquisition form, but did not file it
    purchased the Mercury at auction from Swope Auto Center,        with the County Clerk.
    which is insured by Motorists Insurance Company. Because
    Vakisha Hammond had no automobile insurance at the time,          • On August 18, 1998, Swope auctioned the Mercury, and
    she, on behalf of her daughter, sought underinsured motorist    Albin obtained possession.
    benefits from Motorists Mutual and Motorist Insurance
    Company. Vaniqua Hammond eventually settled her claim             • On August 26, 1998, Swope requested a duplicate title on
    against Motorist Insurance Company (Swope’s insurer).           the Mercury, which Swope received prior to September 3,
    On December 17, 1999, Motorists Mutual (Albin’s insurer),
    an Ohio corporation, filed a complaint for declaratory            • On August 27, 1998, Albin still had no title documents
    judgment in the district court against the Hammonds,            from Swope, but nevertheless sold the Mercury to Vakisha
    residents of Kentucky. The Hammonds’ suit against               Hammond, who took possession of the car. At the time,
    Motorists Mutual, filed in state court, subsequently was        Hammond executed an odometer disclosure statement and a
    removed to federal court and consolidated with the district     retail installment contract, financing the purchase price of the
    court action where jurisdiction was premised on diversity of    vehicle through Albin. Hammond also executed a Kentucky
    citizenship. After reviewing the parties’ cross-motions for     Automobile Dealer Association Form 13, granting Albin
    summary judgment, on November 26, 2001, the district court      permission to deliver the necessary title work to the County
    entered a declaratory judgment, declaring that Vakisha          Clerk on her behalf.
    Hammond, as mother and legal guardian of Vaniqua
    No. 02-5577                         Motorists Mutual      5    6    Motorists Mutual                             No. 02-5577
    Ins. v. Hammond                 Ins. v. Hammond
    • By September 3, 1998, Swope had all the documents          585 (6th Cir.2002). We also review a district court's
    necessary to convey the Mercury to Albin, but did not record   interpretation of an insurance contract de novo. Vencor, Inc.
    these documents nor deliver them to Albin.                     v. Standard Life & Accident Ins. Co., 
    317 F.3d 629
    , 634 (6th
    Cir.2003) (citing BP Chemicals, Inc. v. First State Ins. Co.,
    • On September 16, 1998, Hammond was driving the             
    226 F.3d 420
    , 424 (6th Cir.2000)).
    Mercury in which her daughter, Vaniqua Hammond, was a
    passenger, when the car was struck by a vehicle driven by                                    III.
    Patricia Hastings. Vaniqua Hammond allegedly suffered
    “catastrophic injuries” in the accident.                          The central issue in this case is whether Vaniqua
    Hammond, Vakisha Hammond’s daughter, is entitled to
    • On September 17, 1998, Albin paid Swope for the             receive underinsured motorist (“UIM”) benefits pursuant to
    Mercury.                                                       Albin’s “garage coverage” automobile insurance policy with
    Motorists Mutual. According to the policy, UIM coverage
    • On September 18, 1998, Swope recorded with the             applies to “covered autos,” meaning cars that Albin “own[s].”
    County Clerk the August 12, 1998, documents from Merkin,       (J.A. 147, 151). The policy defines an insured to include
    as well as a Notice to County Clerk of Vehicle Acquisition     “[a]nyone … occupying a covered ‘auto’ ….” (J.A. 198.)
    form reflecting Albin’s acquisition of the Mercury from        “Occupying” means “in, upon, getting in, on, out or off.”
    Swope.                                                         (J.A. 199.) There is no dispute that Vaniqua Hammond was
    in the Mercury at the time of the accident. Thus, if the
    • On October 7, 1998, the Commonwealth of Kentucky          Mercury is a “covered auto” – that is, if Albin owned the
    issued title on the Mercury to Hammond.                        Mercury at the time of the Hammonds’ accident, then UIM
    benefits would be payable to Vaniqua Hammond as an
    • On December 7, 1999, Vaniqua Hammond obtained a            “insured” because she would have been occupying a covered
    $50,000 settlement from Ms. Hasting’s insurer, which was       auto at the time she was injured.
    Hastings’ policy limit.
    Albin’s garage coverage policy does not define
    • Vakisha Hammond had no automobile insurance, and           “ownership” of an auto. Therefore, the Court must resort to
    therefore Vaniqua Hammond sought underinsured motorists        the definition of “ownership” under Kentucky law. At the
    benefits from Motorists Mutual, which insures Albin.           outset, it is important to note that the general law of sales
    Vaniqua Hammond also sought underinsured motorists             does not apply when determining ownership of a motor
    benefits from Motorists Insurance Company, which insures       vehicle for liability insurance purposes. Potts v. Draper, 864
    Swope. Vaniqua Hammond settled her claim against               S.W.2d 896, 898 (Ky. 1993). Instead, the Court must look to
    Motorists Insurance Company in May 2001.                       Kentucky statutory law on title ownership. 
    Id. (noting that
                                                                   the Kentucky legislature had changed “the law of Kentucky
    II.                                from an equitable title state to a certificate title state”). In
    We review a district court's grant of summary judgment de    determining the “owner” of a vehicle, Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann.
    novo. Herman v. Fabri-Centers of Am., Inc., 
    308 F.3d 580
    ,      § 186A.345 (Banks-Baldwin 2002) dictates that the Court
    utilize the definition of “owner” as set forth in Ky. Rev. Stat.
    No. 02-5577                            Motorists Mutual        7    8        Motorists Mutual                                        No. 02-5577
    Ins. v. Hammond                       Ins. v. Hammond
    Ann. § 186.010(7). Nantz v. Lexington Lincoln Mercury               J.D. Byrider was not an owner because it had not been
    947 S.W.2d 36
    , 37 (Ky. 1997). These are the                 assigned title and received it by the date of Chandler’s
    statutory provisions that set out the procedures for                accident. See 
    Nantz, 947 S.W.2d at 37
    (“[A]ccording to KRS
    transferring vehicle ownership and, in turn, determine when         186A.215, a transfer of title takes place when the seller
    an automobile sale has been completed for the purpose of            completes and signs the assignment of title section of the title
    insurance coverage. 
    Potts, 864 S.W.2d at 900
    . Section               certificate and delivers it to the buyer.”); see also Kelly v.
    186.010(7) defines “owner” as either (1) a person who holds         McFarland, 
    243 F. Supp. 2d 715
    , 718-19 (E.D.Ky. 2001)
    legal title to a vehicle or (2) a person who pursuant to a bona     (holding that “the title retained by the dealer must be
    fide sale has received physical possession of the vehicle           assigned, and hence fully executed, as prerequisite to
    subject to any applicable security interest. Ky. Rev. Stat.         effectuating the transfer of title”). Yet the court in Auto
    Ann. § 186.010(7).                                                  Acceptance held:
    A. Albin held legal title to the Mercury                                Both the trial court and the Court of Appeals correctly
    determined that, under Nantz, J.D. Byrider was the owner
    Swope did not transfer title to the Mercury to Albin until            of the Acura for insurance purposes because it retained
    September 17 or 18, 1998, a day or two after the accident.              the title to the vehicle.
    Nantz, 947 S.W.2d at 37
    (“[A]ccording to [Ky. Stat.
    Ann. §] 186A.215, a transfer of title takes place when the          Auto 
    Acceptance, 89 S.W.3d at 401
    . Since the court
    seller completes and signs the assignment of title section of       previously had acknowledged that J.D. Byrider did not
    the title certificate and delivers it to the buyer.”).              physically have title at the time of the accident, the only
    Nevertheless, the Kentucky Supreme Court’s recent decision          logical interpretation of the court’s holding is that J.D.
    in Auto Acceptance Corp. v. T.I.G. Ins. Co., 
    89 S.W.3d 398
             Byrider was the constructive title-holder of the Acura on the
    (Ky. 2002), convinces this Court that Albin was an owner at         day of the accident.1
    the time of the accident under the first statutory definition of
    “owner.”                                                               After holding that J.D. Byrider was the titleholder of the car
    it had delivered to the purchaser, the court in Auto Acceptance
    In Auto Acceptance, an individual, Wayne Chandler,                went on to hold that J.D. Byrider did not own the Acura for
    purchased an Acura Integra from a dealer, J.D. Byrider, Inc.        liability insurance purposes because of Ky. Stat. Ann.
    Id. at 400.
    At the time of the purchase, Chandler presented
    J.D. Byrider with proof of insurance for another vehicle;
    Chandler’s insurance policy allowed him to add a vehicle to              1
    his coverage within 30 days of becoming the vehicle’s owner.               The concept of a dealer holding constructive title to a vehicle is
    incorporated into the very fabric o f the titling statutes. See Ky. Stat. Ann.
    Id. J.D. Byrider
    then gave Chandler actual possession of the        § 186A.220(1) (providing that a motor vehicle dealer is not required to
    Acura, even though it had not yet received a certificate of title   obtain a certificate of title for a car tha t it buys or accep ts in trade, as long
    from the previous owner of the vehicle. 
    Id. J.D. Byrider
               as it notifies the county clerk of the acquisition within 15 d ays); see also
    received the title to the Acura eight days after Chandler was       Hartford Accident & Indem. Co. v. Maddix, 842 S.W .2d 8 71, 8 72 (Ky. Ct.
    involved in an accident with the car. 
    Id. Under the
    court’s         App. 1992) (noting that “a dealer can become the owner of an auto mob ile
    without actually acquiring title to the automobile”) (emp hasis in original;
    previous holding in 
    Nantz, supra
    , it appeared to follow that        citing Ky. Stat. Ann. § 186A.220.).
    No. 02-5577                             Motorists Mutual        9    10    Motorists Mutual                             No. 02-5577
    Ins. v. Hammond                    Ins. v. Hammond
    § 186A.220(5), which sets forth “an exception to the general         failed to obtain proof of insurance, as that term is defined by
    statutory scheme that makes the title holder the owner of a          Kentucky regulations. See 806 Ky. Admin. Regs. 39:070
    vehicle for insurance purposes.” 
    Id. at 401;
    see also Ky. Stat.      (2002) (listing five different methods of proving motor
    Ann. § 186A.220(5) (providing that dealer shall deliver              vehicle insurance). Had Albin complied with § 186A.220(5)
    certification of title to purchaser at time of vehicle’s delivery;   (as well as with the requirement in § 186A.220(1) that Albin
    alternatively, the dealer may deliver the vehicle to the             notify the county clerk of Hammond’s purchase within 15
    purchaser without title, as long as the purchaser consents to        days), Albin would have not have been the Mercury’s owner
    have the dealer apply for a registration and title on the            upon delivering it to Hammond. See Ky. Stat. Ann.
    purchaser’s behalf: “In so doing, the dealer shall require from      § 186.010(7)(c) (providing that a dealer who delivers a car to
    the purchaser proof of insurance … before delivering                 a purchaser pursuant to a bona fide sale “and complies with
    possession of the vehicle”). Under this exception, J.D.              the requirements of KRS 186A.220, shall not be deemed the
    Byrider was not the owner because it had obtained proof of           owner of that vehicle solely due to an assignment to his
    insurance from Chandler and had promised to apply for a              dealership or a certificate of title in the dealership’s name”).
    registration and title on Chandler’s behalf before delivering        Since Albin did not comply with these requirements, it
    the Acura to him. Auto 
    Acceptance, 89 S.W.3d at 401
    .                 remained a constructive title-holder of the Mercury.
    The facts herein are identical to the facts in Auto                  Treating a licensed dealer like Albin that holds itself out as
    Acceptance with one crucial distinction – the dealer at issue        the true owner of the vehicle with power to convey clear title
    in the instant case (Albin) cannot take advantage of the             as a constructive title-holder and charging it with the duty to
    exception to the title-holder-as-owner rule. As in Auto              obtain proof of insurance before delivering an automobile to
    Acceptance, there were two prior owners of the vehicle at            the purchaser furthers one of the central purposes of
    issue in this case (Swope and Albin) and an individual               Kentucky’s titling statute, that of preventing uninsured drivers
    purchaser (Hammond). As in Auto Acceptance, the dealer               from taking to the roads. See Auto Acceptance, 89 S.W.3d at
    herein (Albin) from whom the individual purchaser                    401 (noting that Kentucky’s registration and titling scheme is
    (Hammond) received the vehicle had not yet received the title        designed to fulfill “the important public policy of keeping
    from the initial owner (Swope). Accordingly, under Auto              uninsured vehicles off Kentucky highways, roads, and
    Acceptance, it follows that Albin was the constructive title         streets”). This approach also is consistent with the Kentucky
    owner of the Mercury at the time of the accident, unless Albin       Supreme Court’s announcement that the titling statutes
    can invoke the exception set forth in Ky. Stat. Ann.                 require dealers “to obtain insurance coverage for motor
    § 186A.220(5). It cannot.                                            vehicles they sell until they transfer title by executing the
    appropriate legal documents” and that until the seller has
    Like the dealer in Auto Acceptance, Albin did not assign          taken the statutory steps to properly complete the sale it will
    title to Hammond at the time it delivered the Mercury to her,        be considered the owner for purposes of liability insurance.
    and instead sought Hammond’s consent to deliver the title            
    Potts, 864 S.W.2d at 900
    . Because Albin owned the Mercury
    documents to the county clerk on her behalf, thereby                 at the time of the Hammonds’ accident, Vaniqua Hammond
    triggering the requirement that Albin withhold delivery of the       was a covered “insured” under the Motorists Mutual
    Mercury to Hammond until she provided Albin with proof of            underinsured motorists policy.
    Id. § 186A.220(5).
    It is undisputed that Albin
    No. 02-5577                            Motorists Mutual       11    12   Motorists Mutual                            No. 02-5577
    Ins. v. Hammond                   Ins. v. Hammond
    B. The Hammonds were permissive users of Albin’s                    statutes clearly makes him an owner and [the individual
    Mercury                                                          purchaser] a permissive user.”).
    Albin also was an “owner” of the Mercury at the time of the         The district court below acknowledged that Albin’s and
    Hammonds’ accident pursuant to the second definition under          Swope’s noncompliance with their respective statutory duties
    Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 186.010(7)(a) – “a person who pursuant        “would quite possibly render both owners of the vehicle for
    to a bona fide sale has received physical possession of the         liability insurance purposes.” (J.A. 26.) Nevertheless, relying
    vehicle subject to any applicable security interest.” Albin was     on the Kentucky Supreme Court’s decision in Progressive N.
    a bona fide purchaser of the Mercury from Swope. Albin also         Ins. Co. v. Corder, 
    15 S.W.3d 381
    (Ky. 2000), the court
    had received physical possession of the Mercury prior to            denied UIM coverage based on its view that public policy
    delivering it to Hammond. Although Motorists Mutual                 precludes a recovery in excess of the mandatory minimum
    argues that Albin was not an owner under the second                 amount of coverage (a minimum which, in the court’s view,
    definition because it was not in physical possession of the car     excludes UIM coverage) “where a party would not be the
    at the time of the accident, the definition does not explicitly     vehicle owner under Kentucky’s titling statutes but is deemed
    require an owner to be in present possession, only that the         an owner for liability insurance purposes.” (J.A. 27.) The
    owner “has received” physical possession at some point in           court further opined that “where true ownership overlaps with
    time. The definition’s use of the present perfect tense “has        ownership for liability insurance purposes, recovery is based
    described” makes sense in the context of how dealers do             upon actual ownership without having to resort to … public
    business. For example, a dealer does not cease to own a car         policy.” 
    Id. The court
    then held that Albin was not the actual
    on its lot merely because it permits a customer to take the car     owner because Swope had not assigned it title by the time of
    for a test drive.                                                   the accident. (J.A. 28.) Consequently, any insurance
    coverage for Hammond would be limited to mandatory
    In this case, Albin had a statutory duty not to relinquish the   minimum coverage. The court denied Vaniqua Hammond’s
    Mercury, which it owned by virtue of purchasing and                 claim for UIM coverage because, in the court’s view, the
    receiving it from Swope, without first obtaining proof of           coverage sought was “not compulsory liability insurance, but
    insurance from Hammond. By the same token, Hammond,                 optional UIM insurance.” 
    Id. Since she
    had already recovered
    who had no insurance, had no legal right under the titling          from the tortfeasor’s insurance carrier for her tort damages,
    statutes to take possession of the Mercury from Albin.              she was not entitled to UIM benefits. 
    Id. Therefore, Albin
    permitted Hammond to leave the lot with its
    car, even assuming that Hammond had an ownership interest             The district court’s reasoning was flawed in several
    in the car by virtue of the law of sales. Treating Hammond as       respects. First, the Auto Acceptance decision clarified that
    a permissive user of Albin’s car under these circumstances          Albin was an “owner” of the Mercury as that term is defined
    serves “the important public policy of keeping uninsured            under the titling statutes. Albin also was an owner by virtue
    vehicles off Kentucky highways, roads, and streets.” Auto           of having received possession of the Mercury pursuant to a
    Acceptance, 89 S.W.3d at 401
    . See also Rogers v. Wheeler,           bona fide sale and then permitting Hammond to use the car.
    864 S.W.2d 892
    , 894 (Ky. 1993) (“The failure of [the dealer]        Accordingly, the district court’s public policy concerns must
    to comply with the licensing, registration and insurance            be subordinated to the clear mandate of the statutory
    No. 02-5577                            Motorists Mutual      13    14   Motorists Mutual                            No. 02-5577
    Ins. v. Hammond                  Ins. v. Hammond
    Second, the Court disagrees with the district court’s           Hammond under its garage coverage policy. Since Vaniqua
    perception of Kentucky public policy.                 Although     Hammond was occupying the vehicle that Albin owned at the
    acknowledging that a dealer can become the owner of an             time of the accident, she was an insured who was
    automobile without actually acquiring title, the district court    contractually entitled to UIM benefits under the plain terms
    found that Swope’s noncompliance with the titling statute          of the policy.
    rendered it the owner of the Mercury, and, therefore, Albin’s
    transfer of the car to Hammond was “irrelevant.” (J.A. 28.)                                     IV.
    This Court strongly disagrees. Regardless of Swope’s
    statutory duties, Albin had an independent duty to Hammond            To summarize, had Swope delivered clear title to Albin at
    and the public in connection with the transaction, namely, the     the time Albin took possession of the Mercury and/or notified
    duty to obtain proof of insurance from Hammond before              the county clerk of the transfer to Albin within 15 days, there
    delivering the car to her. By failing to do so, Albin permitted    is no question that ownership would have passed to Albin.
    an uninsured driver to take to the road. Accordingly, public       Instead, the actual title remained with Swope. Albin
    policy requires that Albin bear the social costs for its non-      knowingly perpetuated Swope’s statutory violations by failing
    compliance, in the form of insuring the risk that it unlawfully    to pass clear title to Hammond at the time of delivery and
    imposed on Kentucky drivers and passengers. Motorists              committed an independent violation by failing to obtain proof
    Mutual counters that this case really involves Albin’s alleged     of insurance before delivery. Under these circumstances,
    duty to protect uninsured drivers like Hammond from their          Albin was a constructive titleholder, and therefore an owner
    own failure to comply with the law prohibiting driving             of the Mercury at the time of the Hammonds’ accident.
    without insurance. The injured party in this case, however,        Alternatively, Albin was an owner of the car under the second
    was not the uninsured driver, but the driver’s daughter, who       statutory definition because it had purchased the car from
    just as easily could have had no familial relationship with the    Swope, took possession of it and then permitted Hammond to
    driver.                                                            use the car even though she was legally prohibited from doing
    so. Because Albin owned the car at the time of the accident,
    Third, the district court incorrectly described UIM coverage    Albin’s insurance policy entitled Vaniqua Hammond to UIM
    as optional insurance, thereby precluding Vaniqua                  insurance benefits.
    Hammond’s recovery beyond recovery for tort liability. In
    fact, since Albin elected UIM coverage and paid its                  For these reasons, the district court’s grant of summary
    premiums, UIM coverage for Vaniqua Hammond (an                     judgment in favor of Motorists Mutual and its denial of
    “insured,” as defined by the policy) was mandatory. See            reconsideration are hereby REVERSED and the related
    Coots v. Allstate Ins. Co., 
    853 S.W.2d 895
    , 898 (Ky. 1993)         declaratory judgment is VACATED. This case shall be
    (noting that underinsured motorist coverage is a mandatory         REMANDED for proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    contractual obligation to the insured, just like compulsory tort
    liability insurance under Ky. Stat. Ann. § 304.39-110,
    because “the automobile insurer is required by statute to
    provide such coverage”) (emphasis in original). Thus, the
    only relevant question is whether Albin owned the Mercury
    for purposes of triggering insurance coverage to Vaniqua