Intl Brhd Boilermake v. Thyssenkrupp Elevato ( 2004 )

    Pursuant to Sixth Circuit Rule 206                         2    Int’l Brotherhood of Boilermakers v. No. 02-6439
    ELECTRONIC CITATION: 2004 FED App. 0119P (6th Cir.)                     Thyssenkrupp Elevator Manufacturing,
    File Name: 04a0119p.06                                      Inc.
    UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS                                                                _________________
    FOR THE SIXTH CIRCUIT                                                            COUNSEL
    ARGUED: Michael T. Manley, BLAKE & UHLIG, Kansas
    City, Kansas, for Appellant. Edward R. Young, YOUNG &
    INTERNATIONAL                   X                                         PERL, Memphis, Tennessee, for Appellee. ON BRIEF:
    BROTHERHOOD OF                   -                                        Michael T. Manley, BLAKE & UHLIG, Kansas City, Kansas,
    BOILERMAKERS, LOCAL              -                                        for Appellant. Edward R. Young, Robert J. Leibovich,
    -   No. 02-6439                          YOUNG & PERL, Memphis, Tennessee, for Appellee.
    UNION NO . S-251,                -
    Plaintiff-Appellant,    >                                                          _________________
    v.                    -                                                               OPINION
    -                                                           _________________
    THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR            -                                          FRIEDMAN, Circuit Judge. This appeal challenges a
    MANUFACTURING, INC.,             -                                        district court’s refusal to enforce an arbitrator’s award made
    Defendant-Appellee. -                                            in a grievance procedure pursuant to a collective bargaining
    N                                         agreement. The arbitrator ruled that the ground upon which
    Appeal from the United States District Court                         the company had discharged an employee was erroneous and
    for the Western District of Tennessee at Jackson.                      ordered the employee reinstated. The district court refused to
    No. 02-01015—James D. Todd, Chief District Judge.                        enforce the award because the company also had based the
    discharge upon an alternative ground, which under the
    Argued: March 11, 2004                                 collective bargaining agreement had become final when the
    union had not challenged it before an arbitrator. We affirm.
    Decided and Filed: April 23, 2004
    Before: MOORE, SUTTON, and FRIEDMAN, Circuit
    Judges.*                                                 A. The facts are undisputed. The collective bargaining
    agreement between the appellee Thyssenkrupp Elevator
    Manufacturing, Inc. (“the Company”) and the appellant
    International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Local Union No.
    S-251 (“the Union”), permits the Company to discharge
    employees for “just cause.” The company’s “Attendance
    *                                                                      Policy” provides for the imposition of “control points” on
    The Ho norable D aniel M . Friedman, Circuit Judge of the United      employees for unauthorized absence, with increasingly severe
    States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, sitting by designation.
    No. 02-6439      Int’l Brotherhood of Boilermakers v.       3    4      Int’l Brotherhood of Boilermakers v. No. 02-6439
    Thyssenkrupp Elevator Manufacturing,                     Thyssenkrupp Elevator Manufacturing,
    Inc.                    Inc.
    penalties for increased absences ranging from warnings for       On October 18, 2000 the Company wrote Chandler that
    six to eight points to a three-day layoff for nine points and    following an investigation, it appeared that he had “violated
    discharge for ten points.                                        Company Rule No. 3, a rule that makes it a dischargeable
    offense to engage in punching another employee’s time card,
    Article XXI of the collective bargaining agreement contains    falsifying any time card, payroll record, or work ticket;
    a four- step grievance procedure for the resolution of “any      knowingly giving false information to anyone whose duty it
    dispute” between the Company and its employees involving         is to make such records.” The letter continued:
    the interpretation or an alleged violation of a specific
    provision of the agreement. Para. 1. The first two steps             This is to notify you that your termination is also being
    involve discussion and negotiation between the employees             based on your violation of Rule No. 3, effective
    and their supervisors. Paras. 2-4. If the employee is                September 7, 2000.
    dissatisfied with the outcome, he may proceed to step three,
    which involves discussion and negotiation between the Union         The Union filed separate step-three grievances with respect
    Grievance Committee and Company representatives. “If the         to each of these two grounds for discharge. The grievance
    Union Grievance Committee is satisfied with the Company’s        regarding the September 7 discharge notice was filed on that
    decision, such decision shall constitute an agreement between    date; the grievance regarding the October 18 notice was filed
    the Company and the Union and the Aggrieved employee             on October 23. The Company denied the first grievance on
    shall be bound by such agreement.” Para. 5.                      October 18, 2000 and denied the second grievance on
    November 30, 2000. In denying the first grievance, the
    If, however, the Union disagrees with the Company’s           Company stated: “All of the details realized as the basis of
    decision in the step-three grievance, it “may within ten (10)    termination has [sic] been considered, which includes details
    normal working days from date of written answer from the         in attendance as well as his time card violation covered by
    Company appeal to an impartial arbitrator whose decision         Rule No. 3. As a result, we have determined that the
    shall be final and binding on the Company, the Union and its     discharge was justified.”
    members, and the aggrieved employee.” Para. 6. The
    agreement further provides: “Any grievance which has been          The Union appealed to an arbitrator the Company’s denial
    properly presented under the grievance procedure and which       of the first grievance involving the discharge for excessive
    is not appealed to the next step by the Union within the         absenteeism. The Union, however, did not appeal to an
    designated time limit shall be considered settled on the basis   arbitrator the Company’s denial of the second grievance
    of the Company’s decision in the last step through which it      relating to the time card misuse.
    was processed.” Para. 13. In case of a discharge, any
    grievance proceeds immediately to step three. Art. XXII,            C. At the hearing before the arbitrator, the Company
    Para. 1.                                                         attempted to raise and present evidence regarding the issue of
    the second ground of discharge. The Union objected on the
    B. The Company discharged its employee Danny                    ground that “We’re not here for anything except excessive
    Chandler, effective September 7, 2000 for “Excessive             absenteeism.” The arbitrator responded: “we’re here for
    Absenteeism” (it determined he had eleven control points).       excessive absenteeism. That’s the only grievance that was
    No. 02-6439       Int’l Brotherhood of Boilermakers v.           5    6      Int’l Brotherhood of Boilermakers v. No. 02-6439
    Thyssenkrupp Elevator Manufacturing,                         Thyssenkrupp Elevator Manufacturing,
    Inc.                        Inc.
    presented to me to hear and that’s the one I have to stand on.”         The Union then filed suit against the Company in the
    In response to the question “Is it the Union’s position that the      United States District Court for the Western District of
    second grievance is a separate distinct grievance?”, the Union        Tennessee and moved for summary judgment enforcing the
    responded “Yes.”                                                      arbitrator’s decision. The Company also moved for summary
    judgment. The district court denied the Union’s motion and
    The arbitrator invalidated the Company’s discharge of               granted the Company’s. The court explained:
    Chandler “for the excessive absenteeism issue presented in
    this hearing” because it “did not meet the ‘just cause’                   Because Defendant discharged Chandler on two separate
    criteria.” The arbitrator ruled that the Company improperly               and distinct grounds, Plaintiff filed two separate and
    had determined that Chandler had accrued eleven control                   distinct grievances, Plaintiff and Defendant had two
    points and that the proper number was nine, which permitted               separate and distinct step three meeting [sic], and
    only a three-day suspension, not a removal. The arbitrator                Plaintiff chose only to appeal one grievance, the second
    “changed” the removal “to a 3 day time off penalty as                     grievance became final in accordance with the terms of
    outlined in the Attendance policy for 9 assessed points.” The             the collective bargaining agreement.
    arbitrator also ordered “[t]he grievant . . . to be returned to his
    employment status after the 3-day penalty is recorded,                Order at 9.
    without loss of his seniority or benefits.”
    The court stated that in these circumstances, “the
    The arbitrator further stated:                                      Arbitrator’s decision regarding Chandler’s excessive
    absenteeism is irrelevant.” 
    Id. at 8.
        With respect to the Company’s contention that this
    hearing should also consider the charge of falsifying his                                         II
    time worked record on August 17th which is a violation
    of Company Rule No 3 is a valid part of this grievance                 A. In the first portion of the grievance procedure followed
    and should be part of this hearing is without merit [sic].          in this case (the step-three procedure), both the Union and the
    The grievant was not formally notified of these                     Company treated the two grounds upon which the Company
    additional charges until October 18, 2000 well after he             discharged Chandler as separate and distinct disputes. As the
    had been discharged for excessive absenteeism namely                district court pointed out, the Union filed “two separate and
    September 7, 2000. These charges had not been                       distinct grievances” and the Union and the Company “had
    discussed in the lower steps of the grievance procedure.            two separate and distinct step-three meeting[s].” The
    The charge of falsifying his time record therefore, is              Company wrote separate letters rejecting each of the
    “after the fact” and not admissible in this hearing. The            grievances.
    only charge that is valid in this hearing is the one as
    noted on the grievance form that he was discharged for                The Union, however, appealed to arbitration only the first
    excessive absenteeism.                                              of the grievances, relating to the Company’s discharge of
    Chandler for excessive absenteeism. The effect of its failure
    to appeal the other ground of discharge - the time card
    No. 02-6439       Int’l Brotherhood of Boilermakers v.        7    8     Int’l Brotherhood of Boilermakers v. No. 02-6439
    Thyssenkrupp Elevator Manufacturing,                     Thyssenkrupp Elevator Manufacturing,
    Inc.                    Inc.
    misuse - was to make that ground of discharge final. In the        Supreme Court, two state trial judges and others from
    words of the collective bargaining agreement, the grievance        participating in a state court suit in which he was a party. The
    relating to that ground of discharge was “considered settled       court of appeals ruled that “[w]hen the United States Supreme
    on the basis of the Company’s decision in the” step-three          Court denied Carras’ petition for writ of certiorari, however,
    grievance, i.e., that “nothing” had been presented “to             the Michigan trial court judgment became final and the state
    substantiate that Mr. Chandler’s time record was not               court suit was terminated. Because there is no longer a state
    falsified.”                                                        court proceeding from which to enjoin the named defendants’
    participation, the relief which Carras has sought can no longer
    Thus, when the grievance related to Chandler’s alleged           be given by a federal court. Therefore, this aspect of Carras’
    excessive absenteeism came before the arbitrator for               suit has become moot.” 
    Id. at 1289
    (citations omitted).
    resolution in step four of the grievance procedure, the case
    was in the following posture: the Company had rejected the            Similarly, in Rosskamp v. Kerr McGee Corp., 
    992 F.2d 557
    other grievance involving the alternative ground for discharge     (5th Cir. 1993), the Fifth Circuit affirmed the district court’s
    and, because the Union had not taken that grievance to             holding that the employer was statutorily immune from
    arbitration, the Company’s rejection of it had become final.       liability for a tort claim. The Fifth Circuit then held: “Our
    Accordingly, there was outstanding a final determination by        agreement with the district court on statutory employer
    the Company discharging Chandler for time card misuse.             immunity renders moot Phillips’ cross-appeal arguing
    Therefore, there was nothing the arbitrator could do with          alternative grounds for tort immunity.” 
    Id. at 557.
    respect to the only ground of discharge that was before him -      Kaminski v. United States, 
    339 F.3d 84
    (2d Cir. 2003), the
    for excessive absenteeism - that could change Chandler’s           Second Circuit ruled in a federal habeas corpus proceeding
    discharge, which had become final and unreviewable.                arising out of a federal criminal conviction, that a “certificate
    of appealability does not permit review of . . . alternative
    There was, therefore, no live controversy remaining with         bases for the district court’s decision. And, ordinarily, unless
    respect to the validity of Chandler’s discharge. Even if the       a certificate encompasses all of the grounds for a court’s
    arbitrator set aside the excessive absenteeism ground for that     ruling on an issue, an appeal that challenges only some of the
    discharge, the discharge still would remain in effect because      district court’s grounds will be moot.” 
    Id. at 85.
    of the unchallenged alternative ground upon which it also
    rested. In traditional terms, there was no longer any case or         These cases all involved different facts and different issues.
    controversy regarding the discharge, and any question              What they have in common with the present case, however,
    regarding its validity was moot.                                   is the recognition that “[t]he test for mootness is whether the
    relief sought would, if granted, make a difference to the legal
    In comparable circumstances courts have recognized that         interests of the parties.” McPherson v. Mich. High Sch.
    there was nothing for them to decide where their decision on       Athletic Ass’n, 
    119 F.3d 453
    , 458 (6th Cir. 1997) (en banc)
    the issue before them would have no impact or effect on the        (internal quotations marks omitted); see also Bowman v.
    rights of the parties. Thus, in Carras v. Williams, 807 F.2d       Corr. Corp. of America, 
    350 F.3d 537
    , 550 (6th Cir. 2003).
    1286 (6th Cir. 1986), Carras filed suit in a federal court under
    42 U.S.C. § 1983 to enjoin the Justices of the Michigan
    No. 02-6439       Int’l Brotherhood of Boilermakers v.        9    10    Int’l Brotherhood of Boilermakers v. No. 02-6439
    Thyssenkrupp Elevator Manufacturing,                     Thyssenkrupp Elevator Manufacturing,
    Inc.                    Inc.
    Here, as we have shown, the arbitrator’s rejection of the        The cases dealing with the limited scope of judicial review of
    excess absenteeism ground for discharge could not affect the       arbitrators’ decisions are irrelevant to that issue.
    discharge itself, which also rested on another unchallenged
    ground. In determining the validity of the excess absenteeism         The Union also relies on the Seventh Circuit’s decision in
    ground for discharge, the arbitrator thus performed a futile       Chrysler Motors Corp. v. International Union, Allied
    act. The district court so recognized when it stated that,         Industrial Workers, Local 793, 
    2 F.3d 760
    (1993), as
    because the Company’s alternative ground for discharge was         authority that the district court should have enforced the
    not appealed and became final, “the arbitrator’s decision          arbitrator’s award in this case. The facts in that case, which
    regarding Chandler’s excessive absenteeism is irrelevant.”         is not binding precedent in this court, are sufficiently different
    from those in the present case that that case is not persuasive
    B. The Union invokes cases that stress the limited role the      authority here.
    courts have in reviewing arbitrators’ decisions in proceedings
    under collective bargaining agreements. See, e.g., United             In Chrysler, the Company discharged a male employee for
    Paperworkers Int’l Union v. Misco, Inc., 
    484 U.S. 29
    , 36           sexually harassing a female employee. The Union filed a
    (1987) (“[T]he courts play only a limited role when asked to       grievance challenging the discharge, and the arbitrator,
    review the decision of an arbitrator.”); 
    id. at 38
    (“Courts thus   concluding that the discharge was too severe a penalty for the
    do not sit to hear claims of factual or legal error by an          employee’s single transgression, reduced it to a thirty-day
    arbitrator as an appellate court does in reviewing decisions of    suspension. Although the Company presented evidence to the
    lower courts.”). It argues that under these principles the         arbitrator that the employee had committed similar
    district court was required to accept the arbitrator’s rulings     transgressions on four other occasions, the arbitrator refused
    that no issue involving the alternative ground of discharge        to consider that evidence because the Company became aware
    was properly before him and that because the Company               of it only after it had discharged the employee.
    erroneously determined that Chandler had eleven control
    points rather than nine, his discharge based on that                 The Company then in effect reinstated the employee for one
    determination was improper and the Company therefore was           day and discharged him again for the four other
    required to reinstate him after suspending him for three days.     delinquencies. The court of appeals upheld both the
    Company’s reinstatement of the employee and its subsequent
    Those cases might be relevant if the challenge to the            discharge of him “pursuant to the evidence its post-discharge
    arbitrator’s award here related to his evaluation of the merits    investigation had uncovered,” which it described as “entirely
    of the alternative ground of discharge or even to his refusal to   
    appropriate.” 2 F.3d at 764
    consider the merits of that ground. Those would be matters
    for the arbitrator. Here, however, the arbitrator’s error was in     In Chrysler there were two separate discharges, the second
    deciding the merits of the excessive absenteeism ground for        made after the Company had reinstated the employee for a
    discharge in a situation where that decision could not affect      day, and only the first of which was the subject of a
    the rights of the parties. That is not a matter that the           grievance. In the present case, in contrast, there was only a
    collective bargaining agreement commits to the arbitrator.         single discharge, on September 7, 2000, although the
    Company subsequently provided an additional ground for that
    No. 02-6439      Int’l Brotherhood of Boilermakers v.      11
    Thyssenkrupp Elevator Manufacturing,
    action. The Company’s notification to Chandler of the
    second ground for discharge informed him that his
    “termination is also being based on [his] violation of Rule
    No. 3, effective September 7, 2000.” The present case thus
    involved two different grounds for a single discharge, each of
    which was the subject of a separate grievance, and one of
    which became final when the Union did not appeal it to the
    arbitrator. Chrysler, however, involved two separate and
    different discharges, based upon different grounds, only the
    first of which was the subject of a grievance. Chrysler simply
    is not relevant to the issue we decide in this case.
    The judgment of the district court is affirmed.