Swix v. Daisy Manuf Co Inc ( 2004 )

    Pursuant to Sixth Circuit Rule 206                         2    Swix, et al. v. Daisy Mfg. Co.             No. 02-2154
    ELECTRONIC CITATION: 2004 FED App. 0192P (6th Cir.)
    File Name: 04a0192p.06                                                    _________________
    ARGUED: Clark Shanahan, SHANAHAN & HOY,
    FOR THE SIXTH CIRCUIT                                    Owosso, Michigan, for Appellants. Jack O. Kalmink,
    _________________                                      CLARK HILL PLC, Detroit, Michigan, for Appellee.
    ON BRIEF: Clark Shanahan, SHANAHAN & HOY,
    RANDY SWIX , PAMELA SWIX , X                                              Owosso, Michigan, for Appellants. Jack O. Kalmink, Paul
    Co-Conservators of the Estate -                                           C. Smith, CLARK HILL PLC, Detroit, Michigan, for
    -                                     Appellee.
    of Aaron Ray Swix,
    -  No. 02-2154
    Plaintiffs-Appellants, -                                                           _________________
    ,                                                            OPINION
    v.                      -                                                        _________________
    DAISY MANUFACTURING CO ., -                                                  RICHARD D. CUDAHY, Circuit Judge. Your mother
    INC.,                               -                                     refused to buy you a BB gun, warning that “you’ll shoot your
    Defendant-Appellee. -                                          eye out.” Apparently she was right to be concerned. Based
    -                                     on the facts of this case and a review of other cases on the
    N                                      topic, it seems that BBs are attracted to children’s eyes as
    Appeal from the United States District Court                       politicians are attracted to television cameras. After losing
    for the Eastern District of Michigan at Detroit.                    the use of one eye, Aaron Swix together with his parents
    No. 02-70152—George E. Woods, District Judge.                         brought this products liability action against Daisy, the
    manufacturer of the air rifle which was used to shoot him,
    Argued: March 11, 2004                                 alleging that the air rifle was defectively designed. The
    district court dismissed Swix’s complaint. This appeal
    Decided and Filed: June 23, 2004                            followed.
    Before: MARTIN, CLAY, and CUDAHY,* Circuit Judges.                                                       I
    In May of 1999, Albert Carl Porrit purchased a Daisy
    Powerline 856 air rifle for his minor grandson, Nicholas
    Porritt. The air rifle was kept in a locked gun cabinet. On
    April 20, 2000, Nicholas, then age eleven, removed the
    loaded air rifle from the gun cabinet without permission.
    According to his affidavit, Nicholas took the safety lock off
    The Honorab le Richard D. Cudahy, Circuit Judge of the United         the gun and checked to see if the air rifle was empty. App. at
    States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, sitting by designation.
    No. 02-2154                 Swix, et al. v. Daisy Mfg. Co.         3    4     Swix, et al. v. Daisy Mfg. Co.                No. 02-2154
    45. He then shook the rifle with the barrel facing down                 principle [sic] consumers) was/were children and young
    toward the floor. He pulled the bolt back and tilted the gun            adults” and that “[t]he model was particularly dangerous and
    towards himself to see if there was a BB inside the rifle. He           defective when placed in the hands of minor children.” App.
    believed at this point that the rifle was empty. He                     at 111, 113. The magistrate stated that “Defendant’s motion
    subsequently pumped the rifle about five times and shot it at           to dismiss will apply to the amended complaint.” App. at
    the floor. Only air came out. He then took the air rifle to the         113.
    basement, pumping the rifle as he walked. When he got to
    the basement, he began to watch a movie and held the air rifle            When the district court granted the defendant’s motion to
    in his lap. Halfway through the movie, he picked up the air             dismiss one week later, on August 22, 2002, however, it gave
    rifle, pointed it at his ten-year old friend Aaron Swix and “the        no indication that it was aware of the recent amendment to the
    air rifle went off.” 
    Id. According to
    the plaintiffs, the result        complaint. App. at 14-23. In oral argument, the parties
    was painful and permanent injury to Aaron Swix and virtually            agreed that Judge Woods may have been unaware of the
    complete loss of sight in his left eye.                                 amendment at the time he granted the motion to dismiss. In
    the same order, Judge Woods denied plaintiff’s motion for
    On January 14, 2002, Aaron Swix and his parents filed a             partial summary judgment as moot. This appeal followed.
    products liability suit against Daisy Manufacturing Company,
    in the Eastern District of Michigan, seeking one million                                                II
    dollars and alleging claims of defective design and failure to
    warn of a known danger. In their amended complaint, the                    The parties do not dispute that Michigan state law applies
    plaintiffs argued that “[t]he BB storage magazine in the model          in this diversity suit brought under 28 U.S.C. § 1332. The
    was dangerously and defectively designed [in that] . . . it             task of this Court, sitting in diversity, is to apply the same law
    allowed a BB to become lodged in the forward portion,                   as would be applied by Michigan state courts. See Erie R.R.
    between the barrel and interior of the outer barrel assembly            v. Tompkins, 
    304 U.S. 64
    (1938). Where a state’s highest
    . . . thus misleading the operator to believe . . . the air rifle, to   court has spoken to an issue, we are bound by that decision
    be completely empty of BBs, [even after pumping and firing],            unless we are convinced that the high court would overrule it
    when, in fact, a BB would still be present in the magazine.”            if confronted with facts similar to those before us. See
    App. at. 8.                                                             Bernhardt v. Polygraphic Co. of Am., 
    350 U.S. 198
    Where a state appellate court has resolved an issue to which
    On March 14, 2002, Daisy filed a motion to dismiss the               the high court has not spoken, “we will normally treat [such]
    complaint arguing that a gun is a “simple tool” under                   decisions . . . as authoritative absent a strong showing that the
    Michigan law and the dangers of pointing it at another person           state’s highest court would decide the issue differently.” In
    are “open and obvious.” On April 18, 2002, plaintiffs filed a           re Akron-Cleveland Auto Rental, Inc., 
    921 F.2d 659
    , 662 (6th
    motion for partial summary judgment on the issue of Daisy’s             Cir. 1990).
    liability but apparently they failed to file a timely
    memorandum in support. On August 14, 2002, the parties                     The district court dismissed Swix’s complaint in this case
    appeared at a telephonic hearing before Magistrate Judge                finding that he had failed to establish that Daisy owed Swix
    Steven Pepe. At that hearing, Magistrate Judge Pepe granted             a duty of care. App. at 23. Under Michigan law, both a
    the plaintiffs’ motion to amend their complaint to include the          failure to warn claim and a defective design claim require a
    allegation that “[d]efendant’s primary marketing target (and            plaintiff to establish that the defendant owed him a duty of
    No. 02-2154               Swix, et al. v. Daisy Mfg. Co.     5    6      Swix, et al. v. Daisy Mfg. Co.             No. 02-2154
    care. See Davis v. McCourt, 
    226 F.3d 506
    , 511 (6th Cir.           obviousness of the risks that inhere in some simple tools or
    2000); Kirk v. Hanes Corp. of North Carolina, 
    16 F.3d 705
            products is a factor contributing to the conclusion that such
    (6th Cir. 1994). There is also a defense under Michigan law       products are not unreasonably dangerous. The test, however,
    to the duty requirement in a failure to warn and in a defective   is not whether the risks are obvious, but whether the risks
    design claim known as the “simple tool rule.” See Fisher v.       were unreasonable in light of the foreseeable injuries”);
    Johnson Milk Co., Inc., 
    383 Mich. 158
    174 N.W.2d 752
                Cacevic v. Simplimatic Eng’g Co., 
    241 Mich. App. 717
    , 725,
    (Mich. 1970); 
    Kirk, 16 F.3d at 705
    617 N.W.2d 386
    , 390-92 (Mich. Ct. App. 2000), vacated in
    part on other grounds, 
    463 Mich. 997
    625 N.W.2d 784
       In Fisher, a failure to warn case, a milkman sold a patent     (Mich. 2001) (“[A] manufacturer in a case alleging design
    attorney a wire carrier made to carry four half-gallon bottles    defects is not absolved of liability simply because the danger
    of milk. 
    Id. at 159.
    On arriving home from the market with        associated with the product (simple or nonsimple) is open and
    his carrier containing four milk bottles, the attorney slipped    obvious.”); Boumelhem v. BIC Corp., 
    211 Mich. App. 175
    on some ice in such a manner that the bottom of the carrier       181, 
    535 N.W.2d 574
    , 577-78 (Mich. Ct. App. 1995) (holding
    struck the sidewalk, causing the bottles to break. 
    Id. at 160.
       the same relying, inter alia, on Owens and Glittenberg v.
    He extended a hand in order to break his fall and his palm        Doughboy Recreational Indus., 
    441 Mich. 379
    , 491 N.W.2d
    landed on a piece of broken bottle, severely injuring his hand.   208 (Mich. 1992)); Adams v. Perry Furniture Co., 198 Mich.
    The attorney brought suit against the manufacturer of the wire    App. 1, 14, 
    497 N.W.2d 514
    , 520 (Mich. Ct. App. 1993)
    carrier. The court in Fisher found that “a manufacturer owes      (“The test in design defect cases concerning simple tools is
    no duty to warn of an open and obvious danger associated          whether the risks are unreasonable in light of the foreseeable
    with the use of a simple [tool].” 
    Davis, 226 F.3d at 511
             injuries.”), overruled on other grounds by Allied Elec. Supply
    (discussing Fisher). The parties do not dispute that this is a    Co., Inc. v. Tenaglia, 
    461 Mich. 285
    602 N.W.2d 572
    correct statement of law with respect to a failure to a warn      1999); Restatement (Third) of Torts: Prod. Liab. § 2 (1998)
    claim.                                                            (noting that “[a] strong majority of courts [including
    Michigan in Owens] have rejected the ‘open and obvious’ . . .
    A. Is the “simple tool” rule an absolute defense to a             rule as an absolute defense . . .[and] [a]cademic commentators
    defective design claim?                                        have been almost unanimous in their criticism of the . . .
    rule.”). The Supreme Court of Michigan has explained why
    The parties do seem to disagree, however, whether the fact     obvious dangers should be treated differently in the design
    that a product is deemed a “simple tool” and the danger is        defect context than in the failure to warn context. See
    “open and obvious” is an absolute defense to a defective          
    Glittenberg, 441 Mich. at 394
    , 491 N.W.2d at 215. In
    design claim or whether the obviousness of a danger is merely     Glittenberg, the Court explained:
    one factor in the analysis of whether the risks are
    unreasonable in light of the foreseeable injuries. We agree           In the design defect context, obvious risk may
    with virtually every Michigan court which has opined on the           unreasonably breach the duty to adopt a design that
    matter, all of which have suggested that the obviousness of a         safely and feasibly guards against foreseeable misuse.
    danger is merely one factor in the analysis of whether the            Because the manufacturer’s liability for choice of design
    risks are unreasonable in light of the foreseeable injuries.          is not determined solely by looking at the obvious nature
    See, e.g., Owens v. Allis-Chalmers Corp., 
    414 Mich. 413
    ,              of the alleged defect, obviousness of the danger does not
    326 N.W.2d 372
    , 377 (Mich. 1982) (“As in Fisher, the             preclude the possibility that an alternative design could
    No. 02-2154               Swix, et al. v. Daisy Mfg. Co.         7   8       Swix, et al. v. Daisy Mfg. Co.                      No. 02-2154
    reduce the risk of harm at a cost and in a manner that             concluded that Prentis was actually consistent with Fisher
    maintains the product[’s] utility.                                 and that both cases found that the obviousness of the danger
    was simply one factor in the reasonableness analysis. 
    Id. at In
    the failure to warn context, the obvious nature of the          708 (“Even though Fisher was decided prior to Prentis, it also
    simple product’s potential danger serves the core purpose          applied a ‘pure negligence’ standard . . . . While the risks that
    of the claim, i.e., it functions as an inherent warning that       glass bottles will break or that broken glass might injure
    the risk is present. Stated otherwise, if the risk is              someone are inarguably foreseeable, the court [in Fisher]
    obvious from the characteristics of the product, the               determined that such risks, as a matter of law, were not
    product itself telegraphs the precise warning that                 unreasonable given the obvious nature of the danger and the
    plaintiffs complain is lacking.                                    simple nature of the product.”) (emphasis in original). Kirk
    then applied the same reasonableness test of Prentis and
    Id. (citations omitted).
    In other words, there is no need to         Fisher to a Bic lighter to conclude that no jury— “in light of
    warn of a danger where the danger is obvious, but in a design        the fact that the danger of lighters is obvious to their intended
    defect case, the court must also consider whether a                  users—could find that these lighters pose an unreasonable
    manufacturer should have created the danger in the first place.      risk of harm.” 
    Id. at 710
    (emphasis in original). Therefore,
    For instance, the danger associated with a rag-doll with steak       Kirk suggests that the test is not simply whether the danger is
    knives for arms (“Steak Knife Sally”) may be quite obvious,          “open and obvious,” but instead whether the risks were
    but it is equally clear that the risks associated with such a        unreasonable in light of the foreseeable injuries. 
    Id. at 709
    design choice far outweigh the utility.                              (“Were we to reject Fisher and Adams, as Kirk argues, we
    would have to hold that the determination of whether a
    Our opinion in Kirk is in accord. See 
    16 F.3d 705
    . In Kirk,        particular design presents an unreasonable risk of foreseeable
    we were not asked to decide whether the fact that a danger is        injury may never be resolved by the court on summary
    “open and obvious” is an absolute defense to a defective             judgment.”); see also 
    id. at n.5.1
    design claim or whether the obviousness of a danger is merely
    one factor in the analysis of whether the risks are                    Daisy argues that the “open and obvious” nature of a
    unreasonable in light of the foreseeable injuries. Instead, the      danger is dispositive based on Mallard v. Hoffinger Industries
    question presented to this Court was whether the “simple tool        Inc., 
    222 Mich. App. 137
    564 N.W.2d 74
    (Mich. Ct. App.
    rule” applies in design defect cases at all. 
    Id. Nonetheless, in
    deciding whether the simple tool rule                  1
    W e note that there is a great deal of confusion in the language of
    applies to design defect cases, our discussion provided insight      many opinions, including Kirk, which have bearing on the question
    into the question whether the open and obvious nature of a           whether the simple tool rule is dispo sitive or whether a reaso nableness
    danger is merely one factor to be considered or is dispositive.      analysis applies. We believe that this confusion has be en created, in part,
    Id. Specifically, our
    opinion addressed whether Fisher, which        because courts have conflated this question with the separate and
    was argued to have established the rule that the obviousness         potentially independent question of whether such cases can be decided as
    a matter o f law. If each question is considered separately, however, it
    of a danger is dispositive, was overruled by Prentis v. Yale         appears that there is no t much disagreement. As will be discussed, it is
    Manufacturing Co., 
    421 Mich. 670
    365 N.W.2d 176
    (Mich.              clear that a reasonablene ss analysis applies but that the nature of this
    1984), which was argued to have replaced the dispositive rule        analysis will not prevent a design defect claim from being decide d as a
    with a multi-factor “reasonableness” analysis. 
    Id. We matter
    of law where reasonable minds could not disagree as to the
    outco me.
    No. 02-2154                    Swix, et al. v. Daisy Mfg. Co.             9    10    Swix, et al. v. Daisy Mfg. Co.                    No. 02-2154
    1997).2 We find the reasoning of Mallard, however, to be                       the relevant discussion in Owens and Glittenberg as dicta.
    unpersuasive. In Mallard, the Court discounted the guidance                    
    Mallard, 222 Mich. App. at 141-43
    , 564 N.W.2d at 77-78.
    of the Michigan Supreme Court, noting that “[w]hile we agree                   As we have held, dicta can be of value in determining state
    with plaintiffs that the Supreme Court’s language in                           law. See 
    Kirk, 16 F.3d at 709
    . This is especially true here,
    Glittenberg appears to suggest that the open and obvious                       where we have strong dicta from a variety of Michigan courts,
    nature of the danger will not preclude any design defect                       including the state’s highest court, all making the same point.
    claims, we conclude that the Court was discussing general                      Finally, we note that Mallard was decided prior to Cacevic
    principles of design defect claims and not their applicability                 and without any apparent consideration of Boumelhelm.
    to simple products.” See 
    Mallard, 222 Mich. App. at 142
    564 N.W.2d at 77. We are at a loss to see how the court in                        Therefore, for the reasons 
    discussed supra
    , we find that the
    Mallard could find that the Supreme Court was excluding                        fact that a product may be a “simple tool” is not dispositive in
    simple products from its discussion of design defect claims,                   a design defect case—the obviousness of a danger is merely
    given that it held that “[i]n the design defect context, obvious               one factor in the analysis of whether the risks are
    risk may unreasonably breach the duty to adopt a design that                   unreasonable in light of the foreseeable injuries. The fact that
    safely and feasibly guards against foreseeable misuse . . .                    a multi-factor analysis may be involved, however, will not
    [while][i]n the failure to warn context, the obvious nature of                 prevent a defective design claim involving a simple tool from
    the simple product’s potential danger serves the core purpose                  being decided as a matter of law where reasonable minds
    of the claim.” 
    Glittenberg, 441 Mich. at 394
    , 491 N.W.2d at                    could not differ as to the outcome. See 
    Kirk, 16 F.3d at 709
    215 (quoted in 
    full supra
    at ____).3 Mallard also discounts                    (noting the appropriateness of summary judgment “where the
    facts were clear and [there was] no genuine dispute as to the
    reasonableness of the manufacturer’s conduct”); Glittenberg,
    Judge Kelly, in his concurrence in Ma llard, supported the view 
    that 411 Mich. at 398-99
    , 491 N.W.2d at 217 (noting, in the
    a “reaso nableness” analysis should be ap plied in design defect cases         context of a failure to warn claim, that a jury must consider
    involving simple tools. See Ma 
    llard, 222 Mich. App. at 145
    , 564 N.W.2d        the obviousness of the risk only “if reasonable minds could
    at 78 (Kelly, J., concurring). Judge Kelly stated, “I write separately         differ” with respect to the outcome); Boumelhelm, 211 Mich.
    because I question the analysis in Fisher. Even where the product is a         at 
    183, 535 N.W.2d at 578
    (noting the propriety of the risk-
    simple one, a manufacturer should be held to a standard of reasonable
    care. The obviousness of the risk is only one factor that should be            utility test but affirming grant of summary judgment under
    Id. the circumstances);
    Adams, 198 Mich. App. at 14
    , 497
    N.W.2d at 520 (same); Restatement (Third) of Torts: Prod.
    Ma llard argues that the court in Glittenberg could not be endorsing    Liab. § 2 (1998) (“A court may direct a verdict when it is
    a reasonableness analysis in design defect cases, despite its clear            convinced that, given the obviousness of the danger, it is not
    language, because it expressly noted that its holding was not a departure      reasonable to require the adopting of an alternative design.”).
    from Ow ens. Ma 
    llard, 222 Mich. App. at 142
    , 564 N.W .2d at 77. The
    significance of this fact is baffling given that Ow ens found that the
    app licable test is “whether the risks were unreasonable in light of the
    foreseeable injuries.” Owens, 414 M ich. at 
    425, 326 N.W.2d at 377
    Ma llard’s response to our criticism is that the court in Owens too could      and in any case, as our discussion of Kirk dem onstrates, Fisher is not
    not be endorsing a reaso nableness analysis in design defect cases, d espite   inconsistent with the reasonableness analysis discussed in Ow ens. See
    its arguably even clearer language, because it expressly ratified 
    Fisher. supra
    at ____. Therefore, we find that the chain of tenuous inferences
    Mallard, 222 M ich. App. at 142 n.5, 564 N.W .2d at 77 n.5. However,           Ma llard uses to d iscount the clea r langua ge of the Michigan Supreme
    Fisher involve d a failure to warn claim ra ther than a design defect claim    Court is unpersuasive.
    No. 02-2154               Swix, et al. v. Daisy Mfg. Co.    11    12       Swix, et al. v. Daisy Mfg. Co.                 No. 02-2154
    In sum, whether the danger associated with a simple tool is    failed to demonstrate that an air rifle is anything but a “simple
    “open and obvious” will determine whether a manufacturer          tool.”
    owes a duty to warn and is also an important factor in
    deciding a design defect claim. This inquiry requires us to       C. Is the danger alleged here to be associated with a Daisy
    address two questions. First, is a Daisy air rifle a “simple         air rifle “open and obvious”?
    tool” under Michigan law? Second, if so, is the danger
    alleged to be associated with a Daisy air rifle “open and           The second question, whether the danger associated with a
    obvious”?                                                         Daisy air rifle is “open and obvious,” is more difficult. In
    answering this question, “[t]he focus is the typical user’s
    B. Is an air rifle a “simple tool”?                               perception and knowledge of whether the relevant condition
    or feature that creates the danger associated with use is fully
    Michigan caselaw does not provide a clear test for             apparent, widely known, commonly recognized, and
    determining whether a product is a “simple tool.” However,        anticipated by the ordinary user or consumer.” Glittenberg,
    the courts have categorized products as simple tools when 
    one 411 Mich. at 391-92
    , 419 N.W.2d at 213 (emphasis added);
    or both of the following conditions exist: (1) the products are   
    Adams, 198 Mich. App. at 12-13
    , 497 N.W.2d at 519 (same);
    not highly mechanized, thus allowing the users to maintain        
    Kirk, 16 F.3d at 710
    (finding that the danger of lighters is
    control over the products; (2) the intended use of the products   obvious “to their intended users”); Prosser & Keeton, Torts,
    does not place the users in obviously dangerous positions.        § 96, 686-87 (5th ed. 1984) (“[C]ourts have usually meant by
    Davis, 226 F.3d at 511
    -12. For example, courts have found         ‘obvious danger’ a condition that would ordinarily be seen
    hammers, knives, gas stoves, axes, buzz saws, propeller           and the danger of which would ordinarily be appreciated by
    driven airplanes, trampolines and backyard pools to be simple     those who would be expected to use the product.”).
    Id. We have
    also found guns to be simple tools. Id.;
    see also Treadway v. Smith & Wesson Corp., 950 F. Supp.              In this case, Swix amended his complaint one week before
    1326, 1335-36 (E.D. Mich. 1996) (holding that a .38 caliber       the district court granted Daisy’s motion to dismiss to allege
    revolver is a simple tool). As far as we are aware, no            that “[d]efendant’s primary marketing target (and principle
    Michigan court has specifically considered whether an air         [sic] consumers) was/were children and young adults.” App.
    rifle or BB gun, as opposed to a firearm, is a “simple tool.”     at 111, 113. In essence, Swix has alleged that the typical or
    Fortunately, this is the easier of the two questions which we     intended users of the Daisy air rifle are children.4 We believe
    must answer. Swix does not argue that an air rifle is more        that the district court was unaware of this amendment at the
    “highly mechanized” than other guns. Similarly, the intended      time it granted the defendant’s motion to dismiss, which may
    use of an air rifle does not appear to place the user in a        explain its holding.
    significantly different position than users of firearms. In
    short, Swix’s complaint does not even attempt to distinguish        This allegation is crucial in that it distinguishes this case
    an air rifle from a firearm in any way relevant to the            from every Michigan case which holds that the dangers
    determination of whether it is a “simple tool.” Although
    Swix argues that an air rifle can mislead the operator into            4
    believing it is empty when it is actually loaded, we have noted        According to the affidavit of W illiam F. K itzes, Swix’s expert, a
    the same to be true of a firearm. See 
    Davis, 226 F.3d at 512
    .     September 1975 study commissioned by Daisy found that the median age
    of purchasers of Daisy Power Line guns was twelve years old. App. at
    Therefore, we agree with the district court that Swix has         91.
    No. 02-2154               Swix, et al. v. Daisy Mfg. Co.     13    14       Swix, et al. v. Daisy Mfg. Co.                    No. 02-2154
    associated with guns or other products intended for adults         Liab. § 2 (1998) (“In some contexts, products intended for
    were “open and obvious.” These cases all applied an                special categories of users, such as children, may require
    “objective reasonable adult standard,” not because it was an       more vivid and unambiguous warnings.”). “The test to
    adult who was using the product which caused injury, but           determine whether a danger is obvious is an objective one, not
    because the product in question was intended for and typically     dependent upon the actual knowledge of the user, or his actual
    used by adults. See 
    Treadway, 950 F. Supp. at 1336
                    awareness of the danger. It is the knowledge and realization
    (applying an “objective and reasonable adult standard” in a        of the danger that would be possessed by the ordinary
    products liability case involving a gun); Adams, 198 Mich.         consumer who purchases or uses the product . . . . If the
    App. at 
    13, 497 N.W.2d at 519
    (“Notwithstanding Bic’s              product is one customarily used by children, the danger must
    acknowledgment that it was foreseeable . . . that lighters could   be one which children would be likely to recognize and
    get into and were getting into the hands of children, the          appreciate in order to prevent them from recovering for a
    typical user of a lighter is an adult.”); 
    Kirk, 16 F.3d at 710
        product related injury on the grounds that the danger was
    (noting that lighters are “manufactured for and sold to, adult     open and obvious.” W. Kimble & R. Lesher, Products
    users . . . . [In contrast,] [a] manufacturer who bypasses         Liability § 196 (1979).
    adults, upon whom the law ordinarily places responsibility,
    and markets a simple, but dangerous, tool directly to children        Therefore the question presented here is whether the
    may not avoid liability on the ground that the child ‘should       reasonable child of whatever age the typical user of a Daisy
    have known better.’”).                                             air rifle is determined to be would know that it would be
    dangerous to aim the rifle at another and click the trigger,
    If the typical user of a Daisy air rifle is a child, which we   even after going through the process of emptying and testing
    must presume to be true on a motion to dismiss, an objective       the rifle that Porritt allegedly went through in this case.
    reasonable child standard must apply. See Kirk, 16 F.3d at         Given that this question has not yet been answered by any
    710; Moning v. Alfono, 
    400 Mich. 425
    , 448-49, 254 N.W.2d           Michigan court and given that reasonable minds could differ
    759, 769 (Mich. 1977) (“One has no right to demand of a            as to the answer, we believe this question is not particularly
    child, or of any other person known to be wanting in ordinary      appropriate for determination as a matter of law.5 See, e.g.,
    judgment or discretion, a prudence beyond his years or
    capacity.”); Sherk v. Daisy-Heddon, 
    285 Pa. Super. 320
    427 A.2d 657
    (Pa. Super. Ct. 1981) (applying a reasonable child             5
    Daisy also makes the argument that it had no duty to warn in this
    standard to a products liability case involving a Daisy air        case as a matter of law, based on Ma llard, in which the court mentioned
    rifle), vacated on other grounds, 
    498 Pa. 594
    450 A.2d 615
           that “if a child is capable of understanding a warning, the dangerous
    (Pa. 1982); Fleck v. KDI Sylvan Pools, Inc., 
    981 F.2d 107
    ,         condition would be obvious to the child, rendering the warning
    119 (3d Cir. 1992) (applying Sherk); cf. Mallard v. Hoffinger      
    unnecessary.” 210 Mich. App. at 285-86
    , 533 N.W.2d at 2; Opp. Br. at
    Indus., Inc., 
    210 Mich. App. 282
    , 286, 533 N.W.2d, 13 (Mich.       20-21. This argument is without merit. The court in Ma llard did not
    establish a general rule that there is no duty to warn children. The point
    Ct. App. 1995), vacated in part on other grounds, 451 Mich.        Ma llard was making was context specific. In Ma llard, a young child
    549 N.W.2d 573
    (Mich. 1996) (“Because the                     dived into a p ool and hit his head on the botto m. T he co urt app arently
    determination of the obvious nature of the danger is an            believed that the danger was so open and obvious in that case that any
    objective one that focuses on the typical pool user . . . we are   child old enough to understand the warning would necessarily be ca pab le
    unable to distinguish this case from Glittenberg on the basis      of perceiving the danger on his o wn. In contrast, it is quite possible that
    a twelve year old might not understand that an “empty” B B gun could still
    of the victim’s age.”); Restatement (Third) of Torts: Prod.        discharge without an actual warning to such effect. In any case, given
    No. 02-2154                     Swix, et al. v. Daisy Mfg. Co.           15     16   Swix, et al. v. Daisy Mfg. Co.               No. 02-2154
    Glittenberg, 411 Mich. at 399
    , 491 N.W.2d at 217 (“If . . . the                 N.W.2d 477, 549-50 (Mich. Ct. App. 1982). In Farm Bureau,
    court determines that reasonable minds could differ, the                        the court noted that in negligence cases involving children,
    obviousness of the risk must be determined by the jury.”);                      the reasonable child standard would apply unless the child is
    Moning, 400 Mich. at 447
    , 254 N.W.2d at 769 (“The issue                         engaged in an adult activity. 
    Id. at 477,
    547. The defendant
    whether the defendants are subject to liability cannot properly                 argued that starting camp fires was an adult activity because
    be taken from the jury on the supposition that an 11 year old                   it generally requires adult supervision and the child involved
    boy knows how a slingshot operates and therefore appreciates                    was told that he had to be supervised. 
    Id. at 479,
    549-50. The
    the risk.”); Crist v. Art Metal Works, 
    230 A. D
    . 114, 117, 243                  court declined, however, to depart from the usual standard,
    N.Y.S. 496, 499 (N.Y. App. Div. 1930), aff’d by, 255 N.Y.                       noting that many activities should be done with adult
    175 N.E. 341
    (1931) (“A product designed to be used by                     supervision, but this does not make them adult activities. 
    Id. adults who
    may be expected to exercise care may not be                          at 479, 550. Similarly, while there is no question that an air
    dangerous, but when intended to be placed in the hands of                       rifle should be used with adult supervision, the complaint
    inexperienced children who may seek to enlarge their                            alleges that the typical user of a BB gun is a child, so that is
    knowledge by experimentation of various and sometimes                           the standard the district court must apply.
    unexpected character, it may be a source of peril.”) (quoted by
    Moning).6                                                                          Moreover, a manufacturer has a duty to protect against
    foreseeable misuses. 
    Moning, 400 Mich. at 439
    ; 254 N.W.2d
    Finally, though it might conceivably support a comparative                   at 765; Bordeax v. Celotex Corp., 
    203 Mich. App. 158
    , 167,
    negligence defense, the fact that Daisy intended that its air                   
    511 N.W.2d 899
    , 905 (Mich. Ct. App. 1993). It is certainly
    rifle be used under the direct supervision of an adult and that                 foreseeable that a twelve year old child will on occasion use
    Swix’s grandfather had the same rule does not alter the                         a BB gun which was purchased for his use, without direct
    “reasonable child standard” that applies in this case. See                      supervision, or that any supervision will be inadequate to
    Farm Bureau Ins. Group v. Phillips, 
    116 Mich. App. 544
    , 323                     protect against a split-second decision by the minor to aim at
    another. See, e.g., 
    Moning, 400 Mich. at 439
    , 254 N.W.2d at
    765 (“A manufacturer, wholesaler and retailer of slingshots
    can be expected to foresee that they will be used to propel
    that the typical user of a pool is not a young child, the court in Ma llard
    applied a reasonable adult standard and therefore the case is not               pellets and that a person within range may be struck.”).
    app licable here. 
    Id. at 13.
    W e note that in Me nard v. Newh all, 
    135 Vt. 53
    , 55, 
    373 A.2d 505
    507 (Vt. 1977), the court stated: “A BB gun which is neither defectively          Therefore, for the reasons 
    discussed supra
    , we reverse the
    designed nor manufactured is not dangerous beyo nd that which would be          district court’s grant of defendant’s motion to dismiss and
    contemplated by the ordinary consumer with the ordinar y knowledge              remand this case to the district court for further proceedings
    common to the community. A warning by the defendant Daisy that a BB             not inconsistent with this opinion.
    gun, if fired at a person, could injure an eye, is nothing that even a seven-
    year-old child does not already know.” 
    Id. However, in
    Menard, there
    was no allegation that the air rifle was defectively designed nor was it
    argued that the child who fired the gun was under any misapprehension
    about whether the gun would discharge. The plaintiff was simply arguing
    in that case that Daisy should have provided a warning that the gun was
    dangero us.