Mohammed Huda v. Integon National Insurance Co , 341 F. App'x 149 ( 2009 )

    File Name: 09a0558n.06
    No. 08-2193
    MOHAMMED HUDA,                          )                                        Aug 12, 2009
    )                                   LEONARD GREEN, Clerk
    Plaintiff - Appellant,            )
    and                     )               ON APPEAL FROM THE
    )               UNITED STATES DISTRICT
    THE DETROIT MEDICAL                     )               COURT FOR THE EASTERN
    CENTER,                                 )               DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN
    Intervening Plaintiff,            )
    )                         OPINION
    v.                     )
    INTEGON NATIONAL                        )
    INSURANCE CO.,                          )
    Defendant - Appellee.             )
    _______________________________________ )
    Before: McKEAGUE and WHITE, Circuit Judges; and MARBLEY,* District Judge.
    WHITE, Circuit Judge. In this insurance coverage dispute over which the district court
    exercised diversity jurisdiction, plaintiff Mohammed Huda, Sr. (Huda) appeals the court’s grant of
    summary judgment to defendant Integon National Insurance Company (Integon). We AFFIRM.
    On June 22, 2007, Huda, through agent Kaplani Insurance Agency, Inc., signed an application
    for no-fault automobile insurance with defendant Integon. The first two pages of the application
    contain general information about the applicant, the underwriter, the vehicle, and the insurance
    The Honorable Algenon L. Marbley, United States District Judge for the Southern District
    of Ohio, sitting by designation.
    Huda v. Integon Nat’l Ins. Co.
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    coverage. Specifically, the second page has a section entitled “Driver and Household Member
    Information,” which instructs the applicant to “List all persons of eligible driving age or permit age.”
    (Record on Appeal (ROA) at 338.) The section contains Huda’s name only.
    On the third page of the application, a section entitled “Undisclosed Driver and Rejection of
    Coverages” (the “Undisclosed Driver” section) states:
    The undersigned agrees that ALL persons of eligible driving age or permit age who
    live with me, as well as reside in my household, are listed in this application.
    The undersigned further agrees that this endorsement will serve as a rejection of all
    Coverages, which are not required by Michigan law, while any vehicle covered under
    this policy is being driven, operated, maintained, manipulated, serviced, or used in
    any manner by an unlisted driver who resides in the named insured’s household.
    I understand that I have a continuing duty to notify the Company in writing of any
    changes of members of my household of eligible driving age or permit age.
    The undersigned agrees that this policy may be rescinded and declared void if this
    application contains any false information or if any information that would alter the
    Company’s exposure is omitted or misrepresented.
    Acknowledged by:
    Named Insured’s Signature                                      Date
    (ROA at 339.) Huda never signed or dated the “Undisclosed Driver” section. He did, however, sign
    the “Collision Insurance Authorization” section on the same page. (Id. at 339.) He also signed the
    “Named Driver Exclusion Notice and Authorization” and the “Applicant’s Certification” on the
    following pages. (Id. at 340-41.) Notably, the “Applicant’s Certification” begins:
    I certify all answers to all questions in this application are true and correct and I
    understand, recognize and agree said answers are given and made for the purpose of
    inducing the Company to issue me a policy for which I have applied. I further certify
    Huda v. Integon Nat’l Ins. Co.
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    that ALL persons of eligible driving age or permit age who live with me, as well as
    reside in my household, are shown above. I certify my principal residence and place
    of vehicle garaging is correctly shown above and is in the state for which I am
    applying for insurance at least ten (10) months each year. I understand the Company
    may declare this policy null and void if said answers on this application are false,
    misleading, or materially affect the risk the Company assumes by issuing the policy.
    In addition, I understand I have a continuing duty to notify the Company of any
    changes of: address, location of vehicles, members of my household of eligible
    driving age or permit age, operators of any vehicles listed on the policy, or use of any
    vehicle listed on the policy. I understand the Company may declare this policy null
    and void if I do not comply with my continuing duty of advising the Company of any
    change as noted above.
    (Id. at 341.)
    Huda states in an affidavit: “I was only provided with the signature pages of this Application
    and specifically, I was never provided with page two of the aforementioned Michigan Personal Auto
    Insurance Application which asked to list all persons of eligible driving age or permit age.” (Id. at
    348.) He also alleges that he was “never asked if there were other eligible drivers” in his household.
    He does not, however, claim that he ever informed anyone at Kaplani that he had a son or a wife.
    At the same time that he applied for the Integon policy, Huda provided documentation of
    prior coverage in the form of a Farm Bureau Insurance certificate of no-fault auto insurance and a
    Farm Bureau homeowners insurance policy. The certificate of no-fault insurance listed only Huda
    as a named insured. In contrast, the homeowners policy listed Huda and his wife Kishwar Huda as
    insured persons living at the same mailing address.1 (ROA at 343.)
    Integon claims that it only used the homeowners policy to determine whether Huda qualified
    for a discount on his auto policy. (Appellee’s Br. at 20.)
    Huda v. Integon Nat’l Ins. Co.
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    Huda’s application led Integon to issue a no-fault auto policy that listed Huda as the “Named
    Insured.” (ROA at 181.) The “Misrepresentation and Fraud” section of the policy states,
    A.       The statements made by you in the application are deemed to be
    representations. If any representation contained in the application is false,
    misleading or materially affects the acceptance or rating of this risk by us, by:
    direct misrepresentation; omission; concealment of facts or incorrect
    statements; the coverage provided under this policy will be null and void.
    (Id. at 196.)2
    One month later, on July 22, 2007, an uninsured vehicle hit the vehicle that was the subject
    of Integon’s policy while Huda’s seventeen-year-old son, Mohammed Huda, Jr., (Huda, Jr.) was
    driving and Huda was a passenger. The accident caused Huda to suffer serious injuries, including
    the loss of his right eye, multiple rib fractures, and injuries to the musculo-skeletal system that
    required hospitalization, medical care, and treatment.
    When Huda made a claim for no-fault personal insurance protection (PIP) benefits under the
    policy, Integon denied the claim and declared the policy void ab initio because Huda had not listed
    Huda, Jr. as a household resident on the policy application. Huda then filed this action for no-fault
    PIP benefits under Michigan’s No-Fault Act, M.C.L. 500.3101 et seq., in Wayne County Circuit
    Court. On October 12, 2007, Integon removed the action to federal district court claiming diversity
    jurisdiction.3 The district court later permitted the Detroit Medical Center (DMC) to intervene.
    In the district court, Huda challenged the applicability of the “Misrepresentation and Fraud”
    section of the policy. (ROA at 488.) Integon, however, does not appear to rely on this section in its
    arguments on appeal.
    Huda is a resident of Michigan. Integon is a North Carolina corporation with its principal
    place of business in Winston Salem, North Carolina.
    Huda v. Integon Nat’l Ins. Co.
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    On cross-motions for summary judgment, the district court granted Integon summary
    judgment and dismissed with prejudice Huda’s complaint and DMC’s intervening complaint based
    on Integon’s arguments.
    Huda timely appealed. This court granted DMC’s motion to adopt Huda’s appellate brief.
    This court has jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1291 and Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure
    4(a)(1)(A). A federal court exercising diversity jurisdiction applies the law of the forum state. Uhl
    v. Komatsu Forklift Co., Ltd., 
    512 F.3d 294
    , 302 (6th Cir. 2008). We review the district court’s grant
    of summary judgment de novo. Holloway v. Brush, 
    220 F.3d 767
    , 772 (6th Cir. 2000). Rule 56 of
    the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure states that summary judgment is appropriate “if the pleadings,
    the discovery and disclosure materials on file, and any affidavits show that there is no genuine issue
    as to any material fact and that the movant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.” The moving
    party must inform the district court “of the basis for its motion, and identifying those portions of ‘the
    pleadings, depositions, answers to interrogatories, and admissions on file, together with the
    affidavits, if any’ which it believes demonstrate the absence of a genuine issue of material fact.”
    Celotex Corp. v. Cartrett, 
    477 U.S. 317
    , 323 (1986) (quoting Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c)). The nonmoving
    party must then “set forth specific facts showing there is a genuine issue for trial.” United States v.
    Ninety Three Firearms, 
    330 F.3d 414
    , 427 (6th Cir. 2003) (quoting Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc.,
    477 U.S. 242
    , 250 (1986)). “In considering a motion for summary judgment, the district court must
    construe all reasonable inferences in favor of the nonmoving party.” Vill. of Oakwood v. State Bank
    and Trust Co., 
    539 F.3d 373
    , 377 (6th Cir. 2008).
    Huda v. Integon Nat’l Ins. Co.
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    A. Material Misrepresentations
    On appeal, Huda asserts that he made no material misrepresentations because he did not sign
    the “Undisclosed Driver” section of the application. Huda further claims that even if he did make
    a material misrepresentation, Integon is estopped from rescinding the policy because: 1) Integon
    made a unilateral mistake by accepting the application for insurance (and the ensuing premiums)
    without following-up on Huda’s failure to sign the “Undisclosed Driver” section, and 2) Integon had
    knowledge of the misrepresentation due to its possession of Huda’s homeowners insurance policy,
    which indicated that he lived with his wife.
    Applying well-settled Michigan law “that where an insured makes a material
    misrepresentation in the application for insurance, including no-fault insurance, the insurer is entitled
    to rescind the policy and declare it void ab initio,” Michigan courts have grappled with what
    constitutes a misrepresentation. Lake States Ins. Co. v. Wilson, 
    586 N.W.2d 113
    , 115 (Mich. Ct.
    App. 1998); see also Old Line Ins. Co. of Am. v. Garcia, 
    411 F.3d 605
    , 611 (6th Cir. 2005). For
    example, in Lake States 
    Insurance, 586 N.W.2d at 114
    , an insurance representative typed the
    plaintiff’s application and the plaintiff signed the application without reading it. The Michigan Court
    of Appeals held that the insured’s failure to list each driver residing in her household constituted a
    Id. at 115-16.
    Similarly, in Montgomery v. Fidelity & Guaranty Life Insurance
    713 N.W.2d 801
    (Mich. Ct. App. 2005), the Michigan Court of Appeals allowed the defendant
    insurance company to void a life insurance policy due to a misrepresentation of the insured
    decedent’s tobacco use. The wife of the decedent argued that the insurance agent was “the one who
    Huda v. Integon Nat’l Ins. Co.
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    actually completed the application and that neither she nor the decedent read the application before
    Id. at 804.
    The court, however, held that
    [w]hether it was plaintiff, the decedent, or the agent who misrepresented the
    decedent’s tobacco use on the application is not material because plaintiff and the
    decedent signed the authorization, stating that they had read the questions and
    answers in the application and that the information provided was complete, true, and
    correctly recorded. It is well-established that failure to read an agreement is not a
    valid defense to enforcement of a contract. A contracting party has a duty to examine
    a contract and know what the party has signed, and the other contracting party cannot
    be made to suffer for neglect of that duty.
    Id. (internal citations
    omitted); see also Rory v. Cont’l Ins. Co., 
    703 N.W.2d 23
    , 42 n.82 (Mich.
    2005); Lash v. Allstate Ins. Co., 
    532 N.W.2d 869
    , 872 (Mich, Ct. App. 1995) (holding that an
    insurance contract can be rescinded due to an intentional or innocent misrepresentation).
    In Jones v. Allstate Life Insurance Co., No. 93-1102, 
    1994 WL 28575
    , at *1 (6th Cir. Jan 31,
    1994) (unpublished disposition), this court reached a similar conclusion. Jones involved an
    insurance agent who “read questions from the insurance application out loud [to the applicants] and
    filled in the answers herself.” 
    Id. at *2.
    The agent then “handed the completed form to Mr. and Mrs.
    Jones and asked them to sign it.” 
    Id. Mrs. Jones
    said that “they did so without reading it and that
    they were not given a copy when they left the office.”4 
    Id. During the
    meeting, the agent failed to
    ask Mr. Jones his height and weight, yet the completed application contained incorrect data in
    A copy of the application was incorporated into the policy documents eventually received
    by the Joneses.
    Huda v. Integon Nat’l Ins. Co.
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    answer to each question. The insured decedent’s wife suggested that the agent “must have made the
    data up in order to bring Mr. Jones within Allstate’s risk limits.”5 
    Id. Despite plaintiff’s
    claim that “neither she nor her husband made any oral misstatement” to
    the agent regarding Mr. Jones’ weight, this court held that “both Mr. and Mrs. Jones signed the
    application and declared, in doing so, that the representations contained in the application were
    truthful to the best of their knowledge.” 
    Id. at *4.
    As a result, the information contained in the
    application was imputed to the applicants. Id.; see also Clark v. John Hancock Mut. Life Ins. Co.,
    447 N.W.2d 783
    , 784 (Mich. Ct. App. 1989) (holding that life insurance applicant who
    misunderstood oral questions and then signed the insurance questionnaire without reading it “made
    a false representation on the application”).
    Huda attempts to distinguish his case on the basis that Integon never provided him with the
    second page of the application, which requested that he “[l]ist all persons of eligible driving age or
    permit age.” (ROA at 338.) However, it is undisputed that Huda saw page three, which contains
    the “Undisclosed Driver” section, including the statement that all drivers are listed, although he
    declined to sign this section. More important, Huda signed the fifth and final page containing the
    “Applicant’s Certification.” (Id. at 341.) In that section, Huda certified that “all answers to all
    Other allegations supported this hypothesis. According to Mrs. Jones, when the agent asked
    if Mr. Jones had smoked in the past twelve months he answered, truthfully “that he had smoked in
    the past twelve months, but had not smoked since July.” Jones v. Allstate Life Ins. Co., 
    1994 WL 28575
    , at *1 (6th Cir. Jan 31, 1994) (unpublished disposition). The agent said she “would write ‘no’
    in response to this question.” 
    Id. Further, in
    the months before her interaction with the Joneses, the
    agent in question received an “advance notice of termination” due to insufficient sales and later “felt
    pressured to increase her sales and . . . ultimately quit her job with Allstate due, in part, to this
    Id. at *2.
    Huda v. Integon Nat’l Ins. Co.
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    questions in this application are true and correct” and “that ALL persons of eligible driving age or
    permit age who live with me, as well as reside in my household, are shown above.” (Id.) Despite
    signing this section, Huda does not claim to have mentioned, or attempted to obtain insurance for,
    Huda, Jr. Therefore, we do not see the significance of Huda’s failure to receive page two. The
    district court correctly concluded that as a matter law Huda made a material misrepresentation when
    providing and confirming information in his application for auto insurance with Integon.6
    Huda, however, argues that Integon should not be permitted to void the policy even if the
    application contained a material misrepresentation. First, he claims that the “lack of signature [in
    the ‘Undisclosed Driver’ section] should have prompted Integon to reject the Application, or, at a
    minimum, require an explanation.” (Appellant’s Br. at 12.) According to Huda, Integon’s failure
    to do so amounted to a unilateral mistake, which was not sufficient to modify the policy to
    reincorporate the “Undisclosed Driver” section.        Further, because Integon did not seek an
    explanation, Huda claims the company waived its right to enforce the “Undisclosed Driver” section.
    Huda’s failure to sign the “Undisclosed Driver” section does not, however, invalidate the
    remainder of the contract or require a modification of the contract in order for Integon to invoke its
    power to void the contract under the “Certification” section signed by Huda. That section separately
    Though it is not disputed here, Huda’s misrepresentation was material because, had Integon
    known Huda had a seventeen-year-old son in the house, the premium it charged for Huda’s auto
    policy would have increased by more than 100 percent. (See ROA at 264.) See also Old Line Ins.
    Co. of Am. v. Garcia, 
    411 F.3d 605
    , 611 (6th Cir. 2005) (“A misrepresentation is material if the
    insurer would have charged a higher premium or not accepted the risk had it known the true facts.”);
    Montgomery v. Fidelity & Guar. Life Ins. Co., 
    713 N.W.2d 801
    , 804 (Mich. Ct. App. 2005)
    (explaining that “a misrepresentation on an insurance application is material if, given the correct
    information, the insurer would have rejected the risk or charged an increased premium”).
    Huda v. Integon Nat’l Ins. Co.
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    provides that all persons of driving or permit age are listed in the application, that the insured will
    continue to advise Integon of household members of driving age, and that Integon may declare the
    policy null and void if the insured does not comply with these requirements. Additionally, because
    “conduct that does not express any intent to relinquish a known right is not a waiver, and a waiver
    cannot be inferred by mere silence,” Integon’s action (or inaction) in failing to require that Huda sign
    the “Undisclosed Driver” section cannot be a waiver of the rights retained by the “Certification”
    section. See Moore v. First Sec. Cas. Co., 
    568 N.W.2d 841
    , 844 (Mich. Ct. App. 1997).
    Huda also argues that the doctrine of estoppel applies because: 1) Integon induced Huda to
    believe Integon would provide coverage; 2) Huda justifiably relied on this belief; and 3) Huda was
    prejudiced as a result of that reliance. See, e.g., Conagra, Inc. v. Farmers State Bank, 
    602 N.W.2d 390
    , 405 (Mich. Ct. App. 1998) (outlining the elements of an equitable estoppel claim). Huda
    alleges that “had Integon refused coverage because the applicable section was not signed, Huda
    would have disclosed the other drivers in the family or procured other insurance.” (Appellant’s Br.
    at 16-17.)
    Huda’s equitable estoppel argument, like his waiver argument, fails to account for his
    endorsement of the “Applicant’s Certification,” through which he certified that all persons of eligible
    driving or permit age in the household were shown in the application. Having signed this
    “Certification” Huda cannot have justifiably relied on Integon’s issuance of the policy as an
    acceptance of the risk Huda failed to disclose. Huda could only rely on Integon’s provision of the
    coverage for which he applied. That coverage clearly reserved the right to void the policy under
    these circumstances.
    Huda v. Integon Nat’l Ins. Co.
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    Finally, Huda claims that Integon should be estopped from avoiding the policy because it
    “knew, or in the exercise of reasonable diligence, should have known that there were other eligible
    drivers in Huda’s household.” (Appellant’s Br. at 11.) According to Huda, the homeowners policy
    he provided to Integon – which listed his wife, Kishwar Huda, as a named insured – effectively put
    the company on notice of other drivers.
    Huda’s argument is based on a series of Michigan cases in which the court of appeals held
    that once an insurer identifies a material misrepresentation “the critical issue necessarily becomes
    whether the fraud could have been ascertained easily by the insurer at the time the contract of
    insurance was entered into.” Farmers Ins. Exch. v. Anderson, 
    520 N.W.2d 686
    , 689 (Mich. Ct. App.
    1994). The court created this exception because it thought “it unwise to permit an insurer to deny
    coverage on the basis of fraud after it has collected premiums, when it easily could have ascertained
    the fraud . . . .” Id.; see also Lake States Ins. 
    Co., 586 N.W.2d at 116
    (noting that since it was clear
    the defendant made misrepresentations in her application, the issue was whether the
    misrepresentations could have been “ascertained easily” by Lake States).7
    The doctrine’s origins are contained in Keys v. Pace, 
    99 N.W.2d 547
    , 552-53 (Mich. Ct.
    App. 1959), which explained,
    The short answer to the arguments of waiver and estoppel is that a litigant cannot be
    held estopped to assert a defense, or to have waived his right thereto, because of facts
    he does not know, unless, as a matter of judicial policy, we are ready to say he
    ‘should’ know them. This we can always do, of course, but there is nothing before
    us as a matter of fact or of sound policy, to warrant imposition of such knowledge.
    This is not to say, of course, that one may wilfully close his eyes to that which others
    clearly see. But nothing of the sort is here before us. In fact, when actual knowledge
    was gained, the insurer was not slow to act, cancelling the policy ab initio and
    withdrawing its legal representation of the insured. Such action was well justified.
    Huda v. Integon Nat’l Ins. Co.
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    Assuming a person’s coverage under a homeowners policy means that the person is of
    driving age, Huda’s provision of an insurance policy with his wife’s name does not mean that Integon
    knew or should have known that Huda had a son of driving age. Huda essentially argues that his
    failure to inform Integon about one driver in his household is excused by his failure to inform
    Integon about another driver and his provision of documentation indicating the existence of that
    driver. While Huda points to a clue that could have led Integon to investigate Mrs. Huda’s presence
    in the Huda household, he provides no indication of how the company would have had any
    knowledge of the existence of Huda, Jr.
    In Farmers Insurance Exchange v. Anderson, 
    520 N.W.2d 686
    (Mich. Ct. App. 1994), the
    insurance applicant failed to mention her son would be driving the car. The Michigan Court of
    Appeals held that because the son’s name was “nowhere to be found on the application for insurance
    . . . the trial court properly concluded that it would have been virtually impossible for Farmers to
    know that it should obtain [the son’s] driving record, because it had no reason to believe that he
    would be operating the subject vehicle.” 
    Id. at 689;
    see also Manier v. MIC Gen. Ins. Corp., 
    760 N.W.2d 293
    , 296 (Mich. Ct. App. 2008) (concluding that defendant insurance company could not
    have “easily ascertained” the insured party’s misrepresentation that her son lived with her).
    Similarly, in this case, Huda’s failure to mention Huda, Jr. anywhere on the application for insurance
    is not overcome by his submission of documentation with Mrs. Huda’s name on it.
    B. Ambiguity
    Huda also claims that a portion of the insurance application – which is part of the overall
    insurance contract – is ambiguous, and that we must interpret the ambiguous provision in favor of
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    the insured and strictly against the insurer. Taylor v. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Mich., 
    517 N.W.2d 864
    , 868 (Mich. Ct. App. 1994).
    The asserted ambiguity results from a comparison of the second and fourth paragraphs of the
    “Undisclosed Driver” section.
    The undersigned further agrees that this endorsement will serve as a rejection of all
    Coverages, which are not required by Michigan law, while any vehicle covered
    under this policy is being driven, operated, maintained, manipulated, serviced, or
    used in any manner by an unlisted driver who resides in the named insured’s
    The undersigned agrees that this policy may be rescinded and declared void if this
    application contains any false information or if any information that would alter the
    Company’s exposure is omitted or misrepresented. [Emphasis added]
    (ROA at 339.) Huda argues that read together these clauses are ambiguous and contradictory
    because the second paragraph (the rejection clause) purports to preserve no-fault coverage under
    these circumstances because no-fault coverage is a coverage “required by Michigan law.”8 Having
    preserved the coverage under the rejection clause, the contract should not be read to void the
    coverage under the fourth paragraph (the rescission clause). In reply, Integon claims that the
    reference to coverage “required by Michigan law” refers to coverages that are mandatory even when
    M.C.L. 500.3101 provides that “[t]he owner or registrant of a motor vehicle required to be
    registered in this state shall maintain security for payment of benefits under personal protection
    insurance, property protection insurance, and residual liability insurance.”
    Huda v. Integon Nat’l Ins. Co.
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    the insured party misrepresented facts in his or her application – namely, liability insurance as
    described in M.C.L. 257.520(f).9
    We first observe that the clauses upon which Huda relies to create an ambiguity appear in the
    very section Huda declined to sign. In any event, applying Michigan law, we conclude that while
    the provisions may appear to conflict, Huda has not established that the contract should be
    interpreted to require coverage. Michigan courts construe insurance contracts applying the same
    principles that apply to contracts in general, seeking to honor the intent of the parties, as expressed
    in the language of the contract. Royal Prop. Group, LLC v Prime Ins. Syndicate, Inc., 
    706 N.W.2d 426
    (Mich. Ct. App. 2005). “[A]n insurance contract should be read as a whole and meaning should
    be given to all terms.” 
    Id. at 432
    (citing Wilke v Auto-Owners Ins. Co., 
    664 N.W.2d 776
    2003)). So read, the rejection and rescission clauses serve two distinct functions. The rejection
    clause denies coverages not required by Michigan law when an unlisted household resident uses the
    M.C.L. 257.520 provides, inter alia:
    (f) Every motor vehicle liability policy shall be subject to the following provisions
    which need not be contained therein:
    (1) The liability of the insurance carrier with respect to the insurance required by this
    chapter shall become absolute whenever injury or damage covered by said motor
    vehicle liability policy occurs; said policy may not be cancelled or annulled as to such
    liability by any agreement between the insurance carrier and the insured after the
    occurrence of the injury or damage; no statement made by the insured or on his
    behalf and no violation of said policy shall defeat or void said policy, and except as
    hereinafter provided, no fraud, misrepresentation, assumption of liability or other act
    of the insured in obtaining or retaining such policy, or in adjusting a claim under such
    policy, and no failure of the insured to give any notice, forward any paper or
    otherwise cooperate with the insurance carrier, shall constitute a defense as against
    such judgment creditor.
    Huda v. Integon Nat’l Ins. Co.
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    insured vehicle. The rescission clause voids the entire policy if the insured omits or misrepresents
    information in the policy application that affects the company’s exposure. While a single event may
    implicate both clauses (e.g. an accident that occurs while the car is driven by an unlisted resident
    driver whose omission from the application also altered Integon’s exposure), the two paragraphs
    address different concerns.10
    Here, because the presence in the household of a driver of Huda, Jr.’s age altered Integon’s
    exposure, the rescission clause gave Integon the right to void the policy ab initio. However, had an
    undisclosed driver whose presence in the household did not alter Integon’s exposure been driving
    when the accident occurred, the rescission clause would not be applicable. Read as a whole, the
    application and policy clearly required Huda to inform Integon of all persons of eligible driving age
    living in his household or risk Integon rescinding and voiding the policy ab initio.
    For the aforementioned reasons, we AFFIRM the district court’s grant of summary judgment
    to defendant Integon.
    Because our decision does not depend on Integon’s narrow reading of the “not required by
    Michigan law” language, we need not address whether that interpretation is correct.