United States v. Ronell Rhodes , 436 F. App'x 513 ( 2011 )

    File Name: 11a0630n.06
    Case No. 10-3072                                           FILED
    UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS                                       Aug 26, 2011
    FOR THE SIXTH CIRCUIT                                    LEONARD GREEN, Clerk
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,                                     )
    Plaintiff-Appellee,                                )
    )        ON APPEAL FROM THE
    v.                                          )        UNITED STATES DISTRICT
    RONELL RHODES,                                                )        DISTRICT OF OHIO
    Defendant-Appellant.                               )
    _________________________________                             )
    BEFORE: BOGGS and CLAY, Circuit Judges; and TARNOW*, Senior District Judge.
    TARNOW, Senior District Judge. Defendant-Appellant Ronell Rhodes appeals from his
    drug and firearm convictions resulting from a conditional guilty plea that reserved his right to appeal
    the denial of his motion to suppress evidence. For the reasons set forth below, we AFFIRM the
    district court’s order denying the motion.
    A. Factual background
    Rhodes’ appeal is centered on the issue of credibility and two conflicting factual accounts
    of what transpired on February 19, 2009, the date of his arrest. That day, Dayton police officer
    Ronald Velez was working as part of the Special Enforcement Team, which goes out to areas known
    for guns and drugs. According to the sworn testimony of Officer Velez, which the district court
    The Honorable Arthur J. Tarnow, Senior United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Michigan,
    sitting by designation.
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    United States v. Rhodes
    credited at the evidentiary hearing held on the motion to suppress, he and Detective John Riegel were
    driving down Xenia Avenue in a police cruiser and noticed that a car at least three or four blocks
    away was jutting out of an alley into oncoming traffic, causing cars to swerve into the officers’ lane
    to avoid it. Defendant Rhodes was sitting in the car, which was completely stopped. It took Velez
    and Riegel about ten or fifteen seconds, or three or four blocks, to reach and pass Rhodes. Velez,
    who was riding as the passenger in the cruiser, testified that as they approached Rhodes, they saw
    him turn and “making a stuffing motion towards like the center console.” As they were right in front
    of Rhodes and about to pass him, they observed him cover his face with his hands, shielding his
    According to Velez, they continued driving down Xenia and pulled over to do a turn around
    so that they could go back and check on the vehicle. They had to wait several seconds to turn
    because there were cars coming. As they turned around, Velez could still see Rhodes’ car, which
    remained stationary and jutting into traffic. When they reached the other lane upon turning, they
    heard tires squeal and observed Rhodes driving quickly towards the back of the alley. They then
    pulled into the alley and saw the car parked in the middle of the alley. Officer Velez testified that
    he saw the driver’s door open and Rhodes exit the vehicle, leaving the door open. Velez then got
    out and, in a yelling voice, identified himself as a police officer. Velez ran after Rhodes as he fled
    into the nearby apartment of his girlfriend, Erica Taylor.
    Velez testified that he saw the apartment Rhodes went into and knocked at the back, again
    identified himself as a police officer, and ordered that the door be opened. Rhodes opened up the
    blinds and looked at Velez. Velez once again identified himself and ordered that the door be opened,
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    which Rhodes refused to do. Other officers went to the front of the apartment and Rhodes eventually
    did also. Velez also went to the front and advised Rhodes to open the door so that Velez could verify
    some information because Rhodes was going to be ticketed for impeding traffic. Rhodes denied
    doing anything wrong and refused to open the door. Ultimately, he opened it and Taylor gave the
    police consent to search the residence. Rhodes was taken into custody on the basis that he obstructed
    official business when he ran from the car and failed to obey Velez’s order to stop. Rhodes was also
    cited for impeding traffic. Velez testified that he did not hit Rhodes in the residence, nor did any
    other officer.
    In accordance with the Dayton Police Department’s towing policy, it was determined that the
    vehicle in the alley would be towed. The policy states, “Driver/Owner Arrested: Vehicles operated
    by drivers without an operator’s license, while under suspension, operating while under the influence
    or where the vehicle was used in the commission of a crime should preferably be towed from where
    they were stopped, including private property.” The policy also permits the police to release the
    vehicle to the owner of the car if he or she is present. A license plate check was run on the vehicle
    and it was found that Rhodes was not the owner. The owner was not present.
    The towing policy further directed that the vehicle be inventoried prior to towing in an arrest
    situation, including “property inside the vehicle’s passenger compartment, glove box, console, and
    trunk....” According to Velez, after Rhodes was taken into custody and it was learned that he lacked
    a driver’s license, Velez conducted an inventory search of the car before it was towed. Velez found
    a plastic sleeve inside the glove box that looked like it had been tampered with and removed it to
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    make sure there was nothing inside. Upon removing it, Velez found two handguns, a scale, and a
    bag of crack cocaine.
    Rhodes and Erica Taylor offered testimony at the evidentiary hearing conflicting with that
    offered by Officer Velez. Rhodes denied that the vehicle was protruding into the street. He testified
    that although he saw the police vehicle drive by him when he was sitting in the vehicle in the alley,
    he did not see it turn around. Rhodes stated that when he lost sight of the police, he got out of the
    car and went into the apartment. Both Rhodes and Taylor testified that Rhodes was inside for five
    or ten minutes before police came to the door. Taylor testified that she did not consent to the police
    searching the residence and that the police hit Rhodes. Rhodes maintained that the police searched
    the car before running a check on his name to see if he had a valid license.
    B. Procedural history
    Rhodes was indicted on February 24, 2009 on three counts: 1) Possession with intent to
    distribute five or more grams of cocaine base in violation of 21 U.S.C. §841(a)(1) and (b)(1)(B); 2)
    Possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime in violation of 18 U.S.C.
    §924(c)(1)(A); 3) Possession of a firearm by convicted felon in violation of 18 U.S.C. §922(g)(1)
    and 924(a)(2). On May 21, 2009, he filed a motion to suppress the evidence seized, asserting that
    the police lacked grounds for stopping and searching the vehicle. He contended that he was parked
    legally at the time of the stop and that he was inside the residence for five to ten minutes before
    police came. He also argued that the vehicle search was improper, as it preceded the registration
    check, and that the search of the residence was improper, as police were never given consent.
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    After a two-day evidentiary hearing, the district court denied the motion to suppress on
    September 29, 2009, concluding that the stop and search of the vehicle were not unlawful. Crediting
    the testimony of Officer Velez, the court concluded that the police had probable cause to stop
    Rhodes after observing him obstructing traffic in violation of the law. The court went on to find that
    other factors contributed to a finding of reasonable suspicion and probable cause to stop and detain
    Rhodes, including Rhodes’ driving in reverse, fleeing the car, not shutting the door, disobeying
    orders to stop, and arguing with officers about coming outside the apartment. Moreover, once
    Rhodes was detained and found to be unlicensed, there was probable cause to arrest him. There was
    also probable cause to arrest him for obstructing official business, as he had fled from police while
    they were investigating the alleged traffic offense.
    The district court further held that the inventory search pursuant to the arrest was
    permissible under case law, including South Dakota v. Opperman, 
    428 U.S. 364
    , 372 (1976), as it
    was conducted pursuant to the city’s inventory policy allowing a search in the instant situation since
    the driver was being arrested and the registered owner was not present. The district court concluded
    Rhodes’ testimony indicated that the vehicle search occurred before Officer Velez
    determined that he was not the owner of the vehicle.... However, Rhodes also claims
    that he had been inside the Xenia Avenue apartment for approximately five to ten
    minutes before officers approached him, and he denies running from the police. If
    this were true, it is hard to understand how the police could have located him. Given
    this discrepancy, the Court will credit the testimony of Officer Velez where the two
    are in conflict.
    Finally, the district court did not make a specific finding as to the legality of the search of the
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    apartment, but did conclude that there was no causal relationship between the evidence found in the
    car and the search of the apartment, as no evidence inside the home tied Rhodes to the vehicle or
    gave the police probable cause to search the vehicle. The court also found that Rhodes’ identity
    inevitably would have been discovered.
    Following the denial of the motion to suppress, Rhodes entered a conditional guilty plea to
    each count of the indictment but preserved his right to appeal the denial of the motion to suppress.
    Rhodes was sentenced on January 8, 2010 to a total of ten years of imprisonment, four years of
    supervised release, and a special assessment of $300.
    This court has concluded:
    When reviewing the denial of a motion to suppress, [this court] review[s] the district
    court’s findings of fact for clear error and its conclusions of law de novo. A factual
    finding will only be clearly erroneous when, although there may be evidence to
    support it, the reviewing court on the entire evidence is left with the definite and firm
    conviction that a mistake has been committed. Additionally, the evidence produced
    at a suppression hearing must be viewed in the light most likely to support the district
    court’s decision.
    United States v. Nichols, 
    512 F.3d 789
    , 793 (6th Cir. 2008) (citations and internal quotation marks
    omitted). Where credibility is at issue, “the party attacking the judicial officer’s credibility
    determination must do more than just allege that the parties told conflicting stories. An effort must
    be made to demonstrate why the trial court’s conclusion is clearly erroneous. On appeal all we have
    is the cold record, and we accord considerable deference to the credibility findings of the trial court.”
    United States v. Cooke, 
    915 F.2d 250
    , 252 (6th Cir. 1990).
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    Rhodes’ appeal focuses solely on the issue of credibility.
    Although Rhodes argues that the district court erred in finding Officer Velez’s version of
    events more credible than his in denying the motion to suppress, “[w]here there are two permissible
    views of the evidence[,] the district court’s conclusions cannot be clearly erroneous.” United States
    v. Sanford, 
    476 F.3d 391
    , 394 (6th Cir. 2007) (citations and internal quotation marks omitted). Here,
    Rhodes has not demonstrated that the district court’s view of the evidence was impermissible.
    While Rhodes asserts that there were inconsistencies in Officer Velez’s testimony, thus raising
    questions as to Velez’s credibility and the district court’s view of his testimony, Rhodes identifies
    in his brief only one alleged inconsistency.
    The testimony Rhodes identifies as inconsistent is at worst ambiguous, and not clearly
    inconsistent. Velez testified that after he and Riegel drove by Rhodes, they had to wait for one or
    two cars to pass before they could make their turn to head back toward him. On cross-examination,
    Velez testified that they did not need to put their lights on after observing Rhodes “because there
    were no other cars coming. The cars that were actually coming that had to swerve was [sic] already
    Although Rhodes states that this testimony is inconsistent, no inconsistency is apparent.
    While there may not have been cars swerving to avoid Rhodes’ vehicle at the time the police were
    turning around, there still could have been cars in the other lane of traffic passing by that the police
    had to wait for before turning. This testimony is therefore not clearly inconsistent and does nothing
    to cast doubt on the district court’s credibility findings.
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    Additionally, Rhodes has not demonstrated the district court clearly erred in crediting Officer
    Velez’s testimony over Rhodes’ after concluding that it was difficult to comprehend how police
    could have located Rhodes if he had not fled from the police and had been inside the apartment for
    five to ten minutes before they arrived.
    Moreover, the district court’s credibility findings are supported by Rhodes’ counsel’s
    stipulating at the evidentiary hearing to the admission of documentary evidence showing Rhodes
    made inconsistent statements “in the reporting of certain matters with regard to this case.” Rhodes’
    counsel not only stipulated to the admission of this evidence but stipulated that it contained
    Accordingly, Rhodes has not met his burden of demonstrating that the district court’s
    credibility findings were clearly erroneous, as he has not shown that the district court’s view of the
    evidence was impermissible.
    Under the facts as found by the district court, the stop and detention of Rhodes, and the
    search of the vehicle that police conducted, did not violate the Fourth Amendment. Rhodes has
    failed to identify any legal error in the district court’s ruling that would warrant reversal. We agree
    with the district court that the evidence was obtained lawfully.
    For the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM.

Document Info

Docket Number: 10-3072

Citation Numbers: 436 F. App'x 513

Filed Date: 8/26/2011

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023