Louis Stramaglia v. United States , 377 F. App'x 472 ( 2010 )

    File Name: 10a0295n.06
    No. 08-2624                                FILED
    May 13, 2010
    DEVELOPMENT CO.,                   )
    Plaintiffs,                   )
    VOLPE-VITO, INC.,                  )
    Plaintiff-Appellant,          )
    v.                                 )                       On Appeal from the United States
    )                       District Court for the Eastern
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,          )                       District of Michigan
    Defendant-Appellee.           )
    Before:        BOGGS and COOK, Circuit Judges; and COLLIER, Chief District Judge.*
    PER CURIAM. Volpe-Vito, Inc. appeals the district court’s order granting summary
    judgment in favor of the United States of America on the issue of whether, under Michigan law,
    Volpe-Vito is a mere continuation of Auburn Park Management Co. Because we conclude that the
    district court did not err, and because we find no genuine issues of material fact, we affirm the
    judgment of the district court.
    The Honorable Curtis L. Collier, Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the
    Eastern District of Tennessee, sitting by designation.
    No. 08-2624
    Stramaglia, et al. v. USA
    Volpe-Vito, Inc. (Volpe-Vito), a Michigan corporation, was founded in October 1981. In
    1982, Louis Stramaglia (Stramaglia) and his brother Frank acquired sole ownership of the
    Volpe-Vito’s business involved the development of a water park on the corporation’s real
    estate in Shelby Township, Michigan. Volpe-Vito began operating the park, known as Four Bears
    Water Park (Four Bears), in 1983. Volpe-Vito continued to operate the park, which was open
    seasonally, until 1992.
    In 1992, at the behest of Volpe-Vito’s creditors and attorneys, the Stramaglias decided to
    form a separate management company to operate Four Bears. The express reason for forming this
    new company was to separate the water park’s operating liabilities from Volpe-Vito’s assets (i.e.,
    the land and facilities). Stramaglia’s sister Nancy formed the new corporation, named Auburn Park
    Management Company (Auburn Park), in March 1992.
    Shortly after its formation, Auburn Park entered into a lease agreement with Volpe-Vito,
    which granted Auburn Park the right to operate Four Bears. Auburn Park entered into new lease
    agreements with Volpe-Vito in 1993 and 1996, the latter of which is at issue in this case. Under the
    terms of these contracts, Auburn Park agreed to pay Volpe-Vito an annual rental fee of $200,000 and
    ten percent of gross sales. Auburn Park also agreed to pay all real estate taxes and assessments that
    became due on Volpe-Vito’s property. The agreements would automatically renew annually unless
    either party gave notice of cancellation due to breach.
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    Stramaglia, et al. v. USA
    Auburn Park managed Four Bears for nine years. During that time, Stramaglia gradually
    assumed sole ownership and control over both Auburn Park and Volpe-Vito. By 1997, Stramaglia
    was the sole shareholder, director, and president of both Auburn Park and Volpe-Vito. The only
    other officer was Thomas Nepa (Nepa), who served as secretary and accountant for both Volpe-Vito
    and Auburn Park. It was Stramaglia, however, who, in his capacity as Auburn Park’s president,
    managed the daily business activities of Four Bears.
    Both before and after Stramaglia became president, Auburn Park apparently repeatedly
    neglected to satisfy its employment tax obligations. According to the Internal Revenue Service
    (IRS), between 1996 and 2002, Auburn Park accrued over $270,000 in unpaid employment tax
    obligations. In October 2001, the IRS filed Notices of Federal Tax Liens against Auburn Park for
    over $300,000 in back taxes.
    Shortly thereafter, on November 29, 2001, Stramaglia, acting as sole shareholder and director
    of Volpe-Vito, passed a resolution terminating the lease agreement between Volpe-Vito and Auburn
    Park. The resolution noted that Auburn Park had failed to pay Volpe-Vito’s real estate taxes in 2000
    and 2001, and that such failure constituted a breach of the lease agreement. Auburn Park made no
    apparent effort to contest or resist termination.
    Pursuant to the November 29 resolution, the lease agreement between Auburn Park and
    Volpe-Vito ended on December 31, 2001. At that time, the right to operate Four Bears reverted to
    Volpe-Vito. This left Auburn Park with three remaining assets. First, Auburn Park held equipment
    and machinery with a book value of $14,228. Stramaglia offered to surrender this equipment and
    machinery to the IRS, but the IRS apparently declined the offer. Thereafter, the equipment and
    No. 08-2624
    Stramaglia, et al. v. USA
    machinery were placed on Volpe-Vito’s books, in return for which Volpe-Vito reduced Auburn
    Park’s debt to Volpe-Vito by $14,228. Second, Auburn Park held investment accounts of unknown
    value. These accounts were transferred to Volpe-Vito’s books. Finally, Auburn Park possessed
    accounts receivable with a book value of over $300,000, representing debts owed to Auburn Park
    by Flab, Inc.1 Auburn Park continued to carry these receivables on its books, but eventually forgave
    them as uncollectible.
    Once Stramaglia cancelled the lease agreement between Volpe-Vito and Auburn Park, Volpe-
    Vito resumed operating Four Bears. Volpe-Vito apparently did not make any significant changes
    to the operations of Four Bears. Rather, Stramaglia, acting as Volpe-Vito’s president, continued to
    manage Four Bears much as he had before. Volpe-Vito operated Four bears until 2004, at which
    time the park permanently closed.
    In 2006, the IRS filed tax liens against Volpe-Vito, Stramaglia, and two other related entities,
    asserting that they were liable for the unpaid tax liabilities of Auburn Park. Stramaglia, Volpe-Vito,
    and the related entities filed a complaint in the United States District Court for the Eastern District
    of Michigan seeking a judgment declaring that they were not liable for Auburn Park’s debts. Volpe-
    Vito and the government both filed motions seeking summary judgment on the issue of Volpe-Vito’s
    1iability as successor to Auburn Park. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the
    government on the grounds that, under Michigan law, Auburn Park was a mere continuation of
    Volpe-Vito. Volpe-Vito timely appealed.
    Flab, Inc. was another corporation owned by Stramaglia’s family and, by 1992, run by
    Stramaglia. Flab operated Honey Bear Restaurant, the on-site restaurant of Four Bears.
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    Stramaglia, et al. v. USA
    On appeal, Volpe-Vito asserts that the district court erred when it applied the “mere
    continuation” exception. This court reviews a district court’s order granting summary judgment de
    novo, but reviews its findings of fact for clear error. Keck v. Graham Hotel Sys., 
    566 F.3d 634
    , 636
    (6th Cir. 2009). Summary judgment is appropriate where “the pleadings, the discovery and
    disclosure materials on file, and any affidavits show that there is no genuine issue as to any material
    fact and that the movant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c). The party
    moving for summary judgment “bears the initial burden of identifying those parts of the record
    which demonstrate the absence of any genuine issue of material fact.” White v. Baxter Healthcare
    533 F.3d 381
    , 389-90 (6th Cir. 2008) (citing Celotex Corp. v. Cartrett, 
    477 U.S. 317
    , 323
    (1986)). Once the moving party has satisfied its burden, the nonmoving party “may not rest upon
    its mere allegations or denials of the adverse party’s pleadings, but rather must set forth specific facts
    showing that there is a genuine issue for trial.” Moldowan v. City of Warren, 
    578 F.3d 351
    , 374 (6th
    Cir. 2009). The “mere existence of a scintilla of evidence” will not prevent summary judgment,
    Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 
    477 U.S. 242
    , 252 (1986), and if the evidence “is merely colorable,
    or is not significantly probative, summary judgment may be granted.” 
    Id. at 249-50
    In this case, the district court did not err when it found Volpe-Vito liable as Auburn Park’s
    successor. Michigan follows the “traditional rule of nonliability for corporate successors who
    acquire a predecessor through the purchase of assets.” Foster v. Cone-Blanchard Mach. Co., 597
    No. 08-2624
    Stramaglia, et al. v. USA
    N.W. 2d 506, 509 (Mich. 1999). However, Michigan recognizes five narrow exceptions to the
    traditional rule of non-liability:
    (1) where there is an express or implied assumption of liability; (2) where the
    transaction amounts to a consolidation or merger; (3) where the transaction was
    fraudulent; (4) where some elements of a purchase in good faith were lacking, or
    where the transfer was without consideration and the creditors of the transferor were
    not provided for; or (5) where the transferee corporation was a mere continuation or
    reincarnation of the old corporation.
    Id. at 509-10 (quoting Turner v. Bituminous Casualty Co., 
    244 N.W.2d 873
    , 878 n.3 (Mich. 1976)).
    It is the fifth exception–the so-called “mere continuation” exception–that is at issue in the present
    The Michigan Supreme Court has recognized the “mere continuation” exception since the
    turn of the twentieth century. See Chase v. Mich. Tel. Co., 
    80 N.W. 717
    , 718 (Mich. 1899) (citing
    Austin v. Tecumseh Natl. Bank, 
    68 N.W. 628
     (Neb. 1896)). The court has indicated that the
    exception rests on two related principles. See Pearce v. Schneider, 
    217 N.W. 761
     (Mich. 1928)
    (imposing liability on a corporation because it was a “reincarnation” of its predecessor). First,
    “courts will not tolerate any species of transaction where the stockholders in the debtor corporation
    are permitted, by virtue of their stock ownership, to retain for themselves an interest in the corporate
    assets until the debts of the corporation shall have been paid.” Id. at 762 (quoting 
    15 A.L.R. 1112
    Second, a “corporation which acquires the entire property of another corporation under an
    arrangement which has the effect of distributing the assets of the latter corporation among its
    stockholders, to the exclusion of its creditors, takes the property subject to payment of the debts of
    its vendor.” 
     (quoting Grenell v. Detroit Gas Co., 
    70 N.W. 413
    , 413-14 (Mich. 1897)).
    No. 08-2624
    Stramaglia, et al. v. USA
    To determine whether a successor corporation is a mere continuation of its predecessor,
    Michigan courts examine the totality of the circumstances and engage in a multi-factor analysis. See,
    e.g., id. at 762; Shue & Voeks, Inc. v. Amenity Design & Mfg., Inc., 
    511 N.W.2d 700
    , 702 (Mich.
    App. 1993); Ferguson v. Glaze, No. 268586, 
    2008 WL 314544
    , at *5 (Mich. App. Feb. 5, 2008).
    The only indispensable prerequisites to application of the exception appear to be common ownership
    and a transfer of substantially all assets.2 See, e.g., Pearce, 217 N.W. at 762; Shue & Voeks, Inc.,
    511 N.W.2d at 702
    ; Gougeon Bros. v. Phoenix Resins, Inc., No. 211738, 
    2000 WL 33534582
    , at *2
    (Mich. App. Feb. 8, 2000). Beside these two factors, the most important consideration appears to
    be the nature of the business performed by the successor corporation–that is, whether its “main
    corporate purpose was to conduct the same business” as its predecessor. Pearce, 217 N.W. at 762;
    see also Shue & Voeks, Inc., 
    511 N.W.2d at 702
    ; Ferguson, 
    2008 WL 314544
    , at *2. Several other
    factors also bear upon “mere continuation” analysis: the new corporation’s retention of the old
    corporation’s officers and employees, see Shue & Voeks, Inc., 
    511 N.W.2d at 702
    ; Ferguson, 
    2008 WL 314544
    , at *5; the new corporation’s occupancy of the old corporation’s place of business; see
    Gougeon Bros., 
    2000 WL 33534582
    , at *2; and the new corporation’s selective repayment of the old
    corporation’s debts, see 
    Volpe-Vito asserts that a court must also find evidence of inadequate consideration or fraud
    to impose liability under the “mere continuation” exception. We recognize that several jurisdictions
    do require the presence of one or both of these factors. See, e.g., Kazir’s Floor & Home Design, Inc.
    Notably, however, no Michigan court has found these factors alone sufficient to justify
    imposition of successor liability.
    No. 08-2624
    Stramaglia, et al. v. USA
    v. M-MLS.com, 
    394 F.3d 1143
    , 1150 (9th Cir. 2004) (discussing California law). Michigan,
    however, is not such a jurisdiction. See Shue & Voeks, Inc., 511N.W.2d at 702 (finding the Uniform
    Fraudulent Conveyance Act inapplicable based on the adequacy of consideration and absence of
    fraud, but failing to mention either the absence of fraud or adequacy of consideration as part of “mere
    continuation” analysis).
    Applying the factors examined by Michigan courts to the present case, Volpe-Vito was a
    mere continuation of Auburn Park. First, Volpe-Vito acquired substantially all of Auburn Park’s
    assets. This included not only all of Auburn Park’s physical assets3–which were relatively
    meager–but also, more importantly, Auburn Park’s most valuable asset: the right to operate Four
    Bears.4 Cf., e.g., Warne Invs., Ltd. v. Higgins, 
    195 P.3d 645
    , 651 (Ariz. App. 2008) (imposing
    liability based on the transfer of intangible assets); Gladstone v. Stuart Cinemas, Inc., 
    878 A.2d 214
    225 (Vt. 2005) (basing liability on the transfer of “the critical asset [of] accessibility to films for
    public viewing”). Stramaglia effectively transferred that right from Auburn Park to Volpe-Vito
    when, in his capacity as sole shareholder and director of Volpe-Vito, he cancelled the lease
    agreement between Volpe-Vito and Auburn Park. Ordinarily, of course, cancellation of a lease
    agreement would not constitute an asset transfer. In this case, however, Stramaglia had sole control
    over both Auburn Park’s performance of its obligations under the lease agreement and Volpe-Vito’s
    Volpe-Vito suggests that Auburn Park actually abandoned this property. Yet Volpe-Vito’s
    actions belie this characterization of Auburn Park’s conduct, as Volpe-Vito sought to compensate
    Auburn Park for the assets by forgiving part of Auburn Park’s debt.
    Stramaglia acknowledged in his deposition testimony that Auburn Park’s assets included
    the right to operate Four Bears, embodied by the lease agreement.
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    Stramaglia, et al. v. USA
    response to default. Moreover, Stramaglia controlled Auburn Park’s response to cancellation–that
    is, whether Auburn Park fought to preserve its primary revenue-producing asset, or simply accepted
    the loss (as it did). As a result, Stramaglia essentially had discretion to shift the right to operate Four
    Bears between Auburn Park and Volpe-Vito. Under these circumstances, cancellation of the lease
    agreement resembled more a voluntary transfer than an involuntary termination of rights.
    Appellant contends, however, that Auburn Park’s most valuable asset was actually the
    $300,000 in accounts receivable that remained on Auburn Park’s books. See Appellant’s Brief at
    18. Yet the district court found that these receivables were eventually forgiven as uncollectible, and
    appellant does not contest that finding. Further, Auburn Park’s accountant, Nepa, admitted that the
    company had no assets after it transferred its physical property to Volpe-Vito. The evidence in the
    record thus indicates that Volpe-Vito did acquire substantially all of Auburn Park’s assets.
    Second, as appellant concedes, Auburn Park and Volpe-Vito shared common ownership, as
    Stramaglia was the sole shareholder in both corporations.
    Third, after Volpe-Vito acquired Auburn Park’s assets, it conducted exactly the same
    business at the same location as Auburn Park–it operated Four Bears.5 Appellant seeks to distinguish
    Volpe-Vito’s business on the grounds that Volpe-Vito operated the park using its own property and
    equipment. Yet appellant offers no explanation of how ownership of the underlying assets altered
    the nature of the business conducted. Both Auburn Park and Volpe-Vito focused entirely on
    According to Stramaglia’s testimony, before resuming control over Four Bears, Volpe-Vito
    was merely a shell that held the property and facilities operated by Auburn Park, but that conducted
    no business and had no employees of its own.
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    Stramaglia, et al. v. USA
    operating the same facilities; the latter’s ownership of those facilities had no apparent impact upon
    the nature of its business activities.
    Fourth, Volpe-Vito retained the same managers as Auburn Park. Stramaglia served as
    president and sole director of both companies, with primary responsibility for the affairs of Four
    Bears, and Nepa served as both corporations’ secretary and accountant.
    Finally, though their employees were not identical, there were substantial similarities between
    Auburn Park’s and Volpe-Vito’s workforces.6
    Additionally, the considerations that led Michigan to embrace the “mere consideration”
    exception support its application in the present case. By transferring Auburn Park’s assets to Volpe-
    Vito, Stramaglia sought to derive benefits from the same assets (including the right to operate Four
    Bears) that served as Auburn Park’s primary source of revenue, while leaving Auburn Park’s
    creditors without recourse. This is precisely the type of behavior that the Michigan Supreme Court
    sought to control when it adopted the “mere continuation” exception. See Pearce, 217 N.W. at 762.
    Accordingly, under Michigan law, Volpe-Vito is a mere continuation of Auburn Park. The
    district court thus did not err when it granted summary judgment in favor of appellee.
    For the aforementioned reasons, we affirm the judgment of the district court.
    Unsurprisingly, given the seasonal nature of the water park’s business, many employees
    changed between seasons. Notably, however, the categories and number of positions that existed
    under Volpe-Vito’s control was essentially the same as existed under Auburn Park’s control.
    Moreover, there was significant overlap between the life guards and office workers employed by the
    two corporations, the positions that presumably required the most training and thus exhibited the
    most stability.
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