Claude Varney v. Raymond Booker , 506 F. App'x 362 ( 2012 )

  •                           NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PUBLICATION
    File Name: 12a1207n.06
    No. 11-1595                                 Nov 21, 2012
    DEBORAH S. HUNT, Clerk
    CLAUDE VARNEY,                         )
    Petitioner-Appellant,            )
    v.                                     )
    )               ON APPEAL FROM THE UNITED
    RAYMOND BOOKER,                        )               STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE
    Respondent-Appellee.             )
    ______________________________________ )               OPINION
    Before: GILMAN, GIBBONS, and ROGERS, Circuit Judges.
    RONALD LEE GILMAN, Circuit Judge. Claude Varney was convicted in the circuit
    court for Wayne County, Michigan of second-degree murder and of possessing a firearm in the
    commission of a felony. He was sentenced to serve 20 to 30 years in prison on the former charge,
    consecutive to a 2-year prison term on the latter charge. Varney filed a motion for a new trial,
    arguing that he had received the ineffective assistance of counsel at his bench trial. The circuit court,
    with the same presiding judge, held an evidentiary hearing and granted Varney’s motion. But the
    State appealed, and the Michigan Court of Appeals peremptorily reversed the trial court’s order.
    Varney’s subsequent direct appeal and his petitions for post-conviction relief in the state courts were
    He then filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in federal district court. The district court
    denied his petition but granted a certificate of appealability with respect to Varney’s claim that his
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    trial counsel was ineffective in not calling Varney to testify in support of his self-defense theory of
    the case. For the reasons set forth below, we AFFIRM the judgment of the district court.
    In September 1993, Varney shot and killed Tommy Maples in a bar in Detroit, Michigan.
    Varney was arrested and charged with second-degree murder, in violation of M.C.L. § 750.317, and
    with possessing a firearm in the commission of a felony, in violation of M.C.L. § 750.227b.
    Witnesses at Varney’s bench trial gave conflicting accounts of the events surrounding Maples’s
    death. The following paragraph summarizes the trial court’s findings of fact.
    Varney entered the bar with a group of people, approached Maples, and began speaking to
    him. The two men sat down at a table together, continuing a conversation that nearby witnesses
    described as outwardly friendly. There was no evidence of an argument or confrontation. Then
    “[a]n unusual sound was heard, possibly the scraping of chairs at the table,” and the two men stood
    up, Maples with his hands raised and Varney “armed with a handgun.” Varney fired a bullet into
    Maples’s body “for no apparent reason.” Varney might have believed that Maples was reaching for
    a weapon, but Varney did not see a weapon and Maples had none. Whatever Varney’s belief, it did
    not warrant his shooting Maples “under the circumstances then obtaining.” The court concluded that
    the killing was in no way justified or excused, thus finding Varney guilty as charged.
    Varney filed a motion for a new trial, alleging that he was denied his Sixth Amendment right
    to the effective assistance of counsel. The trial court held an evidentiary hearing on Varney’s
    motion, referred to in Michigan as a Ginther hearing. See, e.g., People v. Dendel, 
    748 N.W.2d 859
    863 (Mich. 2008) (citing People v. Ginther, 
    212 N.W.2d 922
     (Mich. 1973)) (referring to a “Ginther
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    hearing to determine whether [trial counsel] had provided ineffective assistance”). Both Varney and
    his former trial counsel, Dominick Sorise, testified about the defense that Sorise provided and the
    reasons why Varney did not testify at the trial.
    Sorise said that Varney initially wanted to take the witness stand, but that, after at least one
    argument between the two men, Sorise convinced him that he should not testify. At no point did
    Sorise explicitly advise Varney of his constitutional right to testify in his own defense. Instead,
    Sorise “assumed [Varney] understood that he had a right or an opportunity to testify.” Sorise
    explained that he advised Varney not to testify because the prosecution had already entered into
    evidence a statement that Varney had made to Detective Patrick Henahan sufficiently explaining
    Varney’s self-defense story. That statement, as related by Det. Henahan at trial, was as follows:
    I went in the bar. I saw Tommy [Maples] in there. He waved me to come over where
    he was. I walked over to him and he said, come on. I want to talk to you. We
    walked over to a table. We sat down—and we sat down. He said to me, you know
    I shot a couple of your members and I shot at you before. And now I’m going to kill
    you. Then he reached behind his back like he was going for a gun and I shot him.
    Det. Henahan went on to testify that Varney “stated it looked like Mr. Maples was reaching for a
    gun,” but that he did not “hear [Varney] say anything about seeing a gun.”
    Varney’s testimony at the Ginther hearing told a somewhat different story about the decision
    to not have him take the witness stand and about the statement that he made to Det. Henahan.
    Consistent with Sorise’s testimony, Varney said that the two men argued about whether Varney
    should testify at trial and that Sorise never advised him of his constitutional right to testify. But
    unlike Sorise’s account of his convincing Varney not to testify, Varney claimed that Sorise told him,
    without explanation, that he could not take the stand. Varney said that he told Sorise what he wanted
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    to say on the stand and that he “felt it was important for the Court to know exactly what happened.”
    Sorise allegedly responded, “no, you are not taking the stand.”
    Varney also testified that Det. Henahan’s testimony was mistaken because Varney had told
    the detective that Maples had in fact pulled a gun on him, not that Maples merely “reached as if to
    have a gun.” Although Varney did not specifically testify that he had informed Sorise of having seen
    Maples with a gun, he claimed to have told Sorise “everything” about the issues that he was now
    raising at the Ginther hearing. Sorise could neither dispute nor confirm that Varney had told him
    about seeing Maples with a gun at the time of the shooting. But Sorise was certain that Varney had
    “indicated that Mr. Maples reached behind him as if to draw a gun and began drawing out a gun.”
    Furthermore, a defense witness, Marcello Guglieletti, testified at the trial that Maples “pull[ed] a gun
    before [Varney] shot [Maples].”
    The trial court considered the two “strongly held” positions presented at the Ginther hearing:
    (1) Sorise’s testimony that he merely advised Varney not to testify, and (2) Varney’s contrary claim
    that Sorise did not allow him to testify. Whether the decision was unilateral or joint, the court made
    clear that the decision was “critical” for two related reasons. First, Varney’s testimony would have
    supported his argument that his “unsigned, and therefore unadopted” statement to Det. Henahan was
    either “incomplete, . . . altered, or not his at all.” The trier of fact would have heard that Varney saw
    Maples draw a weapon, rather than that Varney simply saw Maples make a motion as if to draw a
    weapon. Second, “short of some other person describing circumstances that would to an ordinary
    mind raise the question of whether the accused reasonably and honestly feared for his life or being
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    seriously injured,” Varney’s only method of establishing that he had such fear would be by his own
    The state trial court believed that Varney had lied when he said that Sorise did not explain
    why Varney should not take the stand. But it noted that no record had been made at trial “as to why
    [Varney] didn’t testify.” Giving Varney “the benefit of the doubt,” the court granted the motion for
    a new trial. The Michigan Court of Appeals, however, peremptorily reversed the circuit court’s
    order, finding that Varney had “not overcome the presumption that trial counsel rendered effective
    assistance when advising him regarding his right to testify on his own behalf.” Varney’s petition to
    appeal that decision was denied by the Michigan Supreme Court. People v. Varney, 
    568 N.W.2d 680
    , 680 (1997) (table). His subsequent direct appeal and motions for post-conviction relief in the
    State courts all failed.
    Turning to the federal courts for relief, Varney filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in
    the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, presenting eight separate
    grounds in support of his petition. All of these arguments were rejected, but the court granted a
    certificate of appealability on Varney’s claim involving counsel’s alleged ineffectiveness in failing
    to call Varney to testify on his own behalf in support of his self-defense claim. This timely appeal
    A.      Standard of review
    We review “the district court’s legal conclusions in a habeas proceeding de novo and its
    factual findings under the clear-error standard.” Davis v. Lafler, 
    658 F.3d 525
    , 530 (6th Cir. 2011).
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    “The state-court decision under review is entitled to deference pursuant to the Antiterrorism and
    Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (AEDPA), which is codified at 
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
    (d).” Titlow
    v. Burt, 
    680 F.3d 577
    , 585 (6th Cir. 2012).
    AEDPA provides in pertinent part as follows:
    An application for a writ of habeas corpus on behalf of a person in custody pursuant
    to the judgment of a State court shall not be granted with respect to any claim that
    was adjudicated on the merits in State court proceedings unless the adjudication of
    the claim—
    (1) resulted in a decision that was contrary to, or involved an unreasonable
    application of, clearly established Federal law, as determined by the Supreme
    Court of the United States; or
    (2) resulted in a decision that was based on an unreasonable determination of
    the facts in light of the evidence presented in the State court proceeding.
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
    (d). A state-court decision must be objectively unreasonable, not merely incorrect,
    to be an “unreasonable application” of clearly established federal law. Titlow, 
    680 F.3d at 585
    Findings of fact by the state court “are presumed to be correct unless they are rebutted by clear and
    convincing evidence.” 
    Id. at 586
    . Varney agrees that AEDPA deference applies, and we therefore
    apply the AEDPA standard of review to all the issues before us.
    B.      The Michigan Court of Appeals’s rejection of Varney’s ineffective-assistance-of-
    counsel claim was not an unreasonable application of Strickland
    Varney claims that he was denied his Sixth Amendment right to the effective assistance of
    counsel because Sorise deprived him of a substantial defense by failing to have Varney testify at trial.
    A successful claim of ineffective assistance of counsel must meet the two-prong test established in
    Strickland:   (1) “counsel’s performance was deficient”; and (2) “the deficient performance
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    prejudiced the defense.” 466 U.S. at 687. We must decide whether the state appellate court’s
    decision was an unreasonable application of the Strickland test. Even though that court’s order does
    not provide a substantive Strickland analysis, the Supreme Court’s decision in Harrington v. Richter
    makes clear that AEDPA deference must still be given to the state court’s decision because “[w]hen
    a federal claim has been presented to a state court and the state court has denied relief, it may be
    presumed that the state court adjudicated the claim on the merits in the absence of any indication or
    state law procedural principles to the contrary.” Harrington v. Richter, 
    131 S. Ct. 770
    , 784-85
    (2011); see Brown v. Bobby, 
    656 F.3d 325
    , 328-29 (6th Cir. 2011) (explaining that in light of
    Harrington, “the mere fact that the Ohio Court of Appeals did not specifically explain that it was
    ruling on Brown’s Sixth Amendment claim does not prevent this court from deferring to that court’s
    opinion on habeas review.”).
    Review of a trial counsel’s performance is “highly deferential” and entails “a strong
    presumption that counsel’s conduct falls within the wide range of reasonable professional
    assistance.” Strickland, 466 U.S. at 689. “[T]he defendant must overcome the presumption that,
    under the circumstances, the challenged action might be considered sound trial strategy.” Id.
    (internal quotation marks omitted). Varney must therefore show that Sorise’s decision not to call
    Varney as a witness was an “error[] so serious that [Sorise] was not functioning as [Varney’s]
    ‘counsel.’” See id. at 687. Then Varney must show that concluding otherwise would be an
    unreasonable application of Strickland.
    Varney attempts to meet this heavy burden by arguing that his testimony was the only
    evidence available that could establish all the elements of his self-defense claim. The test in
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    Michigan for self-defense at the time of Varney’s trial was whether “the defendant honestly and
    reasonably believes that his life is in imminent danger or that there is a threat of serious bodily
    harm.” People v. Heflin, 
    456 N.W.2d 10
    , 18 (Mich. 1990). Varney contends that, absent his
    testimony, the trier of fact had “no reasonable basis upon which to conclude that [he] acted in lawful
    To the contrary, Michigan law is clear that a defendant can “show his state of mind by
    circumstantial evidence to establish that he acted in self-defense” and that he “need not take the stand
    and testify.” People v. Hoskins, 
    267 N.W.2d 417
    , 419 (Mich. 1978). Two key pieces of evidence
    in the trial record arguably support Varney’s self-defense theory: (1) Varney’s statement to Det.
    Henahan describing the events immediately preceding the shooting, including Maples’s alleged
    threat that he was going to kill Varney and that Maples made a motion as if to draw a weapon; and
    (2) testimony from Marcello Guglieletti, an eyewitness to the shooting, stating that Maples had
    pulled out a gun before Varney shot Maples. Sorise decided to rely on this evidence rather than have
    Varney testify and possibly be impeached with such facts as his fleeing the scene of the shooting,
    his telling another witness that he shot Maples in retaliation for Maples’s shooting three of Varney’s
    associates, and his refusing to reveal the location of his gun to Det. Henahan. See Varney v. Booker,
    No. 2:09-CV-11127, 
    2011 WL 1480385
    , at *9 (E.D. Mich. Apr. 19, 2011).
    Given the Michigan law as stated in Hoskins, Sorise had an objectively reasonable basis to
    believe that the evidence he introduced, if taken by the trier of fact to be true, was sufficient to
    establish self-defense. See 267 N.W.2d at 419. Sorise’s decision thus appears to have been a matter
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    of trial strategy, not deficient performance. See Miller v. Francis, 
    269 F.3d 609
    , 616 (6th Cir. 2001)
    (noting that “trial strategy itself must be objectively reasonable”).
    To be sure, this strategy ultimately failed, and the presiding judge at the Ginther hearing, who
    was also the trier of fact at Varney’s trial, stated that Varney’s testimony would have been “critical”
    to the case. Although this post-conviction statement indicates that Varney might have fared better
    had he testified, it does not place Sorise’s decision outside “the wide range of reasonable
    professional assistance.” See Strickland, 466 U.S. at 689. “A fair assessment of attorney
    performance requires that every effort be made to eliminate the distorting effects of hindsight.” Id.
    Furthermore, even if Sorise’s decision was not sound trial strategy and he in fact provided
    ineffective counsel, that conclusion is not so clear as to make the state appellate court’s decision an
    “unreasonable application” of Strickland. In sum, Varney has not established that he could meet the
    performance prong of the Strickland test, let alone that the facts weigh so heavily in his favor that
    the state appellate court was unreasonable in concluding otherwise. We therefore have no need to
    reach the prejudice prong of the Strickland test because Varney must meet both prongs in order to
    establish his ineffective-assistance-of-counsel claim. See United States v. Williams, 
    176 F.3d 301
    312 (6th Cir. 1999). Varney has thus failed to make the requisite showing on this claim to warrant
    habeas relief under AEDPA.
    C.     The determination that Varney waived his right to testify
    Some confusion is apparent in the briefs concerning the precise issue that the district court
    certified for appeal. Varney’s brief addresses the failure-to-call claim discussed above but attempts
    to fold in his right-to-testify argument as part of that claim. In contrast, the State’s brief
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    characterizes the issue presented as solely concerning the right to testify but also conflates the
    analysis of the two separate claims. This court added to the confusion in its order denying Varney’s
    motion to expand the certificate of appealability by first characterizing the certified issue as the
    failure to permit Varney to testify and later describing it as the failure to call Varney to testify.
    These intertwined issues in fact raise distinct legal claims: the former concerns Varney’s
    due process and Sixth Amendment right to testify, see United States v. Webber, 
    208 F.3d 545
    , 550
    (6th Cir. 2000); the latter concerns Sorise’s alleged ineffectiveness for failing to provide a substantial
    defense. To clarify, the district court certified Varney’s “claim involving counsel’s ineffectiveness
    in failing to call [Varney] to testify on his behalf in support of his self-defense claim.” Varney v.
    Booker, No. 2:09-CV-11127, 
    2011 WL 1480385
    , at *17 (E.D. Mich. April 19, 2011). Although not
    the certified issue, we will also address below the right-to-testify claim, which both parties argued
    to some degree.
    A defendant’s right “to testify at trial is a constitutional right of fundamental dimension and
    is subject only to a knowing and voluntary waiver by the defendant.” Webber, 
    208 F.3d 545
    , 550
    (6th Cir. 2000). The right falls under the due process protections of the Fifth and Fourteenth
    Amendments, as well as “the Compulsory Process Clause of the Sixth Amendment, which grants
    a defendant the right to call witnesses in his favor—which, of course, would include himself.” 
    (internal quotation marks omitted). Although “the right to testify is personal to the defendant,” who
    thus retains “the ultimate decision whether to testify[,] . . . when a tactical decision is made not to
    have the defendant testify, the defendant’s assent is presumed.” 
    Id. at 550-51
     (emphasis added).
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    The presumption of assent arises from two other strong presumptions: (1) that the
    defendant’s counsel followed the professional rules of conduct, which provide that “[i]n a criminal
    case, the lawyer shall abide by the client’s decision . . . whether the client will testify,” 
     at 551 n.2;
    and (2) that counsel “‘rendered adequate assistance’ in carrying out the general duty ‘to advocate the
    defendant’s cause and the more particular duties to consult with the defendant on important decisions
    and to keep the defendant informed of important developments in the course of the prosecution.”
    Id. at 551
     (quoting Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    , 688-90 (1984)). Absent “statements or
    actions from the defendant indicating disagreement with counsel or the desire to testify, the trial
    court is neither required to . . . inquire whether the defendant knowingly and intentionally waived
    the right to testify, nor ensure that the defendant has waived the right on the record.” Id.; see also
    Hodge v. Haeberlin, 
    579 F.3d 627
    , 639 (6th Cir. 2009) (holding that the right to testify, though
    fundamental, can be presumed waived “from a defendant’s conduct alone”) (internal quotation marks
    The state trial court at the Ginther hearing noted that no record had been made during the
    bench trial regarding Varney’s desire to testify. Nor does Varney now suggest that the trial record
    contains any indication that he wanted to testify or that he had a disagreement with Sorise. Given
    these facts, the state appellate court applied the presumption from Strickland that Sorise rendered
    effective assistance in advising Varney of his right to testify. This decision was not an unreasonable
    application of Strickland or any other clearly established federal law.
    To be sure, Sorise testified that he did not specifically advise Varney that the U.S.
    Constitution guaranteed Varney’s right to testify. But the state appellate court’s determination that
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    this fact alone did not overcome the Strickland presumption was not objectively unreasonable. See
    Titlow v. Burt, 
    680 F.3d 577
    , 585 (6th Cir. 2012) (explaining that a state court decision must be
    “objectively unreasonable” to be deemed an “unreasonable application of clearly established federal
    law” under AEDPA). Varney is thus presumed to have knowingly waived his right to testify. See
    208 F.3d at 550-551
    . We therefore reject Varney’s due-process claim for habeas relief.
    For all of the reasons set forth above, we AFFIRM the judgment of the district court.