United States v. Rene Boucher , 905 F.3d 479 ( 2018 )

  •                                RECOMMENDED FOR FULL-TEXT PUBLICATION
    Pursuant to Sixth Circuit I.O.P. 32.1(b)
    File Name: 18a0218p.06
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,                                      ┐
    Plaintiff-Appellant,    │
    >        No. 18-5683
    v.                                                     │
    RENE A. BOUCHER,                                               │
    Defendant-Appellee.      │
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Western District of Kentucky at Bowling Green.
    No. 1:18-cr-00004-1—Marianne O. Battani, District Judge.*
    Decided and Filed: September 26, 2018
    Before: NORRIS, SILER, and SUTTON, Circuit Judges.
    ON MOTION: Matthew J. Baker, Bowling Green, Kentucky, for Appellee. IN RESPONSE:
    Bradley P. Shepard, UNITED STATES ATTORNEY’S OFFICE, Indianapolis, Indiana, for
    SUTTON, Circuit Judge.            Rene Boucher pleaded guilty to assaulting a member of
    Congress. The government sought a 21-month sentence, at the low end of Boucher’s guidelines
    *The Honorable Marianne O. Battani, United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Michigan,
    sitting by designation pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 292(b).
    No. 18-5683                         United States v. Boucher                             Page 2
    range.     The district court instead sentenced Boucher to thirty days’ imprisonment.         The
    government appealed.
    Boucher moves to dismiss the appeal, contending that the plea agreement bars the
    government from appealing the sentence. That is a new question for us. But two rules of thumb
    about plea agreements provide the answer. One is that the government by statute has the right to
    appeal a defendant’s sentence on a number of grounds. See 18 U.S.C. § 3742(b). The other is
    that plea agreements amount to contracts and may be construed to give up only those rights one
    party or the other has agreed to waive in the written agreement. United States v. Bowman,
    634 F.3d 357
    , 360 (6th Cir. 2011); see United States v. Benchimol, 
    471 U.S. 453
    , 456 (1985) (per
    In this instance, the plea agreement says nothing about waiving the government’s right to
    appeal. It mentions only Boucher’s waiver of his right to appeal. That is all anyone needs to
    know to conclude that the agreement does not waive the government’s statutory right to appeal.
    Just as we would not infer that a defendant has waived his right to appeal in the context of an
    agreement that waived only the government’s right to appeal, we must do the same in the other
    Nor can the defendant realistically maintain that no consideration supports his appeal
    waiver. The prosecutor agreed to seek a 21-month sentence and recommend an acceptance-of-
    responsibility reduction in return for the agreement, and kept that promise. And nothing requires
    the government or the court to break down each promise and connect it to an item of
    consideration. United States v. Hare, 
    269 F.3d 859
    , 861–62 (7th Cir. 2001). One other thing.
    United States Attorneys have no right to control appeals by the government. That authority rests
    with the Solicitor General of the United States. 28 C.F.R. § 0.20(b); see 
    Hare, 269 F.3d at 861
    United States v. Guevara, 
    941 F.2d 1299
    , 1299−300 (4th Cir. 1991), it is true, reached
    the opposite conclusion. It held that a plea agreement’s waiver of the defendant’s appellate
    rights implied a like waiver of the government’s appellate rights. The Fourth Circuit offered no
    support for this unusual interpretation. And several members of the court expressed doubt about
    No. 18-5683                         United States v. Boucher                              Page 3
    it. See United States v. Guevara, 
    949 F.2d 706
    , 706−08 (4th Cir. 1991) (Wilkins, J., with
    Wilkinson, Niemeyer, and Luttig, J.J., dissenting from denial of rehearing en banc).
    We side with the other circuits, who follow customary interpretive principles about
    agreements, accepting waivers when waivers are made and denying waivers when waivers are
    not made. See United States v. Anderson, 
    921 F.2d 335
    , 337−38 (1st Cir. 1990); 
    Hare, 269 F.3d at 861
    −62; United States v. Hammond, 
    742 F.3d 880
    , 883 (9th Cir. 2014). Yes, the government
    must “turn square corners” in its own conduct. Heckler v. Comm’y Health Servs. of Crawford
    Cty., Inc., 
    467 U.S. 51
    , 61 n.13 (1984) (quotation omitted). But that does not mean it must take
    turns to which it never agreed.
    Moving from the language of the agreement, Boucher argues that the government
    promised orally not to appeal his sentence. As support, he points to a pre-plea communication
    from the Assistant U.S. Attorney indicating that defense counsel would be free to recommend
    any authorized sentence, as well as language from the presentence report that Boucher reads as
    an agreement not to oppose defense counsel’s recommended sentence.             But neither source
    constrains the government’s right to appeal or its arguments on appeal. On top of that, the
    written plea agreement “supersede[s] all prior understandings, if any, whether written or oral,
    and cannot be modified other than in writing signed by all parties or on the record.” R. 5 at 9.
    All of this takes us back to bedrock contract and plea agreement principles: The “determinative
    factor in interpreting a plea agreement is not the parties’ actual understanding of the terms of the
    agreement; instead, an agreement must be construed as a reasonable person would interpret its
    words.” United States v. Moncivais, 
    492 F.3d 652
    , 663 (6th Cir. 2007). Whatever Boucher may
    have believed, the four corners of the plea agreement restrict his appellate rights, not the
    government’s or anyone else’s.
    For these reasons, we deny Boucher’s motion to dismiss and deny as moot his motion for
    oral argument.
    Deborah S. Hunt, Clerk