United States v. Lindsey Brooks , 379 F. App'x 465 ( 2010 )

  •                              File Name: 10a0331n.06
    Nos. 08-5875/5948
    FOR THE SIXTH CIRCUIT                                                FILED
    Jun 01, 2010
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,                              )
    Plaintiff-Appellee,                           )
    v.                                                     )       THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF
    )       KENTUCKY
    LINDSEY A. BROOKS;                                     )       OPINION
    MICHELLE L. LOVELACE,                                  )
    Defendants-Appellants.                        )
    BEFORE: BOGGS and NORRIS, Circuit Judges; ADAMS, District Judge.*
    ALAN E. NORRIS, Circuit Judge. If nothing else, this appeal provides a cautionary tale
    about the dangers of misplaced loyalty. Defendants Michelle Lovelace and Lindsey Brooks misled
    agents from the federal Defense Criminal Investigative Service (“DCIS”) who were investigating two
    murders that they believed had been committed by Sergeant Brent Burke, a military police officer
    assigned to the base at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. In the course of their respective interviews,
    defendants initially told the agents that they were still in Burke’s company at 1 a.m. on the day of
    the murders even though he had left the base earlier. Although Lovelace recanted her initial
    The Honorable John R. Adams, United States District Judge for the Northern District of Ohio, sitting by
    United States v. Brooks
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    statement during the interviews and Brooks, less explicitly, did the same, the two were indicted and
    charged with one count each of knowingly making false statements to agents of the DCIS. 
    18 U.S.C. § 1001
    . Lovelace was also charged with aiding and abetting Brooks. 
    18 U.S.C. § 2
    . A jury returned
    guilty verdicts on both counts of the indictment. On appeal, defendants contend that the evidence
    introduced at trial was insufficient to support the verdict and that the district court erred in allowing
    the introduction of evidence concerning the two murders. Brooks also maintains that her statements
    should have been suppressed because she had not been informed of her Miranda rights before the
    agents conducted what she characterizes as a “custodial” interrogation.
    This prosecution had its genesis in the murders of Tracy Burke and her former mother-in-law,
    Karen Comer, on September 11, 2007. The pair were shot to death at Ms. Comer’s home in
    Rineyville, Kentucky during the early morning hours. Rineyville is about 140 miles from Fort
    Campbell. Kentucky State Police (“KSP”) detective Larry Walker responded to the call later in the
    day and learned that Tracy and her husband, Sergeant Brent Burke, were in the process of getting
    divorced. Sergeant Burke became a suspect and Walker, accompanied by other KSP officers,
    traveled to Fort Campbell to conduct interviews. Burke told Walker that he had been with
    defendants, who worked in Fort Campbell’s Emergency Communications Center (“ECC”) as
    dispatchers, until 1 a.m. on the day of the murders.
    Because of the military aspect of the investigation, KSP requested the assistance of the DCIS,
    and Walker spoke with Special Agents Bret Flinn, Mike Collins, and Jared Camper. He provided
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    the DCIS agents with a “laundry list” of things to do, which included interviewing the defendants.
    Agents Collins and Camper spoke to both defendants at the ECC on September 14, three days
    after the murders. They interviewed defendant Lovelace first and she initially told them that Burke
    brought her and defendant Brooks hot chocolate at 11:00 p.m. on September 10, and that the three
    of them remained in the parking lot until 1:00 a.m. During the interview, the agents took a thirty-
    minute break and spoke with Lovelace’s supervisor, Barbara Guerrero. After the interview resumed,
    the agents noted minor inconsistencies. For instance, Lovelace told them she took a five-minute
    drive around the block of the ECC with Burke at 1 a.m., a fact she had neglected to mention earlier.
    The next day, September 15, the agents asked Lovelace to provide a written statement, which
    she did. At trial Agent Camper summarized its contents during his testimony. Lovelace confirmed
    that Burke had indeed delivered hot chocolate around 11 p.m., but now conceded that she left after
    about 20 minutes to go home. Before she did so, she gave Burke a ride around the block. After she
    left Burke, she called him on his cell phone about ten minutes later. The next time they spoke was
    when he called her at 9 p.m. the next day (September 11). According to her statement, their
    conversation concerned the following:
    He told me that Tracy and her ex-mother-in-law had been shot and killed. . . . He
    then told me that people would question me and to tell them that he was talking to
    me and Ms. Brooks ‘til about 0100 that morning. I interpreted it that he was referring
    to investigators and told him that we were not on the phone at that time. He told me
    to tell Ms. Brooks that Tracy and her ex-mother-in-law had been shot and killed and
    that we needed to say we were talking in the parking lot of Fort Campbell ECC until
    about 0100 that morning. I said, “okay” and he said he had to get off the phone.
    I called Ms. Brooks and asked her to go get me some cigarettes and to please
    come to my house. . . . When she arrived at my house, I then asked Ms. Brooks if she
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    wanted to go on the back deck of my house and smoke. When we sat down to smoke
    I told her that Sergeant Burke told me to tell her that we were talking in the parking
    lot of work ‘til around 0100 hours that morning; and she said, of course. I was
    thinking that it was odd that he said to tell her that we were talking ‘til 0100 hours.
    [F]riday during my first interview, I told Special Agent Camper and Special Agent
    Collins that Sergeant Burke was inside visiting with Ms. Brooks and I [sic] from
    around 2215 ‘til 2244 10 September 07 . . . .
    I then lied telling them that we talked in the parking lot ‘til around 0100
    hours. I lied because Sergeant Burke told me to tell the investigators this time and I
    did so because I trusted him as a friend.
    During the second interview Special Agent Collins advised me of the
    consequences [of] making false statements. It was then that I realized that I needed
    to tell them the truth, that there is no way that I would’ve stood in the parking lot
    talking with Ms. Brooks and Sergeant Burke for approximately two hours because
    I had earaches and wanted to go home.
    It was at this moment I realized that I and possibly Ms. Brooks had been used
    as alibis. I told the special agents that I felt I had been used a pawn.
    Agent Camper recalled that he told Lovelace during the second interview (after speaking with
    her supervisor), that “we thought she was lying with us, and that this was a double homicide
    investigation, and we were talking about the alibi of a prime suspect, so you need to tell the truth.”
    After stressing this and the fact that it “was a crime to lie to federal agents,” Lovelace “finally
    admitted that she was in the parking lot until 11:30.”
    Defendant Brooks was interviewed after Lovelace. The interview lasted between two and
    three hours and took place at the ECC. According to the trial testimony of Agent Collins, Brooks
    told them that “[s]he left Michelle and Sergeant Burke in the parking lot of the ECC at
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    approximately one o’clock in the morning.” When challenged, however, she vacillated, saying that
    it “was between twelve o’clock midnight and 12:30.” The next day Brooks provided the agents with
    a written statement at their request. Agent Collins summarized it during his testimony and read the
    following portions of it to the jury:
    I felt in [Burke’s] defense I could stretch the truth and allow my time with him on
    Monday night, 10 September 07, to expand to one o’clock . . .
    [A]pproximately 2250 hours Brent left the center on Michelle Lovelace’s and my
    request for hot chocolate. Approximately 2300 hours myself and my two partners,
    Michelle and Barbara, left the building. As soon as I made it out the door, I turned
    around and went back inside to sign out for the evening. When I made it back to my
    truck, Michelle was standing by her vehicle. We both waited for what felt like 10,
    15 minutes until Brent drove up.
    [S]oon after, Michelle stated she was going to go home and go to bed. Brent walked
    over to the passenger side and got in the car. I said my goodbyes, they drove away,
    and I walked down the hill where I got on the internet and searched for the Britney
    Spears 2007 video music award performance. I believe I entered the building after
    midnight between 0000 hours and [0030] hours?
    [W]e were not . . . outside until 0100 hours. . . .
    Upon arrival at Michelle’s house [the next evening] I met Michelle’s mom
    and son for the first time. Michelle told me to sit down and she informed me of the
    shootings that took place the night before. . . . I then asked what the extent of the
    injuries were, and she stated, “Lindsey, they’re dead.”
    [S]he said Brent also wanted us to remember that we were in the parking lot until
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    0100 hours. I replied, stating we were out there close to 0100 but not 0100 hours.
    And she said, well, he just wanted us to make sure we remembered we were all
    together until 0100. I don’t feel at the time we were conspiring, conspire is a
    negative word to me, but I did agree to the time frame with Michelle on Brent’s
    [W]e were his alibi. She agreed with my statement and it became our unspoken
    agreement to stretch our time frame to 0100 hours.
    Although neither woman had a criminal history, they were indicted, tried, and convicted by
    a jury on all charges of the indictment. Each received a sentence of two years of probation.
    1. Sufficiency of the Evidence
    Both defendants contend that the evidence produced at trial was constitutionally insufficient
    to support the jury’s finding of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The substantive portion of the
    statute of conviction provides as follows:
    (a)     Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter
    within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch
    of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully--
    (1)     falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme,
    or device a material fact;
    (2)     makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent
    statement or representation; or
    (3)     makes or uses any false writing or document knowing
    the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or
    fraudulent statement or entry;
    shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years . . . or both.
    18 U.S.C. § 1001
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    “A violation of § 1001 is comprised of five elements: (1) the defendant made a statement;
    (2) the statement is false or fraudulent; (3) the statement is material; (4) the defendant made the
    statement knowingly and willfully; and (5) the statement pertained to an activity within the
    jurisdiction of a federal agency.” United States v. Dedman, 
    527 F.3d 577
    , 598 (6th Cir. 2008)
    (quoting United States v. Lutz, 
    154 F.3d 581
    , 587 (6th Cir. 1998)) (emphasis added). It is the third
    element of the crime – materiality – that defendants contend the government failed to prove.
    “A showing of ‘materiality’ is a fairly low bar for the government to meet: a statement is
    ‘material’ in this context if it has the natural tendency to influence or is capable of influencing a
    federal agency.” United States v. White, 
    270 F.3d 356
    , 365 (6th Cir. 2001). A showing that the
    statement actually influenced a federal agency is not required. Id.; United States v. Sebaggala, 
    256 F.3d 59
    , 65 (1st Cir. 2001) (“if a statement could have provoked governmental action, it is material
    regardless of whether the agency relied upon it”).
    To prevail on a sufficiency of the evidence challenge, defendants must show that, viewing
    the evidence in a light most favorable to the government, no rational juror could find guilt beyond
    a reasonable doubt. United States v. Mabry, 
    518 F.3d 442
    , 448 (6th Cir. 2008). “This standard is
    a great obstacle to overcome, and presents the appellant in a criminal case with a very heavy burden.”
    United States v. Hughes, 
    505 F.3d 578
    , 592 (6th Cir. 2007) (citation omitted).
    As she did below, defendant Lovelace contends that her false statements were not material
    because she recanted them before the DCIS agents concluded their interviews with her, and her
    statements could therefore not influence any subsequent decisions by the agents. In United States
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    v. Cowden, 
    677 F.2d 417
     (8th Cir. 1982), the Eighth Circuit reversed defendant’s § 1001 conviction
    for making a false statement to a customs agent. Defendant checked “no” on the box of a form that
    asked whether he was carrying over $5,000 on his person. However, the agent became suspicious
    when he felt a parcel at the bottom of defendant’s briefcase. When he “pointedly asked” defendant
    if he was carrying over $5,000, the defendant sought to amend his declaration. Permission was
    refused and defendant was prosecuted and convicted.
    In reversing the conviction, the court focused on the element of materiality. Although it
    recognized that “the government is not obliged to prove an influence in fact on the agency’s
    operations,” the court observed “[t]he Customs inspection should be conducted so that the probable
    result is compliance with the law, not the eliciting of a violation of the law,” and defendant should
    have therefore been permitted to amend his declaration because he sought to do so “almost
    immediately.” Id. at 419-420 (emphasis added).
    While other circuits have cited Cowden, none has elected to rely upon it to reverse a § 1001
    conviction. For instance, in United States v. Beaver, 
    515 F.3d 730
     (7th Cir. 2008), the Seventh
    Circuit reviewed a § 1001 false statement given in the course of a price-fixing investigation. It noted
    that § 1001 contains no recantation defense, and that “the materiality of [an accused’s] false
    statements must be assessed at the moment he uttered them.” Id. at 742.
    The Ninth Circuit took a similar approach in United States v. Salas-Camacho, 
    859 F.2d 788
    (9th Cir. 1988). Defendant was stopped at the Mexican border and questioned about the contents
    of the truck he was driving. He denied having anything to declare. However, the inspector checked
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    his background and learned that defendant had a prior arrest for possession of undeclared steroids.
    Id. at 789
    . When confronted with this information by the inspector, defendant admitted that he had
    steroids in his truck. The court distinguished Cowden in affirming the conviction:
    The facts of our case are readily distinguishable from those in Cowden.
    Appellant only made his declaration once he was confronted with the imminent
    inspection of his vehicle and the revelation that the inspector knew of his earlier stop
    for importing steroids into the United States. It cannot be said, therefore, that his
    false statement to Inspector Davidson “was almost immediately corrected by a true
    oral statement.” Cowden, 
    677 F.2d at 420
    . We hold that appellant’s delayed
    admission does not reduce the materiality of his earlier false statements.
    Id. at 792; see also Sebaggala, 
    256 F.3d at 64
     (rejecting defendant’s argument that § 1001 contains
    an implied recantation defense).
    Because Brooks never explicitly acknowledged that she lied to the DCIS agents, she does not
    rely upon Cowden and instead argues that her statements, even if false, were not capable of
    influencing the DCIS investigation because the agents knew by the time that they began interviewing
    her that the alibi Burke had asked her to provide was untrue. According to Agent Collins, “I
    challenged her . . . and said, look, you’re lying to us . . . because we’ve already spoke [sic] to
    Michelle.” Given that the agents knew that the statements given by Brooks were a lie, she contends
    that they were incapable of influencing the investigation.
    Not surprisingly, the government disagrees. Both defendants testified at trial that, as
    dispatchers, they knew the importance of giving accurate information and, by providing an alibi for
    Burke, they were “capable of influencing” the investigation. Moreover, the fact that the authorities
    are aware that a statement is false does not affect its materiality. United States v. LeMaster, 
    54 F.3d 9
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    1224, 1230-31 (6th Cir. 1995). In his closing argument, the prosecutor made the point that, had the
    agents not pressed defendants, they might not have told the truth and the investigation would have
    been led astray.
    Having considered these arguments, we now affirm. As have other circuits, we read Cowden
    narrowly. While defendant Lovelace undeniably retracted her false statements, she did so only after
    being confronted by the agents who warned her of the possible consequences of lying to them. Thus,
    this case is much closer to Salas-Camacho than it is to Cowden and, like the Ninth Circuit in Salas-
    Camacho, we decline to extend Cowden to cover instances where a false statement is retracted only
    after authorities have challenged its veracity. We also reject the contention that defendants’
    statements were not capable of influencing the actions of the federal agents investigating the
    murders. It is inconceivable to this court that defendants did not understand that they were providing
    an alibi to a suspect in a murder investigation. Not only were their statements capable of influencing
    the actions of the agents by misdirecting them, that was precisely their intent. The fact that the
    agents quickly recognized the falsity of the statements speaks volumes about the relative naivete of
    the defendants but does not render the statements immaterial or absolve defendants of criminal
    2. Admission of Evidence concerning the Murders
    Before the trial, the government filed a motion in limine seeking to introduce statements
    concerning the double homicide. Counsel for defendants opposed the request and suggested that the
    court instead inform the jury that Burke was charged with a “serious felony offense.” As counsel for
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    Brooks put it in his response to the motion in limine, “The jury doesn’t need to know that Burke was
    being investigated for murder, only that he was a suspect in a criminal investigation and that
    defendants were being interviewed in connection with that investigation.” The district court thought
    otherwise and said as much at a March 25, 2008 pretrial conference:
    I’m going to allow you to say what the nature of the . . . investigation was . . .
    because . . . I don’t think that the . . prejudice outweighs its probative value. I think
    it has probative value in regard to materiality and the timing of the accountability and
    the accountability of the sergeant’s time. I think it’s important.
    On appeal, defendants challenge the relevance of these statements and, in the alternative, argue that
    the potential for prejudice outweighed their probative value. Fed. R. Evid. 403.
    We review evidentiary decisions for an abuse of discretion. General Elec. Co. v. Joiner, 
    522 U.S. 136
    , 141-42 (1997). “Our review of a Rule 403 ruling is limited in that we must look at the
    evidence in ‘the light most favorable to its proponent, maximizing its probative value and
    minimizing its prejudicial effect.’” United States v. Bonds, 
    12 F.3d 540
    , 567 (6th Cir. 1993) (quoting
    United States v. Zipkin, 
    729 F.2d 384
    , 389 (6th Cir. 1984)). Moreover, “[a]buse of discretion is
    defined as a definite and firm conviction that the trial court committed a clear error of judgment.”
    United States v. Carter, 
    463 F.3d 526
    , 528 (6th Cir. 2006).
    We affirm the district court on this issue. Our review of the trial transcript reveals no attempt
    by the prosecution to make improper use of the admittedly grave underlying criminal charges.
    Rather, the prosecutor told the jury the following during his opening statement:
    [T]his case is not . . . as to whether Sergeant Burke is guilty or innocent. That’s not
    a decision that will be made in this courthouse this week.
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    He enjoys the presumption of innocence, as do Ms. Lovelace and Ms. Brooks. . . .
    This understated opening statement with respect to the fact that defendants lied to agents who were
    investigating a murder characterized the prosecution’s low-key approach throughout the trial. We
    hold that the testimony related to the murders was not overly prejudicial and the district court did
    not abuse its discretion when it permitted its introduction.
    3. Suppression of Brooks’ Statements
    Lastly, Brooks appeals the denial of her motion to suppress the statements that she made to
    the DCIS agents. As she did below, Brooks contends that the interviews were custodial in nature
    and that, because she was not given a Miranda warning, they must be suppressed.
    On appeal from the denial of a motion to suppress, this court reviews the district court’s
    findings of fact for clear error and its conclusions of law de novo. United States v. Caruthers, 
    458 F.3d 459
    , 464 (6th Cir. 2006). “A factual finding will only be clearly erroneous when, although there
    may be evidence to support it, the reviewing court on the entire evidence is left with the definite and
    firm conviction that a mistake has been committed.” United States v. Navarro-Camacho, 
    186 F.3d 701
    , 705 (65h Cir. 1999).
    The district court conducted a hearing on the motion. Only one witness, DCIS special agent
    Collins, testified. He stated that he and agent Camper conducted the interview in a side room of the
    ECC. Brooks was asked first if she would consent to the questioning and she agreed. Brooks sat
    next to the door and the interview lasted between two and a half and three hours. During that time,
    the agents took several breaks and Brooks took one bathroom break. When asked why he did not
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    read Brooks her Miranda rights, Collins replied, “It wasn’t a custodial interview.” He also stated,
    “[S]he could have left at any time.” 
     However, Collins conceded that he never explicitly told her
    At the conclusion of the hearing, the district court gave its reasons for denying the motion:
    [C]ounsel have correctly identified the issue as to whether or not this was a custodial
    setting. The factors that the Court should look at will be the circumstances
    surrounding the interrogation. The second, given those circumstances, whatever a
    reasonable person would have felt, that she was not at liberty to terminate the
    interrogation and leave.
    In reviewing all this evidence the Court finds that a reasonable person would
    have felt that they could have terminated this . . . interrogation and left at any time.
    The interrogation occurred at . . . work in a . . . room with a window to it adjacent to
    a work area. No restraints were placed on . . . Ms. Brooks.
    The testimony has been that she was provided the opportunity for breaks if
    she wanted them. She did take one break. That they never told her, as the best I
    could tell, that she could leave, but they never told her she couldn’t. It was subjective
    intent, as I understood the testimony, was she could have left at any time.
    When I look at the subjective impression of the defendant, based on her
    subsequent actions, I think it was relevant that she called and wanted to meet with
    them again. If she felt that she had been in the custody the first time, I don’t think
    she would want to meet with them again and felt in custody . . . the second time. And
    the focus of the investigation was not on . . . Ms. Brooks. The focus of the
    investigation had to do with Mr. Burke.
    When I consider all those factors, the Court finds that this is not a custodial
    investigation, nor custodial statement, and that Miranda rights did not attach. And
    the Court denies the defendant’s motion to suppress the statement.
    We affirm the district court on this issue. In reaching this conclusion, we note that the facts
    of this case closely resemble another decision of this court, United States v. Mahan, 
    190 F.3d 416
    (6th Cir. 1999). In Mahan, we outlined the factors that inform a decision of when an interrogation
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    is considered custodial for Miranda purposes:
    “[T]he issue of whether a suspect is ‘in custody,’ and therefore entitled to Miranda
    warnings, presents a mixed question of law and fact qualifying for independent
    review.” Thompson v. Keohane, 
    516 U.S. 99
    , 102, 
    116 S.Ct. 457
    133 L.Ed.2d 383
    (1995). For an individual to be “in custody,” there must be “a formal arrest or
    restraint on freedom of movement of the degree associated with formal arrest.”
    516 U.S. at 112
    116 S.Ct. 457
     (citation and internal quotation omitted).
    In determining whether a suspect is “in custody” for purposes of applying the
    Miranda doctrine, “the only relevant inquiry is how a reasonable man in the suspect’s
    position would have understood his situation.” Berkemer v. McCarty, 
    468 U.S. 420
    104 S.Ct. 3138
    82 L.Ed.2d 317
     (1984). See also Thompson, 
    516 U.S. at 112
    116 S.Ct. 457
     (stating that the custody determination hinges upon whether, “given
    those circumstances, would a reasonable person have felt he or she was not at liberty
    to terminate the interrogation and leave.”).
    Id. at 421. As in the case before us, the defendant in Mahan was interviewed at work, he was never
    told that he was not free to go, the door of the interview room was unlocked, arrest was never
    threatened, and no show of force was made, such as the use of handcuffs or the brandishing of a
    firearm. Id. at 422. The circumstances surrounding Brooks’s questioning were similar and we
    conclude that a reasonable person in her position would have felt free to leave.
    The judgments of appellants Lovelace and Brooks are affirmed.