Fatin Gappy v. Jefferson B. Sessions, III , 710 F. App'x 666 ( 2017 )

    File Name: 17a0541n.06
    No. 16-4334
    Sep 26, 2017
    FATIN GAPPY,                                           )                    DEBORAH S. HUNT, Clerk
    Petitioner,                                     )
    v.                                                     )   FROM THE UNITED STATES
    JEFFERSON B. SESSIONS, III, Attorney                   )   APPEALS
    General,                                               )
    Respondent.                                     )
    PER CURIAM. Fatin Gappy petitions this court for review of an order of the Board of
    Immigration Appeals (BIA) dismissing her appeal from the denial of her motion to reopen
    removal proceedings. As set forth below, we deny Gappy’s petition for review.
    Gappy is a native and citizen of Iraq. In June 1994, after the Gulf War ended, Gappy left
    Iraq and relocated to Jordan to find a better job. Relatives introduced Gappy to United States
    citizen Mike Anton, who traveled to Jordan to meet her. They decided to marry, and Anton
    returned to the United States and filed a petition for a fiancée visa on Gappy’s behalf. After the
    Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) approved the petition, Gappy entered the United
    States as a non-immigrant fiancée in December 1996. Gappy and Anton married in a civil
    ceremony in March 1997.        Gappy applied to adjust her status, and the INS granted her
    conditional permanent resident status based on her marriage to Anton. In March 1998, after one
    year of marriage, Gappy and Anton were divorced.
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    Gappy subsequently petitioned for removal of the conditions on her residence and
    requested a waiver from the joint-filing requirement on the basis that she had entered into the
    marriage in good faith, but the marriage was terminated. Finding that she had failed to establish
    that she married Anton in good faith, the INS denied Gappy’s petition, declined to waive the
    joint-filing requirement, and terminated her permanent-resident status.
    In June 2001, the INS served Gappy with a notice to appear in removal proceedings,
    charging her with removability: (1) for termination of her conditional permanent-resident status,
    8 U.S.C. § 1227
    (a)(1)(D)(i); (2) for marriage fraud in that the marriage through which she
    obtained her admission was entered into less than two years prior to her admission and was
    terminated within two years after her admission, see 
    8 U.S.C. § 1227
    (a)(1)(G)(i); and (3) for
    marriage fraud in that she failed or refused to fulfill her marital agreement which, in the opinion
    of the Attorney General, was made for the purpose of procuring her admission, see 
    8 U.S.C. § 1227
    (a)(1)(G)(ii). Gappy denied these charges before an immigration judge (IJ). To avoid
    removal, Gappy sought review of the INS’s denial of a good-faith waiver and filed an application
    for withholding of removal and protection under the Convention Against Torture, claiming that
    she would be treated poorly in Iraq because she is a Chaldean Catholic. After a hearing, the IJ
    denied Gappy’s request for a good-faith waiver and found her removable as charged. Pointing
    out that Gappy and Anton never shared a residence, never consummated the marriage, and had
    no shared assets or liabilities, the IJ determined that Gappy had failed to rebut the statutory
    presumption that a marriage terminated within two years after admission is fraudulent and found
    that she had entered into the marriage for the purpose of obtaining an immigration benefit. The
    IJ granted Gappy’s application for withholding of removal based on current country conditions
    establishing a pattern and practice of persecution of Iraqi Christians.
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    Eighteen months later, in July 2008, Gappy filed a motion to reopen her removal
    proceedings to apply for asylum pursuant to the Refugee Crisis in Iraq Act. Gappy asserted that
    she was eligible for asylum based on changed country conditions, citing attacks by Islamic
    extremists against Christians in Iraq and the Iraqi government’s inability to protect the Christian
    minority. The IJ initially granted Gappy’s motion to reopen but, after a hearing, reconsidered
    and denied the motion. The IJ determined that the Refugee Crisis in Iraq Act did not apply to
    Gappy because she had not been denied relief based on a finding of changed country conditions
    in Iraq following the ouster of Saddam Hussein. The IJ further found that Gappy had not
    presented any evidence establishing sufficient equities to overcome the serious adverse
    consequences of her immigration violations. On appeal, the BIA upheld the denial of Gappy’s
    motion to reopen on the basis that she had failed to establish prima facie eligibility for asylum.
    In October 2014, over four years after the BIA’s order dismissing her appeal, Gappy filed
    another motion to reopen her removal proceedings to apply for asylum, asserting that the
    conditions for Chaldean Christians in Iraq had significantly worsened since 2007 when she was
    granted withholding of removal. The IJ denied Gappy’s motion to reopen. The IJ determined
    that the persecution of Chaldean Christians was a continuation of ongoing violence in Iraq rather
    than a material change in country conditions. In the alternative, the IJ found that Gappy had
    failed to establish that she merited asylum in the exercise of discretion, stating that her marriage
    fraud was an adverse factor that outweighed the positive factors presented by her. Gappy
    appealed the IJ’s decision to the BIA. Dismissing the appeal, the BIA upheld the IJ’s alternative
    denial on discretionary grounds. Upon consideration of the positive equities acquired by Gappy,
    the BIA agreed with the IJ that those equities were insufficient to overcome the seriousness of
    Gappy’s sham marriage and false application for adjustment of status. The BIA further observed
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    that there was no current risk of persecution, given that Gappy had been granted withholding of
    This timely petition for review followed. “Where, as here, the BIA issues its own
    decision rather than summarily affirming the IJ, the BIA decision is reviewed as the final agency
    decision, but the IJ’s decision is also reviewed to the extent that the BIA adopted it.” Harmon v.
    758 F.3d 728
    , 732 (6th Cir. 2014). We review the denial of a motion to reopen for an
    abuse of discretion. Bi Feng Liu v. Holder, 
    560 F.3d 485
    , 489 (6th Cir. 2009). We “will find an
    abuse of discretion if the denial of the motion to reopen ‘was made without a rational
    explanation, inexplicably departed from established policies, or rested on an impermissible basis
    such as invidious discrimination against a particular race or group.’”        
    Id. at 490
    Allabani v. Gonzales, 
    402 F.3d 668
    , 675 (6th Cir. 2005)).
    In a case “in which the ultimate grant of relief is discretionary,” the agency may deny a
    motion to reopen if “the movant would not be entitled to the discretionary grant of relief.” INS v.
    485 U.S. 94
    , 105 (1988). The discretionary relief of asylum “involves a two-step
    inquiry:   (1) whether the applicant qualifies as a ‘refugee’ as defined in 
    8 U.S.C. § 1101
    (a)(42)(A), and (2) whether the applicant ‘merits a favorable exercise of discretion by the
    Attorney General.’” Gilaj v. Gonzales, 
    408 F.3d 275
    , 283 (6th Cir. 2005) (quoting Perkovic v.
    33 F.3d 615
    , 620 (6th Cir. 1994)). “[T]he applicant ‘has the burden of establishing that the
    favorable exercise of discretion is warranted.’” Kouljinski v. Keisler, 
    505 F.3d 534
    , 542 (6th Cir.
    2007) (quoting Matter of Pula, 
    19 I. & N. Dec. 467
    , 474 (BIA 1987)). In determining whether a
    favorable exercise of discretion is warranted, the agency considers the totality of the
     If the applicant engaged in fraud in seeking admission or status, “the
    seriousness of the fraud should be considered.” Matter of Pula, 19 I. & N. Dec. at 474.
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    The BIA did not abuse its discretion in upholding the denial of Gappy’s motion to reopen
    on the basis that she had failed to satisfy her burden of establishing that she warranted asylum in
    the exercise of discretion. In making this determination, the BIA considered all of the equities,
    including Gappy’s long residence in the United States, her ties to her lawful-permanent-resident
    mother and United States citizen siblings, her employment and tax payment history, her
    volunteer work, and her role as the primary caregiver for her aging mother. The BIA went on to
    agree with the IJ that Gappy’s equities were “insufficient to overcome the seriousness of her
    sham marriage and her false application for adjustment of status to remain in the United States.”
    See Htun v. Lynch, 
    818 F.3d 1111
    , 1121 (10th Cir. 2016) (“[O]ther circuits to address this issue
    have considered marriage fraud a significant negative factor that supported discretionary denial
    of asylum.”). Because the BIA considered the totality of the circumstances and provided a
    rational explanation for its decision, we can discern no abuse of discretion.
    Gappy argues that the BIA abused its discretion in failing to take administrative notice of
    the U.S. Department of State Iraq Report on Human Rights Practices for 1996. Gappy contends
    that this report puts into context her motivation to engage in marriage fraud to evade persecution
    on account of her Christian religion and that the BIA failed to consider whether the seriousness
    of her fraud was mitigated by country conditions at that time. But Gappy was not living in Iraq
    in 1996. Gappy testified that she left Iraq in 1994 because of the general conditions after the
    First Gulf War and that she had no problems practicing her religion in Iraq. The record does not
    support her claim that she entered into the sham marriage to evade persecution in Iraq.
    Furthermore, Gappy is precluded from relitigating the IJ’s final determinations that she did not
    suffer past persecution in Iraq and that she engaged in marriage fraud. See United States v. Utah
    Constr. & Mining Co., 
    384 U.S. 394
    , 421-22 (1966).
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    Gappy also asserts that other circuits have found an abuse of discretion and remanded
    cases in which the applicant was granted withholding of removal but denied asylum in the
    exercise of discretion. See Shantu v. Lynch, 654 F. App’x 608 (4th Cir. 2016); Zuh v. Mukasey,
    547 F.3d 504
     (4th Cir. 2008); Huang v. INS, 
    436 F.3d 89
     (2d Cir. 2006); Kalubi v. Ashcroft, 
    364 F.3d 1134
     (9th Cir. 2004); Andriasian v. INS, 
    180 F.3d 1033
     (9th Cir. 1999). In those cases, the
    applicant initially sought both asylum and withholding of removal and received only
    withholding. Here, Gappy applied for withholding of removal only (an asylum application being
    untimely), received withholding, and later moved to reopen her removal proceedings to apply for
    asylum. This procedural posture distinguishes Gappy’s case. See Patpanathan v. Att’y Gen. of
    the U.S., 553 F. App’x 261, 267 (3d Cir. 2014) (“Unlike in Huang, Kalubi, and Zuh, where the
    IJs were considering withholding and asylum applications together, Patpanathan had already
    received withholding when he moved to reopen his immigration proceedings, and the IJ and BIA
    were aware of that.    This matters because it speaks to how the IJ and BIA should have
    considered the danger of persecution as a positive factor that could outweigh the negative factors
    weighing against Patpanathan’s asylum application.” (footnote omitted)). The BIA did not abuse
    its discretion in considering that Gappy faced no current risk of persecution, given that she had
    been granted withholding of removal.
    For these reasons, we DENY Gappy’s petition for review.