United States v. Robert Shultz , 733 F.3d 616 ( 2013 )

  •                           RECOMMENDED FOR FULL-TEXT PUBLICATION
    Pursuant to Sixth Circuit I.O.P. 32.1(b)
    File Name: 13a0301p.06
    Plaintiff-Appellee, -
    No. 12-6351
    Defendant-Appellant. -
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Tennessee at Knoxville.
    No. 3:09-cr-00137-1—Thomas A. Varlan, District Judge.
    Argued: October 9, 2013
    Decided and Filed: October 23, 2013
    Before: KEITH and SUTTON, Circuit Judges; BLACK, District Judge.*
    TENNESSEE, INC., Knoxville, Tennessee, for Appellant. Luke A. McLaurin, UNITED
    STATES ATTORNEY’S OFFICE, Knoxville, Tennessee, for Appellee. ON BRIEF:
    INC., Knoxville, Tennessee, for Appellant. Luke A. McLaurin, Matthew T. Morris,
    UNITED STATES ATTORNEY’S OFFICE, Knoxville, Tennessee, for Appellee.
    The Honorable Timothy S. Black, United States District Judge for the Southern District of Ohio,
    sitting by designation.
    No. 12-6351        United States v. Shultz                                         Page 2
    SUTTON, Circuit Judge. Robert Shultz, who stands convicted of receiving and
    possessing child pornography, appeals from the district court’s imposition of two special
    conditions of supervised release. We affirm.
    Over a span of three or four years, Shultz downloaded hundreds of images and
    dozens of videos of child pornography. Some files depicted children as young as six;
    many showed sadistic, masochistic or violent behavior. Shultz used file-sharing
    software to make some of his pornography available for others to download.
    In 2010, Shultz pled guilty to receiving child pornography, 18 U.S.C.
    § 2252A(a)(2)(A), and to possessing child pornography, 18 U.S.C. § 2252A(a)(5)(B).
    The district court sentenced Shultz to 171 months in prison followed by lifetime
    supervised release subject to a series of special conditions. Shultz appealed, claiming
    that the district court improperly lengthened his prison term in order to promote his
    rehabilitation. We agreed, see Tapia v. United States, 
    131 S. Ct. 2382
    , 2385 (2011), and
    sent the case back for a fresh sentencing. This time the district court imposed a sentence
    of 168 months in prison, again followed by lifetime supervised release, again subject to
    a series of special conditions.
    Shultz appeals once more. He now challenges two of the district court’s twelve
    conditions of supervised release: condition four, which restricts his contact with
    children, and condition six, which restricts his possession of sexually arousing material.
    The government says that Shultz forfeited his challenge to the supervised release
    conditions because he did not argue the point in his first appeal. But when Shultz
    objected to these conditions during his re-sentencing, the government said nothing about
    No. 12-6351        United States v. Shultz                                          Page 3
    forfeiture in response. Shultz may have forfeited his challenge, but if so the government
    forfeited the forfeiture. See United States v. Turner, 
    602 F.3d 778
    , 783 (6th Cir. 2010).
    Condition four reads: “[Shultz] shall not associate and/or be alone with children
    under 18 years of age, nor shall he be at any residence where children under the age of
    18 are residing, without the prior written approval of the probation officer. In addition,
    [Shultz] shall not visit, frequent, or remain about any place where children under the age
    of 18 normally congregate (public parks, playgrounds, etc.) or any business that caters
    to and/or targets child customers.” R. 39 at 5. Shultz says the condition violates (1) the
    sentencing statute, (2) the Article III non-delegation doctrine, (3) his First Amendment
    rights of association and assembly, (4) the Fifth Amendment prohibition against vague
    laws and (5) his right to interact with his own family. All five arguments fail.
    18 U.S.C. § 3583(d). Shultz complains that condition four oversteps two limits
    established by the sentencing statute. One, a condition of supervised release must be
    “reasonably related” to various sentencing factors, including the nature of the offense
    and the characteristics of the defendant. 18 U.S.C. § 3583(d)(1). And two, a condition
    must involve “no greater deprivation of liberty than is reasonably necessary” to deter
    crime, protect the public and rehabilitate the defendant. Id. § 3583(d)(2).
    In view of the district court’s front-row seat at the proceedings and its sentencing
    experience, we generally respect its imposition of supervised-release conditions in the
    absence of an abuse of discretion. United States v. Alexander, 
    509 F.3d 253
    , 256 (6th
    Cir. 2007). This case illustrates why. The judge not only interacted with the defendant
    at this sentencing hearing but also throughout the case. This sentencing hearing, indeed,
    was not the first time the district court evaluated the danger Shultz posed to children.
    After Shultz pled guilty, the court ordered that Shultz “not be in the presence of his own
    minor children without the presence of another adult” pending sentencing. R. 27 at 34.
    Appellate judges sitting far away and reviewing a case months if not years later should
    give the benefit of the doubt to trial judges faced with the difficult task of sentencing
    individuals. “While trial judges sentence individuals face to face for a living, we review
    No. 12-6351           United States v. Shultz                                       Page 4
    transcripts for a living. No one sentences transcripts.” United States v. Poynter, 
    495 F.3d 349
    , 351 (6th Cir. 2007).
    We also must respect the policy choices Congress made when it adopted the
    supervised release statute. In the main, Congress authorized only short terms of
    supervised release. For class A felonies, the most serious category of federal offenses,
    a supervised release term ordinarily may not exceed five years. 18 U.S.C. § 3583(b)(1).
    Child pornography crimes fall into a discrete group of offenses in which Congress went
    further, mandating a minimum supervised release term of five years and authorizing a
    maximum term of life. Id. § 3583(k). This does not mean anything goes when a
    defendant is convicted of a child pornography offense, but it does suggest that Congress
    saw a grave danger to public safety from known users of child pornography, beyond the
    danger posed by a run-of-the-mine felon.
    In view of Congress’s general judgment that child pornography offenses deserve
    strict conditions of supervised release and the district court’s particular judgment that
    rigor was warranted in the case at hand, Shultz cannot prevail. Cf. United States v.
    449 F.3d 731
    , 736 (6th Cir. 2006) (Sutton, J., concurring) (“[T]he alignment
    of the views of the Sentencing Commission with the independent views of a sentencing
    judge” entitles a sentence to special respect.). The district court had good reason to fear
    that Shultz might sexually assault children. Shultz was not a one-time offender. He had
    spent three or four years assembling a large collection of child pornography to the tune
    of more than 700 images and 60 videos. Worse still, some of Shultz’s files depicted
    adults having sexual intercourse with children. The scope and content of Shultz’s
    collection displays a preoccupation with sex involving children, and the district court
    could reasonably conclude that he might one day act upon this fascination by sexually
    assaulting a child.
    Nor was the possibility of assault remote. Many of his files depicted sadistic,
    masochistic or otherwise violent abuse of children. And Shultz had a propensity for
    violence. He has one conviction for domestic assault and one for aggravated assault.
    In the latter case, he “pinned [his wife] down in the bathroom, where he repeatedly
    No. 12-6351        United States v. Shultz                                          Page 5
    banged her head on the floor while holding her down. [She] then attempted to flee the
    residence, only to be grabbed and slung into a wall, causing further bodily injury . . . .”
    PSR 12.
    Condition four reasonably responds to these reasonable concerns and complies
    with § 3583(d) in doing so. The district court, to begin, did not go astray in requiring
    Shultz to receive his probation officer’s written approval before associating with, being
    alone with or being in the same residence as a child. The probation officer is well placed
    to assess whether Shultz poses a danger to a particular child, making it reasonable to
    entrust him with responsibility for deciding whether the child would be safe when left
    in Shultz’s company. See, e.g., United States v. Mickelson, 
    433 F.3d 1050
    , 1057
    (8th Cir. 2006) (upholding similar condition).
    Nor did the district court commit reversible error in prohibiting Shultz from
    going near “any place where children . . . normally congregate . . . or any business that
    caters to [or] targets child customers.” The prohibition is strict but for good reason. A
    sexual predator near a park or a playground puts at risk not just one or two children but
    a lot of them. Beyond that, children at such locations are often unattended, exposing
    them to heightened risks of assault. The numerosity and heightened vulnerability of
    potential victims at these places made it proper for the district court to bar Shultz from
    frequenting them. It was also proper for the district court to adopt a categorical
    restriction upon Shultz’s movement, as opposed to one that leaves matters to the
    discretion of the probation officer. An officer can make an individualized assessment
    of the risk Shultz poses to a potential victim when Shultz interacts with one child or even
    with a small group of children; not so, or at least less so, when the potential victims are
    the juvenile general public. No abuse of discretion occurred. See, e.g., United States v.
    2012 WL 5382948
    , at *7 (6th Cir. Nov. 5, 2012) (upholding similar condition).
    In response to all this, Shultz says that severe restrictions upon a convict’s
    movement or association with children are never reasonable when the convict “only”
    received or possessed child pornography. Something more, he says, is required, such
    as physical abuse of children. But in this case, there is something more: Shultz’s multi-
    No. 12-6351         United States v. Shultz                                           Page 6
    year history of collecting pornography; the size of his collection; his files’ depiction of
    adults having sexual intercourse with children; their depiction of sadism, masochism and
    violence; and Shultz’s prior assault convictions. Shultz may not yet have attacked a
    minor, but a sex offender does not get one free pass at child molestation before
    prophylactic rules of supervised release designed to protect children become appropriate.
    See, e.g., United States v. Zobel, 
    696 F.3d 558
    , 575 (6th Cir. 2012); United States v.
    472 F.3d 517
    , 522–23 (8th Cir. 2006).
    Article III non-delegation doctrine. The Constitution vests the “judicial power
    of the United States” in the federal courts, and they may not hand that power over to
    executive officials. U.S. Const. art. III, § 1; see United States v. Logins, 503 F. App’x
    345, 349 (6th Cir. 2012); Whitehead v. United States, 
    155 F.2d 460
    , 462 (6th Cir. 1946).
    Shultz argues that the district court violated this principle by letting the probation officer
    decide when Shultz may interact with children.
    Some federal appellate courts might well conclude that condition four violates
    Article III. See United States v. Voelker, 
    489 F.3d 139
    , 154–55 (3d Cir. 2007); United
    States v. Kieffer, 257 F. App’x 378, 381 (2d Cir. 2007) (summary order). But other
    circuits might uphold it. See United States v. Rodriguez, 
    558 F.3d 408
    , 416 (5th Cir.
    2006); United States v. Mitnick, 
    145 F.3d 1342
    , 1342 n.1 (9th Cir. 1998) (unpublished
    memorandum opinion). Still another has noted the issue but avoided it. See United
    States v. Stults, 
    575 F.3d 834
    , 851 n.5 (8th Cir. 2009). Our own court has not yet
    answered this question, and happily we need not do so today. Shultz never raised his
    constitutional objection below, so we need only inspect the district court’s judgment for
    plain error. Fed. R. Crim. P. 52(b). As the division of authority just mentioned
    confirms, any error on this score (if error there was) was not plain. See United States v.
    Alexander, 217 F. App’x 417, 422 (6th Cir. 2007).
    First Amendment right to associate with children. Shultz next argues that
    condition four violates his constitutional right to associate and assemble with children.
    First things first, however: “[I]t is impossible to determine whether a [condition] reaches
    too far without first knowing what the [condition] covers.” United States v. Williams,
    No. 12-6351         United States v. Shultz                                          Page 7
    553 U.S. 285
    , 293 (2008). Noting that condition four says that Shultz “shall not
    associate” with a child unless he gets his probation officer’s approval, Shultz argues that
    the ban extends to “telephonic or written” communication with minors.
    True, “associate” is a word of many meanings, and some of them would cover
    merely talking to or even joining the same political party as a child. But in the context
    of condition four, to “associate” with a child means only to keep company with him.
    First, this interpretation gives “associate” a natural, though not its only, definition. See
    Webster’s Second New International Dictionary 167 (1953) (defining “associate” to
    mean “to accompany; keep company with”). Second, words draw meaning from their
    neighbors. Every other type of conduct prohibited by condition four—to “be alone” with
    children, to “be at any residence” where children reside and to “visit, frequent, or remain
    about” any place children congregate—involves physical proximity with children.
    Context suggests that this common thread runs through the ban on association as well.
    Third, our interpretation is consistent with Arciniega v. Freeman, 
    404 U.S. 4
     (1971) (per
    curiam), which held that a condition that forbade a parolee to “associate” with ex-
    convicts did not “apply to incidental contacts” (in that case, working for the same
    Interpreted this way, the prohibition upon “associat[ing]” with minors does not
    violate Shultz’s First Amendment rights. “[W]e have approved supervised release
    conditions affecting constitutional rights so long as they were directly related to the
    defendant’s rehabilitation and the protection of the public.” United States v. Nixon,
    664 F.3d 624
    , 627 (6th Cir. 2011). Condition four, for reasons already explored and
    explained, readily satisfies this criterion.
    Fifth Amendment void for vagueness. Judges imposing supervised release
    conditions, no less than legislatures passing statutes, must obey the prohibition against
    vague laws embedded in the Fifth Amendment’s Due Process Clause. Shultz thinks
    condition four’s restriction upon “associat[ing]” with minors transgresses this principle.
    But a condition, no less than a statute, need not spell out every one of its applications.
    It need only fix “an ascertainable standard of guilt.” United States v. L. Cohen Grocery
    No. 12-6351         United States v. Shultz                                         Page 8
    255 U.S. 81
    , 89 (1921). The restriction upon association clears this bar, especially
    given the limiting construction we just put on it. See United States v. Soltero, 
    510 F.3d 858
    , 865 (9th Cir. 2007) (“The term ‘associate’ is . . . not . . . impermissibly vague.”);
    Birzon v. King, 
    469 F.2d 1241
    , 1243 (2d Cir. 1972) (“[T]he word ‘associate’ in the
    parole condition is not unconstitutionally vague . . . .”).
    Shultz also perceives unconstitutional vagueness in condition four’s failure to list
    all of the places from which Shultz is forbidden, noting that it refers to “any place where
    children . . . normally congregate (public parks, playgrounds, etc.).” This argument
    collides with United States v. Zobel, which upheld a comparable condition banning
    “loitering where minors congregate, such as playgrounds, arcades, amusement parks,
    recreation parks, sporting events, shopping malls, swimming pools, etc.” 696 F.3d at
    Right to associate with family. The Constitution protects a parent’s right to raise
    his children. See Troxel v. Granville, 
    530 U.S. 57
    , 66 (2000). Shultz complains that
    condition four violates this right and imposes a “greater deprivation of liberty than is
    reasonably necessary,” 18 U.S.C. § 3583(d)(2), because it restricts his interaction with
    his three young children. As an initial matter, Schultz overlooks the reality that he may
    seek permission from his probation officer to contact or even live with his children. See
    United States v. Simons, 
    614 F.3d 475
    , 482 (8th Cir. 2010); United States v. Smith,
    606 F.3d 1270
    , 1284 (10th Cir. 2010).
    No less significantly, the conditions of supervised release kick in only when
    Shultz’s 14-year term of imprisonment ends—and by that time all of Shultz’s children
    will be adults, beyond condition four’s reach. Shultz’s objection thus concerns only
    hypothetical children and grandchildren not yet in being. Potential future descendants
    may suffice to invalidate a contingent remainder under the rule against perpetuities, but
    they do not suffice to invalidate a condition of supervised release under § 3583(d).
    See Lewis, 
    2012 WL 5382948
    , at *7. Still less may they invalidate the condition under
    the Constitution: “[T]he delicate power” of constitutional adjudication “is not to be
    exercised with reference to hypothetical cases thus imagined.” United States v. Raines,
    No. 12-6351         United States v. Shultz                                           Page 9
    362 U.S. 17
    , 22 (1960). Should family members to whom condition four applies come
    into being, Shultz may ask the district court then, not now, to exercise its statutory power
    to “modify [or] reduce . . . the conditions of supervised release.” 18 U.S.C. § 3583(e)(2);
    see also Zobel, 696 F.3d at 575 (making similar recommendation).
    Condition six reads: “[Shultz] shall not possess any material, such as printed
    photographs, paintings, recorded material, or electronically produced material that he
    may use for the purpose of deviant sexual arousal. Nor shall he visit, frequent, or remain
    about any place where such material is available to him for the purpose of deviant sexual
    arousal.” R. 39 at 5. Shultz says this condition violates (1) the sentencing statute, (2) his
    First Amendment right to receive speech and (3) the Fifth Amendment prohibition
    against vague laws.
    Before turning to the specifics of Shultz’s arguments, a few observations are in
    order.   Few things tax legal drafting so much—or so well vindicate Madison’s
    observation that “no language is so copious as to supply words and phrases for every
    complex idea, or so correct as not to include many equivocally denoting different ideas,”
    The Federalist, No. 37, at 236 (Jacob Cooke ed. 1961)—as writing rules about sexual
    speech. The legislative branch is well acquainted with the problem. Overbreadth or
    vagueness in Congress’s attempts to regulate speech about sex has often compelled a
    return to the drawing board. See, e.g., United States v. Stevens, 
    559 U.S. 460
    (regulation of animal crush pornography); Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition, 
    535 U.S. 234
     (2002) (regulation of child pornography); United States v. Playboy Entm’t Grp.,
    529 U.S. 803
     (2000) (regulation of sexual programs on television); Reno v. ACLU, 
    521 U.S. 844
     (1997) (regulation of sexual material on the internet). The judicial branch is
    no less familiar with the challenge. The task of defining obscenity prompted an aside
    (“I know it when I see it”) that implied the occasional difficulty, if not impossibility, of
    using words to describe the concept. Jacobellis v. Ohio, 
    378 U.S. 184
    , 197 (Stewart, J.,
    concurring) (“I shall not attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to
    be embraced within [hard-core pornography], and perhaps I could never succeed in
    No. 12-6351            United States v. Shultz                                    Page 10
    intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this
    case is not that.”).
    It is well to keep these difficulties in mind when reviewing supervised release
    conditions, which, when done wisely, benefit criminal defendants and the public alike
    by facilitating sooner rather than later re-entry into society. The conditions as a result
    should “be written—and must be read—in a commonsense way.” United States v.
    319 F.3d 177
    , 193 (5th Cir. 2003) (internal quotation marks omitted). This is
    not the Internal Revenue Code. Pursuit of drafting perfection does little good and
    threatens much harm. It took sixteen years of trial and error for the Supreme Court to
    work out a suitable definition of obscenity. See Miller v. California, 
    413 U.S. 15
    , 19–23
    (1973). The process of allowing criminal defendants to re-enter society would break
    down if we launched a similar multi-year project every time a new child pornography
    sentence came along.
    At the same time, we cannot hide from insisting on narrower supervised release
    conditions when necessary or construing such conditions narrowly when appropriate.
    In this last respect, supervised release conditions differ from statutes. Some caution is
    required when offering a limiting construction to an act of Congress, lest we “substitute
    the judicial for the legislative department of government.” United States v. Reese,
    92 U.S. 214
    , 221 (1875); see also Free Enter. Fund v. PCAOB, 
    130 S. Ct. 3138
    , 3162
    (2010). But no comparable danger holds appellate courts back when they interpret a
    condition of supervised release, a product of the same branch of government.
    That leads to a third observation. Courts would do well to show restraint in
    entertaining facial challenges to conditions of supervised release. In this setting, the
    usual justifications for allowing facial challenges lose much of their force. The
    defendant’s own freedom of speech will rarely justify invalidating a condition on its
    face; a convict out on supervised release enjoys weaker First Amendment rights than the
    ordinary citizen. See Nixon, 664 F.3d at 627; see also Pa. Bd. of Prob. & Parole v.
    524 U.S. 357
    , 365 (1998) (“Parole is a variation on imprisonment of convicted
    criminals in which the State accords a limited degree of freedom in return for the
    No. 12-6351        United States v. Shultz                                        Page 11
    parolee’s assurance that he will comply with the often strict terms and conditions of his
    release.”). Nor does the desire to protect the free speech rights of third parties provide
    much support; unlike an overly broad law, which threatens to mute many speakers
    besides the challenger, see Broadrick v. Oklahoma, 
    413 U.S. 601
    , 612 (1973), a
    supervised release condition binds just one defendant.
    By contrast, the costs of entertaining facial challenges remain high; indeed, they
    get worse. Facial challenges encourage courts to adjudicate cases on the basis of
    hypothetical applications of the condition’s language that may or may not come to pass.
    Making matters worse, most supervised release conditions will not become relevant for
    many years, in this case 14 years. Much can happen during a prison term, and much of
    it may support a modification to the conditions of supervised release when the sentence
    ends. See 18 U.S.C. § 3583(e)(2) (allowing courts to “modify, reduce, or enlarge the
    conditions of supervised release” if appropriate). Far better, it seems to us, to deal with
    borderline or uncertain supervised release conditions by urging the defendant to seek a
    modification as the date for release approaches, as opposing to sparring about close calls
    a decade before they become relevant.
    With these observations in mind, we turn to Shultz’s objections to condition six.
    18 U.S.C. § 3583(d) and First Amendment. Shultz argues that condition six
    abridges the freedom of speech and involves a “greater deprivation of liberty than is
    reasonably necessary” to achieve the purposes of supervised release. 18 U.S.C.
    § 3583(d)(2). As Shultz reads the condition, it has no limits, as he might use almost
    anything—say a description of sex in a science textbook or a photograph of a clothed
    child—for titillation. That broad reading of the provision might indeed create problems,
    both under the sentencing statute and the First Amendment. See Zobel, 696 F.3d at
    Yet a fairer, more common sense reading of condition six exists—that it covers
    only material designed (in a reasonably objective sense) to produce deviant sexual
    arousal. So interpreted, the condition may stand. It is reasonable to prevent Shultz from
    No. 12-6351         United States v. Shultz                                        Page 12
    possessing material whose purpose is the provocation of his sexual interest in children.
    By stimulating the sexual impulses that led Shultz to download child pornography in the
    first place, this material both threatens public safety and hinders Shultz’s rehabilitation.
    The restriction at hand thus takes away only as much liberty as “is reasonably necessary”
    under the circumstances. 18 U.S.C. § 3583(d)(2). For similar reasons, condition six
    complies on its face with the First Amendment. As we have explained, supervised
    release conditions pass constitutional inspection “so long as they [are] directly related
    to the defendant’s rehabilitation and the protection of the public.” Nixon, 664 F.3d at
    Fifth Amendment void for vagueness. Shultz argues that condition six’s use of
    the word “deviant” makes it impermissibly vague. That is not an inconsequential
    argument. Cf. Brown v. Entm’t Merchs. Ass’n, 
    131 S. Ct. 2729
    , 2745–46 (2011) (Alito,
    J., concurring in the judgment) (concluding that a state law offended the vagueness
    doctrine by regulating violent video games that appeal “to a deviant or morbid interest
    of minors”).    But we can avoid this difficulty by reading “deviant” to cover only
    Shultz’s interest in child sex. Context provides one reason to read condition six in this
    way; the conviction after all concerns child pornography, not incest or bestiality or some
    other sexual taboo. Skilling v. United States provides another; it holds that a court may
    “pare [a legal provision] down to its core” in order to sidestep a serious vagueness
    130 S. Ct. 2895
    , 2928 (2010). The government informed us at oral argument
    that it had no objection to this narrowing construction. To promote clarity going
    forward, it may be worthwhile for district courts to replace “deviant sexual arousal” with
    something more definite, such as “arousal of sexual interest in children.”
    For these reasons, we affirm.