United States v. Jointer, John W. , 457 F.3d 682 ( 2006 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 05-4632
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division.
    No. 05 CR 79—Larry J. McKinney, Chief Judge.
    Before RIPPLE, MANION and KANNE, Circuit Judges.
    RIPPLE, Circuit Judge. On October 7, 2005, Mr. Jointer
    pleaded guilty to distribution of and possession with in-
    tent to distribute cocaine base (“crack”). See 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    (a)(1) and 841(b)(1)(B)(iii). He was sentenced to 87
    months’ imprisonment, a term below the advisory guideline
    range. The Government now appeals Mr. Jointer’s sentence;
    it submits that the district court exceeded its authority by
    substituting a 20:1 crack-to-powder cocaine sentencing ratio
    rather than the 100:1 ratio found in the United States
    Sentencing Guidelines. The Government further claims that
    2                                                 No. 05-4632
    the sentence is unreasonable. For the reasons set forth in this
    opinion, we reverse the judgment of the district court and
    remand the case for resentencing.
    A. Facts
    On three occasions in November and December of 2004,
    Mr. Jointer made controlled purchases of a total of 46.4
    grams of crack from an undercover police officer; these
    purchases were audio and videotaped.
    On December 10, 2004, this undercover officer called
    Mr. Jointer and asked to meet him in a store parking lot in
    order to purchase two ounces of crack. Indianapolis police
    officers met Mr. Jointer at the parking lot and attempted
    to arrest him, but Mr. Jointer struggled with the police
    officers and was able to flee on foot. Mr. Jointer was appre-
    hended after he ran across the roadway and was struck
    accidentally by an assisting police officer’s vehicle. Upon his
    arrest, officers found 22.18 grams of crack on or near his
    person; they found an additional 10.84 grams during a
    subsequent search of his residence.
    On May 25, 2005, Mr. Jointer was charged in a four-count
    indictment with three counts of distribution of five grams or
    more of crack in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    (a)(1) and
    841(b)(1)(B)(iii), and one count of possession with intent
    to distribute five or more grams of crack in violation of
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    (a)(1) and 841(b)(1)(B)(iii). On October 7,
    2005, Mr. Jointer pleaded guilty to the four-count indict-
    No. 05-4632                                                   3
    Mr. Jointer had a criminal history that included previous
    convictions for felony theft and receiving stolen property.
    Also, at the time of the charged offenses he was on proba-
    tion for a 2004 conviction for possession of cocaine.
    B. District Court Proceedings
    The district court conducted a sentencing hearing on
    November 17, 2005. Before calculating Mr. Jointer’s ap-
    plicable guidelines range, the court noted that the statutory
    sentencing range was between five and forty years, indicat-
    ing that Congress is of the “opinion that the crimes that [Mr.
    Jointer has] committ[ed] are serious, that they impact our
    society in many ways, and that they cause a great deal of
    harm.” Sent. Tr. at 2.
    The court then began the process of calculating the
    guidelines range. Examining the conduct to which Mr.
    Jointer pleaded guilty, the court determined that the base
    offense level was 32. The court then applied a 2-level
    enhancement for obstruction of justice, see U.S.S.G. § 3C1.2,
    finding that Mr. Jointer had put the officers at risk of in-
    jury when he resisted arrest. The court subtracted three
    levels for acceptance of responsibility, resulting in a total
    offense level of 31. With Mr. Jointer’s criminal history
    category of III, the applicable guideline range was 135 to 168
    Next, the district court turned to a consideration of the
    sentencing factors set forth in 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (a). The
    district court stated that, in sentencing, the court makes “an
    attempt to . . . be consistent with what others in the country
    have done” and what the district court itself has done in the
    Id. at 9
    . The court stated, however, that it did not think
    that the “notion of consistency” appeared in § 3553(a). Id.
    4                                                 No. 05-4632
    The court noted that it considered Mr. Jointer a “street
    dealer,” not an “importer” or “organizer,” and expressed its
    concern that a guidelines sentence might not “reflect
    the actual conduct of this defendant in the scheme of the
    drug distribution system.” Id. at 10; see also id. at 9 (stating
    that, with regards to Mr. Jointer’s conduct, “I am not
    looking at five kilograms of crack cocaine, I am looking at 80
    The court also observed that Mr. Jointer already had
    been given a second chance because he was on probation
    when he committed the crime for which he was now be-
    ing sentenced. Pointing out that Mr. Jointer had made a
    series of bad choices, the court stated that the Guidelines
    would put Mr. Jointer “in the place” that reflects the
    seriousness of the offense, promotes respect for the law,
    provides deterrence and administers punishment. Id. at 11.
    The court next made the following statement:
    Now, I am concerned about a sentencing consistency
    across the country, and I am concerned about the 100 to
    1 disparity of crack cocaine to powder. And I think it is
    fair for me, at a sentence, to reflect on why it was that
    the 100 to 1 began and what scientific evidence there
    was for Congress to conclude that 100 to 1 in the Guide-
    lines . . . was appropriate. There was the fear that the
    addiction was greater to crack cocaine, that the harm
    was greater caused by crack cocaine. And, as we have
    proceeded, as science has proceeded to address those
    issues over the course of the years there is less and less
    evidence that there is a difference in the high and there
    is a difference in the addiction. . . . The literature is
    replete with evidence that what we thought was—or
    what Congress thought was an appropriate disparity
    might not be so wise today because of the better science
    that we have.
    No. 05-4632                                                    5
    Id. at 11-12. Because the court believed the original rationale
    for the 100:1 ratio was based on assumptions that no longer
    were accepted, it decided to employ a 20:1 ratio in sentenc-
    ing Mr. Jointer. The court remarked that it was employing
    the ratio that the United States Sentencing Commission had
    recommended “with wisdom and . . . a nod to science.” Id.
    at 12. The district court acknowledged that the Government
    believed that the appropriate ratio was a “congressional
    issue and not a judicial issue.” Id. at 13. The court stated that
    such an argument was “valid,” but nonetheless stated that
    it had the “final say, as to whether or not a sentence is
    reasonable” for a particular defendant. Id. at 13-14.
    Applying the 20:1 ratio, the district court recalculated
    the guidelines calculation and arrived at a level of 25. The
    resulting range was 70 to 87 months’ imprisonment. The
    court stated that it arrived at this result “by applying the
    3553(a)” factors to the guidelines computation. Id. at 14. The
    court stated that the new range could provide deterrence for
    Mr. Jointer and others. Noting that Mr. Jointer had been
    involved with drugs for quite some time, it sentenced Mr.
    Jointer to 87 months’ imprisonment, the top of the range. In
    the court’s view, this sentence “reflect[ed] the seriousness of
    the offense” and Mr. Jointer’s criminal history. Id. at 15.
    A. The 100:1 Ratio and Booker
    The Government presents two issues in its appeal to this
    court: (1) whether the district court committed legal error by
    sentencing Mr. Jointer under a 20:1 ratio rather than a 100:1
    6                                                     No. 05-4632
    ratio;1 and (2) whether Mr. Jointer’s sentence is unreason-
    able. We turn now to the first issue.
    In this post-Booker world, the basic methodology that must
    be employed by a district court in sentencing a defendant is
    now well-settled. As a threshold matter, the district court
    first must calculate the appropriate sentence under the
    applicable version of the United States Sentencing Guide-
    lines. See, e.g., United States v. Walker, 
    447 F.3d 999
    , 1007 (7th
    Cir. 2006). Although the Guidelines are now advisory, not
    mandatory, they serve as a necessary starting point in the
    court’s deliberations. In making this initial calculation, the
    court must acknowledge, and abide by, the policy choices
    made by Congress and by the Sentencing Commission. At
    this stage of the process, a district court, and indeed this
    court on review, must respectfully adhere to the 100:1 ratio
    that Congress has decided to implement; the court cannot
    substitute a different ratio for the one that Congress has
    selected. “[A]fter Booker district judges are obliged to
    implement the 100-to-1 ratio as long as it remains part of the
    statute and the Guidelines.” United States v. Miller, 
    450 F.3d 1
      The so-called “100:1” ratio originated in the Anti-Drug Abuse
    Act of 1986 (the “Act”), Pub. L. No. 99-570, 
    100 Stat. 3207
    (codified in pertinent part at 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    (a)). The Act pre-
    scribes a minimum sentence of 10 years for possession of 5,000
    grams of cocaine or 50 grams of cocaine base (“crack”) and a
    minimum sentence of 5 years for 500 grams of cocaine or 5 grams
    of crack. See 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    (b)(1)(A)(ii), (iii); 
    §§ 841(b)(1)(B)(ii), (iii). The Sentencing Commission then set
    the Guidelines accordingly, adjusting the sentencing ranges
    for crack and powder to reflect Congress’ decision. For a
    more detailed discussion of the history of the 100:1 ratio, see
    United States v. Eura, 
    440 F.3d 625
    , 635-36 (4th Cir. 2006) (Michael,
    J., concurring).
    No. 05-4632                                                          7
    270, 275 (7th Cir. 2006);2 see also United States v. Lister, 
    432 F.3d 754
    , 762 (7th Cir. 2005) (noting that the 100:1 ratio has
    been upheld consistently by our circuit and that “Booker
    do[es] nothing to overturn this decision”). After the court
    has ascertained the appropriate advisory guideline sentence,
    it then must determine, by an examination of all of the
    facts and circumstances of the case in light of the criteria set
    forth in 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    , an appropriate sentence for
    the individual defendant. Notably, only after calculating the
    correct range may a court make reference to the fac-
    tors specified in § 3553(a) and select a sentence for a defen-
    dant that is either within or outside of the advisory guide-
    lines range. See Walker, 
    447 F.3d at 1007
    In this case, the district court did not make a state-
    ment categorically rejecting the 100:1 ratio in sentencing
    all crack defendants in front of the court. Such a state-
    ment would have been a quintessential appropriation of
    legislative authority. On the other hand, a fair reading of the
    sentencing transcript does not permit us to characterize the
    district court’s action as entirely judicial in nature. The court
    simply did not tie the 20:1 ratio specifically to Mr. Jointer.
    Although the court said that it was applying the 20:1 ratio
    “in this case,” it did not articulate a rationale for why 20:1
    was more appropriate than any other ratio for Mr. Jointer.
    Sent. Tr. at 14. It simply disagreed with the legislative facts
    upon which Congress had based its judgment and substi-
    tuted other legislative facts for the congressional judgment.
    Although the court did discuss characteristics specific to Mr.
    Jointer, such as Mr. Jointer’s relatively low-level involve-
    The district court did not have the benefit of our decision in
    United States v. Miller, 
    450 F.3d 270
     (7th Cir. 2006), at the time that
    it ruled.
    8                                                 No. 05-4632
    ment in the drug distribution business, the court did not
    make any defendant-specific findings or statements when
    discussing the crack-to-cocaine ratio. In sum, although the
    district court did, at first, correctly calculate the applicable
    offense level and sentencing range, the court abandoned
    that correct calculation and inserted its own ratio, 20:1, and
    then recalculated the applicable offense level and sentencing
    range. See Sent. Tr. at 24 (“I’m not abandoning the Guide-
    lines. I will reconfigure the Guidelines . . . on the conclu-
    sions I have drawn by applying the 3553(a) factors, and that
    would, in fact, leave the total offense level at a 25.”). This
    recalculation was erroneous; it followed neither the statu-
    tory language set out by Congress nor the applicable
    guidelines sections.
    A district court “err[s] as a matter of law when it
    construct[s] a new sentencing range” based on a crack-to-
    powder range other than 100:1. United States v. Pho, 
    433 F.3d 53
    , 64 (1st Cir. 2006); see also United States v. Robinson, 
    435 F.3d 699
    , 701 (7th Cir. 2006) (“Guideline ranges must
    be determined correctly as a matter of law.”). A district
    court simply cannot substitute its own ratio for the 100:1
    ratio. See United States v. Williams, No. 05-13205, ___ F.3d
    2006 WL 2039993
    , at *11 (11th Cir. July 21, 2006)
    (“Congress concluded the 100-to-1 ratio is justified, and
    the courts have no authority to change that.”); United States
    v. Eura, 
    440 F.3d 625
     (4th Cir. 2006); Pho, 
    433 F.3d 53
    Because the district court did not follow the appropriate
    methodology in sentencing Mr. Jointer, and because that
    error certainly can not be characterized as harmless error,
    we must remand the case for resentencing. We have
    stated that, although the Guidelines are no longer manda-
    tory, “errors in their application remain relevant,” United
    States v. Skoczen, 
    405 F.3d 537
    , 549 (7th Cir. 2005), and such
    No. 05-4632                                                   9
    errors may require us to remand for resentencing, see United
    States v. Chamness, 
    435 F.3d 724
    , 726 (7th Cir. 2006). The
    Mandatory Sentencing Act, 
    18 U.S.C. § 3742
    (f)(1), requires
    resentencing when a sentence was imposed “as a result of
    an incorrect application of the sentencing guidelines.” This
    provision of the Mandatory Sentencing Act survives Booker,
    and thus errors in the Guidelines application must be
    remanded for resentencing even post-Booker. See United
    States v. Scott, 
    405 F.3d 615
    , 617 (7th Cir. 2005).
    To ensure that our holding is received in the proper
    context, we emphasize that, once a correct guideline sen-
    tence has been calculated, the district court must fashion an
    individual sentence for the defendant before it by evaluating
    all the facts and circumstances of the case in light of the
    criteria set forth by Congress in 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (a). See Pho,
    433 F.3d at 65
     (“[W]e do not intend to diminish the discre-
    tion that, after Booker, the district courts enjoy in sentencing
    matters or to suggest that, in a drug trafficking case, the
    nature of the contraband and/or the severity of a projected
    guideline sentence may not be taken into account on a case-
    by-case basis.”); see also Williams, 
    2006 WL 2039993
    , at *11
    (holding that “a sentence below the Guidelines range in a
    crack cocaine case” may be permissible “so long as it reflects
    the individualized, case-specific factors in § 3553(a)”). At
    this later stage of the sentencing proceedings, the Sentencing
    Commission’s detailed reports on crack and cocaine sen-
    tencing3 may have “practical utility” to a district
    The Sentencing Commission has issued reports to Congress in
    1995, 1997 and 2002, recommending that Congress narrow the
    sentencing disparity between crack and cocaine offenders. The
    2002 report was extensive and drew on a variety of different
    10                                                  No. 05-4632
    court’s evaluation of the facts and circumstances of the
    individual case in light of the § 3553(a) factors. Eura,
    440 F.3d at 634
     (Michael, J., concurring). However, as
    Judge Michael cautioned, the analysis and data contained in
    the reports cannot alone justify a below-guidelines sentence;
    they can be considered only “insofar as they are refracted
    through an individual defendant’s case.” 
    Id. at 637
    in original). This is not to say, of course, that a district court
    must consult the Sentencing Commission reports in any
    given sentencing. See United States v. Gipson, 
    425 F.3d 335
    337 (7th Cir. 2005) (per curiam) (holding that there is no
    requirement that a district court take into account the
    discrepancy between crack and cocaine sentencing to give
    a below-guidelines sentence). Nor will reliance on the
    Sentencing Commission reports shield a district court from
    a reasonableness review on appeal because, at the core, the
    district court must still tie the § 3553(a) factors to the
    individual characteristics of the defendant and the offense
    committed. See Eura, 
    440 F.3d at 634
     (stating that, in order to
    deviate from the applicable range when sentencing a crack
    defendant, “a sentencing court must identify the individual
    aspects of the defendant’s case that fit within the factors listed
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (a)” (emphasis in original)).
    sources, including recent literature on the effects and use of
    cocaine, an empirical study of federal cocaine offenders, public
    comments, and public hearing testimony from physicians, law
    enforcement officials, civil rights leaders and academics. See
    United States Sentencing Comm’n, Report to Congress: Cocaine
    and Federal Sentencing Policy (2002); see also Eura, 
    440 F.3d at 635-36
     (Michael, J., concurring) (discussing the various Sen-
    tencing Commission reports).
    No. 05-4632                                               11
    For the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the district
    court is reversed, and the case is remanded to the district
    court for resentencing consistent with this opinion.
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit