John Doe v. Kevin K. McAleenan ( 2019 )

  •                                In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 17-2040
    Acting Secretary of Homeland
    Security, et al.,
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 1:15-cv-01387 — John Z. Lee, Judge.
    ARGUED MARCH 28, 2019 — DECIDED JULY 3, 2019
    Before RIPPLE, MANION, and SYKES, Circuit Judges.
    RIPPLE, Circuit Judge. John Doe, a native and citizen of
    Iran, obtained an immigrant visa through an employment-
    based visa program for investors, and, in due course, he suc-
    cessfully applied to adjust his status to that of a conditional
    permanent resident. At the conclusion of his two-year, condi-
    tional term, Mr. Doe petitioned to remove the conditions on
    2                                                            No. 17-2040
    his residency. The United States Citizenship and Immigra-
    tion Services (“USCIS”) denied his petition. Mr. Doe chal-
    lenged the denial in the district court, claiming that the deci-
    sion was arbitrary and capricious, exceeded the relevant
    statutory and regulatory authority, and deprived him of his
    due process rights under the Fifth Amendment. The district
    court granted summary judgment to the defendants. For the
    reasons below, we affirm the judgment of the district court.1
    Because the factual and procedural background of this
    case involves a visa system which is not frequently the sub-
    ject of our cases, we begin by setting forth the statutory and
    regulatory framework.
    The EB-52 program, colloquially known as the “investor
    visa,” is a program designed by Congress to encourage sig-
    nificant, job-creating investment in commercial enterprises
    in the United States, with special incentives related to rural
    or economically depressed communities where unemploy-
    ment is at least 150% of the national average. The program,
    1 The district court had jurisdiction over this action pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1331
    5 U.S.C. § 701
     et seq. Our jurisdiction is based on 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    2 The designation “EB-5” denotes that it is the fifth preference category
    of “employment-based” visas.
    No. 17-2040                                                              3
    in its current iteration,3 requires an alien investor to make an
    investment of at least $500,000 for a new commercial enter-
    prise located in a rural or high-unemployment area and up
    to $3,000,000 for a new commercial enterprise located in an
    area with an unemployment rate significantly below the na-
    tional average.4 The enterprise can be the creation of a new
    business, a purchase of an existing business with substantial
    restructuring or reorganization, or the substantial expansion
    of an existing business. The enterprise must create full-time
    employment for a minimum of ten qualified employees. See
    8 U.S.C. § 1153
    8 C.F.R. § 204.6
    The process by which an alien obtains status under
    § 1153(b)(5) begins with a petition for classification as an al-
    ien entrepreneur. A petition must be accompanied by evi-
    dence “that the alien has invested or is actively in the pro-
    cess of investing lawfully obtained capital in a new commer-
    cial enterprise in the United States which will create
    full-time positions for not fewer than 10 qualifying employ-
    8 C.F.R. § 204.6
    (j). Specifically, the petition must con-
    tain evidence of the existence or formation of the enterprise
    itself. To demonstrate “that the petitioner has invested or is
    3 Substantial changes have been proposed to the program, including in-
    creases in the minimum investment and a redefinition of targeted areas.
    See EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program Modernization, 
    82 Fed. Reg. 4738
    (proposed Jan. 13, 2017) (to be codified at 8 C.F.R. pts. 204 and 216).
    4 The alien need not “create” a “new” business in the literal sense.
    “New” for purposes of the statute means established after November 29,
    1990, the date of enactment of the Immigration Act of 1990, Pub. L. no.
    104 Stat. 4978
    . See 
    8 C.F.R. § 204.6
    (e). Any business formed after
    the statute’s effective date is “new” for the purposes of the statute, and
    an alien need only “invest” in, not create, such business.
    4                                                  No. 17-2040
    actively in the process of investing the required amount of
    capital, the petition must be accompanied by evidence that
    the petitioner has placed the required amount of capital at
    risk for the purpose of generating a return on the capital
    placed at risk.” 
     § 204.6(j)(2). Financial documents show-
    ing deposits and expenditures must be submitted.
    Immigrant investors seeking to qualify for an EB-5 visa
    may make either direct investments into a business or can
    invest through a business designated by USCIS as a “region-
    al center.” Regional centers are essentially clearinghouses for
    eligible investment opportunities. As the USCIS Policy
    Manual states, “The regional center model can offer an im-
    migrant investor already defined investment opportunities,
    thereby reducing the immigrant investor’s responsibility to
    identify acceptable investment vehicles.” USCIS Policy
    Manual,        Volume      6,      Part    G,     Chapter     3, (current as
    of June 6, 2019). With respect to the proof of capital at risk,
    direct investments and regional center investments have
    identical requirements. However, for the purpose of the
    job-creation requirement, direct investments and regional
    center investments have one important difference. Direct in-
    vestment can only satisfy the job-creation requirement with
    the creation of direct jobs, i.e., new positions within the new
    commercial enterprise itself. For a petition filed on the basis
    of jobs already created, a petitioner submits relevant tax rec-
    ords, for example, documenting direct hires. 
    8 C.F.R. § 204.6
    (j)(4)(i)(A). By contrast, investments through regional
    centers allow EB-5 applicants to satisfy the job-creation re-
    quirement with either direct or indirect positions. An indirect
    job is one held outside of the new commercial enterprise but
    created as a result of the new commercial enterprise. An al-
    No. 17-2040                                                             5
    ien who chooses to rely on such indirect, econom-
    ic-impact-based employment must use an approved eco-
    nomic methodology to establish that the requisite number of
    jobs have been or will be created. See 
     § 204.6(m)(7)(ii).5
    For a petitioner like Mr. Doe, who files on the basis of an en-
    terprise anticipated to create the required number of jobs, his
    petition must include “[a] copy of a comprehensive business
    plan showing that, due to the nature and projected size of
    the new commercial enterprise, the need for not fewer than
    ten (10) qualifying employees will result, including approx-
    imate dates, within the next two years, and when such em-
    ployees will be hired.” Id. § 204.6(j)(4)(i)(B).
    The approval of an EB-5 visa petition results in the issu-
    ance of an immigrant visa and permits the alien to file for
    permanent resident status on a conditional basis. See 
    8 U.S.C. §§ 1255
    (a), 1186b(a)(1). Conditional residency lasts for two
    years. Ninety days before the expiration of the conditional
    residency, an alien may apply to have the conditions on res-
    idence removed and become a lawful permanent resident.
    8 U.S.C. § 1186b(d)(2)(A). At that time, USCIS must reevalu-
    ate the alien’s investment and ensure that the alien:
    (A) (i) invested, or is actively in the process of
    investing, the requisite capital; and
    5 The regulations allow that to demonstrate “indirect job creation,” “rea-
    sonable methodologies may be used. Such methodologies may include
    multiplier tables, feasibility studies, analyses of foreign and domestic
    markets for the goods or services to be exported, and other economically
    or statistically valid forecasting devices which indicate the likelihood
    that the business will result in increased employment.” 
    8 C.F.R. § 204.6
    (m)(7)(ii); see also 
     § 204.6(m)(3)(v).
    6                                                          No. 17-2040
    (ii) sustained the actions described in clause (i)
    throughout the period of the alien’s residence
    in the United States; and
    (B) is otherwise conforming to the require-
    ments of section 1153(b)(5) of this title.
    8 U.S.C. § 1186b(d)(1); see also 
    8 C.F.R. § 216.6
    (a). The alien
    bears the burden of demonstrating that he satisfies all eligi-
    bility criteria by a preponderance of the evidence. Matter of
    25 I. & N. Dec. 369
    , 375 (BIA 2010).
    Mr. Doe successfully navigated each of the steps of this
    process until the final one, the petition to remove the condi-
    tions on his residence. In its consideration of that petition,
    USCIS identified two potential issues with respect to his ap-
    plication: whether his investment was sustained, at risk,
    through the duration of his residency, and whether the pro-
    ject would create the requisite number of jobs within a rea-
    sonable period of time. USCIS was required to engage in this
    inquiry and to consider the state of affairs as of the time of
    the final petition even though it previously had found the
    same requirements satisfied. See 
    8 C.F.R. § 216.6
    (c)(1).6 Its
    resolution of these matters is the subject of Mr. Doe’s appeal.
    8 C.F.R. § 216.6
    (c)(1) provides, in relevant part, that the Director of
    USCIS must determine whether “[a] commercial enterprise was estab-
    lished by the alien” and whether “[t]he alien invested or was actively in
    the process of investing the requisite capital.” In addition, the Director
    must find that “[t]he alien sustained the[se] actions … throughout the
    period of the alien’s residence in the United States.” 
    No. 17-2040                                                   7
    In 2011, Mr. Doe became one of twenty-four indirect im-
    migrant investors in a proposed project to build Elgin
    Memory Care, Inc., a 110-unit assisted living facility in Elgin,
    Illinois. Each individual investor would contribute a mini-
    mum of $500,000 to be used for the project and, if additional
    statutory and regulatory requirements were satisfied, by vir-
    tue of their investment would become eligible for an EB-5
    While Mr. Doe’s initial capital investment was held in es-
    crow, he self-petitioned for his EB-5 visa (the “I-526 peti-
    tion”). His petition included a then-current business plan,
    which represented that, with the $12 million investment as
    the total project cost, construction of the facility would begin
    in 2010 and the facility would be operational by 2011. The
    plan also claimed that the project would create more than
    270 full-time jobs. USCIS approved the I-526 petition in June
    2011. One month later, Mr. Doe’s $500,000 investment was
    transferred to Elgin Memory Care, and three days after the
    transfer, on August 1, 2011, Elgin Memory Care purchased a
    parcel of land on which it intended to build the assisted liv-
    ing facility. Elgin Memory Care paid $1.1 million for the
    With an approved immigrant visa in hand, Mr. Doe was
    eligible to apply for adjustment of status.7 His application
    for adjustment was approved in 2011, and he was granted
    conditional resident status for a two-year period. See 8 U.S.C.
    § 1186b. Approximately one month before the expiration of
    7   See 8 U.S.C. §§ 1186b(a)(1), 1201–02; 
    8 C.F.R. § 245.2
    8                                                         No. 17-2040
    his conditional residency in October 2013, Mr. Doe filed a
    petition to remove the conditions on his residence (the “I-829
    petition”), as permitted by the statute.8
    In response to his petition, in August 2014, Mr. Doe re-
    ceived the first indication that USCIS was beginning to have
    concerns about the investment that formed the basis of his
    visa: USCIS issued a thorough and detailed seven-page Re-
    quest for Evidence to Mr. Doe. The Request sought further
    evidence that his investment satisfied two critical grounds of
    EB-5 eligibility, both significant to the disposition of the pre-
    sent appeal. First, the agency requested certain information
    to confirm that Mr. Doe’s capital investment with the EB-5
    Fund had been sustained throughout his two-year condi-
    tional residency period. In addition to seeking relevant fi-
    nancial documents and tax records that Mr. Doe had not
    provided, the Request specifically noted that, in searching a
    property records database, it had discovered something
    questionable about the land transaction that was the sup-
    posed purpose of Mr. Doe’s capital investment. USCIS had
    learned that Elgin Memory Care purchased the parcel of
    land for $1.1 million from an entity called UIS Development,
    LLC, on the very same day that UIS itself had purchased the
    parcel from Nesler & Lake CRE, for nearly half the amount,
    $630,000. The Request gave examples of potential evidence
    to overcome deficiencies related to whether Mr. Doe’s in-
    8 The period during which an alien may apply to remove conditions is
    the ninety-day period prior to the expiration of the conditional residen-
    cy. 8 U.S.C. § 1186b(d)(2)(A).
    No. 17-2040                                                   9
    vestment was placed “at risk,” including an explanation of
    the prior sale “with supporting evidence.”9
    In addition to articulating the specific concerns about the
    land transaction funded with Mr. Doe’s investment, the Re-
    quest also raised potential issues about the evidence con-
    cerning job creation. The Request noted that, between the
    initial submissions in support of the visa and this most re-
    cent petition to remove conditions, Mr. Doe had revised his
    projected job-creation figures downward by nearly fifty per-
    cent without any explanation. Beyond the particular defi-
    ciencies identified, the Request reflects plainly a concern
    from the agency that the project had not met any of its pro-
    jected benchmarks and that no updated timelines for com-
    pletion and operation had been submitted. The agency re-
    quested that, in response to its concerns, Mr. Doe provide
    further information on whether the project remained a going
    concern and whether he had sustained his qualifying in-
    vestment in it. It also sought information on revisions to the
    anticipated job creation, because the deadlines in the plan
    submitted had not been met by the project. It listed a series
    of documents that might help satisfy those requests and in-
    vited Mr. Doe to submit anything else relevant to these con-
    cerns. Mr. Doe responded to the Request with various addi-
    tional documents, the sufficiency of which is relevant to this
    On January 16, 2015, USCIS denied Mr. Doe’s I-829 peti-
    tion to remove the conditions on his residence. The
    nine-page denial letter cited two alternate and independent
    grounds for the decision: namely, the “at risk” ground, relat-
    9   Certified Administrative Record (“CAR”) at 15 (R.32-1).
    10                                                No. 17-2040
    ed to the suspicious land transaction, and the “job-creation”
    ground, related to whether the project met the minimum
    statutory requirements for creating new full-time employ-
    Mr. Doe brought this action in the district court, princi-
    pally alleging that USCIS’s denial of his application to re-
    move the conditions on his residence was arbitrary and ca-
    pricious. In 2016, the parties filed cross-motions for sum-
    mary judgment. The district court granted the Government
    defendants’ motion in a lengthy and thoughtful memoran-
    dum opinion and order. The court determined that the agen-
    cy’s action was grounded in the evidentiary record. See 
    5 U.S.C. § 706
    First, with respect to the requirement that the full amount
    of a capital investment be placed “at risk,” the court noted
    that USCIS had reason to be “deeply concerned about the
    legitimacy of [the] land deal and whether [Mr. Doe]’s capital
    had, in fact, been used to support job creation activities by
    the assisted living facility.”10 The court recounted the docu-
    mented facts of the transaction: that the investment was
    transferred from the regional center to Elgin Memory Care
    three days before the land transaction, but on the day of the
    transaction, an intermediate buyer was able to purchase the
    land for roughly half the price Elgin Memory Care would
    pay to that buyer later the same day. The court noted that
    the agency had asked Mr. Doe to provide evidence substan-
    tiating the legitimacy of the land deal in the Request for Evi-
    10   R.91 at 14.
    No. 17-2040                                                 11
    dence and that he had provided only summary affidavits
    attesting to the deal’s legitimacy and a lack of relationship
    between the seller, intermediate buyer, and ultimate buyer.
    As the court observed, none of these documents explained
    away the fact that the transaction was questionable on its
    face. Furthermore, the court held that USCIS was entitled to
    discount the affidavits because they were “self-serving,” and
    “do little to shed any light on the wide disparity between”
    the two same-day purchase prices.11 The court noted that
    Mr. Doe had failed to provide the sale documents from the
    first transaction, the terms of the deal, or an independent
    appraisal. The court found reasonable USCIS’s rejection of
    Mr. Doe’s contrary assertion—that the intermediate buyer
    was able to “flip” the property for a profit in a matter of
    The district court then turned to the job-creation re-
    quirement. In response to Mr. Doe’s objection that the agen-
    cy’s decision added a requirement that indirect jobs created
    by the entity must last longer than two years to be counted,
    the court concluded that Mr. Doe had misread the decision.
    In the court’s view, when read in context, it was clear that
    the agency’s reference to the duration of jobs created applied
    only to the direct jobs. With respect to the remaining indirect
    jobs, even if they all counted, the district court noted that
    they were fewer than the ten required.
    The court also found no merit to Mr. Doe’s objection that
    the agency had improperly rejected his employment impact
    Id. at 15
     (quoting CAR at 25).
    12                                                No. 17-2040
    report. It thought that there were numerous reasons to ques-
    tion the reliability of his expenditures, given that construc-
    tion had not commenced. The court determined that there
    was no error in the agency’s conclusion that Mr. Doe’s im-
    pact report was unreliable in light of the totality of the evi-
    dence in the record. Finally, the court found no error in the
    agency’s rejection of Mr. Doe’s job-creation methodology. It
    concluded that Mr. Doe essentially disagreed with the agen-
    cy’s refusal to include certain expenditures in its calcula-
    tions, but that, in any event, the exclusion of those expendi-
    tures was not arbitrary.
    Mr. Doe appealed the district court’s judgment. When his
    appeal was first before us, we discovered a conflict of inter-
    est with his attorney. Specifically, the attorney on the brief
    was the second member of a two-person law firm, and the
    principal attorney was under investigation for fraud in the
    EB-5 program. See SEC v. Kameli, No. 17-cv-04686 (N.D. Ill.).
    Kameli is accused of “defrauding at least 226 immigrant in-
    vestors who participated in the EB-5 immigrant investor
    program. More specifically, the SEC alleges that Kameli so-
    licited over $88 million to invest in a number of new com-
    mercial enterprises, only to squander and misappropriate
    some of those funds.” Doe v. Nielsen, 
    883 F.3d 716
    , 718 (7th
    Cir. 2018) (citation omitted). The SEC complaint specifically
    identifies Elgin Memory Care as having been part of the
    scheme to defraud and sets forth specific allegations of mis-
    appropriation of the immigrant investors’ capital. We or-
    dered briefing on the subject of a potential conflict between
    the Kameli firm’s continued representation of Mr. Doe, and
    we subsequently disqualified them from further representa-
    Id. at 720
    . We pause to emphasize that our discussion of
    the fraud accusations concerned only the qualifications of
    No. 17-2040                                                 13
    prior counsel and his law firm to represent Mr. Doe before
    us in this proceeding. The allegations are not part of the ad-
    ministrative record in this case, and they have no bearing on
    our disposition of this appeal.
    Now represented by new counsel, and supported by new
    briefing, the merits of Mr. Doe’s appeal are before us.
    Our review of the district court’s decision granting sum-
    mary judgment is de novo. St. Joan Antida High Sch. Inc. v.
    Milwaukee Pub. Sch. Dist., 
    919 F.3d 1003
    , 1008 (7th Cir. 2019).
    Mr. Doe claims that USCIS’s denial of the petition to re-
    move the conditions on his residence is arbitrary or capri-
    cious and requests that this court therefore hold it unlawful.
    5 U.S.C. § 706
    When determining whether an agency’s deci-
    sion is arbitrary or capricious, we ask whether
    the agency
    has relied on factors which Congress
    had not intended it to consider, entirely
    failed to consider an important aspect of
    the problem, offered an explanation for
    its decision that runs counter to the evi-
    dence before the agency, or is so im-
    plausible that it could not be ascribed to
    a difference in view or the product of
    agency expertise.
    Zero Zone, Inc. v. United States Dep’t of Energy, 
    832 F.3d 654
    668 (7th Cir. 2016) (quoting Nat’l Ass’n of Home Builders v.
    Defs. of Wildlife, 
    551 U.S. 644
    , 658 (2007)). Furthermore,
    14                                                No. 17-2040
    [t]he Administrative Procedure Act (the
    “APA”) recognizes the importance of judicial
    review when it provides that agencies must
    explain the basis for their decisions, “on all ma-
    terial issues of fact, law, or discretion ... .” 
    5 U.S.C. § 557
    (c)(3)(A). The Supreme Court has
    instructed us to review agency decisions only
    on the basis of the reasons given in the agen-
    cy’s order or opinion. Securities and Exchange
    Comm’n v. Chenery Corp., 
    318 U.S. 80
    , 87 (1943).
    “Even if the evidence in the record, combined
    with the reviewing court’s understanding of
    the law, is enough to support the order, the
    court may not uphold the order unless it is sus-
    tainable on the agency’s findings and for the
    reasons stated by the agency.” 3 K. Davis, Ad-
    ministrative Law Treatise § 14.29 at 128 (2d ed.
    Saylor v. United States Dep’t of Agric., 
    723 F.2d 581
    , 582 (7th
    Cir. 1983) (parallel citations omitted).
    In the present case, because USCIS’s determination was
    based on two independent and alternative grounds, we
    would have to find error in both determinations in order to
    grant relief to Mr. Doe. See BDPCS, Inc. v. FCC, 
    351 F.3d 1177
    , 1183 (D.C. Cir. 2003) (“When an agency offers multiple
    grounds for a decision, we will affirm the agency so long as
    any one of the grounds is valid, unless it is demonstrated
    that the agency would not have acted on that basis if the al-
    ternative grounds were unavailable.”). We therefore consid-
    er whether the agency’s decision may be sustained under
    either its at-risk or job-creation rationales.
    No. 17-2040                                                               15
    First, Mr. Doe challenges USCIS’s conclusion that he had
    not carried the burden to demonstrate that his capital in-
    vestment was put “at risk” for the purpose of generating a
    return. Specifically, in its Request for Evidence, the agency
    noted that there were deficiencies in Mr. Doe’s evidence re-
    garding his contribution and its subsequent use. To begin,
    the agency faulted him for providing no evidence, in the
    form of a loan agreement or otherwise, that the funding enti-
    ty released the funds to Elgin Memory Care. Next, although
    there was evidence that Elgin Memory Care had purchased a
    parcel of land for construction of the facility at a price of $1.1
    million, that same property had been purchased earlier the
    same day by an intermediate buyer for the cost of only
    $630,000. The agency also noted the absence of later tax rec-
    ords and of “[u]naltered” financial statements by Elgin
    Memory Care.13 To satisfy the requirement, USCIS requested
    a series of documents. Among them was “[a]n explanation,
    with supporting evidence, to explain the prior sale between”
    the first owner of the property and the intermediate buyer,
    as well as descriptions of any relationships between the par-
    ties to either of the sales.14 Mr. Doe responded to the agen-
    cy’s Request for Evidence. Although he provided affidavits
    from the intermediate buyer and Mr. Doe’s then-counsel,
    Kameli, on behalf of Elgin Memory Care, none provided an
    explanation of the first sale and how the property could have
    been “flipped” on the very same day.
    13 CAR at 14 (R.32-1). The financial statements Mr. Doe provided had
    blacked out virtually all information, save the $500,000 contribution from
    Mr. Doe. See, e.g., id. at 460 (R.32-9) (bank statement, with series of blank
    post-it notes covering all information except the contribution).
    14   Id. at 14 (R.32-1).
    16                                                         No. 17-2040
    When it ultimately denied the petition, questions regard-
    ing the legitimacy of the land transaction were the principal
    basis for the agency’s conclusion that the required amount of
    capital had not been shown to be “sustained” and “at risk.”15
    The denial letter again noted the dubious details of the land
    deal, and then considered the evidence submitted in re-
    sponse to the Request for Evidence. It concluded that
    [t]he legitimacy of the transaction plays an im-
    portant role in determining whether or not the
    EB-5 capital was truly made available to [Elgin
    Memory Care], as opposed to simply being
    used for purposes unrelated to job creation. In
    this case, the same-day land transaction and
    the doubling of the price cast doubt on the le-
    gitimacy of the transaction. Petitioner did not
    submit sufficient evidence to explain why the
    land was sold on the same day for double the
    price. [16]
    It also stated that Mr. Doe had failed to submit objective evi-
    dence, such as an independent appraisal, that supports the
    15 The agency cited the seminal BIA precedent on “at risk” investments,
    Matter of Izummi, 
    22 I. & N. Dec. 169
     (BIA 1998), for the proposition that
    the full amount of the investment must be made available to the
    job-creating entity. As Mr. Doe notes, the citation is of limited use;
    Izummi involved the question whether the investment may be used to
    pay lender fees associated with obtaining additional capital for the
    job-creating entity. 
     at 178–79. The question here is not whether some
    particular expenditure can be credited based on its type, but whether the
    transaction was questionable enough to suggest that it was not a legiti-
    mate purchase at all.
    16   CAR at 6 (R.32-1).
    No. 17-2040                                                 17
    finding that the price Elgin Memory Care paid approximates
    market price. It discounted the sworn statements that the
    parties were unrelated under Matter of Ho, 
    19 I. & N. Dec. 582
    , 591–92 (BIA 1988), which required “independent objec-
    tive evidence” to resolve credibility issues with the alien’s
    own statement. The affidavit from the intermediate buyer,
    USCIS concluded, was insufficient to “assuage USCIS’s con-
    As the district court noted, “[i]t is clear from the record
    that USCIS was deeply concerned about the legitimacy of
    [Elgin Memory Care]’s land deal and whether [Mr. Doe]’s
    capital had, in fact, been used to support job creation activi-
    ties by the assisted living facility.”18 Mr. Doe makes various
    objections to this conclusion. He first complains that USCIS
    expanded the evidentiary requirements necessary to satisfy
    the statute. Next, he asserts that the agency relied on an “en-
    tirely unsupported[] hunch” to deny his claim.19 He also
    claims that the denial failed to address the evidence he sub-
    mitted. Finally, he contends that the denial improperly re-
    quired him to “prove a negative,” i.e., that the land deal did
    not run afoul of EB-5 policy.20
    Mr. Doe readily acknowledges, at multiple points in his
    brief, that he bears the burden of proving eligibility by a
    preponderance of the evidence. Although his brief cites nu-
    merous specific objections to the USCIS determination, he
    18   R.91 at 14.
    19   Appellant’s Br. 13.
    Id. at 25
    18                                                        No. 17-2040
    leaves relatively untouched the basic concern of USCIS: two
    years after the initial petition was granted, the project had
    met none of the benchmarks identified in the most recent
    plans Mr. Doe had submitted. Indeed, it was so far behind
    schedule as to raise legitimate questions about whether the
    project ever would be completed. In that broader context,21
    USCIS reviewed Mr. Doe’s application, in which he claimed
    that his capital investment had funded the purchase of prop-
    erty for the not-yet-built assisted living facility. USCIS’s own
    review of the state’s property database revealed unusual cir-
    cumstances—an intermediate buyer able to own the proper-
    ty for less than one day and turn a tremendous profit by re-
    selling it to Elgin Memory Care. That large, unexplained
    profit led USCIS to question whether the transaction was in-
    stead a maneuver to skim some of the money off of the in-
    vestment, an action resulting in less of Mr. Doe’s investment
    being placed “at risk” to create jobs through the new com-
    mercial enterprise.
    We think the agency was entitled to conclude that
    Mr. Doe’s response to the agency’s concern failed to address
    adequately this broader and more fundamental question
    raised by USCIS. For example, Mr. Doe makes much of the
    fact that the denial repeatedly uses the term “double” to re-
    fer to the price paid by Elgin Memory Care relative to the
    price paid by the intermediate buyer. He correctly notes that,
    of the $1.1 million paid by Elgin Memory Care, $120,000 was
    21The agency is both aware, and communicating to aliens, that fraud is a
    recurring problem in this visa category. See USCIS, Investor Alert - In-
    vestment     Scams     Exploit     Immigrant       Investor    Program,
    immigrant-investor-program (last updated 10/2013).
    No. 17-2040                                                                 19
    held in escrow for street-related improvements. As a conse-
    quence, the profit made by the intermediate buyer was not
    $470,000, but $350,000, which is not “double” the amount
    paid. His objection, while technically correct, is immaterial:
    USCIS was not concerned with the exact percentage but with
    the fact that an ownership of only hours had turned such a
    significant, and therefore questionable, profit.
    Notably, USCIS did not deny the claim immediately, but
    requested evidence to support the legitimacy of the transac-
    tion. See 
    8 C.F.R. § 216.6
    (c)(2).22 It requested “[a]n explana-
    tion, with supporting evidence” of the prior land sale, and a
    description of the relationship between the parties to that
    sale and the principals of each.23 As the district court noted,
    Mr. Doe’s response gave no narrative explanation of how the
    intermediate buyer was able to acquire the property and
    turn a profit of several hundred thousand dollars with such
    speed. Similarly, Mr. Doe’s quibbles about USCIS’s treat-
    22   The regulations provide, in relevant part,
    If derogatory information is determined regarding any
    of these issues or it becomes known to the government
    that the entrepreneur obtained his or her investment
    funds through other than legal means (such as through
    the sale of illegal drugs), the director shall offer the alien
    entrepreneur the opportunity to rebut such information.
    If the alien entrepreneur fails to overcome such deroga-
    tory information or evidence the investment funds were
    obtained through other than legal means, the director
    may deny the petition, terminate the alien’s permanent
    resident status, and issue an order to show cause.
    8 C.F.R. § 216.6
    23   CAR at 14 (R.32-1).
    20                                                           No. 17-2040
    ment of the affidavit of the intermediate buyer, which stated
    summarily that it had no relationship with any other party,
    miss the mark: the ultimate question is not whether USCIS
    had to credit that affidavit, but whether Mr. Doe established
    that his capital was fully available to Elgin Memory Care
    and legitimately used for purposes related to job creation.24
    Similarly, USCIS did not require a market analysis or the
    original purchase agreement on the property, but simply
    stated that Mr. Doe had not met his burden to establish that
    the transaction was legitimate. The statements of USCIS are
    best read as simply communicating that, even if Mr. Doe
    were unable to obtain information from the first seller and
    the intermediate buyer, he could have procured other kinds
    of evidence.
    The Request for Evidence placed Mr. Doe on notice that
    USCIS had legitimate suspicions; he was unable to answer
    adequately those suspicions in the evidence he provided.
    The burden remained on Mr. Doe to establish that he met all
    of the requirements of the program, or, in the words of the
    regulation, “to overcome [the] derogatory information” that
    USCIS had considered. 
    8 C.F.R. § 216.6
    (c)(2). The denial of
    Mr. Doe’s petition reflects nothing other than a recognition
    that his submissions in response to the Request for Evi-
    24 Indeed, the very case on which Mr. Doe relies, Soltane v. United States
    Department of Justice, 
    381 F.3d 143
    , 151 (3d Cir. 2004), states that “[a]n
    agency’s rejection of uncontradicted testimony can support a finding of
    substantial evidence” when it provides adequate reasons. 
    Tieniber v. Heckler, 
    720 F.2d 1251
    , 1254 (11th Cir. 1983)). Here, USCIS did
    provide a specific reason for why the affidavit did not speak to its central
    concern: how the intermediate buyer was able to turn an astonishing
    profit in just hours of ownership.
    No. 17-2040                                                              21
    dence—which had been specific both in its concerns and in
    its list of documents that might address those concerns—had
    failed to overcome contrary evidence. USCIS reasonably
    concluded, after questioning the single expenditure support-
    ed by Mr. Doe’s investment, that significant questions re-
    mained unanswered about whether the transaction was le-
    gitimate and truly placed the full value of the investment “at
    risk” for purposes of job creation. Mr. Doe, who carried the
    burden to establish his eligibility, failed to dispel these con-
    cerns when given an opportunity. The district court there-
    fore did not err in its conclusion that USCIS’s decision was
    not arbitrary or capricious with respect to the land transac-
    tion and whether Mr. Doe’s investment was placed “at
    We affirm the judgment of the district court.
    25 Because we have concluded that the first basis relied upon by the dis-
    trict court to uphold the agency’s decision was not in error, we need not
    consider whether the agency’s alternative basis for denying Mr. Doe’s
    petition also was a legally sufficient basis for denial. BDPCS, Inc. v. FCC,
    351 F.3d 1177
    , 1183 (D.C. Cir. 2003).