Susan Spitz v. Proven Winners North America , 759 F.3d 724 ( 2014 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 13-3084
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 1:11-cv-03997 — William T. Hart, Judge.
    ARGUED MAY 20, 2014 — DECIDED JULY 21, 2014
    Before KANNE, TINDER, and HAMILTON, Circuit Judges.
    KANNE, Circuit Judge. Susan Spitz, a freelance copywriter,
    developed a plan to market “pet safe plants” to the burgeoning
    pet supplies market. She pitched this idea to Amerinova, a
    company that develops and licenses plant varieties. Although
    Amerinova expressed interest, the project eventually stalled.
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    When Spitz discovered that Proven Winners, a company
    partially owned by the owners of Amerinova, had described
    some of its plants as “pet friendly” on its website and plant
    tags, she sued. Her suit seeks damages for breach of an alleged
    agreement with Amerinova. But Spitz did not sue Amerinova
    for damages; instead, she filed suit against Proven Winners
    and Euro. She raises a host of reasons why any contract with
    Amerinova also binds Proven Winners and Euro but none of
    them holds water. We therefore affirm the district court’s entry
    of summary judgment in favor of Proven Winners and Euro.
    Bringing an ornamental plant to the consumer market
    involves a number of steps. First, a breeder develops a plant.
    The breeder then sells or licenses that plant (sometimes with
    the help of a breeder’s agent) to a propagator. The propagator
    grows large numbers of starter plants, often by cultivating
    cuttings from a mother plant provided by the breeder. Once
    the starter plants reach a certain age, they are sold to either
    wholesale or retail growers, who then sell the plants to
    EuroAmerican Propagators (“Euro”), as its name suggests,
    is a plant propagator. Proven Winners North America (“Prov-
    en Winners”) is a brand manager and marketing entity
    responsible for two plant brands: Proven Winners and Proven
    Selection plants. Proven Winners is equally owned by Euro
    and two other propagator corporations: Four Star Greenhouse
    and Pleasant View Gardens. Euro also uses a breeder’s agent,
    Amerinova Properties (“Amerinova”). Amerinova locates new
    breeders and identifies new plants that can be commercialized.
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    Euro and Amerinova are both owned in equal parts by John
    Rader and Gerald Church. They are registered as separate
    California LLCs, and there is no formal connection between the
    two companies. The companies have separate bank accounts,
    separate budgets, and file their taxes separately. But there are
    many informal ties between them, in addition to their common
    ownership. Amerinova was initially a property holding
    company for Euro but transitioned into a licensing agent
    around 2004. Church and Rader prevented Amerinova from
    licensing plants to propagators that would become stiff
    competition for Euro. For the first few years of Amerinova’s
    existence, it did not turn a profit and depended on investment
    from Euro for its operational expenses. And Josh Schneider,
    Amerinova’s director of product development, worked about
    half-time at Amerinova and half-time at Euro from 2004, when
    Amerinova was created, until his departure in March 2006.
    Moreover, checks for Schneider’s travel reimbursements and
    salary came from Euro, although his salary and travel were
    budgeted for by Amerinova.
    The plaintiff in this case, Susan Spitz, is a retired freelance
    copywriter. She did some freelance work in 2001 for Euro. In
    2002 or 2003, she began working with Proven Winners to
    develop a consumer publication called “Gardener’s Idea
    Book.” The book included photos and suggestions for how to
    use Proven Winners plants in home gardening. Spitz also
    worked on a second edition of the Idea Book published in 2005,
    which included a section about “Pet-friendly plants.” That
    section focused primarily on plants that could withstand pet
    traffic, though it also mentioned that the Humane Society
    4                                                 No. 13-3084
    website maintained a list of plants that could be harmful to
    In July 2005, Spitz met with Marshall Dirks, a Proven
    Winners employee, and Ron Walder, a freelance graphic
    designer, to discuss additional marketing projects for Proven
    Winners. At the end of the meeting, Spitz approached Dirks
    and proposed that Proven Winners develop a set of “pet safe”
    plants sold under the Proven Winners label. Dirks told Spitz
    that Proven Winners did not develop or create lines of plants
    but that she should discuss the idea with someone at Euro.
    Dirks passed the idea along to Schneider, who met with
    Spitz to discuss the idea. Schneider liked the idea, and sug-
    gested that Spitz present the idea to Church and Rader, the co-
    owners of both Euro and Amerinova. In November 2005,
    Schneider emailed Spitz a summary of “how a partnership
    with Amerinova could be beneficial to you on your Pet Safe
    Plants Line.” In that summary, Schneider explained that
    Amerinova represented many plant breeders, which meant it
    had access to a variety of plants that could be marketed as pet
    safe. Schneider also proposed a $.02 per plant royalty for all
    plants sold ”under the marketing plan for Pet Safe Plants.”
    Spitz did not immediately accept the offer.
    On February 23, 2006, Spitz met with Church, Rader, and
    Schneider in Bonsall, California. She drafted confidentiality
    and nondisclosure agreements, which she required each
    attendee to sign before she began her presentation. Spitz then
    described her marketing plan. The parties dispute whether she
    accepted Schneider’s $.02 royalty offer at the meeting. They
    next corresponded in April 2006, when Rader sent Spitz a letter
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    informing her that Schneider had left Amerinova. He added a
    handwritten note to the bottom of the page: “I love your pet
    safe plants idea and want to work with you to make it hap-
    pen.” Spitz replied via email, noting that she still intended to
    work with “Euro/Amerinova on PetSafePlants.” The parties
    had no further discussions about Spitz’s idea, and neither Euro
    nor Amerinova developed a line of pet safe plants.
    At some point in 2005, Proven Winners began tagging
    certain plants on its website as “pet friendly.” This attribute
    later began appearing on plant tags as well. In 2008, it became
    possible to search for Proven Winners plants bearing the “pet
    friendly” tag. Taking offense to this labeling, Spitz filed suit
    against Euro and Proven Winners on October 5, 2010. She
    alleged violations of the Lanham Act, breach of confidentiality,
    breach of contract, misappropriation of a trade secret, unjust
    enrichment, and quantum meruit.1 All parties eventually
    moved for summary judgment.
    The district court granted summary judgment to Euro and
    Proven Winners. With regard to Spitz’s breach of contract
    claim, the court reasoned that Spitz had made no arguments
    about corporate veil-piercing or alter egos, and that Euro was
    not liable for Amerinova’s conduct. Further, Spitz’s conduct
    after April 2006 demonstrated that she did not consider herself
    bound by any contract with Euro or Proven Winners. And as
    for Proven Winners, the court found Spitz did not present any
    evidence that it had used Spitz’s marketing concept. At most,
    Spitz appeals only the breach of contract, unjust enrichment, and
    quantum meruit claims, so our review of the proceedings below will focus
    on those arguments.
    6                                                   No. 13-3084
    the court reasoned, Spitz showed that she had a contract with
    Amerinova; she did not show that any such contract could be
    attributed to Euro or Proven Winners.
    The district court also granted summary judgment on
    Spitz’s quasi-contract claims. It found the only service relating
    to pet friendly or pet safe plants Spitz provided to either
    defendant was her work on the 2005 Gardener’s Idea Book for
    Proven Winners. Because she was adequately compensated for
    that work, and she did not identify other services she provided
    to Euro or Proven Winners for which she was not paid, she
    was not entitled to any equitable remedy. Spitz now appeals.
    Spitz makes a number of arguments explaining why,
    although any oral contract she had was with Amerinova, she
    should nevertheless recover from Euro and Proven Winners.
    We address each of them in turn below, after dismissing her
    arguments that California, rather than Illinois, law should
    apply to her suit. We also dismiss her arguments in quasi-
    contract and her contention that the district court abused its
    discretion by denying her motion to compel.
    A. Choice of Law
    Before we begin a detailed analysis of the three claims Spitz
    presents on appeal, we address her argument that California
    law, rather than Illinois law, should govern her claims. Because
    the district court was sitting in diversity, it was obligated to
    apply the substantive law of the forum state (here, Illinois)
    including its choice-of-law rules. Malone v. Corr. Corp. of Am.,
    553 F.3d 540
    , 542 (7th Cir. 2009). Spitz argues that a properly-
    No. 13-3084                                                                7
    completed choice-of-law analysis would require the court to
    apply California, rather than Illinois, law.
    But Spitz has not made the threshold showing Illinois
    courts require before performing a choice-of-law analysis. The
    Illinois courts hold that “a choice-of-law determination is
    required only when the moving party has established an actual
    conflict between state laws.” Bridgeview Health Care Ctr., Ltd. v.
    State Farm Fire & Cas. Co., 
    10 N.E. 3d 902
    , 905 (Ill. 2014); see also
    Morisch v. United States, 
    653 F.3d 522
    , 530 (7th Cir. 2011) (“since
    neither party pointed to a conflict between Missouri and
    Illinois law, the district court did not need to make a choice of
    law decision”). At no point, either before the district court or
    in her brief on appeal, has Spitz identified the purported
    conflict between Illinois and California law.2 No choice-of-law
    determination was required, and the district court was correct
    to apply Illinois law.
    B. Breach of Contract
    Spitz next argues that the district court erred in granting
    summary judgment to Euro and Proven Winners on her breach
    of contract claims because disputed issues of material fact
    remained. We review the district court’s decision on summary
    judgment de novo, drawing all reasonable inferences in favor of
    It appears that the relevant conflict is the way the two states treat
    quantum meruit and unjust enrichment actions based on trade secrets. In
    Illinois, such claims are pre-empted by the Illinois Trade Secrets Act. See
    section II.C, infra. California, on the other hand, appears to recognize such
    claims. See Desny v. Wilder, 
    299 P.2d 257
    , 270 (Cal. 1956). Regardless, the
    parties have not identified the conflict.
    8                                                   No. 13-3084
    the nonmoving party—Spitz, in this case. Ellis v. DHL Express
    633 F.3d 522
    , 525 (7th Cir. 2011).
    To prevail on a breach of contract claim, a plaintiff must
    establish the existence of a valid and enforceable contract,
    plaintiff’s performance, defendant’s breach of the terms of the
    contract, and damages resulting from the breach. Lindy Lu LLC
    v. Ill. Cent. R.R. Co., 
    984 N.E.2d 1171
    , 1175 (Ill. App. 2013).
    Thus, to survive summary judgment, Spitz must have pointed
    to sufficient evidence supporting each of these elements.
    Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 
    477 U.S. 317
    , 322 (1986) (nonmoving
    party must make a sufficient showing on all essential elements
    of the case on which she has the burden of proof).
    It is undisputed that Josh Schneider made Spitz an offer, via
    email, of a two-cent royalty payment for every plant sold using
    Spitz’s Pet Safe Plants marketing concept. And Spitz says she
    accepted that offer during the Bonsall meeting. Spitz has thus
    demonstrated that a contract existed for the purposes of
    summary judgment. That contract, however, was with
    Amerinova, not Proven Winners or Euro. Accordingly, she
    must demonstrate either (1) that any actions taken by
    Amerinova also bound Proven Winners and/or Euro (her
    “entity theory”) or (2) that Josh Schneider was acting on behalf
    of either Proven Winners or Euro, in addition to Amerinova
    (her “agency theory”).
    1. Entity Theory
    Spitz’s entity theory comes in two flavors: either Proven
    Winners was a member of a joint venture (“the PWJV”) along
    with its three members, such that Euro’s activities could bind
    No. 13-3084                                                       9
    Proven Winners; or Euro and/or Amerinova were the agents of
    Proven Winners and could thus bind it.
    Spitz first alleges that Proven Winners, Euro, Four Star, and
    Pleasant View Gardens were part of a joint venture—that is,
    the three members of Proven Winners, LLC turned around and
    formed a joint venture with the LLC they created to “secure,
    develop and bring new plant programs … into [Proven
    Winners].” If Euro and Proven Winners were part of the same
    joint venture, the argument goes, an action by Euro (such as
    contracting with Spitz) could then also bind Proven Winners.
    This is theoretically possible, as an LLC is a legal entity
    separate from its members. Peabody-Waterside Dev., LLC. v.
    Islands of Waterside, LLC, 
    995 N.E.2d 1021
    , 1024 (Ill. App. 2013).
    Spitz says her evidence that the Proven Winners members (i.e.,
    Euro, Four Star, and Pleasant View Gardens) work together
    with Proven Winners pursuant to an “established procedure”
    to develop plant programs required the district court to infer
    that the Proven Winners members were part of a joint venture
    with Proven Winners itself. But at the summary judgment
    phase, we make only reasonable inferences, not every conceiv-
    able one. Hannemann v. S. Door Cnty. Sch. Dist., 
    673 F.3d 746
    751 (7th Cir. 2012). Proven Winners’ operating agreement
    provides that its members will, inter alia, “collectively identify,
    trial, market, promote, and/or provide vigorous, disease-free
    floricultural crops.” This is substantially identical to the alleged
    purpose of the PWJV. The fact that Proven Winners conducted
    business described in its operating agreement is “too thin a
    reed” on which to base the inference that the PWJV existed.
    McCann v. Iroquois Hosp. Corp., 
    622 F.3d 745
    , 754 (7th Cir. 2010).
    10                                                  No. 13-3084
    Having discarded Spitz’s joint venture argument, we
    address her argument that Euro/Amerinova was an agent of
    Proven Winners. She argued before the district court that
    Amerinova and Euro were one and the same, and that
    Euro/Amerinova was an agent of Proven Winners and could
    thus bind it to a contract with Spitz. Assuming as true for the
    moment that Euro and Amerinova are a single entity, Spitz
    points to no facts in her briefing for this court that would lead
    us to believe Euro/Amerinova acted as an agent of Proven
    Winners. She merely incorporates by reference arguments
    made before the district court. This is insufficient to preserve
    an argument for appellate review; “[a] brief must make all
    arguments accessible to the judges, rather than ask them to
    play archaeologist with the record.” DeSilva v. DiLeonardi, 
    181 F.3d 865
    , 867 (7th Cir. 1999). We decline to address this
    argument further.
    Related to this argument is Spitz’s jumbled “alter ego”
    argument. Before the district court, Spitz tried to incorporate
    by reference “the law on Alter Ego cited by Defendants,”
    apparently in an attempt to save space in her filing. But the
    “law on Alter Ego” the defendants cited described the require-
    ments for piercing the corporate veil. Spitz has made no veil-
    piercing arguments on appeal. The cases she cites relate to
    whether Schneider had the authority to bind Euro or Proven
    Winners, so we will treat her “alter ego” argument as one in
    support of her agency theory.
    2. Agency Theory
    Spitz also argues that Schneider bound Proven Winners
    and Euro by orally agreeing to the royalty contract because he
    No. 13-3084                                                   11
    was acting within his actual or apparent authority for either or
    both companies. The district court dismissed this point easily,
    noting that “there is no evidence to support that, during the
    pertinent time period, Schneider had authority to act on behalf
    of Euro” and declining to address his relationship with Proven
    Winners. We don’t think it is quite as simple as that.
    Agency is a notoriously fact-bound question, but summary
    judgment on the existence of an agency relationship is still
    appropriate when the plaintiff fails “to meet her burden in
    presenting sufficient facts to show that a genuine issue of
    material fact exists with respect to the agency issue.” Doe v.
    30 F.3d 879
    , 885 (7th Cir. 1994) (citing Johnson v.
    Methodist Med. Ctr. of Ill., 
    10 F.3d 1300
    , 1306 (7th Cir. 1993)).
    First, Spitz argues that Schneider had actual authority to
    bind Proven Winners and/or Euro to royalty contracts. To
    support this claim, she points to evidence that Schneider
    regularly acted on behalf of both Proven Winners and Euro,
    even though he was employed by Amerinova. Schneider
    worked for Euro beginning in October 2000. In 2004, he became
    “director of product development” for the newly-formed
    Amerinova. Although this was his primary job, he continued
    to manage Euro’s product development. Schneider also
    worked for Proven Winners, representing them at various
    industry events.
    But more than this is required to prove that Schneider had
    actual authority to bind either Euro or Proven Winners
    contractually. To do so, Spitz had to present evidence that “(1)
    a principal/agent, master/servant, or employer/employee
    relationship existed; (2) the principal controlled or had the
    12                                                    No. 13-3084
    right to control the conduct of the alleged employee or agent;
    and (3) the alleged conduct of the agent or employee fell within
    the scope of the agency or employment.” Wilson v. Edward
    981 N.E.2d 971
    , 978 (Ill. 2012). Spitz presented no
    evidence that committing Proven Winners to paying two-cent
    royalty contracts fell within the range of Schneider’s duties.
    And Schneider himself stated in his deposition that while he
    could negotiate deals for Proven Winners and Euro, only Rader
    and Church signed and vetted contracts. We see no genuine
    issue of material fact as to whether Schneider had the actual
    authority to contract on behalf of Proven Winners or Euro.
    Spitz next claims that even if Schneider lacked actual
    authority to bind Proven Winners or Euro, he had apparent
    authority to do so. She raised this argument below but the
    district court did not address it, instead only mentioning that
    there was no evidence Schneider or Euro actually had author-
    ity to act to bind Proven Winners. The lack of actual authority
    is not dispositive as to apparent authority. Apparent authority
    arises when (1) the principal or agent acts in a manner that
    would lead a reasonable person to believe the actor was an
    agent of the principal, (2) the principal knowingly acquiesces
    to the acts of the agent, and (3) the plaintiff reasonably relies on
    the actions of the purported agent. Wilson, 981 N.E.2d at 978.
    Proven Winners held Schneider out as an employee, giving
    him a company email address and business cards. And Spitz
    presented evidence of numerous negotiations Schneider
    conducted for Proven Winners. These actions could lead a
    reasonable person to believe that Schneider was Proven
    Winners’s agent and had the authority to enter contracts on its
    No. 13-3084                                                   13
    With regard to Euro, Spitz presented evidence that the lines
    between Euro and Amerinova were ambiguously drawn. Both
    companies had the same two principals, and business meetings
    tended to cover both Euro and Amerinova-related topics.
    Amerinova and Euro shared a phone number, and their
    employees used the terms Amerinova and Euro interchange-
    ably. We have previously found this kind of casual overlap
    between companies to permit a reasonable person to assume
    an employee of one has the authority to contract on behalf of
    the other. Podolsky v. Alma Energy Corp., 
    143 F.3d 364
    , 371 (7th
    Cir. 1998) (reversing district court’s grant of summary judg-
    ment on agency question where purported agent worked for
    sister company of company sought to be bound, and the two
    companies were owned by the same two men, they operated
    out of the same office, and were described during negotiations
    as being essentially the same).
    But additional undisputed facts foreclose a finding that
    Spitz’s belief was reasonable. Although the existence of an
    agency relationship is typically a question of fact, Podolsky,
    143 F.3d at 370
    , questions of fact can become questions of law
    where undisputed facts lead to only one reasonable inference.
    Lockwood v. Bowman Constr. Co., 
    101 F.3d 1231
    , 1235 (7th Cir.
    1996) (citing Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 
    477 U.S. 242
    , 250
    (1986)). Here, Spitz was explicitly told on multiple occasions
    that she was negotiating with Amerinova, not Euro or Proven
    Winners. Marshall Dirks told her that Proven Winners was not
    interested in the idea, and that she would have to take it to
    Euro. Spitz does not contest this fact. And the offer Schneider
    made to Spitz came from his Amerinova email address and
    referenced only Amerinova working with her to implement the
    14                                                  No. 13-3084
    pet safe plants idea. Further, Spitz had worked with Proven
    Winners and Euro long enough to understand they were
    legally distinct entities and admitted as much in her deposi-
    tion. In light of these undisputed facts, it was unreasonable for
    Spitz to believe that Schneider was acting with authority to
    bind Proven Winners and/or Euro, regardless of any other
    activities he might have undertaken on their behalf.
    C. Quasi-Contract
    Spitz further argues that Proven Winners and/or Euro are
    liable to her under a quantum meruit or unjust enrichment
    theory because they misappropriated her “pet safe plants”
    idea. But these claims, when based on misappropriation of a
    trade secret, have been replaced under Illinois law by the
    Illinois Trade Secrets Act (the “ITSA”). That statute “is in-
    tended to displace conflicting tort, restitutionary, unfair
    competition, and other laws of this State providing civil
    remedies for misappropriation of a trade secret.” 765 ILCS
    1065/8. Because unjust enrichment and quantum meruit are
    essentially claims for restitution, Spitz’s claim fails. Pope v.
    Alberto-Culver Co., 
    694 N.E.2d 615
    , 619 (Ill. App. 1998).
    Spitz contends that since the district court found her idea
    was not a trade secret, her claim is not preempted by the ITSA.
    But Illinois courts have read the preemptive language in the
    ITSA to cover claims that are essentially claims of trade secret
    misappropriation, even when the alleged “trade secret”does
    not fall within the Act’s definition. See 
     (finding claim for
    unjust enrichment as a result of misappropriation of proposal
    preempted by the ITSA, even though the proposal itself was
    not a trade secret within the meaning of the Act).
    No. 13-3084                                                     15
    D. Denial of Motion to Compel
    Spitz finally argues that the district court abused its
    discretion when it denied her motion to compel Proven
    Winners and Euro’s production of evidence relating to Schnei-
    der’s authority and prior two-cent plant contracts with third
    parties. While we review the district court’s actions for abuse
    of discretion, we will only grant relief if Spitz can demonstrate
    that the denial of additional discovery “resulted in actual and
    substantial prejudice.” e360 Insight, Inc. v. Spamhaus Project, 
    658 F.3d 637
    , 644 (7th Cir. 2011).
    Spitz cannot demonstrate such prejudice. The additional
    discovery she sought focused on Schneider’s authority and
    Proven Winners and Euro’s dealings with third parties
    concerning two-cent contracts. But, as we noted above, to
    survive summary judgment on Schneider’s actual or apparent
    authority, Spitz would have to present evidence that her belief
    that Schneider was negotiating on behalf of Euro and Proven
    Winners was reasonable. Because of the undisputed facts
    concerning the negotiations and Spitz’s prior knowledge, it
    was not. No additional information about Proven Winners
    and/or Euro’s dealings with third parties can alter that conclu-
    Spitz further contends that this evidence would be relevant
    to establishing the existence of the PWJV. It is not. As previ-
    ously stated, it belies reason to believe that the members of
    Proven Winners, having already formed Proven Winners to
    develop and market plants under the Proven Winners line,
    would have formed a joint venture with Proven Winners to
    accomplish the exact same goal. It was not an abuse of discre-
    16                                                No. 13-3084
    tion for the district court to deny Spitz the opportunity to
    wriggle down that rabbit hole, particularly given the pro-
    tracted scope of discovery. The parties had already taken a
    combined total of more than twenty depositions and produced
    thousands of documents. We see no abuse of discretion here.
    Despite extensive discovery and argument, Spitz has failed
    to persuade us that any legal theory exists that would allow us
    to hold Proven Winners and Euro accountable for a contract
    allegedly reached with Amerinova. For that reason, we
    AFFIRM the district court’s entry of summary judgment in
    favor of the defendants.