Estate of Harold Stuller v. United States , 811 F.3d 890 ( 2016 )

  •                                     In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 15-1545
    L.S.A., INC.,
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Central District of Illinois, Springfield Division.
    Case No. 3:11-CV-3080-RM-TSH — Richard Mills, Judge.
    Before ROVNER and WILLIAMS, Circuit Judges, and SHAH,
    District Judge.*
    SHAH, District Judge. Wilma Stuller and her late husband,
    Harold, bred Tennessee Walking Horses on their horse farm
    *   Of the Northern District of Illinois, sitting by designation.
    2                                                              No. 15-1545
    in Tennessee.1 They incorporated the horse-breeding opera-
    tion as L.S.A., Inc., and claimed its substantial losses as de-
    ductions on their tax returns. But the IRS determined that
    the horse-breeding was not an activity engaged in for profit
    and so assessed taxes and penalties against the Stullers. The
    IRS also penalized the Stullers for failing to timely file their
    2003 return. After paying up, the appellants, Wilma Stuller,
    Harold’s estate, and LSA, sued the government for a refund.
    At a bench trial, the district court excluded the Stullers’ pro-
    posed expert, found that LSA was not run as a for-profit
    business under 26 U.S.C. § 183, and determined that the
    Stullers lacked reasonable cause for failing to timely file their
    2003 tax return. The court also denied a request to amend
    the judgment and effectively refund the taxes paid by the
    Stullers on rental income received from LSA. We affirm.
    1 The Tennessee Walking Horse is a breed known for its unusual,
    flashy gait and, according to the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ and
    Exhibitors’ Association, is the “world’s greatest show, trail, and pleasure
    horse.” See (visited Jan. 26, 2016).
    The breed has also been the subject of controversy. In order to produce
    the desired gait in the horse, some have resorted to cruel practices such
    as soring—the use of chemicals or devices to cause pain whenever the
    horse’s feet touch the ground, making it pick its feet up quickly. The
    Horse Protection Act of 1970, 15 U.S.C. §§ 1821–1831, prohibits soring,
    and the U.S. Department of Agriculture enforces the act, which provides
    both civil and criminal penalties. E.g., Derickson v. U.S. Dep’t of Agric., 
    546 F.3d 335
    (5th Cir. 2008); United States v. McConnell, et al., No. 4:12-cr-
    00009-HSM-WBC (E.D. Tenn.) (2012 prosecution involving sored Ten-
    nessee Walking Horses and conspiracy to violate Horse Protection Act).
    There are no allegations of soring at the Stullers’ farm.
    No. 15-1545                                                  3
    The Stullers lived in Springfield, Illinois, and owned sev-
    eral Steak ‘n Shake franchises throughout central Illinois.
    They also bred horses. In 1985, they decided to move their
    horses to a warmer climate and bought a farm in Petersburg,
    Tennessee. At some point, the Stullers entered into an oral
    agreement with horse trainer Mack Motes to train their hors-
    es and manage the farm. Under this agreement, Motes re-
    ceived payments for training the horses, a 50% interest in
    horses born at the farm, prize money won by the horses, the
    right to breed his horses with their horses (for free), and the
    right to trade his horses with theirs. In 1992, the Stullers
    founded L.S.A., Inc., an S corporation, as a horse-breeding
    operation. LSA was owned entirely by the Stullers. A few
    years later, the Stullers started purchasing property in Ea-
    gleville, Tennessee, to relocate the horse farm to a larger
    property. By 1999, they had purchased a house and adjoin-
    ing 332 acres for around $800,000. This property was owned
    by the Stullers individually or by each as trustees of a revo-
    cable trust, with each other as a beneficiary. The Stullers,
    however, lived at their home in Springfield, Illinois, where
    they cared for their granddaughter.
    LSA was not profitable. From 1994 to 2009, it lost money
    every year except 1997, when its annual profit was $1,500.
    From 1999 to 2005, its annual losses ranged between around
    $130,000 to around $170,000 per year. During this time, LSA
    was only able to continue operating because it received
    around $1.5 million in loans from the Stullers, which were
    not repaid. For tax years 2003 to 2005, LSA reported losses
    totaling around $430,000 (about $130,000 to $150,000 per
    year). Because an S corp’s losses pass through to its share-
    4                                                         No. 15-1545
    holders, the Stullers claimed deductions for LSA’s losses on
    their individual tax returns. The Stullers also reported in-
    come on their tax returns from LSA’s annual rental payments
    of $80,000 for use of the Tennessee property.
    Tragedy struck on January 6, 2003, when a fire broke out
    at the Stullers’ Springfield home. Harold died, and the house
    was destroyed. Wilma Stuller and her granddaughter sur-
    vived, although Stuller was hospitalized for double pneu-
    monia. While waiting for her house to be rebuilt, Stuller
    lived at various rental properties. She also hired a personal
    assistant. Stuller managed to file a timely federal income tax
    return for the year 2002 for herself and her husband, but she
    did not file their 2003 joint return until February 2005.
    Following an audit of the 2003 joint return and Stuller’s
    2004 and 2005 individual tax returns, the IRS determined
    that the horse-breeding was not an activity engaged in for
    profit under 26 U.S.C. § 183 and therefore the Stullers could
    not claim deductions for the S corp’s losses. The IRS also im-
    posed penalties for the late filing of the 2003 return. The
    Stullers paid the resulting assessments in full and filed suit
    in the district court for a refund.2 The case proceeded to a
    bench trial.
    Section 183 of the Internal Revenue Code permits tax de-
    ductions for losses from S corp activities engaged in for prof-
    it (i.e., business losses). 26 U.S.C. § 183. Treasury Regulation
    § 1.183–2(b) provides a non-exclusive list of relevant factors
    for determining whether an activity is engaged in for profit,
    2 Wilma Stuller married Motes (the horse trainer) in 2012 and took
    the name Stuller-Motes, but we refer to her as Stuller for simplicity. We
    also refer to the appellants collectively as the Stullers.
    No. 15-1545                                                               5
    including: (1) the manner in which the taxpayer carries on
    the activity; (2) the expertise of the taxpayer or his advisors;
    (3) the time and effort expended by the taxpayer; (4) the ex-
    pectation that assets may appreciate in value; (5) the taxpay-
    er’s success in other similar or dissimilar activities; (6) the
    taxpayer’s history of income or losses; (7) the amount of oc-
    casional profits, if any; (8) the financial status of the taxpay-
    er; (9) elements of personal pleasure or recreation. No one
    factor is determinative; instead, all relevant facts and cir-
    cumstances are to be taken into account. 
    Id. In considering
    whether an operation was a business activity engaged in for
    profit, more weight is given to objective facts than a taxpay-
    er’s statement of intent. Burger v. Commissioner, 
    809 F.2d 355
    358 (7th Cir. 1987); see Treas. Reg. § 1.183–2(a).
    Before trial, citing Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals,
    509 U.S. 579
    (1993), the government moved to preclude
    Motes from testifying as an expert on whether the Stullers’
    horse-breeding was carried on with the intent to earn a prof-
    it. The district court allowed Motes to testify, reserving its
    ruling on the Daubert motion. After trial, the district court
    granted the motion. It determined that Motes’s expertise did
    not extend to the financial or business aspects of a horse-
    breeding operation and he lacked a reliable methodology to
    opine on the Stullers’ intent.3
    3  In the context of a bench trial, postponing the Daubert ruling until
    after trial was not error. “[W]here the factfinder and the gatekeeper are
    the same, the court does not err in admitting the evidence subject to the
    ability later to exclude it or disregard it if it turns out not to meet the
    standard of reliability established by Rule 702.” In re Salem, 
    465 F.3d 767
    777 (7th Cir. 2006).
    6                                                  No. 15-1545
    The district court held that LSA was not operated with a
    good faith intent to profit, and therefore its losses were not
    deductible as business expenses. The objective factors most
    significant to the district court were the unbusinesslike man-
    ner in which the Stullers operated LSA, the Stullers’ history
    of steady losses with only one barely profitable year, and the
    substantial tax benefit LSA provided to the Stullers, given
    their income from other business ventures.
    The district court also found that the Stullers did not es-
    tablish reasonable cause for the untimely filing of the 2003
    The Stullers argue that the district court’s exclusion of
    Motes’s expert testimony failed to follow the Daubert frame-
    work and ignored the record. Review of a district court’s ap-
    plication of Daubert is de novo. If the court adhered to the
    Daubert framework, then its decision on admissibility is re-
    viewed for abuse of discretion. C.W. ex rel. Wood v. Textron,
    807 F.3d 827
    , 835 (7th Cir. 2015).
    The district court followed Daubert. It considered wheth-
    er Motes was qualified in the relevant field (i.e., the business
    and financial aspects of horse-breeding) based on his educa-
    tion, training, or experience, per Federal Rule of Evidence
    702. The court then examined whether Motes used a reliable
    methodology and analyzed the bases for his conclusions, the
    materials that Motes did or did not review, and whether
    Motes considered any factors outlined in Treasury Regula-
    tion § 1.183–2(b) or any other relevant factors. In making its
    determination, the district court did not ignore the Stullers’
    arguments and did not ignore evidence in the record. In-
    No. 15-1545                                                    7
    deed, the court recognized that Motes was a horse trainer
    and that he was testifying based on his observations from
    day-to-day operations of the farm; the court simply disa-
    greed that there was sufficient foundation for expert testi-
    The district court’s determination that Motes lacked the
    requisite expertise and methodology was well-supported,
    and not an abuse of discretion. The issue for which Motes
    was offered as an expert was whether LSA’s horse-breeding
    activity was run with the intent to profit. A witness may be
    qualified as an expert through “knowledge, skill, experience,
    training, or education.” Fed. R. Evid. 702. Acknowledging
    that Motes had over fifty years of experience in training and
    breeding horses, the district court found that Motes’s exper-
    tise did not extend to the financial and business aspects of
    running a horse-breeding operation. This was quite clearly
    correct. Motes testified that he did not breed horses to make
    money, it had been years since he sold a horse that he had
    bred, and his income was largely derived from training
    The district court also did not abuse its discretion in find-
    ing that Motes lacked a reliable methodology. The Stullers
    admit that Motes was unaware of and did not consider the
    nine, non-exhaustive factors relevant to determining wheth-
    er an activity is engaged in for profit, as listed in § 1.183–
    2(b). He was also unfamiliar with LSA’s finances and did not
    review any of its business or financial records. Instead, his
    method was to draw a conclusion based on his observations
    of the farm over the years and his oral agreement with the
    Stullers. Rule 702, however, requires an expert’s testimony to
    have “a reliable basis in the knowledge and experience of
    8                                                   No. 15-1545
    [the relevant] discipline.” Kumho Tire Co. v. Carmichael, 
    526 U.S. 137
    , 149 (1999) (quoting 
    Daubert, 509 U.S. at 592
    ); see
    Bielskis v. Louisville Ladder, Inc., 
    663 F.3d 887
    , 894 (7th Cir.
    2011). Given Motes’s failure to consider the financial records
    of LSA and his unfamiliarity with the relevant factors out-
    lined in § 1.183–2(b), the district court was well within its
    discretion to exclude Motes’s testimony as unreliable.
    Motes had no specialized experience or reliable method
    to draw upon when opining on the intent of the Stullers to
    turn a profit—he was at most a lay witness to the operations
    on the farm. The court considered some of his testimony in
    that proper context (for example, his testimony about the
    hard work required to breed and train horses), but correctly
    disregarded Motes’s opinion about the Stullers’ intent.
    The Stullers also challenge the district court’s finding that
    LSA was not engaged in an activity for profit under 26
    U.S.C. § 183. We review this finding for clear error, meaning
    we reverse only when “left with the definite and firm convic-
    tion that a mistake has been committed.” 
    Burger, 809 F.2d at 358
    (quoting Anderson v. City of Bessemer City, 
    470 U.S. 564
    573 (1985)).
    The district court here applied each factor of the regula-
    tions to the facts—so made no legal error—and drew infer-
    ences and conclusions that were grounded in the evidence.
    Its conclusion that only one factor, the expectation of asset
    appreciation, weighed in the Stullers’ favor, while almost
    every other consideration pointed to the horse-breeding as a
    hobby or personal pleasure for the Stullers, was not implau-
    No. 15-1545                                                    9
    sible, illogical, or internally inconsistent. See Furry v. United
    712 F.3d 988
    , 992 (7th Cir. 2013).
    The evidence at trial showed that LSA kept minimal rec-
    ords for tax purposes (e.g., monthly bank statements), but
    did not retain records of expenses, horse training, or prizes
    won by horses. Although “a taxpayer need not maintain a
    sophisticated cost accounting system,” the taxpayer must at
    least use a recordkeeping system “to monitor expenses or
    losses,” in order for the taxpayer to make informed business
    Burger, 809 F.2d at 359
    . The recordkeeping for LSA
    did not adequately track expenses and other important in-
    formation that would have allowed the Stullers to make in-
    formed business decisions.
    Also, despite consistent and significant annual losses,
    LSA did not change its operating methods or adopt any new
    techniques that would significantly turn around its finances.
    In particular, the structure of the Stullers’ agreement with
    Motes made it difficult from the outset for LSA to make a
    meaningful profit on any LSA-bred horse. Motes automati-
    cally received half the sale proceeds for any LSA-bred horse,
    in addition to the right to breed his horses with LSA’s horses
    for free and to trade horses with LSA, even though LSA in-
    curred all of the associated expenses with breeding and rais-
    ing the horses. Motes also received substantial payments for
    training the horses, which were additional expenses incurred
    by LSA. Yet the Stullers never considered renegotiating their
    agreement with Motes. There is also no evidence that they
    attempted to find other sources of revenue for LSA, such as
    boarding horses or giving riding lessons. The Stullers argue
    that they took other means to control LSA’s expenses, such as
    purchasing additional land for growing hay and digging
    10                                                         No. 15-1545
    ponds, buying veterinary equipment to provide veterinary
    services in-house for the horses, and canceling insurance
    policies on the horses. But these changes did not address the
    root causes of LSA’s unprofitability and, without more, were
    merely drops in the bucket. “[A] taxpayer must show that he
    or she has instituted some methods for controlling expenses,
    and if losses are mounting, methods to control those losses.”
    Burger, 809 F.2d at 359
    . The Stullers failed to institute any re-
    alistic methods to control expenses or losses. This fact, along
    with the poor recordkeeping, showed that LSA was not run
    in a businesslike manner.
    “Taxpayers should not only familiarize themselves with
    the undertaking, but should also consult or employ an ex-
    pert, if needed, for advice on how to make the operation
    Id. The Stullers
    had substantial business experi-
    ence operating Steak ‘n Shake restaurant franchises, which
    were regulated and assisted to a large extent by the Steak ‘n
    Shake corporate office. But horse-breeding was a very differ-
    ent kind of activity, and there was no evidence in the record
    that the Stullers consulted with any experts regarding meth-
    ods for running a profitable horse-breeding enterprise.4
    Stuller argues that she and Harold received advice from
    their accountant and Motes. The accountant testified that
    while he provided advice related to the creation of LSA,
    prepared its tax returns, and generated annual reports of its
    4Stuller also had an independent restaurant (one without franchisor
    supervision like the Steak ‘n Shake restaurants). The failure of this res-
    taurant, which closed within one year of opening at a loss of hundreds of
    thousands of dollars, weighs against finding that the Stullers engaged in
    similar, independently-run activities in the past and converted them
    from unprofitable to profitable enterprises. Treas. Reg. § 1.183–2(b)(5).
    No. 15-1545                                                 11
    assets and liabilities, he was not capable of providing advice
    specific to the horse-breeding industry. Similarly, Motes tes-
    tified that despite his years of experience breeding and train-
    ing horses, he had no expertise in the financial or business
    aspects of horse-breeding. His horse-breeding activities were
    personal, not business-oriented. A taxpayer’s failure to ac-
    quire expertise or consult relevant experts indicates lack of a
    profit motive. See 
    Burger, 809 F.2d at 359
    The Stullers never came close to turning a meaningful
    profit through LSA; the best objective indicator that horse-
    breeding was a hobby, not a business, was their high toler-
    ance for loss. See 
    id. § 1.183–2(b)(6)
    and (7). LSA reported
    losses every year from 1994 to 2009, except for a $1,500 profit
    in 1997. By 2005, the Stullers had loaned LSA around $1.5
    million, interest free, in order to keep the horse-breeding op-
    eration afloat, which also weighs against finding that LSA
    was operated with the intent to profit. Importantly, LSA’s
    losses were relatively consistent (ranging from $130,000 to
    $190,000 per year during 1999 to 2005). As in Burger, LSA’s
    steady losses continued beyond any arguable start-up phase
    of LSA and “beyond the point in which the petitioners could
    reasonably expect a 
    profit.” 809 F.2d at 361
    . The consistency
    of these losses from year to year also weighs against Stuller’s
    argument that the losses during 2003 to 2005 resulted from
    independent events, like a downturn in the economy and
    adverse publicity affecting Tennessee Walking Horses.
    During its years in operation, LSA’s only profit occurred
    in 1997 and was only $1,500. This modest profit was the re-
    sult of the fortuitous sale of a non-LSA bred horse for
    12                                                      No. 15-1545
    $100,000.5 The Stullers argue that a profit motive can be in-
    ferred from the speculative nature of horse-breeding, sug-
    gesting that a few similar sales could have turned LSA
    around. “[A]n opportunity to earn a substantial ultimate
    profit in a highly speculative venture is ordinarily sufficient
    to indicate that the activity is engaged in for profit even
    though losses or only occasional small profits are actually
    generated.” Treas. Reg. § 1.183–2(b)(7). But “[a]n occasional
    small profit from an activity generating large losses, or from
    an activity in which the taxpayer has made a large invest-
    ment, would not generally be determinative that the activity
    is engaged in for profit.” 
    Id. That is
    what we have here.
    There was no evidence that LSA’s operations were similar to
    horse-breeding operations that generated substantial profits.
    Under these circumstances, the Stullers’ belief that one or
    more of their horses might achieve great success is “at best a
    ‘mere expectation’ utterly lacking in ‘any probative founda-
    tion.’” Filios v. Commissioner, 
    224 F.3d 16
    , 23 (1st Cir. 2000)
    (quoting Hendricks v. Commissioner, 
    32 F.3d 94
    , 100 (4th Cir.
    “Substantial income from sources other than the activity
    (particularly if the losses from the activity generate substan-
    tial tax benefits) may indicate that the activity is not engaged
    in for profit especially if there are personal or recreational
    elements involved.” Treas. Reg. § 1.183–2(b)(8). The Stullers
    received a substantial income from their other activities, in-
    cluding the Steak ‘n Shake franchises, rental properties, and
    investment income. LSA’s considerable losses—passed
    5Notably, because the horse was not bred at LSA, the Stullers did
    not have to share the sale proceeds with Motes.
    No. 15-1545                                                   13
    through the S corp to the Stullers—generated substantial tax
    benefits for the Stullers over the years.
    The Stullers also derived a great deal of pleasure from
    the horse-breeding operation, despite the hard work in-
    volved. Where an activity involves “substantial personal or
    recreational aspects,” a significant expenditure of time and
    effort does not necessarily indicate an intention to derive a
    profit. Treas. Reg. § 1.183–2(b)(3).
    Another factor not listed in § 1.183–2(b) but considered
    by the district court was the size of the horse farm. Stuller
    argued that having around thirty horses on a farm clearly
    showed that it was a business, not a hobby. But the court did
    not err in finding that the size of the horse farm was not dis-
    positive in this particular case, especially considering the
    unbusinesslike manner in which LSA was run and its history
    of losses with barely any profit.
    Finally, there was some evidence that the Tennessee farm-
    land might appreciate. Treas. Reg. § 1.183–2(b)(4). But this
    expectation of appreciation (from an asset that did not be-
    long to the S corp) did not offset the combination of other
    objective facts showing that LSA was not run with the intent
    to profit.
    Considering, in particular, LSA’s poor recordkeeping, the
    lack of business practices directed at making a profit, its sub-
    stantial annual losses, and the significant tax benefits to the
    Stullers, there is no clear error in the district court’s finding
    that the totality of facts and circumstances showed that LSA
    was not run as an activity with the intent to profit.
    14                                                 No. 15-1545
    Stuller also appeals the district court’s finding that she
    lacked “reasonable cause” for the failure to timely file the
    2003 income tax return. She disputes only the court’s deter-
    mination of whether the elements of reasonable cause were
    present. This is a question of fact reviewed for clear error.
    Univ. of Chicago v. United States, 
    547 F.3d 773
    , 785 (7th Cir.
    Section 6651(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code imposes
    a penalty for failure to timely file “unless it is shown that
    such failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to willful
    neglect.” 26 U.S.C. § 6651(a)(1). A filing delay is due to “rea-
    sonable cause” when the taxpayer has made a satisfactory
    showing that she “exercised ‘ordinary business care and
    prudence’ but nevertheless was ‘unable to file the return
    within the prescribed time.’” United States v. Boyle, 
    469 U.S. 241
    , 246 (1985) (quoting Treas. Reg. § 301.6651–1(c)(1)). Will-
    ful neglect means “a conscious, intentional failure or reckless
    Id. at 245.
       Stuller argued that she was prevented from timely filing
    the joint 2003 return until February 2005, despite a six-month
    extension until October 2004, due to the difficult circum-
    stances resulting from the fire. These circumstances included
    her husband’s death, the destruction of their home, personal
    health problems and depression, employee embezzlement
    from the Steak ‘n Shake businesses, and the fact that she was
    required to assume responsibility for obligations that were
    previously shared between her and her husband, including
    the care of their granddaughter. These were certainly tragic
    and difficult events for Stuller to endure, but Stuller did not
    show that she exercised ordinary business care and pru-
    No. 15-1545                                                 15
    dence or that circumstances prevented timely filing. For ex-
    ample, during this timeframe, Stuller was able to timely file
    the joint 2002 return, to manage the Steak ‘n Shake fran-
    chises, and to attend and compete in horse shows. She also
    had hired a personal assistant, who presumably helped
    Stuller to manage her affairs.
    Stuller claims that, following her husband’s death, miss-
    ing trust and probate records prevented her from complet-
    ing their joint tax return, but the trial testimony shows that
    the only outstanding documents her accountant needed to
    complete the tax return were bank statements. Even if these
    were in storage following the fire, duplicate copies could
    have been easily obtained from the bank.
    Stuller’s difficulties, while no doubt distressing, did not
    involve a combination of severity and timing that would
    have made it “virtually impossible” for her to comply with
    the filing requirements, Matter of Carlson, 
    126 F.3d 915
    , 923
    (7th Cir. 1997), especially considering that Stuller had al-
    ready sought and received an extension until October 2004.
    Stuller failed to satisfactorily show that she exercised “ordi-
    nary business care and prudence,” and the district court did
    not clearly err in finding that she lacked reasonable cause for
    her untimely filing.
    After the district court determined that the Stullers did
    not engage in horse-breeding with intent to profit, and there-
    fore that the Stullers could not deduct LSA’s losses, they
    moved to amend the judgment, seeking a credit for the rent-
    al income reported from LSA. This request was denied. The
    district court’s determination is a legal issue reviewed de no-
    16                                                            No. 15-1545
    vo. Mathin v. Kerry, 
    782 F.3d 804
    , 805 (7th Cir. 2015) (ques-
    tions of law from a bench trial are reviewed de novo); see also
    Catalano v. Commissioner, 
    240 F.3d 842
    (9th Cir. 2001).
    The point here is that LSA, an S corp, is a different entity
    than the Stullers, its shareholders. “[W]hile a taxpayer is free
    to organize [her] affairs as [she] chooses, nevertheless, once
    having done so, [she] must accept the tax consequences of
    her choice, whether contemplated or not, and may not enjoy
    the benefit of some other route [she] might have chosen to
    follow but did not.” Commissioner v. National Alfalfa Dehydrat-
    ing & Milling Co., 
    417 U.S. 134
    , 149 (1974) (citations omitted).
    Denial of the Stullers’ corporate-level deduction for LSA’s
    losses did not change the fact that the Stullers annually re-
    ceived lease income from LSA, which was reported on their
    returns. Because denial of the corporate deduction does not
    change the “fundamental principle that an S corporation is a
    separate entity from its shareholders,” the denial of a corpo-
    rate-level deduction for an S corp’s shareholder does not en-
    title the taxpayer to remove rental income from an individu-
    al tax return. 
    Catalano, 240 F.3d at 843
    –44. Similarly, the
    Stullers cannot now “look through the forms they chose
    themselves in order to improve their tax treatment with the
    benefit of hindsight.” United States v. Fletcher, 
    562 F.3d 839
    842 (7th Cir. 2009).6
    6Comdisco, Inc. v. United States, cited by the Stullers, similarly states
    that “a taxpayer generally may not disavow the form of a deal.” 
    756 F.2d 569
    , 577 (7th Cir. 1985) (citing National 
    Alfalfa, 417 U.S. at 149
    ). And un-
    like the taxpayer in Comdisco, the Stullers have not established that the
    economic reality of their chosen transaction with LSA was something
    different than what they had reported. Instead, the Stullers’ argument
    looks more like a belated attempt to game the system in order to maxim-
    ize their tax benefits.
    No. 15-1545                                                  17
    The Stullers raise, for the first time on appeal, an argu-
    ment for equitable recoupment. This argument has been
    waived. Hess v. Bresney, 
    784 F.3d 1154
    , 1161 (7th Cir. 2015).
    Even if it had not been waived, the Stullers would not be en-
    titled to equitable recoupment because the doctrine is nar-
    rowly applied and “will lie only where the Government has
    taxed a single transaction, item, or taxable event under two
    inconsistent theories.” United States v. Dalm, 
    494 U.S. 596
    , 605
    n. 5 (1990). Because the lessee, LSA, is a separate entity from
    the lessors, the Stullers, there is no inconsistent legal theory
    Catalano, 240 F.3d at 844
    The judgment of the district court is AFFIRMED.