International Union of Operati v. Brad Schimel ( 2017 )

  •                                In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 16-3736 & 16-3834
    Plaintiffs-Appellants / Cross-Appellees,
    Defendants-Appellees / Cross-Appellants.
    Appeals from the United States District Court for the
    Eastern District of Wisconsin.
    No. 16-CV-590-JPS — J.P. Stadtmueller, Judge.
    ARGUED JUNE 2, 2017 — DECIDED JULY 12, 2017
    Before FLAUM, EASTERBROOK, and KANNE, Circuit Judges.
    FLAUM, Circuit Judge. The International Union of Operat-
    ing Engineers, Local 139 and Local 420 (“IUOE”), challenged
    Wisconsin’s right-to-work law. The district court determined
    that this Court’s decision upholding Indiana’s nearly-identical
    law, Sweeney v. Pence, 
    767 F.3d 654
     (7th Cir. 2014), controlled
    2                                                 Nos. 16-3736 & 16-3834
    in this case, and the court dismissed IUOE’s complaint with
    prejudice. For the following reasons, we affirm.
    I. Background
    A. The Sweeney Decision
    In 2012, Indiana passed a right-to-work law that prohibits
    agreements requiring people to:
    (1) become or remain a member of a labor or-
    ganization; [or]
    (2) pay dues, fees, assessments, or other charges
    of any kind or amount to a labor organization
    as a condition of employment or continuation of
    Ind. Code § 22
    –6–6–8. Union members in Indiana challenged
    this right-to-work law as preempted by the National Labor
    Relations Act (“NLRA”).1 However, after a comprehensive
    1   The NLRA provides:
    It shall be an unfair labor practice for an employer … to
    encourage or discourage membership in any labor organ-
    ization: Provided, That nothing in this subchapter, or in
    any other statute of the United States, shall preclude an
    employer from making an agreement with a labor organ-
    ization … to require as a condition of employment mem-
    bership therein … .
    29 U.S.C. § 158
    (a)(3). The Act also states:
    Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed as author-
    izing the execution or application of agreements requir-
    ing membership in a labor organization as a condition of
    Nos. 16-3736 & 16-3834                                               3
    discussion of the NLRA’s legislative history and relevant Su-
    preme Court precedent, this Court determined that the NLRA
    did not preempt Indiana’s right-to-work law, even though
    that law prohibits the payment of any dues or fees to unions.
    See Sweeney, 767 F.3d at 661 (The NLRA’s “express allowance
    of state laws prohibiting agreements requiring membership in
    a labor organization as a condition of employment necessarily
    permits state laws prohibiting agreements that require em-
    ployees to pay Representation Fees”) (quotation marks omit-
    ted); see generally id. at 658–665. We also determined that the
    enactment of Indiana’s law did not effect a taking in violation
    of the Fifth Amendment: Although the NLRA requires unions
    to provide fair representation to non-paying members of the
    bargaining unit, the unions are “justly compensated by fed-
    eral law’s grant to [unions] the right to bargain exclusively
    with … employer[s].” Id. at 666.
    B. Wisconsin Act 1
    After Sweeney issued, Wisconsin enacted Act 1, which
    No person may require, as a condition of obtain-
    ing or continuing employment, an individual to
    do any of the following:
    employment in any State or Territory in which such exe-
    cution or application is prohibited by State or Territorial
    29 U.S.C. § 164
    (b). In Sweeney, we discussed the effect of the NLRA’s
    preemption framework on right-to-work laws prohibiting the formation
    of any union-security agreements. See generally 767 F.3d at 658–665.
    4                                       Nos. 16-3736 & 16-3834
    2. Become or remain a member of a labor organ-
    ization [or]
    3. Pay any dues, fees, assessments, or other
    charges or expenses of any kind or amount, or
    provide anything of value, to a labor organiza-
    Wis. Stat. § 111.04
    (3)(a). IUOE—which had entered into sev-
    eral conditional union-security agreements with employers—
    filed suit against various Wisconsin officials (“Wisconsin”),
    seeking to void the provision of Act 1 that prohibits forming
    union-security agreements of any kind. IUOE argued that
    Act 1 was preempted by the same NLRA provisions at issue
    in Sweeney and that Act 1 unconstitutionally takes affected un-
    ions’ property without just compensation. The district court
    entered judgment on the pleadings in favor of Wisconsin and
    dismissed the case with prejudice. These cross-appeals fol-
    II. Discussion
    We review de novo the district court’s order granting
    judgment on the pleadings. Barr v. Bd. of Trs. of W. Ill. Univ.,
    796 F.3d 837
    , 839 (7th Cir. 2015) (citations omitted).
    A. Sweeney Remains Good Law
    IUOE acknowledged before the district court and con-
    cedes on appeal that Sweeney controls the preemption analysis
    in this case and dictates an outcome in favor of Wisconsin.
    Sweeney dealt with, and disposed of, IUOE’s preemption and
    Takings Clause arguments with respect to a substantively-
    identical Indiana law. Thus, IUOE’s only remaining argument
    on appeal is that Sweeney was wrongly decided and should be
    overturned. “We do not take lightly suggestions to overrule
    Nos. 16-3736 & 16-3834                                          5
    circuit precedent,” Chi. Truck Drivers, Helpers & Warehouse Un-
    ion (Indep.) Pension Fund v. Steinberg, 
    32 F.3d 269
    , 272 (7th Cir.
    1994), and therefore “require a ‘compelling reason’” to do so,
    United States v. Kendrick, 
    647 F.3d 732
    , 734 (7th Cir. 2011)
    (quoting Santos v. United States, 
    461 F.3d 886
    , 891 (7th Cir.
    Beyond re-arguing the merits of the Sweeney decision,
    IUOE notes that Chief Judge Wood published a strong dissent
    in that case, see Sweeney, 767 F.3d at 671–85 (Wood, C.J., dis-
    senting), and that this Court’s vote to rehear Sweeney en banc
    was close, see Sweeney v. Pence, No. 13-1264 (7th Cir. Jan 13,
    2015). Such facts, however, are not “compelling reasons” to
    overturn a recent decision. See Santos, 
    461 F.3d at 894
    previous decision [having been] upheld by a 5–5 vote” was
    not a compelling reason to overturn it); Kendrick, 
    647 F.3d at 734
     (“a solid defense of the arguments that we rejected in
    [prior cases] … does not amount to a compelling reason to re-
    visit” those cases) (citation omitted). Furthermore, IUOE
    points to no intervening developments in statutory, Supreme
    Court, or even intermediate-appellate-court law between
    Sweeney and today that undermine Sweeney’s validity. In sum,
    IUOE does not provide any compelling reason to revisit
    Sweeney, and we decline to do so.
    B. Takings Clause Ripeness
    IUOE argues that Act 1 takes affected unions’ property
    without just compensation in violation of the Fifth Amend-
    ment. IUOE brought this claim in federal district court with-
    out first seeking just compensation in the state courts. The dis-
    trict court acknowledged this fact and noted that such claims
    are generally unripe under Williamson County Regional Plan-
    ning Commission v. Hamilton Bank of Johnson City, 
    473 U.S. 172
    6                                               Nos. 16-3736 & 16-3834
    195 (1985). It determined that IUOE’s takings claim was nev-
    ertheless ripe because IUOE had made a pre-enforcement fa-
    cial challenge to Act 1, and dismissed the complaint with prej-
    udice. On cross-appeal, Wisconsin argues that the district
    court should have ruled that this claim was unripe and should
    have dismissed it without prejudice.
    Generally, “if a State provides an adequate procedure for
    seeking just compensation, the property owner cannot claim
    a violation of the Just Compensation Clause until it has used
    the procedure and been denied just compensation.” 
    Though the record reveals no regulatory procedure for han-
    dling Act 1-based takings claims—Wisconsin asserts that the
    Act does not create a takings issue in the first place—we have
    determined that the state courts can provide an adequate route
    for seeking just compensation, see Sorrentino v. Godinez, 
    777 F.3d 410
    , 413–14 (7th Cir. 2015) (Illinois Court of Claims an
    adequate forum for takings claim though incapable of grant-
    ing the equitable relief sought); see also Forseth v. Vill. of Sussex,
    199 F.3d 363
    , 372–73 (7th Cir. 2000) (noting a variety of availa-
    ble Wisconsin state-court review mechanisms), and thus must
    be utilized, when available, before seeking relief in federal
    court. However, this Court has recognized two exceptions to
    Williamson’s ripeness requirement: “one for pre-enforcement
    facial challenges and one for situations in which relief is not
    available in state court.” Muscarello v. Ogle Cty. Bd. of Comm'rs,
    610 F.3d 416
    , 422 (7th Cir. 2010).2
    2 IUOE also urges this Court to acknowledge a third exception to Wil-
    liamson: that takings for a private use do not need to be litigated in state
    court first. However, Muscarello clearly states that this Court recognizes
    the facial-challenge and futility exceptions, and does not allude to any
    other possible exceptions. The case on which IUOE relies, Peters v. Village
    Nos. 16-3736 & 16-3834                                                        7
    IUOE argues that it has satisfied both of these exceptions
    and that its takings claim was ripe when it filed suit in the
    district court. With respect to the facial-challenge exception,
    Wisconsin responds that IUOE could not have been making
    such a challenge to Act 1, since IUOE’s complaint contained
    the phrase “as applied.” However, the complaint reads, “[a]s
    applied to unions covered by the NLRA, [Act 1] effects an uncon-
    stitutional taking.” (emphasis added). In context, it is clear
    that the phrase “as applied” was not meant to limit IUOE to
    making an as-applied challenge to Act 1; IUOE used this
    phrase to invoke the rights of all unions covered by Act 1 and
    the NLRA. Regardless, the Supreme Court has instructed
    that, in determining whether a challenge is facial or as-ap-
    plied, “[t]he label is not what matters. The important point is
    of Clifton, 
    498 F.3d 727
     (7th Cir. 2007), does not support its argument. In
    that case, we elaborated on the futility exception, and noted that, “[d]es-
    pite the strong presumption that damages, not injunctive relief, is the ap-
    propriate remedy in a Takings Clause action, our case law does
    acknowledge that there are limited circumstances in which injunctive re-
    lief is available. For instance, it is well accepted that, when the government
    has taken property for a private, rather than a public, use, injunctive or
    declaratory relief may be appropriate.” 
     at 732 (citing Daniels v. Area
    Plan Comm'n of Allen Cty., 
    306 F.3d 445
    , 457 n.11 (7th Cir. 2002)). However,
    neither Peters nor Daniels states that potential injunctive relief for private-
    use takings is sufficient by itself to relieve litigants of Williamson’s exhaus-
    tion requirement. In Daniels, we observed that “the district court should
    accept jurisdiction over takings claims for injunctive relief in the few cases
    where a Claims Court remedy is so inadequate that the plaintiff would not be
    justly compensated.” 
    306 F.3d at
    457 n.11 (emphasis added) (quoting
    Transohio Sav. Bank v. Dir., Office of Thrift Supervision, 
    967 F.2d 598
    , 613
    (D.C. Cir. 1992)) (internal quotation marks omitted). Daniels’s focus on the
    inadequacy of remedies indicates that the futility exception to Williamson
    would cover a valid takings claim seeking non-monetary relief, not a new,
    standalone exception.
    8                                                 Nos. 16-3736 & 16-3834
    that plaintiffs’ claim and the relief that would follow … reach
    beyond the particular circumstances of these plaintiffs.” John
    Doe No. 1 v. Reed, 
    561 U.S. 186
    , 194 (2010).3 In this case, IUOE’s
    claim that Act 1 works an unconstitutional taking from all af-
    fected unions, and the relief IUOE seeks—invalidation of
    parts of Act 1—both clearly “reach beyond [IUOE’s] particular
     Further, the panel’s discussions of the Tak-
    ings Clause issue in Sweeney indicate that an unconstitutional
    taking would arise, if at all, from the statutory language of the
    right-to-work statutes or the NLRA, see 767 F.3d at 665–66 (re-
    jecting a remedy of “strik[ing] down Indiana's right-to-work
    statute”) (emphasis added); id. at 683 (Wood, C.J., dissenting)
    (noting that “plaintiffs have argued throughout that the Indi-
    ana statute is unconstitutional,” and describing “the confisca-
    tory nature of the Indiana statute”) (emphases added), a the-
    ory to which a facial challenge would have been well-suited.
    3 Wisconsin argues that IUOE cannot be making a facial challenge to
    Act 1, as IUOE does not seek to invalidate every provision of Act 1. How-
    ever, Reed undercuts that line of argument. In that case, the parties disa-
    greed as to whether a First Amendment-based challenge to Washington
    State’s Public Records Act (“PRA”) was facial or as-applied. 
    561 U.S. at 191
    . As here, the complaint alleged that the law “violates the First Amend-
    ment as applied to referendum petitions.” 
    Id. at 194
     (emphasis added). De-
    spite the use of the phrase “as applied,” the Supreme Court reasoned that
    the complaint “obviously has characteristics of both [facial and as-applied
    challenges]: The claim is ‘as applied’ in the sense that it does not seek to
    strike the PRA in all its applications, but only to the extent it covers refer-
    endum petitions. The claim is ‘facial’ in that it is not limited to plaintiffs’
    particular case, but challenges application of the law more broadly to all
    referendum petitions.” 
     As a result, the plaintiffs in Reed had to “sat-
    isfy … standards for a facial challenge to the extent of that reach.” 
    wise, IUOE’s claim is facial, and thus ripe for adjudication, in that it chal-
    lenges Act 1 as it affects all unions elected to represent bargaining units.
    Nos. 16-3736 & 16-3834                                                  9
    Likewise, in this case, IUOE asserts that the provision of Act 1
    that forbids all union-security agreements amounts to an un-
    constitutional taking on its face. Thus, the district court cor-
    rectly construed this claim as a “pre-enforcement facial chal-
    lenge” to Act 1, Muscarello, 
    610 F.3d at 422
    ,4 determined that
    the takings claim was ripe under that Williamson exception,5
    and dismissed the claim with prejudice in light of Sweeney.
    III. Conclusion
    For the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM the judgment of
    the district court.
    4 To the extent IUOE’s takings claim challenges Act 1 as not “substan-
    tially advanc[ing] legitimate state interests,” the Supreme Court has de-
    termined that such a challenge is properly understood as a due-process
    inquiry that “has no proper place in … takings jurisprudence.” Lingle v.
    Chevron U.S.A. Inc., 
    544 U.S. 528
    , 540 (2005) (citations omitted).
    5 Because we hold that IUOE’s claim was ripe as a pre-enforcement
    facial challenge to Act 1, we need not decide whether adequate relief
    would have been available in the Wisconsin state courts.