LimeCoral, Ltd. v. CareerBuilder, LLC ( 2018 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 17-1733
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 1:15-cv-07484 — Samuel Der-Yeghiayan, Judge.
    ARGUED NOVEMBER 1, 2017 — DECIDED MAY 8, 2018
    Before MANION, KANNE, and ROVNER, Circuit Judges.
    ROVNER, Circuit Judge. Graphics-design firm LimeCoral,
    Ltd., sued the job website CareerBuilder, LLC, for breach of
    copyright and breach of an alleged oral agreement to pay
    LimeCoral for each annual renewal of a graphic design that
    LimeCoral prepared for a job posting on CareerBuilder’s
    website. The district court entered summary judgment in favor
    2                                                   No. 17-1733
    of CareerBuilder, finding that CareerBuilder had an irrevoca-
    ble, implied license to use LimeCoral’s designs that was not
    conditioned upon any agreement to pay LimeCoral renewal
    fees. We affirm.
    CareerBuilder operates the online employment website, where employers list job openings
    and job seekers can post their resumes, browse job openings by
    category, and submit employment applications. Employers pay
    CareerBuilder to post their job openings, and one option that
    CareerBuilder offers is a “premium job branding” that incorpo-
    rates customized HTML and static and animated graphics into
    a job posting. As relevant here, job postings were sold for a
    one-year term.
    LimeCoral was a small design firm that prepared media
    files incorporating customized graphic designs for premium
    job brandings on the CareerBuilder website from 2008 through
    2014. Brian Schoenholtz, a former employee of CareerBuilder,
    was LimeCoral’s principal.
    LimeCoral entered into an Independent Contractor Agree-
    ment with CareerBuilder on October 1, 2008 (the “2008
    Agreement”), pursuant to which LimeCoral agreed to prepare
    custom graphic designs on behalf of CareerBuilder’s employer
    clients and CareerBuilder agreed to pay LimeCoral for those
    designs pursuant to a schedule of fees set forth in an exhibit to
    be attached to the agreement. CareerBuilder committed in this
    agreement to give LimeCoral 50 percent of its orders for online
    design services. The agreement was for a term of six months.
    The agreement specified that all graphic designs created for
    No. 17-1733                                                  3
    CareerBuilder (included within the scope of “Confidential
    Information” as defined in the contract) would constitute the
    sole and exclusive property of CareerBuilder. The agreement
    said nothing about LimeCoral’s entitlement to renewal fees
    when a CareerBuilder client renewed a job posting.
    By its terms, the 2008 Agreement expired at the end of six
    months. The evidence indicates that the parties were unable to
    come to terms on a new agreement. CareerBuilder, in particu-
    lar, was no longer willing to promise any particular percentage
    or dollar amount of its design business to LimeCoral as
    LimeCoral wished. (Later proposed agreements ran into the
    same impasse.) LimeCoral and CareerBuilder nonetheless
    agreed to continue doing business with one another, albeit
    without a written agreement. Over the course of the next six
    years, the relationship between the parties went on largely as
    before. LimeCoral continued to prepare media files incorporat-
    ing custom graphic designs (more than 2,000, all told) at the
    request of CareerBuilder in exchange for a design fee—
    typically $3,000 for each new design. However, as there was no
    longer a written agreement transferring ownership of the
    copyright on the designs to CareerBuilder, LimeCoral retained
    ownership of the copyright and, as discussed below, implicitly
    granted CareerBuilder a license to use the designs. What the
    parties dispute is whether the license was unconditional and
    irrevocable, or subject to CareerBuilder’s alleged agreement to
    pay LimeCoral an annual renewal fee for every design that
    CareerBuilder continued to use beyond the initial period of one
    In practice, when an employer renewed a job posting with
    CareerBuilder, it would pay a fee to CareerBuilder—$10,000 or
    4                                                  No. 17-1733
    more, according to LimeCoral. If the employer wanted an
    entirely new design for its posting, then CareerBuilder would
    commission LimeCoral or one of its other vendors to prepare
    the design, without regard to who had designed the original.
    If, however, the employer wanted to stick with the original
    design but make revisions to it (to incorporate a new company
    logo, for example), CareerBuilder routinely would, for the sake
    of efficiency, have the vendor who prepared the original
    design make the changes, and the vendor would be paid for
    those changes. Thus, whenever revisions to a LimeCoral design
    for a renewed job posting were called for, CareerBuilder would
    pay LimeCoral a flat fee for those modifications (typically
    $1500), however large or small the degree of work required.
    The parties disagree as to the import of the revision fees.
    LimeCoral characterizes them as a practice of CareerBuilder
    paying it a fee for any renewal, given that it received the same
    fee even when the requisite revisions involved only an insignif-
    icant amount of work. CareerBuilder, on the other hand, insists
    that it only paid LimeCoral a fee when revisions were required
    in connection with a renewal, such that the fees were genuinely
    tied to the revisions rather than the renewals.
    There is evidence in the record that confirms Career-
    Builder’s understanding of the practice. In his deposition,
    Schoenholtz said he “believe[d]” it to be the case both that
    LimeCoral had never sought a renewal fee when revisions to
    the original design were not called for and that CareerBuilder
    had never paid it a fee on renewal in the absence of revisions.
    R. 32-1 at 59, Schoenholtz Dep. 230–31. Additionally, email
    correspondence between Schoenholtz and CareerBuilder
    makes explicit the connection between fees and revisions to
    No. 17-1733                                                   5
    renewed postings. In a January 2012 email to Schoenholtz,
    CareerBuilder’s production manager, Molly Bendell, wrote:
    Thanks for reaching out, Brian. Go ahead and start
    the revisions so as not to hold anything up. In the
    meantime, I’ll have a conversation with Hyemi and
    Loren about when to pay designers for revisions.
    Personally, I’ve always paid once the client has
    renewed and requested edits. If we get more money
    then you get more money for the work you do. If it’s
    just a minor revision and not part of a renewal, then
    I usually expect that to be done as part of the origi-
    nal work order.
    Are you in agreement with that?
    R. 32-1 at 202. Schoenholtz replied:
    Sounds good to me. I agree 100% with your assess-
    ment on renewals and revisions, and minor revi-
    sions on existing projects.
    R. 32-1 at 202. The following year, there was a similar email
    exchange. CareerBuilder’s Bendell advised Schoenholtz:
    … And, to clarify, we only pay you guys [design
    vendors] at renewals when a client requests
    changes. We treat it as a new project, essentially …
    so if they renew in January and don’t request edits
    until March that same year, then we would still pay
    you. If they ask for further edits throughout the year
    after that, then that’s a one-off you need to discuss
    with the Brand Strategist.
    6                                                 No. 17-1733
    Does that all help clarify?
    R. 32-1 at 204. Schoenholtz responded:
    No worries on my side, just wanted to explain the
    situation so you guys know I’m not trying to get
    greedy. …
    R. 32-1 at 204.
    In 2014, CareerBuilder reduced the volume of its orders for
    online design work to LimeCoral. Although, upon expiration
    of the 2008 Agreement, CareerBuilder had not formally
    committed to direct any particular amount of business to
    LimeCoral, in practice CareerBuilder’s Bendell had made it a
    “goal” to give LimeCoral an average of $35,000 per month in
    design work. But once CareerBuilder decided in 2014 to award
    a certain type of work to another firm, Bendell advised
    Schoenholtz that CareerBuilder would no longer meet the
    $35,000 per month goal. At that point, LimeCoral concluded
    that it was not being sufficiently compensated to warrant
    continuation of the license CareerBuilder had been granted in
    its works. In a letter dated July 17, 2014, LimeCoral notified
    CareerBuilder that it was revoking the latter’s license to
    continue using any media file prepared by LimeCoral and used
    beyond the one-year period for which CareerBuilder had paid
    a design or revision fee. CareerBuilder declined to comply with
    LimeCoral’s demand that it remove any such media files from
    its website, prompting LimeCoral to file this lawsuit.
    LimeCoral charged CareerBuilder with breach of contract,
    based on its alleged failure to pay renewal fees to LimeCoral,
    and breach of copyright on the hundreds of media files that
    No. 17-1733                                                   7
    CareerBuilder continued to use for more than one year
    following their creation (or renewal) and after LimeCoral had
    declared that it was revoking the license on such files.
    The district court granted summary judgment to Career-
    Builder on both claims. The court reasoned that, upon the
    expiration of the parties’ original written contract, Career-
    Builder had acquired an implied, non-exclusive license to use
    LimeCoral’s designs, and that, contrary to LimeCoral’s
    assertions, there was no subsequent oral agreement that
    imposed any conditions on that license. In particular, the court
    found no evidence to support the notion that CareerBuilder
    had agreed to pay LimeCoral a renewal fee whenever a
    customer renewed a job posting, even if no revisions to the
    LimeCoral design were required. “[I]t is undisputed,” the court
    wrote, “that for a period of over six years and two thousand
    projects, LimeCoral has not pointed to evidence showing that
    CareerBuilder ever paid any renewal fee or that LimeCoral
    asked for any renewal fee.” R. 64 at 10. Even if there were
    proof sufficient to establish such an oral agreement, the court
    added, the record made clear that LimeCoral had waived any
    claim to breach of such an agreement by remaining silent for
    so long when such fees were not being paid. The absence of
    proof that CareerBuilder promised to pay LimeCoral renewal
    fees, and that the license to use LimeCoral’s media files was
    conditioned on such a promise, was fatal to both the copyright
    claim and the contract claim.
    On appeal, LimeCoral renews its contention that
    CareerBuilder agreed to pay it a fee for the renewal of any job
    8                                                     No. 17-1733
    posting and that CareerBuilder’s license to use LimeCoral’s
    copyrighted work was subject to that agreement. Career-
    Builder’s refusal to pay LimeCoral renewal fees gave Lime-
    Coral the power to revoke the license on its works and, in
    LimeCoral’s view, rendered CareerBuilder liable for breach of
    the purported agreement and for copyright infringement on
    any media files CareerBuilder continued to use despite
    LimeCoral’s revocation of the license to use them.
    Following the expiration of the 2008 independent contractor
    agreement, the parties, as we have discussed, continued to
    transact business as before. Although the expiration of the 2008
    Agreement meant that ownership of the copyrights in the job
    brandings that LimeCoral created now remained with
    LimeCoral, there is no dispute that CareerBuilder acquired a
    non-exclusive implied license to use those brandings.
    3 Nimmer on Copyright § 10.03 (A)(7) (Matthew Bender, rev.
    ed. 2018); I.A.E., Inc. v. Shaver, 
    74 F.3d 768
    , 775 (7th Cir. 1996);
    see also Muhammad-Ali v. Final Call, Inc., 
    832 F.3d 755
    , 762 (7th
    Cir. 2016), cert. denied, 
    137 S. Ct. 681
    (2017); ITOFCA, Inc. v.
    MegaTrans Logistics, Inc., 
    322 F.3d 928
    , 940–41 (7th Cir. 2003)
    (Ripple, J., concurring); Kennedy v. Nat’l Juvenile Det. Ass’n, 
    187 F.3d 690
    , 694 (7th Cir. 1999). LimeCoral created the brandings
    at the request of CareerBuilder and conveyed them to
    CareerBuilder with the understanding that CareerBuilder
    would use them on its website. See Effects Assocs., Inc. v. Cohen,
    908 F.2d 555
    , 558–59 (9th Cir. 1990) (cited with approval in
    I.A.E.). Absent a limitation imposed on the license at the time
    these works were delivered to CareerBuilder, the license
    impliedly granted to CareerBuilder would encompass all of the
    rights of LimeCoral as the copyright holder. See Latimer v.
    No. 17-1733                                                       9
    Roaring Toyz, Inc., 
    601 F.3d 1224
    , 1235 (11th Cir. 2010); Asset
    Mktg. Sys., Inc. v. Gagnon, 
    542 F.3d 748
    , 757 (9th Cir. 2008). In
    view of CareerBuilder’s payment for the job brandings, its
    license would also be irrevocable. Nimmer § 10.02(B)(5); 
    I.A.E., 74 F.3d at 777
    ; see also Asset Mktg. 
    Sys., 542 F.3d at 757
    ; Lulirama
    Ltd. v. Axcess Broad. Servs., Inc., 
    128 F.3d 872
    , 879, 882 (5th Cir.
    LimeCoral contends that the license acquired by
    CareerBuilder was conditioned upon CareerBuilder’s
    agreement to pay LimeCoral a renewal fee for every branding
    that was renewed beyond the initial one-year term by Career-
    Builder’s customer.1 Once its business from CareerBuilder
    dropped off and LimeCoral (by its own account) learned that
    there were some renewed job brandings for which it was not
    receiving a renewal fee from CareerBuilder, it purported to
    revoke CareerBuilder’s license to continue using the brandings
    that LimeCoral had created. In fact, as we discuss below, the
    record indicates that LimeCoral was never paid renewal fees
    as such, that LimeCoral knew this, and that the license it
    conveyed to CareerBuilder was never conditioned on the
    payment of such fees.
    LimeCoral suggests that the parties had an understanding
    as to its entitlement to renewal fees from the outset of their
    relationship, but the 2008 independent contractor agreement
    contradicts such an understanding. That written agreement,
    which by its terms expressly superseded any and all oral
    LimeCoral does not contend on appeal that the license was also
    conditioned upon a promise by CareerBuilder to give LimeCoral a
    particular percentage or dollar amount of business.
    10                                                           No. 17-1733
    agreements preceding it, conveyed complete ownership of the
    copyright in each job branding to CareerBuilder, with no
    attendant obligation by CareerBuilder to pay LimeCoral a
    renewal fee. So the notion that there was an agreement at the
    inception of the parties’ relationship to pay renewal fees is a
    Nor is there any evidence that upon or subsequent to the
    expiration of the 2008 Agreement, CareerBuilder ever agreed
    to pay LimeCoral a renewal fee for each branding renewed by
    a CareerBuilder customer. Schoenholtz admitted, when asked,
    that he could not recall an instance in which CareerBuilder
    agreed to pay LimeCoral a fee for each and every renewal.
    R. 32-1 at 64, Schoenholtz Dep. 250–51. “I—offhand, no. I can’t
    think of anything that’s relating to what you’re talking about,”
    he said. It is true, as LimeCoral points out, that elsewhere in his
    deposition (and in his post-deposition affidavit), Schoenholtz
    contended summarily that there was an oral agreement
    between the parties that LimeCoral would be paid renewal
    fees. But Schoenholtz, as LimeCoral’s principal, would be the
    individual with knowledge as to the timing and terms of any
    such agreement. The fact that he could not “think of anything”
    LimeCoral suggests that because a schedule of fees was, in fact, never
    attached to the contract as the parties envisioned, the agreement was only
    partially integrated, leaving LimeCoral free to resort to extrinsic evidence
    to show that their agreement, from the start, included an unwritten promise
    to pay LimeCoral a fee for each and every renewal. Yet, as we discuss
    below, LimeCoral had identified no evidence of such a promise (in 2008 or
    later) and, to the contrary, what record evidence there is on this subject
    indicates that there was never an agreement to pay, nor a practice of
    paying, LimeCoral renewal fees as such.
    No. 17-1733                                                                11
    relating to such an agreement, in the face of CareerBuilder’s
    consistent denials that there ever was such an understanding,
    leaves, shall we say, a large hole in LimeCoral’s case for the
    existence of a limitation on CareerBuilder’s license to use the
    Reinforcing the point are the two instances in 2012 and 2013
    in which CareerBuilder expressly advised Schoenholtz that
    CareerBuilder was not and would not be paying renewal fees
    to LimeCoral, and Schoenholtz expressed his agreement with
    this understanding. Thus, when production manager Bendell
    explained to Schoenholtz that CareerBuilder would only pay
    LimeCoral when a customer both renewed a job posting and
    requested edits to the graphic files, Schoenholtz replied that he
    “agree[d] 100%” with that understanding. R. 32-1 at 202. And
    when, the following year, Bendell again advised Schoenholtz
    that “we only pay [design vendors like LimeCoral] at renewals
    when a client requests changes [to the design],” Schoenholtz
    expressed “[n]o worries on my side … .” R. 32-1 at 104. These
    interchanges are directly contrary to the idea that Career-
    Builder had agreed to compensate LimeCoral for all renewals.
    And, of course, Schoenholtz acknowledged in his deposition
    that, consistent with these emails, LimeCoral in fact had been
    paid fees in connection with renewals only when revisions to
    its original designs (be they large or small) were called for.
    R. 32-1 at 59, Schoenholtz Dep. 230–31.3
    In its initial brief, LimeCoral has characterized certain of Schoenholtz’s
    interchanges with CareerBuilder on this point as manifesting an
    “agreem[ent] to disagree.” LimeCoral Brief 35, 46. But as CareerBuilder
    12                                                         No. 17-1733
    These communications do show that CareerBuilder was
    paying LimeCoral for any revisions to the job branding
    requested at the time of renewal; and because the revisions
    were minor in some instances, LimeCoral treats Career-
    Builder’s willingness to pay a fee for minimal revisions as an
    agreement to pay for any renewal, period. But this elides the
    distinction between a revision fee and a renewal fee. It is
    undisputed that CareerBuilder paid LimeCoral whenever
    revisions to an existing job branding were called for, even if the
    revisions took little effort on LimeCoral’s part. (We may set
    aside any question about what might differentiate minor from
    major revisions.) Given that the fee paid to LimeCoral was the
    same whatever the degree of revisions called for, Career-
    Builder (and LimeCoral, for that matter) may have thought
    that everything would wash out in the end as between labor-
    intensive and labor-minimal revisions. The essential point is
    that the fee was tied to revisions rather than a simple renewal.
    There is, then, no evidence that would permit the factfinder
    to conclude that there was an agreement between LimeCoral
    and CareerBuilder that LimeCoral would be paid a fee for each
    renewal, and that the implied license LimeCoral granted to
    CareerBuilder to use the job brandings was subject to that
    agreement. The license was, consequently, unconditional and
    irrevocable, and encompassed the rights to use and distribute
    the job brandings as CareerBuilder and its customers wished.
    naturally and rightly points out, an agreement to disagree is no agreement
    at all.
    No. 17-1733                                                  13
    This dooms LimeCoral’s copyright claim as well as its claim for
    breach of contract.
    As we have noted, the district court went on to conclude,
    alternatively, that even if there were an agreement between
    CareerBuilder and LimeCoral as to renewal fees, LimeCoral
    waived any breach of that agreement by remaining silent for
    the duration of the six-year relationship between the parties
    despite its awareness that CareerBuilder was not paying it a fee
    for all job-branding renewals. In view of our conclusion that
    the record does not support the notion that there was any such
    agreement, we need not take up the matter of waiver.
    Finally, LimeCoral contends that the district court
    improperly denied as moot its cross-motion for partial
    summary judgment on the matter of its ownership of the
    copyright on the job brandings; but we can find no fault in the
    court’s judgment on this point. CareerBuilder did not contest
    LimeCoral’s ownership of the copyright as to works created
    after the expiration of the 2008 Agreement, and although
    ownership was obviously a key element of LimeCoral’s
    copyright infringement claim against CareerBuilder, it was not
    the only element. The copyright claim failed for the reasons we
    have discussed: CareerBuilder had an implied license to use
    the works that was neither limited nor revocable. And because
    the claim failed on those grounds, there was no need to grant
    LimeCoral partial summary judgment on the limited (and
    uncontroverted) matter of who owned the copyright.
    As the implied license granted to CareerBuilder to use the
    graphic works in question was not conditioned on any
    14                                             No. 17-1733
    agreement to pay LimeCoral renewal fees, the district court
    properly granted summary judgment to CareerBuilder on
    LimeCoral’s claims of copyright infringement and breach of