Salvadori, Gema v. Franklin School Dist , 293 F.3d 989 ( 2002 )

  •                            In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 01-3829
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.
    No. 98-C-1256—J.P. Stadtmueller, Chief Judge.
    ARGUED MAY 14, 2002—DECIDED JUNE 14, 2002
    Before COFFEY, MANION, and EVANS, Circuit Judges.
    EVANS, Circuit Judge. Gema Salvadori, who is originally
    from the Philippines, was a science teacher in the Franklin
    (Wisconsin) School District from the 1990-91 school year
    through the 1997-98 school year when the District decided
    not to renew her employment contract. The board took this
    step, it says, because Salvadori failed as a teacher. Sal-
    vadori saw things differently. She claimed the board (and
    the other defendants, who we’ll get to) acted because of
    ethnic animus, retaliated against her for complaining about
    discriminatory practices, and denied her due process to
    2                                               No. 01-3829
    boot. The district court (Chief Judge J.P. Stadtmueller)
    granted summary judgment for the defendants, and Sal-
    vadori appeals.
    Before turning to the facts, we note that, although we
    view the facts in the light most favorable to Salvadori,
    her failure to comply with one of the district court’s local
    rules resulted in a more defendant-friendly version of the
    facts than one might expect. This is so because once the de-
    fendants moved for summary judgment, Salvadori was
    required by Eastern District of Wisconsin Civil Local Rule
    56.2 to submit a specific response to the defendants’ pro-
    posed findings of fact that clearly delineated only those
    findings to which she asserted the existence of a genuine
    issue of material fact. The local rule required Salvadori’s
    response to refer to the contested findings by paragraph
    number and to cite evidentiary materials supporting her
    claim that a genuine issue of material fact existed. See Civ.
    L.R. 56.2(b)(1).
    Salvadori failed to comply with this rule. Her response
    to the union defendants’ proposed findings of fact consisted
    of a cursory answer to each proposed fact: “admitted,” “dis-
    puted,” “admitted in part and disputed in part,” or an ob-
    jection based on something such as relevance or lack of per-
    sonal knowledge. None of her responses cited to evidentiary
    In responding to the School District’s proposed findings
    of fact, Salvadori cited to the record in only 15 of her 306
    responses. Even the evidence cited by those 15 responses
    did not actually contradict the School District’s proposed
    findings of fact. For example, Salvadori “disputed” para-
    graph 32 of the School District’s proposed findings of fact,
    which stated, “[Assistant Principal] Ms. [Julia] Lyon crit-
    icized Ms. Salvadori for insensitively referring to this
    child as ‘the kid with no teeth’ in front of the class.” Sal-
    vadori’s response to this proposed finding stated, “Plaintiff
    No. 01-3829                                                 3
    disputes any inference that she was not meeting her es-
    sential functions as a teacher.” It then cites to Salvadori’s
    proposed additional findings of fact, which in turn cites
    to a deposition in which Lyon stated that as of May 1995,
    Salvadori was generally meeting her duties and responsi-
    bilities as a middle school science teacher. Obviously, all
    this rigmarole does not contradict the School District’s
    specific proposed finding that Salvadori referred to a stu-
    dent as “the kid with no teeth.” Additionally, of Salvadori’s
    15 responses that cite to any kind of evidentiary material,
    10 repeat verbatim or paraphrase the statement “Plaintiff
    disputes any inference that she was not meeting her es-
    sential functions as a teacher,” then cite to the same evi-
    dence noted above.
    The local rule empowers the district court to conclude
    that there is no genuine material issue as to any pro-
    posed finding of fact to which no response is set out. See
    Civ. L.R. 56.2(e). Because Salvadori did not satisfy the local
    rule, the district court concluded that the defendants’ pro-
    posed findings of fact were undisputed. See Waldridge v.
    American Hoechst Corp., 
    24 F.3d 918
    , 921-22 (7th Cir.
    1994). Therefore, we proceed under the assumption that
    Salvadori conceded, to a fairly significant degree, the de-
    fendants’ version of the facts. With that understanding, we
    move on.
    In 1990 Salvadori began teaching at the Franklin School
    District’s Forest Park Middle School. It was her first full-
    time teaching position. The District has a position de-
    scription for teachers outlining performance expectations.
    Among other things, the expectations are that teachers will
    (1) avoid demeaning criticism of students, (2) maintain a
    positive rapport with students, teachers, parents, and ad-
    ministrators, and (3) react positively to constructive crit-
    icism. During her first year, the School District received
    several complaints about Salvadori in these areas.
    4                                                   No. 01-3829
    In January 1991 the parents of one of Salvadori’s stu-
    dents asked to have their daughter transferred out of her
    class because the student received low grades and Sal-
    vadori’s communication with them about the situation
    was, in the parents’ view, rather poor. During the second se-
    mester, several other parents asked to have their children
    transferred out of Salvadori’s class because of low grades.1
    Another parent complained because Salvadori punished
    the entire class for the misconduct of a single student.
    Additionally, the School District transferred a student out
    of Salvadori’s class because Salvadori berated the girl in
    front of the entire class for bringing her parents in to see
    the principal to complain about Salvadori. Salvadori also
    told the class that this student would no longer be in class
    because the student thought that all of her problems were
    Salvadori’s fault.
    At the end of the 1990-91 school year, Salvadori received
    a performance evaluation from Julia Lyon, one of the as-
    sistant principals at Forest Park. Lyon identified classroom
    management and rapport with students as two areas in
    which Salvadori needed improvement.
    During the 1991-92 school year, Salvadori made nega-
    tive comments about some of her students that Principal
    Denise Bowens felt were detrimental to their learning and
    inappropriate for the emotional and developmental needs
    of middle-school-aged children. On one occasion Bowens
    met with a student who was crying because Salvadori called
    him “stupid.” At the end of the school year Bowens com-
    pleted Salvadori’s evaluation, in which she raised concerns
    Of course, the giving of “low grades” doesn’t necessarily mean
    that the teacher is not doing the right thing: the grades may be
    well-deserved. But it is a fact that complaints of this sort were
    made, and whether they are justified or not is not really our con-
    No. 01-3829                                                 5
    about Salvadori’s classroom management, rapport with stu-
    dents, and responsiveness to supervision and suggestions
    for improvement. In her performance evaluation for the
    1992-93 school year Bowens was critical of Salvadori’s com-
    munication skills and her apparent distrust of the school’s
    During the 1994-95 and 1995-1996 school years, the
    School District continued to receive parent complaints
    about the manner in which Salvadori graded and returned
    homework, her communications skills, and her interac-
    tion with students. In December 1995 Associate Principal
    Tom Reinke and Principal Larry Madsen met with Sal-
    vadori to discuss these complaints. Their efforts were ham-
    pered by Salvadori’s refusal to acknowledge the valid-
    ity of the complaints. Consequently, she refused to make
    changes in her teaching style, classroom management, or
    communication methods.
    At the end of the 1995-96 school year, the District placed
    Salvadori on a “plan of assistance,” which was designed
    to improve her performance and not intended to be disci-
    plinary. Salvadori was not the only teacher placed on such
    a plan—several other Caucasian teachers were also placed
    on plans of assistance. Salvadori’s plan identified five areas
    for performance improvement: (1) classroom organization,
    (2) lesson plans, (3) classroom management, (4) acceptance
    of constructive criticism, and (5) communication skills. Sal-
    vadori disagreed with each of the deficiencies identified
    in the plan and filed a grievance challenging its validity.
    In response to the grievance, the School District modified
    her plan of assistance to focus on communication skills and
    classroom management as key areas in which Salvadori
    needed to improve. Salvadori did not cooperate with the
    plan’s recommendations. She refused to meet with the ad-
    ministrators who were supposed to observe and evaluate
    her teaching. By her own admission, Salvadori did not
    change her performance in response to the plan.
    6                                               No. 01-3829
    Part of the reason that Salvadori refused to comply with
    the plan of assistance was that she perceived the plan as
    “unjustified harassment,” an opinion that she stated to Su-
    perintendent Marie Glasgow. In response, Glasgow asked
    Salvadori to meet with her, or with another administrator
    of Salvadori’s choosing, to discuss her harassment allega-
    tion. Although Glasgow made several attempts to initiate
    a meeting, Salvadori refused to meet with her or anoth-
    er administrator. She also failed to use any of the proce-
    dures set out in the School District’s anti-harassment pol-
    In September 1996 Salvadori took her classes to an en-
    vironmental center. During one of her morning classes, she
    allowed the students to become scattered along the path
    to the center, and as a result, students started throwing
    berries and leaves at each other. To punish them Salvadori
    took the entire class to Reinke’s office. In front of the en-
    tire class Salvadori told Reinke that one of the girls had
    “lambasted” her and that Salvadori would not tolerate this
    behavior. Salvadori also suggested that the girl be removed
    from her class, stating that the girl caused all of the prob-
    lems that Salvadori had managing that class. Salvadori also
    acknowledged that she had told the girl to “shut up.”
    Later that afternoon Salvadori had problems with another
    one of her classes on the way to the environmental center.
    At the end of the class she sent Reinke a discipline slip
    stating that a boy in the class had thrown chewed apples
    at her back and at a condominium complex during the walk
    to the center. Reinke looked into the incident and deter-
    mined that Salvadori had written the disciplinary slip with-
    out investigation and had disciplined the wrong boy. As a
    result, Reinke issued Salvadori a written reprimand stating
    that she had failed to keep control of her classes that day.
    Salvadori denied that she had done anything wrong.
    In January 1997 Reinke received a complaint that Sal-
    vadori had referred to her students as “stupid” and “jerks.”
    No. 01-3829                                               7
    A staff member, Barb Gallagher, also complained about
    the way in which Salvadori had yelled at a child. As in
    previous years, parents complained about Salvadori’s com-
    munication skills and her inconsistent discipline. At the
    end of the 1996-97 school year, Reinke noted in Salvadori’s
    performance evaluation that she had demonstrated a poor
    ability to build rapport with students and had poor class-
    room management skills. The school board subsequently
    renewed her contract but withheld her salary increase
    based on what it said were her poor classroom manage-
    ment, poor communication skills, and her inability to accept
    constructive criticism.
    The District reassigned Salvadori to Franklin High School
    for the next academic year, hoping that a transfer would
    give her a fresh start. Her plan of assistance ended at
    the time. During the first semester, Salvadori complained
    to Principal Dona Schwichtenberg about students’ behavior
    toward her in the halls between classes. She claimed that
    students shouted at her to go back to the middle school or
    back to the Philippines, called her names, and threw paper
    balls and other objects at her. She also complained that
    one student had disturbed her class twice and had referred
    to Salvadori using the words “bitch” and “fuck.” Salvadori
    also claimed that unidentified students asked her if she was
    a green-card holder or an illegal alien. Schwichtenberg ad-
    dressed the students, explaining that this sort of behavior
    was unacceptable and must stop immediately. She and the
    associate principals then began monitoring the halls be-
    tween classes to deter this kind of misconduct and to punish
    Meanwhile, Schwichtenberg also received complaints
    about Salvadori. The parent of a girl with special educa-
    tion needs observed one of Salvadori’s classes and com-
    plained afterward about Salvadori’s classroom manage-
    ment. Schwichtenberg then began observing Salvadori’s
    classes and later sent a letter explaining concerns about
    Salvadori’s teaching style.
    8                                               No. 01-3829
    In Salvadori’s 1998 performance evaluation, Schwichten-
    berg stated that she rarely heard Salvadori use positive
    reinforcement of appropriate behavior. She also stated that
    Salvadori did not respond well to criticism. When Schwich-
    tenberg tried to meet with Salvadori to discuss the perfor-
    mance evaluation, Salvadori refused, choosing instead to
    submit a rambling written rebuttal in which she denied
    Schwichtenberg’s criticism, compared the administration to
    a fascist dictatorship and herself to a slave in ancient
    Egypt, and used the following incendiary language:
    I feel I have been brutalized, something akin to a rape,
    several times over and yet should a rape victim opens
    [sic] up her door to let the rapists come in and rape her
    all over again, this time with her consent? . . .
    This type of legalized and institutionalized plan of
    harassment should never, never happen in a civilized
    society and should not be tolerated at all. No decent
    human being should be subject to this type of BRUTAL-
    In February 1998 the school board considered a recom-
    mendation from the administration to end Salvadori’s
    employment after the 1997-98 academic year. The recom-
    mendation, said the administration, was based on Sal-
    vadori’s ineffective teaching strategies, inability to create
    an atmosphere conducive to learning, lack of professional
    growth, unwillingness to assist in solving problems, and
    lack of cooperation with others. The school board held a
    hearing to consider the recommendation, at which Salvadori
    was represented by the union, her attorney, and the
    NAACP. After the hearing, the board voted to end Sal-
    vadori’s employment after the 1997-98 academic year.
    While employed by the School District, Salvadori was
    part of a bargaining unit represented by the Franklin Ed-
    ucation Association (FEA), an affiliate of the Wisconsin Ed-
    ucation Association Council (WEAC). The School District
    No. 01-3829                                                 9
    and FEA were parties to collective bargaining agreements
    during the years that Salvadori was employed by the School
    District. The FEA filed grievances on Salvadori’s behalf
    when the School District placed her on a plan of assistance
    and when it decided not to renew her contract. The FEA
    decided that the grievances lacked sufficient merit to
    proceed to arbitration. The union also investigated and
    evaluated the merits of Salvadori’s claims of discrimination.
    Salvadori met with union representative Jim Gibson, who
    determined that parental complaints referring to her accent
    were made in regard to students’ difficulty in understand-
    ing her. He also determined that School District adminis-
    trators had not singled out Salvadori for discussion of
    parental complaints, and therefore that the School District’s
    actions were not based on her race. Salvadori also raised
    concerns to Gibson about discrimination regarding her
    placement on the plan of assistance. Based on his knowl-
    edge of white teachers who had also been placed on such
    plans, including one who had been placed on a plan at the
    same time as Salvadori, Gibson did not see a basis for
    raising discrimination in the grievance that the union sub-
    mitted on her behalf regarding the plan.
    In the summer of 1996, Salvadori asked WEAC to initiate
    legal action against the School District for alleged discrimi-
    natory conduct. WEAC has a legal obligation to represent
    employees in matters involving bargaining and enforcement
    of the collective bargaining agreement, but not to pursue
    individual rights claims arising outside the realm of the
    collective bargaining agreement. It will, however, consider
    a request to file individual statutory claims and has rep-
    resented some employees in such claims if they are highly
    meritorious. After reviewing documents and interviewing
    witnesses provided by Salvadori, a WEAC attorney deter-
    mined that there was insufficient evidence to proceed with
    an individual discrimination complaint.
    Summary judgment is appropriate if the pleadings, dep-
    ositions, answers to interrogatories, admissions on file, and
    10                                               No. 01-3829
    affidavits show that there is no genuine issue as to any
    material fact and that the moving party is entitled to
    judgment as a matter of law. Vukadinovich v. Board of Sch.
    Tr. of North Newton Sch. Corp., 
    278 F.3d 693
    (7th Cir.
    2002). The mere existence of an alleged factual dispute is
    not sufficient to defeat a summary judgment motion. To
    successfully oppose the motion, the nonmovant must pre-
    sent definite, competent evidence in rebuttal. See 
    id. at 699.
    We have already noted Salvadori’s shortcomings in this
    If a plaintiff cannot defeat a summary judgment motion
    based on the strength of her proffered direct evidence, she
    may use the burden-shifting approach outlined in Mc-
    Donnell Douglas Corp. v. Green, 
    411 U.S. 792
    (1973). To
    prevail under this approach, the plaintiff must first estab-
    lish a prima facie case of discrimination. This requires a
    showing that (1) the plaintiff was a member of a protected
    class, (2) the plaintiff was performing her job satisfactorily,
    (3) the plaintiff suffered an adverse employment action, and
    (4) similarly situated employees who were not members
    of the protected class were treated more favorably. If the
    plaintiff makes the prima facie showing of discrimination,
    the burden then shifts to the defendant to articulate a
    legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for its decision. If the
    employer does so, it rebuts the presumption of discrimi-
    nation, shifting the burden back to the employee to show
    that the employer’s proffered reason was pretextual. See
    Chiaramonte v. Fashion Bed Group, Inc., 
    129 F.3d 391
    , 397-
    98 (7th Cir. 1997). Despite the burden-shifting approach,
    the ultimate burden of proof that the defendant discrimi-
    nated remains at all times with the plaintiff. See 
    id. at 398.
      Salvadori has no trouble satisfying the first and third
    elements of this test: she was born in the Philippines and
    she was discharged. She has problems, however, showing
    that she was performing her job satisfactorily. Salvadori
    points to performance evaluations that she received in
    No. 01-3829                                                 11
    1990-91, 1993, and 1995. The 1990-91 evaluation stated
    that Salvadori was a “conscientious, reliable, prompt and
    diligent teacher.” The 1993 and 1995 evaluations were less
    glowing, stating only that she was meeting the essential
    functions of her job.
    Salvadori cannot satisfy the satisfactory performance
    requirement by showing only that her performance was
    adequate for some period of time during her employment.
    She must show that she was performing well at the time of
    her termination. See Hong v. Children’s Mem’l Hosp., 
    993 F.2d 1257
    , 1262 (7th Cir. 1993); Karazanos v. Navistar Int’l
    Transp. Corp., 
    948 F.2d 332
    , 336 (7th Cir. 1991). By the
    time the District decided against renewing Salvadori’s
    contract, she had already been placed on a plan of assis-
    tance with which she failed to comply and been transferred
    to the high school where she exhibited the same perfor-
    mance deficiencies she had at the middle school. Thus, she
    cannot establish that she was performing her job satisfacto-
    rily. Therefore, the district court properly found that Sal-
    vadori failed to make out a prima facie case of discrimina-
    Next, Salvadori argues that the School District deprived
    her of equal protection by subjecting her to a racially hostile
    environment and to disparate treatment. To establish an
    equal protection claim a plaintiff must show that (1) she is
    a member of a protected class, (2) she was otherwise sim-
    ilarly situated to members of an unprotected class, and (3)
    she was treated differently than members of the unpro-
    tected class. See McNabola v. Chicago Transit Auth., 
    10 F.3d 501
    , 513 (7th Cir. 1993).
    Salvadori’s first argument is that the School District sub-
    jected her to a racially hostile work environment by ignor-
    ing her complaints that students were harassing her. Sal-
    vadori complained in 1993 that middle school students
    referred to her as “green card.” She also argues that the
    12                                             No. 01-3829
    School District did nothing when it received complaints
    about her accent in 1995.
    A hostile work environment exists where the employee is
    subject to conduct so severe and pervasive that a reasonable
    person would find the work environment abusive or hostile.
    See Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Serv., Inc., 
    523 U.S. 75
    81 (1998). The mere utterance of a racial epithet that en-
    genders offensive feelings does not sufficiently affect the
    conditions of employment to create a hostile work environ-
    ment. See Harris v. Forklift Sys., Inc., 
    510 U.S. 17
    , 21
    (1993). Here, the isolated offensive comments made in 1993
    and 1995 were not severe and pervasive enough to alter the
    conditions of Salvadori’s employment, and so she cannot
    establish an equal protection claim on this ground.
    Salvadori also contends that she was subjected to a
    hostile work environment because high school students
    harassed her in the halls between classes. An employer has
    a duty to take reasonable steps to discover and rectify acts
    of harassment against its employees. See Baskerville v.
    Culligan Int’l Co., 
    50 F.3d 428
    , 432 (7th Cir. 1995). But
    in a school situation, especially a high school full of
    pumped-up teenagers, there are obviously limits on what
    any administration can do to “control” inappropriate be-
    havior. Nevertheless, after Salvadori complained, Princi-
    pal Schwichtenberg told students that harassment of
    Salvadori was unacceptable and must cease immediately.
    Schwichtenberg and her associate principals then began
    monitoring the halls to determine who was engaging in the
    harassment so that they could discipline the offenders. This
    response was both reasonable and swift. Therefore, Sal-
    vadori fails to establish an equal protection claim based
    on the School District’s alleged tepid response to harass-
    ment by students at the high school.
    Another ground for Salvadori’s equal protection claim was
    the plan of assistance, which she regarded as “unjustified
    harassment.” As we have noted, when Superintendent Glas-
    No. 01-3829                                               13
    gow learned of Salvadori’s concerns, she suggested that Sal-
    vadori meet with her or another administrator to discuss
    the perceived harassment. Salvadori declined to meet with
    Glasgow or anyone else. Because plaintiffs alleging harass-
    ment must reasonably take advantage of any preventive or
    corrective opportunities that an employer provides, Sal-
    vadori cannot establish an equal protection violation based
    on the plan of assistance. See Shaw v. AutoZone, Inc., 
    180 F.3d 806
    , 811 (7th Cir. 1999); Parkins v. Civil Constructors
    of Illinois, Inc., 
    163 F.3d 1027
    , 1038 (7th Cir. 1998).
    Salvadori also claims that the District deprived her of
    equal protection by treating her differently from other
    teachers with regard to her attempts to discipline students.
    Salvadori claims that students whom she sent to the
    principal’s office for discipline were returned to her class-
    room and that her class contained a number of “difficult”
    students with learning problems. However, she failed to
    put forth any evidence regarding why she disciplined the
    students who were returned to her classroom or why they
    were sent back. Nor did Salvadori identify a Caucasian
    teacher whom the administration supported differently
    in his or her discipline of students. Nor did Salvadori put
    forth any evidence that her classes contained more students
    with special needs than the classes of any Caucasian
    teacher. To survive summary judgment, a plaintiff must
    point to at least one similarly situated, nonprotected class
    employee who was treated more favorably than she was. See
    Ibarra v. Martin, 
    143 F.3d 286
    , 293 (7th Cir. 1998). Sal-
    vadori has failed to show that she was treated differently
    than Caucasian teachers (male or female) with regard to
    these issues, and so she cannot establish an equal protec-
    tion violation.
    Her final equal protection claim concerns one of the
    incidents that occurred during the ill-fated trip to the en-
    vironmental center. Salvadori’s contention concerns the
    written reprimand she received from (Assistant Principal)
    14                                               No. 01-3829
    Reinke for poor classroom management. Reinke issued the
    reprimand after he discovered that Salvadori had punished
    the wrong boy for throwing apples at her. Salvadori claims
    that Jane Daly, a Caucasian teacher, was treated differ-
    ently after students threw objects at her. However, Sal-
    vadori failed to put forth any evidence regarding the con-
    duct of Daly’s students or how the administration dealt
    with it. Additionally, Salvadori failed to show that she and
    Daly were similarly situated because she put forth no
    evidence that Daly, like Salvadori, disciplined the wrong
    student. Therefore, because she could not point to preferen-
    tial treatment of a similarly situated Caucasian teacher,
    Salvadori failed to establish an equal protection violation.
    Finally, Salvadori argues that she put forth sufficient
    evidence that the union defendants ratified the School
    District’s allegedly discriminatory behavior. A union may
    not refuse to file race-based, disparate-treatment grievances
    solely because the union looks with disfavor on those types
    of claims or because they would be troublesome to process.
    See Goodman v. Lukens Steel Co., 
    482 U.S. 656
    , 669 (1987).
    Here, however, the union defendants investigated Sal-
    vadori’s claims of racial harassment and disparate treat-
    ment and found no basis to support her claims. Therefore,
    Salvadori cannot establish that the union defendants rat-
    ified the School District’s allegedly discriminatory behavior.
    Chief Judge Stadtmueller’s decision to grant summary
    judgment to these defendants is AFFIRMED.
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit