Margery Newman v. Metropolitan Life Insurance Co , 885 F.3d 992 ( 2018 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 17-1844
    MARGERY NEWMAN, on behalf of herself and all others simi-
    larly situated,
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 16 C 3530 — Thomas M. Durkin, Judge.
    Before WOOD, Chief Judge, and EASTERBROOK and ROVNER,
    Circuit Judges.
    WOOD, Chief Judge. At age 56, Margery Newman pur-
    chased a long-term care insurance plan from the Metropolitan
    Life Insurance Company (“MetLife”). She opted for one of
    MetLife’s non-standard options for paying her insurance pre-
    miums; MetLife called the method she selected “Reduced-Pay
    at 65.” When Newman was 67 years old, she was startled to
    2                                                    No. 17-1844
    discover that MetLife that year more than doubled her insur-
    ance premium. MetLife insists that the increase is consistent
    with Newman’s insurance policy, including its Reduced-Pay-
    at-65 feature. Newman was unpersuaded and brought this ac-
    tion to vindicate her position. The district court dismissed for
    failure to state a claim. We conclude, however, that Newman
    is entitled to relief on her contract claim and that dismissal of
    the remaining claims was premature. We therefore reverse
    and remand for further proceedings.
    Two documents lie at the heart of this case. The first is Met-
    Life’s “Long-Term Care Facts” brochure, which Newman re-
    viewed before purchasing her insurance plan. The brochure
    describes long-term care generally and catalogs MetLife’s
    non-standard payment options. Newman learned of MetLife’s
    Reduced-Pay option from the brochure. The full description
    reads as follows:
    Reduced-Pay at 65 Option:
    By paying more than the regular premium amount
    you would pay each year up to the Policy Anniver-
    sary on or after your 65th birthday, you pay half the
    amount of your pre-age 65 premiums thereafter.
    At the foot of the same page, MetLife instructs the reader that
    the brochure is only a general overview of MetLife’s insurance
    plans, and that the policy governs the terms of the agreement.
    Equipped with this information, Newman purchased a
    long-term care insurance plan from MetLife and selected the
    Reduced-Pay option. Roughly a week later, she received the
    policy—the second critical document. The policy is 29 pages
    long. It includes just one reference to the Reduced-Pay option:
    No. 17-1844                                                   3
    In addition, you have selected the following flex-
    ible premium payment option: Reduced Pay at 65
    Semi-Annual Premium Amount:
    Before Policy Anniversary at age 65         $3231.93
    On or after Policy Anniversary at age 65    $1615.97
    Elsewhere, the policy reserves MetLife’s right to change
    premiums. On the first page, MetLife announces that
    same paragraph continues with the statement that “[a]ny
    such change in premium rates will apply to all policies in the
    same class as Yours in the state where this policy was issued.”
    In a section titled “Premiums,” MetLife “reserve[s] the right
    to change premium rates on a class basis.” Similar language
    is included in the “5% Automatic Compound Inflation Protec-
    tion Rider.” The policy defines more than 30 terms, but the
    word “class” is not among them. And the appended “Contin-
    gent Benefits Upon Lapse Rider,” which provides coverage
    options in the event of a “Substantial Premium Increase,” in-
    cludes a table illustrating that that term’s meaning varies with
    the policyholder’s age at the time the policy was issued. The
    table accounts for policyholders who were issued their policy
    at ages up to “90 and over.” Newman had the opportunity to
    review the policy for 30 days and return it for a full refund if
    she was dissatisfied.
    From the outset, Newman paid the elevated premium as-
    sociated with her “Reduced-Pay” option. When she reached
    age 65, her premium was cut in half. After Newman turned
    67, however, MetLife doubled the premium. MetLife repre-
    sents that this increase was imposed on a class-wide basis,
    which it said at oral argument means all long-term care poli-
    cyholders, including Reduced-Pay policyholders over the age
    4                                                     No. 17-1844
    of 65. MetLife defends the increase by noting that Newman
    still pays half the premium of a Reduced-Pay policyholder
    who has not yet reached age 65, and far less than she would if
    she had not purchased the Reduced-Pay option. Nevertheless,
    at age 67, Newman’s semi-annual premium jumped to
    $3,851.80, greater than it has been at any other point during
    the life of the plan.
    Newman filed a four-count complaint on behalf of herself
    and a proposed class. She has alleged that raising her post-
    anniversary premium is a breach of the policy, violates the
    Illinois Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices
    Act, and renders MetLife’s representations and practices
    fraudulent. The district court granted MetLife’s motion to
    dismiss for failure to state a claim. In its view, the contract
    unambiguously permitted MetLife to raise Newman’s
    premium, even after she reached age 65. This meant also that
    she had no claim for deceptive or unfair business practices or
    common-law fraud, because MetLife did nothing wrong.
    Newman’s appeal from that decision is now before us.
    We consider de novo the district court’s grant of a motion
    to dismiss pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure
    12(b)(6). Camasta v. Jos. A. Bank Clothiers, Inc., 
    761 F.3d 732
    , 736
    (7th Cir. 2014). A complaint survives a motion to dismiss if it
    states a claim that is plausible on its face. 
    Id. The common-law
    and statutory fraud claims must be pleaded with the detail
    required under Rule 9(b)’s heightened standard. 
    Id. The par-
    ties agree that Illinois law governs this case.
    No. 17-1844                                                    5
    Illinois normally treats insurance policies the same as any
    other contract. Parties are held to the unambiguous terms of
    their agreement. Hobbs v. Hartford Ins. Co. of the Midwest,
    214 Ill. 2d 11
    , 17 (2005). Ambiguous insurance contracts, how-
    ever, are construed in favor of the insured. 
    Id. at 30–31.
    A pol-
    icy is ambiguous if it is subject to more than one reasonable
    interpretation. Thompson v. Gordon, 
    241 Ill. 2d 428
    , 443 (2011).
    Importantly, an insured cannot manufacture ambiguity by
    taking portions of a policy in isolation; the policy (like any
    contract) must be read as a whole. 
    Id. at 441.
        Little in Newman’s policy elucidates the terms of the Re-
    duced-Pay option. It offers one illustration with two numbers:
    Newman’s “before policy anniversary” premium; and her “on
    and after policy anniversary” premium. The first amount is
    twice the second. Newman deduced from this example that
    upon reaching her 65th birthday, her premium would drop to
    half of what it was the day before. MetLife agrees that this is
    what the policy says. The disagreement arises at the next level
    of detail. MetLife takes the position that the only guarantee is
    that from the policy anniversary following Newman’s 65th
    birthday onward, Newman’s premium will be half that of a
    Reduced-Pay policyholder who has not yet reached age 65.
    Newman reads the policy differently. She understands it to fix
    her post-65 premium at half the amount of her pre-65 pre-
    Our independent review of the policy satisfies us that
    Newman has offered one reasonable interpretation of its lan-
    guage. The illustration, which was unexplained, reproduces
    the cost of her personal premiums. It gives no indication
    whether these are the same premiums that all Reduced-Pay
    6                                                    No. 17-1844
    policyholders were paying, and would pay, or if they were
    particular to Newman. A reasonable reader easily could
    think, however, that “on and after” the policy anniversary fol-
    lowing age 65, the policy holder (here, Newman) will pay half
    of what she personally was paying prior to that anniversary
    date. Since the person’s 65th birthday converts the pre-anni-
    versary premium into a historical fact, a premium set at half
    that number likewise becomes fixed. In other words, if N is
    set in stone, so too is half of N.
    MetLife responds that even if the portion of the policy re-
    ferring to the Reduced-Pay option might be understood as we
    just explained, that reading is supportable only if that passage
    is divorced from the rest of the policy—an impermissible step.
    While it is true that the Reduced-Pay excerpt cannot be read
    alone, in this case the remainder of the contract does not win
    the day for MetLife.
    Four times in the policy MetLife reserves its right to
    change premiums. Three of those instances reserve MetLife’s
    right to do so on “a class basis” or for a “class as Yours.” These
    passages do not resolve the ambiguity, because the word
    “class” is undefined. It might mean age, in which case class
    membership is independent of payment arrangements. But it
    might refer to the payment arrangement, so that everyone in
    the Reduced-Pay group comprises a single class and the effect
    of class membership is defined by the terms of the Reduced-
    Pay option.
    Newman believes that it is the latter, and thus that the Re-
    duced-Pay customers have purchased the right not to be
    treated in the same way as ordinary policyholders. The pol-
    icy’s inclusion of the Reduced-Pay illustration, terse as it may
    be, supports her interpretation. Including language about
    No. 17-1844                                                    7
    class-wide changes does not alert her that she is part of a class
    that is broader than her Reduced-Pay group. Absent some
    clarification, Newman had no reason to question her under-
    standing that she had removed herself from the class of typi-
    cal policyholders—those who had not purchased a frozen
    premium after age 65. Even MetLife’s reservation of the right
    to change premiums for all policies in a “class as Yours” does
    not help matters. Newman knew that her premium, and those
    of others whom she might regard as classmates, might in-
    crease before she turned 65. But the only “class” to which she
    thought she belonged was one that exchanged an increased
    (and perhaps variable) premium pre-65 for the right to have a
    stable and lower premium after 65. The baseline for a person
    in this class was the premium she paid pre-65; nothing in the
    policy tipped her off that the baseline was instead whatever
    people of her age were ordinarily charged, no matter how of-
    ten or when that number changed or what payment arrange-
    ment was in place.
    The fourth suggestion that premiums might change ap-
    pears in the Lapse Rider. Though the rider countenances the
    possibility of a “Substantial Premium Increase,” its illustra-
    tive table shows that the definition depends on the policy-
    holder’s age at the time of issuance. The rider accounted for
    policyholders who purchased their long-term care policy at
    ages greater than 65. How, then, could the rider speak to the
    specifics of the Reduced-Pay option, which could be issued
    only to people who had not yet reached their 65th birthday?
    A reasonable person selecting the Reduced-Pay option could
    conclude that the rider was beside the point.
    8                                                  No. 17-1844
    In short, none of the four references in the policy to Met-
    Life’s right to change premiums sufficed to disabuse a reason-
    able person of the understanding that purchasing the Re-
    duced-Pay option took her out of the class of policyholders
    who were at risk of having their premium increased after their
    post-age-65 anniversary. The policy is thus at least ambigu-
    ous, because it can be read reasonably to fix such a person’s
    premium, if she had opted for the Reduced-Pay option. That
    means that Newman prevails on the liability phase of her con-
    tract claim.
    Newman separately alleges that MetLife violated the
    Illinois Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices
    Act (“ICFA”). The ICFA provides a remedy for consumers
    who have been victimized by deceptive or unfair business
    practices. 815 ILCS 505/2; Batson v. Live Nation Entm’t, Inc.,
    746 F.3d 827
    , 830 (7th Cir. 2014). Newman accuses MetLife of
    both. We assess these allegations mindful of the fact that the
    ICFA is a mandate to provide consumers with the greatest
    possible relief. Miller v. William Chevrolet/GEO, Inc., 326 Ill.
    App. 3d 642, 654–55 (2001).
    A deceptive-practice claim under the ICFA has five ele-
    ments: “(1) the defendant undertook a deceptive act or prac-
    tice; (2) the defendant intended that the plaintiff rely on the
    deception; (3) the deception occurred in the course of trade
    and commerce; (4) actual damage to the plaintiff occurred;
    and (5) the damage complained of was proximately caused by
    the deception.” Davis v. G.N. Mortg. Corp., 
    396 F.3d 869
    , 883
    (7th Cir. 2005). MetLife argues that Newman’s allegations do
    not satisfy the first two elements—deception and intent.
    No. 17-1844                                                      9
    An allegedly deceptive act must be viewed “in light of all
    the information available to plaintiffs.” Phillips v. DePaul Univ.,
    2014 IL App (1st) 122817
    , ¶ 44 (emphasis in original). We must
    therefore consult both the brochure and the policy. Deception
    does not exist if a consumer has been alerted to the possibility
    of the complained-of result. 
    Davis, 396 F.3d at 884
    . In MetLife’s
    view, the brochure was not deceptive because it is consistent
    with what happened: after Newman reached age 65, her pre-
    mium became half that of a policyholder who is not yet 65
    years old. And even if the brochure was misleading, MetLife
    adds, the policy resolved any confusion.
    MetLife’s reading of the brochure is far from the only one
    that is possible—indeed, we find it strained. The Reduced-Pay
    option assures that after the anniversary date following the
    policyholder’s 65th birthday, the holder will pay “half the
    amount of your pre-age 65 premiums thereafter” (emphasis
    added). This rationally can be read as an individualized re-
    duction, tied to the consumer’s personal baseline. The bro-
    chure never says that Newman’s premium is linked to those
    of general policyholders. And for the reasons already dis-
    cussed, MetLife’s insistence that the policy clarified matters is
    This case is quite different from one in which the con-
    sumer is warned about the undesirable result and simply mis-
    construes the material offered by the insurance company. See,
    e.g., Toulon v. Continental Casualty Co., 
    877 F.3d 725
    (7th Cir.
    2017). MetLife’s brochure did not warn Newman about the
    possibility of a premium increase after her post-age 65 anni-
    versary date, and as we already have held, her reading of the
    policy is reasonable.
    10                                                  No. 17-1844
    Turning to intent, Newman must show that MetLife in-
    tended for her (and those in her position) to rely on the bro-
    chure. Cuculich v. Thomson Consumer Elec., Inc., 
    317 Ill. App. 3d 709
    , 716 (2000). Noting the printed caveat that the brochure
    was a general overview, MetLife argues that it did not intend
    that she rely on that document. The actual terms, it stresses,
    were in the policy. It cites Commonwealth Insurance Co. v. Stone
    Container Corp., 
    351 F.3d 774
    (7th Cir. 2003), where we ruled
    that an insurance provider did not intend that consumers rely
    on its policy summary. 
    Id. at 779.
    The summary included a
    disclaimer that the policy governed the actual terms of the
    agreement. And that policy provided extensive details about
    Id. at 777–79.
    MetLife argues that this case is the
    same. But unlike the insurance provider in Commonwealth In-
    surance, MetLife never described the Reduced-Pay plan any-
    where outside the brochure. Newman could have parsed
    every word in the insurance policy and never found infor-
    mation that would have corrected her impression of the Re-
    duced-Pay option. MetLife must have intended for consumers
    to rely on its brochure: it was the only place that described the
    Reduced-Pay option.
    Nothing we have said conflicts with the U.S. Supreme
    Court’s instruction in the analogous context of ERISA plans
    that summary plan descriptions are not part of the ERISA plan
    itself. See CIGNA Corp. v. Amara, 
    563 U.S. 421
    , 436 (2011).
    Newman is not relying on the brochure to supply the terms
    of her policy; she relies on it only as evidence of deception and
    the subsequent unfairness of MetLife’s rate increase. In any
    event, there is reason to pause before transposing every detail
    of ERISA to ordinary insurance contracts. In CIGNA Corp.,
    CIGNA had sent its employees a newsletter and plan
    summary, as required under ERISA. The summary
    No. 17-1844                                                  11
    inaccurately characterized upcoming changes in the pension
    Id. at 426;
    see also Amara v. CIGNA Corp., 
    775 F.3d 510
    515 (2d Cir. 2014). Eleven months later, CIGNA distributed the
    actual plan, which filled in the details. CIGNA 
    Corp., 563 U.S. at 426
    –28. The Supreme Court ruled that only a violation of
    the plan’s terms, as opposed to the summary’s description of
    those terms, could support a lawsuit. 
    Id. at 436–38.
        The Court’s decision was faithful to language in the statute
    that distinguishes between information about the plan from
    the plan itself. 29 U.S.C. § 1022(a); CIGNA 
    Corp., 563 U.S. at 436
    . ERISA divides responsibilities for drafting the terms of
    the plan and drafting the plan summary. The plan’s sponsor
    (the employer) is responsible for the plan, while the plan’s ad-
    ministrator (a trustee-like fiduciary) drafts the summary.
    §§ 1021(a), 1102; CIGNA 
    Corp., 563 U.S. at 437
    . Nothing in the
    statute conveys an intent to allow plan administrators indi-
    rectly to set the terms of the plan. CIGNA 
    Corp., 563 U.S. at 437
    . And the Court recognized that ERISA both requires plan
    summaries and establishes their purpose, which is to describe
    the plan “in a manner calculated to be understood by the av-
    erage plan participant … .” § 1022(a); CIGNA 
    Corp., 563 U.S. at 437
    . If plan summaries were binding, plan administrators
    would be forced to write summaries with a level of detail ill-
    suited for their purpose.
    Beyond the statutory distinction, Newman is in a different
    position from that of an ERISA beneficiary. Unlike an ERISA
    beneficiary, Newman is shopping on the open market. Met-
    Life uses its brochure to compete for business. Pre-purchase,
    it is all a potential customer has to rely on. An employer, in
    contrast, is providing and describing an employment benefit.
    MetLife’s situation is thus materially different from that of an
    12                                                   No. 17-1844
    employer offering an ERISA plan. Our decision here thus
    comfortably coexists with CIGNA Corp.
    Returning to the Reduced-Pay policy, we must next con-
    sider whether Newman has adequately pleaded that Met-
    Life’s practices were unfair (as opposed to deceptive). Unfair-
    ness under the ICFA depends on three factors: “(1) whether
    the practice offends public policy; (2) whether it is immoral,
    unethical, oppressive, or unscrupulous; [or] (3) whether it
    causes substantial injury to consumers.” Robinson v. Toyota
    Motor Credit Corp., 
    201 Ill. 2d 403
    , 417–18 (2002). A significant
    showing that any of the three factors is met is enough; so too
    are facts that, to a lesser degree, satisfy all three. 
    Id. at 418.
        Newman has alleged that MetLife engaged in a bait-and-
    switch strategy, which (if proven) would offend Illinois’s pub-
    lic policy. The State has twice condemned the very practice
    Newman describes. See 215 ILCS 5/149(1) (forbidding insur-
    ance companies from misrepresenting the terms of their poli-
    cies); ILL. ADMIN. CODE tit. 50, § 2012.122(b)(4) (forbidding
    misrepresentation in marketing of long-term care insurance
    policies). MetLife does not dispute the applicability of the
    statute or the administrative code. It simply reiterates its po-
    sition that there is no violation because the brochure did not
    misrepresent the policy. But we already have shown how both
    the brochure and the policy can be understood in the way
    Newman read them.
    The second factor also supports Newman’s complaint.
    Whether a practice is immoral, unethical, oppressive, or un-
    scrupulous depends on whether it has left the consumer with
    little choice but to submit to it. See Cohen v. Am. Sec. Ins. Co.,
    735 F.3d 601
    , 610 (7th Cir. 2013). MetLife argues that once it
    No. 17-1844                                                     13
    raised the premium, Newman had three options: accept re-
    duced benefits, get a new plan, or let the policy lapse and rely
    on the contingent coverage rider she purchased. Each of those
    options fails to recognize the fact that by abandoning her Re-
    duced-Pay plan, Newman would forfeit eight years of sunk
    costs. Every dollar she spent pre-age 65 that exceeded what
    she would have been paying under the normal long-term care
    plan was an investment that could bear fruit only if she stayed
    with the policy. Any of MetLife’s proposed alternatives would
    cost her that entire investment.
    Newman also alleged substantial injury. MetLife induced
    her to pay a premium for eight years at a rate greater than she
    would otherwise have paid. She did so to reap benefits later
    in life. The injury lies in the difference between her elevated
    pre-age-65 premium and the standard premium, as well as
    the elevated premiums she has had to pay (so far) for over two
    years. Newman’s complaint alleges facts that plausibly show
    that MetLife’s policy was both deceptive and unfair.
    Finally, Newman asserts that MetLife’s representations
    about the Reduced-Pay option in its brochure and policy con-
    stitute common-law fraudulent misrepresentation and fraud-
    ulent concealment. The elements of misrepresentation largely
    overlap with a deceptive-practices claim under the ICFA. The
    plaintiff must allege:
    (1) a false statement of material fact; (2) known or
    believed to be false by the person making it; (3) an
    intent to induce the plaintiff to act; (4) action by the
    plaintiff in justifiable reliance on the truth of the
    14                                                     No. 17-1844
    statement; and (5) damage to the plaintiff resulting
    from such reliance.
    Doe v. Dilling, 
    228 Ill. 2d 324
    , 342–43 ( 2008). Our discussion of
    the ICFA claims subsumes the first, third, and fifth elements,
    and so we need say no more about them. The second element
    is not seriously at issue. In Illinois, a defendant knowingly
    misrepresents a fact if it makes a statement “with a reckless
    disregard for its truth or falsity.” Gerill Corp. v. Jack L. Hargrove
    Builders, Inc., 
    128 Ill. 2d 179
    , 193 (1989); see also Wigod v. Wells
    Fargo Bank, N.A., 
    673 F.3d 547
    , 569 (7th Cir. 2012) (finding the
    elements of fraudulent misrepresentation satisfied because a
    bank offered, but refused to honor, a permanent mortgage
    modification). MetLife portrayed its policy as one that offered
    a fixed premium after age 65. Newman has alleged that it did
    so in bad faith, intending not to honor that representation. She
    also asserts that MetLife disseminated information about the
    Reduced-Pay option with at least reckless disregard for the
    Newman had to provide enough in her complaint to make
    a plausible case for reasonable reliance. 
    Davis, 396 F.3d at 882
    Reliance is not justifiable if a consumer has reason and oppor-
    tunity to question the truth of the alleged misrepresentation.
    Id. For example,
    reliance on a loan agent’s account of the terms
    of a loan agreement is unjustified when the consumer also has
    documentation of the terms of the loan and those documents
    conflict with the oral statement. 
    Id. at 882–83.
    But it is reason-
    able to rely on a misrepresentation if nothing impugns its ve-
    racity. See 
    Miller, 326 Ill. App. 3d at 651
    –52. Newman’s reli-
    ance on the brochure was reasonable—it was the only infor-
    mation available to her before she made her purchase. When
    No. 17-1844                                                     15
    she received the policy, she looked at that too. The 30-day re-
    fund provision gave her an opportunity to review the terms
    of the policy and clarify any resulting confusion. But she
    found nothing in the policy to undermine her understanding
    of it. Indeed, she had no reason to doubt her interpretation
    until the company raised her premium roughly a decade later.
    Finally, Newman’s complaint alleges fraudulent conceal-
    ment. For this claim, Newman must adequately plead that
    MetLife concealed material information while under a duty to
    disclose. Connick v. Suzuki Motor Co., 
    174 Ill. 2d 482
    , 500 (1996).
    Such a duty may arise when a defendant makes a statement
    “that it passes off as the whole truth while omitting material
    facts that render the statement a misleading ‘half-truth.’”
    Crichton v. Golden Rule Ins. Co., 
    576 F.3d 392
    , 397–98 (7th Cir.
    2009). In Crichton, the insured did not meet this standard be-
    cause the communications from the insurance provider never
    purported to explain all the underwriting factors that might
    affect premiums. 
    Id. at 398.
    Newman’s fraudulent conceal-
    ment claim, in contrast, stands on the policy and the brochure.
    Together, she contends, they were the “whole truth.” The bro-
    chure told Newman that her rate would be fixed. Though it
    also instructed policyholders to look to the policy, the policy
    did not reveal how MetLife intended to treat Reduced-Pay
    policyholders. Newman thus alleges that she reasonably be-
    lieved that her post-anniversary rate was fixed. That was
    enough, under the pleading rules that prevail in federal court.
    Newman asserts that MetLife lured her into a policy by
    promising a trade of short-term expense for long-term stabil-
    ity. She took the deal and spent nine years investing in a plan,
    only to have MetLife pull the rug out from under her. Neither
    16                                                No. 17-1844
    MetLife’s brochure nor the terms of the policy forecast this
    possibility. These allegations were enough to entitle her to
    prevail on the liability phase of her contract claim, and they
    are enough to permit her to go forward on her other theories.
    We therefore REVERSE the district court’s grant of MetLife’s
    motion to dismiss and REMAND for further proceedings.