United States v. David Barnes , 883 F.3d 955 ( 2018 )

  •                 In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 17-2574
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Southern District of Illinois.
    No. 4:09-cr-40069-NJR-1 — Nancy J. Rosenstengel, Judge.
    ARGUED JANUARY 17, 2018 — DECIDED MARCH 1, 2018
    Before FLAUM, EASTERBROOK, and BARRETT, Circuit Judges.
    BARRETT, Circuit Judge. David Barnes appeals his sen-
    tence. He argues that the district court incorrectly calculated
    his Guidelines range by counting a local ordinance violation
    for “Smoking Marihuana at a Public Park” in his criminal
    history score. Because Barnes has waived this argument, we
    affirm the district court.
    2                                                         No. 17-2574
    In 2010, Barnes pleaded guilty to several offenses related
    to the distribution of crack cocaine. The district court sen-
    tenced him to 300 months of imprisonment, five years of su-
    pervised release, a fine of $600, and a special assessment of
    $300. Barnes did not appeal. 1 In 2012, Barnes moved under
    28 U.S.C. § 2255
     to vacate, set aside, or correct his sentence
    on the ground that two Illinois convictions used to classify
    Barnes as a career offender—one for robbery and the other
    for aggravated discharge of a firearm—were no longer valid
    predicates. After he received his federal sentence, Barnes
    persuaded an Illinois state court to convert these convictions
    from adult felony convictions to adjudications of delinquen-
    cy. (Barnes was fifteen when he committed these crimes but
    was tried as an adult.) Now that they were juvenile offenses,
    Barnes claimed, they no longer justified the enhancement he
    had received under the Sentencing Guidelines for being a
    career offender.
    The district court granted his § 2255 motion and ordered
    that a revised presentence investigation report (PSR) be pre-
    pared for resentencing. The revised PSR did not use the ad-
    judications of delinquency to classify Barnes as a career of-
    fender. It did, however, count them in his criminal history
    score. The PSR assigned Barnes ten criminal history points:
    two for the adjudication of delinquency for robbery, two for
    the adjudication of delinquency for aggravated discharge of
    1 While Barnes did not appeal, he did make a successful post-
    judgment motion in 2015 to reduce his sentence in accord with a retroac-
    tively applicable amendment to the Guidelines. His revised sentence was
    269 months.
    No. 17-2574                                                             3
    a firearm, one point apiece for three convictions of marijuana
    possession, one point for smoking marijuana at a public
    park, and two points for committing the instant offense
    while on the parole imposed as part of his sentence for the
    convictions now classified as adjudications of delinquency.
    Defense counsel and the government went back and
    forth about Barnes’s criminal history score. Barnes’s counsel
    maintained that the PSR should give no weight to either the
    juvenile adjudications or the parole violation based upon
    them. Instead, he insisted, the court should assign him only
    four points in determining his criminal history category, one
    for each of the marijuana-related offenses. The government
    initially opposed any modification to the PSR on the ground
    that the Guidelines expressly count juvenile offenses as rele-
    vant criminal history. But after Barnes’s counsel shifted his
    argument to highlight a procedural irregularity in the state-
    court judgment, the government agreed that the district
    court should not assess any criminal history points for the
    juvenile offenses or the associated parole violation. 2 The PSR
    was revised, and the district court sentenced Barnes to 189
    months of imprisonment, five years of supervised release, a
    $600 fine, and a $300 special assessment.
    2 The state court did not impose any juvenile sentence after it voided
    Barnes’s adult convictions and adjudicated him delinquent on those
    charges. At that point, Barnes had already served the sentence for the
    adult conviction and been discharged from parole, so the case was in an
    awkward procedural posture. With no sentence imposed for the valid
    adjudications of delinquency, as opposed to the now-void adult convic-
    tions, the government thought it would be prudent for the court to forgo
    assessing any criminal history points for those offenses or the associated
    parole violation.
    4                                                   No. 17-2574
    Barnes appeals this sentence. He claims that the district
    court incorrectly counted a local ordinance violation—one
    for “Smoking Marihuana at a Public Park”—as part of his
    criminal history. Local ordinance violations do not count to-
    ward criminal history unless the underlying conduct would
    also violate state law. See U.S.S.G. § 4A1.2(c)(2). Barnes says
    that there is no Illinois crime of “Smoking Marihuana at a
    Public Park” and that assigning him a criminal history point
    for that offense was therefore error.
    The parties agree that Barnes failed to raise this objection
    below. But they disagree about whether Barnes has waived
    or forfeited the argument. “Waiver occurs when a defendant
    intentionally relinquishes a known right.” United States v.
    462 F.3d 783
    , 793 (7th Cir. 2006). Forfeiture, by con-
    trast, “occurs when a defendant accidentally or negligently
    fails to assert his or her rights in a timely fashion.” 
    difference between the two is significant, because “[w]aiver
    of a right extinguishes any error and precludes appellate re-
    view, whereas forfeiture of a right is reviewed for plain er-
    ror.” United States v. Brodie, 
    507 F.3d 527
    , 530 (7th Cir. 2007).
    Barnes claims that his failure to object to the inclusion of the
    “Smoking Marihuana at a Public Park” offense in his crimi-
    nal history score was an oversight that we can remedy if the
    district court clearly erred. The government asserts that
    Barnes knowingly conceded this point below and is now
    barred from pressing it on appeal.
    Because the waiver principle is construed liberally in fa-
    vor of the defendant, we are cautious about interpreting a
    defendant’s behavior as intentional relinquishment. Thus we
    have held that a defendant does not necessarily waive a sen-
    No. 17-2574                                                    5
    tencing argument by accepting the PSR without objection,
    see United States v. Jaimes-Jaimes, 
    406 F.3d 845
    , 848 (7th Cir.
    2005), or even by contesting some aspects of the PSR and not
    others, see United States v. Jenkins, 
    772 F.3d 1092
    , 1095–96 (7th
    Cir. 2014). At the same time, a more targeted strategy raises a
    different inference. In United States v. Walton, 
    255 F.3d 437
    442 (7th Cir. 2001), we concluded that the defendant waived
    any objection to a particular sentencing enhancement when
    his counsel “affirmatively indicated” that the argument he
    made “was the sole objection that he was raising regarding
    the application of the enhancement.” We said that by making
    that representation, he “affirmatively abandoned all other
    arguments against the application of the enhancement in his
    Id. at 443
    Barnes had a targeted strategy. He focused exclusively on
    his criminal history category and raised a single objection to
    it: he argued that his adjudications of delinquency and asso-
    ciated parole violation should be excluded. And in the
    course of making this argument, he did not simply fail to ob-
    ject to the inclusion of the remaining marijuana offenses. On
    at least four occasions, Barnes’s counsel told the district court
    that it should give Barnes one point for each of the marijua-
    na offenses, including the “Smoking Marihuana at a Public
    Park” violation, for a total of four points. In two different
    motions objecting to his revised PSR, he asked the court to
    find that Barnes had “4 [criminal history] points for a Crimi-
    nal History Category III.” At an initial hearing, defense
    counsel insisted that the correct calculation—one counting
    the marijuana offenses but not the juvenile adjudications and
    associated parole violation—would give Barnes “a total of
    four points, four criminal history points.” At Barnes’s resen-
    tencing, the court asked defense counsel if he had any objec-
    6                                                  No. 17-2574
    tions to “a total offense level of 33, with a criminal history
    category of III consisting of four criminal history points.”
    Defense counsel said no. After the court invited the defense
    to give a sentencing recommendation and supporting argu-
    ment, counsel stressed, in arguing for leniency, that “with
    the revised criminal history, [Barnes] has four criminal histo-
    ry points. Each one was for a marijuana ticket. That’s all the
    criminal history you have.” Having specifically and repeat-
    edly told the district court that it was appropriate to assign
    him a criminal history point for each of the marijuana of-
    fenses, Barnes cannot now complain that the court erred by
    agreeing with him.
    We typically treat the failure to object as forfeiture when
    “finding waiver from an ambiguous record would compel
    the conclusion that counsel necessarily would have been de-
    ficient to advise the defendant not to object.” Jaimes-Jaimes,
    406 F.3d at 848
    . That is not the situation here. Barnes unam-
    biguously sought this criminal history score, and defense
    counsel’s failure to challenge the inclusion of the “Smoking
    Marihuana at a Public Park” violation was hardly deficient.
    On the contrary, it was good lawyering. While Illinois may
    not have a crime called “Smoking Marihuana at a Public
    Park,” the name of the crime does not drive the analysis. If
    the conduct prohibited by local ordinance would also violate
    state law, the offense is “treated as if the defendant had been
    convicted under state law” for purposes of computing crim-
    inal history. U.S.S.G. § 4A1.2(c)(2), cmt. n.12; see also United
    States v. Milquette, 
    214 F.3d 859
    , 863 (7th Cir. 2000) (pointing
    out that the guideline “actually requires courts to include
    ordinance violations that are also criminal offenses under
    state law”). Barnes was convicted of this ordinance violation
    “after he was seen smoking marihuana at a park and refused
    No. 17-2574                                                   7
    to pick it up when asked to by the police officer.” PSR ¶ 90.
    Possession of marijuana was a crime under Illinois law at the
    time of Barnes’s ordinance violation. See 720 ILCS 550/4
    (2009). As we have observed in the past, “Inferring posses-
    sion of a drug from the consumption of that drug is just as
    sensible as inferring, from the statement ‘I ate a hamburger
    for lunch,’ that the person possessed the hamburger before
    wolfing it down.” United States v. Trotter, 
    270 F.3d 1150
    , 1153
    (7th Cir. 2001). We are reluctant to find waiver when an ob-
    jection is strong, because it is difficult to believe that a de-
    fendant would knowingly leave a compelling argument on
    the table. See Jenkins, 772 F.3d at 1096. It is evident why de-
    fense counsel refrained from making this one.
    The district court’s judgment is AFFIRMED.