Tammy Smith v. Weltman, Weinberg & Reis Compa , 896 F.3d 762 ( 2018 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 17-2134
    KOHN LAW FIRM, S.C, et al.,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.
    No. 17-CV-88 — William E. Duffin, Magistrate Judge.
    No. 17-2165
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Illinois.
    No. 3:16-CV-1333-NJR-SCW — Nancy J. Rosenstengel, Judge.
    2                                                 Nos. 17-2134 & 17-2165
    ARGUED JANUARY 18, 2018 — DECIDED JULY 19, 2018
    Before SYKES and HAMILTON, Circuit Judges, and LEE,
    District Judge. 1
    SYKES, Circuit Judge. Amy Dunbar and Tammy Smith re-
    ceived collection letters offering to settle their debts at a
    significant discount. Both letters included the warning: “This
    settlement may have tax consequences.” In separate suits
    Dunbar and Smith claimed that this statement is misleading
    in violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
    (“FDCPA”), 15 U.S.C. § 1692e, because they were insolvent
    when they received the letters and therefore would not have
    incurred a tax liability for any discharged debts.
    The courts below rejected that argument and dismissed
    the suits on the pleadings. We consolidated the appeals and
    now affirm. The challenged statement is not false or mislead-
    ing because “may” does not mean “will” and insolvent
    debtors might become solvent before settling their debt,
    triggering the possibility of tax consequences.
    I. Background
    In January 2016 the Kohn Law Firm, S.C., a collection law
    firm, sent Amy Dunbar a letter seeking to collect a debt
    originally owed to a bank. The letter stated that the full
    balance due was $4,049.08 and offered to settle the debt for
    $2,631.90, but warned: “NOTICE: This settlement may have
    1   Of the Northern District of Illinois, sitting by designation.
    Nos. 17-2134 & 17-2165                                           3
    tax consequences.” Dunbar was insolvent when she received
    the letter and filed for bankruptcy six months later.
    That same month Weltman, Weinberg & Reis, also a col-
    lection law firm, sent Tammy Smith a collection letter seek-
    ing to collect a consumer credit-card debt. The letter stated
    that the balance due was $4,319.69 and invited Smith to
    contact the law firm to discuss satisfying her debt obligation
    for a reduced amount. Like Dunbar’s letter, this letter
    warned: “This settlement may have tax consequences.”
    Smith too was insolvent when she received the letter and
    filed for bankruptcy two months later.
    Dunbar and Smith filed separate actions under § 1692e
    alleging that the collection letters were misleading because
    they were insolvent and therefore would not have had to
    pay taxes on any discharged debt. A magistrate judge and
    district judge, respectively, dismissed the cases for failure to
    state a claim. See FED. R. CIV. P. 12(b)(6). Both judges con-
    cluded that alerting debtors that a settlement “may” have tax
    consequences is neither false nor misleading.
    II. Discussion
    The FDCPA makes it unlawful for a debt collector to use
    “any false, deceptive, or misleading representation or means
    in connection with the collection of [a] debt.” § 1692e. An
    objective “unsophisticated consumer” standard applies to
    § 1692e claims: We ask “whether a person of modest educa-
    tion and limited commercial savvy would be likely to be
    deceived” by the debt collector’s representation. Evory v.
    RJM Acquisitions Funding L.L.C., 
    505 F.3d 769
    , 774 (7th Cir.
    2007). The objective test disregards “bizarre” or “idiosyn-
    cratic” interpretations of collection letters. Gruber v. Creditors’
    4                                       Nos. 17-2134 & 17-2165
    Prot. Serv., Inc., 
    742 F.3d 271
    , 274 (7th Cir. 2014); Durkin v.
    Equifax Check Servs., Inc., 
    406 F.3d 410
    , 414 (7th Cir. 2005). A
    collection letter can be “literally true” and still be mislead-
    ing, Gonzales v. Arrow Fin. Servs., LLC, 
    660 F.3d 1055
    , 1062
    (9th Cir. 2011)—for example, if it “leav[es] the door open”
    for a “false impression,” Fields v. Wilber Law Firm, P.C.,
    383 F.3d 562
    , 566 (7th Cir. 2004).
    Because this is a fact-laden inquiry, dismissal on the
    pleadings is proper only in “cases involving statements that
    plainly, on their face, are not misleading or deceptive.”
    Boucher v. Fin. Sys. of Green Bay, Inc., 
    880 F.3d 362
    , 366 (7th
    Cir. 2018) (quotation marks omitted). Our review is de novo.
    Gruber, 742 F.3d at 274
    To begin, the statement at issue here—“this settlement
    may have tax consequences”—is literally true. The discharge
    of a debt is generally considered taxable income. 26 U.S.C.
    § 61(a)(11). There are some exceptions. Relevant here, the
    discharge of a debt is not taxable if it occurs while the tax-
    payer is insolvent, meaning that his liabilities exceed the
    value of his assets. 
    Id. § 108(a)(1)(B),
    (d)(3). We accept, as we
    must, that Dunbar and Smith were insolvent when they
    received the collection letters. No matter. A generalized
    statement that a debt settlement “may” have tax conse-
    quences is true on its face.
    A literally true statement may be misleading if it gives a
    false impression. The plaintiffs argue that the warning has
    this effect for two reasons. First, they contend that a debtor
    might read the tax-consequences statement to mean that if
    he does not pay the full balance owed, the debt collector or
    creditor will report him to the IRS. But the challenged state-
    ment says nothing whatsoever about IRS reporting, so we
    Nos. 17-2134 & 17-2165                                                  5
    can safely disregard that proposed reading as “bizarre” or
    “idiosyncratic.” 2 
    Gruber, 742 F.3d at 274
    Second, the plaintiffs insist that a debtor might read the
    reference to “tax consequences” to mean that he could incur
    a tax liability if he settles his debt for less than the full
    amount due, and that’s contextually misleading because
    most recipients of debt-collection letters are insolvent and
    therefore would incur no tax liability from a discharged
    debt. We’re not persuaded. An unsophisticated consumer
    would not understand the word “may” to mean “will.” And
    an insolvent debtor can emerge from insolvency at any time.
    Our decision in Taylor v. Cavalry Investment, L.L.C.,
    365 F.3d 572
    (7th Cir. 2004), is instructive on this point. The
    collection letter there stated: “[I]f applicable, your account
    may have or will accrue interest at a rate specified in your
    contractual agreement with the original creditor.” 
    Id. at 574.
    For one of the plaintiffs, the account continued to accrue
    interest, but for the other two, the accounts were closed and
    the creditors stopped adding interest. 
    Id. The plaintiffs
    argued that the statement was false in violation of the
    FDCPA because two of the creditors were no longer adding
    Id. at 575.
    We called that argument “downright
    frivolous” because “[t]he letter didn’t say they would [add
    interest], only that they might.” 
    Id. Similarly here,
    it is not
    misleading to say that a debtor who settles a debt may incur
    2 In some situations an entity that discharges a debt must file a 1099-C
    form with the IRS. 26 U.S.C. § 6050P(a). No obligation to report exists if
    the principal debt forgiven falls below $600. 26 C.F.R. § 1.6050P-1(a)(1),
    (d)(2)–(3); 26 U.S.C. § 6050P(b). The reporting obligation has no bearing
    on this case because the law-firm collection letters did not mention IRS
    6                                       Nos. 17-2134 & 17-2165
    a tax liability. The use of the word “may” signals only that
    tax consequences are possible in the case of some debtors,
    not that tax consequences are possible or likely (much less
    certain) in this particular debtor’s circumstances.
    Further, contrary to the plaintiffs’ argument, the tax-
    consequences warning does not give the false impression
    that debtors should pay their entire debt to avoid a tax
    liability. The letters are invitations to settle the debt and are
    clearly meant to encourage the debtor to take advantage of
    the discount offered. A rational debtor knows that income
    taxes are calculated as a percentage of income, and he would
    likewise understand that even if the discount counts as
    taxable income, the benefit would still outweigh the cost.
    That makes it all the more implausible that the tax-
    consequences warning would dupe a debtor into paying the
    full debt amount.
    The plaintiffs rely heavily on our decision in Lox v. CDA,
    689 F.3d 818
    (7th Cir. 2012), but that case is easily
    distinguished. The debt-collection letter there stated: “Our
    client may take legal steps against you[,] and if the courts
    award [judgment], the court could allow court costs and
    fees.” 689 F.3d at 820
    –21 (emphasis added). In
    reality, however, an award of attorney’s fees was impossible
    because the contract between the debtor and creditor did not
    provide for them. 
    Id. at 823–24.
    We found this statement
    misleading because it implied that the debt collector could
    do something—file a lawsuit to recover the debt plus attor-
    ney’s fees—that it was not authorized to do. 
    Id. at 824–25.
    contrast, the tax-consequences statement at issue here is not
    misleading because it does not imply that the debt collector
    may or will do something it has no authority to do.
    Nos. 17-2134 & 17-2165                                          7
    The plaintiffs also rely on Gonzales v. Arrow Financial Ser-
    660 F.3d 1055
    (9th Cir. 2011), but that case too is distin-
    guishable. There the debt collector was collecting on a
    portfolio of debts that were more than seven years old and
    therefore obsolete, which meant none of them could be
    reported to a credit bureau. 
    Id. at 1059.
    The collection letter
    stated: “Upon receipt of the settlement amount and clear-
    ance of funds, and if we are reporting the account, the appropri-
    ate credit bureaus will be notified that this account has been
    Id. The debt
    collector’s conditional language—“if we
    are reporting the account”—made the statement literally
    Id. at 1062.
    But the statement implied that the debt
    collector could report the obsolete debts to a credit bureau;
    the Ninth Circuit found that implication misleading because
    there were no circumstances under which it could do so. 
    Id. at 1063.
    Again our case is meaningfully different. The tax-
    consequences warning does not imply that the debt collector
    can or will take an action it has no authority to take.
    Another distinguishing feature in both Lox and Gonzales
    is that the conditions were static. There was no chance that
    the contract between the debtor and creditor in Lox would be
    rewritten to provide for attorney’s fees. Nor was there any
    possibility that the old, obsolete debts in Gonzales would
    suddenly become reportable to a credit bureau. Solvency, on
    the other hand, is fluid. An insolvent debtor may become
    solvent before settling his debt. So it is not misleading to say
    that a debt settlement “may” result in a tax liability—not
    only because solvent recipients may face tax consequences
    but also because insolvent recipients like Dunbar and Smith
    could become solvent before settling their debts.
    8                                            Nos. 17-2134 & 17-2165
    Yet another reason Lox and Gonzales do not apply here is
    that a debt collector has no reason or way to know whether
    an individual debtor is solvent or insolvent at a given time.
    In contrast, the debt collector in Lox knew (or could easily
    determine) whether the contract between the creditor and
    debtor allowed for attorney’s fees, and the debt collector in
    Gonzales was well aware that the debts it was collecting were
    obsolete and therefore not reportable to credit bureaus.
    Here, in contrast, a consumer would not expect a debt
    collector to know his financial status and therefore would
    not expect a debt-collection letter to be specially tailored to
    his particular financial circumstances, whether solvent or
    The plaintiffs also invoke a handful of district-court deci-
    sions, but all are inapplicable or unpersuasive. In Drennan v.
    Van Ru Credit Corp., 
    950 F. Supp. 858
    , 860 (N.D. Ill. 1996), the
    challenged collection letter stated: “The legal review process
    may … result in a recommendation to your creditor to file a
    lawsuit against you.” Drennan involved a particular subsec-
    tion of § 1692e that makes it unlawful for debt collectors to
    “threat[en] to take any action … that is not intended to be
    Id. (citing 15
    U.S.C. § 1692e(5)). The district court
    denied a motion to dismiss because the complaint alleged
    that the debt collector had no intention of recommending
    that the creditor sue the debtor. 
    Id. Any comparison
    Drennan is entirely inapt; the defendants here are not ac-
    cused of making a false threat.3
    3 The plaintiffs’ reliance on Federal Trade Commission commentary is
    misplaced for the same reason. The commentary in question discusses
    when a debt collector is permitted to threaten possible action by it or a
    third party. Statements of General Policy or Interpretation, Staff Com-
    Nos. 17-2134 & 17-2165                                               9
    Next, the plaintiffs point to district-court decisions find-
    ing collection letters misleading because they generalized
    that the debt collector was required to report settlements to
    the IRS without identifying the circumstances under which
    no such report was necessary. See Carlvin v. Ditech Fin. LLC,
    237 F. Supp. 3d 753
    , 758 (N.D. Ill. 2017) (“Not only did
    [d]efendant’s statement fail to describe the specific excep-
    tions that might apply, it failed to acknowledge the existence
    of any exceptions by asserting that [d]efendant was required
    to report any debt forgiveness.”) (internal quotation marks
    omitted); Good v. Nationwide Credit, Inc., 
    55 F. Supp. 3d 742
    746–47 (E.D. Pa. 2014) (holding that the statement that the
    creditor is “required to file a form [1099-C] with the Internal
    Revenue Service for any cancelled debt of $600 or more” is
    not entirely accurate because it fails to notify the debtor of
    exceptions to the reporting requirement). Neither case helps
    our plaintiffs. Each involved a debt-collection letter that
    mischaracterized a mere possibility as a certainty. That’s not
    so here. The law-firm collection letters merely signaled as a
    general matter that tax consequences are a possibility.
    There’s nothing misleading about that.
    Finally, the plaintiffs hang their hat on Sledge v. Sands,
    182 F.R.D. 255
    (N.D. Ill. 1998). The collection letter there
    stated: “[U]nder certain circumstances, cancellation or dis-
    charge of [a] debt may be considered income” by the IRS and
    state taxing authorities. 
    Id. at 257
    (emphases added). The
    district court held that if a majority of debtors receiving this
    mentary on the FDCPA, 53 Fed. Reg. 50097, 50106 (Dec. 13, 1988). The
    statement in question here simply warns that a settlement “may” have
    tax consequences; it does not say or imply that the debt collector or a
    third party may take an action against the debtor.
    10                                              Nos. 17-2134 & 17-2165
    letter would not realize income for the discharged debt, then
    the statement created a misleading impression in violation of
    the FDCPA. 
    Id. at 260.
    This reasoning rests on the faulty
    assumption that a debtor receiving this letter would ignore
    the phrase “under certain circumstances” and misconstrue
    “may” to mean “will.” We do not find Sledge persuasive. 4
    In short, the § 1692e claims were properly dismissed on
    the pleadings. The tax-consequences warning is literally true
    and not misleading under the objective “unsophisticated
    consumer” test.
    4 The plaintiffs also analogize to several FTC Act cases from the 1950s
    and 1960s challenging deceptive advertisements promoting cures for
    baldness and fatigue. See, e.g., Erickson v. FTC, 
    272 F.2d 318
    , 319–21 (7th
    Cir. 1959) (involving an ad falsely claiming “without qualification” that a
    product would cure baldness); J.B. Williams Co. v. FTC, 
    381 F.2d 884
    , 890–
    91 (6th Cir. 1967) (involving an ad falsely claiming that a treatment
    would cure fatigue in most cases); Keele Hair & Scalp Specialists, Inc. v.
    275 F.2d 18
    , 19–20 (5th Cir. 1960) (involving a similar ad falsely
    claiming that a product would cure baldness in 95% of cases). These
    cases are irrelevant here. The collection letters in this case did not falsely
    claim that a debt settlement would result in tax liability in most or many