Ohio National Life Assurance v. Steven Egbert , 803 F.3d 904 ( 2015 )

  •                                In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 14-3664, 14-3725
    Plaintiff-Appellee / Cross-Appellant,
    DOUGLAS W. DAVIS, et al.,
    Defendant / Cross-Appellee.
    On appeals from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 10 C 2386 — Thomas M. Durkin, Judge.
    Before BAUER, POSNER, and EASTERBROOK, Circuit Judges.
    POSNER, Circuit Judge. This diversity suit presents chal-
    lenging issues of Illinois insurance law concerning what is
    called “stranger-originated life insurance” (STOLI, as the co-
    gnoscenti call it). The district court resolved the case at the
    2                                       Nos. 14-3664, 14-3725
    summary judgment stage in favor of the plaintiff, the insur-
    ance company Ohio National, awarding it damages of
    $726,000 (we round all figures to the nearest $1000) against
    all the defendants but Egbert, whom the court awarded the
    $91,000 that he had paid the company in premiums. The de-
    fendants (other than Egbert) have appealed the denial of
    their motion to vacate the summary judgment in favor of
    Ohio National, and Ohio National has appealed the award
    to Egbert.
    A preliminary matter: The defendants claim to have been
    prejudiced by Ohio National’s violation of Local Rule 56.2 of
    the Northern District of Illinois. The rule requires a party
    moving for summary judgment against a pro se litigant to
    inform his opponent of the procedures for complying with
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 56. Timms v. Frank, 
    953 F.2d 281
    , 285–86 (7th
    Cir. 1992). The defendants argue that the lack of notice pre-
    vented them from mounting an effective defense to Ohio
    National’s motion for summary judgment. The district court
    disagreed, ruling that the defendants had not been preju-
    diced because they’d eventually been able to submit the evi-
    dence they thought necessary for an effective defense and
    that evidence had not altered the judge’s belief that Ohio Na-
    tional was entitled to summary judgment. The judge’s re-
    sponse was proper.
    The facts are complicated (the briefs occupy 150 pages,
    and the district judge’s commendably thorough two opin-
    ions occupy 50 pages). Defendant Mavash Morady, an in-
    surance agent, contracted with Ohio National to sell life in-
    surance policies issued by it. Defendant Douglas Davis, a
    lawyer formerly licensed in California, approached elderly
    persons and persuaded them to become the nominal (in a
    Nos. 14-3664, 14-3725                                         3
    sense to be explained) buyers of the policies, with Mavash
    Morady as the insurance agent. Davis promised to pay these
    persons small amounts of money for obtaining policies, and
    in exchange for the promises they filled out applications for
    life insurance. A typical such buyer was Charles M. Bona-
    parte, Sr. His application was accepted, the policy was is-
    sued to him, and the defendants had him place the policy in
    the Charles M. Bonaparte Sr. Irrevocable Life Insurance
    Trust (which they created), designating the trust as the poli-
    cy’s owner and beneficiary. This was an irrevocable trust,
    with Davis as trustee. The defendants paid (in the name of
    the trust) the premiums on the insurance policy; Bonaparte
    paid nothing.
    Life insurance trusts are nothing new; they are a familiar
    way of shielding the proceeds of a life insurance policy from
    liability for estate tax. See Jon J. Gallo, “The Use of Life In-
    surance in Estate Planning: A Guide to Planning and Draft-
    ing—Part I,” 33 Real Property, Probate & Trust J. 685, 728–29
    (1999). The wrinkle here is that the defendants were creating
    trusts in the names of the insured in order to conceal from
    Ohio National the fact that they rather than the insured con-
    trolled the policy and that they planned to sell it as an in-
    vestment. The need for concealment arose from the fact that
    an insurance policy would be more valuable to an investor
    the sooner the insured could be expected to die and there-
    fore the proceeds of the policy realized, but by the same to-
    ken more costly to the insurance company because it would
    receive fewer premiums and have to pay the policy proceeds
    sooner. In addition, controlling as they did the insurance
    applications, the defendants could conceal some of the vul-
    nerabilities of the (nominal) insured—make him appear
    4                                       Nos. 14-3664, 14-3725
    more prosperous, healthier, and in short likelier to live a
    longer time than was realistic to expect.
    The defendants needed a real person to be the insured—
    they targeted elderly people because of their diminished life
    expectancies and African-Americans because the average life
    expectancy of an African-American is shorter than that of
    other Americans—whose death would trigger the death
    benefits. The reason the insured had to be a real person is
    that proof of death is necessary to collect life insurance pro-
    ceeds. Presumably the defendants arranged with the in-
    sureds to have the family of an insured give the defendants a
    copy of the death certificate upon his or her death.
    By having a real person buy a policy insuring his life, the
    defendants were trying to appear to comply with the legal
    requirement, discussed below, that one who buys an insur-
    ance policy must have an interest in the continued life of the
    insured rather than in his early death. Ohio National pre-
    sumably does some research to make sure its insureds are
    real people, although it didn’t do enough to discover and
    protect itself against what the defendants were doing.
    So the defendants had named Bonaparte’s trust the
    “Charles M. Bonaparte Sr. Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust”
    in order to hide the fact that Bonaparte’s life insurance poli-
    cy was financed by a third party. For to the insurance com-
    pany it looked like a normal insurance transaction—it’s
    common for people to create life insurance trusts, with the
    life-insurance policy as the trust’s asset because, as we said,
    there are tax benefits. But the defendants in this case were
    creating life-insurance trusts to hoodwink Ohio National.
    Nos. 14-3664, 14-3725                                          5
    Although each trust was the beneficiary of an insurance
    policy, the trust documents would list either members of the
    insured’s family or the insured’s other trusts as the trust
    beneficiaries, thereby also making them the beneficiaries of
    the policy, since the policy was the trust’s asset. A few weeks
    or months after the creation of each trust, however, Davis
    would have the nominal buyer of the policy (such as Charles
    Bonaparte) assign the beneficial interest in the trust (and
    therefore in the policy) to a company owned by another de-
    fendant, Paul Morady, Mavash Morady’s husband. Paul
    would make the initial premium payments to Ohio National
    but then resell the beneficial interest in the trust to an inves-
    tor who hoped that the insured would die soon, for upon his
    death the investor would obtain the proceeds of the policy
    because he now was its beneficiary. Having acquired the
    beneficial interest in the policy the investor would pay the
    remaining premiums as they came due. (Defendant Steven
    Egbert was one of the investors; at the end of this opinion we
    discuss his special status in the case.)
    Ohio National would not have sold the policies to the
    persons recruited by the defendants had it known that the
    premiums would be paid or financed by an unrelated third
    party (an investor) in the expectation that the policy would
    be transferred to him. The company’s contracts with its
    agents, such as Mavash Morady, required them to conform
    to its business-practice advisories, which contained an “ab-
    solute prohibition against participation in any type of pre-
    mium financing scheme involving an unrelated third par-
    ty”—an exact description of the defendants’ stranger-
    originated life insurance scheme.
    6                                         Nos. 14-3664, 14-3725
    An insurance policy on a person’s life generally is void if
    the person did not consent to the issuance of the policy. See
    Bajwa v. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 
    804 N.E.2d 519
    , 526–29 (Ill.
    2004). For remember that the beneficiary of a life insurance
    policy has a financial interest in the insured’s dying as soon
    as possible, not only because this minimizes the amount of
    premiums the beneficiary has to pay, see Susan Lorde Mar-
    tin, “Betting on the Lives of Strangers: Life Settlements,
    STOLI, and Securitization,” 13 U. Pa. J. Business Law 173,
    173–74 (2010), but also because of the time value of money—
    a given amount of money is worth more if received today
    than if received a year from now, because if received today it
    can be invested and as a result it probably will be worth
    more in a year. So the requirement of consent protects the
    prospective insured; he is unlikely to consent to someone
    becoming the beneficiary if he suspects that person of want-
    ing to shorten his life.
    Along with the potential for foul play if a person is al-
    lowed to have his life insured by whoever wants to own a
    policy on his life, courts are concerned with the unseemli-
    ness of gambling on when a person will die. Because of both
    concerns, one can’t take out a life insurance policy on a per-
    son unless one has an interest, financial or otherwise, in the
    life of the insured rather than in his early death. Grigsby v.
    222 U.S. 149
    , 155 (1911) (Holmes, J.).
    Although the defendants did not attempt to off the in-
    sureds, they did target as nominal buyers individuals who
    they thought would have short life expectancies, and, as we
    said, made them appear to have better survival prospects
    than they did. Paul Morady testified that he “niched in Afri-
    can-Americans” and that “African-Americans have … short-
    Nos. 14-3664, 14-3725                                          7
    er life expectancy than white Americans; therefore, the sale
    of their beneficial interest should be more attractive” to in-
    vestors. In addition, the defendants gave the insurance ap-
    plications, including health information about the insureds,
    to prospective investors (prospective buyers of the beneficial
    interests in the insurance policies), thus enabling potential
    investors to calculate the expected value of such an invest-
    Despite the fact that purchasers of a life insurance policy
    as an investment also have a financial stake in the insured’s
    early death (the stake is at its maximum if the insured dies
    before the investor pays his first premium), the law allows
    an investor to purchase the beneficial interest in an existing
    policy on the life of the insured. Hawley v. Aetna Life Ins. Co.,
    125 N.E. 707
    , 708–09 (Ill. 1919). There are social benefits,
    thought to exceed the social costs discussed above, to these
    transactions. The owner of the policy may have a desperate
    need for money; the policy may be his only substantial asset;
    and if he’s elderly or in very poor health the present value of
    that asset may be substantial and he may have a pressing in-
    terest in being able to cash it in by selling the beneficial in-
    terest. And provided that the procurer of the policy has an
    insurable interest, he can designate as the beneficiary some-
    one who does not have an insurable interest. Bajwa v. Metro-
    politan Life Ins. Co., 
    776 N.E.2d 609
    , 617 (Ill. App. 2002), af-
    firmed (as modified on other grounds), 
    804 N.E.2d 519
    Under the terms of the policies in this case, the owners
    alone had the right to change the beneficiaries. Cf. 4 Steven
    Plitt et al., Couch on Insurance § 60:15 (3d ed. rev. 2015)
    (“when the insured is not the owner of the policy, the in-
    8                                        Nos. 14-3664, 14-3725
    sured has no power to change the beneficiary as that power
    resides in the owner”). The owners were the irrevocable life
    insurance trusts, with Davis managing the policies as the
    trustee. Although family members, or other trusts, of the in-
    sureds were listed as the trust beneficiaries, the beneficial
    interests were transferred to Paul Morady’s company within
    a few months of the creation of the trusts, through contracts
    prepared by Davis and signed by the insureds and the trust
    beneficiaries. The insureds merely lent their names to the in-
    surance applications, in exchange for modest compensation,
    and the defendants forthwith transferred control over (effec-
    tively ownership of) the policies to themselves. The defend-
    ants, who had no interest in the insureds’ lives (as distinct
    from their deaths), initiated, paid for, and controlled the pol-
    icies from the outset.
    While “a man who purchased insurance on his own life
    could validly assign or sell the policy to a person lacking an
    insurable interest in the insured’s life, … ‘cases in which a
    person having an interest lends himself to one without any,
    as a cloak to what is, in its inception, a wager, have no simi-
    larity to those where an honest contract is sold in good faith’
    to a stranger.” PHL Variable Ins. Co. v. Bank of Utah, 
    780 F.3d 863
    , 867–68 (8th Cir. 2015) (emphasis in original), quoting
    Grigsby v. Russell, 
    222 U.S. at 156
    . Our case is not one
    in which “a policy was procured in good faith by the person
    himself to be assigned thereafter,” but instead one “in which
    the policy was procured by a person who had no insurable
    interest in the life of the person insured, thus making [it] a
    wager contract.” Hawley v. Aetna Life Ins. Co., supra, 125 N.E.
    at 708.
    Nos. 14-3664, 14-3725                                         9
    It’s true that PHL (decided under Minnesota law) held
    that a stranger-owned life insurance policy was not void for
    lack of an insurable interest. But there the resemblance be-
    tween that case and this one ends. In PHL a man had bought
    a $5 million insurance policy on his own life with the pro-
    ceeds of a premium-financing loan that he obtained from a
    bank with the intention of later selling the policy to an inves-
    tor. He owned the policy for two years, at the end of which
    period, not having sold it, he surrendered it to repay the
    loan. Thus the purchase of the policy was not “a mere cover
    for taking out insurance in the beginning in favor of one
    without [an] insurable interest,” PHL Variable Ins. Co. v. Bank
    of Utah, supra, 780 F.3d at 865–66, 869, quoting Peel v. Reibel,
    286 N.W. 345
    , 346 (Minn. 1939), because the insured owned
    and controlled the policy before attempting to sell it. The in-
    sureds’ family members in the present case retained benefi-
    cial interests in the policies only briefly and never controlled
    the trusts. The insureds were the defendants’ puppets and
    the policies were bets by strangers on the insureds’ longevi-
    Consistent with the authorities cited above, the common
    law of Illinois, which furnishes the rule of decision in this
    case, has for at least a century and a half prohibited the pur-
    chase of an insurance policy by a person who has no interest
    in the survival of the insured. See Guardian Mutual Life Ins.
    Co. v. Hogan, 
    80 Ill. 35
    , 44–46 (1875). Arrangements like the
    defendants’ STOLI scheme are now prohibited by statute as
    well, see 215 ILCS 159/50(a), 159/5, though these provisions,
    enacted in 2009, were not yet in effect when the policies chal-
    lenged in this case were issued.
    10                                       Nos. 14-3664, 14-3725
    The district court found that Mavash Morady’s conduct
    constituted fraud and a breach of her contract with Ohio Na-
    tional and awarded the insurance company as damages the
    $120,000 that she had received as commissions as an insur-
    ance agent for the company. She admitted knowing that the
    premiums on the disputed policies would be paid by her
    husband, who had no interest in the continued life of the in-
    sureds and planned to sell the policies to investors. Such
    premium-financing arrangements were forbidden by her
    contract with Ohio National because as we pointed out earli-
    er the defendants’ scheme hurt the company. Mavash Mora-
    dy argues that she wasn’t responsible for the false state-
    ments on the applications for the insurance policies—rather,
    one of her employees communicated with the insureds and
    completed the forms. Yet her signature appears on the
    forms, which moreover include information that she knew
    was false—for example, statements that she knew the in-
    sured persons. She knew none of them.
    Mavash Morady was only one defendant, and the dam-
    ages awarded Ohio National were not limited to her fraudu-
    lent conduct, but were based more broadly on the tort of civ-
    il conspiracy, which is committed “when two or more peo-
    ple combine to accomplish, through concerted action, either
    an unlawful act or a lawful act in an unlawful manner.” Mul-
    tiut Corp. v. Draiman, 
    834 N.E.2d 43
    , 51 (Ill. App. 2005); see
    also Adcock v. Brakegate, Ltd., 
    645 N.E.2d 888
    , 894 (Ill. 1994).
    The defendants conspired to violate Illinois’ common law
    prohibition against insurance contracts procured by persons
    who don’t have an insurable interest. The defendants argue
    that they didn’t know that such contracts are illegal. That is
    hard to believe but in any event ignorance of the law is no
    Nos. 14-3664, 14-3725                                       11
    defense (with some exceptions, none applicable to this case
    Ohio National was the target of the conspiracy. The de-
    fendants concealed the fact that they, rather than the in-
    sureds, controlled the insurance policies from the outset by
    listing the irrevocable trusts as the owners, and that they
    would use their control to transfer income from the insur-
    ance company to themselves and their investors by acceler-
    ating the receipt of insurance proceeds by their choice of the
    insureds and by false representations of the insureds’ life
    expectancy. The net loss that the scheme ended up causing
    Ohio National (beyond the commissions paid to Mavash
    Morady) consisted of the more than $605,000 that the com-
    pany incurred in litigation expenses to void the policies in
    order to thwart efforts by the investors to collect policy pro-
    ceeds upon the death of the insureds (persons to whom Ohio
    National would never have sold policies at normal premi-
    ums had it known in whose hands the ownership of the pol-
    icies would end up). The total death benefits specified in the
    illegal policies amounted to $2.8 million, and Ohio National
    faced the prospect of being sued for those benefits when the
    persons insured by the policies died. By voiding the policies
    the insurance company accelerated its defense against the
    claims that the investors were bound to make when the in-
    sureds died.
    Of course generally the victorious party to a lawsuit can’t
    charge his litigation expenses to the loser. But that is not
    what Ohio National is doing. It is seeking reimbursement of
    the expenses it has incurred in this litigation in order to
    avoid future litigation over the death benefits in the policies
    that it was fraudulently induced to issue. “[W]here the
    12                                        Nos. 14-3664, 14-3725
    wrongful acts of a defendant involve the plaintiff in litiga-
    tion with third parties or place him in such relation with
    others as to make it necessary to incur expense to protect his
    interest, the plaintiff can then recover damages against such
    wrongdoer, measured by the reasonable expenses of such
    litigation, including attorney fees.” Ritter v. Ritter, 
    46 N.E.2d 41
    , 44 (Ill. 1943); see also National Wrecking Co. v. Coleman,
    487 N.E.2d 1164
    , 1166 (Ill. App. 1985); Sorenson v. Fio Rito,
    413 N.E.2d 47
    , 51–52 (Ill. App. 1980); cf. Nalivaika v. Murphy,
    458 N.E.2d 995
    , 997 (Ill. App. 1983); Fednav International Ltd.
    v. Continental Ins. Co., 
    624 F.3d 834
    , 840 (7th Cir. 2010); Re-
    statement (Second) of Torts § 914(2) (1979).
    It’s true that Ohio National hasn’t been forced into litiga-
    tion with those other parties, and that under Illinois law
    “where an action based on the same wrongful act has been
    prosecuted by the plaintiff against the defendant to a suc-
    cessful issue, he can not in a subsequent action recover, as
    damages, his costs and expenses in the former action.” Ritter
    v. Ritter, 
    46 N.E.2d at 44
    . But the exception carved by
    Ritter in the passage we quoted earlier covers this case. The
    defendants’ misconduct placed Ohio National in the position
    of potentially having to litigate with the purchasers of the
    insurance policies upon the death of the insureds, and the
    expenses it incurred in the present suit to avoid such litiga-
    tion by voiding the policies were in lieu of the future litiga-
    tion that it would otherwise have had to engage in at con-
    siderable expense. It paid in advance, as it were, the expens-
    es “in litigation with third parties … necessary to … protect
    [its] interest,” to quote from the Ritter opinion.
    So Ohio National gets its attorney’s fees but also gets to
    keep the premiums paid by the defendants (except Egbert,
    Nos. 14-3664, 14-3725                                        13
    as we’ll discuss) on the voided policies and as a result ends
    up with more money than if these contracts had never exist-
    ed. The amount the defendants paid is in dispute. The de-
    fendants say they paid $438,000 in premiums on the disput-
    ed policies; Ohio National says they paid $105,000; but
    whatever the amount, the company is entitled to retain the
    premiums along with the attorney’s fees. Being to blame for
    the illegal contracts the defendants have no right to recoup
    the premiums they paid to obtain them; allowing recoup-
    ment would, by reducing the cost, increase the likelihood of
    unlawful activity.
    One issue remains to be discussed. Steven Egbert, a de-
    fendant but not one of the conspirators, had purchased the
    beneficial interest in one of the stranger-originated life in-
    surance policies as an investment, and to preserve his bene-
    ficial interest until the death of the insured (that is, to pre-
    vent the insurance policy from lapsing) had paid the re-
    quired premiums, amounting to $91,000, to Ohio National.
    He filed a cross-motion for summary judgment asking the
    district court to declare the policy valid or in the alternative
    to order the insurance company to return his premiums. The
    district judge complied with the latter request. The premi-
    ums were being held by the district court in escrow, and so
    the judge simply ordered the premiums sought by Egbert
    distributed to him from the escrow.
    The company asks us to reverse the judge’s order, argu-
    ing that Egbert knew or should have known that he had
    bought an interest in a void contract. Generally when an il-
    legal contract is voided, the parties “will be left where they
    have placed themselves with no recovery of the money paid
    for illegal services.” Gamboa v. Alvarado, 
    941 N.E.2d 1012
    14                                        Nos. 14-3664, 14-3725
    1017 (Ill. App. 2011), quoting Ransburg v. Haase, 
    586 N.E.2d 1295
    , 1298 (Ill. App. 1992). But there is an exception for the
    case in which the party that made the payments is not to
    blame for the illegality. 
     There is no evidence that Egbert
    knew the policy was void and, as we’ve said, the assignment
    of an insurance policy to an investor is not itself unlawful.
    Had he known it was void he would not have paid the pre-
    miums. They were intended to compensate the company for
    having to pay the death benefit to the policy’s beneficiary
    (Egbert) when the insured died. Since the policy was void
    from the outset through no fault of his, the premiums were
    not an offset against the proceeds to the policy’s beneficiary,
    because there would be no proceeds. Retention of the pre-
    miums would thus have been a windfall for Ohio National
    to which it had no entitlement. See Seaback v. Metropolitan
    Life Ins. Co., 
    113 N.E. 862
    , 864 (Ill. 1916) (“when a policy of
    insurance never attaches and no risk is assumed, the insured
    may recover back the premiums unless he has been guilty of
    fraud or the contract is illegal, and he is in pari delicto”). Eg-
    bert paid substantial premiums and got nothing in return.
    He caused no harm, as he was not involved in the conspira-
    cy. The company would be unjustly enriched if allowed to
    keep his $91,000.
    The entire judgment of the district court is therefore