Charles Greenhill v. Richard Vartanian ( 2019 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 17-3526
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 15-cv-09585 — John Robert Blakey, Judge.
    Before WOOD, Chief Judge, and EASTERBROOK and ST. EVE,
    Circuit Judges.
    EASTERBROOK, Circuit Judge. Hermann Göring, head of the
    Luftwaffe in World War II, remarked: “When I saw those
    Mustangs over Berlin, I knew that the war was lost.” The P-
    51 Mustang fighter entered service in January 1942, and
    long-range variants introduced late in 1943 could escort Al-
    lied bombers to Germany and back. (With external fuel
    tanks, they had a range exceeding 1,600 miles.) More than
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    15,500 Mustangs were built; the plane served as this nation’s
    main fighter until jets succeeded it during the Korean War.
    Some Mustangs remained in military use in other nations
    until 1984. The picture below shows one of the long-range
    versions. Surviving aircraft are collector’s items, “warbirds”
    lovingly rebuilt and maintained by private aficionados, dis-
    played in museums, and occasionally flown at air shows.
    One is in the collection of the Smithsonian’s National Air
    and Space Museum. The Federal Aviation Administration
    has more than 100 airworthy Mustangs on its register today.
    This suit is about one of them—or perhaps two of them.
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    In 1965 Richard Vartanian bought a Mustang that had
    flown in the Royal Canadian Air Force but had been in pri-
    vate hands since 1960. Its serial number was 44-74543. He
    stored it at a car dealership until 1973 or 1974, when he
    moved it to a hangar at Fulton County Airport in New York.
    In 1985 Vartanian decided to move the plane to California,
    but his representative could not find it. Vartanian suspected
    Wilbur Martin, who had promised to restore the plane on
    Vartanian’s behalf. In April 1985 Vartanian’s lawyer de-
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    manded that Martin return the plane and, when that did not
    occur, Vartanian personally complained to the FAA, the FBI,
    and law-enforcement agencies in Los Angeles, Chicago, and
    New York that the plane may have been stolen.
    Martin denied taking Vartanian’s plane but conceded
    buying some Mustang parts from Waterman Brown, one of
    Vartanian’s associates. Martin later registered with the FAA
    (which administers the federal system of aircraft ownership)
    a Mustang having serial number 44-63655. Martin asserts
    that it had been cobbled together using parts from a plane of
    his that had crashed in Nicaragua plus components that he
    had acquired from several sources, including Brown.
    In 1998 Martin sold the plane bearing SN 44-63655 to
    Amphib, Inc., a corporation controlled by Charles Greenhill.
    Vartanian learned about this transaction in 2002 or 2003 by
    reading an article in Air Classics magazine that incorrectly
    identified the serial number of Greenhill’s plane as 44-74543
    (which, recall, had been amached to Vartanian’s plane) and
    specified its provenance as one that the Royal Canadian Air
    Force had sold as military surplus. In 2004 Vartanian hired
    another lawyer to investigate. He obtained the FAA’s file on
    the plane, which showed the sale to Greenhill in 1998, and
    prepared the complaint for a tort action against Martin and
    Greenhill. But this lawyer died before filing the suit, and
    Vartanian did not follow up.
    In 2009 Vartanian wrote a lemer to the United States
    Amorney for the Northern District of Illinois contending that
    his Mustang had been stolen by Martin in 1984 and that
    Martin used the serial number of the plane destroyed in Nic-
    aragua to conceal his crime. The United States Amorney de-
    clined to prosecute but urged Vartanian to retain counsel to
    No. 17-3526                                                             5
    pursue civil relief. Vartanian did nothing further until after
    learning from a historian in 2013 that there were irregulari-
    ties in the serial numbers of several of Martin’s planes. In
    February 2014 Vartanian sent Greenhill a lemer demanding
    that he turn over the plane purchased from Martin. Greenhill
    responded in 2015 with this suit under the diversity jurisdic-
    tion, seeking a declaratory judgment that he owns the plane.
    Vartanian and his corporation Platinum Fighter Sales filed
    counterclaims seeking that relief for themselves, because a
    thief cannot convey good title, plus an order that Greenhill
    or Amphib hand the plane over to them. But the district
    judge concluded that the time to accuse Martin of theft had
    expired long ago. 
    2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 186706
    (N.D. Ill. Nov.
    13, 2017).
    Although the judge’s opinion states that plaintiffs are en-
    titled to a declaratory judgment, the court did not enter one.
    Instead it entered this decision on the form used for judg-
    ments under Fed. R. Civ. P. 58:
    Judgment is entered in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendant
    on Plaintiffs’ complaint for declaratory relief [1], and on Defend-
    ants’ counterclaims for conversion and declaratory relief [14].
    A document providing that “[j]udgment is entered” does not
    satisfy Rule 58. A judgment must provide the relief to which
    the prevailing party is entitled. See, e.g., Hyland v. Liberty
    Mutual Fire Insurance Co., 
    885 F.3d 482
    (7th Cir. 2018); Cooke
    v. Jackson National Life Insurance Co., 
    882 F.3d 630
    (7th Cir.
    2018); ReytblaD v. Denton, 
    812 F.2d 1042
    (7th Cir. 1987); Azeez
    v. Fairman, 
    795 F.2d 1296
    (7th Cir. 1986). This document does
    not do that. It shows that the district court is done with the
    case, which permits an appeal, but it does not resolve the
    parties’ dispute. The judgment also does not show that it
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    was reviewed and approved by the judge, although Rule
    58(b)(2) provides that the judge, not a clerk, must approve
    decisions of this kind.
    The district judge failed to resolve two subjects on which
    the parties’ appellate briefs disagree. First, who receives the
    relief? The judgment refers to “Plaintiff”, but there are two
    plaintiffs. The corporate plaintiff (Amphib) is the registered
    owner of the airplane, but some of the district court’s opin-
    ion suggests that relief is being awarded to Greenhill. Sec-
    ond, although plaintiffs’ initial complaint sought a declara-
    tory judgment that they own the airplane against the world
    (a standard outcome of a quiet-title action), at oral argument
    on appeal they recognized that this suit concerns personal
    property rather than real estate and disclaimed entitlement
    to relief broader than a declaration that their rights are supe-
    rior to Vartanian’s. Neither the district court’s opinion nor its
    judgment distinguishes these possibilities.
    These shortcomings led us to remand the case with in-
    structions to enter a proper declaratory judgment. The dis-
    trict court promptly complied. The revised judgment pro-
    vides that Amphib owns the aircraft free of any claim by
    Vartanian. It does not insulate Amphib from other persons’
    potential claims or bestow any ownership rights on Green-
    hill. This eliminates two of the parties’ appellate controver-
    sies but still requires us to address Vartanian’s contention
    that the district court should have decided whether Martin
    stole the plane in or before 1984.
    Although federal law provides a registration system for
    aircraft, state law supplies the rules for determining owner-
    ship. See 49 U.S.C. §44108(c)(1); Shacket v. Philko Aviation,
    841 F.2d 166
    , 169 (7th Cir. 1988). The district court ap-
    No. 17-3526                                                  7
    plied Illinois law, and neither side has asked us to use the
    law of some other state. The district court classified Var-
    tanian’s claim as one for conversion, which is subject to a
    five-year period of limitations under 735 ILCS 5/13-205. Ob-
    serving that Vartanian accused Martin of theft in 1985 and
    2009, and was on the verge of suing in 2004, the judge con-
    cluded that the five-year period had long expired, which
    blocked Vartanian from contending that Amphib’s title to
    the plane is derived from any theft by Martin.
    Vartanian’s appellate position incorporates elements of
    the discovery doctrine with elements of equitable estoppel.
    The discovery rule in Illinois provides that a period of limi-
    tations starts to run when the injured party “knows or rea-
    sonably should know” of the injury and its cause. Knox Col-
    lege v. Celotex Corp., 
    88 Ill. 2d 407
    , 414–16 (1981). Vartanian
    knew in 1985 that his Mustang had vanished; he suspected
    Martin from the outset and had plenty of time to investigate.
    Indeed, he did investigate, and in Illinois having enough in-
    formation to start an investigation also starts the period of
    limitations. See LaSalle National Bank v. Skidmore, Owings &
    262 Ill. App. 3d 899
    , 902–04 (1994). Yet for more than
    30 years, during which he complained to federal and state
    prosecutors, Vartanian did not commence civil litigation
    against Martin, Greenhill, or Amphib.
    His current arguments have less to do with the discovery
    rule than with the doctrine of equitable estoppel (which Illi-
    nois calls fraudulent concealment)—the rule that a wrong-
    doer who actively tries to prevent suit cannot invoke the
    statute of limitations when suit finally comes. Playing games
    with serial numbers, and failing to admit wrongdoing, come
    within that doctrine, Vartanian asserts. Yet Vartanian knew
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    long ago what serial number Martin was using; he was not
    thrown off the scent. Illinois starts the period of limitations
    no later than actual discovery, even if the potential defend-
    ant tried unsuccessfully to conceal the offense. See 735 ILCS
    5/13-215. And Illinois does not defer the limitations period
    until an admission of wrongdoing. See Kheirkhahvash v. Ban-
    407 Ill. App. 3d 171
    , 182 (2011). That would effective-
    ly abolish all statutes of limitations, for wrongdoers rarely
    own up to their transgressions.
    It does not help Vartanian to characterize the events as a
    continuing violation. The disappearance of his Mustang was
    a discrete event, and the fact that discrete wrongs have con-
    tinuing consequences does not extend the time to sue. See,
    e.g., National Railroad Passenger Corp. v. Morgan, 
    536 U.S. 101
    110–15 (2002); Turley v. Rednour, 
    729 F.3d 645
    , 654–55 (7th
    Cir. 2013) (concurring opinion); Belleville Toyota, Inc. v. Toyota
    Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc., 
    199 Ill. 2d 325
    , 348–49 (2002). The
    statute of limitations expired long ago, just as the district
    court concluded.
    That does not mamer, Vartanian asserts, because even if
    he cannot pursue a conversion claim against Greenhill, Am-
    phib cannot obtain any relief against him without proving
    that Martin is not a thief. Illinois would not apply a statute of
    limitations to a defense against a quiet-title action, Vartanian
    insists. We know from the district court’s corrected judg-
    ment that this is not a quiet-title action (the court did not
    award Greenhill or Amphib rights against the world).
    What’s more, having lost his conversion claim, Vartanian
    lacks any way to show that his rights are superior to Am-
    phib’s, the only mamer resolved by the judgment the district
    court entered on remand.
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    Still more: Even if Illinois would not apply a statute of
    limitations, the doctrine of laches would remain. Between
    1985 and the beginning of this suit Waterman Brown died,
    and the parties’ inability to obtain his evidence would cause
    prejudice that is amributable to Vartanian’s long delay. Four
    other potential witnesses died in the decades between 1985
    and the filing of Vartanian’s counterclaim; they might have
    addressed topics such as whether Vartanian abandoned the
    plane between 1965 and 1985. All of the principals (Var-
    tanian, Greenhill, and Martin) are in their 80s and experienc-
    ing difficulty remembering events of decades ago. Important
    business records from the 1960s through the 1990s cannot be
    located. It is too late for the judicial system to make a reliable
    decision about what happened to Vartanian’s plane (or parts
    of it) and which components of Greenhill’s plane might be
    traced to the Mustang that the Royal Canadian Air Force
    sold as surplus in 1960.