Powers, Judy K. v. Apfel, Kenneth S. ( 2000 )

  • In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 99-2513
    Judy K. Powers,
    Kenneth S. Apfel, Commissioner
    of the Social Security Administration,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Indiana, New Albany Division.
    No. NA 98-134-C H/G--David F. Hamilton, Judge.
    Argued January 6, 2000--Decided March 20, 2000
    Before Coffey, Flaum and Kanne, Circuit Judges.
    Kanne, Circuit Judge. Judy K. Powers suffers
    pain from several physical ailments, which forced
    her to quit her job in housekeeping at an Indiana
    state-operated mental health facility. However,
    her application for Social Security disability
    benefits was denied because the evidence of her
    disability and her suitability to work was not
    clear cut. Based on a determination by an
    administrative law judge ("ALJ" or "hearing
    officer"), the Social Security Administration
    (the "Agency") denied her claim for disability
    benefits under the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C.
    sec.sec. 416(i), 423(d) (the "Act"). She appeals
    that decision on the ground that the hearing
    officer’s decision was not supported by
    substantial evidence. After reviewing the
    evidence presented at the hearing, we affirm.
    I.   History
    Powers worked for eighteen years as an aide and
    housekeeper at Muscatatuck State Hospital. She
    quit her job on February 20, 1995. At the time,
    Powers was 46 years old and had a GED but no
    vocational training or other work experience. Her
    work was characterized as "unskilled, medium
    work" with no transferrable skills. She suffered
    from a variety of health conditions that made it
    difficult and painful for her to work.
    Her symptoms included feeling tired all the
    time despite sleeping thirteen hours a day with
    two two-hour naps; hip, back and leg pain;
    breathing problems and shortness of breath. She
    could only sit or stand in the same position for
    ten minutes at a time, could walk only a short
    distance before becoming short of breath and
    could lift a gallon of milk once, but not
    repetitively. She could not stoop, squat, bend at
    the waist, climb, push or pull without pain. She
    took painkillers and other medications, which
    afforded her partial relief. She engaged in very
    few activities, including driving to the grocery
    store twice a week and to a shopping mall once a
    month, watching television, doing crossword
    puzzles and reading. She did some light work
    around the house, such as washing dishes, laundry
    and cooking. However, her mother did most of the
    housework, and Powers said she felt like doing
    nothing most of the time. She stopped driving
    because of concentration and memory problems.
    Her condition stemmed from several physical
    disorders for which she received treatment prior
    to February 1995. Powers had been diagnosed in
    1993 with diabetes mellitus, which was controlled
    by medication. She had surgery for carpal tunnel
    syndrome in July 1994, and later that year, she
    was re-diagnosed with chronic obstructive
    pulmonary disease, which her physician, Dr. James
    Sublett, characterized as in stable condition.
    Dr. Thomas Eckert, her family doctor, treated her
    for acute sciatic pain in 1992, 1993 and 1994,
    and in June 1994, Dr. Larry Olson diagnosed
    Powers as having degenerative disc disease of the
    cervical spine. She underwent physical therapy,
    which relieved the pain. In July 1994, Dr.
    Marlene Aldo-Benson, a rheumatology specialist,
    diagnosed fibromyalgia, a condition characterized
    by pain and stiffness in the muscles, tendons and
    soft tissue. In September 1994, Aldo-Benson
    diagnosed Powers with trochanteric bursitis, an
    inflammation affecting the femur, and noted a
    flare-up of her fibromyalgia.
    In February 1995, Eckert recommended that Powers
    not work for one month due to the fibromyalgia,
    but that period lengthened when she showed no
    improvement. By October 1995, Powers continued to
    complain of fatigue and general malaise and
    believed she could not work. Eckert noted that
    she had gained weight and emphasized to her the
    relationship between her diet and her other
    conditions. In January 1996, Eckert classified
    Powers as permanently disabled due to the
    fibromyalgia and pulmonary problems. Eckert
    recommended a pain clinic, but Powers did not go
    regularly because it was too far away. In March
    1996, Powers complained of severe left hip pain,
    for which Aldo-Benson recommended a physical
    therapist. Powers claimed she could not see the
    physical therapist, however, because of the
    distance she would need to travel to get there.
    Dr. Michael Cronen, an osteopath, examined her
    for the first time in March 1996. Cronen found no
    sensory or motor deficits in Powers’ upper or
    lower extremities, and a magnetic resonance image
    of her lumbar spine revealed no disc disruptions.
    Cronen recommended nerve blocks, but Powers
    reported no improvement in April 1996. A pain
    clinic she attended that year provided her some
    Powers also suffered from depression, which
    Eckert diagnosed in 1992 but for which she
    received no care. As part of her application for
    Social Security disability benefits, Powers was
    examined by psychologist R. Karkut, Ph.D., who
    confirmed the diagnosis of "major depression,
    single episode-mild." In June 1995, Dr. Greer
    prescribed Prozac, and Powers reported that it
    helped her depression. At the hearing, Powers
    testified that she had crying spells two or three
    times a day, but also said she was not totally
    forthright with Karkut about the extent of her
    depression because she did not want to appear
    The administrative law judge addressed three
    conditions that could be considered disabilities
    under the regulations: chronic obstructive
    pulmonary disease, fibromyalgia and depression.
    Because her depression was diagnosed as
    relatively minor and did not affect her ability
    to perform basic work functions, it was ruled not
    to qualify as a severe impairment. Powers failed
    only one test for pulmonary sufficiency. That
    test did not comply with some regulations
    connected to the administration of the test and
    therefore was not counted. Finally, under the
    regulatory definition of a musculoskeletal
    condition, Powers’ fibromyalgia failed to qualify
    as an impairment.
    The ALJ then determined Powers’ residual
    functional capacity. Based on her testimony and
    that of her doctors, the ALJ determined that 1)
    Powers could lift up to ten pounds frequently, 2)
    Powers needed to be able to switch between
    sitting and standing on the job (a sit/stand
    option), and 3) Powers’ pain and depression had
    no impact on her concentration, persistence or
    pace of work. The hearing officer further
    determined that Powers’ testimony about her
    ability to work was not fully credible because of
    the following:
    [I]nconsistencies in the claimant’s testimony
    regarding her activities of daily living, the
    fact that her symptoms cannot be reasonably
    expected given the objective medical evidence,
    especially her problems with concentration, and
    the fact that the claimant is taking no
    medications for severe pain and that she can sit
    for much longer periods than she alleges.
    The hearing officer partly based this credibility
    determination on his observation that Powers sat
    for much longer than ten minutes during the
    hearing itself and had sufficient concentration
    ability to read and watch television for long
    periods of time.
    Despite this, the ALJ determined that Powers
    suffered from pain, shortness of breath and
    depression that made it impossible for her to
    work at her old job. The ALJ then shifted the
    burden to the Commissioner to show that work
    appropriate for her physical ability and
    vocational qualifications existed in significant
    numbers in the national economy. The ALJ
    consulted with Timothy Janikowski, a Ph.D. and
    vocational expert, who based his opinion on
    published and unpublished research and data
    collected from state and federal databases, labor
    market surveys, interviews and labor economists.
    Janikowski testified that for a hypothetical
    worker of Powers’ age, education and work
    background who is capable of lifting ten pounds
    and required a sit/stand option, there were about
    42,000 jobs in the regional economy, including
    watchman/security guard (7,100 jobs regionally),
    assembly (5,000-6,000 jobs) and cashier (30,000
    jobs). Adding to the hypothetical the factor of
    mild to moderate pain which had no impact on
    concentration, persistence or pace, Janikowski
    testified that all the listed jobs would
    accommodate such a person. Based on the medical
    testimony, credibility determination and
    Janikowski’s opinion, the ALJ found Powers
    capable of performing work that exists in
    significant numbers in the national economy and
    therefore not disabled within the meaning of the
    After exhausting administrative appeals, Powers
    filed suit under 42 U.S.C. sec. 405(g) in the
    United States District Court for the Southern
    District of Indiana. District Judge David
    Hamilton affirmed the ALJ’s decision, and Powers
    II.   Analysis
    Powers contends on appeal that the ALJ’s
    decision regarding her credibility and the ALJ’s
    reliance on the vocational expert’s opinion were
    not supported by substantial evidence. The
    Agency’s findings "as to any fact, if supported
    by substantial evidence, shall be conclusive." 42
    U.S.C. sec. 405(g). "Although a mere scintilla of
    proof will not suffice to uphold the SSA’s
    findings, the standard of substantial evidence
    requires no more than ’such relevant evidence as
    a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to
    support a conclusion.’" Diaz v. Chater, 
    55 F.3d 300
    , 305 (7th Cir. 1995) (quoting Richardson v.
    402 U.S. 389
    , 401 (1971)). Because the
    Commissioner is responsible for weighing the
    evidence, resolving conflicts and making
    independent findings of fact, see Perales, 
    402 U.S. at 399-400
    , this Court may not decide the
    facts anew, re-weigh the evidence or substitute
    its own judgment for that of the Commissioner to
    decide whether a claimant is or is not disabled.
    See Butera v. Apfel, 
    173 F.3d 1049
    , 1055 (7th
    Cir. 1999).
    A.   Powers’ Credibility
    Because hearing officers are in the best
    position to see and hear the witnesses and assess
    their forthrightness, we afford their credibility
    determinations special deference. See Nelson v.
    131 F.3d 1228
    , 1237 (7th Cir. 1997). We
    will reverse an ALJ’s credibility determination
    only if the claimant can show it was "patently
    wrong." Herr v. Sullivan, 
    912 F.2d 178
    , 181 (7th
    Cir. 1990).
    In this case, the ALJ based his credibility
    determination on a variety of facts and
    observations. First, the ALJ found that Powers
    did indeed suffer some pain from her medical
    conditions, but that the medical evidence did not
    support the extent of pain to which she
    complained. Drs. Aldo-Benson and Sublett
    supported her complaints of fibromyalgia and
    pulmonary insufficiency, but did not indicate any
    work restrictions related to those conditions.
    Moreover, Sublett characterized her pulmonary
    condition as "stable." This was enough evidence
    to support the claim that Powers’ ability to
    lift, carry and walk were limited, but not to the
    completely debilitating extent Powers alleged. As
    such, the discrepancy between the minimal
    impairment expected from her conditions and her
    testimony of debilitating pain casts doubt on her
    Second, the ALJ also found Powers’ testimony
    about her daily activities to be inconsistent
    with her reports of her daily activities made to
    Karkut and on Agency forms. He also found her
    claim of concentration problems inconsistent with
    the medical evidence and with her testimony that
    she can read, watch television for hours and play
    cards. While we are skeptical that the ability to
    watch television for several hours indicates a
    long attention span, we agree that reading and
    playing cards do suggest such a trait. In her
    discussion with Karkut, Powers reported that she
    sometimes helped cook meals, usually set the
    table and once in a while did laundry. She
    reported on her forms to the Agency that she did
    grocery shopping, went to the mall, dined out,
    visited with friends and played cards. At the
    hearing, she testified that she performed no
    daily activities and that her mother and husband
    did the cooking, washing and other household
    chores. This testimony is not wildly
    inconsistent, but represents a minor variation in
    her account of her daily life. The many
    interviews and forms required to apply for
    disability benefits should not be viewed as traps
    for slightly varied accounts of daily activities,
    but in this case, the minor discrepancy combined
    with the hearing officer’s observations of the
    witness during testimony does provide some small
    support for a finding of incredibility. As the
    reviewing court, we are looking only to determine
    if the credibility determination was patently
    wrong, and the hearing officer’s assessment of
    her mildly inconsistent testimony combined with
    the other evidence discussed here, defeats this
    strict standard for reversal.
    The ALJ found her complaints of severe pain to
    be inconsistent with the medical testimony and
    the absence of drugs prescribed for severe pain.
    While a hearing officer may not reject subjective
    complaints of pain solely because they are not
    fully supported by medical testimony, the officer
    may consider that as probative of the claimant’s
    credibility. See Knight v. Chater, 
    55 F.3d 309
    314 (7th Cir. 1995). The doctors who examined
    Powers diagnosed specific medical conditions
    which do cause pain, but only Eckert ever
    considered her to be suffering from disabling
    pain. The hearing officer was within his
    discretion to reject that opinion as conclusory
    and unsupported by the evidence. Furthermore,
    Powers had been prescribed Valium, Darvocet and
    Relafen, none of which are intended to treat
    severe pain. The discrepancy between the degree
    of pain attested to by the witness and that
    suggested by the medical evidence is probative
    that the witness may be exaggerating her
    condition. For the hearing officer to rely on
    this as evidence of a lack of complete candor
    cannot be deemed patently wrong.
    Finally, the hearing officer considered Powers’
    statement that she could not sit for more than
    ten minutes without severe pain to be
    inconsistent with his observation of her during
    the hearing, at which she sat for far longer than
    ten minutes, apparently without signs of
    discomfort. Many courts have condemned the "sit
    and squirm" test, and we are uncomfortable with
    it as well. See, e.g., Miller v. Sullivan, 
    953 F.2d 417
     (8th Cir. 1992); Myers v. Sullivan, 
    916 F.2d 659
     (11th Cir. 1990); Jenkins v. Sullivan,
    906 F.2d 107
     (4th Cir. 1990); Lovelace v. Bowen,
    813 F.2d 55
     (5th Cir. 1987). We doubt the
    probative value of any evidence that can be so
    easily manipulated as watching whether someone
    acts like they are in discomfort. However, we
    note that even those courts cited by Powers as
    opposing the "sit and squirm" test endorse the
    validity of a hearing officer’s observations of
    the claimant. See Marbury v. Sullivan, 
    957 F.2d 837
    , 839 (11th Cir. 1992); Miller, 
    953 F.2d at 422
    ; Lovejoy v. Heckler, 
    790 F.2d 1114
    , 1116 (4th
    Cir. 1986); Lovelace, 
    813 F.2d at 60
    . Likewise,
    we have repeatedly endorsed the role of
    observation in determining credibility and refuse
    to make an exception in this situation. See,
    e.g., Dray v. Railroad Retirement Bd., 
    10 F.3d 1306
    , 1314 (7th Cir. 1993); Erhart v. Secretary
    of Health and Human Servs., 
    969 F.2d 534
    , 541
    (7th Cir. 1992); Strunk v. Heckler, 
    732 F.2d 1357
    , 1362 (7th Cir. 1984). The hearing officer
    had an opportunity to observe Powers for an
    extended period of time and could gauge whether
    her demeanor, behavior, attitude and other
    characteristics suggested frankness and honesty
    and were consistent with the general bearing of
    someone who is experiencing severe pain. Also,
    because the witness showed no signs of pain,
    there is no danger that she attempted to
    manipulate the hearing officer by squirming. As
    one of several factors that contributed to the
    hearing officer’s credibility determination, we
    cannot say this rendered that judgment "patently
    wrong." Therefore, we will uphold the hearing
    officer’s credibility determination as supported
    by substantial evidence.
    B.   Vocational Evidence
    The Agency has the burden of providing evidence
    of a significant number of jobs in the national
    economy that the claimant could perform. See
    Bowen v. Yuckert, 
    482 U.S. 137
    , 146 n.5 (1987);
    55 F.3d at 312
    . Powers claims that the
    hearing officer erred in relying on Janikowski’s
    expert testimony in finding that there were more
    than 40,000 jobs in the regional economy that
    someone could perform with Powers’ vocational and
    physical profile. Powers contends that
    Janikowski’s testimony was unclear as to whether
    the 40,000 jobs included a sit/stand option and
    whether they matched Powers’ skill level.
    However, a review of the expert’s testimony shows
    that Janikowski was asked expressly for jobs that
    included a sit/stand option and matched Powers’
    skill level. To argue now that the expert’s
    testimony was "unclear" ignores the express
    limitation in the hearing officer’s questions to
    the expert that clearly stated the conditions
    under which the opinion was to be expressed.
    Powers relies heavily on Social Security Ruling
    83-12, which states that "unskilled types of jobs
    are particularly structured so that a person
    cannot ordinarily sit or stand at will." Yet
    Janikowski was asked the number of jobs that did
    have a sit/stand option, so this Agency
    description of what the case is "ordinarily" does
    not refute, by itself, the opinion of an expert
    in response to a specific question. Even if
    Janikowski’s testimony were considered to
    contradict the description of sedentary work in
    the Dictionary of Occupational Titles, which we
    do not believe it does, a hearing officer is
    entitled to rely on expert testimony that
    contradicts such authorities. See Young v.
    Secretary of Health and Human Servs., 
    957 F.2d 386
    , 391-92 (7th Cir. 1992). Therefore,
    substantial evidence supported the finding that
    a significant number of jobs existed that could
    accommodate Powers’ skill level and physical
    III. Conclusion
    The hearing officer’s finding that Powers’
    testimony was not entirely credible was supported
    by substantial evidence and not patently wrong.
    Furthermore, a review of the record shows that
    sufficient competent evidence supported the
    hearing officer’s finding that jobs matching
    Powers’ needs existed. We affirm the Agency’s
    denial of disability benefits.

Document Info

Docket Number: 99-2513

Judges: Per Curiam

Filed Date: 3/20/2000

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/24/2015

Authorities (17)

Bowen v. Yuckert , 107 S. Ct. 2287 ( 1987 )

John S. Young v. Secretary of Health and Human Services , 957 F.2d 386 ( 1992 )

Pamela E. HERR, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. Louis W. SULLIVAN, ... , 912 F.2d 178 ( 1990 )

Greathel M. LOVEJOY, Appellant, v. Margaret M. HECKLER, ... , 790 F.2d 1114 ( 1986 )

Jon P. Dray v. Railroad Retirement Board , 10 F.3d 1306 ( 1993 )

Justin Nelson v. Kenneth S. Apfel, Commissioner, Social ... , 131 F.3d 1228 ( 1997 )

Mary Strunk v. Margaret Heckler, Secretary of Health and ... , 732 F.2d 1357 ( 1984 )

Wallace E. Ehrhart v. Secretary of Health and Human Services , 969 F.2d 534 ( 1992 )

L.B. LOVELACE, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. Otis R. BOWEN, M.D., ... , 813 F.2d 55 ( 1987 )

36-socsecrepser-122-unemplinsrep-cch-p-16456a-delores-a-miller , 953 F.2d 417 ( 1992 )

Garland JENKINS, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. Louis W. SULLIVAN, ... , 906 F.2d 107 ( 1990 )

James R. Butera v. Kenneth S. Apfel, Commissioner of Social ... , 173 F.3d 1049 ( 1999 )

31-socsecrepser-313-unemplinsrep-cch-15742a-doris-myers-v-louis-w , 916 F.2d 659 ( 1990 )

Julian DIAZ, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. Shirley S. CHATER, ... , 55 F.3d 300 ( 1995 )

Tommy J. Marbury v. Louis W. Sullivan, Secretary of Health ... , 957 F.2d 837 ( 1992 )

Billie J. KNIGHT, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. Shirley S. CHATER,... , 55 F.3d 309 ( 1995 )

Richardson v. Perales , 91 S. Ct. 1420 ( 1971 )

View All Authorities »