United States v. Jackson, Angela L. ( 2000 )

  • In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 99-2223
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 97 CR 643--Charles R. Norgle, Sr., Judge.
    Argued January 19, 2000--Decided April 3, 2000
    Before BAUER, CUDAHY, and EVANS, Circuit Judges.
    EVANS, Circuit Judge. This case is about a
    tragic waste of talent. Angela Jackson probably
    would be sitting in a comfortable law firm today-
    -instead of doing time in a federal penitentiary-
    -if she had devoted as much energy to her legal
    studies as she did trying to rip off the United
    Parcel Service in a bizarre and elaborate scheme
    that included sending hate mail to a number of
    prominent African-Americans. Her activities led
    to a bevy of federal charges, and a jury found
    her guilty on every count in the indictment.
    Today, her appeal is up for consideration.
    In 1996-1997 Jackson (a young African-American
    woman) was enrolled at the William Mitchell
    College of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota. She
    previously lived in Chicago for several years
    while working and attending the Chicago-Kent law
    school. In the fall of 1996 Jackson and a friend
    incorporated a business that planned to sell
    prints and paintings depicting African-American
    culture. She purchased several prints from
    Chicago artist Bayo Iribhogbe for a total of
    $2,000. She then sent Iribhogbe four United
    Parcel Service mailers preaddressed to her St.
    Paul address and on which she had written in bold
    letters "Kwanzaa," an African-American holiday.
    Iribhogbe packed his artwork in the mailers and
    sent them off.
    UPS delivered the packages to Jackson’s St.
    Paul apartment building on December 4, 1996. The
    UPS driver, the apartment building’s
    receptionist, and the apartment building’s
    concierge who handed the packages directly to
    Jackson all testified that there were four
    packages and that none were damaged or defaced.
    Jackson, however, reported to UPS that she had
    received only three packages and that all were
    damaged and contained racial epithets. Though she
    had paid only $2,000 for the artwork, though her
    company had received no orders for the art, and
    though Iribhogbe never previously sold a single
    print for more than $15, Jackson filed a $572,000
    claim with UPS. When UPS balked, Jackson faxed
    letters to various African-American officials,
    claiming that "racist elements" within UPS were
    responsible for defacing her packages and for
    refusing to compensate her.
    That evidence alone might well have been enough
    to convict Jackson of the fraud charges that were
    ultimately filed against her, but there was much
    more. Much more. On December 3, 1996, a search of
    federal cases and statutes for the words
    "united," "parcel," "service," "damaged," and
    "packages" in the same paragraph was done on the
    LEXIS-NEXIS research service on Jackson’s
    computer under the LEXIS password of Jacqueline
    Whittmon. Whittmon testified that when she worked
    in the Chicago-Kent law library she gave Jackson
    her password, that she never used her LEXIS
    password after leaving her position at Chicago-
    Kent in the spring of 1996, that Jackson called
    her from Minnesota in the fall of that year to
    ask if her LEXIS password still was activated,
    and that she never gave her password to anyone
    else. Also gleaned from Jackson’s computer was
    evidence that it was used in November of 1996 to
    search the Internet for "white supremacy"
    organizations and to visit the web sites for the
    "Euro-American Student Union" and the "Storm
    Front," two such groups.
    On November 25, 1996, seven letter packs were
    placed in a UPS mailing box in Chicago that were
    addressed to three African-American members of
    Congress, two African-American newspapers in
    Washington, D.C., the NAACP, and the Rainbow
    Coalition. The Euro-American Student Union’s
    address was listed as the return address. The
    packages never were delivered because the UPS
    driver noticed racial slurs on the outside of the
    items and turned them over to his supervisor. UPS
    opened the packages and inside found racially
    offensive materials under the UPS logo. On that
    day, Jackson made a withdrawal from an ATM
    machine located next to the UPS drop box. A piece
    of paper with the UPS billing identification
    number for these packages later was found in
    Jackson’s apartment and Jackson initially gave
    that number when she called UPS in December to
    complain about her allegedly defaced packages.
    On December 22, 1996, letter packs were dropped
    in a UPS mailing box in Chicago addressed to 14
    African-American individuals, including the
    Reverend Al Sharpton, NAACP president Kweisi
    Mfume, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, Representative
    Jesse Jackson, Jr., Representative Bobby Rush,
    other members of Congress, former Department of
    Justice Civil Rights Division head Deval Patrick,
    New York state comptroller H. Carl McCall, and
    the defendant herself. These packages also
    contained racial epithets under the UPS logo.
    Seven of the packages listed Storm Front as the
    sender. Jackson had flown into Chicago that day
    and had rented a car during a layover at the
    airport. Although Jackson did not receive her
    package until January 6, 1997, she called Rush’s
    office on December 30, 1996, to report that she
    had received hate mail from Storm Front.
    On January 3, 1997, McCall received another
    package--sent under the same UPS account number
    as the December 22 mailings--that contained
    racial slurs and prompted McCall’s wife to summon
    the New York Police Department bomb squad. On
    March 31, 1997, seven more packages with racially
    offensive materials under the UPS logo were
    dropped at a Chicago UPS drop box and were sent
    to the artist Iribhogbe, two government offices,
    and four African-American members of the House of
    Records and testimony at trial also indicated
    that Jackson enrolled a UPS employee in the
    National Rifle Association, sent Confederate
    flags to a UPS employee, and placed telephone
    calls, telegrams, and ordered merchandise that
    attempted to connect UPS employees to white hate
    In June 1998 the government filed a motion
    alleging that Jackson had created false email
    correspondence on May 20, 1998, that attempted to
    frame David Stennett, the head of the Euro-
    American Student Union, for the hate mail.
    Evidence at the trial showed that Jackson
    subsequently tried to create an alibi by altering
    and falsifying records to make it appear that she
    was being treated at Meharry Medical Clinic in
    Tennessee on May 20, 1998, when she actually was
    treated there on other dates.
    Before any of these events, Jackson was
    arrested for battery in June 1996 by Chicago
    Police Sergeant Bernadette Heelan. After the
    arrest and before her court date, Jackson used
    her credit card to order bottles of wine,
    Playgirl magazine, and sex toys that were
    delivered to Heelan’s home. Jackson then filed a
    complaint with the Internal Affairs Division of
    the Chicago Police Department accusing Heelan of
    stealing her credit card number during the arrest
    and using it to make these unauthorized
    purchases. A piece of paper found in Jackson’s
    apartment contained Heelan’s name and address,
    the telephone numbers of the wine companies, and
    the words "Sex Devices."
    The guilty verdicts against Jackson were
    returned on five counts of mail fraud, four
    counts of wire fraud, and one count of
    obstruction of justice. The presiding judge,
    Charles R. Norgle, Sr., sentenced her to 60
    months in prison on the fraud charges and
    concurrently to 65 months in prison on the
    obstruction of justice charge. Jackson appeals
    her conviction on the eight fraud counts
    involving UPS on the grounds that Judge Norgle
    excluded admissible evidence, and she appeals her
    conviction on the one fraud count involving the
    Chicago police sergeant on the grounds that it
    was improperly joined with the rest of the case.
    Curiously, she does not attack the obstruction of
    justice charge, for which she received the
    stiffest sentence.
    Jackson’s defense is that she didn’t do it--in
    other words, the original four packages sent to
    her actually were damaged and defaced by UPS and
    the hate mail really was sent by white
    supremacists. She says her defense was stymied,
    however, by Judge Norgle’s refusal to allow
    Stennett to testify and the judge’s refusal to
    admit postings from the web sites of the white
    supremacy groups. We review the exclusion of
    evidence for abuse of discretion. United States
    v. Wiman, 
    77 F.3d 981
    , 985 (7th Cir. 1996).
    Before trial the government represented that
    Stennett knew nothing about these crimes and
    moved to preclude Jackson from calling him as a
    witness absent a preliminary good-faith showing
    as to the substance of his testimony. The defense
    failed to set forth the substance of Stennett’s
    anticipated testimony, saying only that Stennett
    would be questioned about the UPS packages and
    the email sent in his name. Because Stennett’s
    denial of any involvement would not have aided
    Jackson’s defense, the only conceivable purpose
    in calling him would be to air his odious views
    before the jury. However, a witness may not be
    called simply to bring in evidence through
    impeachment that would be otherwise inadmissible.
    See United States v. Kane, 
    944 F.2d 1406
    , 1411
    (7th Cir. 1991); United States v. Medley, 
    913 F.2d 1248
    , 1257 (7th Cir. 1990). In fact, because
    Jackson never made known the substance of the
    evidence Stennett would have provided, the
    exclusion of this evidence cannot have been
    error. See Federal Rule of Evidence 103(a)(2).
    Jackson’s brief makes casual mention of the
    court denying costs for "certain key out-of-town
    witnesses," and at oral argument Jackson’s
    counsel briefly referred to Sharon Nault, who
    allegedly saw Jackson receive hate mail. This
    argument would not succeed even if it were
    sufficiently developed for us to consider. Such
    testimony would hardly have turned the tide
    against the flood of evidence against Jackson,
    and so its absence can only be chalked up as
    harmless error, if it was error at all.
    Jackson also wanted to bring in web site
    postings from the Euro-American Student Union and
    Storm Front. Jackson’s appeal is imprecise about
    exactly what evidence she wanted to introduce,
    but she apparently means web site postings in
    which the white supremacist groups gloat about
    the Jackson case, take credit for the racist UPS
    mailings, discuss the McCall bomb scare, report
    that a group member traveled to Chicago to mail
    the November 25 packages, and note that the
    November 25 packages were confiscated. The
    government says the evidence was properly kept
    out because it was prejudicial, irrelevant,
    hearsay, and lacked foundation.
    The vile and inflammatory nature of these
    racist rants might have distracted a jury. On the
    other hand, the government already had touched
    upon the supremacists’ loathsome views while
    presenting the evidence that Jackson had visited
    their web sites, and those additional details
    might not have been all that prejudicial. Whether
    any probative value of the web postings would
    have been substantially outweighed by the danger
    of unfair prejudice under Federal Rule of
    Evidence 403 is a close call and, given the
    standard of review, one on which we are not
    inclined to second-guess the trial judge on the
    front line.
    The government contends that this evidence is
    irrelevant because it is not true, arguing that
    Jackson concocted these documents and posted them
    on the supremacists’ web sites in an attempt to
    cover up her crimes. Under this novel theory of
    relevance, defense evidence should be excluded
    whenever the prosecution pronounces it phony.
    Sorting truth from fiction, of course, is for the
    jury. "[A] judge in our system does not have the
    right to prevent evidence from getting to the
    jury merely because he does not think it deserves
    to be given much weight." Western Indus., Inc. v.
    Newcor Canada Ltd., 
    739 F.2d 1198
    , 1202 (7th Cir.
    1984). The government makes more headway in
    pointing out that the fraud charges stem not from
    the hate mail, but from Jackson’s claim of
    damaged packages. Evidence that Jackson was
    sending fake hate mail under the UPS logo to make
    the company appear racist was relevant to proving
    the falsity of her claim that UPS defaced her
    packages with racial slurs. But if someone else
    actually sent the fake hate mail under the UPS
    logo, that would have little relevance to the
    veracity of Jackson’s claim that someone at UPS
    defiled her packages.
    The web postings were not statements made by
    declarants testifying at trial, and they were
    being offered to prove the truth of the matter
    asserted. That means they were hearsay. Fed. R.
    Evid. 801. Jackson tries to fit the web postings
    in as a hearsay exception under Federal Rule of
    Evidence 803(6) as business records of the
    supremacy groups’ Internet service providers.
    Internet service providers, however, are merely
    conduits. The Internet service providers did not
    themselves post what was on Storm Front and the
    Euro-American Student Union’s web sites. Jackson
    presented no evidence that the Internet service
    providers even monitored the contents of those
    web sites. The fact that the Internet service
    providers may be able to retrieve information
    that its customers posted or email that its
    customers sent does not turn that material into
    a business record of the Internet service
    provider. "[A]ny evidence procured off the
    Internet is adequate for almost nothing, even
    under the most liberal interpretations of the
    hearsay exception rules." St. Clair v. Johnny’s
    Oyster & Shrimp, Inc., 
    76 F. Supp. 2d 773
    , 775
    (S.D. Texas 1999).
    Even if we are wrong about the web postings
    being unfairly prejudicial, irrelevant, and
    hearsay, Judge Norgle still was justified in
    excluding the evidence because it lacked
    authentication. See Fed. R. Evid. 901. Jackson
    needed to show that the web postings in which the
    white supremacist groups took responsibility for
    the racist mailings actually were posted by the
    groups, as opposed to being slipped onto the
    groups’ web sites by Jackson herself, who was a
    skilled computer user. "[C]omputer data
    compilations are admissible as business records
    under Fed. R. Evid. 803(6) if a proper foundation
    as to the reliability of the records is
    established." United States v. Briscoe, 
    896 F.2d 1476
    , 1494 (7th Cir. 1990). Even if these web
    postings did qualify for the business records
    hearsay exception, "the business records are
    inadmissible if the source of information or the
    method or circumstances of preparation indicate
    a lack of trustworthiness." United States v.
    750 F.2d 1354
    , 1367 (7th Cir. 1984).
    Jackson was unable to show that these postings
    were authentic.
    In addition to her evidentiary complaints,
    Jackson says the one fraud count concerning
    Heelan, the Chicago police sergeant, was
    improperly joined with the eight counts of fraud
    and the one count of obstruction of justice
    concerning UPS. Whether joinder is proper is
    reviewed de novo. United States v. Jamal, 
    87 F.3d 913
    , 914 (7th Cir. 1996). Federal Rule of
    Criminal Procedure 8(a) allows the joinder of
    offenses that "are of the same or similar
    character." Judicial efficiency motivates a
    strong policy preference in favor of joinder and
    offenses should be compared for categorical, not
    evidentiary, similarities. United States v.
    135 F.3d 470
    , 476 (7th Cir.), cert.
    119 S. Ct. 136
    (1998). Because the charge
    against Jackson pertaining to Heelan, attempted
    fraud in violation of 18 U.S.C. sec. 1341, is
    identical to the charge against Jackson
    pertaining to UPS, joinder was proper. See 
    Jamal, 87 F.3d at 914
    Jackson did not contend that the Heelan count
    should have been severed, the usual twin argument
    to a misjoinder claim, but such an argument would
    have been to no avail. Fed. R. Crim. P. 14
    provides for severance if the defendant would be
    prejudiced by the joinder of offenses. There
    always is some danger of cumulative prejudice
    when offenses start getting stacked up against a
    defendant, but the real hazards of multiple
    charges are jury confusion or jury bias if it
    hears evidence about crime B that it would not
    have heard if it only were considering crime A.
    The jury would have had no trouble keeping
    straight Jackson’s attempt to discredit Heelan
    from her attempts to smear UPS. Because Jackson
    took the stand to deny the UPS ploy, the evidence
    about her efforts to set up Heelan would have
    been admissible on cross-examination under
    Federal Rule of Evidence 608(b) anyway. Even if
    Jackson had not testified, her modus operandi was
    so unusual that the Heelan evidence would have
    been admissible in a trial on the UPS charges
    under Federal Rule of Evidence 404(b).
    For these reasons, the judgment of conviction
    of Jackson is AFFIRMED.