Levine, Robert M. v. United States ( 2000 )

  • In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 99-1153 & 99-1236
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Indiana, Hammond Division.
    No. 2:97-CV-164--Rudy Lozano, Judge.
    Argued May 11, 2000--Decided July 19, 2000
    Before COFFEY, EVANS and WILLIAMS, Circuit Judges.
    COFFEY, Circuit Judge. On January 11, 1991, a
    grand jury returned a five count indictment
    against the petitioner-appellant Richard M.
    Levine ("Levine"), charging him in Count one with
    conspiring to use interstate commerce to effect
    murder for hire and in Counts two through five
    with using interstate commerce to effect murder
    for hire, see 18 U.S.C. sec.sec. 371, 1958. At
    the conclusion of a jury trial, Levine was found
    guilty on all five counts and the court sentenced
    him to life imprisonment on Counts two through
    five and 60 months’ imprisonment on Count one,
    ordering the sentences to run concurrently and
    concurrent with each other. After this court
    affirmed his conviction and sentence on direct
    appeal, see United States v. Levine, 
    5 F.3d 1100
    (7th Cir. 1993), Levine filed a motion under 28
    U.S.C. sec. 2255, seeking to "vacate, set aside
    or correct [his] sentence," which was denied by
    the district court on October 22, 1998.
    Thereafter, Levine appealed and a requested
    certificate of appealability was granted by the
    district judge on the sole issue of whether the
    court that tried Levine’s case lacked
    jurisdiction due to the fact that the prosecuting
    Assistant U.S. Attorney ("AUSA") resided outside
    the judicial district (Northern District of
    Indiana). We AFFIRM the district court’s decision.
    For purposes of this appeal, only a cursory
    description of the facts is required./1 Levine
    and his brother Donald Levine were business
    partners. But after his brother and sister-in-law
    Marsha Levine accused him of embezzling and
    misappropriating funds, Levine hired an assassin
    to murder his brother, sister-in-law and nephew
    Mark Levine, in order that he might gain control
    of their joint business partnerships. After
    months of planning and preparation, on November
    9, 1989, the assassin went to Donald’s home in
    Munster, Illinois. While posing as a deliveryman,
    the murderer entered the house and shot and
    killed Donald and Marsha with a .357 Ruger
    handgun, while Mark was able to escape.
    With Mark’s help, law enforcement authorities
    were able to identify and arrest the killer, who
    eventually agreed to cooperate in the
    investigation and testify against Levine. After
    evading the authorities for nearly three months
    as a fugitive from justice, Levine decided to
    surrender on March 4, 1991.
    Following his conviction and sentencing, this
    court affirmed Levine’s direct appeal. Levine
    thereafter filed a motion under 28 U.S.C. sec.
    2255, which the district court denied. Levine
    appealed and the district court granted a
    certificate of appealability on the sole issue of
    whether the court that tried Levine’s case lacked
    jurisdiction due to the fact that the prosecuting
    AUSA resided outside the judicial district.
    II.    ISSUES
    As identified in the certificate of
    appealability, Levine argues on appeal that he
    "is entitled to relief under 28 U.S.C. section
    2255 because the Assistant United States Attorney
    [(AUSA)] who handled his case at the trial level
    did not live in the Northern District of
    Levine argues that he is entitled to relief
    from his conviction because the prosecuting AUSA
    resided outside of the Northern District of
    Indiana at the time of his trial in violation of
    28 U.S.C. sec. 545(a) (1991), thus depriving the
    trial court of jurisdiction over his trial and
    sentencing./2 We review a district court’s
    denial of a sec. 2255 petition on factual matters
    for clear error, and on questions of law de novo.
    See Arango-Alvarez v. United States, 
    134 F.3d 888
    , 890 (7th Cir. 1998). A section 2255 motion
    must be granted if "the court was without
    jurisdiction to impose such sentence." 28 U.S.C.
    sec. 2255. "If the court finds that the judgment
    was rendered without jurisdiction, . . . the
    court shall vacate and set the judgment aside and
    shall discharge the prisoner . . . ." 
    Id. As provided
    by 28 U.S.C. sec. 545(a) (1991),
    "[e]ach United States attorney and assistant
    United States attorney shall reside in the
    district for which he is appointed."/3 The issue
    before us is one of first impression within this
    circuit./4 There is but one reported case that
    specifically addresses the effect of a violation
    of 28 U.S.C. sec. 545(a) upon a trial court’s
    jurisdiction: United States v. London, 424 F.
    Supp. 556 (D. Md. 1976), affirmed sub nom.,
    United States v. Clerkley, 
    556 F.2d 709
    (4th Cir.
    1977). In London, the AUSA prosecuting a case
    resided outside the judicial district for which
    he was appointed, but the court held that a
    violation of the residency statute "does not
    affect the court’s jurisdiction." 
    Id. at 566-67.
    The court explained that
    [i]n United States v. Mitchell, 
    136 F. 896
    Ct. Or. 1905), the court under a predecessor
    statute considered the claim that the United
    States district attorney lived outside of the
    state. In rejecting any jurisdictional claim, the
    court stated:
    His right to the office cannot be attacked
    collaterally. Whether he is in fact ineligible to
    hold the office is not material to the purposes
    of this inquiry. He is a de facto officer, and is
    entitled to continue in the office until it is
    judicially declared by a competent tribunal, in
    a proceeding for that purpose, that he has no
    right to 
    it. 136 F. at 906
    . See also United States v. Denton,
    307 F.2d 336
    , 338-39 (6th Cir.), cert. denied,
    371 U.S. 923
    83 S. Ct. 292
    9 L. Ed. 2d 232
    (1962) (unauthorized assistance from IRS lawyers
    does not deprive court of jurisdiction). The
    court construes the statutory proviso relied upon
    by the defendants as relating only to
    governmental administration and not to
    Id. at 567
    (emphasis added). Likewise, in United
    States v. Mitchell, the court interpreted the
    predecessor statute of section 545(a) and
    similarly ruled that
    [t]he principle is settled that there is a
    presumption from the undisturbed exercise of a
    public office that the appointment to it is
    valid. In the present case it is not questioned
    that the court had authority to make a valid
    appointment to this office, and that it did
    appoint Mr. Heney, and that during the
    performance by him, as district attorney, of all
    the acts and things complained of, he was in the
    undisturbed and unquestioned exercise of that
    office. . . . [T]he rule is recognized in a long
    series of decisions that ’if the office has been
    lawfully established and a person exercises the
    functions thereof by color of right, but whose
    election or appointment thereto is illegal, his
    official acts therein cannot be successfully
    attacked in collateral proceedings, but in all
    such proceedings will be valid and binding until
    the officer is ousted by the judgment of a court
    in a direct proceeding to try his title to the
    136 F. 896
    , 906 (Cr. Ct. Or. 1905).
    Here, the district judge concluded, and we
    agree, that any violation of the residency
    requirement "cannot be endorsed," but it does not
    "amount to the type of defect [(lack of
    jurisdiction)] that warrants upsetting Levine’s
    conviction now under section 2255." It seems
    apparent that in enacting section 545(a),
    Congress was addressing an issue of government
    administration rather than federal court
    jurisdiction. In a 1979 memorandum opinion from
    the Office of Legal Counsel for the Department of
    Justice, the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys
    ruled that "[i]t appears from the legislative
    history that the purpose of the residency
    requirement was to ensure the availability of the
    attorneys," and does not mention jurisdiction. 3
    Op. Off. Legal Counsel 360, 361 (1979). The
    Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys also ruled
    that for purposes of the residency statute, the
    term "residence" refers to "physical presence,
    not to legal domicile or voting residence," and
    as such, the residency requirement of section
    545(a) would be satisfied if the AUSA merely
    "rents an apartment in the [district] and lives
    there during the workweek. It is not legally
    necessary that he change his voting
    Id. More importantly,
    the petitioner does not
    dispute the fact that the prosecuting AUSA was
    duly appointed by the Attorney General of the
    United States and had functioned in that capacity
    for a number of years./5 Levine also fails to
    direct this court’s attention to, nor have we
    been able to discover, any caselaw holding that
    a violation of the residency statute deprives a
    district court of jurisdiction. Accordingly, we
    hold that 28 U.S.C. sec. 545(a) concerns a matter
    of governmental administration and, while we do
    not condone such practices, a violation of the
    residency requirement does not deprive the
    district court of jurisdiction over Levine’s
    trial and sentencing. Cf. Home News Publishing
    Co. v. United States, 
    329 F.2d 191
    , 193 (5th Cir.
    1964) ("[T]hese provisions of the statutes are
    for the benefit of the Government. . . . We
    conclude, therefore, that the trial court had
    jurisdiction to proceed to judgment as it
    did.")./6 We also conclude that overwhelming
    evidence of the petitioner’s guilt was presented
    at trial by the government and the alleged
    violation of section 545(a) by the prosecuting
    AUSA had no impact whatsoever upon the
    petitioner’s conviction and sentence. The
    district judge properly rejected the petitioner’s
    jurisdiction argument./7
    We AFFIRM the district judge’s denial of the
    petitioner’s section 2255 motion./8
    /1 For further details of Levine’s crime and direct
    appeal, see 
    Levine, 5 F.3d at 1102-07
    /2 At oral argument, the government stated that the
    prosecuting AUSA maintained a North Hammond
    mailing address, which is within the Northern
    District of Indiana. Nonetheless, for reasons
    unexplained, the government does not dispute
    Levine’s contention that the prosecuting AUSA
    resided outside of district, but instead argues
    that "even if [the AUSA] did not reside in the
    Northern District of Indiana, it would not
    invalidate Levine’s indictment or prosecution."
    Because the government does not dispute the
    AUSA’s failure to comply with the statute and the
    district judge assumed the same, for purposes of
    our review, we will assume that the prosecuting
    AUSA did not reside within the Northern District
    of Indiana.
    /3 In 1994, the statute was amended to provide:
    "Each assistant United States attorney shall
    reside in the district for which he was appointed
    or within 25 miles thereof." 28 U.S.C. sec.
    545(a) (1994) (emphasis added).
    /4 Levine also asserts that "this case is different
    from every other case cited since in this case
    the AUSA, . . . the United States Attorney’s
    Office and the presiding judge were aware of his
    violation, and were aware that he was acting
    fraudulently." Levine, however, has presented no
    evidence whatsoever in support of this bald
    /5 The record does not indicate in what year the
    prosecuting AUSA in question was appointed by the
    Attorney General of the United States.
    /6 Further, Levine cites to cases that relate to an
    alleged failure to properly appoint an assistant
    U.S. attorney or alleged acts that exceed their
    authority, and thus, have no applicability here.
    See, e.g., United States v. Providence Journal
    485 U.S. 693
    (1988); United States v.
    912 F.2d 1033
    (9th Cir. 1990); United
    States v. Navarro, 
    959 F. Supp. 1273
    (E.D. Cal.
    /7 We are also of the opinion that because section
    545(a) concerns a matter of government
    administration, the non-resident AUSA was a "de
    facto officer, and [was] entitled to continue in
    the office until it is judicially declared by a
    competent tribunal, in a proceeding for that
    purpose, that he had no right to it." 
    Mitchell, 136 F. at 906
    ; see E.E.O.C. v. Sears, Roebuck and
    650 F.2d 14
    , 17-18 (2d Cir. 1981) ("The de
    facto officer doctrine was developed to protect
    the public from the chaos and uncertainty that
    would ensue if actions taken by individuals
    apparently occupying government offices could
    later be invalidated by exposing defects in the
    officials’ titles. . . . The doctrine has
    generally been applied to individuals who are in
    possession of an office, are performing the
    duties of the office, and who maintain an
    appearance of right to the office.").
    /8 Because Levine has failed to make "a substantial
    showing of the denial of a constitutional right,"
    we decline his motion to expand the certificate
    of appealability to include the additional issues
    raised in his briefs. See 28 U.S.C. sec.