United States v. Smith, Shawna L. ( 2000 )

  • In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 99-3169
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Western District of Wisconsin.
    No. 99-CR-16-S-01--John C. Shabaz, Chief Judge.
    Argued January 21, 2000--Decided July 14, 2000
    Before Bauer, Ripple and Kanne, Circuit Judges.
    Bauer, Circuit Judge. On January 28, 1999,
    Defendant Shawna L. Smith ("Smith") was arrested
    for bank fraud. She confessed within an hour
    after her arrest. Later, she moved to suppress
    her confession, but the motion was denied and her
    confession was used against her at trial. A jury
    found her guilty of six counts of bank fraud in
    violation of 18 U.S.C. sec. 1344 and one count of
    using a false social security number in violation
    of 42 U.S.C. sec. 408(7)(B). The United States
    District Court for the Western District of
    Wisconsin sentenced Smith to 30 months
    imprisonment and ordered restitution in the
    amount of $202,474.05. She appeals, claiming that
    the District Court erred in denying her motion to
    suppress because she did not knowingly and
    voluntarily waive her Miranda rights and because
    her statements to the authorities were not
    voluntary. She also challenges the District
    Court’s inclusion of the dollar amounts she
    charged on stolen credit cards and the dollar
    amounts she attempted to obtain from advances on
    the cards in computing the loss amount for
    sentencing and restitution purposes./1 We
    In the summer of 1998, Shawna L. Smith left
    California and came to Wisconsin to participate
    in a bank fraud scheme. The mastermind behind the
    scheme, "Nepa," paired Smith with a Nigerian
    named Rasheed Ukaonu ("Ukaonu"). The plan was
    simple. Using stolen credit cards and
    corresponding counterfeit drivers’ licenses
    provided by Nepa, Smith obtained mailing
    addresses at two different "Mailboxes, Etc."
    locations in Madison. Then, using five business
    checks that had been stolen from the mail, Smith
    went to five different area banks and opened one
    business checking account at each bank. Each
    account was opened in the business name of a
    payee of one of the stolen checks and listed as
    its address one of the two "Mailbox, Etc."
    addresses. For identification, Smith provided the
    banks with a false driver’s license, and on one
    occasion, the corresponding stolen credit card.
    She then made a small initial cash deposit into
    each account.
    A few days later, Smith deposited one of the
    stolen business checks into each corresponding
    account. She waited a few days for the checks to
    clear and then withdrew most of the available
    funds in the form of cash and cashier’s checks,
    each check made payable to one of her aliases.
    She then quickly (usually the same day) cashed
    the cashier’s checks at a branch location of the
    victim bank. To cash each of the cashier’s
    checks, Smith posed as the payee. She showed a
    counterfeit driver’s license, and, sometimes, the
    underlying credit card, for identification.
    The credit cards were used for more than
    identification at the banks. Smith also used them
    to obtain almost $30,000 in unauthorized cash
    advances at the same banks. She charged a rental
    car to one of the cards, and charged $5,000 worth
    of gas, food, and liquor to others. The
    indictment against Smith originally charged her
    with intent to defraud using unauthorized credit
    cards and obtaining over $1,000 in cash advances
    and goods, in violation of 18 U.S.C.
    sec.1029(a)(2), but that count was dismissed by
    the Government without prejudice prior to trial.
    A criminal complaint charging bank fraud was
    issued by the United States District Court for
    the Western District of Wisconsin on January 28,
    1999 and Smith was arrested later that night at
    her last known address, a YMCA in Hollywood,
    California. The arrest was made by four plain
    clothes FBI agents and one postal inspector at
    9:45 pm. Smith did not resist.
    Smith was taken to the U.S. Postal Service
    Office in Los Angeles for questioning. The agents
    began by reading Smith her rights off of a
    standardized form. She was then given the form to
    read, which she appeared to do. The agents asked
    Smith if she understood her rights and Smith
    indicated that she did, either verbally or with
    an affirmative nod of her head. One of the agents
    then asked Smith to sign the waiver of rights
    form. Smith refused. But, when the agents asked
    whether she wanted to talk to them and whether
    they could ask her questions, Smith said "yes."
    Thereafter, the agents questioned Smith for about
    one hour, during which time she admitted her
    involvement in the fraud scheme. Smith never
    asked that the questioning be halted or that she
    be provided with an attorney. Smith was
    subsequently indicted on six counts of bank
    fraud, one count of credit card fraud and one
    count of using a false social security number.
    Prior to trial, Smith moved to suppress her
    confession, claiming that she did not waive her
    Miranda rights and that because of the coercive
    and intimidating atmosphere during her
    interrogation, her statements to the agents were
    not voluntary. An evidentiary hearing was held
    before the Magistrate Judge and he recommended
    that the motion be denied. The District Judge
    adopted the Magistrate’s recommendation and
    denied Smith’s motion to suppress.
    After a two day trial, a federal jury found
    Smith guilty on the remaining counts of bank
    fraud and using a false social security number.
    The Presentence Report recommended that the
    purchases on the stolen credit cards be included
    for purposes of offense level computation and for
    purposes of computing restitution. It calculated
    the amount at $40,320.76. Smith objected to the
    inclusion of that amount since the charge of
    credit card fraud against her had been dropped.
    At the sentencing hearing, under U.S.S.G.
    sec.2F1.1(b)(1), the court calculated the
    undisputed losses from the bank fraud at
    $167,418.25. It also added attempted credit card
    transactions producing no loss in the amount of
    $9,800 and actual credit card losses of
    $35,055.80, for a total loss of $212,274.05. By
    including the credit card losses in the
    computation, Smith’s base offense level was 14,
    instead of 13. The court also added a two level
    enhancement under U.S.S.G. sec.3C1.1 for
    obstruction of justice for Smith’s false
    testimony at the suppression hearing and denied
    any downward departure under U.S.S.G. sec.3B1.2
    for Smith’s claim that she was only a minor
    participant in the scheme. Sentence was imposed
    at 30 months, and restitution was ordered at
    $202,474.05. Judgment was entered accordingly.
    A.   Motion to Suppress
    The two issues before us regarding Smith’s
    motion to suppress are whether Smith knowingly
    and voluntarily waived her right against self-
    incrimination and whether Smith’s post-arrest
    statements to the agents were voluntary. This
    Court reviews the question of whether Smith’s
    waiver of her Fifth Amendment Miranda rights was
    voluntary de novo. United States v. Mills, 
    122 F.3d 346
    , 350 (7th Cir. 1997), cert. denied, 
    522 U.S. 1033
    (1997). We also review de novo Smith’s
    claim that her inculpatory statements to the
    authorities were involuntary. United States v.
    150 F.3d 754
    , 757 (7th Cir. 1998). Both
    questions are considered under the totality of
    the circumstances. United States v. Brooks, 
    125 F.3d 484
    , 490-92 (7th Cir. 1997).
    As the Government properly states in its brief,
    Smith’s motion to suppress presents "a factual
    dispute," a veritable "she said" versus "they
    said." The District Court ruled against Smith
    after hearing evidence, saying Smith’s testimony
    was "totally unbelievable." We must give
    deference to the District Court’s findings of
    Mills, 122 F.3d at 350-51
    , and credibility
    determinations, United States v. Jensen, 
    169 F.3d 1044
    , 1046 (7th Cir. 1999).
    Smith’s arguments here are the same as those
    raised below. She claims that her waiver was not
    valid and her statements not voluntary because
    she was handcuffed to her chair, under the
    influence of cocaine and sleeping pills, tired,
    menstruating, ill, intimidated and not allowed to
    use the bathroom until after she confessed.
    Weighed against contrasting evidence presented by
    the government agents, Smith’s attempts to shed
    her confession fail.
    The government agents testified, and the
    District Court found, that Smith’s rights were
    read to her in a slow, deliberate and
    understandable manner and that Smith was given
    the printed form to read, which she appeared to
    do. When asked whether she understood her rights,
    Smith indicated that she did. She then refused to
    sign a waiver form, but went on to confess
    Smith argues that she did not waive her Fifth
    Amendment right against self-incrimination and
    that her avowal should be suppressed because she
    refused to sign the waiver of rights form when it
    was presented to her. However, a Miranda waiver
    need not be express. It may be inferred from a
    defendant’s understanding of her rights coupled
    with a course of conduct reflecting her desire to
    give up her right to remain silent. North
    Carolina v. Butler, 
    441 U.S. 369
    , 373-76 (1979).
    Indeed, waiver may be inferred from the
    defendant’s conduct, even when she has refused to
    sign a waiver form. United States v. Banks, 
    78 F.3d 1190
    , 1196-98 (7th Cir. 1996), vacated on
    other grounds, 
    519 U.S. 990
    (1996), on remand,
    United States v. Mills, 
    122 F.3d 346
    cert. denied 
    522 U.S. 1033
    Here, there can be no doubt that Smith’s
    conduct demonstrated a waiver of her right to
    remain silent. She immediately began talking to
    the agents after refusing to sign the waiver form
    and continued to do so for an hour. During that
    entire time, she never requested an attorney and
    never asked that the questioning be stopped.
    There can be no credible argument under these
    facts that Smith’s conduct was not a waiver of
    her Miranda rights.
    Smith claims alternatively that her confession
    was the product of the agents’ overbearing
    tactics. The agents dispute that the atmosphere
    during Smith’s interrogation was intimidating or
    coercive. They said that at the outset they
    offered Smith a soda. She refused it, but asked
    for a glass of water, which was immediately
    brought to her. They maintain that they sat a
    respectful distance from her, they did not gang
    up on her, and that most of the questioning was
    done by one agent, although occasionally the
    other agents would ask clarifying or follow-up
    questions. As to her claim that she was not
    allowed to use the bathroom until after she
    confessed, the agents said that Smith did not ask
    to use the restroom until the end of the
    interview and that her request was immediately
    granted. The District Court believed the agents’
    testimony and found that, contrary to Smith’s
    description, the atmosphere was "low key and
    informal." Thus, it seems to us, that despite
    "striv[ing] mightly", in the words of the
    Magistrate Judge, to convince the court that the
    agents’ tactics overbore her will and forced her
    into talking, Smith’s statements were voluntary
    and properly used against her at trial.
    Nor are we persuaded that Smith was
    incapacitated by having ingested cocaine and
    over-the-counter sleeping pills 45 minutes prior
    to her arrest. Smith did not tell the agents that
    she had taken drugs, did not appear to the agents
    to be under the influence of any drugs, and
    responded appropriately to the agents’ questions,
    hardly the conduct expected of a woman who was
    mentally disabled and unable to make knowing
    choices. Most damaging to her claim, though, is
    the fact that she refused to sign the waiver
    form. Smith’s refusal to do so shows her
    independent thinking and exercise of her free
    will. Her claim thus fails.
    The question before us is whether Smith was too
    high on crack, too sleepy, feeling too unwell
    because she was menstruating and too intimidated
    to be mentally capable of executing a knowing and
    intelligent waiver of her Miranda rights. The
    District Court had no hesitation in finding that
    Smith’s excuses were "totally unbelievable" and
    that the Government’s description of events was
    more credible. We defer to the District Court’s
    thorough and specific findings, especially since
    they are amply supported by the evidence. We thus
    affirm the denial of Smith’s motion to suppress
    her confession.
    B.   Sentencing Issues
    At sentencing, the District Court found Smith’s
    total offense level to be 18. A base offense
    level of six was applied because Smith’s crime
    involved fraud or deceit. U.S.S.G. sec.2F1.1(2).
    Eight levels were added because the amount was
    more than $200,000. U.S.S.G.sec.2F1.1(b)(1)(I).
    Additional levels were then added because Smith
    was found by the court to have obstructed justice
    by testifying falsely during the suppression
    hearing and because the crime involved more than
    minimal planning. Had the court not included the
    credit card losses, the amount would have been
    less than $200,000 and Smith’s offense level
    would have been one point lower. U.S.S.G.
    sec.2F1.1(b)(1)(H). Smith argues that the
    District Court erred in including the credit card
    charges in the loss amount. She contends that
    those losses cannot be included because they
    relate to crimes for which she was neither
    charged nor convicted and because the court did
    not make the requisite findings that the credit
    card fraud was conduct relevant to the bank fraud
    We review the District Court’s factual
    determinations for clear error, but its
    interpretations of the sentencing guidelines de
    novo. United States v. Petty, 
    132 F.3d 373
    , 380
    (7th Cir. 1997); United States v. Edwards, 
    115 F.3d 1322
    , 1325 (7th Cir. 1997). A finding that
    uncharged activity is "relevant conduct" that can
    be considered under the sentencing guidelines is
    a finding of fact that we will not disturb unless
    it is clearly erroneous. United States v. Sykes,
    7 F.3d 1331
    , 1335 (7th Cir. 1993). Applying these
    standards to the questions before us we find that
    the District Court correctly applied the
    sentencing guidelines to findings of fact that
    were not clearly erroneous and we thus affirm
    Smith’s sentence.
    Smith’s first argument, that the losses and the
    attempted losses from the credit cards cannot be
    attributed to her for sentencing purposes because
    they relate to uncharged conduct and conduct for
    which she was not convicted, is easily disposed
    of. "[S]entencing judges may look to the conduct
    surrounding the offense of conviction in
    fashioning an appropriate sentence, regardless of
    whether the defendant was ever charged with or
    convicted of that conduct, and regardless of
    whether he could be." United States v. Dawn, 
    129 F.3d 878
    , 884 (7th Cir. 1997). See also United
    States v. Meyer, 
    157 F.3d 1067
    , 1081-82 (7th Cir.
    1998), cert. denied 
    119 S. Ct. 1465
    (1999). To
    avoid the obvious rejection of her argument on
    this basis, Smith rephrases it as an argument
    that the credit card losses do not "square with"
    the indictment, which charges bank fraud. We do
    not, however, believe this change in verbiage
    changes the result. Her attempt to limit the
    "relevant conduct" to conduct outlined in the
    indictment is exactly the same argument
    considered and rejected by this Court in Meyer
    and Dawn. We see no reason to depart from those
    holdings here.
    Smith’s other argument, that the credit card
    fraud cannot be included in the loss calculation
    because it was not part of a "common scheme or
    plan" or part of the "same course of conduct," is
    more substantial. "The [s]entencing [g]uidelines
    specifically contemplate, indeed require, that
    the district courts take into account the full
    range of related conduct, whether it be charged
    or not." United States v. Petty, 
    132 F.3d 373
    381 (7th Cir. 1997) (citation and internal
    quotation marks omitted). "Related conduct" is
    described by the guidelines as all acts or
    omissions by the defendant (1) which occur during
    the offense of conviction, in preparation for
    that offense, or in the course of attempting to
    avoid detection or responsibility for that
    offense, or (2) are part of the "same course of
    conduct or common scheme or plan" as the offense
    of conviction. U.S.S.G. sec.1B1.3(a)(1).
    [B]ecause the relevant conduct rule is "not
    without limits" and "because its application so
    favors the government," we insist that courts be
    "scrupulous to ensure that the government has
    adhered to those limits." One of the ways in
    which we ensure that these limits are maintained
    is by requiring sentencing courts to "explicitly
    state and support, either at the sentencing
    hearing or (preferably) in a written statement of
    reasons, the finding that the unconvicted
    activities bore the necessary relation to the
    convicted offense." United States v. Beler, 
    20 F.3d 1428
    , 1431-32 (7th Cir. 1994), citing United
    States v. Duarte, 
    950 F.2d 1255
    , 1263 (7th Cir.
    United States v. Crockett, 
    82 F.3d 722
    , 729 (7th
    Cir. 1996).
    Not only does Smith claim that the credit card
    fraud was not conduct relevant to the bank fraud
    scheme for sentencing and restitution purposes,
    she claims that the District Court did not follow
    our mandate that it make explicit findings that
    the credit card scheme was part of a "common
    scheme or plan" or "part of the same course of
    conduct" (as those terms are defined by
    Application Note 9 to U.S.S.G. sec.1B1.3) as the
    bank fraud scheme, and thus the credit card
    losses cannot be counted. We agree that the
    sentencing judge did not spend a great deal of
    time developing this connection, and we would
    wish all judges to be very explicit and detailed,
    but we do not agree with Smith that no findings
    were made by the court here. The judge noted that
    the credit cards which were wrongfully used were
    in the same names as the aliases used by Smith
    and that there were some photos by bank
    surveillance cameras showing that it was Smith
    attempting to obtain cash with those cards. The
    judge found that the charges and advances were
    made during the same thirteen day period in which
    the defendant was defrauding the banks and that
    the transactions were the same "MO" as that used
    by Smith during the bank scheme. As we have said,
    these findings may be bare bones and perhaps more
    could have been done by the court to set forth
    its reasoning as clearly as possible, but the
    fact that more could have been said does not
    compel us to vacate Smith’s sentence.
    Deficiencies in the District Court’s statements
    that are harmless do not require a vacation of
    the sentence. 
    Crockett, 82 F.3d at 730
    In Crockett, the defendant was convicted on
    drug conspiracy charges. At sentencing, the judge
    calculated the quantity of drugs by including one
    transaction that occurred after the scope of the
    charged conspiracy. He justified the inclusion by
    saying it was "related conduct," and supported
    that by saying only that all of the conduct
    involved "dealing in the field of controlled
    substances," all of which were close in time and
    involved the same accomplices. We found that
    minimal effort to be harmless error because it
    was backed up by the objective evidence and did
    not change the defendant’s base offense level.
    We have, in other cases, also found that a
    pacuity of explicit findings by the sentencing
    judge does not mandate the vacation of the
    defendant’s sentence. See e.g., Petty, 
    132 F.3d 373
    . There, we held that because the District
    Court found a common purpose of financial gain,
    similar modus operandi and common accomplices,
    that was enough to satisfy our requirement of
    explicit findings. 
    Id. at 381.
    The District Court
    made similar findings here. Because they are
    backed up by the objective evidence, we affirm
    the inclusion of the credit card losses and
    affirm Smith’s sentence.
    The fact that it was ultimately the credit card
    companies and not the banks that suffered the
    losses occasioned by the wrongful use of the
    credit cards does not mean, as Smith suggests,
    that the District Court could not order
    restitution for those losses. Restitution can
    include all victims of the scheme. United States
    v. Bennett, 
    943 F.2d 738
    , 740 (7th Cir. 1991),
    cert. denied, 
    504 U.S. 987
    (1992). Smith contends
    that she can only be compelled to compensate the
    banks because that is the only fraud scheme with
    which she was charged and convicted. Again, we
    reject that notion. As long as the court can
    adequately demarcate the scheme, it can order
    restitution for any victim harmed by the
    defendant’s conduct during the course of that
    scheme. United States v. Hensley, 
    91 F.3d 274
    277 (1st Cir. 1996). Not only did the District
    Court conclude that the credit card fraud was
    part of the same scheme or course of conduct as
    the bank fraud scheme, our review of the evidence
    convinces us that this is true. Smith used the
    credit cards to rent the car used to drive
    herself and her accomplice to and from the
    various banks, she used the credit cards as
    identification to open some of the accounts, and
    she used them as identification to cash some of
    the cashier’s checks. Also, all of the purchases
    and cash advances on the cards were made in the
    Madison area, the same location as the bank
    fraud. Given all of this, we are convinced that
    the schemes were so intertwined, that the credit
    card scheme was used to support the bank fraud
    scheme, that restitution is appropriate. The
    order of restitution including the credit card
    losses is thus affirmed.
    For the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the
    District Court is affirmed.
    /1 Smith also raises as claims of error the District
    Court’s failure to give a requested jury
    instruction, addition of a two level enhancement
    at sentencing for obstruction of justice and
    refusal to grant a downward departure for being
    only a minimal participant in the fraud scheme.
    We believe these contentions to be wholly without
    merit and do not address them in our opinion.