Radue, William v. Kimberly-Clark Corp ( 2000 )

  • In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 00-1003
    William Radue,
    Kimberly-Clark Corporation,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Western District of Wisconsin.
    No. 98 C 879--Barbara B. Crabb, Judge.
    Argued June 1, 2000--Decided July 10, 2000
    Before Bauer, Easterbrook, and Manion, Circuit Judges.
    Manion, Circuit Judge. When Kimberly-Clark
    informed William Radue that he would be laid off
    from his mechanical engineer position as part of
    a reduction in force, it also mentioned that he
    could seek other positions with the company.
    Radue never secured another job, so he sued under
    the ADEA, maintaining that younger employees were
    given positions for which he was qualified.
    Because Radue failed to show discrimination under
    the direct method, and was unable to establish a
    prima facie case of age discrimination, the
    district court granted summary judgment for
    Kimberly-Clark. We affirm.
    William Radue is a mechanical engineer who
    worked for Kimberly-Clark between June 30, 1975
    and April 1, 1996. Since 1995, Radue was a senior
    project engineer assigned to a paper machine
    project at the Whiting Mill in Whiting,
    Wisconsin. When the project was nearing
    completion, Kimberly-Clark informed Radue that it
    had no further projects requiring his mechanical
    engineering skills and that his position would
    therefore be eliminated. Radue was fifty-three
    years old at this time, and was only two years
    away from eligibility for severance benefits. He
    asked whether another slot might be found for him
    so that he could complete the requisite two
    years, and he expressed a willingness to take any
    available position. Kimberly-Clark officials
    informed him that he should seek other jobs in
    the company by contacting people he knew and by
    using the resources of the company’s Engineering
    Career Development Team. The ECDT sought to match
    engineer employees with suitable positions
    throughout the company. It did this by
    maintaining a database of all engineering
    personnel and vacant engineering positions. Each
    sector of the company had a representative on the
    ECDT, and Radue’s representative was Jim Parent.
    Although Parent located a position for an
    electrical engineer who was subject to the RIF,
    he was unsuccessful in finding one for Radue.
    Other engineers transferred to positions
    throughout the company, but Radue never obtained
    another job with Kimberly-Clark, either through
    his informal inquiries or through the ECDT.
    Claiming that he was the victim of age
    discrimination, Radue sued the company under the
    Age Discrimination in Employment Act, which
    prohibits intentional discrimination against
    persons over the age of forty. See 29 U.S.C. sec.
    623(a)(1). Radue did not allege that the
    reduction in force was motivated by his age.
    Rather, his complaint centered on the company’s
    failure to assist him to the same extent it
    assisted other employees in finding other
    vacancies, and the company’s failure to transfer
    him to other positions. The district court
    granted summary judgment for Kimberly-Clark
    because Radue could not show discrimination under
    either the direct or indirect method. He
    presented no direct evidence of discrimination.
    With respect to the indirect method, while he
    presented evidence that one substantially younger
    employee might have been treated better than he
    was, and that some similarly situated employees
    might have received preferential treatment, he
    failed to show that any employee who was both
    similarly situated and substantially younger
    received superior treatment with respect to an
    intra-company transfer. Radue appeals from the
    summary judgment, arguing that he has created a
    genuine issue for trial under either the direct
    or indirect method.
    Radue concedes, as he must, that the ADEA does
    not require his employer to terminate younger
    employees in order to open positions for older
    workers. See Walther v. Lone Star Gas Co., 
    952 F.2d 119
    , 123 (5th Cir. 1992). Radue also
    recognizes that when an employer reduces its
    workforce it has no duty to transfer senior
    employees to available positions. Taylor v.
    Canteen Corp., 
    69 F.3d 773
    , 780 (7th Cir. 1995).
    But when internal job placement services are
    benefits of employment which are provided to
    younger employees, an employer must provide
    roughly the same benefits to ADEA-protected
    employees, and when an employer responds to a RIF
    by transferring employees to available positions,
    it may not refuse to transfer older employees
    based on their age. Kusak v. Ameritech Info.
    Sys., Inc., 
    80 F.3d 199
    , 201 (7th Cir. 1996);
    Taylor, 69 F.3d at 780
    . We assume, because the
    parties do, that use of the ECDT system was a
    benefit that Kimberly-Clark provided to all
    employees, and that Radue was therefore entitled
    to receive equal treatment in the internal job
    search. There’s no indication that in
    communicating to supervisors the names of
    engineers available for transfer Kimberly-Clark
    did not treat Radue the same as it did younger
    employees, which precludes Radue’s "job hunting"
    claim. Furthermore, a claim that an employer
    refused to provide equal assistance in finding a
    transfer for a protected employee requires a
    showing that there was an available position for
    which the plaintiff was qualified. See Sauzek v.
    Exxon Coal USA, Inc., 
    202 F.3d 913
    , 919 (7th Cir.
    2000) (employee must have been qualified for and
    applied for specific jobs that were available
    during the RIF); 
    Taylor, 69 F.3d at 779
    , 780. As
    will be seen in addressing Radue’s failure to
    transfer claim--which has the same requirement--
    he made no such showing. So we confine our
    analysis to Kimberly-Clark’s failure to transfer
    Radue. To withstand summary judgment on this
    claim, Radue must present sufficient evidence
    from which a jury could find that his employer
    acted with a discriminatory intent in failing to
    consider him for positions commensurate with his
    skills. Blackwell v. Cole Taylor Bank, 
    152 F.3d 666
    , 672 (7th Cir. 1998). He may do this using
    either the direct or the indirect method of
    proof. Sheehan v. Daily Racing Form, Inc., 
    104 F.3d 940
    , 940 (7th Cir. 1997).
    A.   The Direct Method
    Radue first argues that summary judgment was
    improper because he has sufficient direct
    evidence of discriminatory intent to create a
    genuine issue for trial.
    A plaintiff can avert summary judgment for the
    defendant in an employment discrimination case by
    presenting enough evidence, whether direct or
    circumstantial, of discriminatory motivation to
    create a genuine issue for trial. 
    Sheehan, 104 F.3d at 940
    . In pleading discrimination cases,
    litigants, usually as an alternative argument,
    will often contend that they have unearthed
    direct evidence of discriminatory intent, but
    such direct evidence--"eyewitness testimony as to
    the employer’s mental processes"--is rarely
    found. Reeves v. Sanderson Plumbing Products,
    120 S. Ct. 2097
    (2000). Direct evidence
    essentially requires an admission by the
    decision-maker that his actions were based on the
    prohibited animus. Troupe v. May Dep’t Stores,
    20 F.3d 734
    , 736 (7th Cir. 1994); see Coco
    v. Elmwood Care, Inc., 
    128 F.3d 1177
    , 1178 (7th
    Cir. 1997); 
    Sheehan, 104 F.3d at 941
    . Radue has
    nothing that looks even slightly like an
    admission, which is not surprising, since most
    employers are careful not to openly discriminate
    and certainly not to publicly admit it. Therefore
    most plaintiffs, including Radue, must rely on
    circumstantial evidence of discriminatory intent.
    Radue’s circumstantial case under the direct
    method is primarily composed of statistics which
    show that older employees were treated less
    favorably than younger employees in various RIFs
    conducted by Kimberly-Clark. For example, Radue’s
    numbers show that in November 1995, when
    Kimberly-Clark was performing a RIF in another
    sector of the company, the mean age of the 140
    engineers and consultants selected to be retained
    was 37.51, while the mean age of the 16 engineers
    receiving pink slips was 50.75. This, he
    concludes without any further analysis,
    demonstrates that his own plight was caused by
    invidious discrimination. But these statistics
    hardly compel this conclusion. For starters, they
    are based on a completely different part of the
    company (the family care sector) than that in
    which Radue worked (the Neenah paper sector). The
    numbers also include more than just engineers.
    And Radue’s contention with respect to these
    statistics--that the November 1995 RIF was
    engendered by age bias--differs from the argument
    made in his own case: his RIF was not age-based,
    but transfers awarded afterward were. A more
    basic problem is that statistics can only show a
    relationship between an employer’s decisions and
    the affected employees’ traits; they do not show
    causation. Munoz v. Orr, 
    200 F.3d 291
    , 301 (5th
    Cir. 2000) (citing Tagatz v. Marquette Univ., 
    861 F.2d 1040
    , 1044 (7th Cir. 1988)). Because the
    occurrence of adverse employment actions may
    correlate to older employees for reasons other
    than intentional discrimination, causation is
    suggested only when the other variables are shown
    to be insignificant. Furr v. Seagate Tech., Inc.,
    82 F.3d 980
    , 987 (10th Cir. 1996). "Statistical
    evidence which fails to properly take into
    account nondiscriminatory explanations does not
    permit an inference" of discrimination. 
    Id. A plaintiff
    must show "disparate treatment between
    comparable individuals." 
    Id. Tagatz succinctly
    illustrates this principle. In
    that case, the plaintiff showed that younger
    university professors received larger annual
    raises than older professors. While
    discrimination was one plausible explanation for
    the disparity, the court acknowledged that an
    equally plausible, nondiscriminatory explanation
    was suggested by the fact that "academics’
    salaries tend to rise rapidly in the early stages
    of their career and to reach a plateau when the
    academic becomes a full professor . . . 
    ." 861 F.2d at 1045
    . Because the plaintiff failed to
    explain why his statistical evidence did not
    equally support this alternative theory, it was
    not particularly probative of discriminatory
    intent. Similarly, in Barnes v. Southwest Forest
    Industries, Incorporated, the employer discharged
    fourteen security guards in a RIF, thirteen of
    whom were over the age of forty, and hired eleven
    younger employees just before the RIF, without
    giving the older employees a chance to compete
    for the jobs. 
    814 F.2d 607
    , 608, 610 (11th Cir.
    1987). The Eleventh Circuit held that these
    statistics failed to support a prima facie case
    of "failure to retain or rehire" discrimination
    where the plaintiff offered no other
    circumstantial evidence suggesting a
    discriminatory motive. As in the present case,
    there were alternative explanations for the
    numbers, which the plaintiff failed to take into
    account. "Standing virtually alone, as they are
    in this case, statistics cannot establish a case
    of individual disparate treatment." Gilty v.
    Village of Oak Park, 
    919 F.2d 1247
    , 1253 n.8 (7th
    Cir. 1990). Yet Radue has failed to suggest why
    obvious, alternative explanations were likely not
    the actual reasons for the layoffs. See 
    Furr, 82 F.3d at 987
    (the plaintiff’s statistical evidence
    is flawed when it fails to take into account
    nondiscriminatory reasons for disparities).
    Because Radue has neglected his burden of showing
    that the statistical evidence strongly suggests
    that his inability to find another position was a
    result of intentional discrimination, he has not
    established a case under the direct method.
    B.   The Indirect Method
    Radue also contends that he can show intentional
    discrimination using the McDonnell Douglas
    burden-shifting method.
    Plaintiffs utilizing the McDonnell Douglas
    burden-shifting formula for showing
    discriminatory intent must first establish a
    prima facie case of discrimination. See McDonnell
    Douglas Corp. v. Green, 
    411 U.S. 792
    , 802 (1973);
    Sheehan, 104 F.3d at 940
    . To do so in an ADEA-
    RIF-failure to transfer case, a plaintiff must
    present evidence that: (1) he is a member of a
    protected class; (2) he reasonably performed his
    job to his employer’s expectations; (3) he was
    subject to an adverse employment action; and (4)
    other similarly situated employees who were
    substantially younger than him were treated more
    favorably. Michas v. Health Cost Controls of
    Ill., Inc., 
    209 F.3d 687
    , 693 (7th Cir. 2000);
    Taylor, 69 F.3d at 779
    . Kimberly-Clark does not
    dispute the first three elements, so the only
    question is whether Radue established the last
    1.   Similarly situated.
    In determining whether two employees are
    similarly situated a court must look at all
    relevant factors, the number of which depends on
    the context of the case. Spath v. Hayes Wheels
    Int’l-In., Inc., 
    211 F.3d 392
    , 397 (7th Cir.
    2000). For example, in disciplinary cases--in
    which a plaintiff claims that he was disciplined
    by his employer more harshly than a similarly
    situated employee based on some prohibited
    reason--a plaintiff must show that he is
    similarly situated with respect to performance,
    qualifications, and conduct. Byrd v. Ronayne, 
    61 F.3d 1026
    , 1032 (1st Cir. 1995). This normally
    entails a showing that the two employees dealt
    with the same supervisor, were subject to the
    same standards, and had engaged in similar
    conduct without such differentiating or
    mitigating circumstances as would distinguish
    their conduct or the employer’s treatment of
    them. Mitchell v. Toledo Hosp., 
    964 F.2d 577
    , 583
    (6th Cir. 1992). In a failure to transfer case
    some of these factors--like the severity of the
    infractions--are not relevant, although the same
    general comparisons must be made. As to the
    relevant factors, an employee need not show
    complete identity in comparing himself to the
    better treated employee, but he must show
    substantial similarity. Ercegovich v. Goodyear
    Tire & Rubber Co., 
    154 F.3d 344
    , 352 (6th Cir.
    1998). Without making an exhaustive list, we note
    that in previous RIF cases plaintiffs were
    required to show at a minimum that the retained
    or transferred younger employees possessed
    analogous attributes, experience, education, and
    qualifications relevant to the positions sought,
    and that the younger employees obtained the
    desired positions around the same time as the
    RIF. Biolchini v. General Elec. Co., 
    167 F.3d 1151
    , 1154 (7th Cir. 1999); Fisher v. Wayne
    Dalton Corp., 
    139 F.3d 1137
    , 1141 (7th Cir.
    Taylor, 69 F.3d at 782
    ; Holmberg v. Baxter
    Healthcare Corp., 
    901 F.2d 1387
    , 1392 (7th Cir.
    Radue bases his prima facie case primarily on
    comparing himself to three employees: Ray
    Nankervis, Mark Proctor, and Renatta Williams.
    First, as to Proctor, Radue contends that
    Kimberly-Clark provided him with an electrical
    engineering position. But Radue can’t show a
    meaningful similarity to Proctor because Proctor
    is an electrical engineer, while Radue is not.
    The fact that Proctor was qualified for the
    position he obtained, while Radue isn’t, means
    that there is insufficient similarity to infer
    discrimination. See 
    Sauzek, 202 F.3d at 919
    . As
    far as Nankervis, Radue doesn’t indicate that he
    was subject to a RIF, which means that Nankervis
    and Radue were not in materially parallel
    positions. The same holds true for Williams, who
    accepted a purchasing agent position, but
    apparently not as a result of a RIF, and
    therefore is not a candidate for comparison.
    Spath, 211 F.3d at 397
    (plaintiff must show that
    the ’comparables’ are similarly situated in all
    relevant respects).
    A demonstration of substantial similarity would
    also require a showing that a common supervisor
    offered one of these other employees a position
    for which Radue was qualified, and that this same
    supervisor also knew about Radue’s availability
    but refused to offer the job to him. Radue hasn’t
    shown a common supervisor, and in fact doesn’t
    even mention who offered Williams and Nankervis
    their positions. This omission alone probably
    precludes a showing of similarity because when
    "’different decision-makers are involved, two
    decisions are rarely similarly situated in all
    relevant respects.’" Stanback v. Best Diversified
    Products, Inc., 
    180 F.3d 903
    , 910 (8th Cir. 1999)
    (quoting Harvey v. Anheuser-Busch, Inc., 
    38 F.3d 968
    , 972 (8th Cir. 1994)); see Hollins v.
    Atlantic Co., Inc., 
    188 F.3d 652
    , 659 (6th Cir.
    1999). Different employment decisions, concerning
    different employees, made by different
    supervisors, are seldom sufficiently comparable
    to establish a prima facie case of discrimination
    for the simple reason that different supervisors
    may exercise their discretion differently. Cf.
    Weisbrot v. Medical College of Wisconsin, 
    79 F.3d 677
    , 683 (7th Cir. 1996); Timms v. Frank, 
    953 F.2d 281
    , 287 (7th Cir. 1992). These distinctions
    sufficiently account for any disparity in
    treatment, thereby preventing an inference of
    Even if Radue demonstrated some likeness to
    Nankervis, Proctor, and Williams in these
    respects, he was substantially dissimilar to them
    in two material ways: he had previous job
    performance problems and he communicated to
    superiors that he hoped he could bide his time
    with the company for two more years in order to
    qualify for a good severance package. With
    respect to his performance, Radue was perceived
    as having a drinking problem, had episodes of
    non-attendance, and was thought to procrastinate
    on projects. Nankervis, Williams, and Proctor
    were not previously cited for substantial
    performance problems and never manifested an
    intent to make a quick departure, which makes
    them materially different from Radue. See Smith
    v. Stratus Computer, Inc., 
    40 F.3d 11
    , 17 (1st
    Cir. 1994) (substantial similarity requires a
    showing that the ostensibly similar employees
    conducted themselves in a corresponding fashion).
    Because these distinctions were substantial
    enough to account for the different treatment
    Radue claims he received, Radue has failed to
    show that he was sufficiently similar to either
    Proctor, Nankervis, or Williams to establish a
    prima facie case.
    Radue also points to about thirteen mechanical
    engineers and six process engineers who were
    hired, transferred, or promoted to other
    positions around the time of the RIF. But that’s
    about all he does with this information, and so
    his halfhearted attempt to show similarity
    suffers from the problems we just discussed. The
    defect underlying Radue’s approach stems from the
    frequency of transfers, promotions, and hirings
    at Kimberly-Clark, which means that these events
    are not in themselves indicative of
    discrimination. As we have already emphasized, a
    showing of discrimination requires more--much
    more than simply identifying employees who
    obtained jobs around the same time that the
    plaintiff was looking for a position. A valid
    comparison would have entailed showing that the
    these employees also encountered a RIF, that they
    obtained positions for which Radue was qualified,
    and that the supervisors in charge also knew that
    Radue was looking for such positions. Without
    this, there’s no basis for inferring that the
    other employees were similarly situated. The
    similarly situated requirement is very important,
    for without it a plaintiff would only have to
    point to one younger employee who was treated
    better than he. Wallace v. SMC Pneumatics, Inc.,
    103 F.3d 1394
    , 1398 (7th Cir. 1997). Such a
    minimal showing would be meaningless, especially
    with respect to large corporations like Kimberly-
    Clark. The record in this case does not indicate
    that Radue and these nineteen employees shared
    common features essential to a meaningful
    comparison, thus they cannot be used to establish
    the fourth element of a prima facie case of
    2.   Substantially younger.
    Finally, we also note that Radue was required to
    show that any similarly situated employees were
    substantially younger, which Radue cannot do as
    to Nankervis and Proctor. Nankervis was forty-six
    years old at the time of the RIF, which is
    problematic for Radue because to satisfy the
    "substantially younger" requirement, the relevant
    individual must be at least ten years younger
    than the plaintiff. Hartley v. Wisconsin Bell,
    124 F.3d 887
    , 893 (7th Cir. 1997). There
    being only seven years difference between the
    two, Nankervis is not substantially younger.
    Proctor won’t work either, as he is 9.5 years
    younger than Radue. But 9.5 is pretty close to
    10, and where a plaintiff just misses the 10-year
    mark, he can still present a triable claim if he
    directs the court to evidence that his employer
    considered age to be a significant factor.
    Fisher, 139 F.3d at 1141
    . But all Radue has are
    his statistics, the shortcomings of which we
    discussed above. Therefore, Radue could not use
    Proctor to make out a prima facie case either.
    Although Renatta Williams and the nineteen
    engineers Radue mentioned are substantially
    younger than Radue, as we discussed above, Radue
    didn’t show that they were similarly situated.
    Radue presented no direct evidence of
    discrimination and his statistical evidence
    failed to create a legitimate jury question. As
    to the indirect method, Radue failed to establish
    a prima facie case because he could not show that
    even a single substantially younger, similarly
    situated employee was treated more favorably.
    Accordingly, the district court properly granted
    summary judgment for Kimberly-Clark, and its
    decision is in all respects

Document Info

Docket Number: 00-1003

Judges: Per Curiam

Filed Date: 7/10/2000

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/24/2015

Authorities (31)

Byrd v. Ronayne , 61 F.3d 1026 ( 1995 )

Smith v. Stratus Computer, Inc. , 40 F.3d 11 ( 1994 )

Melvin WALTHER, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. LONE STAR GAS ... , 952 F.2d 119 ( 1992 )

Robert S, FURR, Leslie Woosley, Bernard E. Ozinga, ... , 82 F.3d 980 ( 1996 )

Grady Allen BARNES, Billy Blount, Et Al., Plaintiffs-... , 814 F.2d 607 ( 1987 )

Munoz v. Orr , 200 F.3d 291 ( 2000 )

Edward E. ERCEGOVICH, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. GOODYEAR TIRE ... , 154 F.3d 344 ( 1998 )

52-fair-emplpraccas-1452-53-empl-prac-dec-p-39899-harriet-holmberg , 901 F.2d 1387 ( 1990 )

Eunice Hollins v. Atlantic Company, Inc. Swagelok Company ... , 188 F.3d 652 ( 1999 )

Glenn E. Tagatz v. Marquette University , 861 F.2d 1040 ( 1988 )

Louise TAYLOR, Executrix for the Estate of Jerry Taylor, ... , 69 F.3d 773 ( 1995 )

Sabina U. Weisbrot v. Medical College of Wisconsin , 79 F.3d 677 ( 1996 )

Ludwig A. COCO, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. ELMWOOD CARE, INC., ... , 128 F.3d 1177 ( 1997 )

Shirley J. MITCHELL, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. TOLEDO ... , 964 F.2d 577 ( 1992 )

76-fair-emplpraccas-bna-946-72-empl-prac-dec-p-45256-frank-l , 139 F.3d 1137 ( 1998 )

Selester GILTY, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. VILLAGE OF OAK PARK,... , 919 F.2d 1247 ( 1990 )

Rodney Wayne Spath v. Hayes Wheels International-Indiana, ... , 211 F.3d 392 ( 2000 )

Estella Timms v. Anthony M. Frank , 953 F.2d 281 ( 1992 )

Christopher J. Michas v. Health Cost Controls of Illinois, ... , 209 F.3d 687 ( 2000 )

Robert WALLACE, II, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. SMC PNEUMATICS, ... , 103 F.3d 1394 ( 1997 )

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