Howard, Sherman v. Gramley, Richard ( 2000 )

  • In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 97-1881
    Sherman Howard,
    Richard Gramley,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 94 C 1246--Ruben Castillo, Judge.
    Argued November 10, 1999--Decided August 23, 2000
    Before Posner, Rovner, and Diane P. Wood, Circuit
    Diane P. Wood, Circuit Judge. Sherman Howard was
    convicted in 1989 of sexually abusing his
    daughter when she was a toddler. After appealing
    through the Illinois state court system and
    seeking post-conviction relief in Illinois’s
    courts, he filed this habeas corpus petition. He
    contends that his appellate counsel was
    constitutionally defective in her selection of
    issues to appeal, and he argues that the district
    court abused its discretion by refusing to
    appoint counsel to represent him in these
    proceedings. The district court rejected Howard’s
    arguments, concluding that his counsel’s
    performance was inadequate, but that he suffered
    no prejudice as a result. We agree that Howard
    has not shown prejudice, so we affirm.
    Tamika Howard was born in 1981 into an
    extraordinarily turbulent and traumatic home. Her
    mother was addicted to drugs and frequently left
    the home. During her mother’s absences, Tamika
    was occasionally alone with her father, Sherman,
    and sometimes stayed with her aunt, Linda
    Fletcher. Between April 1982 and May 1983, Tamika
    lived with her aunt, and Howard visited her on
    weekends. During that period, Fletcher noticed
    swelling and a discharge near Tamika’s genital
    area. Concerned, Fletcher starting asking
    questions. Tamika’s response left no doubt in her
    aunt’s mind that her father had been sexually
    abusing her. Tamika (using childish language)
    described to Fletcher how Howard would come into
    her room, expose himself, undress her, and
    attempt to have intercourse with her. Moreover,
    he had her perform oral sex on him and fondled
    her genitals. Finally, Fletcher says that Tamika
    told her that Howard would give her strange pink
    and yellow pills and allow her to drink beer,
    though Fletcher admitted that she never smelled
    alcohol on Tamika’s breath during Howard’s
    Fletcher tried to take Tamika to a doctor, but
    she was initially unsuccessful. Medical personnel
    told her that because she was not the child’s
    legal guardian, she could not use public
    emergency services; private help was not
    feasible, because she had no means of paying for
    it. Finally, she took Tamika to Dr. Simon Rosen
    and represented herself as Tamika’s mother. Dr.
    Rosen examined Tamika and found that her hymen
    was not intact. There was an inquiry by the
    Illinois Department of Children and Family
    Services (DCFS), but no criminal proceedings were
    instituted at that point. Later, Howard and
    Tamika’s mother reconciled, at which time Tamika
    left Fletcher’s care and again spent the bulk of
    her time with her parents.
    According to Fletcher and Tamika, there was
    substantial drug use and ongoing sexual abuse in
    Tamika’s home until December 1986, when Tamika’s
    mother gave birth to Tamika’s little sister. At
    this point, the details of Tamika’s life become
    sketchy, but it appears that Fletcher lost track
    of both Tamika and Howard until February 1987,
    when she found Tamika living with a friend of her
    mother. Fletcher took Tamika back to her home in
    Hammond, Indiana. At this point, Fletcher began
    seeking legal guardianship of Tamika. After
    attempting to enlist the aid of the Indiana child
    protection authorities, Fletcher moved Tamika
    back to Illinois in June 1987, contacted a child
    abuse hotline, and took her to Cook County
    Hospital, where another examining physician, Dr.
    Shetty, examined her on June 10, 1987, and again
    found that the hymen was not intact. Five months
    later, Fletcher once more took Tamika to Cook
    County Hospital (her efforts to obtain the
    guardianship having stalled as a result of
    procedural missteps). This time, the examining
    physician, Dr. Constance Blade-Schlessinger,
    found no hymen damage, nor any neovascularization
    (which, if present, would have signaled
    irritation or inflammation that could have
    occurred from sexual contact or other disruptive
    causes such as an infection).
    Despite her observation of the intact hymen,
    Dr. Blade-Schlessinger concluded that Tamika had
    been sexually abused. (She explained that in
    incestuous situations, the abuser often refrains
    from actions that would be forceful or painful,
    and so the injuries normally associated with
    forcible rape are often not present.) In 1989,
    Howard was charged with two counts of aggravated
    criminal sexual assault in conjunction with his
    abuse of Tamika. At trial, Tamika and Fletcher
    testified to the course of events described
    earlier, while Dr. Blade-Schlessinger offered her
    expert opinion regarding Howard’s abuse of
    Tamika. She based her conclusion that Tamika had
    suffered abuse on the observations of three other
    doctors--the two who had previously found hymen
    damage, as well as a psychiatrist who had been
    working with Tamika during 1987. When asked to
    reconcile that conclusion with her own
    examination that indicated no hymen damage, Dr.
    Blade-Schlessinger said that she believed that
    Tamika’s hymen may have regenerated itself. She
    asserted that "when children are removed from
    situations where they have been sexually abused,
    they do heal, that there is a constriction
    process whereby the hymen begins to close down to
    the normal size associated with that aged child."
    When questioned, she said that this phenomenon
    was "well documented in the literature," but that
    studies had not yet adequately shown how long the
    healing process took. Her own estimate was that
    two or three months was typical. Finally, she
    cited to an article that had appeared in
    Pediatrics magazine shortly before the trial (but
    well after her examination of Tamika). That
    article detailed a study of sexually abused
    children whose hymenal injuries had repaired
    themselves. See M.A. Finkel, "Anogenital Trauma
    in Sexually Abused Children," 84 Pediatrics 317
    (1989). Howard objected to the "accuracy and
    reliability" of this testimony. The Illinois
    trial judge initially sustained an objection to
    the foundation for her reference to the article
    (which had apparently been furnished to Howard’s
    lawyer three days before Dr. Blade-Schlessinger’s
    testimony), but after the prosecutor discussed it
    further with the doctor, Howard’s lawyer never
    reiterated an objection to either the article or
    the way that Dr. Blade-Schlessinger referred to
    it. Both the prosecutor and Howard’s lawyer
    examined her on the substance of the article.
    During the course of proceedings, the prosecutor
    made a variety of inappropriate remarks. Several
    times, the prosecutor suggested that Howard had
    been charged with sexual abuse in 1983 when in
    fact all that had occurred was the DCFS inquiry.
    Additionally, the prosecutor made a series of
    references to the involvement of the DCFS itself
    in Tamika’s case. Principally, the questions
    suggested that Howard’s access to Tamika had been
    restricted; in fact, there was no such
    limitation. Howard objected to each of these and,
    in all cases, the trial judge sustained the
    objection and ordered the testimony disregarded.
    But most troubling is a question put to Fletcher:
    "Drawing your attention to 1985, who kidnapped
    Tamika?" Howard again objected and again the
    objection was sustained.
    Finally, during closing statements, the
    prosecutor told the jury that "Tamika’s testimony
    alone would convict this man of this crime." Her
    co-counsel later added that "[t]he testimony of
    one witness who is clear and convincing and
    credible is enough right there to convict."
    Howard objected, claiming that this misstated the
    burden of proof. The trial judge overruled the
    objection, ruling that the remark was not
    designed to state the burden of proof but rather
    merely that one witness’s testimony (if believed
    by the jury) can suffice in appropriate
    circumstances to establish guilt beyond a
    reasonable doubt. See People v. D’Angelo, 
    333 N.E.2d 525
    , 530-31 (Ill. App. Ct. 1975).
    Howard claimed that all of the testimony
    against him was false and just a result of
    Fletcher’s jealousy and desire to obtain custody
    over Tamika, but the jury obviously did not buy
    that story. After his conviction, Howard appealed
    in the Illinois courts. While awaiting appeal, he
    received a letter from his court-appointed
    appellate counsel, Julie Campbell, indicating
    that she planned only to challenge the lack of a
    mental state requirement in the statute under
    which Howard was convicted and (possibly) a
    defect in the indictment. Campbell also noted
    that if Howard so chose, he could file a
    supplemental brief with the Illinois Appellate
    Division. He does not appear to have done so. In
    any event, the appeals court dismissed his appeal
    and the Illinois Supreme Court declined review.
    Howard then sought collateral relief in the
    Illinois courts. This, too, was unsuccessful. In
    February 1994, he petitioned the federal district
    court under 28 U.S.C. sec. 2254. He also asked
    for the appointment of counsel, but the district
    court ruled on the merits of the petition without
    mentioning this motion. Initially, the district
    court denied relief because it believed that
    adequate state grounds existed for the
    conviction, but we reversed and remanded, Howard
    v. DeTella, No. 95-3123, 
    1996 WL 405212
     (7th Cir.
    July 16, 1996) (unpublished order), for further
    consideration because the Illinois Appellate
    Division had said that his case presented "no
    issues of arguable merit," not that Howard had
    procedurally defaulted. The district court then
    considered the merits of Howard’s claim, but
    concluded that even if his appellate counsel’s
    performance was unreasonably deficient, Howard
    was not prejudiced and therefore not entitled to
    habeas relief.
    As with all claims of ineffective assistance of
    counsel, we evaluate Howard’s argument that his
    appellate lawyer was incompetent according to the
    two-part test of Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
     (1984). That means that he must show
    both that his lawyer’s performance was
    unreasonably deficient and that this inadequacy
    prejudiced him in the sense that there is a
    reasonable probability that his case would have
    been remanded for a new trial or that the
    decision of the state trial court would have been
    otherwise modified on appeal. 
    Id. at 687, 694
    Blacharski v. United States, 
    215 F.3d 792
    , 794
    (7th Cir. 2000). Also, since Howard filed his
    habeas petition before the effective date of the
    Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act
    (AEDPA), Pub. L. No. 104-132, 
    110 Stat. 1214
    (1996), we conduct a de novo inquiry into these
    questions. Jenkins v. Nelson, 
    157 F.3d 485
    , 491
    (7th Cir. 1998); Lieberman v. Washington, 
    128 F.3d 1085
    , 1091 (7th Cir. 1997)./1
    Howard’s theory of ineffective assistance is
    simple--he believes that his appellate lawyer
    chose the wrong issues for appeal. The district
    court identified four issues that Howard believes
    his lawyer should have raised on direct appeal:
    (1) Dr. Blade-Schlessinger’s expert testimony
    (and especially the "hymen regeneration" theory)
    was not generally accepted in the medical
    community, (2) the accumulation of prosecutorial
    misconduct we outlined above led to an unfair
    trial, (3) the jury instructions failed to remedy
    the prosecutor’s erroneous statements about the
    "reasonable doubt" standard, and (4) Fletcher’s
    report of Tamika’s conversations with her should
    have been excluded as inadmissible hearsay.
    Instead, the only issue counsel actually raised
    was that the indictment was defective for failing
    to allege a mental state. This court’s opinion in
    Mason v. Hanks, 
    97 F.3d 887
     (7th Cir. 1996),
    demonstrates the method by which we apply the
    Strickland test to a claim that counsel failed to
    raise the correct issues on appeal. We deem
    performance insufficient when counsel omits a
    "significant and obvious issue" without a
    legitimate strategic reason for doing so. Mason,
    id. at 893
    , quoting Gray v. Greer, 
    800 F.2d 644
    646 (7th Cir. 1986), and Hollenback v. United
    987 F.2d 1272
    , 1275 (7th Cir. 1993). We
    find prejudice "when that omitted issue ’may have
    resulted in a reversal of the conviction, or an
    order for a new trial.’" Mason, 
    97 F.3d at 893
    quoting Gray, 
    800 F.2d at 646
    Since the choice of issues on appeal naturally
    turns on the relative likelihood of success of
    each one, there is obviously some overlap between
    the performance and prejudice inquiries. For
    example, because reversal is much more likely
    when the appellate court’s review is de novo
    rather than deferential, the standard of review
    for a particular issue is a factor in determining
    the adequacy of appellate counsel’s performance.
    See, e.g., Maples v. Coyle, 
    171 F.3d 408
    , 427
    (6th Cir. 1999), cert. denied, 
    120 S. Ct. 369
    (1999); Bethea v. Artuz, 
    126 F.3d 124
    , 127 (2d
    Cir. 1997). The performance half of the
    Strickland test, in this context, requires us to
    decide whether it was within the realm of
    competent appellate representation to decline to
    raise a particular point on appeal, considering
    both the arguments that might be made and the
    governing standard of review. Assuming that a
    competent lawyer would have taken an appeal at
    all (a question we need not consider here, since
    there was no threat of a sentence-enhancing
    remand that might make the risks of an appeal
    outweigh its potential benefits), we evaluate
    counsel’s performance by looking at the issues
    that the defendant had available and determining
    whether counsel’s choice of the best of them
    represented the same kind of strategic choice we
    permit for trial decisions. See Mason, 
    97 F.3d at 893
    ; Gray, 
    800 F.2d at 646
    . The prejudice inquiry
    is, in a sense, a more absolute one. There we ask
    only whether there is a reasonable probability
    that raising the issue would have made a
    difference in the outcome of the appeal. In other
    words, performance is about picking the battles;
    prejudice looks at whether winning the battle
    would have made a difference in the outcome of
    the war.
    In Howard’s case, the district court found that
    his appellate counsel performed inadequately
    because it believed that there was "no reason why
    Howard’s attorney could not simply have added the
    issues Howard wanted raised to the single issue
    she already planned to present." The court
    indicated that this was a function not only of
    the mechanical ease of adding on more issues, but
    also, more importantly, "the dictates of legal
    strategy" and the fact that "at least some of
    Howard’s issues had a better factual and legal
    basis than the issue that his counsel presented."
    Appellate lawyers are clearly not incompetent
    when they refuse to follow a "kitchen sink"
    approach to the issues on appeals. To the
    contrary, one of the most important parts of
    appellate advocacy is the selection of the proper
    claims to urge on appeal. Schaff v. Snyder, 
    190 F.3d 513
    , 526-27 (7th Cir. 1999). Throwing in
    every conceivable point is distracting to
    appellate judges, consumes space that should be
    devoted to developing the arguments with some
    promise, inevitably clutters the brief with
    issues that have no chance because of doctrines
    like harmless error or the standard of review of
    jury verdicts, and is overall bad appellate
    advocacy. On the other hand, counsel can’t throw
    the baby out with the bath water. That is what
    concerned the district court, and it concerns us
    as well. Howard’s attorney chose to appeal only
    one issue, in spite of the fact that Howard
    himself had called counsel’s attention to the
    other points, the record supported an appeal on
    those points, and Howard was not asking for an
    inordinate number of issues. We therefore have no
    cause to disagree with the district court’s
    conclusion that Howard has shown defective
    performance on the part of appellate counsel, for
    Strickland purposes, and we turn to the prejudice
    Turning to the specifics of Howard’s case, his
    first and most substantial argument is that his
    appellate lawyer was constitutionally ineffective
    for failing to contest on appeal the district
    court’s decision to allow Dr. Blade-Schlessinger
    to testify that she believed that Tamika’s hymen
    had repaired itself. His basic argument is that
    the "hymen regeneration" testimony lacked
    foundation, was not believable, and was therefore
    highly prejudicial because it explained away an
    otherwise highly exculpatory fact--Dr. Blade-
    Schlessinger’s observation that Tamika’s hymen
    was normal.
    The principal reason the district court gave
    for rejecting this point concerned the
    performance of Howard’s trial counsel. Because
    trial counsel did not object to the admission of
    this particular expert opinion (and the trial
    court had qualified Dr. Blade-Schlessinger as an
    expert both in child abuse and as a doctor),
    Illinois courts would find the issue waived on
    appeal. See People v. Mahaffey, 
    651 N.E.2d 1055
    1067 (Ill. 1995). Nor did defense counsel ever
    perfect an objection to Dr. Blade-Schlessinger’s
    reference to the then-recent August 1989 article
    in Pediatrics--an article that buttressed her
    1987 conclusions, but which obviously did not
    play a role in her contemporaneous diagnosis. To
    the contrary, counsel cross-examined her about
    the substance of the article in some detail,
    bringing out for the jury both the paucity of
    evidence it revealed for regeneration of damaged
    hymens (only one case involved this situation)
    and the fact that scar tissue was evident after
    healing (at least in early examinations).
    Under the circumstances, appellate counsel would
    have had a serious uphill battle to convince an
    Illinois appellate court to overturn the
    admission of this testimony. As is generally
    true, evidentiary decisions are left to the
    discretion of the trial courts in Illinois, so
    appellate review is deferential. People v. Jones,
    715 N.E.2d 256
    , 261 (Ill. App. Ct. 1999). Second,
    using the distinction between waiver and
    forfeiture articulated by the United States
    Supreme Court in United States v. Olano, 
    507 U.S. 725
    , 733 (1993), an Illinois court may well have
    found that Howard waived his right to challenge
    Dr. Blade-Schlessinger’s theory and that it was
    not simply forfeited and fair ground for
    something like our plain error review. Even if it
    could have reached the merits of the point--which
    is at best unclear--the court would not have
    found reversible error unless it considered the
    admission of Dr. Blade-Schlessinger’s opinion and
    her references to the Pediatrics article so
    beyond the pale of acceptable conduct as to
    constitute an abuse of discretion. In determining
    the admissibility of expert testimony, Illinois
    continues to apply the "general acceptance" test,
    meaning that the article on which Dr. Blade-
    Schlessinger relied could serve as a proper
    foundation for Dr. Blade-Schlessinger’s testimony
    if it is "generally accepted by the relevant
    scientific community." People v. Oliver, 
    713 N.E.2d 727
    , 734 (Ill. App. Ct. 1999), citing Frye
    v. United States, 
    293 F. 1013
     (D.C. Cir. 1923).
    Howard does not present any reason to believe
    that an article in Pediatrics, which is the
    official journal of the American Academy of
    Pediatrics, would not meet Illinois’s evidentiary
    standards for foundation for expert testimony.
    The bulk of Howard’s attack on Dr. Blade-
    Schlessinger’s testimony questions the
    sensibleness of her regeneration theory. He makes
    a variety of arguments that all revolve around
    the same theme--it is simply not believable that
    a girl as young as Tamika could be subjected to
    intercourse with an adult male and show no signs
    of hymenal damage or scarring. He further
    maintains that the Finkel article and even Dr.
    Blade-Schlessinger’s testimony itself actually
    support his position. But that does not reflect
    the entirety of Dr. Blade-Schlessinger’s
    testimony. She also told the jury, as we have
    already noted, that incestuous situations are
    different from ordinary sexual violence and tend
    to show less in the way of physical injury. Taken
    as a whole, the jury could have inferred that
    Howard’s physical contact with Tamika was enough
    to make her hymen "not intact"--that is,
    lacerated or torn somehow--and more than enough
    to irritate the genital area, but not enough to
    destroy it beyond repair. That would have
    explained both the earlier medical findings of
    injury, and Dr. Blade-Schlessinger’s later
    finding of a normal body. Howard offers a strong
    critique of Dr. Blade-Schlessinger’s testimony,
    but all of his arguments were for the jury, not
    the appellate judges, to consider. Howard’s trial
    counsel vigorously contested the logic of Dr.
    Blade-Schlessinger’s conclusions, but the jury
    put the totality of the evidence together in a
    different way. Since Illinois’s higher courts do
    not second-guess jury conclusions regarding
    questionable testimony, People v. Kirwan, 
    421 N.E.2d 317
    , 320 (Ill. App. Ct. 1981); People v.
    365 N.E.2d 164
    , 170 (Ill. App. Ct. 1977),
    there is no reason to think that presenting these
    arguments to the Illinois appellate courts would
    have increased the likelihood of reversal.
    Consequently, Howard cannot show prejudice from
    his appellate counsel’s failure to contest Dr.
    Blade-Schlessinger’s testimony on appeal.
    The statements from the prosecutor set forth
    above were indeed troublesome, and once again, we
    do not disagree either with the district court’s
    assessment that they were "clearly deliberate and
    improper prosecutorial comments," nor its
    implicit conclusion that appellate counsel should
    have presented this ground to the Illinois
    appellate courts. Once again, the critical part
    of the Strickland inquiry for Howard is the
    prejudice question. The district court concluded
    that these remarks, inappropriate though they
    were, did not deprive Howard of his right to a
    fair trial.
    The leading Supreme Court decision on the
    question whether prosecutorial misconduct is so
    egregious that a new trial is required, as a
    matter of constitutional law, is Darden v.
    477 U.S. 168
     (1986). In Darden, the
    Court set forth six factors that should be
    considered in deciding this question: (1) whether
    the prosecutor misstated the evidence, (2)
    whether the remarks implicate specific rights of
    the accused, (3) whether the defense invited the
    response, (4) the trial court’s instructions, (5)
    the weight of the evidence against the defendant,
    and (6) the defendant’s opportunity to rebut. 
    477 U.S. at 181-82
    ; see also United States v.
    844 F.2d 415
    , 426 (7th Cir. 1988)
    (reciting the factors outlined in Darden). Here,
    we must filter that inquiry through the question
    whether appellate counsel’s failure to raise this
    argument prejudiced Howard. Once again, we
    conclude that the answer is no.
    First, Illinois courts do not reverse a jury’s
    verdict because of this kind of prosecutorial
    misconduct "absent a showing that the
    prosecution’s improper remarks resulted in
    substantial prejudice to the defendant and that,
    without those remarks, the verdict would have
    been different." People v. Modrowski, 
    696 N.E.2d 28
    , 39 (Ill. App. Ct. 1998) (citation omitted).
    Second, as the district court here observed, the
    most important of the Darden factors is the
    weight of the evidence against the defendant.
    United States ex rel. Howard v. DeTella, 
    959 F. Supp. 859
    , 867 (N.D. Ill. 1997). That evidence
    included Tamika’s own testimony, which the
    district court found to be a "clear and
    straightforward description of repeated sexual
    abuse." Added to that was the testimony of Linda
    Fletcher, who reported both her own observations
    of Tamika’s body and Tamika’s reports of abuse.
    Dr. Blade-Schlessinger testified that she
    concluded Tamika had been abused, both in
    reliance on the earlier medical reports and the
    report of the treating psychiatrist Tamika was
    seeing, and on her own examination.
    Howard is certainly right that the jury was not
    compelled to believe this evidence, and that some
    of the Darden factors cut in his favor. The
    prosecutor misstated the evidence and nothing
    Howard did invited the comments. On the other
    hand, Howard’s attorney objected to four of the
    remarks in question, his objections were
    sustained, and the jury was instructed to
    disregard the remarks. Howard’s attorney also had
    the opportunity to rebut, even though for
    understandable strategic reasons (we assume) he
    chose not to do so. In the end, we think that the
    Illinois appellate court, following Darden, would
    have concluded that the remarks were improper,
    but that they did not go to the heart of the
    prosecution’s case--whether Howard abused Tamika.
    We do not believe that this point would have
    struck it as reversible error, and thus we cannot
    say appellate counsel’s decision not to give it
    a try was prejudicial.
    Last, we come to Howard’s point concerning the
    district court’s failure to rule on his motion
    for appointment of counsel, and the related point
    that he should have received counsel for the
    presentation of his habeas corpus petition. We
    are concerned about the "fall-between-the-cracks"
    sense we get about the way this motion was
    handled. Ordinarily, we would review a decision
    not to appoint counsel for abuse of discretion,
    Zarnes v. Rhodes, 
    64 F.3d 285
    , 288 (7th Cir.
    1995), but in this instance we think it
    preferable to give the question de novo review,
    since it is quite possible that there is no
    underlying decision to review.
    In general, a refusal to appoint counsel calls
    for reversal "only ’if, given the difficulty of
    the case and the litigant’s ability, [he] could
    not obtain justice without an attorney, [he]
    could not obtain a lawyer on his own, and [he]
    would have had a reasonable chance of winning
    with a lawyer at [his] side.’" Winsett v.
    130 F.3d 269
    , 281 (7th Cir. 1997),
    quoting Forbes v. Edgar, 
    112 F.3d 262
    , 264 (7th
    Cir. 1997) (alterations in Winsett). We apply
    liberal standards to this inquiry, because there
    is a certain circularity to the argument. An
    unskilled lay defendant may have trouble showing
    the court which of his arguments has serious
    legal merit, whereas a lawyer may be able to see
    right away which parts of the case have
    In this case, Howard was able to present his
    Strickland arguments to the district court, and
    from that point, the district court’s task was to
    review the state proceedings in light of both
    Illinois law and the Sixth Amendment standard for
    effective counsel. Counsel could not have changed
    the strong evidence against Howard; he made no
    claim that other newly discovered evidence would
    have exonerated him; and we are not convinced
    that further exploration into the medical
    testimony would have made a difference given the
    applicable standards of review. Howard’s able
    counsel on appeal, to whom we give thanks, has
    done the best she could to show prejudice from
    the performance of his state appellate counsel
    and to indicate how the federal proceedings might
    have gone better for Howard if he had received
    counsel right away in the district court, but we
    do not find that Howard’s rights were
    substantially affected by his lack of counsel at
    the district court, and thus we decline the
    request to send this case back for further
    We have considered the other arguments Howard
    has raised and find no ground for reversal in
    them. We therefore Affirm the judgment of the
    district court.
    /1 We note that Howard filed his petition for habeas
    before the passage of the AEDPA. At the time this
    case was briefed and argued, this court had a
    rule that certificates of probable cause (CPC)
    were to continue to be used for pre-AEDPA cases.
    See Pisciotti v. Washington, 
    143 F.3d 296
    , 299-
    300 (7th Cir. 1998). We therefore treated
    Howard’s appeal under the pre-AEDPA version of
    sec. 2253; as a CPC case, every issue raised by
    Howard was properly before us. Since oral
    argument, however, the Supreme Court has decided
    that a certificate of appealability (CA) is
    required for all habeas corpus petitions,
    regardless of the time when the initial petition
    was filed. See Slack v. McDaniel, 
    120 S. Ct. 1595
    , 1602 (2000). After Slack, only those issues
    certified by the district judges would normally
    be properly before us. In this case, however, the
    parties have briefed all of the issues raised by
    Howard. This court has the power to expand the
    scope of a CA, which is what we have done here to
    avoid prejudice to either side from the change in